Mariasofia Paparo: 27-year-old Italian professional swimmer and master’s degree student dies “suddenly and unexpectedly” of a heart attack
April 19, 2022

Ms. Mariasofia Paparo.

SAN GIORGIO A CREMANO — A 27-year-old Italian professional swimmer, swim instructor, master’s degree student, and soon-to-be wife is dead as young sudden deaths are accelerating across the globe.

Ms. Mariasofia Paparo is best known as a highly-accomplished swimmer. Her Instagram page, dating back to 2013, has numerous photos of her winning medals and trophies in swim competitions. The first significant one is from late 2014. The captions reads “the loot increases! Never felt so fit and we’re only in November.”

She won her first gold medal in May 2015 at age 21. The text on top of the medal translates to International Swimming Master Trophy. The IG caption reads, “Loot completed with a gold and a super time.”

In a sad bit of irony, Ms. Paparo posted frequently about her pet guinea pig, Whiskey, in 2016 and 2017. Whiskey died on May 21, 2017.

Her swimming dominance afforded luxuries. Ms. Paparo traveled all over the world, including Egypt, India and the United Arab Emirates. She continued winning medals in various swimming competitions through 2022. Ms. Paparo also modeled for sports apparel brands, particularly Speedo International. Another new chapter in life started in March of 2020, right as the so-called pandemic commenced.

RELATED: Francesca Marcon: 38-year-old Italian volleyball player develops pericarditis after second Pfizer mRNA injection, wonders “who pays the price” (August 26, 2021)


Ms. Paparo met her boyfriend, Matteo Scarpati, who is also an avid swimmer, at a pool that month. Local newspapers featured Ms. Paparo and Mr. Scarpati in a column about area residents who fell in love during the lockdown.

Exactly two years after they met, on March 13, 2022, Mr. Scarpati proposed to Ms. Paparo.

Ms. Paparo would have turned 28 on April 18. She was also scheduled to graduate and earn her master’s degree in Sciences and Technologies of Navigation from the University of Naples Parthenope on April 28.

Sudden heart attack and death

Ms. Paparo’s last Instagram post came on April 6. She expressed deep love for her fiancé and ended the post with “100 days.” If that’s an indication of their wedding date, the couple were scheduled to tie the knot sometime around July 15.

Her last Facebook post was on April 7. It’s a photo of Angels Landing at Zion National Park in Utah.

The University of Naples Parthenope posted an update on April 12 at 3:29 a.m. confirming that Ms. Paparo passed away. The (likely inaccurate) translation said she would have graduated “next April 28.” But other Italian news sources confirmed her graduation date as this coming April 28.

She “died suddenly” from a massive heart attack on Monday, April 11, according to multiple sources. There’s no definitive evidence showing that Ms. Paparo received mRNA and/or viral vector DNA injections. But common sense and the preponderance of evidence concludes that she was at least double-vaxxed.

The University of Naples Parthenope has had a vaccine mandate in place since at least August 2021. Italy mandated vaccines for indoor dining, sports stadiums, swimming pools and pretty much any and all other settings in July 2021. The “super green pass” was implemented in December, essentially banning non-vaccinated Italians from all public venues. Italy also requires all athletes to be vaccinated in order to participate in sports.

RELATED: Search “heart attack” on The COVID Blog™.


Granted all of the foregoing mandates have narrow exceptions. But it stands to reason that a professional swimmer who loves to travel received the injections for convenience-sake. Mr. Scarpati wrote a very sad goodbye message that hits home with a lot of men who are madly in love with their lady.

Ms. Mariapia Paparo, Mariasofia’s sister, said this tragic death had nothing to do with the lethal injections. She did not, however, come out and clearly say that her sister was vaxx-free.

Italy to suffer the most vaxx deaths in world?

Italy was, by far, one of the most covered countries on The COVID Blog™ in early 2021. At least 13 countries, including Italy, temporarily or permanently banned the AstraZeneca viral vector DNA injections in March 2021. We covered at least 10 post-AstraZeneca deaths in Italy by June, including 18-year-old Camilla Canepa. She died from blood clots and bleeding in her brain just two weeks after the AstraZeneca injection. Pfizer and Moderna became equal opportunity killers after the summer.

RELATED: Ludovica Bizzaglia: 25-year-old Italian actress develops pericarditis days after second Moderna mRNA injection, would do it again “a million times” (September 16, 2021)


All of the lethal injections are dangerous. But most of the Western world stopped using the Johnson & Johnson and AstraZeneca shots last summer because those concoctions were killing people far too fast and too frequently. The genocide looked far too obvious. Even the United States temporarily stopped using the J&J shots because of too many sudden deaths and blood clots after the shots were given emergency use authorization.

