October 24, 2021
CLEVELAND — We know that “vaccines” are the leading cause of coincidences. But the injections are also related to a lot of karma in 2021.
We wrote a story in July about Ohio judges mandating mRNA and viral vector DNA injections as a condition of probation at sentencing for criminal defendants. Franklin County (Columbus) judge David Matia sentenced at least three people to injections at the time of publishing. Said county issued a vaccine mandate that went into effect last week. All 1,400 Franklin County employees were required to show proof of Pfizer, Moderna or Johnson & Johnson injection last week, or be fired.
But the instant story is in Cuyahoga County (Cleveland). Two judges – Peter Corrigan and David Matia – were featured in our July story for sentencing people to mRNA and viral vector DNA injections. Cuyahoga County also has a vaccine mandate that required all employees to receive the injections by October 15. And whether it’s karma or coincidence, the story picks up from there.
Nancy McDonnell – Cuyahoga County Common Pleas Judge died September 28
McDonnell has been on the Common Pleas Court in come capacity since 1997. called her a “trailblazer” because she was the first female presiding and administrative judge on the court from 2006 to 2009. She died on Tuesday, September 28, at age 62.
Local media appear to be pinning the death on McDonnell’s 2009 double lung transplant. This premise does have some merit. National Health Services (NHS) in the U.K. estimates that about half of lung transplant recipients live up to five years after the procedure. “Many” live at least 10 years, with a few reports of recipients living for 20-plus years, according to NHS.
McDonnell was in year 12 post-transplant. Yet she likely chose to receive experimental mRNA or viral vector DNA injections to keep her job. It’s unclear if a doctor actually recommended the injections knowing her health history. McDonnell was a state employee for well over 30 years and likely had some sort of pension. Further, she also could have retired and received Social Security benefits. But again, her death and the vaxx mandate could just be a coincidence.
Joseph Russo – Cuyahoga County Common Pleas Judge died October 2
Joseph Russo had been a Cuyahoga County judge since 2001. Note, Ohio judges are nominated by political parties, but said party does not appear on the ballot when people vote for them. He made a run at the state Supreme Court in 2008, but lost the election. Russo died on Saturday, October 2 at age 59.
Two mainstream media outlets reported that Russo “died unexpectedly.” As we’ve seen throughout 2021, “died unexpectedly” and “short illness” are two common mainstream media terms when vaxxed people die. Russo is survived by his wife of 28 years and two children.
Larry Jones – 8th District Court of Appeals died October 7
Larry Jones worked as a Cleveland-area judge in some capacity for 34 years. He was a Cuyahoga County prosecutor for three years (1978 to 1981) before being elected to Cleveland City Council. Jones was a judge in the Cleveland Municipal Court from 1988 to 2009 before his elevation to the appellate court.
Once again, two mainstream media outlets reported that Jones “died unexpectedly” in Tampa, Florida on Thursday, October 7. He was 68 years old. Jones is survived by his wife, two children and one grandchild.
Power grab?
It’d be remiss and even negligent from a journalistic perspective not to point out the fact that all three of the deceased judges were Democrats. The Ohio Supreme Court appoints interim judges to handle the deceased judges’ dockets. But Ohio Republican Governor Mike DeWine will eventually appoint permanent replacements for all of them. All said replacements will no doubt be Republicans. However, DeWine is also the pioneer of vaxx lotteries. He was the first to offer vaxxed people a chance to win $1 million if they get their shots. Several states followed suit thereafter.
Never wish death upon people. That leads to negative karma. But what also leads to bad karma is a state court sentencing people to de-facto death and maiming by forcing mRNA and viral vector DNA injections. Coincidences are one thing. But this story, again, is a glaring example of both coincidence and karma. Perhaps Ohio judges will re-think their sentencing guidelines after witnessing these deaths.
We tried contacting Mr. Cameron Stringer, who was sentenced to the vaxx by a Franklin County, Ohio judge. He has not responded as of publishing. But we’ll update if we hear from him. Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.
Contact COVID Legal USA today if you are fighting against mandatory vaccines for employment. We also assist people with pro se representation related to other COVID mandates and restrictions. Follow us on Telegram and Twitter.
well said: “vaccines” are the leading cause of coincidences.”
