Anastasia Weaver: 6-year-old Ohio girl dies unexpectedly; mother scrubs Facebook page after relentless attacks, finger-pointing
January 31, 2023 (updated February 2, 2023)

Anastasia Weaver.

AKRON, OHIO — A six-year-old girl is dead, and her mother refuses to acknowledge the obvious, and bring awareness to what’s happening around the globe.

Anastasia Weaver is the daughter of Andrew and Jessica Weaver. She was born on November 11, 2016 in Boardman, Ohio, according to an online obituary. Anastasia had an identical twin sister, Caitlin. Mrs. Jessica Day-Weaver is a nurse at Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron, aka Akron Children’s Hospital, in Boardman.

Akron Children’s Hospital instituted a vaccine mandate for all employees in September 2021. The deadline to receive the injections was January 11, 2022. The hospital fired 66 workers on February 3, 2022 for noncompliance with the mandate. A federal class action lawsuit was filed on behalf of said workers in the U.S. District Court of Northern Ohio on March 3, 2022. The case (#5:22-cv-00354-CEF) names two defendants and all others similarly situated. It’s been an interesting case thus far, to say the least.

RELATED: Ohio judges sentencing probationers to experimental mRNA and viral vector injections (July 8, 2021)


The first judge assigned to the case, John R. Adams, recused himself on March 7, 2022. The second judge, Sara Lioi, recused herself from the case on March 9, 2022. Judge Benita Pearson, the third one assigned to the case, recused herself on March 14, 2022. The fourth judge, Charles Fleming, was assigned on March 15, 2022. He is currently presiding over the case.

None of the other judges gave specific reasons for their recusals. But federal judges must disqualify themselves from all cases where there is, among other things, personal bias or prejudice, financial interests in the case, previous representation of either party as private practice lawyers, etc.

The class action lawsuit is a one-count case for violations of the Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment. As in virtually all of these cases since 2021, Akron Children’s Hospital had a sham religious exemption process. They denied all of the Plaintiffs’ religious exemption requests with the same, blanket, cookie-cutter denial letter.

The hospital filed a motion to dismiss the case on April 12, 2022. Nearly 10 months later, the motion has not been ruled upon. One of Akron Children’s Hospital’s lawyers, Russell Rendall, withdrew from the case on January 4, 2023.

RELATED: Three Ohio judges “die unexpectedly” in nine-day span after vaxx mandate in Cuyahoga County (October 24, 2021)


Mrs. Day-Weaver complied with the mandate, and subjected her kids to the injections as well.

“We aren’t sure what happened”

Anastasia and Caitlin received their first Pfizer mRNA injections on November 11, 2021. The description of the scene is gut-wrenching. Mrs. Day-Weaver said Anastasia received the injection without issue. But Caitlin “screamed and cried for an hour and a half” before succumbing to a procedure she had no control over.

UPDATE February 2, 2023 – Mrs. Day-Weaver appears to be strategically leaking more Facebook posts about Anna in an apparent attempt to deflect  blame to preexisting conditions and “COVID-19.”


The following two posts are now circulating publicly online. They show that Anna had some sort of digestive issue just days before receiving her first injection. The other post, from December 21, 2021, shows she got even sicker after the injection.

Mrs. Day-Weaver received her first booster shot on January 4, 2022. She suffered body aches and headaches as a result, but said “the vaccine is worth it.” On that same day, Anastasia and Caitlin received their second mRNA injections.

Anastasia suffered a seizure on June 29, 2022. She had no apparent medical issues prior to the seizure. Ms. Day-Weaver brushed it off, saying all tests “came back normal.”

Two weeks later, on July 15, 2022, Mrs. Day-Weaver reported that Anastasia was having constant “tiny seizures” despite being on medication to prevent them.

She reported on September 17, 2022 that the entire vaxxed family had so-called COVID-19. Mrs. Day-Weaver said two days later that she was coughing so much that she could not sleep.


Nearly three weeks later, the entire family was still sick.


Mrs. Day-Weaver reported on January 2 that Anastasia had been in the hospital for five days. But the update post was mostly about her own battles with obesity than her sick child.