Italians began summarily rejecting the AstraZeneca shots last spring, as the negative AstraZeneca coverage could not be suppressed. But Francesco Figliuolo, the country’s “Commissioner for the COVID-19 Emergency” essentially admitted that Italy wants to kill off the older population. Italy banned the AstraZeneca shots permanently last June, except for people over age 60. Italy has the second-highest percentage (22.8%) of people over age 65 in the world, according to the Population Reference Bureau. Only Japan has a higher percentage (28.2%) of age 65-plus citizens. It will be interesting to see an update to these numbers in 2023-24.

Ms. Paparo had everything going for her. She was living the Italian version of the American Dream at age 27. She wasn’t a vaxx zealot or a virtue signaler. Ms. Paparo is simply another victim who likely equated normal life with experimental shots. Her sister and vaxx zealots can say whatever they want. But there can only be so many coincidence in this age of young people dropping dead daily. Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


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2 years ago

She was obviously faking her good health all along, heart attacks do not just happen to healthy people.

Seriously though, what kind of sister would come out with her comment, and not want to find the truth of what happened?

2 years ago
Reply to  Indomitable

I was thinking the same thing. First and foremost – don’t blame the clot shots. Good grief. What a shill. Well rest in peace, Mariasofia. Your life ended much to soon. 🙏✝️

2 years ago
Reply to  Annie

Maybe it’s the vaccine speaking, such as a self-constructing nano-tech created antenna over the pineal gland, making a person like a DARPA test monkey with an electrode in its brain.

Clown World
Clown World
2 years ago
Reply to  George

Some of the most diehard vaxx zealots I know have had a history of getting flu shots and using fluoride toothpaste, long before they took their covid vaccines. So they gradually became what they are: a programmable robot. This was something not done overnight.

2 years ago
Reply to  George

These Graphene Laden Shots are designed to work with the EMF waves emitting from the 5G Death Towers…the technology is there to input thoughts in the human brain without the subject even realizing it…in the future…the chipped monkeys will be victimized with Vaxx induced heart attacks and strokes thru the Bluetooth on their phones…this is why you see all these military-type Cell Towers all over the place…they are not for making better phone calls…They are designed for the Graphene and 5G to work together and the mass deaths will be blamed on some new Bullshit Variant…and many of those that were resisting the 666 Jabs will be pressured to comply…The problem, Reaction Solution…works every time…Checkmate Humanity…

2 years ago
Reply to  Indomitable

A sister who is scared, who probably also took the shot(s)and is unable to face the harsh realities associated with these crimes against humanity.

Jack Sparrow
Jack Sparrow
2 years ago
Reply to  Indomitable

I am pretty sure she knows what killed her sister. That’s why you bring up what everyone is thinking.

The Ogs
The Ogs
2 years ago
Reply to  Indomitable

No one will ‘admit’ anything – because they would then have to face the fact that they have been damaged too! And ponder their own mortality…

2 years ago
Reply to  Indomitable

It’s a religion.

2 years ago
Reply to  Indomitable


They actually find it more important to defend the product of a pharmaceutical company rather than find out the truth and get justice for a family member.

It is a cult. These people are being programmed. No other explanation.

2 years ago

There are millions of us in the US who took the jab only to keep our jobs and preserve our family’s way of life. When I did it, I knew it was a sin and that I was risking my life, but I caved to family pressure in a moment of weakness.It took several months for shortness of breath and heart palpitations to subside. Even worse, it took months to reconcile to God and walk again with the Holy Spirit (I’ve read others who have said the same after getting injected). My heart goes out to everyone who took these experimental gene shots – even the virtue signalling vax Nazis, believe it or not. In some ways, they are the worst off, because they are lost in the Satanic delusion that what they did and said is “good”.

2 years ago
Reply to  TGOSM

“Satin masquerades as the false white light.” These COVID injections are a perfect example of that. I wish you good luck in your recovery. Please, for your own sake, don’t get the booster.

2 years ago
Reply to  Christine

Thank you. I’ll never get another one and never planned to. I was “kicking the can down the road” so to speak. At the time I knew the shot was a risk, but I didn’t know when I got it the extent to which how physically harmful the jabs are. Graphene oxide, nano-tech, luciferase, ADE, VAIDS, the heart attacks, strokes, cancers. I only found out that stuff after the shot, thanks to sites like this one. I don’t personally know of anyone who has “died unexpectedly” (and pray that I don’t), but people keep getting boosters. Even after they’ve had COVID! It’s insane.

