History of media deregulation, monopolization of media by 8 alleged “chosen people,” the NewsGuard app, and why trust in mainstream news is now at all-time lows

November 7, 2022 (updated November 8, 2022)

The Washington Post published a propaganda article on November 3 entitled “If You’ve Had COVID, Watch Out For Stroke Symptoms.” Here is the crux of it:

“[N]ew studies confirm that some [people who’ve had COVID-19] will develop an elevated risk of blood clots, strokes or heart attacks. Given that most people have had Covid by now, everyone should be more vigilant about the early warning signs such as chest pain, unusual swelling, numbness or weakness, or sudden changes in balance, speech or vision.”

The propaganda goes to cite an alleged case from 2020, before the mRNA and viral vector DNA injections were rolled out. This simpleton propaganda strategy is embarrassing at this point – deflect to #ABV and always using an exemplar case prior to the 2021 lethal injection rollout.

People are dying because of the plastic blood clots caused by the mRNA and viral vector DNA injections. They are also dying from hyper-aggressive cancers caused by the injections, and elevated radiation in the air as a result of 5G broadband. But mainstream media will continue milking the mass formation psychosis, mass gullibility and mass stupidity (willing, unwitting or otherwise) suffered by a majority of Western humanity, with these utterly ridiculous propaganda articles.

Joe Biden called baseball Hall of Famer Satchel Page “the great negro” on November 21, 2021.

At least three mainstream media “fact-checkers” concluded in their analyses that Biden did not call Satchel Page “the great negro,” despite Biden literally saying exactly that. This is another common mainstream media propaganda tool – believe what we tell you, not what you see and hear with your own eyes and ears. Just imagine if Donald Trump said what Biden said…

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But good thing we have alternative media, right?

Candace Owens – the ultimate grifter

This blogger assumes that a decent portion of our audience enjoys listening to talk show host and author Candace Owens, similar to Ben Shapiro. She gets her audience riled up by constantly saying things like “racism doesn’t exist,” which is pretty much her entire shtick. Said shtick is a proven moneymaker for any Black person who commits to it and grows even a small audience.

Ms. Owens also constantly trashes the NAACP, which is justified in this blogger’s mind since the organization was founded in 1909 by W.E.B. DuBois and five Ashkenazis; and the NAACP didn’t have a Black president of the organization until the 1970s.

More power to her for finding success in this space. She tells truth about the injections. But Ms. Owens is the epitome of a sycophantic grifter and a hypocrite who will do anything, say anything, and throw anyone under the bus for money.

She sued her Connecticut high school and won a $37,500 settlement in 2007. The case arose from (get this) the city and school failing to intervene when the mayor’s son and four other kids made violent racist threats against Ms. Owens. And look who helped her file the lawsuit.

That’s not all. Ms. Owens owned a website called Degree180.com from 2003 (oldest Wayback Machine capture) to 2016. It featured articles calling Donald Trump “racist, bigoted and downright offensive.” Owens’ website called Ben Carson “crazy,” said Trump had a small penis, called Republicans and the tea party “bat-shit crazy,” and hoped that they all “die off soon.” She also wrote that extramarital affairs are “romantic” and encouraged women to have them.

Ms. Owens realized that she could siphon more money from right-wing sheep with her current schtick versus liberal sheep and the old schtick. So in 2017, she declared publicly “I’m a Conservative,” did her best to hide Degree180.com and the NAACP lawsuit, and the rest is history. Again, more power to her. It’s the exact same strategy Trump hater, turned loyalist Kellyanne Conway did. But that a different story.

Believe it or not, both CNN and Fox News were actually well-run, trustworthy news organizations prior to 9/11. Fox News, on December 11, 2001 did a fantastic story on 60 Israeli military spies being caught in the U.S. shortly after 9/11. Said story has been long scrubbed from all Fox News channels (and this blogger is surprised it’s still allowed on YouTube). Mainstream media have been state-run media since 2003 as part of The Great Reset. But the chess pieces were moved into place to make this happen 20 years prior to that.

The beginning of deregulation in the 1980s

Mr. Tim Wirth was a Democrat U.S. Senator (1987-1993) and member of the House of Representatives (1975 to 1987) from Colorado. He prophetically stated in 1984:

”If they deregulate in 1990, we could end up with a handful of companies owning every broadcasting outlet in the country.”

The Federal Communication Commission (FCC) voted that year to increase the number of television stations, A.M. radio stations and F.M. radio stations one company could own from seven each to 12 each. But there were still rules in place to prevent one company from monopolizing big markets.

The Fairness Doctrine was an FCC policy that had been in place since 1949. It required all licensed broadcasters to cover important and controversial issues fairly by presenting different viewpoints. The FCC abolished the Fairness Doctrine in 1987.

Congress stepped in and passed the Fairness in Broadcasting Act of 1987 by significant margins in both chambers (59-31 in the Senate, 302-102 in the House). It would have restored and codified the Fairness Doctrine. But President Ronald Reagan vetoed the bill.

For perspective as to how that changed media, Rush Limbaugh was signed by ABC Radio in 1988, the first year of his nationally syndicated radio show that ran until his death in 2021. His show would not have been possible for national syndication if the Fairness Doctrine were still in place. “Opinion news” was born.

The FCC relaxed the single market ownership rules further in 1989. But the “relaxation” was mostly due to the agency failing to enforce rules that were already on the books.