Mrs. Day-Weaver posted on January 25 that Anastasia passed away that morning. She apparently died in her sleep.

Someone named Ashley Palestro posted a link to a fundraiser in Anastasia’s memory. There were numerous comments on the post. But Ms. Palestro deactivated commenting a few hours ago, and deleted all comments that had already been left. Here is a sample.

Mrs. Day-Weaver has completely scrubbed her Facebook page. All that remains is a post from 2019 and one from this past November celebrating the two girls’ birthday.

Unimaginable guilt

The story of Anastasia is perhaps the most egregious child death so far in 2023. Maddie de Garay (2021), Milo Edberg (2022) and Santino Godoy Blanco (2022) are a small sample of babies killed or severely maimed by the injections. It does not matter how many of these stories come about. Parents across the globe continue enrolling their kids in clinical trials and rolling up their sleeves for mRNA boosters, flu shots, and whatever else the medical industrial complex tells them to do.

RELATED: Examples must be made of parents who allow their kids to be poisoned with mRNA injections (April 4, 2022)


An entire generation of children is being wiped out right in front of our eyes, as their parents play the ignorance card. It’s understandable for critical thinkers to lose sympathy for the millions of adults voluntarily vaxxing themselves to death. But the children have no say in the matter.

The autism spectrum accelerated rapidly after 1995 as childhood vaccines increased. We’ve written about the mRNA spectrum and what the kids who survive the injections will suffer in due course. Zack Reilly is one of the scariest examples. The British boy had a stroke and blood clots in utero. Zack had his left arm amputated at just 10 days old.

Mrs. Day-Weaver owes it to Anastasia to tell the truth. Granted admitting that you may have killed your own child is difficult. But parents playing stupid and living in denial is how we got to this point in the first place. There’s no more sugarcoating. We are in the midst of a global genocide. Silence is complicity, especially when it comes to the children.

Rest in peace, sweet Anastasia. Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


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1 year ago

As always its terrible to see a child die, some of them never had a chance. I only feel sorry for children, elderly and people in general that have been forced to take the holocaust shot. The people in the comments are right to blame the mother. Of course she will not take any responsibilities just like doctors and nurses who kill their Patients and sleep very,very well. I hope one day in the very near future there will be Justice and that would mean all people involved in this Charade should perish.

1 year ago
Reply to  Dennis

I visited Twitter today (just reading comments, I don’t have an account), and the crazy VAXXED SUPPORTERS are STILL in denial about these shots. They’re disgusting, the whole lot of them! They’re evil!

Jeff Dorsey
Jeff Dorsey
1 year ago
Reply to  Gwen

Its the fault of the doctors. The brainwashed, lazy, ulunresourceful and dangerous egoist medical professionals that have no clue how stupid they really are.

1 year ago
Reply to  Jeff Dorsey

“Its the fault of the doctors”

No it is not. It is everyone responsability to look after one’s health and safety. Especially in the age of the internet when one can consult a wide range of opinions, ideas and stances.

Outsourcing responsability is what hypocrites do. Just like when atheists say :”heu, if there was a God, why there is hunger and suffering on earth”.

Retards are always looking for somebody else to blame but themselves. They hope to be taken in charge by babysitters and saviors. GTFOH.

In the age of the internet, one is not misled but one chooses to be misled.

1 year ago

hey man. Don’t be so harsh. the masses are sheep meant to be led physically and spiritually. They are retards, as you say.
The sage sadhi guru once said: “democracy is rule by the people[…] But the people are retarded”
Beating on these people for being dependants is like beating your dog for not being able to do math, or a baby for shitting itself.

1 year ago
Reply to  bob

The dog and the baby are not endowed with the intellect to be held responsible. Human adults are, no matter how stupid they choose to claim to be, in the hope to escape their responsabilities.

Kristine Glapa
Kristine Glapa
1 year ago

when did people start blaming the less informed or people that are easily misled by others seems nasty blame instead those who are supposed to protect people they are the dispicable ones

Ruth F
Ruth F
1 year ago

Not every adult is truly capable of researching and seeing things for themselves in time.

