Julie Powell: 49-year-old New York food writer calls the non-vaccinated “lunatics” and “assholes,” dead 10 months after mRNA booster shot

November 4, 2022 (updated November 5, 2022)

Mrs. Julie Powell.

OLIVEBRIDGE, NEW YORK — A 49-year-old New York adulterous food writer is dead after bashing non-vaccinated people on Twitter for nearly a year.

Mrs. Julie Powell is best known for her 2005 book Julie and Julia: 365 Days, 524 Recipes, 1 Tiny Apartment KitchenThe book was originally a blog published on Salon.com. Mrs. Powell aimed to cook all 524 recipes in author Julia Child’s 1961 best-selling book Mastering the Art of French Cooking in one year. Ms. Child passed away in 2004 at age 91, one year before Mrs. Powell’s book was published. Ms. Child was apparently unimpressed with Mrs. Powell’s work.

Judith Jones was Ms. Child’s editor.

Jones said in a July 20, 2009 Publisher’s Weekly interview:

“Julia said, ‘I don’t think [Julie Powell is] a serious cook.’ Flinging around four-letter words when cooking isn’t attractive, to me or Julia. She didn’t want to endorse it. What came through on the blog was somebody who was doing it almost for the sake of a stunt. She would never really describe the end results, how delicious it was, and what she learned. Julia didn’t like what she called ‘the flimsies.’ She didn’t suffer fools, if you know what I mean.”

The interview was controversial. But Ms. Jones repeated the foregoing sentiments and anecdotes in a follow-up interview with Slashfood the next day. Julie Powell and Julia Child never met; and apparently Mrs. Powell never even attempted reaching out to Ms. Child while writing the blog. Julia Child did not like Julie Powell, and wouldn’t have wanted to meet her anyway. Critics were not impressed with Powell’s book either.

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The 2009 film “Julie and Julia” is an adaptation of both Powell’s book and Child’s 2006 posthumously-published autobiography My Life in France. Meryl Streep played Julia Child, while Amy Adams played Julia Powell.

The film was written and directed by Nora Ephron, of “When Harry Met Sally” and “Sleepless in Seattle” fame. “Julie and Julia” was a box office success, grossing nearly $130 million, more than three times its production budget. Streep was nominated for an Academy Award (Best Actress) for her role in the film.

Julie Powell published her second book, Cleaving: a Story of Marriage, Meat, and Obsession, in 2009. Critics, again, did not like it because Powell glorified her extramarital affairs and treating her husband like crap. She particularly talked a lot about the sex with her lover in the book. Her husband, Mr. Eric Powell, ended up having an affair himself, apparently just to get even. The couple married in 1998 and remained married until Mrs. Powell’s death.

From cheating, foul-mouth wife to vile mask and vaxx zealot

Mrs. Powell received her second Pfizer mRNA injection in May 2021.

Right on cue, her hatred and vitriol toward the non-vaccinated started right after the injections. Mrs. Powell called the non-vaccinated nuts, untrustworthy, lunatics and assholes, on July 14, 2021.

She seemed to have no ill-effects (other than the vile virtue signaling) from the first two injections. Mrs. Powell received a booster shot on December 24, 2021.

She reported pain throughout her body on June 10, 2022.

Mrs. Powell then reported a rash on July 12.

By August 24, she suspected that she had cancer.

Mrs. Powell articulated her desire for a second booster shot on September 19. Doctors of course dismissed her deteriorating health as so-called COVID-19 (which netted said doctors the $13,000 bounty). Thus Mrs. Powell and “the other one” (apparently her husband) had to wait until December for more synthetic mRNA.

Her condition steadily worsened. Mr. and Mrs. Powell were both sick again by October 8.

Mrs. Powell’s final tweet was on October 25 at 4:22 p.m. She woke up with a “black hairy tongue.”

Mrs. Powell passed away the next day, October 26, in her home. Mr. Powell said the cause of death was cardiac arrest.

At least she knew who she was in the end

Vaxx zealots are, by far, the most obnoxious, intolerable people on Earth. There are two other types of people this blogger has no respect for: self-hating Black Americans and self-hating White Americans.

