Don’t forget us Part II: the mRNA injections continue permanently maiming people by the millions; is there any hope for them?
October 4, 2023

Vaccine deaths compromise over 60% of content on The COVID Blog®. But when we talk about the vaccine genocide, we’re also talking about the hundreds of millions of people across the globe on the verge of death or who are permanently maimed thanks to the injections.

We posited back in April that one billion people have already been wiped out since 2020. That factors in actual deaths, plummeting birth rates, sharp rises in cancer rates, and people with post-injection disabilities who can no longer participate in society.

Post-injection skin disorders were a product only of the first iteration of mRNA and viral vector DNA injections (December 2020 to August 2021). It still happens, but with far less frequency today. Shawn Skelton Syndrome has also subsided after numerous 2021 cases. What remains constant are blood clots, heart damage and cancer.

The good news is that more people are now willing to identify the injections as the cause of their health issues. It’s still rare. But as you’ll read in the following five adverse reaction cases, many people are tired of playing along with the government and mainstream media narratives. Vaxx zealotry, of course, is still alive and well also.

Father of Kim Zousoumas deteriorating fast

Ms. Kim Zousoumas resides in Saco, Maine. She and her father, Mr. Tom Townsend, are very close.

Ms. Zousoumas is very worried about her father’s health and well-being. She posted via Facebook on September 14, several bloody paper towels. Mr. Townsend has been “coughing up blood and blood clots,” and blood also “gushes and gushes” from his nose.


Doctors apparently have no idea what’s wrong with Mr. Townsend.


One of Ms. Zousoumas’s Facebook friends asked the obviously question. She gave a candid answer.


As of September 30, Mr. Townsend was back in a hospital undergoing more tests.

Jennifer Wexton: Virginia Congresswoman won’t seek re-election because “I’m going to die, which isn’t fair”

Jennifer Wexton has represented the 10th District of Virginia in the U.S. House of Representatives since 2019. She’s a Democrat; and Wikipedia makes certain to point out that she is “an aunt of a transgender child.”

Wexton received her first Pfizer mRNA injection on December 24, 2020, and made a creepy propaganda video about it.

It’s safe to assume that she is at least triple-vaxxed. Wexton, 55, announced on April 11 that she’d been diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. She emphasized that Parkinson’s is not a death sentence and that she would continue in her Congressional role.

Wexton receiving various treatments, but none of them were helping. She posted an update on September 18, confirming that she was misdiagnosed, and actually had Progressive Supra-Nuclear Palsy (PSP). Wexton described the disease as “Parkinson’s on steroids.” She also announced that she would not seek re-election because of the disease’s poor prognosis.

There are no treatments for PSP. Wexton will eventually be unable to walk, talk, swallow, etc. It sounds very similar to what singer Celine Dion is enduring, except in her case it’s called Stiff-person Syndrome. Frankly at this point, it just seems like the medical industrial complex makes these names up as they go along.

Numerous studies and case studies have concluded that the mRNA and viral vector DNA injections cause a “spectrum” of neurological disorders. We’ve covered many cases of unexplainable neurological issues. Most people with PSP develop severe disabilities within three to five years, according to the National Institutes of Health. But this is post-injection PSP, and nobody really knows what can or will happen.

The Washington Post quoted Wexton saying, “It’s not okay. It’s not okay at all. I’m going to die, which isn’t fair.”

Kathleen Fletcher: California woman may lose vision from blood clots, but gets new booster anyway

Ms. Kathleen Fletcher turned 75 in late August. Based on social media posts, she appear quite vibrant and active. Unfortunately, like many seniors, she’s all-in on vaccine and COVID propaganda.

Ms. Fletcher wrote on September 8 that she may lose vision in one of her eyes due to a blood clot.


It’s safe to assume that Ms. Fletcher already received at least three injections prior to September. Despite her diagnosis, she not only received the new booster shot on September 28, but also a flu shot.


Vanessa Sedivy: Arizona woman has permanent scars on face after severe Pfizer adverse reaction

This was Ms. Vanessa Sedivy on December 27, 2019.