The Telecommunications Act of 1996, the end of radio, and the beginning of propaganda

This blogger’s first radio job was in 1995, as a board operator at a small A.M. station. A diploma from The Academy of Radio Broadcasting in Phoenix led to the first on-air job – overnight weekend host. That was 1996, when radio was fun. It was like living a dream at barely 20 years old. Everything changed after that.

The U.S. Senate voted 81-18, and the House 414-16, to pass the Telecommunications Act of 1996. President Bill Clinton signed it into law on February 8, 1996. The new law relaxed television station ownership rules so that any one company was now allowed to reach 35% of the national audience via their stations. But more importantly, the new law completely eliminated ownership limits on radio stations. Cable television was also deregulated, allowing phone companies to provide cable service.

For perspective, Clear Channel Radio (today called “iHeart Radio”) owned 40 radio stations, mostly in Texas, in February 1996. It owned 121 radio stations by the end of 1996. Clear Channel owned more than 1,200 radio stations across the U.S. by 2002. Obviously it was the largest radio conglomerate in the country, and it wasn’t even close.

Clear Channel reached 201 of the 287 largest radio markets in the U.S. Add Infinity-Viacom (now CBS) and Cumulus (Westwood One), and those three companies dominated all 287 markets by 2002. But basically Clear Channel was U.S. radio until 2008, when federal regulators forced them to sell several stations.

All remaining scraps of media ownership regulations and market share limits were abolished in 2003. This blogger’s second-to-last mainstream radio job was at Xtra Sports 910 (Clear Channel) in Phoenix in 2008. The last one was also that year.

The final nail in the coffin of true, honest, unbiased journalism came in 2012. Congress passed the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012. The Act, which is Section 1078 of the National Defense Authorization Act of 2013, repealed a 1948 law that prohibited the government from broadcasting State Department and Defense Department-produced propaganda to domestic audiences. The bill “authorize[d] the domestic dissemination of information and material about the United States intended primarily for foreign audiences.” It was signed into law by President Barack Obama on January 2, 2013.

Only Democrats trust mainstream media

Gallup has been polling Americans on media trust since the 1970s. The first poll was in 1972. Two-thirds of Americans, 67%, said they had a great deal or a fair amount of trust in mass media news. Self-identified Democrats trusted mainstream news at a 74% clip, Republicans 68%, and Independents 59%.

The 1997 poll, after all the deregulation and abolition of the Fairness Doctrine, looks like what you’d expect. Only 53% of Americans trusted mainstream media. Democrats were still the highest (64%), but now Republicans were the lowest (41%). Ever since that time, the percentage who reported not trusting media at all steadily rose, until reaching its peak in 2022.

A whopping 64% of Americans said they either don’t trust mainstream media news at all or not very much. The “not at all” percentage is 38% in 2022, the highest ever. Only 34% said they trust media a lot or a fair amount in 2022. And tribal politics prevail here too. Democrats trust mainstream media a great deal/fair amount at a 70% clip in 2022 vs. 14% of Republicans, and 27% of Independents.

Another Gallup poll from July 2022 asked about trust in so-called mainstream “journalists.” Only 14% of Americans said TV reporters are honest and ethical, and 17% for newspaper reporters. MSNBC puppet “journalist” Katy Tur cited the foregoing survey in an interview with The Hill this past summer. “People don’t trust us, they don’t believe us, and it makes me wonder if this job…is doing more harm than good,” Tur said. “I’m hoping to find a way to better communicate with people.”

This woman has some dirty nerve. She wonders why people don’t trust mainstream media. Tur is the “journalist’ who got caught reading talking points on-air written by disgraced former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo’s surrogates on March 3, 2021. Cuomo had just issued an apology that day after three women accused him of inappropriate behavior and harassment.

The investigation into the accusations (that led to Cuomo resigning that summer) revealed text messages between Tur and Cuomo advisor Lis Smith. The texts confirmed that Tur was reading propaganda given directly to her by Cuomo’s team that day, to make him look better, to try and save his job.

It’s no secret that all mainstream media “personalities” are puppets. Fox News takes orders from the RNC, while the rest of mainstream news is DNC controlled. But all mainstream media – news, television shows, movies, social media, sports, etc. are owned and controlled by eight people.

Times of Israel: “Jews DO control the media”

The Times of Israel was founded in February 2012. It is based in Jerusalem. The Times reaches 9 million users per month, and has a total of 1.6 million followers between Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Mr. Elad Nehorai was one of The Times’ first writers. He published perhaps the most candid, truthful article ever on an Israel-based news site. The article, published on July 1, 2012, is entitled “Jews DO control the media.” The since-deleted article (accessible via archives) is a Zionist Ashkenazi being 100% honest, which this blogger respects. Mr. Nehorai wrote, among other things:

“Let’s be honest with ourselves, here, fellow Jews. We do control the media. We’ve got so many dudes up in the executive offices in all the big movie production companies it’s almost obscene. Did you know that all eight major film studios are run by Jews?

I think that’s the real reason most Jews are so afraid to admit that there’s something inherently powerful and good about them. Not because they’re afraid of being special. But because they’re afraid of being responsible. It means that they’re suddenly culpable when they create dirty TV shows that sully the spiritual atmosphere of the world.”

