Shane Warne: 52-year-old Australian cricket icon tells world “get vaccinated and learn to live with it,” suffers heart attack and dies
March 6, 2022 (updated 4:10 a.m. Pacific)

Mr. Shane Warne.

UPDATE March 7, 2022 – Shane Warne died of “natural causes,” according to mainstream media.

El-Oh-El. Some of these outlets are also insinuating that his liquid diet contributed to his death. This blogger is currently on Day 3 of a bone broth fast. Guess this will be the last post on The COVID Blog™.




KOH SAMUI, THAILAND — A 52-year-old cricket legend, known as “The King” to his Australian fans, has passed away in yet another death after virtue signaling.

This blogger is not going to pretend to know anything about cricket. But a crash course in the sport was conducted before writing this article to understand the full picture. A combination of baseball and soccer is a crude way to describe cricket to someone who knows nothing about it.

Each cricket team consists of 12 players, including one reserve. The bowler is the functional equivalent of a pitcher in baseball. Mr. Shane Warne is considered one of the best bowlers in cricket history. Bowlers propel  (“deliver”) the ball towards the batters and wickets in a very specific way. If they simply “throw” the ball, it’s a penalty. It’s also a penalty if you release the ball too early or too late on the approach.

If it looks unnatural for humans to do this, that’s because it is. Many cricket bowlers develop back issues both during their careers and later in life. Batters are not only trying to hit the ball, but also prevent the ball from hitting the wicket behind them – like a goalie. If the ball hits the wicket, that batter is out of the game. If the player hits the ball, he and the other batter run back and forth to score runs.

RELATED: Two Cricket West Indies (Jamaica) women’s players collapse on field three days after second experimental COVID-19 “vaccine” (July 8, 2021)


This video by Ninh Ly explains the rest.

Cricket is most popular in Australia, Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, South Africa and the U.K. One game of Test cricket can span days. The longest game in history, between South Africa and England in 1939, lasted 12 days (and ended in a tie).

Mr. Warne played international cricket from 1992 to 2007. He is second all-time in cricket history with 708 wickets – meaning he hit the wicket and dismissed the batter, or, like his 500th wicket, when the ball is popped up in the air and caught like a fly ball in baseball. Only Sri Lanka’s Muttiah Muralitharan (800 Test wickets) is ahead of him. Australia has won five Cricket World Cup titles. Mr. Warne was part of the 1999 championship team. Australia has more Cricket World Cup titles than any other country. India (2) and the West Indies (2) are the only other teams with more than one title.

Mr. Warne continued playing cricket in the Indian Premier League and for the Melbourne Stars from 2008 to 2013. The Stars are in Australia’s Big Bash League, with a Twenty20 format (a shortened game). He officially retired from the sport altogether in 2013.  Mr. Warne was inducted into the International Cricket Council Hall of Fame in 2012-13.

Life outside of cricket

Mr. Warne, like many great athletes, lived quite the life. He was married for 10 years (1995 to 2005), and had three kids from that relationship. Mr. Warne began dating British actress Elizabeth Hurley in 2010. But reports surfaced of Mr. Warne “sexting” another woman just weeks into his relationships with Ms. Hurley. The two apparently put their difference aside and were engaged in October 2011. They never tied the knot, announcing their split right before Christmas in 2013.

The Shane Warne Foundation was launched in 2004. Its mission was to help underprivileged kids. The charity held many lavish events that featured celebrities and $200 per plate dinners. But a January 2016 report by The Guardian found that the charity was only using 16 cents for every dollar raised for actual charity work.

The Sydney Morning Herald reported in February 2016 that the charity had all kinds of financial and nepotism problems. Mr. Warne’s brother was CEO for a while; and the foundation rented office space in buildings owned by his parents. The foundation officially shuttered in March 2016.

But Mr. Warne wasn’t just an adulterer, drug cheat and money grub as many of his detractors labeled him. His sheer presence in Sri Lanka after the 2004 Boxing Day Tsunami that killed 230,000 people, including 40,000 people in Sri Lanka, helped the victims escape from reality, if only temporarily.

