Simone Scott: 19-year-old Northwestern University freshman develops myocarditis, receives heart transplant, dead six weeks after second Moderna mRNA injection
June 15, 2021

Ms. Simone Scott.

EVANSTON, ILLINOIS — A 19-year-old journalism student is dead, in yet another gut-wrenching case of a promising young life extinguished by the global COVID-19 agenda.

Ms. Simone Scott received her first dose of Moderna experimental mRNA on April 3, according to reporter and author Alex Berenson. The adverse effects were immediate. Ms. Scott suffered a chronic cough and fatigue for the remainder of April. But Simone and Ms. Valerie Kraimer, her mother, chalked it up as “normal,” believing the shot “was working” as many others do. Thus Ms. Scott was not deterred.

She received her second dose of experimental Moderna mRNA on May 1. Ms. Scott surprised her mom by traveling from the Chicago area to their Cincinnati area home for Mother’s Day, May 9. Ms. Kraimer immediately noticed that her daughter seemed lethargic. Simone told her mother that she’d also experienced spontaneous nose bleeds. Ms. Kraimer urged her daughter to see a doctor upon her return to Evanston.

Escalating situation

Simone’s first visit to Northwestern Student Health was a virtual appointment on May 12. They told her it was likely allergies. Ms. Scott physically went to Northwestern Student health the next day. They, of course, tested her for COVID-19. It came back negative. Doctors also noticed an irregular heartbeat. But she was discharged and told to call the emergency room if the situation worsened. It did.

Ms. Scott returned to the clinic again on Friday, May 14. She now had a sore throat as well. Doctors prescribed her anti-viral medication and sent her home again. But her condition continually worsened. Ms. Scott texted her father, Mr. Kevin Scott, on Sunday, May 16. She told him that she was too dizzy and tired to even get out of bed.

Mr. Scott called campus police and asked them to check on his daughter. They refused at first, but ultimately went to Simone’s dorm room. Police found her unable to walk and called paramedics. She was taken to North Shore Hospital. Simone’s mother packed her car that night and drove 300 miles (482 km) from Cincinnati to the Chicago-area to be with her daughter.

Heart transplant and death

Ms. Kraimer arrived late that night to some very bad news. Doctors told her that Simone suffered heart failure and needed immediate surgery. Simone was diagnosed with myocarditis caused by viral infection. Doctors first attempted to insert an intra-aortic balloon pump to keep blood circulating in Simone’s body. But the intervention failed.

Simone was placed on an extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) machine the next day. It essentially acts as a heart outside the body, pumping and oxygenating blood so the real heart can rest. Simone was transferred to Northwestern Memorial Hospital on May 20. Her condition did not improved and doctors informed the parents that Simone needed a heart transplant. The average heart transplant costs about $1.4 million in the United States so the family started a GoFundMe to help with costs.

The transplant took place on May 23. Doctors said the new heart worked well. But Simone’s lungs endured a lot of damage from both the medications and breathing machines. The family posted an update on GoFundMe on June 3. They read all the cards and well-wishes to Simone to keep her spirits up. Unfortunately Simone could not overcome all of the obstacles. She passed away on Friday, June 11.

Vaccine caused her death

Ms. Kraimer told reporter Berenson that Simone did everything asked of her during the COVID-19 pandemic. She wore masks, social distanced and regularly tested so she could fulfill her dream of becoming a reporter. But Mr. Scott, Simone’s father, was less diplomatic. He pointed to the Moderna injections as the reason for his daughter’s death.

Myocarditis and experimental COVID-19 shots

Myocarditis (heart inflammation) and pericarditis are silently killing and/or disabling thousands of vaxxed teenagers across the United States. Israel is also reporting problems with myocarditis in young, vaxxed people. The American Academy of Pediatrics published a case report early this month about seven healthy male patients age 14 to 19 who developed acute myocarditis or myopericarditis within four days after the second experimental Pfizer mRNA shot. They all had hospital stays ranging from two to six days.

The Washington State Department of Health released a statement on May 24 warning providers about reports of myocarditis and pericarditis in young people shortly after the injections. The Connecticut Department of Public Health reported 18 cases of myocarditis and other heart problems from post-vaxxed teens last month.

Oregon Live reported about a 15-year-old boy who developed myocarditis after the second Pfizer injection. Mr. Evan Morud, an 18-year-old Kenmore, Washington resident, also developed myocarditis after the second Pfizer shot. Despite this ominous pattern, the Centers for Disease Control recommends, in big bold letters, that all kids age 12 and up should be injected with experimental Pfizer or Moderna mRNA shots.

