December 16 Roundup: more threats against the non-vaccinated, Demaryius Thomas, and Canada pushing Australia for dystopian capital of the world
December 16, 2021

Jump To Demaryius Thomas


These longer articles are becoming the norm at The COVID Blog because there is so much unfolding around the world so quickly.

California is once again under a statewide indoor mask mandate, starting yesterday, despite 65% of the state being “fully vaccinated.” We learned that the Centers For Disease Control (CDC) scrubs and manipulates the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) to hide the most egregious cases so to not cause alarm.

Somehow a 2-year-old boy was given a Pfizer mRNA injection in Alaska on November 18. The boy “began bleeding out of the mouth, eyes, nose and ears within six hours of the shot,” according to VAERS ID: 1887456. He died later that night. Mr. Albert Benavides, who goes by WelcomeTheEagle88 on Bitchute, captured the case data before it was scrubbed.

The case still does not appear in VAERS as of publishing if you search by the ID number.

Sam Amico, Senior NBA Writer for, tweeted on December 9 that the NBA has already equaled the entire 2020-21 season for the number of players and coaches to enter COVID protocols. The current season has spanned only 10 weeks so far. The NBA is 97% vaccinated.

RELATED: NBA Update: Andrew Wiggins caves to social pressure, Brandon Goodwin suffers post-injection blood clots, while Kyrie Irving, et al. stand their ground (October 15, 2021)


The NFL Cleveland Browns could possibly be without 17 players and their head coach this Sunday against the Las Vegas Raiders because said players and coach tested positive for COVID-19. The Browns reported on July 30 that all of their coaches and more than 90% of players were vaccinated.

Dennis Greenwood, Huntsville, Alabama

There are still numerous individual stories of vaxxed people dying and their families pretending to have no idea what happened to their loved ones. Mr. Dennis Greenwood of Huntsville, Alabama, could probably have his own story here. But these cases will become far more frequent in 2022 with the number of social media posts we’re seeing now that include the keywords “I got my booster.”

Mr. Greenwood, who is in his late 60s or early 70s, received his first mRNA injection on February 4. He received the second on March 4.

Mr. Greenwood got his booster shot on October 29.

He and his wife, Merry, boarded a cruise ship on or around November 22. Mr. Greenwood posted his last Facebook update from the cruise on December 13. He “died suddenly” hours later, according to Merry. She wrote in the announcement, “we are not sure of the cause.”

Of course none of the foregoing matters to vaxx zealots, as they’ll continue lining up for their first, second, third, fourth and twelfth booster shots. However, there are important happenings around the world that critical thinkers must know, understand and heed carefully.

Battle lines being drawn

Mainstream media are executing near-weekly campaigns conditioning vaxxed people to view the non-vaccinated as social lepers and personas non grata. Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla called the non-vaccinated “criminals” and implied they should be prosecuted a few weeks ago. Last week, it was University of Bristol and mainstream media propaganda darling Stephan Lewandowsky calling the non-vaccinated “terrorists” who need to be “de-radicalized.” The beat goes on this week.

Anne McElvoy.

Anne McElvoy is a BBC presenter and Senior Editor at The Economist. Her December 15 article in The Evening Standard is entitled “The unvaccinated have become a lethal liability we can ill-afford.” It is yet another blatant call for forced injections and implied violence against the non-vaccinated. The entire article is summed up with the quotes below.

“We are not obliged to allow those who do not accept the need to protect others the same rights of association when the consequences of their actions are damaging. Until we put jabs in the same category as we did compulsory smallpox vaccination in the 19th century or the insistence on car seatbelts in the Eighties — both incursions into personal choices for the good of the wider community — we will continue to hamper our efforts to win the virus battle.”

The McElvoy article comes two weeks after Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, called for mandatory injections for all in the European Union. But there are still many voices of reason and freedom around the world. Ivan Vilibor Sinčić, a Croatian member of the European Parliament, elegantly responded to von der Leyen earlier this week.

