CDC reporting system logged 181 deaths related to COVID vaccines in three weeks
January 27, 2021

ATLANTA — Major League Baseball Hall Of Famer and Civil Rights legend Hank Aaron passed away on January 22, 2021 at age 86. He received the first dose of the Pfizer mRNA shot (“vaccine”) on January 5. Despite the obvious connection, mainstream media and big tech firms are saying the two events are completely unrelated.

Screenshot taken today at noon Pacific time.

All objective discussion surrounding Pfizer and Moderna mRNA shots is dismissed as “conspiracy theory” by the foregoing entities. But at some point reality has to take command versus monopolized marketing of pharmaceutical products. So we’ll use the government’s own data for this article.

What is VAERS?

The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) was first launched in 1990. It is jointly managed by the Centers For Disease Control (CDC) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Anybody can log into the system, search data by various criteria, and/or report adverse vaccine effects.

VAERS edited its disclaimer when COVID struck

The oldest internet archives of the VAERS “about page” date back to 2006. Said page remained unchanged and unedited until sometime between May 15, 2019 and June 14, 2019. The VAERS disclaimer that was the same and unchanged from 2006 until May 15, 2019 2019 read as follows:

VAERS staff at CDC and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) follow up on all serious adverse event reports to obtain additional medical, laboratory, and/or autopsy records to help understand the circumstances. However, VAERS public data do not generally change based on the information obtained during the follow-up process. There are limitations to VAERS data. A report to VAERS does not mean that the vaccine caused the adverse event, only that the adverse event occurred sometime after vaccination. Read more about interpreting VAERS data: More information.

The above is from May 15, 2019. The disclaimer changed for the first time in over 13 years on June 14, 2019. It nearly quadrupled in length, from 88 words to 325 words. But the additions are far less important than the subtractions. The CDC eliminated this part of the disclaimer during the aforementioned time period:

VAERS staff at CDC and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) follow up on all serious adverse event reports to obtain additional medical, laboratory, and/or autopsy records to help understand the circumstances.

The CDC says it stopped following up on reported adverse events, coincidentally or otherwise, right when COVID-19 was introducing itself to the world. Today’s version of the disclaimer is the same as the June 14, 2019 one.

The most silent 181 deaths ever

COVID Legal USA performed a search on the VAERS system. The parameters included all deaths of all ages related to COVID “vaccines.” The system produced 181 deaths from December 25, 2020 to January 13, 2021. Nearly all of them were people over the age of 60. All of them died within days or hours of getting the shots.

You may view our PDF compilation of the data here. Note that the file is about six megabytes, so may take a minute or two to download.

Here is a small sampling of the data:

VAERS ID: 909095
Age: 66
Sex: Male
Location: Colorado
Vaccination date: 12-23-2020
Death: 12-25-2020

Write-up: on 12/24/2020 the resident was sleepy and stayed in bed most of the shift. He stated he was doing okay but requested pain medication for his legs at 250PM. At 255AM on 12/25/2020 the resident was observed in bed lying still, pale, eyes half open and foam coming from mouth and unresponsive. He was not breathing and with no pulse.

VAERS ID: 914895
Age: 78
Sex: Male
Location: Nebraska
Vaccination date: 12-28-2020
Death: 12-30-2020

Write-up: Injection given on 12/28/20 – no adverse events and no issues yesterday; Death today, 12/30/20, approx.. 2am today (unknown if related – Administrator marked as natural causes).

VAERS ID: 915682
Age: 85
Sex: Female
Location: Kentucky
Vaccination date: 12-30-2020
Death: 12-30-2020

Write-up: Resident received vaccine per pharmacy at the facility at 5 pm. Approximately 6:45 resident found unresponsive and EMS contacted. Upon EMS arrival at facility, resident went into cardiac arrest, code initiated by EMS and transported to hospital. Resident expired at hospital at approximately 8 pm

This story will be ignored by mainstream media

A Gallup poll released on January 12 found that 65% of Americans will volunteer for the shots. But the Gallup poll is derived from disinformation.

Survey participants were asked, “If an FDA-approved vaccine was available…” would you take it? The FDA has not approved Pfizer or Moderna shots. Both were given Emergency Use Authorization by the FDA. That means the agency is allowing the products to be sold without formal approval. Thus, the Gallup survey and the mainstream narratives are disinformation in and of themselves.

Keep your job and your health


Contact COVID Legal USA today if you are fighting against mandatory vaccines for employment. We also assist people with pro se representation related to other COVID mandates and restrictions. Follow us on Telegram.


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Veronica Leger
Veronica Leger
3 years ago

This is so horrific as the 2nd Covid vacination should not ever be necessary so soon after the 1st vaccine if it was a real vaccine AGAINST a Corona Virus, unless the vaccine had mRNA that had genetic trascriptions in it that attack our own immune system. WHO WOULD CREATE A DEADLY VACCINE FOR THE WORLD AND DISTRIBUTE IT AS THE CURE FOR AS WELL. WHO WOULD MAKE BILLIONS ON THIS PUBLIC HEALTH DELIVERY OF MASS VACCINES ?

3 years ago
Reply to  Veronica Leger

That would be Bill gates

Willie Mae
Willie Mae
3 years ago
Reply to  Yun

Correct. Bill Gates himself is recorded on a Ted Talks segment speaking to an audience about the earth’s overpopulation. He stated that if we do a really good job, we can reduce the population through vaccines. He himself said this sometime around 2012 or so, and it is all on film. Looks like his dream is coming true. Evil man

3 years ago

its not a vaccine…..its gene therapy…..not approved by any pharma co. Using humans as the guinea pigs

Tom Calarco
Tom Calarco
3 years ago

It certainly is troubling, these sudden deaths after getting vaccinated. At the same time, to say it’s depopulation doesn’t make sense because the numbers are so tiny. You have a very small number of outliers and tens of millions of people have been vaccinated. Depopulation can’t be a reason for the deaths. But they need to be carefully investigated.

3 years ago
Reply to  Tom Calarco

Depopulation doesn’t happen right away, it may take several months, possibly even a year or two for the vaccinated to start dying. Yes, Depopulation is the goal, search Bill Gates depopulation and watch how he says medicine and vaccines are the tools used for this.

lori bell
lori bell
3 years ago

thank you for story i have been looking at the vaers report and noticed at of kentucky senior home i’m guessing. but i see in the notes experimental vaccine was given to people who were unresponsive ? shouldn’t there be a verbal consent ? surprise the person is dead but then it says oh they had other health issues not due to ex vak’s. i’m so mad

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