It’s always been the very motto of this blog.
There is no age group that escapes the clot shot curse. For the young, old, or in-between, the jabs must be justifiably avoided.
And the Clot Shot does not discriminate between MAGA Kool-Aide Drinkers and Libtards…it is an equal opportunity death serum for all of those dumb enough to fall for the deception…
Yeah, judges everywhere, listen up: No schadenfreude here, but karma is a witch. Be very careful what you do, making other families suffer as a result of your insane judgments against the unvaxxed. There is a greater Judge who will give you a dose of the medicine you have given to others.
I was just about to comment something similar. This is karma for government officials pushing these Covid shots, and condemning the unvaxxed.
I can’t help but think this is just and fitting. They made wonderful examples of themselves.
I just hope they knew as they died. Is that mean? Forcing these jabs on us for money is a crime against humanity and they have been punished.
Their real punishment begins after God judges them!!
Well said Ron—pediatricians who are blindly “excited” about injecting now five year olds, will receive their karma. Granted, all doctors, nurses, employers, schools, etc.. who enforce or force anyone to get this death shot WILL suffer cosmic justice. Be well, stay strong.
It’s highly likely they’ll all be dead when the next thing from China is released. And there’s too high a chance that at some point there’ll be blue-helmeted communist Chinese soldiers on the streets of America.
They Jim Jones’d themselves with the Fauci Kool-Aid
I thought they’d exempted Judges. Is it exemption above a certain station?
Hi Paul.
Check out the links in the article. The judges voted for the mandate, and implemented it for themselves and all other county employees.
Implemented it for themselves? Any sympathy I had is gone.
They were Dems. Incapable of doing anything but following the horde of other spiritually unwell psychopaths. Reps aren’t a whole lot better, but there are at least some out there who are critical thinkers willing to buck the satanic system. I saw Hildabeast opened her evil mouth to spout off about how Boris Johnson should mandate the vax. If anyone with a brain is paying attention they should do the exact opposite of what that evil bitch tells you to do.
I can see her mandating brutally as Biden, but I find it harder to imagine Bill Clinton or Obama doing it. They have been quiet about it but I don’t know what they would do. They are smart and more into science than ideology I think. Bernie doesn’t have to bow the Ds, he said it’s “not his job to tell people to get the vaccine.” Marianne Williamson was against mandates and so is Dr. Osterholm, the only decent Biden guy. So I would not say ALL D’s are on this bandwagon but none are standing up to it, nor is Trump.
Trump does what his puppet master say.
Would you have preferred if they had mandated it for everybody else and exempted themselves?
No, but I wouldn’t have been surprised if they did do that. That they didn’t exempt themselves is kind of laudable, but the shots don’t care about good intentions.
Only the federal judiciary is exempt
We’re living in split and dual realities; one which believes the official narrative and follows through the program, the other is aware of the devious mechanics and the sinister end. Judges—being the pillars of society—naturally go along, and so they fall.
There are Judges most of them Freemasons if not all of them, that own Stock in the Privatized Prison Industrial Complex who hand out longer sentences, so prisoners can work for less than twenty cents an hour making furniture and other products for the Government, undercutting wages in the Private Sector…Do any of them care? I doubt it…what they are more concerned about is their Stock Dividends…now it is so Ironic that some of them will give a Thumbs Up to Big Daddy Governments 666 Medicine before boarding the Lucifer Express, using their vaccine cards as their boarding passes for their One Way Ticket to Valhalla…now that’s what I call ” Justice “…they Reap what they Sow…out of their own ” Free Will “…It would be nice if some of the prisoners could see this article and comments…
Yes they are disposing of their own. So much for “we will look out for you!”
Goldman Sachs NYC alumni here. GS is diabolical and global. I would never return for any $$$$. Vanguard owns all. PULL YOUR $$$$$ OUT NOW. 401k savings IRA Stock market EVERYTHING.
Oh you are soooo right, Mr. Wilkins! We should never wish death upon people. However, there is another saying (Russian I think): “It isn’t true until it happens to you. ” Sadly, maybe the only way many of these “High and MIghtys” are going to wake up and realize that they have been grossly deceived by the medical cartel is when they suddenly see a fellow judge who just took the jab die days to weeks later. Or when they lose a healthy husband , wife, sister, brother, son, daughter, fellow worker, neighbor, etc. to the Jab, or see such permanently maimed by it.