Give the man credit for telling the truth. The proof in what he says is as follows:

Seven individuals, with one thing in common, control more than 80% of everything humanity reads, watches and listens to, for news, entertainment and interpersonal communication. That is a fact. If we throw in Rupert Murdoch, who is not Ashkenazi, but is definitely a Zionist (like Joe Biden)…

…then eight people control 90%-plus of all the foregoing. Here’s where the “chutzpah” comes in.

Murdoch tweeted the following on November 17, 2012.

He issued a very fake, very funny apology the next day after being accused of “antisemitism.”

It gets funnier. Nine months later, Murdoch received the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) International Leadership Award, despite being an “antisemite.” Now is a good time again to quote the late Shulamit Aloni, a former 30-year Israel Knesset member.

No reasonable human being is going to trust mainstream media that are nearly 100% controlled by eight billionaires whose first loyalty is Israel, not the United States. It is also impossible to trust mainstream media when you’re not allowed to criticize or even tell indisputable truth about its owners without receiving that silly “antisemitic” label and/or losing your job, bank accounts, businesses, livelihood, etc.

Once these eight “owners” get over their irreproachable god complexes, then perhaps U.S. media can return to the trustworthy entities they were in the 1970s.

“NewsGuard” and the end of trustworthy mainstream journalism

This blogger is not 100% sure what “NewsGuard” is or how it works. But the company dubs itself as “the internet trust tool” that “combats misinformation with trust ratings.” One of their tools (employees) named Anicka Slachta has contacted The COVID Blog™ twice – once in 2021 and again a couple weeks ago.

We think the one on the left is Anicka and the other one is her “girlfriend.”

From what we can gather, NewsGuard is an app that displays a trust rating for certain websites, including The COVID Blog™. We assume our “rating” is “misinformation, lies, crazy, tin-foil hat,” etc. This Anicka character wrote and asked a bunch of disingenuous, troll-like questions. We essentially told her in 2021 that “NewsGuard” has no credibility, no standing in journalism, and is in no position whatsoever to judge a journalist with 25 years of experience.

Anicka wrote us again last month with more troll questions. This time, in response, we asked her and the company’s owner, Steven Brill, some questions about their credibility.

NewsGuard was founded in March 2018, and anointed itself as the standard for providing trust ratings for websites. NewsGuard receives a vast majority of its funding from its partner, French advertising firm Publicis Groupe. Publicis received a $1.6 billion contract from big Pharma giant GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) in 2018 to create a media propaganda platform that makes all GSK products sounds like God-sent medicine. Publicis also receives billions from Pfizer, Amgen, AstraZeneca, Merck and many other big Pharma firms.

Publicis also owns PDI Healthcare Communications. PDI stated on its website in 2017:

“PDI’s field-based medical sales representatives and inside medical sales representatives from our healthcare contact center can increase adoption of vaccines by responding to questions and concerns…To increase immunization rates, we must build sustainable systems for vaccination within the context of a changing healthcare system.”

But NewsGuard says on its website that you should trust them “because we have an ethics and conflicts of interest policy to which all of our analysts and editors have to agree.” The company also says you can trust them because “we are totally transparent.” The COVID Blog™ asked NewsGuard for comment on all the foregoing. They did not respond.

RELATED: Mainstream media, government propaganda fulfilling their purposes of normalizing, distracting from mass deaths of young people across the globe (March 4, 2022)


Here is a simple test to show you deliberate, wanton mainstream media bias. Search Brian Wilkins in DuckDuckGo, Yahoo, or Bing. One of this blogger’s other websites comes up first. Now try Google. You already know.

The COVID Blog™ has accepted very little ad revenue (despite needing the funds badly) because that very slippery slope could compromise integrity. We’ve made everyone mad – Trump MAGA supporters, liberals, Mormons, Zionists, etc. because truth is absolute, nonpartisan, unfiltered, and something most people don’t want to hear. When nobody likes you except true critical thinkers, and everyone else is attacking you from all angles, that means you’re telling the truth and doing something right..

Once you accept money from mainstream media, you are their property. Journalism is dead because the people who use that title are tools for a very small group of bosses that own and control all media, all professional sports, etc. Monopolized media was a deliberate, and very necessary step in The Great Reset.

There’s no way the vaccine genocide and this entire COVID-19 charade could have worked without completely monopolized media. But you’re not allowed to say that, or pretty much anything else written in this article. It’s essentially against the law to question the “vaccines,” the media and the people who own both. This blogger says it because he chooses to forego $150,000/year content marketing jobs in exchange for freedom, dignity and self-respect. Food, water, shelter, and a little love are all that’s needed in this world. If blessings come, so be it.

The good righteous brother Kyrie Irving is facing a spiritual decision himself right now. The reason he’s in this predicament is so ridiculously asinine that we’re not even going to dignify it by repeating it. But Mr. Irving can simply chose to retire from the NBA at age 30, enjoy his $100 million-plus bank account, love his non-vaccinated beautiful wife and kids, and continue his spiritual journey. He has nothing more to prove to anyone.

Or Mr. Irving can be yet another publicly castrated, millionaire bootlicking athlete by doing all this for the god-complex people:

Earth is the Biblical Hell. This blogger believes that his soul was sent to this world because somewhere along the line, he upset god or the gods. And the only way out is to divest of all mammon (Matthew 6:24), divest of idols and false prophets (Revelation 2:9, 3:9), and spread and live by the truth no matter the cost (John 8:31-32). Those who do that have their souls freed from this malevolent, evil world when the body dies. Those who accept and indulge in Earthly evil and mammon (i.e. receiving the lethal injections) are forever reincarnated here.