Politifact has already written its propaganda post, declaring Mrs. Powell did not die because of the mRNA injections. That is exactly what said website is paid to do. But the booster shot ate Mrs. Powell alive from the inside out, just like in numerous other cases covered on this blog.

The slow kill mRNA formula has been in full circulation since August 2021. We’ve posited many times that a lot of people received placebos prior to that. It’s plausible that Mrs. Powell’s first two injections were placebos. The powers-that-be (“TPTB”) removed the original mRNA and viral vector DNA shots (AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson) from mainstream circulation because they were killing too many people way too fast. The genocide would have become obvious even to the most loyal, ardent vaxx zealots had the changes not been made.

RELATED: Kamrynn Thomas: 16-year-old Wisconsin girl develops blood clots, dead 11 days after experimental Pfizer mRNA shot (May 5, 2021)


That’s why we rarely write those stories anymore of vaxxed people dying within hours, days and weeks. The slow kill formula allows Politifact, Reuters, NBC, etc. to tell the sheep that the time between the mRNA injections and death means the “vaccines” could not have caused the death. But that is the exact purpose of the mRNA injections – slow kills. Right now most “vaccine deaths” are 10 to 12 months after booster shots, or 12 to 18 months after being “fully vaccinated” with two mRNA injections, two AstraZeneca or one Johnson & Johnson viral vector. The shots are very effective for their intended purpose.

RELATED: Benjamin Goodman: 32-year-old New York stagehand dead 24 hours after Johnson & Johnson viral vector shot (March 21, 2021)


Mrs. Powell cheated on her husband for years, and bragged about it in a published book. She called this blogger and most of the people who read this blog lunatics and assholes. Ms. Julia Child, the woman Mrs. Powell used as the foundation of her entire writing career (see TheCOVIDWorld.com), didn’t like her and had no desire to meet her. Critics despised Mrs. Powell’s books. But this is the type of “modern woman” that is rewarded by corporate America and mainstream/social media. Foul-mouthed, adulterer, no kids, self-proclaimed feminist. She checks every box.

It’s best to use Mrs. Powell’s own words to conclude this article. She experienced a mea culpa two weeks before her death.


Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


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Matthew Grant
Matthew Grant
1 year ago

All those clues she was getting from the adverse side effects and yet she couldn’t make the connection that it was from the jab. Her doctor convinced her that it was from COVID. And she actually believed it. Or maybe she wanted to believe it.

1 year ago
Reply to  Matthew Grant

And note those convid ‘symptoms’ didn’t exist when the scamdemic was at its peak.

1 year ago
Reply to  Matthew Grant

The vaxxed know in their heart of hearts what is going on, they just cannot face the profound horror of what they submitted to with the spiritual courage such acknowledgement requires.

This type of person was emotionally insecure and passive aggressive before the shot, of course those behavioral traits will be exponentially exacerbated post-vaccine mutilation.

I have sympathy for the honestly coerced who have refused subsequent shots (I know many who drew the line at the initial two)…but the militant hate filled personas such as Julie receive NO AMNESTY PERIOD

1 year ago
Reply to  Skrimpz

There are those who realise they made a mistake, because they were lied to and misled, these are the ones who are refusing further jabs, and there are those who blindly believe all they see and hear in the media, they still wear masks and go for every jab. At 08.55 yesterday outside our chemist, which doubles as a vac centre, were about 30 people waiting their jab.
I suspect the evil people behind this mass killing have been surprised how easily their plan has been accepted by jo-public.

Sudden and Unexpected
Sudden and Unexpected
1 year ago
Reply to  Skrimpz

I have coworkers still wearing masks and taking shots. Some of these idiots will never wake up unless the TV tells them what we’re saying. Only if it’s on TV is it true.

1 year ago


I love the Black Hairy Tongue ending to her story. Ironic and symbolic at the same time!

1 year ago
Reply to  Indomitable

Graphene Oxide residue…

1 year ago
Reply to  Car

I was thinking maybe microclots – like all those people having to get amputations.