Mr. Warne also owned a company called SevenZeroEight Gin, a play on his 708 Test wickets. The company sells its signature gin and a few other alcohol products.

He worked on several television projects. But his television bread-and-butter was cricket commentary. He worked for both Fox Cricket and Sky Sports as of 2022.

Virtue signaling

It’s unclear when exactly Mr. Warne received his two injections. But based on the evidence, we can assume he received his second one by mid-July 2021. He did a Sky News interview last July. Here are some of the lowlights:

“Get your double vaxx, and get on with it, and learn to live with it. Let’s all go get the jab and get on with it.”

Mr. Warne was talking about his experience in the U.K. and how Australians need to follow the same path. He also talked about having to “quarantine” for 14 days in one of those Australia COVID prisons when he returned from international travel. Instead of using his voice to oppose it, he said, “those are the rules, there’s no exceptions, and it should be like that.”

An August 2 tweet indicated Mr. Warne tested positive for so-called COVID-19 despite being “double vaccinated.” He said “[the] symptoms are mild.”

Mr. Warne spoke further about his illness in a September 23 interview with Perth Now:

“I have apparently got the holy grail. I have been double vaccinated and I have had COVID, so I am meant to be absolutely fine now.”

He reported having headaches and flu-like symptoms. So instead of taking high-dose vitamin D, drinking orange juice and resting, Mr. Warne volunteered himself to be a guinea pig with a “special ventilator.” He then repeated his sentiments from the Sky News interview.

“It is everyone’s choice to get vaccinated or not, but to me it is pretty simple. Get vaccinated has to be the message to everyone so we can get back to some sort of normality.”

Mr. Warne then said he was confused about Australia’s quarantine rules for international travelers in late October.

He also took several digs at non-vaccinated, Serbian tennis superstar Novak Djokovic in response to that whole mess during the Aussie Open in January.

It’s unclear if Mr. Warne received a booster shot at some point. The “Twitterverse” is claiming he had the booster days or weeks before his trip. There’s no public evidence of it. But booster shots are now required for Aussies to be considered “fully vaccinated.”

Sudden death

Mr. Warne arrived on the island of Koh Samui in Thailand to celebrate a holiday on March 1, according to The Guardian. He and three friends rented a private home that they planned on staying in for three months. Mr. Warne reportedly suffered chest pains before arriving in Thailand.

RELATED: Glenn Wheatley: 74-year-old “double vaccinated” Australia music icon dead after weeks suffering in hospital, mainstream media blame COVID-19 (February 3, 2022)


He and one of the friends had massages around 4 p.m. on Friday, March 4. They returned to the villa and got ready for dinner and drinks. But Mr. Warne did not show up for said dinner. His friends went to his room, only to find him unresponsive in his bed, with vomit on the floor. They performed CPR for over 20 minutes, but it was too late. Mr. Warne was pronounced dead less than an hour later at Thai International Hospital. Several outlets reported that the cause of death was a heart attack.

Everyone from Elton John, Mick Jagger, and even Mr. Warne’s ex-beau, Elizabeth Hurley, paid their respects publicly.

The Victoria government plans to hold a state funeral for Mr. Warne. There is already a statue of Mr. Warne at Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG). The Great Southern Stand at MCG is being renamed S.K. Warne Stand. His body is currently being repatriated to Australia.

Sacrament sacrifice

Mr. Warne’s last tweet came on March 4 (Australia time). Fellow Australian and ICC Cricket Hall of Famer Rod Marsh, 74, died of a heart attack that day. Mr. Warne’s tweet was posted just eight hours before he died of a heart attack himself.

Many Aussies on Twitter suspect the injections as the cause of Mr. Marsh’s death as well.

