Katarina Pavelek: 41-year-old Slovakia actress develops incurable neurological disorder after work-mandated J&J booster shot, dies by assisted suicide

July 3, 2023 (updated 10:17 a.m.)

Katarina Pavelek.

BASEL, SWITZERLAND — A 41-year-old actress is dead, and is yet another reminder that post-injection suicides are happening far more often than is being reported.

Ms. Katarina Pavelek was born in Poprad, Slovakia. She was an actress who resided in Los Angeles. Ms. Pavelek never really got her “big break.” Her most significant role was an uncredited appearance in the 2019 Quentin  Tarantino film “Once Upon A Time in Hollywood,” starring Brad Pitt and Leonardo DiCaprio. Ms. Pavelek was an extra in the 2018 television movie “The Last Sharknado: It’s About Time.”

She was a member of the Screen Actors Guild – American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (SAG-AFTRA) Hollywood labor union, according to her Instagram page. SAG-AFTRA was one of several Hollywood workers unions that signed off on the Alliance of Motion Picture & Television Producers vaccine mandate in July 2021. The mandate was extended several times until it expired on May 12 of this year.

Many Hollywood workers, including Ms. Pavelek, opposed the injections throughout. But a survey of nearly 7,700 SAG-AFTRA members late last year found that 67% of them approved of vaccine mandates.

Booster shot and rapid health deterioration

It’s unclear when Ms. Pavelek received her first shot[s], or which ones she received for the initial dose[s]. But she received a Johnson & Johnson viral vector DNA booster shot on February 26, 2022, according to a now-deleted GoFundMe page. Boosters were mandated for her to continue working in Hollywood. The formerly healthy and happy actress was a completely different being within 30 days after the J&J shot.

“After receiving booster I started having severe chest pains, digestive issues, tremors, muscle spasms, period changes, severe insomnia and complete weakness,” she wrote. “I was diagnosed with tachycardia and unspecified neuro muscular auto immune illness and I am still doing tests.” Ms. Pavelek was bedridden for most of the remainder of 2022.

Her health plateaued enough that she and her mother took a trip to Egypt in late April.

She also attended the baby shower of actress Lucia Oskerova that month.

But both events appear to have been bucket list items.

Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome and assisted suicide

One month after her trip to Egypt, on May 30, Ms. Pavelek re-posted an Instagram post from Ms. Whitney Peterson, whom The COVID Blog® wrote about back in January 2022. The Arizona woman is still suffering from post-injection myocarditis and mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS), aka chronic, repeated anaphylaxis-type episodes. Ms. Peterson’s GoFundMe is here.

Two days later, on June 1, Ms. Pavelek revealed that she was diagnosed with myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), an incurable neurological disorder that causes permanent disability. Normal activities like driving, showering and walking are no longer likely or possible at all.

Several hours later, Ms. Pavelek posted her final message. She traveled to Switzerland to do assisted suicide at Pegasos Swiss Association. The saddest part is this: “I was diagnosed with ME/CFS caused by the booster jab…The booster jab destroyed my health, my body and my life completely.”

Rest in peace, young lady.

Virtue signalers: leave suicidal vaxx-injured people alone

The story of Ms. Pavelek immediately reminded this blogger of Ms. Timike Balough. She was the 36-year-old Hungarian woman who committed suicide on November 2, 2022. Ms. Balough suffered from myriad post-Moderna adverse events, including hair loss, intestinal failure, and chronic inflammation all over her body. She was a young woman with a long life ahead of her. But Ms. Balough lost her will to live due to the lethal Moderna injections.

RELATED: Nate Bronstein: 15-year-old Chicago high school student commits suicide after relentless bullying for false rumor of being non-vaccinated (April 29, 2022)


This is happening far more often than we’ll ever know. Mainstream media are constantly using the suicide excuse now when 20-year-olds and 30-year-olds spontaneously drop dead from cardiac arrest. They believe using the suicide narrative muddies the water enough so “anti-vaxxers” like this blogger won’t chalk said deaths up to the lethal injections. Several studies since 2021 point to the mRNA and viral vector DNA injections causing personality changes and suicidal thoughts in many recipients.

RELATED: U.S. military personnel continue dying suddenly and unexpectedly as mainstream media deflect most attention to suicide (May 3, 2022)


This blogger has talked about his brushes with suicide throughout life, including an assisted suicide experience. It was obviously not carried out. But they give you anti-emetic (anti-vomiting) drugs before handing you the vile of pentobarbitol, aka Nembutal. You drink it, lose consciousness a minute or two later, and never wake up. It’s fast and painless. We assume this is the process Ms. Pavelek undertook.

