Friday Update IV: Human trials for brain implants now underway, as we chronicle 20 more sudden deaths
October 13, 2023

It’s just another normal week during The Great Reset. Transmaxxer Dylan Mulvaney was named Woman of the Year for 2023 by Attitude magazine in the U.K. yesterday.

And “the pope” is about to open the Catholic Church to homosexual marriages.

Now circling back to actual human females, this is 14-year-old Sydney Tucker of Nova Scotia.

She was diagnosed with thymona, cancer of the thymus, in June. The thymus is an organ located behind your sternum. It’s an integral part of the human immune system since its primary function is producing T-cells, aka white blood cells that fight off infections.


Sydney underwent surgery in July, according to her mother, Ms. Lynn Tucker.


Ms. Tucker admitted this week that she was put in an terrible position – protect Sydney from the lethal injections or allow Sydney to get the shots so she could play volleyball and socialize.

It’s unclear if Sydney had her entire thymus removed. But it sounds like the cancer spread to other organs, which means she has only a 38% chance of being alive in five years. Thymus removal also leads to deadly infections and autoimmune disorders. Sydney has a very tough road ahead.

RELATED: Truth Bombshell: 9 peer-reviewed studies conclude that Ivermectin is a powerful, highly-effective anti-cancer drug (April 11, 2022)


The U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) announced on October 4 that it is no longer printing and distributing those ridiculous vaccine cards that vaxx zealots have been posing with on social media since early 2021. Instead the agency instructs people to contact their state’s “immunization information system (IIS),” which apparently has records of all vaccines everyone has ever received.

Vaccine cards were only useful for journalists to track vaxxed people and their health, similar to those equally ridiculous Facebook “I got my vaccine” banners.

Meanwhile the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) authorized new Novavax injections for emergency use on October 3. “Novastans,” the vaxx zealots who love the insect virus vector Novavax injections, have constantly raved about how these vaccines are safer, more effective, and more stylish than Pfizer and Moderna. They are a strange bunch.

Pray for Mary Lou

Since the vaccine genocide commenced in late 2020, vaxxed people now get pneumonia (which the medical industrial complex calls “COVID-19 pneumonia“) instead of common colds.

The latest high-profile post-injection pneumonia case is 1984 Summer Olympics icon Mary Lou Retton. She won a Gold medal for the individual all-around gymnastics competition at age 16. Ms. Retton, originally from West Virginia, also won two silver and two bronze medals in Los Angeles that year. She was larger than life despite being only four feet nine inches (1.4 meters) tall.

Photo via Instagram.

Now 39 years, several cameo appearances in television shows and movies, four daughters, and a divorce later, the 55-year-old Ms. Retton was just living life, running her company called Foxy Leotards, and living in Houston. Ms. McKenna Kelley, Mary Lou’s daughter, posted via Instagram on October 10 that her mother had been “fighting for her life” in the intensive care unit of a hospital for a week. McKenna also disclosed that Mary Lou has no medical insurance.

Ms. Retton suddenly came down with “a very rare form of pneumonia.” As of publishing, she is still unable to breathe on her own. Sasha Farber, Ms. Retton’s friend and Dancing with the Stars partner in 2018, told Parade magazine on Wednesday that Ms. Retton “kind of wants to give up.”

Ms. Erin Elizabeth (whom this blogger trusts) of Health Nut News said she has personal knowledge of Ms. Retton being fully vaccinated.

Everyone still loves Mary Lou. A fundraiser for her medical care raised over $400,000 in 72 hours, including a $50,000 donation from Linda McIngvale, the wife of Gallery Furniture retail chain owner Jim McIngvale. We’ll update in due course.

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The Twilight Zone is never ending during The Great Reset. The unemployment rate in New York City, The Great Reset microcosm, rose from 5.3% in Q1 2023 to 5.9% in Q2 2023. But fear not. Governor Kathy Hochul came to the rescue last week by arranging a job fair that included 400 employers and 18,000 open jobs…for newly-arrived illegal immigrants who are already receiving free room and board.

There will be more arriving soon. U.S. Border Patrol are now cutting the razor wire at the southern border and helping illegal immigrants cross into the U.S. These agents are following orders from the very top. Note the “No Media Beyond This Point” signs to prevent people from seeing what is really happening.