Karma’s a Bitch and they died on the Wrong side of God so no reincarnation … when you’re in a High Position like Judge _ and you’re mandating a DEADLY Clot shot … how protected do you think you are?
I never wish death on anyone; instead, I wish salvation on them. I want them to come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. He will be their Judge in the next life, but I want them to make Him their Savior first in this one.
How many did they kill w/the clot shot? They deserved their fate. And it is too late for Jesus to help them. The expiration limit has been reached.
God murdered pharaoh and his men. David picked up a rock to kill Goliath.
And this is just the start. WHO Pandemic Preparedness project i.e. jab the whole planet is planned 2020-2025, nicely coinciding with the Deagle population predictions. And if they don’t hit target there’s the SPARS 2025-2028 simulation. Look them up.
Remember God is in control from start to finish. I think that’s why the globalists are forced to reveal their plans, it may be part of the divine decree, like how Satan was permitted to strike Job but could not take his life. I personally think we may be at Revelation 6:4-9 (red, black & pale horses – war, inflation plague, death of 1/4) But simultaneously God will be allowing martyrdom of His people for His name – Rev 6:10-12.
I agree with you. Revelation 12:7-12 is also in fulfilment. The spiritual warfare mentioned there was conducted up until the Feast of Tabernacles 2017 when the wicked spiritual powers were removed from their positions of authority and came down to the Earth to assist their servants in this realm to resist their own removal.
They will fail as ordained but their resistance is giving rise to the present tribulation worldwide. The present Jab or what may yet follow, the Quantum Dot delivery system from Bill Gates, is I believe the Mark of the Beast, the brand of the world system, known in scripture as Mammon. Each of us must now decide whom we shall serve, God or Mammon..
I believe it will get worse before the Lord Jesus Christ returns in power and glory to bring this Age to an end. The Word to us is: Look UP for our Redemption draws nigh.
Yawn … Religious fanatics have been predicting the second coming or whatever, whenever something happens that they don’t understand. This is an attack on people by other people. Only by standing together will we defeat this thing. Relying on superstitions is doomed to failure.
Yes, of course it is an attack on people by other people. However what motivates such an attack? It is a belief system, an ideology, in other words a religion. This is what draws people together and compels them to collective action, for Good as well as Evil.
All human behaviour is the consequence of such beliefs. Even atheism is a belief. Likewise fanaticism is any belief taken to an extreme. Communism and Nazism, the former an atheist ideology and the latter an occult ideology were both practiced with horrifying results.
The driving force behind these secular ideologies was the desire for absolute power over people, the natural manifestation of the Fall of Man that only the Christian faith explicates and provides an antidote for. This desire has gripped the minds of men from the beginning of Time and has been evident throughout history, sadly even in Christian institutions, which ostensibly follow a faith based on love and service of others.
Nevertheless among all the religions of the world only Christianity has accomplished, to some degree, the radical change in fundamental human nature exemplified by their Founder, the Lord Jesus Christ. The principle of His self sacrifice has been exhibited by hundreds of millions of Christians all over the world over the past two millennia and tens of millions have given their lives for their faith. That this has been an imperfect work is due to the fact that only a limited power of the Holy Spirit has been given during the past Age of Pentecost that began at Pentecost in 33 A.D.
We are now transitioning into the next Age of Tabernacles during which the fullness of the Holy Spirit will be poured out on all humanity, when the Lord Jesus Christ will rule on the Earth in Person in the Kingdom of God. Look UP for our Redemption draws nigh.
Standing together is clearly not possible and (one world) unity should give everyone the creeps. Our individual relationship with Christ is the only way. Individual right to the pursuit of happiness and btw that is my go to legal defense. Blessings sister, may Our Lord call you into his arms according to his will
I would agree that religion is a personal thing anyway and human decency and sense of Right and Wrong existed long before we learned to read and write, never mind a religious book that was written to solidify the Roman Vatican’s power over the populations of Europe.
The Founding Fathers of the US were themselves Deists and Freemasons.
I am Pagan and I sensed from the start the evil vibes behind this program the moment it was rolled out.