Vaxx zealot virtue signalers are some of the most nauseating people on the planet. But anti-choice (anti-suicide) virtue signalers are also quite annoying. Humans, particularly Americans, have very little control over anything related to their bodies. Man-made laws say that you cannot put certain drugs in your body, cannot work in prostitution, etc.

RELATED: The Casey Anthony Act: California introduces laws promoting abortion tourism, legalized infanticide for babies up to a year old (March 31, 2022)


The only things the U.S. government openly allows humans to do with their bodies, regardless of age, is genital mutilation and abortion (in many states). And that’s because both reinforce the overall depopulation agenda. There are numerous stories of people committing suicide due to regret following radical surgeries and/or chemical castration.

Any human who staked ownership claims to their own bodies by refusing vaccine mandates were fired from their jobs, ostracized from social circles, banned from entering stores, etc. You were treated like a criminal because you stole something (your body) that doesn’t belong to you. It belongs to the government.

This blogger and all other non-vaccinated people could never understand or relate to what Ms. Pavelek was experiencing. She was reminiscing on IG in December 2022 about hanging out with Brad Pitt and other celebrities one year prior. But ultimately Ms. Pavelek made two critical choices: to receive the injections to save her job, and to commit suicide after the injections maimed her.

Life is about choices. Choosing how you die is a quite powerful one. Many humans inadvertently chose their method of death by receiving the injection. Regardless, at least Ms. Pavelek ended the suffering quickly, and that’s all you can really say about it.

Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


COVID Legal USA is your partner in fight mandatory vaccines and other COVID mandates. Follow us on Telegram. Pre-order The COVID Blog® book here.


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1 year ago

Absolutely heartbreaking. So much deception leading to suffering and death. There have been many, many obits in my area for people in their 30s and 40s, recently even a 25 year old, with no cause of death listed. The globalists think they’re winning, but judgment is coming for them.

Frank DiGorgio
Frank DiGorgio
1 year ago

Ms. Pavelek blames the jabs. It’s the jabs fault that caused this. How about she blames herself and her lack of critical thinking skills? That’s really what caused this. Her life choices and poor decision making skills. She loved hanging out with Brad Pitt etc. and refused to give up that lifestyle so of course she lined up for the suicide jabs.

Notice how it’s the B & C list celebrities dying from the jabs??? I don’t see any Brad Pitt, DiCaprio A list celebrities in coffins.

Going forward, it looks like Pegasos Society in Switzerland will do very robust business.

1 year ago
Reply to  Frank DiGorgio

Your assessment seems awfully harsh.

Acting was her chosen profession, and to continue with that, she had to get jabbed.

Being retired, I never had to make the choice. Sure, it seemed like Russian Roulette – even more so, of course, as the facts leaked out. Despite insane government/media campaigns to awfulize the “pandemic” and minimize “vaxx” risks.

Unlike many others, this beautiful woman told the truth about what caused her end of life decision. Thanks, Brian, for publishing it (as always).

Never forget how hateful the whackzine advocates were toward those of us who were “hesitant” and dared to do our own research / reach our own conclusions.

i for one think they should be a negative role model – with their ugly judgmental attitudes never emulated even as we are increasingly vindicated.

Unlike many vaxx-vocates who tried to shame the rest of us and died “suddenly and unexpectedly”, Katarina never tried to impose anything on everyone.

Hers is a tragic – though increasingly common – story…

1 year ago
Reply to  Frank DiGorgio

Brad Pitt wouldn’t have remembered her anyway. He has prosopagnosia so he can’t recall faces probably due to a vaccine injury. All they need are their CGI images. They can make them look younger that way.

Sean O'Connor
Sean O'Connor
1 year ago
Reply to  Frank DiGorgio

Jamie Foxx…not dead yet highly disabled

Kim Karma
Kim Karma
1 year ago

Respiratory ALS? Is this why some report came out recently saying air pollution is now the 5 the leading cause of death. Prepping our mindset for what’s to come?

1 year ago

I see a life cut short and unfulfilled, many from her own choices. She chose the modern feminist life of career over any family she might have had. She, unwillingly, chose to accept the vaxx mandates to keep in that lifestyle. Perhaps if she had her own family and children she would have had other perspectives etc. Reasons to live for. In the end she chose to end her life. All 3 choices were hers. I only feel sadness for her.

1 year ago
Reply to  Annie

Yes, there may have been contributing factors which coalesced into a death wish. At 40+, alone, and living in Hollywood with no real acting career, the future may have appeared justifiably scary to her. There is also the subtext (and I write this as Katarina’s fellow Slovakian) of physical beauty ultimately becoming a liability for many Eastern European women. That said, no one should ever be presented with a “choice” between employment and health.