Love him or hate him, Mr. Warne unified Aussies during cricket matches, and seems to be doing the same now. After learning about him and Australia’s dominance in international cricket, there really isn’t a comparable American athlete. Cricket is now the second-most popular sport in the world behind soccer. Neither sport is popular in the United States. International competition overall really isn’t either. Thus its hard to relate to what Aussies are feeling now.

Despite the foregoing, Mr. Warne was a legendary cricket player and a vaxx zealot. Granted he probably received the shots because he travels a lot. But using a global platform to encourage others to line up for their executions is inexcusable and unforgivable. This blogger knew nothing about Mr. Warne before researching and writing this article. He seems like a likable guy, even from a celebrity perspective. But vaxx zealotry is far worse than adultery, drug cheat accusations, and materialism. It’s sad he chose to go out this way.

Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


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2 years ago

Well-rounded post, especially for someone with no prior cricket knowledge. Very well done.

2 years ago

Cricket is also extremely popular in the Carribean.

2 years ago

As big of a story as this is here in Australia, there’s predictably been absolutely zero mention in the media about his vaccination status and/or any connection between that and his death, neither do any of my vaccinated friends see any connection, though if you go through online comments it seems many others have their suspicions. As mentioned another cricketing great Rod Marsh died (heart attack) earlier on the same day and even that seemed a bit suss to me, so when I heard that Warney had died of a heart attack too, that just seemed to be way too much of a coincidence.

To give somewhat of a comparison of how big of a sports star Warney is in Australia, he would sort of be an Australian equivalent to Tom Brady or Michael Jordan!

Very good article and glad attention is being given to the dystopian covid hell that we’re experiencing in Australia.

2 years ago
Reply to  Bill

Bill, you certainly are not far from the truth.

At least now we know for sure he was jabbed.

Whenever, the news media omits the “gene jab” status of the individual, you can safely conclude that the individual was jabbed by almost a 100% certainty. Otherwise, they are quick to point out they were not jabbed as a warning to those of us who have refused it so far.

I wonder though if the average daily news reporter take time to critically evaluate their own news report and try to at least connect the obvious dots.

This is why the “gene jab culling” is so annoying.

The architects of all this carefully planned it this way. The deaths occur randomly and much further away from the injection date so that the unsuspecting jabbed populace can’t/won’t make the connection, lest they raise any fuss. It would appear “they- evil and psychopathic globalists” really didn’t expect or plan for the immediate deaths that occurred, after all why would you want that when you’d rather everyone feel confident taking it and lead themselves “albeit willingly” to the slaughter.

Truly, my people perish for lack of knowledge- eyes wide open and they can’t see, ears to hear and they can’t hear a thing. Perhaps it’s best this way so that they can continue to live in their blissful ignorance rather than stress unnecessarily about an impending doom.

I mean, all it takes is some tiny bit of critical thinking and connecting the dots. What are the chances that two cricket legends would die 12hrs apart of the same cause? Is there “anything or procedure” that connects them even though one is almost 22yrs old than the other?

2 years ago
Reply to  Steve

Stevo, you’re being paranoid! Cricket legends have always died 12 hours apart from the same cause. It’s just coincidence… like all the other deaths. People have always died at higher than normal rates, mate. Nothing to see hear, folks!

Darlene Harrison
Darlene Harrison
2 years ago
Reply to  John

As the saying goes, vaccinations are the leading cause of coincidences. Lol.

2 years ago
Reply to  Bill

Well put..with that being said, TB & MJ are both industry plants. Legends don’t exist.

2 years ago
Reply to  Bill

The grip of media is so evil, so strong, NO ONE of these stars stand up & “speak truth to power” -who see theirs going down, like this guy, Celine Dion, & MSNBC’s Midwin Charles, I see no one except that Jersey Shore chick call it, & CNN was after her with threats, hunting her down!

This is war; brainwashing isn’t the only factor keeping “stars” from saying, “The emperor is killing people, and we’re next!”