RELATED: Part II: U.S. finished as country – Illegal aliens (“asylum seekers”) have achieved protected, privileged status, while Ukraine remains highest priority for U.S. government (September 21, 2023)


All this does is make Americans mad…and that’s the goal of the powers-that-be (“TPTB”). Angry people make rash decisions, and act irrationally and even psychotic. Case in point from August 27.

It also allows a whole bunch of people who nobody knows anything about, to just come to a neighborhood near you. We’ve posited that the primary purposes of the free-for-all illegal immigration is to vaccinate, deport and spread the poison via self-disseminating shots. It also provides Democrats bought-and-paid-for votes. But there’s more to do it than that. Most illegals you see crossing the border are young men, not “poor families and babies.” Something is going to happen by the end of this year, particularly with this new Israel propaganda campaign now front and center. Stay tuned.

Inflation rates have been over 6% every year since 2021, something the U.S. hasn’t experienced since the late 1970s. People have less buying power, less food, etc., making them angry. On the flip side, billionaires became ridiculous billionaires from 2020-2022. Elon Musk, for instance, went from a $27 billion net worth at the end of 2019, to $320 billion by the end of 2021. Nothing to see here.

An angry population is ripe for genocide. Whether Americans want to hear it or not, this country is done. The world pre-2020 is done. We estimated that the human population was already one billion fewer from January 2020 to April 2023. We also posited that 2 billion will die by June 2024. That’s just from the vaccine genocide.

We thought the second Great Genocide would span from 2025-2029, to whittle humanity down to 1.5 billion or less in that span. But World War III is the catalyst; and it’s already happening. War allows TPTB to just blatantly kill people by the millions with bombs, missile, and famine via the destruction of food supply chains. TPTB have impleneted the Second Great Genocide a year earlier than we expected.

Far too many people are dropping dead by the minute. War and tribal political theater are the only ways to cover it up. More on that later.

Every human born after 2030 to receive brain implants?

For everyone rolling their eyes with skepticism, use Bill Gates as a case in point. His dream since the early 2000s was extinction-level genocide by vaccine. The vast majority of U.S. parents reflexively allow their children to receive over 24 injections before they turn 18 months old. It seemed like common sense for adults to refuse a new experimental “vaccine” that was developed in a few months, for an allegedly new disease. Now over 85% of Westerners, India and China are genetically-modified humans that will be eating Gates’ frankenfoods regularly by 2030.

Musk is another billionaire with dreams. He has 5,000 of those Starlink internet satellites orbiting the planet. A Twitter user called Flight Club produced this animated depiction of the satellites.

As the human population continually decreases due to the vaccine genocide and the Second Great Genocide, major internet service providers will be forced to shutter. Musk will unilaterally control the internet, meaning the web and the actual service, by 2030. Musk has another stated goal as well – to implant computer chips in every human, under the guise of “we only want to do this to treat paralysis, blindness, etc.” But Musk wants all humans to be connected to computers. Neuralink is the means to that end.

RELATED: Elon Musk has successfully manipulated MAGA, 4chan conservatives into obedient, duties-paying congregation on Twitter in just nine months (August 7, 2023)


The U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved Neuralink brain implants for human trials in May.

The chips merge man and machine. Humans will type, move a computer cursor, etc. using only their minds. These initial clinical trials are allegedly only for quadriplegics. It’s a six-year study which conveniently ends in 2030. The quadriplegics are supposed to be able to walk when it’s all said and done. Several Neuralink test monkeys either died, developed neurological disorders, or were euthanized because they went crazy due to fear of the lab techs. But as we’ve seen the lethal injections, FDA authorization is a charade that rewards the highest bidders.

Gates and Musk worked in tandem. These brain chips are likely only to be effective in GMO humans, while instantly killing or maiming normal humans. We’ll be following the developments, just as we have followed the results of Bill Gates’ sinister plans. Have you witnessed anyone collapse and die yet?

Alessia Massimi: 14-year-old Italy girl dies in very strange fashion

Alessia Massimi resided in Porto Sant’Elpidio in the Marche region of Italy. She would have turned 15 in two weeks. Alessia suddenly got really sick on the evening of October 9. Paramedics arrived at the family home. But Alessia appeared to have returned to normal and was no longer feeling bad.