Ms. Simone Scott graduated from Mason (Ohio) High School last year. She completed a broadcasting internship at WCPO 9 News in Cincinnati while still in high school. Simone was a double major in broadcast journalism and political science at Northwestern University.

Reporter Alex Berenson is unlikely to last on Twitter much longer. But in the meantime, you can follow him here.

Are you sending your kid to college in 2021?

At least 70% of inquiries we receive at COVID Legal USA involve parents trying to get their student children out of “vaccine mandates” for the upcoming fall semester. The list keeps growing as to colleges and universities mandating the experimental shots. There is no magic bullet to solve this crisis. Perhaps thousands of students at your respective university can protest, make noise and force change. But ultimately, as we tell everyone who contacts us, you have to be selfish and think only about yourselves and your kids.

This Fall 2021 experimental shot drive will sterilize an entire generation of youth. They will never have children and are unlikely to live long enough to realize the returns on their college investments. If they do live for a while, it will likely be with some sort of debilitating or disfiguring condition. All of this seems obvious and open for all to know. But this case highlights the most deadly issue that is rarely talked about in mainstream media.

Uninformed Consent

Ms. Scott doesn’t strike this blogger as a die-hard mask and Fauci lover. She did what she thought she had to do to move forward in her young life. Ms. Scott provided uninformed consent to receive the Moderna shots. She listened to what mainstream media and social media told her, all of which is lies and dangerous propaganda. Million of college students must make this same very important, life-altering decision in the next two months.

Again, COVID Legal USA can help you with your individual exemptions. You have to think only of yourselves right now. If the exemption does not work, then choose another college and fight for refunds on any tuition and fees paid, which we can also help with. If push comes to shove, just drop out.

You’re standing at the crossroads. The watershed moment is here. Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


COVID Legal USA is your partner in fight mandatory vaccines and other COVID mandates. Follow us on Telegram and Twitter. Read about white pine needles and order them here.


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3 years ago

This young woman got the same consequences in a month from the injection as someone who spent decades drinking, smoking and eating barbequed and deep fried food without exercise.

3 years ago

Yet again we read of how medical professionals dismiss people suffering real illness and disability from their mRNA garbage. They are either quacks who don’t really know what they’re doing or they know it’s futile- once you’re poisoned it’s only a matter of time….

3 years ago

The sad thing is, even if the transplant had worked, the heart would last for about 13 years (on average). She would have to spend those “extra” years popping tons of anti-rejections pills and suffering from a range of ailments related to the transplant. Poor thing. I pray that she will rest in peace.

Doug Smith
Doug Smith
3 years ago
Reply to  angrydog

It’s plain old murder.

David Robertson
David Robertson
3 years ago
Reply to  angrydog

Indeed. The transplant business is very profitable but, as you say, the results are less than encouraging. It also leads to questionable decisions, about the life or death of those who provide the organs, that are also covered up. The health systems in most countries are now committed to death worship rather than saving lives and euthanasia is seen as a cure.

3 years ago

A month of chronic cough and fatigue should have been more than enough evidence not to get the 2nd shot. I don’t know what has happened to peoples common sense.

3 years ago
Reply to  farmerz

I think psychologically it is hard for people to admit they made a bad decision so they just go into denial.

3 years ago
Reply to  JoanieCove

True. My aunt took the first dose of CoviShield/AstraZeneca and mentioned yesterday that she had been experiencing fainting spells. My mother told her it might be the vaccine and not to take the second dose, but she has flat out refused to believe it.

3 years ago
Reply to  Corkdale

My Aunt died within days from cardiac arrest after 2nd dose Pfizer. She was healthy, no heart problems

3 years ago
Reply to  SunoverLA

My condolences for your loss.

3 years ago
Reply to  farmerz

They perish for lack of knowledge.

Michael P
Michael P
3 years ago
Reply to  farmerz

They were told that it’s normal, and the worse the reaction, the better the vaccine is working.

Doug Smith
Doug Smith
3 years ago

Another young person murdered by Nazi Fauci.

3 years ago

So she took the second shot. Whatever happened to listening to your intuition? Remember “women’s intuition”? Maybe there were no gut feelings in the middle of the night that something wasn’t right after the first shot. I don’t know. All I know is I don’t really get it other than to remember times when I didn’t have enough knowledge in my head about medical issues to do the best thing for myself. Luckily, no lasting harm done other than I ate too much candy and my teeth all need repair now.