But doctors – DOCTORS, which means the “LEARNED” are supposed to know and protect their patients. They are FAR more culpable than members of the public who have little to no knowledge of medical matters.

Avoid these people
Avoid these people
1 year ago
Reply to  Jeff Dorsey

Just saw a nurse on yahoo attacking the unjabbed calling Dr. Fauci her “personal hero”. She said she’s been an RN for 20 years. That is truly frightening.

1 year ago

I’m a retired nurse and knew from the jump that this whole thing was crazy! Graduated in 1978. Critical thinking is certainly absent in our medical profession all the way around!

Kristine Glapa
Kristine Glapa
1 year ago
Reply to  Cynthia

It’s disgusting how the wealthy rule all

1 year ago
Reply to  Dennis

These people are not going to “wake up.” Nobody will convince them of anything. They will make any excuse possible not to have to blame themselves or their doctors. They wanted a vaxx and they got one, good and hard.

And believe it or not, this will all be forgotten soon.

On to the next psyop! And then war!

1 year ago
Reply to  CSJ

Vaxxed failures will not admit that they were fooled and have been Had…when they are in pain and in their final death throes…they will insist that big daddy government punish the unjabbed , regardless of their refusal to take a proven dangerous and experimental clot shot…misery loves company…most of them are despicable low IQ Cult worshipping lemmings that got what they bargained for…you can’t reason with psychopaths like Gates and Fraudci and you can’t reason with vaxxed Kool aide drinkers either…the damage has been done…they are terminally stupid and need to go asap before they poison more innocent kids like Anna and Caitlin here…they are useless pieces of shit.

1 year ago

I ran into a friend a week ago at the grocery store. I asked them how they were doing and how were their grands. The great grandmother said Colt is having seizures and autism. I asked them if he was vaxxinated? They said yes. I told them the vaxxines he was given caused these issues. She said autism is hereditary. I told her it isn’t. She told me he has been having seizures since he was born. I said they give a vaxxine right after a child is born that was only tested for five days. I gave her more information but she really didn’t seem to want to hear it. She told me she researched vaxxines extensively and I asked her who she look at. She said the doctors. I told her of course they aren’t going to tell her vaxxines cause problems because they make money from the injuries caused by vaxxines. I’m not sure it went well at all, but I did tell her and now it’s up to her to decide to look into it for herself.

My daughters were jab injured and I didn’t know it. I didn’t know anything about adverse reactions to vaxxines and my daughters Dr never told me these pharmaceuticals could harm my daughters. For some unknow reason I didn’t continue vaxxing them after the oldest was homeschooled in first grade, but I did. They haven’t been jabbed since but the regret I feel because they both have issues that won’t go away like headaches and digestive problems.

I pray that any silver lining that could possible come of this nightmare is the death of the vaxxine industry. Many more people are waking up and not trusting the drug companies on the other vaxxines so there is hope.

1 year ago
Reply to  Zoe

“I pray that any silver lining that could possible come of this nightmare is the death of the vaxxine industry.”

The whole system has to die and start anew – not only just the vaxx industry – including your favorite TV shows.

If you cut just the snake’s tail, it will grow another tail or even 2.. You have to cut the snake’s head.

DISCLAIMER : No disrespect to the snake species, for they only act the way their Maker made them to act.

1 year ago

I pray Anna is with her creator–GOD, not that empty vessel of a woman.

Sadly, from what I can gather, this woman will NEVER speak-up against the shot, her education, her ego or her employer. Clearly, she is too busy worrying about her obese body–no shame–to think about what she did to this precious angel. I hope she at least has the sense to repent.

This is a culling of character.

God taught us in Exodus to endure and stay the course—never give in to the insanity/propaganda, never get too comfortable, never think we are above HIS laws. We must trust HIS way, not the way of any man. I sometimes struggle with this, having my children retract from “normal” life, but it is a necessity in these dark times. Protect your children/loved ones, spread the word if someone is willing to listen and walk the path of faith, not fear.

May God forgive, protect and bless us all.