What do you mean by “Pagan”? Belief in no god or belief in Nature? Do you practice your faith or eschew any religious practices?
Important and well-worded question if one genuinely understands whats going on. I would be interested to hear @Specops answer…
2 Peter 3:4-6
King James Version
4 And saying, Where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation.
5 For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water:
6 Whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished:
Much? guest?
I don’t want to criticize anyone’s beliefs but I too am getting over run on people saying we are nearing the end and Jesus is coming. I am old enough to have heard it a few times. The only thing is the Bible doesn’t speak in peoples modern sense of time. It could be 10, 100 or 1000 years from now. In the meantime I think Jesus would want people to keep the faith and keep on fighting in my humble opinion.
The two beliefs of looking for His return and living out one’s faith are not mutually exclusive. Indeed the imminence of the Lord’s return has often been the motivator for Christian action in every generation for two millennia. There have also been those who have derided such a faith in every generation. As a consequence they did not keep their lamps filled with oil and were found wanting when their Lord called them into His Presence.
Self evidently the fulfilment of that belief is closer today that it was two thousand years ago. Having taken part in global spiritual warfare for the past 16 years I am even more certain that His second Appearing and the First Resurrection will be in my lifetime or soon after I have died. (I am now 80 years old.).
Based on the witness of Jesus and the apostle Paul it will take place on the Feast of Trumpets of some year and all the events of His return will be marked by the days of the Autumn Feasts, just as the events of His first Appearing were marked by the days of the Spring Feasts such as Passover, the Wave Sheaf offering and Pentecost.
A LOT MORE worse!
Nothing scares me more but the idea to sell my soul to the devil. I’d rather die (but will take a few of them with me as I won’t go down without a fight back!).
I understand and share your anger Pete but I won’t let that compel me into physical resistance, even if I were able. I will do whatever I can verbally and legally to prevent them Jabbing me, all through the entire sequence of law courts if it comes down to the wire, but I doubt it will. I am already 80 and do not expect them to come to my door any time soon.
I have already received a phone call inviting me to take the Jab and have declined. Now I am awaiting the legal notice telling me what I have to pay in fines. After I have refused to pay at every sequential demand they will have to arrest me if they wish to pursue further action. Each step takes time and there isn’t much of that left.
Sorry, the tribulation doesn’t start until the peace agreement is confirmed by Israel and the Anti-Christ. That hasn’t happened yet so we’re not in revelation six yet.
Heart-warming news that these judges got a taste of their own medicine. Now it’s DeWine’s turn.
wishing no harm for harm’s sake – but everyone who supports mandates and goes along…. their very existence constitutes a threat of genocide to the entire race. The only hope for the human race may be nature’s removal of the these people from the gene pool. That is just the hard truth, imo.
i absolutely agree with you. there is nothing wrong with wishing death on people like this. in fact, it should be done with intent by as many people as possible daily. focused negative energy directed at evil people can be effective.
I am so pissed off at media & “actors” who repeat the lies, it’s hard to stay informed without affecting my own ailing health.
Thanks so much to the owner of this site for helping those of us who want to at least try to warn our clueless or willfully blind friends with evidence if the crime the enemy pays thousands of dollars daily to keep from the eyes of an at-risk public!
the human species has split into two sub-species, the original Homo-Sapien, and the transhumanist Jocko-Homo. I suspect that the two cannot survive side-by-side, and the more militant amog the Jocko-Homo are already making NO effort to hide their intentions toward us. The extinction of Jocko-Homo is almost inevitable, as the vast majority are sterile, but thats not to say they can’t take us with them, either though institutionalized eugenic programs, shed spike proteins, grass-roots level mass violence, or some combination of these. Remember what happened to the Neanderthal. It IS us or them, don’t fool yourselves.
Brian, you are rightly conservative and cautious in being hesitant to attribute these deaths to the stab, particularly in the case of the double-lung transplant judge. However, what I am noticing in my small set of friends, and friends of friends, is that cancers, heart attacks, strokes, and mental confusion happen to arise seemingly out of nowhere in people who got the vax. Leading me to speculate that it is not always the vax that actually creates the problem, but rather that the vax suppresses the natural immune system such that underlying and hitherto unknown medical conditions are no longer kept in check and are now allowed to “explode”. Just my observations and how I try to explain them .