Once paramedics left, Alessia suffered a massive headache. Paramedics returned and loaded Alessia into an ambulance. She died in transit to the hospital. Our educated guess is ruptured brain aneurysm.

Kamakhya Shrivastava: 26-year-old India engineer collapses and dies during a marathon race

Mr. Kamakhya Siddharth Shrivastava resided in Ranchi, Jharkhand. He was an engineer working in the tech industry. Mr. Shrivastava completed the 1.2-mile swim and 56-mile cycling legs of the Ironman 70.3 triathlon in Goa on October 8.

He was completing the final leg, a 13.1 mile run, when he suddenly collapsed 500 meters from the finish line. He was rushed to a nearby hospital, but pronounced dead less than 24 hours later. The cause of death was multiple organ failure.

Trav McFay: 36-year-old California man collapses and dies at work

Mr. Travell McFay resided in Oakland. He had worked in the restaurant industry for at least 10 years. Mr. McFay just started working at Encinal Yacht Club on September 1, according to his Facebook page.

He’d been sick for several days prior to October 6 when collapsed at work. From all appearances, he died instantly.


Elijah-Jay Mariano-Rivera: 15-year-old Connecticut football player collapses and dies during practice

Elijah-Jay Mariano-Rivera played football for Windsor High School in Connecticut. He was doing light drills in practice on October 10 when he suddenly collapsed. He was rushed to Connecticut Children’s Hospital, but pronounced dead shortly thereafter.

Tim Shelton: 53-year-old Tennessee pastor dies from cardiac arrest during triathlon

Mr. Tim Shelton was the pastor of Group Leadership and Family Life at Bellevue Baptist Church in Cordova, Tennessee. The church has 169,000 followers on Facebook. Mr. Shelton was married with five sons.

He was participating in the St. Jude IRONMAN triathlon in Memphis on October 7. Mr. Shelton suffered sudden cardiac arrest during the swimming leg of the competition. He was rushed to a nearby hospital, but pronounced dead less than 24 hours later.


Yohana Landriel: 28-year-old Argentina woman collapses and dies while doing gymnastics

Ms. Yohana Landriel resided in Venado Tuerto, Santa Fe. She was performing gymnastics outdoors on a pedestrian bridge on October 9 when she suddenly collapsed. Witnesses performed CPR until paramedics arrived. They rushed her to nearby Gutiérrez Hospital. But Ms. Landriel died in transit. The cause of death was sudden cardiac arrest.

Meanwhile an unnamed 26-year-old male soccer player collapsed and died on the pitch at the Gaetá Huguet sports facility in the Castelló region of Spain on October 3.

Emily Warren: 32-year-old Texas woman dies after “sudden illness”

Mrs. Emily Kay Warren resided in Cedar Park, Texas. She worked for the state’s Department of Health and Human Services. Mrs. Warren was married with one daughter.

She suffered a sudden “medical crisis” on October 2, according to a GoFundMe page. She was in the hospital for the next six days. Ms. Warren was pronounced dead on October 8.

Benjamin Bartalone: 5-year-old Indiana boy dies suddenly from “natural causes”

Benjamin Bartalone was a kindergarten student at Rogers Elementary School in Bloomington, Indiana. He loved Legos, Magnatiles and drawing. The exact timeline is unclear. But from all accounts, Benjamin got very sick, very fast. He died on September 28.

Mainstream media first tried blaming bacterial meningitis. But the Monroe County Coroner found no traces of any bacteria at all. So now they’re going with Benjamin died of natural causes.

Elizabeth Foley: 34-year-old Michigan woman dies unexpectedly

Mrs. Elizabeth Katherine Foley resided in Marysville, Michigan. She worked for the St. Clair County Health Department. Mrs. Foley was married with one son.

Few details are available. But Mrs. Foley “passed away unexpectedly” on October 5.

Laura Olivieri: 37-year-old Italy woman dies from “very sudden illness”

Ms. Laura Olivieri resided in Porto San Giorgio, in the Marche region of Italy. She started feeling very sick on September 12. It worsened over the next two hours, prompting one of her young children to call 118 (“911”). Ms. Olivieri was dead by the time paramedics arrived.