2 years ago
Reply to  TGOSM

Good for you. We all need to draw the line in the sand. For what it’s worth, my brother took the J&J. He suffered a vaccine reaction. His job mandated the boosters and he left after 27 years. (City of San Jose, CA). Amazingly, after he left, the booster mandate was reversed because 300 City of San Jose cops and firefighters refused to get the booster. The initial vote was unanimous in favor of the booster and then an 8 to 1 reversal of the vote (almost unanimous) in favor of reversing the booster mandate. There is power in numbers. Plus personal health is tantamount. Good luck to you.

Kim Karma
Kim Karma
2 years ago

They’re now saying the shots are being “redesigned” to deal with the variants. Wonder what that will end up doing…

Karen Christy
Karen Christy
2 years ago

Camilla Canepa died June 6, 2021. Her family moved to get away from the grief. Her father, 53, more than likely also vaccinated, died 26 March, 2022. May God comfort Camilla’s mother, Barbara Spoto and her sister Beatrice Canepa.

Chocolate Orange
Chocolate Orange
2 years ago
Reply to  Karen Christy

Thanks for providing this information.
It’s utterly tragic that the father too probably died from the jab.
I remember the case of 18-year-old Camila Canepa from last year well.
If you know Barbara or Beatrice, please send them my sincerest condolences and deepest sympathies.
Again, thank you for the additional information, Karen. God bless you.

2 years ago

“Ms. Mariapia Paparo, Mariasofia’s sister, said this tragic death had nothing to do with the lethal injections”

She’s saying this because she took the shot. I can imagine her having many sleepless nights & days or anxiety wondering. I have deduced over the last 2 years since all the side effects have become public and the number of deaths in young people that cannot be explained, those that took the shot are the most vehement defenders of it. She’s in denial. She doesn’t want to know what happened to her sister because than she’d have to admit she made a mistake getting the shot and she has to at least recognize that she too could be damaged.

2 years ago
Reply to  Redpill

The sister, as in the case with many others, would rather be comforted with a Lie than saddened by a Truth…it is very easy to Fool someone, but not so easy to convince them that they have been Fooled…the Mortal Sin she committed was Idolodry…she worshiped and served a False Dietty, in this case, the Pagan God of Pharmacia…which the Scriptures warn about in Matthew 7:15…

2 years ago

I said it before and I’ll say it again, swimmers are some of the most healthiest athletes you will encounter. Their circulatory systems have to be in top shape to maintain synchronous balance of breathe, body and mind in the water–it is like running at top speed in the water, while remaining afloat. The practice sessions are so challenging, especially on a professional level. If she was part of the international swimming association (I WAS highly involved in the USSA) then she took the shots and boosters.

There is no conceivable way this young woman had a heart attack, by natural means. This is 100% vaxxed caused. Anyone who thinks otherwise, including her delusional sister, is a danger to themselves and others around them. Cognitive basis is very evident in her statement—sorry, I do not feel for her family–these people infringed on my Constitutional and human right to CHOOSE, just because they lacked the courage and intelligence to abstain from the injections/mask wearing, all for superficial luxuries they “could not live without.”

Regardless, of my apparent mourning for the loss of ethics, common sense, and integrity in humanity and the swimming community (other sports as well), I hope this young woman rests in peace.

Greetings from Spain
2 years ago

Me sorprende que a nosotros nos llamen negacionistas cuando son ellos los auténticos negacionistas de los efectos adversos incluyendo la muerte de tantos jóvenes atletas.
No hay nada peor que negar la triste realidad de lo que les está pasando, de esa manera nunca podrán salvaguardar sus vidas

2 years ago

Too many finely tuned athletes dropping like flies…and many of them are on Live Tel Lie Vision…You can fool some of the people some of the time…but you can not fool all of the people all of the time…something has to give…Conversely and sadly in these cases…You can fool all of the Sheeple all of the Time…Vaxxed Zealots and Virtue Signallers will never ever admit that they have been HAD…not only are they a danger to themselves…they are also a danger to the rest of us…as they give political cover to the Criminal Elite who we outnumber at least ten thousand to one…Tyranny could never be carried out without ” Voluntary Mass Compliance ” to these crimes against humanity…there must be a special place in the Pit for these easily fooled Hypno Jabbed Know Nothing Useful Idiots that keep apologizing for the Big Pharma Poison…

The politicians, the WHO executives, the pharma mafia responsible for this mass murder unseen in history deserve the death penalty without exception.

2 years ago

She couldn’t travel in US veing Italian without the shots. Period, she had the doses

2 years ago

she had beautiful eyes.

2 years ago
Reply to  whocares

But, in the end… That’s NOT the ultimate “litmus test.”… I am glad that she was so happy & made others very happy to the very end (even pets)!!… R.I.P. A life seeming very well-lived..

Last edited 2 years ago by Schrre
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