1 year ago

I totally agree that this seems like a spiritual culling. It is odd that some of my closest, smartest, and most wealthy relatives succumb to endless boosters, their health fades, but they will NOT listen to any reason. The common denominator, which in some cases is quite dramatic, is that they have left their Faith & its teachings. In several cases, they’re just NOT that nice & definitely not living in The Word. I still try to steer them to safe harbors!!- But, after my best efforts, now I’m just deferring to powers on High!-

1 year ago

Prayers for this familly, which was caught up in “Covid mania.” There is virtually zero benefit to having kids take the jab, they get over covid really easily, and deaths from covid in their age group are extremely low. I’m not going to take a punch at this family when they are hurting, but i will add these thoughts:
I also live in Ohio, am an RN of almost 35 years practice. I refused the jab even though my hospital “Mandated” it. Fully a third of my peers said they would also. The hospital backed down and we were allowed exemptions. In 35 years of practice I have never had a hard time securing work and a job. I have never had to secure a new life.

1 year ago
Reply to  Doug

“There is virtually zero benefit to having kids take the jab, they get over covid really easily, and deaths from covid in their age group are extremely low.”

You are still marinating in devilish propaganda while thinking that you are not. Being vaxxed or not is irrelevant.

Brian Tseng
Brian Tseng
1 year ago
Reply to  Doug

The jabs are BIO-WEAPONS… there is NO benefit in euthanizing people with POISON…

1 year ago
Reply to  Doug

there is a zero benefit for any injection against Covid simply because Covid is a hoax. It does not exist.

1 year ago

I am glad that we did not have to see any before “BEFORE” pictures ie, 40 lbs earlier. I mean, even the after is bad enough.
Yeah, I totally want to get medical direction from this person.
You did not get to pick your parents Caitlyn – I am sorry you lost that lottery. 🙁

1 year ago
Reply to  Indomitable

Not sure how she had money for her surgery, but not for her daughter’s funeral ???

1 year ago
Reply to  xxxxxx

because she’s more important than the dead daughter.
This fits right in with this type.
Responsible for NOTHING.
Everyone must take care of me for me.
I need this, gofundme, let THEM pay for it.

1 year ago
Reply to  xxxxxx

Oh silly, we the taxpayer foot the bill for these surgeries! Or we pay through exorbitant insurance costs because people like this refuse to put the fork down and demand that others fix their problems with expensive medical interventions that only create more problems (which we again end up paying for).

You couldn’t possibly expect this vision of loveliness and self control to do it on her own, now could you?! She might have to be uncomfortable and not eat junk food constantly!

Just like jabbing her kids and herself with that poison. She was probably terrified of covid because she was fat and unhealthy. The health of her children didn’t enter into her mind, I bet she thought they’d give her covid and she would die, so they had to be jabbed to protect HER. It’s not like she could’ve began exercising and eating properly at any point before, or during the “pandemic”! Much easier to poison your children so you can virtue signal online about how wonderful you are!

RIP poor innocent child. I worry for the twin sister.

1 year ago
Reply to  Sun

Flesh n blood did not reveal this 2u.

Her fear of perhaps her kids giving her Covid most likely drove her to jab them instead of asking and doing what’s best for them.

Did the God appointed head /man of the house do any research or put his foot down or he just caved in to the “medical professional” in the family?

How sad.

I feel you’re so SPOT ON…

RIP…Sweet Anna.

1 year ago
Reply to  Stepping22

The head cuck of the family 👪 Darrell Weaver, who has been silent on his Facebook page, did not intervene as the poor child, who instinctively and subconsciously knew something was wrongful, and was fighting for her life on the first Jab…what a Heartbreaker…between the virtue signalling aggressively ignorant mother and useless father who had a duty to figure these things out as a last line of defense…this poor girl didn’t have chance…we live in a wicked devil world…

1 year ago
Reply to  Carr

“The head cuck of the family Darrell Weaver, who has been silent on his Facebook page, did not intervene as the poor child,”

I’ve known more than a few guys over the decades with fat, entitled, often violent, know-it-all wives.

Wives, where merely disagreeing with ‘Karen’ could rain-down Hell upon himself and his children.

That would be hell up to and including the wrongful involvement with law enforcement & and the stacked family court system.