Cal Wilson: 53-year-old Australia comedian dies after “short illness”

Ms. Cal Wilson was originally from Christchurch, New Zealand. She moved to Melbourne, Australia in 2003 to embark on a comedy career. She appeared on several Australia comedy shows, including SkitHOUSE, Rove Live and Australia, Have You Been Paying Attention?

Few details are available. But Ms. Wilson passed away on October 10 after a “short illness.”

Another one of her endeavors was The JabGab podcast. In Episode 1, she mocked people for “doing their own YouTube research” about the lethal injections.

Christine Bryk: 57-year-old Canada nurse dies in her sleep

Ms. Christine Bryk was originally from Prince Edward Island, but resided in Nova Scotia. She was a triathlete and ICU nurse. Ms. Bryk had three children.

She died in her sleep on September 21. Ms. Bryk was a nurse in Canada. Not much to debate. It appears the lethal injections are wiping out this entire family.

Kimberly Geddie: 35-year-old New York woman dies suddenly

Ms. Kimberly Geddie resided in New York City. A GoFundMe page indicates that she was a teacher. Ms. Geddie “suddenly passed away” from an “unexpected medical episode” on October 5.

Caroline Cromie: 42-year-old Northern Ireland woman dies unexpectedly while on vacation

Ms. Caroline Cromie resided in Carrickfergus, County Antrim. She was a former goalie for Newtownabbey-based Mossley Ladies Hockey Club. Ms. Cromie was on vacation in Benidorm, Spain on October 8 when she “died unexpectedly.” No further details are available. A GoFundMe page says she “passed away suddenly.”

Wallescka Lyra: 43-year-old Brazil journalist dies hours after being diagnosed with hyper-aggressive leukemia

Ms. Wallescka de Andrade Lyra resided in Maceió, Alagoas. She was a journalist for companies called Staff and VTK. Ms. Lyra got deathly ill on September 23. She checked into Santa Casa de Misericórdia (charity hospital) and was immediately diagnosed with leukemia. Doctors placed her on a ventilator. She was dead within hours.

Scott Frederick: 57-year-old Arkansas attorney suffers stroke, then dies from hyper-aggressive glioblastoma

Mr. Scott Frederickson was a U.S. Navy veteran, lawyer, and major supporter of LGBTV, according to his Facebook page. He suddenly, out of nowhere, suffered a massive stroke on August 23. Mr. Frederickson was hospitalized, where doctors found two tumors in his brain. He was diagnosed with glioblastoma. One of the tumors was too deep in his brain and could not be removed. So Mr. Frederickson was placed in hospice care of August 31.


He passed away on September 15.


He was a diehard mask and vaxx zealot.

Jeff Alessi: 34-year-old California former motocross racer dies suddenly

Mr. Jeff Alessi was originally from Glendale, California (another source says his hometown was Victorville). He and his brother Mike were well-known in the motocross circuit. Mr. Alessi raced professionally from 2005 to 2012 until foot injuries forced him to retire. He became a riding coach thereafter.

Mr. Alessi died on October 2 from a “sudden massive heart attack.” But it was more likely sudden cardiac arrest.

Yael Herman: 43-year-old California woman dies suddenly

Ms. Yael Herman resided in Los Angeles. She worked for Universal Studios and taught sign language, according to her Facebook page. Ms. Herman also loved Halloween.

Few details are available. But Ms. Herman died suddenly on October 6.


David Eichelberger: 56-year-old Maryland man dies suddenly and unexpectedly

Mr. David Eichelberger resided in Bel Air, Maryland. He was the plant and purchasing manager at Plasticoid Company, according to his Facebook page. Few details are available. But Mr. Eichelberger died suddenly and unexpectedly on October 7.


Alexander Griffin: 32-year-old New York firefighter candidate collapses and dies during training exercises

Mr. Alexander Griffin resided in Queens. He was married and had a brother, Sean, who was already a firefighter for the city. Mr. Griffin was in training for the New York Fire Department (FDNY). He was participating in a 1.5 mile run on Randall’s Island on October 10 when he suddenly collapsed. Mr. Griffin was pronounced dead less than an hour later at Metropolitan Hospital. The cause of death was an “undetermined medical episode.”