She either didn’t post any pictures from January 2020 to March 2022, or she deleted them all. Ms. Sedivy, 37, posted the following on August 26. She is also, admirably, warning others about her mistake.

Most people who developed post-injection rashes healed and never had the rash again. But all of them were permanently scarred once the rashes cleared up.

Garon Cockrell: his post-injection permanent heart damage is “no biggie”

Mr. Garon Cockrell is adamant about spreading two messages – that he’s gay and single, and for everyone to get vaccinated. He’s also one of those severe cases of willful ignorance or oblivious psychosis.

Mr. Cockrell received his first Moderna mRNA injection on March 30, 2021.


Three days later, he was in the hospital with pericarditis.


Despite the adverse reaction, Mr. Cockrell received his second injection on May 7, 2021.


He received a booster shot on December 15, 2021.


Judging from his history and lifestyle, it’s safe to assume he received at least one more booster (“bivalent”) and the new one last month. Mr. Cockrell was diagnosed with pericarditis again on September 18. But he dismissed it as “no biggie.”

We’ll be following this one closely.

Travis and Angelene Pickering: cardiac arrests, Stage 4 cancer, and absolute living hell for a couple

Mr. and Mrs. Carlos and Angelene Pickering celebrated their 28th anniversary on September 9.

It should be a happy time for the couple. But they are grappling with life and death reality. Mr. Pickering posted a lengthy Facebook update on August 25, outlining the absolute living hell he and his wife have endured since receiving the injections.

Both of their fathers have passed away since 2021. Mr. Pickering suffered cardiac arrest in July 2021, about 26 hours after receiving his first mRNA injection. He now has a defibrillator implanted in his chest and must take several medications daily if he wants to live.

Meanwhile Mrs. Pickering was diagnosed with Stage 4 terminal colorectal cancer & peritoneal cancer – with the latter meaning the colorectal cancer spread to all surrounding organs. The diagnosis came in November 2022. She’s been through several rounds of mustard gas (“chemo”) therapy. Sadly and bluntly, it would be more merciful and humane to let the woman die. Mrs. Pickering had surgery to remove her uterus, spleen, gall bladder, large intestine and diaphragm.

Mrs. Pickering is still posting on Facebook as of Wednesday. We’ll be following up on this one as well.

Is there any hope for vaxxed people?

Dr. Curt Richter (1894-1988) was an German American doctor who was affiliated with both Harvard and Johns Hopkins University. He is famous (or infamous depending on your viewpoint) for his 1950s “Hope experiments” that he did on lab rats. Dr. Richter placed the rats in inescapable tubes full of water to see how long they would tread water before giving up and drowning.

Most of the rats gave up after about 15 minutes, sank to the bottom of the tubes, and drowned. Researchers removed the rats that were still alive after 15 minutes, dried them off, and let them rest for a while. After a short break, they placed the rats back in the tubes. But this time around, the rats stayed afloat, in some cases, for over 60 hours, or 2.5 days. Note that domesticated rats survived that long, while the wild rats all died within minutes.

Researchers concluded that the rats felt like there was hope that someone would save them at some point, like what happened after the first round when most of the rats died after 15 minutes. The rats were motivated to live based on the hope that someone was going to save them. They were reliant on “the system,” just like a lot of Westerners rely on corporate medicine to survival.

RELATED: Clive Haddon: 74-year-old Australian man dies in hospital after doctors refuse to treat him for AstraZeneca blood clots (May 25, 2021)


The “Hope” motivation is unlikely to translate to human vaxxed subjects. We’ve seen time and again vaxx-injured people going to hospitals, only to be sent home with aspirin or told it’s all in their head. Further if you even dare mention that you are vaxx-injured to 90% of doctors, they either won’t treat you or will recommend you be committed to an insane asylum. You also risk losing your family, friends and livelihoods if you confide in anyone about post-injection injuries.