1 year ago
Reply to  Indomitable

As much as I like her final tweet, it could have been more ironic if her second-to-last tweet was instead her last following Black Hairy Tongue:

I don’t know if I can take this final episode of The Patient.

Karen Christy
Karen Christy
1 year ago
Reply to  Indomitable

It hadn’t struck me, but you’re right. She did have an acidic tongue to match her dark soul. Ironic and symbolic indeed!

1 year ago
Reply to  Indomitable


Sudden and Unexpected
Sudden and Unexpected
1 year ago
Reply to  Indomitable

It’s almost as if God was striking her tongue as symbol of punishment for all the foul mouthed cursing that had come out of it.

1 year ago
Reply to  Indomitable

Google images of black hairy tongue. I would definitely rethink my life choices if I woke up and saw that.

1 year ago

No sympathy for her or for her husband. Both are morally and ethically bankrupt. I think her having a hairy black tongue before she died is spot on for all the hate and lies she spewed. Karma is a b-tch and apparently has a sense of humor too. Thank goodness neither had children to inflict their corrosive thoughts and actions on. No real loss.

1 year ago
Reply to  Annie

I feel sorry for her cat, but he’s probably already dead from shedding.

Susan Jones
Susan Jones
1 year ago

After she died, I went to Twitter to read some of her posts. Good grief, what a vile woman she was!

1 year ago
Reply to  Susan Jones

When someone claims on social media or to even to your face that they are a horrible person, believe them! They are telling the truth about themselves. She didn’t want to be good.

Karma Fairy
Karma Fairy
1 year ago
Reply to  Cat

It’s a shame because now this evil spirit will burn for all of eternity!!! Evil is where it’s supposed to be!

1 year ago
Reply to  Karma Fairy

Let that kind of things to God. It is His Business and only His, no matter how impressed you are by your perceived righteoussness.

1 year ago

Don, well, yes, or course, these things are left to Heavenly Father, however we have to ask ourselves, what turns adults, and after all, we are all adults, into mudslinging children via social media and even face to face over this perceived Covid threat. I notice that it is easier to say these things via this mechanical means. One can only take it face value to protect yourself.

It’s more work to do good works than succumb to this vitriol. Some people are lazy, as she admitted, and simply don’t do it. And this is key. It’s much easier to do wrongs. It’s harder the other way, maybe, in the end she knew she was screwed, deep down, and figured she had nothing to lose but show her ugly and not beauty, stymied by her own stubbornness.

1 year ago
Reply to  Susan Jones

Look at her Twitter photo. It’s that typical deranged, I love brutally killing Babies in my sacred Abortion type of gaze. I’ve seen that evil stare on the faces of many young Abortionphiles, of both genders. Yes, there’s only two.

But, hey, death lovers sometimes get to experience their end goal ahead of schedule even though there’s still so many innocent human lives they’d hope to destroy. The poisonous vaxx is their tribute to their god of self. It looks like she figured it out too late, sadly.

John McClane
John McClane
1 year ago

Well, I’m an alive “lunatic” who is also a white guy, while you are a dead brainwashed moron, so good riddance.

Feminist too huh? Now I’m even more delighted she’s gone, because feminism is one of the greatest evils to ever hit this world, it destroyed the family structure and paved the way for abominations like LGBT perverts, Abortion, blurring the lines between male and female and God given gender roles, the feminization and demonising of men and boys etc. Plus it’s poisoned and destroyed movie franchises like Star Wars, Terminator, Marvel & DC movies like Avengers Endgame & Wonder woman, plus Gaming because men are not allowed have anything to themselves without toxic women like this forcing/bullying their way into everything to hijack or take over, to ruin or change everything men built or created, the Lord of the rings is one of the latest examples of this.

Yes I know, I went on a tangent, but it needs to be said.