This is literally a spiritual war against preternatural evil forces. It’s so surreal to think about what is happening in 2022. It’s every man, woman and family for themselves. Nobody is going to save us. But at least go down standing up, knowing you were on the side of truth that most of humanity failed to discern. Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


COVID Legal USA is your partner in fight mandatory vaccines and other COVID mandates. Follow us on Telegram. Pre-order The COVID Blog™ book here. Shipping starts on December 15, 2022.


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1 year ago

For the record, ALL I want to hear is the truth, whether it pleases me or not.

Thanks for the breadth of knowledge you provide, with one of the most trustworthy sites in the world.

1 year ago

Brian ????
This quote “food, water, shelter and a little love….” almost brought me to tears. I think living in a van for the period you did prepared you for these times. You’ve learned to make do with bare essentials. To Adapt. We need far less than we think we do make it. Your email to Anicka was a classic. Thankyou for doing what you do. God bless, protect, provide and continue to light your path. Remain courageous. Be well?

1 year ago

It is no secret that most all so-called “media” has been captured and has become nothing more than the propaganda arm of whatever political philosophy a country desires to promote. If the last three years have not convinced you of this, nothing ever will. The fact that so many people still watch and trust and follow the advice of the media gives me no reason to hope that the spell will ever be broken.

1 year ago
Reply to  Ron

You’ve got that right. The only reason I have the radio on in the morning when going to work, is for the traffic report. It’s gotten so bad on the highways now where I commute, that there’s at least one full highway shutdown a day because of a traffic accident. Two to three years ago that was an anomaly.

1 year ago
Reply to  Ron

Have no hope in this world, it is being flushed and we should celebrate that!

1 year ago

Hi Brian. Really look forward to your articles every week. Your research and insights are above excellent. Thanks. 

1 year ago

Mass Formation Psychosis is a psyop from disinformation agents. It diverts blame to the victims of the agenda to destroy and is silent on the fact that there really is a conspiracy of evil working worldwide.

A rope leash
A rope leash
1 year ago

Jews have long traditions in finance and entertainment. They control governments by controlling money. They control people by controlling media. All the while, they play victim. It’s worked well for them for hundreds of years.

Many, if not most, people in high government positions in the USA are Jewish, and some are even “dual citizens” of the USA and Israel. It is impossible to complain about this, because the label of “anti-semitism” will be applied immediately, and the person complaining will be “canceled”.

Almost nothing can really be done about it. Their influences flow throughout society, even into Christian churches and secular atheist paradigms.

1 year ago
Reply to  A rope leash

Most of the leadership in our government are self-serving narcissist’s with their hands out for profit. The small hat mafia will then put these people in a comprising situations thus gaining complete control of how they operate. They are sellouts, plain and simple
Maybe making lobbying a crime, which it is, can do away with this. I think we would see less career politicians because the “bank” would be reduced tremendously. Not becoming a multi millionaire in six years time(Trey Gowdy) could be a big turnoff for these type of people. Putting a cap on how much money any campaign can take in would also help. Yearly financial audits of all elected officials should be law, it basically is for every taxpayer. If the big payout is eliminated, maybe honest people will run for office.

1 year ago
Reply to  Hal

Still looking to politicians to save you ?

1 year ago
Reply to  A rope leash

“It is impossible to complain about this, because the label of “anti-semitism”

If labeled with that in your daily life, simply say, ‘I agree . . . good thing for you that you don’t have a semitic drop of blood in your body.’.

1 year ago
Reply to  A rope leash

I totally agree with you, except for calling them Jews. They are political Zionists and Freemasons who are traitors to their own people as well as to everything that is right and true. The definition of a Jew is someone who follows the instructions of Judaism as laid out in the Torah (5 books of Moses). Neither Henry Kissinger (who, btw, was excommunicated from the Jewish people in the 1970s by a Beis Din, a rabbinical court), nor George Soros, nor any other of those enemies of humanity, has any connection whatsoever to their spiritual heritage. As far as G-D is concerned, the Jewish bloodline is only valid and relevant IF the people follow HIS instructions. That is also why the conversion of gentiles into the Jewish people is possible. Because, what makes someone a Jew is not his bloodline in itself, but rather his faith.

Eugene ''Earl'' James
Eugene ''Earl'' James
1 year ago
Reply to  Sara

Trying to get away from karma? Your and your people minds are poisoned since birth.

”Most Jews do not like to admit it, but our god is Lucifer… and we are his chosen people.”
Harold Wallace Rosenthal.

He is killed 30 days after this slip out. Chosen what? Enough of this crap.

1 year ago

Again, Judaism is not based on a bloodline alone, but first and foremost on faith. “HWR” (never even heard of the guy before) is not a Jew, but a satanist. He may have been born a Jew, but he has no more connection to his heritage. Is he wearing a yarmulke? No. Is he keeping Shabbos? Nope. I bet he isn’t even eating kosher. So what exactly makes him Jewish? He is just like someone who was born into a Catholic family and then left the Catholic Church to join the church of satan..