Israel, Ukraine…and that Congressional soap opera continue

It’s equally nauseating to report about politicians as it is with Ukraine and Israel. We addressed the latter this week, and continually address Ukraine since these are TPTB’s primary distractions from the vaccine genocide. Anyone still clinging to the “Republicans will save us” fantasy is just as hopeless as a quintuple vaxxed, purple-hair liberal.

First, the attention-starved wing of the Republican Caucus in the U.S. House of Representatives voted to oust Speaker Kevin McCarthy on October 3. It was the first time ever in U.S. history that a House Speaker was voted out of his position. Later that day, House Speaker Pro Tempore Patrick McHenry, R-North Carolina, kicked House Speaker Emerita Nancy Pelosi out of her fancy Congressional Office that is normally afforded to former Speakers (she still has another office in the complex).

The House of Representatives averted a “shut down,” but is basically closed anyway because there is no Speaker. Representative Steve Scalise, R-Lousiana, was said to be a “leading”candidate to replace McCarthy. But he dropped out of the running on October 12 after several Republicans raised concerned about his cancer and how he once compared himself to KKK leader David Duke.

The MAGA Republicans want Ohio Representative Jim Jordan to be Speaker. Bottom line is that one of these people has to get 217 votes to become Speaker. There are 221 Republicans in the House, 212 Democrats, with two vacant seats. It will be difficult for Jordan to get 217 votes without a lot of concessions (like McCarthy).

It doesn’t appear any of these people can get 217 votes due to their egos. But something has to give because they all worship Israel and need to pass legislation to give Zionists yet another blank check courtesy of U.S. taxpayers. They’ll likely have to attempt changing House rules to elect a Speaker.

This is a precursor to 2024. Democrats are united. Republicans are not. There will be four more years of a Democrat in the White House whether its Biden, California Governor Gavin Newsom or Michelle Obama (unless RFK, Jr. pulls a rabbit out of his hat with his new independent campaign).

RELATED: Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. escaped what appears to be an assassination attempt by man impersonating a U.S. Marshal; mainstream media silent (September 21, 2023)


Regardless, mission accomplished. People are dropping dead by the millions, dying of hyper-aggressive cancers by the millions, and it’s completely normalized. The average Americans could witness someone drop dead in front of them right now; and they’ll just continue concerning themselves with Israel, Ukraine, the House of Representatives, or just get back into their social media MAGA/LGBTV echo chambers, in that order.

Friday the 13th used to have cultural significance in the U.S. Not only is it a classic horror movie series, but also used to signify a day when everything goes wrong, where bad luck will strike at every opportunity. Every day is Friday the 13th during The Great Reset.

Crazy Ralph was somewhat prophetic with that classic  line from the original movie. It perfectly describes vaxx zealots today seemingly with death wishes, continually going back for more, and being completely oblivious to their surroundings:

You’re going to Camp Blood, ain’t ya? You’ll never come back again. It’s got a death curse!”

Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


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Sean OConnor
Sean OConnor
9 months ago

Wow my friend’s mom had to see the doctor for pneumonia and few weeks later she got diagnosed with serious bone cancer. She just passed away this week. I have a funeral to attend. She had three jabs. She lasted less than 90 days

9 months ago
Reply to  Sean OConnor

So sad. Happening everywhere. I am waiting for the day it will be acknowledged that it is the vaxx. So many pneumonia diagnosis throughout spring and summer. Makes me wonder what the real flu season will be like in the fall and winter. I am not looking forward to it at all. Load up on supplements, herbs and get sunshine to keep your health good. Peace and love to you all.

Carson W Randolph
Carson W Randolph
9 months ago
Reply to  Annie

The worst of the last jabs is supposed to hit in the spring and summer of 24. So we will see who is left after that that will ever believe this government Pfizer owned assault on mankind.

9 months ago

The posts they put on Facebook before they die are haunting. Shaming people, calling them names, and then dying of heart attack. Great read, thx

Clown World
Clown World
9 months ago
Reply to  Shame

“I have a healthy distrust of authority. And I’m vaccinated.”