2 years ago

I’m sure we’ll hear nothing but “crickets” about it in the US MSM

2 years ago
Reply to  farmerz

Most folks in the USA don’t even know who Shane Warne is. More Americans would be familiar with his wife Elizabeth Hurley than him, which is a similar thing that happened to David Beckham when he made his debut in the USA through MLS. His wife was more famous than him in the USA.

2 years ago
Reply to  farmerz

Good one!! LMAO!!

2 years ago
Reply to  farmerz

But Warne isvery well known in all cricket playing nations worldwide, and those are many, and countries like India, UK, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, West Indies, South Africa, etc etc. So the news will definitely get out there.

2 years ago
Reply to  farmerz

There will be crickets about another celebrity that died today in the US MSM that many Americans would not be familiar with either. A Canadian guitarist named David “Ziggy” Sigmund from the Econoline Crush band died. I have never heard of him, but I discovered he died by searching died suddenly in a search engine. He was one of the many names that popped up. Also it is odd that another Canadian musician died last month that I have never heard of either named Dallas Good that was also a guitarist.

2 years ago

Actually his death is proving Djokovic’s decision not to get the clot shots the smart one. For many, that’s Warne’s legacy. Now that vaxx mandates are falling, Djokovic can play and will probably dominate the vaxxed competition. Screw the Australian open. Screw the Australian government. My sympathy to his children.

2 years ago

Google news is posting articles by the AHA that daylight savings time can cause heart problems. No joke.

Last edited 2 years ago by Gwen
2 years ago
Reply to  Gwen

Yes, because they are trying to cover up the fact that the Covid shots cause heart problems, and normalize heart disease now, so people don’t freak out or wake up to the fact that Covid shots cause heart problems themselves. Meanwhile demand for Covid shots in the USA are plummeting. I also saw a video from TikTok a few months ago where they were destroying Covid vaccine virals in Nigeria. It was a lot of Covid shots the Nigerian government were destroying. People thought they were crazy or knew something other countries had not figured out yet.

2 years ago
Reply to  Gwen

They made up a long list of alleged causes that wreck one’s health : high utility bills (gives heart attacks even to children), “winter vagina” syndrome, “climate change”….anything and eveything under the chemtrailed sun, but the jab that idiots voluntarily put in their bloodstream.

2 years ago
Reply to  Gwen

Remember – this is the same AHA supporting VEGETABLE OILS. Get PUFAt!

Watch – $100 billion ingredient making your food toxic – on Youtube.

2 years ago
Reply to  Gwen

Oh. My. Word! And people will believe it.

2 years ago
Reply to  Gwen

Effing idiots. Most media is despicable: their pompous, better than, unrepentant pride, and glee at leading any1 willing to pay attention far far astray!
Special negligence props to the gross, lobotomized mongrels of The View & CNN; (Event 201 recognized CNN as key instigators of idiocy, “CNN Syndrome.”)

Last edited 2 years ago by Chris
Amy Sukwan
Amy Sukwan
2 years ago

I saw an article about this yesterday. I said Mr. Warne was almost certainly jabbed as Thailand requires a two week quarantine for not injected. Somebody argued that maybe he wasn’t vaccinated (despite arriving on March 1 and hanging with friends). Regular international travellers are almost always jabbed I just found it sad the original article didn’t bother mentioning. And he died at the same hospital my daughter was born in…small world..

2 years ago
Reply to  Amy Sukwan

It’s governments and the airline industry killing the repeat business and taxpayers.

2 years ago
Reply to  Amy Sukwan

He got covid being fully vaccinated and braged about ”how nice that he got the vax and it was not so bad, he was just a fe minuted on the ventilator”.

He slammed Novak and cheered he must be thrown out of Australia.

He was vaxxed and he said he wants to get back to his best shape, but hey… vaccine

2 years ago

Oh the irony!!!

His government that virtually forced him into being an experimental guinea pig for the Frankinjection is now going to hold a state funeral in his honour after they murdered him.