1 year ago
Reply to  Sara

The rabbis in my community are learned in Talmud and my.jewish friends and business very influenced by them tho most of them have little idea what’s in the talmud because they don’t care. The five books of Moses are scoffed at by orthodox and chabad for sure. It’s alarming how chabad has taken up prominence when they weren’t even allowed to perform kosher rites in Osrael the state, some years back. Also, so much russian heard in Tel Aviv nowadays. Ordinary jews are at best remiss but given what we know about the majority of humanity at this point, this is hardly a surprise. Historically, the majority side with their lying leaders when the water gets warm always.

1 year ago
Reply to  Beth

The Old Testament Locations of Moses & New Testament Locations and Rivers are not located in Jerusalem or Modern Day Isreal…the Creation of the Nation of Isreal as End Time Events is a bigger Hoax than the Fake Holocaust…Along with the Fake Jews these locations are another cover-up and Deception…Artifacts and Proof…EVERYTHING WE HAVE BEEN TOLD BY THE CHURCHES AND GOVERNMENTS ON THIS IS FALSE…

Think about this…If the True Biblical Locations were in the Middle East…How did Noah in Genesis 7 load up the Ark with all the Exotic Animals? That’s right…Scriptures took place in the southern regions of Africa…where the True Israelites were located….and Scattered from to all corners of the World…the Accounts we are given today are all Zionist Concocted Lies…

The Ogs
The Ogs
1 year ago

That’s good, Brian – the best defense can sometimes be a good offense! The ridiculous incongruity of these made-up companies being sponsored by Big Pharma needs to be called out under a bright light. If everyone everywhere treated these ‘fact-checkers’ like you do, they would of course be more timid and polite (and rightly so).
It is the insufferable hubris and arrogance of the jab-pushers and their media cohorts here in Canada that is recently changing, thank goodness, thanks to you and all your knowledgeable readers! And the unsettling awareness that evil is afoot is beginning to permeate the mainstream…
I try to do my bit which is to remind people that Big Pharma are convicted Felons. They are convicted of thousands of millions of dollars in fines for truly horrible crimes which I will not even discuss. That’s it! That’s all I’ll say to people. That they are not yer pals… and that things are too horrible to talk about (although I will if required).
People need to buckle up for the next year or two and Brian can only (hopefully) cushion the blow.
But we all need to fight off this long-covid nonsense, ABV I think you call it.
Truth will out, 100% – no injections, no problems – but I just hope it doesn’t take 9/11 years LoL for people to figure this out.

1 year ago

The media’s gratuitous end-of-year deaths summary of our Zero-Heroes is going to be epic – because in the end, “there can be only one!” – Highlander

1 year ago

Dear Brian, thank you for your hard work, time, and honest efforts, as you do your research and then pass on valuable information to us. Only the truth can set us free. Illusions are dangerous…..???

1 year ago

Like the ancient Romans said: The world WANTS to be deceived.

As a Gen X-er, I no longer recognize anything in society, truly. 1980s British TV dramas are all the media I can stomach.

1 year ago

Brian, I’m glad you got to enjoy a tiny taste of old-time, radio, before it went down the drain. My first experience with talk radio was at 11, in my bed listening to KGO beaming through the night from hundreds of miles away. I was listening to local talk radio back in the early ’80’s when one was considered eccentric and weird if you listened to “talk”…after all, radio was for music and sports.

People, until you understand that to “them”, YOU are Amalek…you do not stand a chance of surviving, and you certainly don’t stand a chance of “knowing thy enemy”. There are many videos online (still…believe it or not) where their rabbis come right out and say we are Amalek, and that they intend to wipe us off the face if the earth.

1 year ago
Reply to  Kris

It really amazes me there are some so called humans who believe this is their planet and no one else’s…just blows me away. Ridiculous. Praise be the day they are permanently refrained from afflicting so many lives.

Christel Picciano
Christel Picciano
1 year ago

Another great article, digging deep into the lies. Kayne and Irving said nothing wrong. The reaction ie re-education, deplatforming on all aspects including banking etc proves the point of who controls the media, lobbying, politicians, academia etc. I hope they remain true and strong. These powers try to use the “we are an oppressed aggrieved group” card. Who is behind the great reset?

1 year ago

Aaaah Candace Owens, the ultimate type 2 race hustler ??? … Really at this point _everyone_ being aired _any_ media outlet right or left, must be a snake?

Atom man
Atom man
1 year ago

I used to rush home from work when I had an 8 to 5 job to see 6:30 PM CBS news. However I have not watched any TV news for 20 years and no longer have cable TV either. My “sources” are all “alternate” from the Internet. This world is a bizarre place. Mother said “nature is beautiful but cruel”. About the world there are many views. The Gnostics no doubt were influenced by the Zoroastrians – that ancient Persian prophet Zoroaster said Earth was the battleground between a god of light Ormuzd and a god of darkness Ahriman. The Hebrews picked up these ideas following the Persians releasing them from their Babylonian captivity. This is how they came to believe there was a devil. At the time of Jesus there were the Pharisees, the Sadducess, and the Essenes. I have always believed that He came from the Essene community. Many of them were celibate. In Buddhist and Indian philosophy, the world is not wholly real. It is an illusion. There is only the One Mind and thoughts and emotions and people and trees are all aspects of this One Mind – but the Mind cannot see itself just as a razor cannot cut itself. Yes, when Moses asked the presence in the “burning bush” what god is sending him to the Egyptians the reply was YHVH (“I am that I am”). In physics too we know that matter is mostly empty space and the subatomic “particles” that compose the entire Universe are connected to each other and are oddly aware in some sense. There is no such thing as Subject and Object due to this interconnection. To paraphrase what a Japanese Zen Buddhist said to a Dutch fellow who came to practice seated meditation (Zazen) with them, “all sentient beings are connected by strong, invisible threads. Anyone who has gained this much insight will be careful with what they are doing.” Obviously, the people of this time including the “globalists” and the fake “woke” masses are not.