This case makes me think about the judge who arrogantly dismissed the case of the Houston Methodist Hospital employees. So, this is okay with that judge? That people risk their lives, their health, to take this experimental garbage (all the shots are junk).

Vaxx-dealers should be brought to trial. If only. RIP young girl who trusted the corrupt medical establishment.

And, “allergies” suddenly causing nose bleeds? So many signs of shot-damage and no one could see it. Maybe they just want to believe like in fairies and unicorns and such when it comes to the jabs.

David Robertson
David Robertson
3 years ago
Reply to  Kriss

I believe that such compelling of the Jab may leave companies, institutions and governments who practise such open to litigation when the consequences are fully understood and become common knowledge. Once the spell is broken and people wake up we can expect a backlash.

Last edited 3 years ago by David Robertson
None Yun
None Yun
3 years ago

This should have never happened! I hope they sue every doctor and nurse involved, and then Fauci and crew! Covid is no risk to people her age, and it shouldn’t have been approved! They knew the risks were high! I don’t care what the company tests fraudulently claimed!

Michael P
Michael P
3 years ago
Reply to  None Yun

Nuremberg 2.0 for everyone involved

3 years ago

Hey, at least this strong independent wahmen had the choice to take the vaccine

3 years ago
Reply to  Aidan

She was conditioned with fear, propaganda, and false promises. I don’t know about you, but I’m not so sure that I would’ve been independent and strong enough as a 19 yo to withstand the current amount of disinformation, societal and peer pressure. Also, most youngsters haven’t yet realized, that there’s a quiet war being waged against all of us. They still live the old carefree paradigm.

At that age I served in the Marines and got into a lot of trouble for angrily arguing with officers when I thought they treated someone unfair, or just talked out of their arse. But women usually don’t roll like that because they are much higher in agreeableness and try to not stray from their flock too much. The feminist hive mentality is just another expression of that tendency.

Amanda jones
Amanda jones
3 years ago

Heartbreaking im collecting thousands of these stories of vax deaths and injuries its genocide

Chris C.
Chris C.
3 years ago

This is so sad to read. Young with a promising future only to die from these jobs. How many more young students will have to suffer and die from these jabs???

So is her family going to have to pay for the heart transplant? Of course Northwestern will point fingers every which way to avoid blame on their initial WRONG diagnoses.

David Robertson
David Robertson
3 years ago

As an 80 year old skeptic who has been watching the gradual disintegration of the Babylonian Empire for about 16 years, the current crisis comes as no surprise. However, pretending that the common cold is somehow a cause for concern and justifies draconian restrictions and a deadly Jab to cure it, demonstrates a deep understanding of the credulity of human beings, which seems to survive even the most dramatic demonstrations of misplaced hope.

“Hope springs eternal in the human breast;
Man never Is, but always To be blest.
The soul, uneasy, and confin’d from home,
Rests and expatiates in a life to come.” ― Alexander Pope, An Essay on Man

3 years ago

It’s not the vaccine they want us to have so badly, it’s the passport. That’s why everyone is being shoved into the vax-and-passport system, so they can issue us a literal government license to have any rights at all. And once it’s in our wallet, they give us no choice but to show it on demand for work, Walmart, everything, and its use and application grows from there.

3 years ago

It is my hope that Ms. Scott’s family can get legal representation and sue Northwestern for tens of millions. So many schools are coming up with these vaccine mandates – completely unnecessary for young people causing risk of harm that far exceeds their likelihood of harm from Covid. Anecdotally, I know of no one who did not get at least a severe headache and tiredness the day of their second shot. This is doing something unhelpful to your body and if you are below 30 (and probably 50) it’s an unnecessary risk. In my area, which has seen many thousands positive tests and more than a thousand deaths, there have been 0 deaths below age 25 and only 3 for the bracket 25-49 (so I don’t know the youngest).
These universities should be liable for any harm that comes to a student from the vaccine they are forced to take to attend school. Heck, I think any organized activity for high school and college students that requires vaccinations should be legally liable. People taking potent drugs or medications they don’t need that can potentially KILL them is stupid, but being forced to do it transfers the liability to the person doing the forcing – federal govt meaning Democratic party, CDC, big tech monopoly lies notwithstanding.

Maureen Callahan RN BSN
Maureen Callahan RN BSN
1 year ago

I am doing chart audits for 2000 + bed hospitals. The evidence is everywhere.

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