2 years ago
Reply to  turpin

That’s not unprecedented. Israel gave Robert Maxwell the most lavish of state funerals after his mysterious and untimely fatal boating “accident”.

2 years ago
Reply to  Pfram

Pfram, yep, they pushed him (Maxwell) overboard, then drank at his funeral: NO HONOR among thieves and baby rapers!

Equally morbid: Ritual sacrifice of 11 people at Travis Scott “festival.” I think the despots at CERN opened a portal, because the world wide ignorance to evil is unprecedented.

2 years ago
Reply to  turpin

Because he is a legend in Australia and doing so people are distracted. And because they lie and deceit with everything and we know this now. And that there is no logic in the pandemic, other than to reduce and control the whole population – target missed !

2 years ago

I heard on the news that he drank nothing but nutritious drinks and beverages for two weeks before dying. Some kind of cleansing diet. A reason obviously has to be put forward to explain what happened to him.
I remember last century when the Irish hunger strikers would drink nothing but water for a month. Those guys must have been made of strong stuff.
Makes me wonder what is now going on in the mind of the person who administered his injection. Surely reality hitting like this would have to affect the person mentally.

AUssie pub` crawler
AUssie pub` crawler
2 years ago
Reply to  Bert

” he drank nothing but nutritious drinks and beverages for two weeks before dying”
totally BLOODY useless…..
once you been ‘jabbed’ ….. yr, basically, BUGGEREd….
yr DNA has been altered….
(yr own immune system is, now, going to attack yr major organs)
yr death warrant has, already, been signed….
its just a matter of time…..
all y’all be, like, jabbed to death

2 years ago
Reply to  Bert

It does not matter how many ” Health ” drinks they consume…The Graphene Nanoblades & the Hydra Vulgaris will prevail every time…Once in the bloodstream, there is Zero chance of a cure…It is called Luciferase…You can not buy back your Soul or your Life with the Mark of the Beast Jab…obviously, Warne did not get one of the 50% Placebo shots…

Mark G
Mark G
2 years ago
Reply to  Bert

Two weeks is a long time. Most people might just do one week or a day or two. I wonder if he was feeling a slow decline in the weeks/months prior and felt that he needed a good cleansing to get back to his regular self?

2 years ago

He’d be like Hank Aaron in US ?

#FBA Sasha
#FBA Sasha
2 years ago

Cricket seems interesting when you break it down like this. Thank you. I can understand why fans would love it. Shane Warne is a good-looking man who was great at his sport and flawed as a human being. Nothing wrong with any of that. I can see why Australians love him. Much be nice to have a unifying figure like that.

Muhammad Ali is probably the last international American star athlete. He was loved in other countries more than the USA. He was anti-Vietnam War, so the US warmongering crowd hated him. And his popularity among Americans, outside of Black Americans, wouldn’t have been possible in the 1990s or later, when Americans were trained to hate Muslims. I also seriously doubt Ali would have taken a vaccine if he was still alive today.

2 years ago
Reply to  #FBA Sasha

That may well be true; even today, African Americans seem to have a better memory of what their government has done to them (eg. Tuskeegee) in the name of “science” than whites do, despite the nuclear and LSD/mind-control experiments of the 1950s and 1960s harming and sometimes killing whites. I think it’s possible to hate Islam without hating all Muslims; both Ali and Malcolm X struck me as sincere and well intentioned, despite the misgivings I have about their religion, as well as many others.

2 years ago
Reply to  Pfram

“I think it’s possible to hate Islam without hating all Muslims”

Oh, how generous and enlightened of you. That said, for me it the opposite : I love Islam while I may hate (some) muslims.

What’s your problem with Islam ?. Too many infidels roaming this planet anyway.

2 years ago
Reply to  #FBA Sasha

Yeah, all 100% true. Muhammad Ali was a worldwide superstar, lived his beliefs, and was a very intelligent and funny guy. What an icon. Shane Warne was definitely a flawed character but a true genius at ‘spin’ bowling, maybe the best there has ever been, and a good father by accounts.