1 year ago
Reply to  Dayne

Also, Slovakia shares a border with Ukraine. I’ve been there. It seemed like a very nice, but modest place. But. for her to know how hazardous the current situation is, on the bloody border of Ukraine..That alone is depressing!!- So sorry to lose her.
And for “Annie”- Not every woman finds the “love of her life” or anything like that!!.. Or maybe she did & he died or let her down, badly. You have NO IDEA what she went through. Not everyone has that famed “meal ticket” and she might very well NOT have had ANY choices, for all you know!!-

1 year ago
Reply to  Annie

I don’t know, having a fam and kids didn’t preclude a lot of women from going ahead and getting jabbed anyway for jobs, out of fear, peer pressure, to travel, all based on the “safe and effective” lie. Their kids were the very reason they got jabbed sometimes and some had their kids jabbed. Anyone can be fooled. Gotta keep your head on a swivel no matter who you are.

1 year ago
Reply to  WPinsky

Still feel nothing but sadness for her.

Anne Lid
Anne Lid
1 year ago

I thought of Timi Balogh too. She was constantly bleeding, too. Her hormones were totally messed up and hormones influence one’s mental state, too. The poor woman must have thought she would never have a relationship again, and even if a good man loved her, she wouldn’t have been able to conceive a child. And her mom died, too, she must have felt awfully alone.

1 year ago

I used to be a Christian. When I see the scale of what is happening now I can’t help to think that we are living what the Bible talks about. If this is not the proper tribulation, this is for sure some pretty dark times. Poor woman.

1 year ago

My best friend got the j & j vaccine along with her mom and dad because she was worried about THEIR health. I told her not to get it. Just recently she was diagnosed with something the Dr.s are saying is genetic, it causes her to be chronically low in iron and causes palsy and mental issues, depression…. Her father just died suddenly, and now she’s having this “genetic” issue that she’s managed to live with for 55 years with no symptoms!!! It’s the gd vaccine!

1 year ago
Reply to  Dayna

Every health issue is ‘ genetic’ when the proven-as-liars doctor industry can’t explain it otherwise or are covering something up. This is especially true if there is an underlying nutrient or mineral deficiency involved, or if there are one or more already known cures that are inexpensive and effective.

1 year ago

So thankful you’re still here with us Brian. You are a truly a gift to the world…this horrible world we live in.

Harold Crapper
1 year ago

I met several of my unvaxxed daughter’s friends yesterday (ages 16-19). They were having a side conversation about how many boosters they each had. They are nice kids, I was so sad to hear them, all were vaxxed at least 2x, some had 5x. They were clueless about any side effects, they asked how many my family had, when I replied none, not allowed due the the side effects and deaths associated with it they looked at me with a dropped jaw. I told them covid in my house was a mild cold, and they told me how sick they get each time, and even worse after each Vax, I am glad they could not read my mind at that point, but my expression said enough.

1 year ago
Reply to  Harold Crapper

I had the conversation with my 2 adult children about what is happening all over the world with young people and the vaxx. Prepare them for what to expect. For us it is faith and family. All of us are tighter than ever. We live life joyfully and without fear.

1 year ago

She was a child of her times: unmarried and childless at 41, chasing her career dreams and fame and fortune and elusive hapiness. All fake aspirations that lead to misery.In a healthy society she’d have been at home looking after a large, healthy family.

She died as a result of the MSM and the medical industrial complex combining to push through the satanic depopulation and trans-humanism agenda. She died because of propaganda and lies endemic in our socities.

You cannot make sense of the evil manifest in this world outside of a Christian spiritual perspective. You have to have a hunger for the truth to find it, for it to present itself to you, and it surely will. Sadly, it was too late for this lady. If only she had realised that literally everything in the msm is propaganda and lies, and everything people have said about the west is true; it’s satanic

Sean O'Connor
Sean O'Connor
1 year ago

There’s no shortage of reports of suicides in VAERS fatality reports from C-19. For the purposes of life insurance taking EUA gene therapy inoculations is considered a form of suicide and can result in policy voiding sometimes.

1 year ago

MSM is blaming her ailment & death on long Covid again. despite the poor woman said it was the booster that gave her long jabid.

will they ever wise up?
will they ever wise up?
1 year ago

People who were “mandated” could have refused, they CHOSE not to because of the inconvenience of not being able to make money or travel. Their personal weakness killed them. I hope moving forwards people wise up and stand their ground next time. Visiting Paris or clearing six figures is not worth your life.

1 year ago

Her IG account appears to have been deleted. It does not exist anymore.

Frank DiGorgio
Frank DiGorgio
1 year ago

Notice her friend Lucia Oskerova is doing that Occult one eyed sign.

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