Why do the virtue-signalling anarchists seem to have the least willpower?

The Turtle Man
The Turtle Man
9 months ago
Reply to  Shame

I think brain inflamation is making them mean and nasty like that. Also they may be able to feel that they are dying and are lashing out at people who just said no to the vaccines.

9 months ago

Some people didn’t deserve to die. Yes, they took it because they were coerced and didn’t stand up for themselves, but I don’t think they deserved to die. But some others… oh, it’s almost a relief to know that we’ve got one of these people less in the world now.

9 months ago

I think I just saw someone who might’ve dropped dead, about a month ago. I only saw him on the ground but he seemed to have been carrying some groceries and fell in such a way that he landed on his face and hadn’t brought up his arms to break the fall. Just reminded me of the other sudden deaths in some of the video footage on this blog. There were ladies there to help who had called an ambulance, I don’t know the outcome. Quite chilling nonetheless!

9 months ago

Maybe some of these people dying are the lucky ones because they won’t have to live through another 4 years with a Demoncrat in the White House. No I am not MAGA. I am a critical thinking Centrist. Everything coming out of the Left the past 15 years has been lies, and the Right is feckless and corrupt as well. You are correct: America is over. I’ve been telling people close to me to prepare for bad things, but they don’t care and won’t do anything. They are all jabbed anyway.

9 months ago
Reply to  Ed_J

The libs are done in by the bioweapon and the “last best hope” for America keep falling for re-runs.

In the modern version of Friday the 13th, Crazy Bibi burns down the cabin and blames it on Jason.

9 months ago
Reply to  Ed_J

If you have the attitude of a fatalist; then a negative outcome is assured; because you present no overt opposition to those effectuaing your destruction.

Your enemies WANT you to believe your fate (a negative one) is preordained – in things like “raptures” and “Second Comings” and other assorted nonsense; that is why they copjured them up and promote them.

That insures that no one interferes with them.

But a person of will makes their own destiny; and a person of will endures.

9 months ago
Reply to  Hmm

Not sure why the down votes, hmm? It may be the end of society but not the world. I tire of Christian end of world hysteria. These are inner experiences. It’s immature.

What do politics have to do with living your own life? It’s better to live no matter who is in office! And you think a Republican will make life worthwhile?

I thought only Christ could do that.

And yeah, you had to have plenty of will to endure the last three years.

9 months ago

Are you saying I don’t need my fake Vax card anymore?. It says I got 2 shots. Just doing my part to save the world from macaroni virus.

9 months ago

Again, that ‘I got my Covid-19 vaccine’ picture format, it looks like a scimitar or corn knife at the throat. It could be re-labelled as, “I cut my own throat”.

9 months ago
Reply to  Citizenfree

I have noticed that Facebook may be taking those photo frames down for profiles of people who have passed away. Without any “memorialization” of their accounts, the location of the deceased sometimes now reads, “LIVED in” (past tense) where it normally lists their current city as “lives in.”. Not on all, but quite a few that I have seen. It’s becoming more work for them to manage the lies.

9 months ago

It is unclear from Sydney Tucker’s mother’s post whether or not she allowed Sydney to get the poisonous shot. She says “we tried our best not to let her have it but she needed to play volleyball” but then says “she was allowed to get it without parental permission”. Children do foolish things but if her mother allowed this then I place the blame squarely on her. It is hard to play volleyball if you are dead.

As to Scott Frederick, his post is perhaps the most zealous of the vaxx-zealot comments ever posted on this blog. Therefore, I have absolutely no sympathy for his very quick demise which I’m certain was quite unpleasant.

9 months ago
Reply to  Gwen

That post of Scott Frederick was vulgar and ugly of him. I’m sure there are more to come. God certainly isn’t posting on the social medias.

9 months ago
Reply to  Gwen

The late Scott Frederick in Jan. 2022: “Just do the small things asked of you!”

In fiction, his statement would be considered “dramatic irony,” foreshadowing an upcoming disaster.

In real life, in addition to dramatic irony, his statement represents utter inanity, utter moral bankruptcy. There is a lot of both going around.

9 months ago
Reply to  CSJ

“The way we communicate with each other is what ultimately determines our quality of life.” HC Plotkin

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