Frank DiGorgio
Frank DiGorgio
2 years ago

Perhaps he drank a coffee that was too hot or he walked in from hot weather to air conditioning or he was pushing too hard while taking a dump or he got up from the couch too fast or all the other possible reasons MSM is saying that could cause strokes and heart attacks.

2 years ago
Reply to  Frank DiGorgio

Yes OR that massage that he had was SOOO relaxing that his heart just decided to take a nap too.

Texa Mexa
Texa Mexa
2 years ago

Yeah far better game than baseball which bored me to tears like the NFL. Unlike the NFL, the world plays Australian games like cricket! He He He. This man Warne was like no other that had ever played and I watched his debut against England. They were terrified of him. If he died of natural causes I am a gorilla that plays heavy metal music while singing opera.

2 years ago

Where are all the militant pro vaxxers now?? Crickets……they’re all dead!!

2 years ago
Reply to  Jason

California department of public health still airs vaccine propaganda on radio constantly. Complete lies.

AUssie pub` crawler
AUssie pub` crawler
2 years ago

another famous AUssie cricketer…. Sir Donald Bradman… lived on into his 90’s ;
no reason to suppose that Shane Warne shouldn’t have, also, done so….
of course: Sir Don wasn’t stoopid enough (or unlucky enough) to get an experimental ☠DEATH☠ ‘jab’ ….so…

Christel Picciano
Christel Picciano
2 years ago

he should have gone to the hospital. Bob saget had megacardia, ~2x the normal size. I wonder if Shane’s autopsy will be public.

2 years ago

He just learned to live with it. ?‍♂️

2 years ago

Take this as a Warneing, don’t give in. Shane on you if you bend to the will of tyrants!

2 years ago

I may be over-analysing, but I think the writer of this article is trying to tell us: Finesse and the instinct for timely execution are key qualities that made Warne a cricket king. But it seems he had not applied these virtues in other areas of his life, namely, his health decisions.

“Not too early, not too late, not too high, not too low…” He didn’t hesitate too much about receiving an injection that has been rushed through the trials in less than a year, when many vaccines took about 8 years at the minimum. He couldn’t wait to urge others to get vaxxed soon after his own vax because he might have assumed if he was OK with the shot, others should be alright with it. But just cuz you don’t drop dead immediately doesn’t mean the shot is “safe and effective” in the near future. He got infected after the shots, and is dead now.

2 years ago

Very good article, thank you!! Going to share far and wide in my circle.
As a teenager I grew up with hearing Shane Warne’s name on cricket commentaries, and we even had a book at home with cricket greats and he was in it. Sorry to hear that he met this sad end, such an ignoble and unneeded death.
But as the author rightly says, freedom of choice must always be respected, and Warne publicly pushed people to take the poison jab, that is terrible.

2 years ago

Always excellent journalism here. Shane had exactly wrong advice. People must learn to live with the fact that each individual is alone responsible for their own good health, and that doctors, nurses, and medicine are ONLY responsible for the repair of bad health. When people surrender their responsibility for good health to those whose job is to repair bad health, they die early.

Lisa Espinoza
Lisa Espinoza
2 years ago

I hadn’t heard about his death until I saw an article today declaring he died of natural causes. Guess the flight loosened a clot that traveled.

2 years ago

I think I can learn to live with some big mouthed a##hole dying from a heart attack ok.

Non compliant
Non compliant
2 years ago

Is it wrong that I laughed at this after reading that he died? I often say pity the jabbed cause we won’t have to suffer them for much longer but sometimes… I can’t helpyself

Susan Jones
Susan Jones
2 years ago
Reply to  Non compliant

And I’m sorry, but then that makes you just as vile as they are.

Christel Picciano
Christel Picciano
2 years ago
Reply to  Susan Jones

vile is a strong word even hyperbolic. Some people pass judgment on others to make themselves feel morally superior.