You are correct according to some doctors who say that after two injections the natural immune system is 50% destroyed, and then continues to deteriorate at about a rate of 5% per week until it no longer functions. Then you either pay for boosters every few months or takes your chances dying from the most innocuous of illnesses- small cuts, common cold etc.
The fact that these three judges died unexpectedly in nine day span after vaxx madates in Cuyahoga county tells me that these judges were not powerful enough. The powerful government officials, and celebrities are either getting the placebo shots or fake shots not the actual kill shots that are bound to kill them, and cause side affects. There are different Covid rules, and Covid shots for everybody. Big pharma knows how many shots are contaminated or not. Vaccines are slow kill, so they don’t want to kill everybody too fast. They got to keep a certain amount of people alive that will keep consuming their vaccines, and believing all vaccines are good, so they can keep making money no matter what.
Or else shedding of spike proteins is real and the fools who think they’re immune because they got saline are about to get a huge shock.
Hospitals in USA and in first world countries are refusing life-saving Ivermectin treatment even with court orders. Big Pharma doing everything they can to jab us no matter what, while alternative COVID cures EXIST! There happens to be heavy censorship who are looking for these treatments. The Research Is Clear: Ivermectin Is a Safe, Effective Treatment for COVID.
and if taken prophylactically, may well protect against shed spike proteins as well.
Those who mandate vaccines are in violation of the Nuremberg code which is the international law today.. Such people will answer to a Nuremberg court sooner than they think. The penalty being found guilty is severe.
I am thinking you have not dealt with a lawyer or a court or the FBI or the DOJ lately, have you?
There is no true justice anywhere on this Earth right now, and my hunch is there won’t be until Jesus delivers it. THAT TIME is sooner (hopefully) than people think.
There is only one form of justice and that is Jesus who sits at the right hand of God in absolute power and authority. Of course the mason mega church apostates have made all of this a joke and a disgrace but the justice coming is real. We need to resist the mark of this world via medical procedure and invest our hearts and minds in Jesus the author and finisher. These men and ladies like all of us will stand before God. Will I be a sheep or a goat? Many will come to God and say Lord Lord did I not create you a mega church, write hundreds of bestselling books and have millions of followers on facebook for you? See the incredible suits I wear? But Jesus or Yeshua will say, “depart from me I never knew you!”
Will this comment get approved? I doubt it. But be warned, Fema camps are being set up for those who resist and they could be murdered. Turn to Jesus now without reservation. There is no other God. None.
I bet ole Larry was shitting his pants after he saw the first 2 go down. lolol
Ohio’s Dewine is a dick with ears.
Are these deaths the case of karma or coincidence? Karma, yes. There are no coincidences — ever. God has been good to these three judges and decided that the “Rules for thee but not for me” excuse would be replaced with “Rules for thee and also for me.” I have a feeling that their perspective has since changed in their new abode.
Blissful am I. Full circle. Premeditated murder always has unexpected repercussions. IT ALWAYS WILL.
Only 3?
Karma is still far too weak but it will catch up, soon. I am convinced.
The Branch Covidians cult of death.
These are not vaccines, there are mRNA gene therapy jabs. Even the creator of these was on record advising ppl Not to take them. These jabs contain dangerous toxins ie graphene oxide being one of them. And the strange looking creatures that have been seen under lab micro-scopes. I know someone who got a blood clot after getting the Pfizer jab. And i know someone who i think may have passed away after getting it. He was just 57. Obviously, these judges did not do their own research and didn’t say NO.
The “Creatures” that created this “Scam-demic” will WATCH IT TURN AGAINST “THEMSELVES” WITH “FATAL CONSEQUENCES”…ANY DAY FROM NOW!
There is no doubt in my mind that these 3 died from the jab, the contents of which has been exposed by Dr. Andreas Noack, of Germany. Consequent to his videos going against the narrative he was brutally attacked and died. This is the video he died for. Please watch so his death is not in vain.
sorry, they wouldnt allow the link. go to Bitchute and search this video “JUST HOURS AFTER PUBLISHING THE SECRET OF THE VAX THE DR IS DEAD.”