1 year ago
Reply to  John McClane

I would give this comment 10k upvotes if I could. Spot.on. 😀

1 year ago
Reply to  John McClane

Right on…it’s also worth noting that feminized Cuckish men who bow down at the Alter of the God Of Feminista, have tolerated, allowed, and looked the other way, all while the Construct of Feminism was permitted to take hold… The average man in the west does not challenge them, they go along to get along…these Cucks don’t have a right to own a pair…and deserve the likes of Julia and her ilk…

Holding On
Holding On
1 year ago
Reply to  Car

If I could give 1 million upvotes to your comment, I would!💥💥💥👏👏👏. Also worth noting, in the interest of fairness, that many conservative women stood by and allowed radical feminists to sow chaos. The principle of sowing and reaping hard at work….

1 year ago
Reply to  John McClane

True, I also thought before that feminism paved way to lgbtq+pedo movement we see today. Tge devil started off with the woman, then the man, now he’s after the kids.

1 year ago
Reply to  Kate

I don’t buy into this blaming women nonsense. It’s both genders. Both men and women are sinners.

1 year ago
Reply to  John McClane

I’m a woman and I actually agree with your comments about feminists. I do believe that women should have the right to vote, education and equality ie if they are doung the same job as a man, then they should get the same pay.
However, women are equal but different, with regards to their roles, abilities and responsibilities. They also have a right to be safe and secure, both within and outside of the home but feminists have just gone waaaaay to far, in my opinion and are completely unrealistic and are definitely largely responsible for destroying the family unit, the fabric of society!!!

Atom man
Atom man
1 year ago
Reply to  Lesley

A true Buddhist would say it is another symptom of egocentrism run wild – “Me, me, me” one day will be “Dead, dead, dead”. With a “true” awakening (not the false and comic book “woke” we hear about) men and women in this world would act much differently. “All sentient beings are connected by strong, invisible threads [yes, the superstrings theory in physics gives a basis for this assertion] – anyone who has gained this much insight will be careful with what they are doing.” This was said by a Roshi (old teacher of Zen) in Japan in 1958.

Karen Christy
Karen Christy
1 year ago
Reply to  Lesley

… but feminists have just gone waaaaay to far …

They really have gone way too far, but all the way out there, they still dare play both sides of the coin. They’re simultaneously Daddy’s Princess & feminist. So, if they get the crazies and are carried away by hatred for the despised ‘white man’, they feel free to strike, but in that moment, as Daddy’s Princess, they expect to not be hit back (because men don’t hit women, you understand), and many times, they are. I quite enjoy seeing them get launched in the air, landing unceremoniously and being hurt – and indignant! To those morons, I say, “You can’t have it both ways, Princess! If there are no gender roles, then you should expect any man you hit to hit you right back and hard enough to break your jaw. Appreciate the power and poetry of testosterone!”

1 year ago
Reply to  John McClane

It’s all part of the transhumanist plan.
The bait: that man’s wife goes to work; they have a car. That man’s wife goes to work; they have foreign holidays.
The catch: Every wife has to go to work to help pay the mortgage and the childcare etc..

Frank DiGorgio
Frank DiGorgio
1 year ago

Note to self: avoid Ms. Powell’s doctor at all costs.

Oh well, another hateful, vile pro-vaxxer dead. R.I.P.

1 year ago

Karma executed with pinpoint accuracy. Couldn’t have targeted a more vile and repulsive demon any better.

Not Dead
Not Dead
1 year ago

See ya Julie, wouldn’t want to be ya !
Dead that is.

1 year ago

Take heart all; narcissistic s##t-libs never die, they just go carbon neutral – her smug indignation will live-on forever.

Christel Picciano
Christel Picciano
1 year ago

Thank you Brian for a delicious article.

Frank S.
Frank S.
1 year ago

Notice how dismissive her “doctors” were? One must be wary of more than credentials when doc shopping nowadays.

Omri Hussain
Omri Hussain
1 year ago

The Covid-19 vaccines have been a great equaliser. How these vaccines have brought down the mighty, the arrogant, the vicious and the self-righteous! A few of my enemies have been very humbled after receiving their Covid-19 vaccines. This vile woman got what she deserved. This vile creature cannot turn around and protest that she did not deserve this. She did. Some people in life deserve to be treated with contempt. This harlot was one of them.