Non compliant
Non compliant
2 years ago
Reply to  Susan Jones

To be fair, I discouraged people from getting the death shot.

2 years ago

I’m looking at the 1st picture of Shane Warne in this article and he’s looking thinner and older, much older than 52. This is the same look of our client who “suddenly” passed last week. Only 70 but looked like a very frail 85 year old. Happened overnight. Suddenly. These clot shots are doing a number on people.

2 years ago
Reply to  Annie

“Happened overnight”…like rapid aging right after the shot? That’s scary…How many days between the jab and his passing?

2 years ago
Reply to  Ben

I’m not sure of the time frames but most shots in the US were not readily available until April or May 2021. So not a full year. Add in the boosters and maybe 4 or 5 months ago. To age noticeably and not be really ill is unusual. Especially since these shots were safe and effective. You should look and feel better. Hey. But I am not a doctor. Lol

Frank DiGorgio
Frank DiGorgio
2 years ago

He should have gotten the 4th jab!

2 years ago
Reply to  Frank DiGorgio

Yeah. And don’t you love how the ‘jabees’ are so brainwashed that when they (inevitably) catch Covid AFTER being jabbed, they pretty much always say “it would have been so much worse if I wasn’t jabbed”. Just completely brainwashed and gaslit.

2 years ago

He was loved in England and India and anywhere else that plays cricket (and like Australia, the sub-continent treats cricket as a religion).

Warnie was very sharp but also unsophisticated. He hated the lockdowns and he simply believed the governments who told us that the vaccines were our ticket out of them. I never believed it for a second but most Australians did – and I don’t mean the dickheads who wanted lockdowns forever but the people who hated them. They were convinced that the governments – who had lied to us about every other part of the lockdowns – would be faithful when it came to the vaccine promises.

In short, Australians are completely broken. I would say that we are the most cucked people on the planet right now but there’s always New Zealand and Canada for competition. Warnie was one of those broken by it all. There’s 30 – 40 per cent of the population who simply love it all. But most people don’t. They saw an exit door and steamrolled towards it – never mind that there was a cliff waiting for them.

Also, I’ve been involved in fighting vaccines for a long time – 20 years. And pro-vax Australians are completely psychotic. And yes, I realize the same is true for American pro-vaxers but you would think they were the paragons of reason if you ever came across an Australian pro-vaxer. That’s why implementing mandates in the US was so hard – around 40 per cent of people didn’t want them. But in Australia it was barely 20 per cent so it really wasn’t that hard for governments to mandate them. Many Australians have learned their lesson to some degree (around 40 per cent are refusing the booster) but we have one of the most brainwashed populations on the planet when it comes to vaccines – not just covid, but all of them.

2 years ago
Reply to  Rtp

Australian here, thanks for this post, so true. Not sure what it is with Australians in this regard. Maybe it’s the ‘mateship’ programming, I don’t know. I was also really sad to see a lot of the Indigenous Australians lining up to get the injection as I would have hoped their teachings would prevent them from doing that. I feel like this is a spiritual war and we need help from the Indigenous cultures within each Nation to help lead us out of this and the terrible situation the world is in with these Globalists.

2 years ago
Reply to  Citizen

These people are more than “globalists”. They are the people who believe they deserve to rule. The Prime Ministers are nothing more than “mandated” muppets following orders. They are like their father. Liars.

2 years ago
Reply to  Citizen

Respectfully Citizen, every time I visit this site I’m reminded how desperately we, as spiritual beings, need God’s guidance.

We’re under constant mental, physical, spiritual & emotional attack from the 1%, GMO foods, our own natures, EMF exposure, subliminal messaging, & loss of friends to this world-wide con!
I admit it: I’ve had enough. Without God pulling me up from the waves, this sh**’s overwhelming.

Barry Krofchick
Barry Krofchick
2 years ago

Good article, as are all others you post. I have been following you for many months now. As an unjabbed 74 year old in one of the most repressive countries in the world during this scamdemic , Canada, these personal stories have given me afded support in resisting the tyranny of pressure exerted on us all to comply.