We don’t know what his story is, but we do know that she is a fat virtue-signaling pig that was more concerned with her lipo-surgery than with her dying daughter, a daughter that she sentenced to death.

Christel Picciano
Christel Picciano
1 year ago
Reply to  xxxxxx

Good point

1 year ago
Reply to  Indomitable

Amen to that. I applaud anyone trying to lose weight but how about a before and after picture in a dress? 40 pounds would be impactful and we wouldn’t have been visually assaulted. 😝

Frank DiGorgio
Frank DiGorgio
1 year ago

Seems like the mother was more interested in losing weight than protecting her kids from these vaxecutions.

Just imagine the upcoming anger from the families that lost loved ones towards all the medical staff, pharmacists, big pharma employees, media etc. etc. etc. who promoted, mandated and received compensation for these suicide jabs.

1 year ago

These children screamed and cried for 60 to 90 minutes?? That’s because children naturally/biologically know humans are not supposed to be injected with things. Being injected with something is an act of war. I remember having malaria as a child, and my nanny literally dragged me to the hospital to be injected with medications. When I arrived, it was a whole different story trying to keep me down. smh. After the first two times, my mother had no choice but to have me stay at home and just recover naturally because she knew It was going to be a war zone taking me to the hospital. When they took me to school indoctrination prison camps as a child, I had the EXACT same reaction. Many children have high BS detectors.

1 year ago
Reply to  Brayo

I agree with you 100%. I just can’t accept as coincidence that the twin that resisted is the one that was killed by the poison, she knew and reacted accordingly. She wasn’t throwing a ‘tantrum’, she was fighting for her life. Rest in Peace Anna, my thoughts are with the remaining twin.

1 year ago
Reply to  Brayo

The Creator gave this poor child an instinctive, subconscious primal line of defense against the Needle…the Holy Scriptures are very clear about puncturing the skin in any manner weather it be a tattoo, ear piercing or medical needle…The clotshot poison does not work thru ingestion, that is why the war criminals insist on the Needle directly into the bloodstream…just like the Serpent punctures the skin of its victim prey to deliver the poison venom into the bloodstream, in this case the Luciferase poison with the devils unique mark…the medical establishment has failed and so have all the churches and Pastors by not citing the Scriptures…the Bible is very clear on this matter as we all here are fully aware…Millstone around the neck, and caste into the sea for all those that offend the little ones…

1 year ago
Reply to  Brayo

That got me to, that she cried for one hour and a half. I was also like this as a child, a few adults were needed to keep me in order to have an injection when with flu. I only had a couple times then they gave me pills when ”needed”. And I only had two vaccines. Not two jabs with multiple ”viruses” but just two each with its own poison, but at that time in my country these were not that bad as they made then in the last decade. No flu jab nothing, I am never sick

1 year ago
Reply to  Brayo

And it was their 5th birthday when she took them to get the shots. I guess the very day they were old enough.

Nietzsche Says
Nietzsche Says
1 year ago

Denial is a bitter pill to swallow

Marie Joy
Marie Joy
1 year ago

Willingly walking into Genocide

1 year ago

Akron Children Hospital, Boardman, Oh., according to their website, is the center for child gender affirming medicine. Wow. No big surprise this woman would work there. RIP Anastasia.

1 year ago

Silence is complicity. Absolutely 💯! Especially when it comes to the children. If my child died I would be so devastated that I would not have time to post in social media. What is wrong with these people!? And there would be anger and a demand for answers. Even towards myself if I was a fault. Your #1 job as a parent is to protect your children. God embrace that dear child who still lives. 🙏❤ RIP little Anna. 🙏

1 year ago
Reply to  Annie

That very same thing occurred to me. My wife and I have two daughters and one son, all under ten years of age. If any one of them perished, whatever the cause, I would not have capacity to do much more than lift myself to stand, much-less to type a post on social media. The word you used – “devastated” – is it.

Last edited 1 year ago by JubalE
1 year ago
Reply to  Annie

I would be probably heavily medicated or in restraints because I would likely be carving up my face or ripping out my hair, I would be trying to inflict as much pain externally on myself as a punishment for what I had done, and to let some of the immeasurable grief out. I can absolutely guarantee I would NOT be on social media posting about my child’s death as casually as discussing the weather. What is wrong with these people?!