Clown World
Clown World
1 year ago
Reply to  Omri Hussain

Many dying vaxxed like her have the perfect opportunity to turn around and become a martyr for humanity. Especially since they are near death’s door, they don’t have to worry about relatiation from TPTB. Might as well go out shooting. But no. Apparently the Me Too movement, ice bucket challenge, all these self-aggrandizing “charitable” acts on social media were done in vain.

1 year ago

Meant Gal 6 vs 7 ” Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows”

1 year ago

Her last tweet, at the end of your article, is a good self-evaluation of this class A loser. She failed, of course, at the trying “to be good” part, but at least her name-calling of the unvaxxed has stopped. Sow it, reap it.

1 year ago
Reply to  Ron

It’s too bad someone didn’t give her a good Gospel tract, or ask her for the time to tell her about the Gospel. Maybe she’d have been saved; she already knew she was doing wrong, the vaccine got her that far. Maybe someone did.

Maybe as the fooled get farther along into the Certificate of Vaccination Holocaust, many will be open to the Good News they never heard or rejected before.

1 year ago
Reply to  mike

She wouldn’t listen. It’s unfortunate but that’s the reality. She was too invested in whatever her idea of “good” was, and “success”. Sad but it is what it is.

1 year ago

I think God curses the vaccinated who continually degrade or mock the unvaccinated.

1 year ago

Mind you, I have not set foot in a Cinema for 42 years, so I have no idea what normies like on the big screen. However, when I heard about that film when it came out, I thought: that sounds like watching paint dry, who will see it? I guess many did go see it…it figures.

Matthew Schumann
Matthew Schumann
1 year ago

WTF is “noshy”? I hate her already. Obama’s ball cleaner died. Now I really hate her.

1 year ago

Funny comment…….what weirdo cries when an ex-President’s dog dies? Especially a mutt recommended to Obama by Ted Kennedy.I’m even mad at myself for remembering that bit of trivial garbage.

Frank S.
Frank S.
1 year ago

I gather “noshy” is a trendy way of saying, “nauseous”.

1 year ago

She was hungry but didn’t feel like getting out of bed.

noshed; noshing; noshes
to eat a snack : munch
noshing on pizza
a light meal : snack

1 year ago
Reply to  jojo

“Nosh” is Yiddish…strange word…we don’t use it here in fly-over country.

1 year ago

Feel sorry for the cats. Their parent didn’t have time for a change of heart and it’s sad. So many mean vaxers out there.

Lefties R Loozers
Lefties R Loozers
1 year ago

“That is the exact purpose of the mRNA injections – slow kills.”

That’s a fact. It will take many years for some of these lemmings to be convinced the shot was a bad idea, and that gives the fuckers time to blame it on everything else.

1 year ago

Guess I got what I deserved
Spike Proteins didn’t take too long, my love
All my time Tweeting evil words
Didn’t know you’d think that I’d forget
or I’d regret
The special love I had for you,
my Pfizer Flu

(apologies to Badfinger)

1 year ago

Nabbed, Triple Jabbed, Cold Slabbed, Toe Tagged, & Plastic Bagged…thanks for the advice, Julia…Have you heard of the movie ” Gone with the Wind “? Well, this is ” Gone with the Vaxx “…You hold onto your Booster… Thank you very much and good riddance…Brought to you by Pfizer…

Albany News
Albany News
1 year ago
Reply to  Car

Truer words have never been spoken about the comment above. Thanks for posting.

1 year ago

I did not know of this person at all, but she did not sound like someone I would want to know about, judging from the above story and the comments below. Hopefully, her husband is laughing all the way to the bank, although it may just be a small piggy bank on the dresser, judging by her ability to market her wares.I too, was amused by her “black hairy-tongued” symptoms.

1 year ago

She must have been very, very useful to some very powerful people. Hollywood doesn’t churn out Meryl Streep vehicles about you and me. Even after her death, the NY Times and the Salon.com’s of this world continue to gush about her work (?) as “groundbreaking.” (??)