I saw something interesting in RFK jrs book today (The Real Anthony Fauci) which highlights the criminality behind these jabs.

“Pfizer’s six-month clinical data for its COVID vaccine trials suggested that, while the vaccine would avert a single death from COVID-19, the vaccinated group suffered 4x the number of lethal heart attacks as the unvaccinated. In other words, there was no mortality benefit from the vaccines; for every life saved from COVID, there were four excess heart attack fatalities.34” (pg 191 ebook edition)

So before the jab was even authorized for emergency use, Pfizer’s own study showed the jab to be lethal. The company, with the help of the FDA, CDC, WHO and governments around the world, managed to bury this little nugget.

Can anyone doubt the sociopathic criminality behind this project and the complete corruption of our leaders around the world ? Not to speak of the total disgrace of the medical profession as well ?

While we can be critical of social media promotion of the poison jab by ordinary people and celebrities, for the most part they are victims of a criminal conspiracy, as we all are.

Let us not take our eyes off the real criminals , starting with the drug companies and their powerful co-conspirators in government and media. If justice is to be served then they must be punished.

2 years ago

Upvoted but REMEMBER who the real criminals are: people WILLING to give medicine the wrong job. PERIOD, that is where it starts and where it ends. Doctors, nurses, hospitals, medicine, exist at all for one reason only: to repair bad health. People who feel great, healthy, who consult a doctor ANYWAY, are behaving very stupidly.

2 years ago

I’m reliably informed (wife->her friend->sw friend) he was boosted 2 days before his trip to Thailand.

2 years ago

Warney was a notorious larrakin, the kind we Aussies love, and this is probably the first time in history when the media is rushing straight for the “it’s hookers and blow!” as the reason. Usually they do all they can to cover it up. Interesting times indeed.

2 years ago

Thousands of Australian men flood doctors surgeries and go online for information about heart attacks heart attacks after Shane Warne’s death at just 52. That was a headline in the Daily Mail. I doubt any of the doctors are going to tell the Australian men not to take the Covid shot if they care about their heart health, and I also doubt the Australian men will find the connection between the Covid shot, and heart attacks searching online. Censorship online has been taking to the next level due to the Russia vs. Ukraine war, and the only search engine online that is not censoring search results is Yandex, but that is only if you are using it outside of Russia. Also a search engine called Swisscows that I heard about from doctor Mecola on a podcast is the best alternative to DuckDuckGo because they are starting to censor now.

2 years ago

Thailand: the pedophilia/human trafficking/tranny prostitute capital of the world. Massage: the age-old euphemism for prostituted sexual favors. He died shortly after his “massage” as the gents were readying up for dinner. As we know, these professional athletes have been dropping on the pitches and courts during high-energy competition. It must have been quite some “massage” in Thailand delivered to a man known to be, at the very least, a womanizer. (I don’t hold any claims of sexual prowess against him as a fault based on reading two articles on the situation. I’m merely noting the careful wording used in regard to the circumstances surrounding the death of this “hero”.)

2 years ago
Reply to  Tio

Yes Thailand ladies would definitely be all over him if given the chance. Warne did not have much resistance in that area.

2 years ago
Reply to  Tio

MAN!!!! Now it’s all making sense, Thailand…massage,…renting a house for 3 months with his guy friends…what????

2 years ago

He said “learn to live with it” and then he dies with it. Obviously he doesn’t practice what he preaches. Not very nice.

Dave Shearer
2 years ago

Reiner Fuellmich + 1,000 other international lawyers have not only proven damage by batch numbers, but also INTENT! The awareness of information like this is there to alert those who utilize their free will to address it. As for the others… roll the dice, I guess…(?!)

2 years ago

Very stand out statement by blogger: “But vaxx zealotry is far worse than adultery, drug cheat accusations, and materialism. It’s sad he chose to go out this way.” Wow!

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