1 year ago
Reply to  Atom man

In my own research I have found Zoroastrianism to be the true progenitor of Christianity, but also that gnosticism was an interloper, seeking to confuse and lead people away from the truth.

If one genuinely seeks the truth, I believe they will find it…no matter their life circumstances. Once I was eating in a vegetarian restaurant in Mexico City, and I got to talking to the owner. I was interested in how the restaurant came to be, considering at that time, vegetarians were very rare in Mexico. She told me her grandmother, completely on her own, had stumbled on Zoroastrianism. She recognized it as Truth…and then simply began to practice it. And THAT is the simple truth. Search…recognize…and then practice the Truth in your life. There is no need to convert to anything…or join anything. It’s just that people are such herd animals, they simply can’t do ANYTHING on their own. That is why the scamdemic worked so well. Once a person was separated from their herd …they fell to pieces, and were sitting ducks for genocide.

1 year ago

On the bright side, those numbers could be reversed when only counting the unvaccinated.

1 year ago
Reply to  freefall

The Con Vid 19-84 Jabaroo is the ultimate IQ and Indoctrination Test…those who take the Jab out of their own ” Free Will ” have failed both tests miserably and are incapable of Rational thought, Critical Thinking, or any sort of Discernment…the Tribe run Media, Academia, and Big Pharma Cult has contrived and carried out their plans conceived over 100 years ago with the Fake Spanish Flu Hoax…Now we live in the Zombie Apocalypse…Welcome to the JWO…

1 year ago

“Earth is the Biblical Hell. This blogger believes that his soul was sent to this world because somewhere along the line, he upset god or the gods…”

I too had the same revelation two years ago, brother. But I feel that this abyss/hell/underworld is coming to an end soon, for us anyway.

My feeling is 2028 is the end for those of us fortunate enough to make it out before the ones who love their life in this world find themselves trapped here, forever.


1 year ago

Hermit life has always been the only option for the Spirited ones here in the underworld.

Jesus is my vaccine
Jesus is my vaccine
1 year ago

I will always have respect for you Brian Wilkins. You definitely earned it.

Randy Hicks
Randy Hicks
1 year ago

Hear! Hear!

Thank You again, Mr Wilkins…

1 year ago

I have a doubt myself, about the narative. jewish Social Media and other people push for us to consume worms, bugs, genetic modified products.
YET: it is not kosher to eat bugs, worms, genetically modified food. Either they are not really Jews, just use it as for some things, or what?
They do eat meat and would not stop! Jewish people will not eat bugs!!! Eating kosher is one of the three principles every Jew is following, or the majority of them, like a minimum.
I dont get it. What kind of game make some people do? – Not All!!! Haredim are not involved in what others should eat and most of the Jewish people, especially the ones in Israel, they dont tell no one what they should eat. Just a part of the diaspora. The biggest mistake is to put all people belonging to a certain ethnicity, religion, race in one basket, when in each just a small percentage does the damage and that percentage is small and the same regardless nationality/ethnicity/race/religion. The atheist people easilly fell into all the traps as they are not protected by a higher connection to self, to the Universe (doesnt matter in what they believe).
Or they only want gentiles to eat bugs?
BTW: I would buy food from kosher places, this way some can be certain that food is clean and very very good. Musilms also buy kosher meat when halal not available. I would buy halal meat as well (actually I do).
Musilms, jews, would NOT eat bugs, they are not stupid. And then who the stupid would be? White atheist people? And of course people that would not have any choiche.
Why they push this narrative when is against Judaism???
Is totally against Judaism to eat bugs and other stupid things. Why they do this and encourage this?

Clown World
Clown World
1 year ago
Reply to  Maria

Add that to a laundry list of other things Zionists are supposed to follow but do not.

– Thou shalt not steal
– Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor
– Thou shalt not murder
– Thou shalt not covet

I learned the truth from one of my Ashkenazi former coworkers who would just spill information here and there. They hate Moses (and probably the Ten Commandments), they get angry at people who reject allopathic medicine and learn to heal naturally, they praise Satan, they eat pork, they hate when people point out that Hollywood is run by their own people.

1 year ago
Reply to  Clown World

Read the talmud. All their rules only apply to their own. It is ok to steal and murder goyim just not ok to do it to a jew.

Raping a child under three is just a poke in the eye.

Jewish men defile goyim women then marry one of their own.

1 year ago
Reply to  Maria

These are not the real Scriptual Jews of the Bible…they are counterfeit imposters…they are at War with the Gospel, they don’t follow the Torah… their book is the evil Talmud and Kahballah…they sacrifice children to Molech and they consume Soylent Green and Adrenechrome…

Sudden and Unexpected
Sudden and Unexpected
1 year ago
Reply to  Maria

The jews have rules for their own people. These rules do not apply to “subhuman” non-jews like us.

Eric Truth
Eric Truth
1 year ago

Thank you so much for all you do. Keep speaking and spreading truth, brother. You are doing God’s work and planting seeds that will change the world.