Clown World
Clown World
1 year ago
Reply to  Dayne

Satanic Hollywood loves low vibrational humans. Perfect for spreading misery, lies and degeneracy.

1 year ago
Reply to  Clown World

And they make great sacrifices to their dark lord. Nasty people.

Harold Crapper
1 year ago

You cannot stupid, the liberal leftist mind works different than a normal brain, their thought process in incapable of seeing their own hypocrisy; or even considering that the paradigm they exist in (in their mind) may be wrong or other conflicting ideas, even those with scientific merit could be right. I hate to say it, but the world is better off without selfish people like her.

1 year ago

This woman is certainly one of the craziest I’ve read about on this wonderfully researched blog. She had all these health problems which were odd to say the least (a black hairy tongue?) and she still did not connect it to the jabs. Unbelievable. The injections were slowly killing her.

tony bonn
tony bonn
1 year ago

thank god she was vaccinated or it could have been worse.

1 year ago
Reply to  tony bonn

And the covidiots still say that. It’s unbelievable 😳

1 year ago

Any needless death is tragic, but in this case, karma happened.

1 year ago

Going to happen to many like her as they are psychologically driven to booster hell. I know of a woman I work with that has had 6 jabs. She is convincing others to get more.

Hugh Scott
Hugh Scott
1 year ago

So let me get this right- logical, cautious thinkers, who have functionibg cause and effect genes, and are perfectly healthy- are the problem? This woman needs to pull her head out of her biden!

1 year ago

Sad, I guess but whose the a hole now? Great blogs here. God blessed you with a great platform here. I hope you continue to prosper in it. You’ve blessed our family – sorry I don’t comment enough. Thanks. There is strong Delusion going on in the earth, fear as well. But ya know, it just seems like the outspoken Stupids are falling by the way side. Dividing goats from sheep. That day of reckoning we use to hear about? It’s here! ⚠️

1 year ago

Always the sanctimonious that are dumber than dog shit…..here is another example

1 year ago

What kind of writer does not know the difference between ‘their’ and ‘they’re’?

1 year ago
Reply to  Alex

nobudy liks speling nazis

1 year ago

So, is anyone going to start a PureBlood orphan registry?

I mean, if everyone you know is a vaxaholic except your kids, who will care for your kids when u kick the bucket?

Richard Stans
Richard Stans
1 year ago

It is heartbreaking to me that people like this woman find a situation like this as an excuse to deride and degrade others just to build themselves up. I learned to identify and avoid such people. I feel like I’m dealing with demons and it’s a scary feeling.

1 year ago
Reply to  Richard Stans

“I feel like I’m dealing with demons”

That’s the way I was feeling -starting April 2020 – when everybody around me was wearing a mask, scraping the walls to be away from others. All you could see is their ugly eyes full of fear. They had no human energy radiating from them at all.

In the subway in nyc, it was like I have intruded on a bunch of masked cultists in the middle of their satanic ritual. “Alpha-male” my A** : everybody was masked and displaying his/her willingness to obey. TPTB couldn’t have been more satisfied to see such level of servitude and faith the masses have in them.

Good people are perfectly at peace with their own mortality and they focus their energy on trying to be agents of goodness in the world, The lies and satanic propaganda have no effect on them except maybe to irritate them.

1 year ago

Julie failed the intelligence test.
Life really doesn’t give a rat’s a$$ who lives it or who throws it away.
If only poor Julie had known that, she might have woken up and taken responsibility for her own life before “they” poisoned her with their gene juice filth.
Some unfortunates enter the gates of hell and imagine its paradise and that the demons therein are benevolent angels.

Melissa Carroll
Melissa Carroll
1 year ago

The Bible talks about the PEOPLE SUFFERING THE DARKNESS OF OBLIVION this is the first thing that came to mind reading this timeline of her tweets.and the ironic black tongue b4 death and the doctor who strokes her ego to accept her hairy black tongue is one hell of a creepy beast if all this was a biblical reality this would make Joe Biden the ANTICHRIST. fulfilling the book of Revelations and the Mark of the Beast followed by the Antichrist who is biding his time.

Speaking of heaven do you think she made it there?

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