1 year ago
Reply to  Sun

Not every meat-puppet has a Soul.

1 year ago
Reply to  Sun

I hear you.. i find that rather odd… Something seems very emotionally wrong with this mother

Susan Jones
Susan Jones
1 year ago
Reply to  Annie

Because for so many people 40 years old and younger, they have been indoctrinated to post EVERYTHING to social media no matter what else is going on in their lives. That is also why we have a narcissist epidemic in our world. All most care about is……me, myself and I.

1 year ago

Don’t take the death 💉💀☠️ that’s a EXPERIMENTAL & not FDA APPROVED .

1 year ago

It really never cease to be amazed by the utter, crass and boundless stupidity of these people, these “true believers” who will kill their own children and even then will not wake up to the murderous fraud that has been planned and imposed on us.
Just when I thought I’d read about every meaningless death this fakedemic has to offer, along comes this poor little angel, murdered by her own mother, a self-obsessed brain dead sack of fat, incapable of thought or repentance.
I truly hope there is a heaven and a hell.

Jack Sparrow
Jack Sparrow
1 year ago

This one just breaks my heart. I am struggling to understand it. This poor little girl.

1 year ago

We must survive to save our country and children.

1 year ago

There is something very wrong with this self-centered virtue-signaling narcissist. In one post, she goes from talking about her child in the hospital to her own vanity about losing weight. Sick disgusting woman!

1 year ago
Reply to  Angel

Exactly. Either an empty soul or a perpetual toddler.. “Ooops, my barbie doll broke … look at me, Me, Meee!!”

Atom man
Atom man
1 year ago

Thank you for your supportive comments with regard to the innocent among us. This was a very sad story – too much trust given to people in white coats who “bury their mistakes”.

1 year ago

Never believe anything any gubermint ever says. Psychopaths are leading the planet to a fiery end. The covaid$ death squirt caper apparently was not enough for the demons and their Satan requires more, many more corpses. Make your peace with the Lord because the Gates of Hell are opening wide.

1 year ago

I have noticed a LOT of vaxed people losing a lot of weight lately. Fat for years and years, then they all turned into Jenny Craig in 2021. Strange.

1 year ago
Reply to  Brad

Could very well be early stages of AIDS.
If you look up the Nuremberg 2.0… at least, the purpose of these ‘unofficial’ hearings was to have experts gather evidence and testimony for the purposes of making a genuine Nuremburg 2.0 as simple as possible… one of the men who was scheduled to testify, died mysteriously just before he was able to say his piece. It was known though, that he intended to testify about AIDS developing in the multi-boosted community.

1 year ago

I will never forget the images of Joe Biden and his awful wife masked up, pushing these poison injections on toddlers at day care centers last summer. This people are truly horrific and evil to their core. The Bidens have no shame or redeeming qualities at all. Pure greed for money and power drive them. The children who took this are going to die, be infertile, have life long serious health issues or all three.

Personal Responsibility
Personal Responsibility
1 year ago
Reply to  Ed_J

How about DJT calling himself “The Father of the Vaccine?”. At the highest levels these guys are all part of the same team. All members of secret societies. All working for NWO Agenda and outcomes. No one is coming to save us but I’m sure the masses will be deceived again when we have the appearance of a “savior.”

1 year ago

Bill Gates said on his own news media TV channel, MicroSoft NBC, that his experimental covid cure was a GMO injection… going straight into children’s arms..
For the people who took the GMO injection, their sin was believing TV news and medical doctors, well known liars, that it was safe and effective.
Who will ever trust news media, or doctors ever again? Low IQ people?

The media had us looking for weapons of mass destruction for years while taxpayers wasted their money paying for government to play with toy soldiers on other side of planet, defending no one in America.
And doctors have been the No.1 cause of death in USA for decades.
Emergency medicine is for emergencies, only. They know nothing about health or care.