Ellie 360
Ellie 360
1 year ago

Not going to lie. I am (was) one of those Candace Owens fans you speak of. That’s crazy reading all that about her. How is that not all over mainstream media? The political grifts, I guess, were less surprising. But she’s conservative and encourages women to cheat on their husbands? There truly are no trustworthy media left, except for The COVID Blog. Thank you for your hard work, Brian.

1 year ago

This blogger believes that his soul was sent to this world because somewhere along the line, he upset god or the gods.

Well Brian, think of it this way. If the god of the OT is indeed the ‘One True God’, and we his/her children – what a horrible parent to say, ‘You are all my children whom I love, but THESE kids over here are my favorite.’

What a great way to wreck a family, generate misery, and create childhood trauma.

That being the case, why call it god and worship it? It doesn’t deserve worshiped – much less, why would ANY parent want to be ‘worshiped’ by their children, much less a father?

I had a father once, before he passed away – he didn’t want worship, though as a stern German, he did instruct & guide me, but he NEVER played favorites with any of us.

The god of the OT, after reading the OT many times as an adult, looks more like a single middle-aged wine-mom with BPD, co-morbid with Psychopathy.

Long story short, I don’t know why we’re here, but we’ve been lied to about everything – so why not include religion and the nature of the creator?

I try to follow the law of the creator as best I understand it being written in my heart – come what may in this life and the next, but I’m not going to worship something that craves worship.

As always, great article, and keep on keepin’ on.

1 year ago
Reply to  Kiel

I stopped going to church about age 12 because no-one was able to answer my questions. I never could believe something just because someone told me it was true. I just could not reconcile the Old and New Testament…for good reason…they do not belong together. If just one person had told me that, It would have been saved me so much pain. It was not necessary to have the internet to get this information. I did all my research pre-internet.

Finally at age 27, I was able to sort things out. At the time of Christ there were many sects of Jews (the word did not exist then) who believed wildly different things (as we learn in the Book of Acts, some did not believe in life after death). The Talmud did not exist in written form at that time, but Jesus refered to it as the traditions of men (not to be confused with what God wants for His children). Most Christians will act like petulant toddlers sticking their fingers in their ears saying nah nah, nah, nah…(like kids do when they are showing you they refuse to listen) when you tell them the historical FACT that Yahweh was a Canninite God of war, one of the 70 sons of EL (the highest Canninite God). These same folks react very badly if you tell them many of the early Christians believed in reincarnation. I have never been interested in changing anyone’s mind. My only interest is in digging for the truth, finding it, and living my life by the truth. If I find new truth that contradicts what I believe so far, I change my beliefs. That’s why, even as a die-hard Christian, I don’t go to church. I have yet to find one that has the WHOLE truth. Truth is what I am interested in …not coffee, donuts and socializing.

1 year ago
Reply to  Kris

“If just one person had told me that, It would have been saved me so much pain.”

Me too! A thorn in my eye, especially when young was, ‘Why would the god of all creation need the sacrifice of an innocent animal?’.

“Finally at age 27, I was able to sort things out.”

You beat me by twenty years, congrats.

“. . . when you tell them the historical FACT that Yahweh was a Canaanite God of war . . .”

And the ‘Temple’ (built by the Persians) was basically a nasty perpetual slaughterhouse running 24/7. The stench emanating from that place running night & day must have been suffocating, seconded only by the fact that Jerusalem at the time had no sewage system – that would have to wait for the Romans to build it.

As I’ve aged, my model of a loving creator has been modeled on my father, a man who could be difficult, but a good man to the core.

One of my most clear memories was when I was very very young, and he was talking with my mom in the kitchen. Our family dog needed medicine, mom said money was quite tight that week for groceries, a choice had to be made – dad said ‘We’ll deal with it, Seeky is family.’.

That’s a loving father.

1 year ago
Reply to  Kris

“That’s why, even as a die-hard Christian, I don’t go to church. I have yet to find one that has the WHOLE truth. Truth is what I am interested in …not coffee, donuts and socializing.”

I’m 28 and think the exact same way. Ever since the 2020 pandemic of lies and totalitarian control I have been asking for the following:

1. The truth
2. The complete and unbiased truth
3. For the love of St. Stephen, THE TRUTH

Truth first, then sustenance and merry talk amongst the purebloods.

I was an atheist at this point, and until I started reading the bible did I understand why God did what he had to do. After that I was, like many critical thinkers on this site and worldwide, who refused face nappies and clot shots, was desperate for the truth in everything. In everything from our food choices, to whom can we trust, what sources to look to and of course to search for the church that claims to be the real “pillar of spirit and truth” (the gospel of St.John).

As a former Roman Catholic, I wasn’t for going back to a so-called church that followed the secular world’s views on lockdowns and clot shots (ignoring the words of St.Paul in regard to not trusting the world); and there was no way of looking to join any fake Christian church or church of any other religion since they were peddling lies. I even, foolishly and regrettably, joined in with a bunch of happy clap, young Christians in a bible club. I was still considering Orthodoxy at this point and knew it was pointless being with them since they were all world loving secularists who were shedding spike proteins; but I thought, hey, why not?

Of course, I couldn’t keep my mouth shut/telling the truth in regards to the dangers of the vaccines and the great reset. Bar one of them, they didn’t believe me. I should have heeded Jesus’s warnings about casting pearls amongst the swine.