Vaxxed people must be self-motivated to have hope. Ms. Jenny Porter and Ms. Stacee Tiemeier have mitigated their severe post-injection injuries by changing their lifestyles and detoxing heavy metals from their bodies. You’re on your own, in the vast majority of cases, once you’re vaxx-injured.

If push comes to shove, it might not be a bad idea for the vaxx-injured to reach out to that dude named God too. The power of prayer can be equally effective as the power of hope. You’ve got nothing to lose either way.

Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


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Crazy Cabbage
Crazy Cabbage
11 months ago

Re: the medical industrial complex making these names up as they go along …

It does seem like that. Great (sarc) — we all have a lot more medical terminology knowledge than we did pre- 2020. This is not a win for humanity.

11 months ago
Reply to  Crazy Cabbage

They are PSOA(pull shit out of their ass) certified. They just make shit up, doesn’t even have to make sense or be true!

Harold Crapper
11 months ago

WTF is wrong with people, you develop a heart condition from the Vax and go get three more. How broken does a person have to be, to be so submissive to perceived authority. Then these idiots tell you get the Vax.

Omri Hussain
Omri Hussain
11 months ago

These killer injections disguised as vaccines are pure evil. People are literally being butchered alive. I don’t understand why the globalists want to see innocent people have painful and drawn out deaths after taking the shots. The truth is these killer vaccines are from the Devil. These killer injections are literally a witch’s brew of pure poison. These killer vaccines are a product of pure black magic. I read somewhere if the vaccinated repented and called out Jesus’ name to help them rid this Satanic poison from their bodies, they will be saved. I also read somewhere the vaccinated are all condemned to Hell. But can be saved if they repent. The vaccinated are now Satan’s property because they have been injected with the Serpent’s DNA, and therefore no longer human, and no longer the offspring of Adam.

11 months ago
Reply to  Omri Hussain

It’s much simpler than that, my friend. We are commanded to love the Lord with all our heart, all our soul, all our strength, and all our mind. Proclaiming to “Trust the Science” is an act of idolatry; “Science” being a placeholder word for something other than the Creator. God hates that and he allows those who reject Him to have their own way, which means they perish.

Jens Petersen
Jens Petersen
11 months ago
Reply to  David

A whole load of Catholics, Protestants, Jewish, Muslim etc etc have, and will, also perished. Your point is?

11 months ago

Mrs. Pickering is pretty much hollow inside. Gotta love how the medical industry thinks cutting people open and ripping out organs is actually a solution. Now she has a whole new set of problems. I’d say this one is going to be impossible to heal from. She was better off fasting and having a quality of life than allowing doctors that have no idea why or what they are doing or how to heal the body come near her.

Holding On
Holding On
11 months ago

We have a dear family friend who now has progressive supra nuclear palsy. All the symptoms listed and we know for certain it was the jab. This dear friend is now a shell – her poor family. Even though she chose the jab, my heart breaks because she wouldn’t listen when when we warned her way back in 2021 and she called us selfish for not rushing out to take the jabs!
I cried after reading the long list of symptoms – you’d have to be heartless not to when you see how horrific this condition is.

How many others are there with undiagnosed, catastrophic conditions from which they will never recover? If only they had listened….

11 months ago

Those who got harmed but didn’t die, complain that not enough animals have been made to suffer with the poison that themselves took (“not tested enough”).

Whatever. You worship demons in suit, so take your poison, bow down to TV and suffer like a champ.

11 months ago

“Oblivious psychosis” is a great phrase. I will be using it. Thanks!

10 months ago

Why there has to be any hope for them? If they were as stupid?
The entitled left that felt for that trap is just the one that destroy the West as they are in NGOs that bring invadors that grape and destroy our civilisation.
So Vaya Con Dios, ohh they believe in “science” Vaya con Sciemce.
These days I am changing my alliegency I dont believe in Humanity as a whole anymore, is time to to wake up amd see many so called humans are not. That kind that brings terrorist in our countries.
Left is all about protecting grapist not the victims, left societies are crumbling.
So I am glad we will get rid of them.
I said what Ive said

Last edited 10 months ago by Maria
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