1 year ago
Reply to  Jordan

They’ve found a way to cull us all at once instead of just targeting a specific group at a time. The weak-willed make it easier for them as they will always be for “the next big thing” fed to them by the MSM and mainstream social media on-line which is now culminating in the most massive global suicide in recorded history.

America’s endless wars of aggression have been brought back home. The “Good Old Days” where mostly others elsewhere were being killed by believing their lies has reached its fitting end.

1 year ago
Reply to  freefall

Nah, you got it wrong. A “pure” psychopath can’t run a regime without a bunch of compensated psychopaths beneath them. Most of these vaxxed zealots are the latter.

1 year ago

It is interesting that the identical twin sister did not have any reaction to the shots. I assume they got the same batch #. Maybe the hour and a half of screaming and crying caused the second child Caitlin to get a different batch #.

1 year ago

What a disgusting fat blob this woman is. Sorry, I’m not a “good” Christian and I know my comment will probably not be posted, but that’s how I feel about thus murderous wretch.

Michael P Hammer
Michael P Hammer
1 year ago

The genocide jab

1 year ago

I hope the remaining daughter can find a way to. survive, but having that clueless, fat hog for a mother doesn’t bode well for her.

Vera Mercado
Vera Mercado
1 year ago

Fear is a powerful motivator to ignore common sense in this day and age.

1 year ago
Reply to  Vera Mercado

Yes it is. When combined with naivety, stupidity and laziness it becomes deadly.

Sudden and Unexpected
Sudden and Unexpected
1 year ago

Not only is this Mom an idiot who killed her child, but I can’t comprehend how anyone allows their body to get into that kind of shape. It’s absolutely hideous. I love junk food, but as soon as my jeans start getting tight and I can see some weight gain I cut back the calories and increase the exercise. Once you let it get to a certain point even losing weight won’t help much. The skin is too far stretched and distorted, and it requires surgery to look semi normal

Kelly Mask
Kelly Mask
1 year ago

Same here. There comes a point where I won’t allow myself to get bigger, and if jeans are getting tight, I know the party is over and it’s back to the healthier routine. She obviously is “stuffing her feelings”, and probably enjoyed the sense of power and being at the “front lines” working in a hospital during a pandemic. (Too big to do one of those cringeworthy, ridiculous dances the nurses do). Maybe marching her daughters to get the jab bolstered that insecurity that made her turn to food for comfort in the first place. Made her feel like a proud, virtue signaling know it all. In her quiet moments, she’s got to know she was the one who led her daughter to the slaughter. Will probably return to eating to salve the pain.

Personal Responsibility
Personal Responsibility
1 year ago
Reply to  Kelly Mask

You can tell she is mentally ill just by the fact that she is willing to publicly post a picture of herself in full on whale mode.

1 year ago

My kids will never have another injection as long as I can make that decision. I am so sorry I bought into that shit when they were young. I now understand why my youngest had 3 ear infections before he was 6 months old and my oldest had hospitalization due to pneumonia. I’m now reasonably sure it was triggered by their “vaccinations” as infants. At least my eyes were opened starting with Gardasil and then Covid.

Kelly Mask
Kelly Mask
1 year ago
Reply to  Wollio

The Gardasil campaign was when my eyes were opened, too.

1 year ago
Reply to  Wollio

Better late than never.

Personal Responsibility
Personal Responsibility
1 year ago
Reply to  Wollio

Same. If I had it to do over again, I would have made a different decision for my son and skipped all childhood vaccines. So thankful I woke up prior to this death shot.

Christel Picciano
Christel Picciano
1 year ago

The medical field is full of ignorance. I don’t get it, physicians have to take basic epidemiology yet aren’t using it. Hospital staff don’t want to wash their hands. When visiting someone in the hospital forget flowers bring Chlorox wipes.
On Instagram there is a physician who goes on about her 4 children getting the vaxx now they are sick.

Stumbling Duck
Stumbling Duck
1 year ago

Considering how willingly stupid the population has become, I do not think it’s unfair to hold her accountable for the choice she made that ended her child’s life. It doesn’t matter if she ‘believed’ it was safe, she didn’t ‘know’ it was and she took a chance with another life.

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