Your best bet, Kris, for finding the proper church is Orthodoxy. Although orthodoxy is running on thin ice since some of their churches bowed down to the world. However there are orthodox churches and members of it that are awake to satan’s deception. Look into Fr Syridon Bailey (orthodox priest)

However, I don’t blame people for refusing to go to church since they all revealed their true allegiances (man and not God).

May God bless you, Kris and I hope your faith, wisdom and courage help you on your path for truth.

1 year ago
Reply to  Aidan

Thank you for the well wishes.I have long believed the Orthodox Church was the closest church to the truth…although not having complete truth. There is a Greek Orthodox Church within walking distance of my home. More than 20 years ago, I was going to join, but knowing it was End Times, I thought: I don’t want to start going, make friends, join a community, when I’m just going to out of here soon (ha, ha, ha).

Well, I could not scrape together the funds to flee the US, until Nov. 2020. Then my dad died from the vax, and I’m back in blue-hell Oregon to oversee the sizeable estate. I now find myself so cantankerous from all the BS of the last, almost three years, that I am happiest just being alone. Hopefully, this will not drag out too long. We just had our governor’s race stollen by a lesbian. Everyone knew this would happen.

Only God is my Judge
Only God is my Judge
1 year ago
Reply to  Aidan

Agreed with much of what you said, and have a somewhat similar story. My prayers and research led me to learn about the fallacies of the Novus Ordo and Vatican II. Pre-Vatican II teachings and chapels (not to be confused with mainstream “catholic”) opened our eyes to much. They did not shut down. So different from the fraudulent “catholic” churches and their “pope”. Sadly, they are few and far between. A remnant.

1 year ago

“Earth is the Biblical Hell”

Though debatable from a technical standpoint; the rot in our culture is so deep, so complete and so pervasive that the assessment is close enough to accurately characterize the reality we walk through. I have no propinquity with any of it.

1 year ago
Reply to  Hmm

Nothing new. Pretty much between the Passion and the Parousia the Adversary would be locked-up but with his spirit predominating this dispensation to carry-out our Father’s plan. The whole N.T. told us as much – before it became en vogue to talk of “conspiracies”. Let the Play, play, I say. Romans 13 and all. Give to God what is God’s and give to Caesar what is Caesar’s. Those with Faith in the Word will be taken care of. Cheers!

1 year ago

To Brian,

In the name of our Lord and Savior JESUS CHRIST, may HIS blood shield you and yours from any curses and hatred. Protect them from any mental, physical, emotional and spiritual harm cast upon them.

Isaiah 41:13
For I, the Lord your God, hold your right hand; it is I who say to you, “Fear not, I am the one who helps you.”

Psalm 118:6
The Lord is on my side; I will not fear. What can man do to me?

Psalm 23:1-6
Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me

-Much respect and peace.

1 year ago

1 year ago

The so-called Jews that run the world are not real Jews.

They are Zionist/satanic globalists who follow, not the torah, but the Talmud and Kabballah (which were inspired by Babylonian practices while the Jews were in exile)

Any so-called anti-sematic remarks made by critical thinkers exposing the evil agenda Zionists have for humankind is completely justifiable and not in any way racist or offensive. Criticising Zionism is not the same as making fun of real torah-following Jews who suffered in the past. Exposing evil is what Christians are called to do (Eph 6:12).


The Pharisees of Christ’s time are not real Jews. They are descended from the line of Esau, not the line of his brother, Israel. When Christ points out that the Pharisees are following the law of man, he means one that is outside of the mosaic law of the OT. The law of man in this case was the Talmud/Kabballah.

People need to get their facts right. The only way to do that is to search for truth. Only then will you be set free. Free from being a slave who is unable to think for themselves. Free from being controlled as a slave.

I was only able to figure this out when I was listening to a friend who explained this all to me. Taking advice from Jesus to use my ears to listen I did that while keeping an open mind. Only those who choose to close their mind and bury their head in the sand are ignorant and are the real anti-sematics who wish to see and support Zionism, which is anti-Jewish since it doesn’t follow the torah.

1 year ago

Brian, you are a brave man. You used the J word. . Lots of people know who controls politics, Hollywood, music, the media, the money supply and banks, and some of the churches. But few are courageous enough to state the facts. Kudos!

Not to mention George Soros, aka Jorge Schwartz.

1 year ago

Keep shining, Brian. YHWH bless you and yours. I can’t share this article enough, I’ve shared it with at least 6 of my media comrades and even sent it to Kyrie Irving’s website. I left TCD right before they signed with PARIS (Oscar J.) to focus on my degree at UCB. I ended up majoring in Mass Comm with an emphasis in radio after a failed attempt in the pre-med program lol. All that you’ve documented here in this article is why I’ve always refused to sell-out and should be a prerequisite read for anyone choosing a career in media. They’ll need it a their “cross-road” for sure. Wow…all I can say is thank you for writing this and again for your honesty. Keep keeping it real, B!

1 year ago

Does anyone ever notice how questioning or doubting certain events in his-story can get you ostracized, put in prison in European countries , fired from your job ..now we can add Covid crap to the list. ALL those “events” shun investigation and are all the concoctions of a certain group …like the group that controls the cash and the media

1 year ago

M=m3 Manipulation = Money x Media x Manpower

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