RELATED: Austria mandatory vaccines start February 2022.


“These products are far, far, very far away from what was promised,” he said. Mr. Sinčić also repeated a very important point. There have been more deaths and adverse reactions to the COVID-19 injections in a year than all other vaccines combined in nearly 30 years.

Christine Anderson, a German member of the European Parliament, responded last week to Australia’s SOS call. She referred to the 2021 conditions in Australia as a totalitarian regime. “At no point in history have the people forcing others into compliance been the good guys,” she said. “The welfare of humanity has always been the alibi of tyrants.”

RELATED: Victor Dominello: Australian MP diagnosed with Bell’s Palsy after viewers notice “droopy eye” during presser; still got second AstraZeneca injection (August 23, 2021)


Meanwhile, Dr. Peter McCullough sat down for three hours with podcaster Joe Rogan this week. Of course YouTube and Facebook censored the video almost immediately. Note that Facebook recently admitted in court documents related to a lawsuit filed by journalist John Stossel that its fact checks are just opinions. Dr. McCullough essentially broke down in three hours the who, what, when, where and why of the entire COVID-19 “plandemic.” The entire three-hour show is here. But the following is a hard-hitting clip.

Rogan and Dr. McCullough specifically pointed to the pure evil of CNN doctor, Sanjay Gupta, who Rogan had on his show a few weeks prior. They referenced the appearance of Gupta and CNN’s Erica Hill, who is a mother of two, on children’s television show Sesame Street in November. The CNN duo encouraged 5-year-olds to get the mRNA injections.

We cannot emphasize this enough. It is the parents’ responsibility to protect their children in these surreal times.

Latest snapshot of young people dying “suddenly and unexpectedly”

This is unfortunately “normal” now. Again as a journalist, broadcaster and content marketer for over 25 years, this blogger has never seen anything like this pattern of young people dying “suddenly and unexpectedly” like in 2021. It’s unprecedented and we all know why. That said, here are some cases from the last three weeks, including one very-high profile one.

Two students die in one week at the same Cincinnati High School

Brock Vogel.

Brock Vogel passed away on Tuesday, December 7. The 17-year-old was a senior at Anderson High School in Cincinnati. He played football, baseball and was on the wrestling team. WLWT in Cincinnati describe it as a “sudden death.” Maclain Morency, another student at the school, said he was with Brock at wrestling practice the day before he passed. “Wow” is all Morency could really say.

Watch the WLWT report below.

Skylar Due was an 18-year-old senior at Anderson High School. Due “died unexpectedly” while sleeping on December 12, just five days after Brock.

Skylar Due.

Local news reports emphasized that Due was “LGBT,” a group that gets vaxxed at a 92% clip. Due was slated to graduate early, and loved “anything hair and makeup,” friends told local media.

Bailey Carr – 22, Pennsylvania

Bailey Carr, of Lancaster, Pennsylvania, “passed away unexpectedly” on December 2. He was a student at Arizona State University majoring in criminal justice, according to his Facebook page. Carr was a member of something called the “Gay Straight Alliance” at his high school. Again, with the 92% vaccination rate for LGBT, it’s reasonable to surmise he was vaxxed.

Juliana Rechten, 11, New Jersey

Juliana Rechten.

Note that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration authorized the Pfizer mRNA injections for emergency use in kids ages 5 to 11 on October 29. Juliana Rechten, of Matawan, New Jersey, “passed away suddenly” on November 25, according to her obituary. The 11-year-old was a sixth grader at Matawan Aberdeen Middle School.

Matawan is in Monmouth County, which held a series of “vaccine clinics” for kids at elementary and middle schools in the weeks prior to Juliana’s death. All K-12 schools in New Jersey are under mask mandates per Governor Phil Murphy’s orders.

Daniel Perkins, 36, Albion Park, New South Wales (Australia)

Mr. Daniel Perkins.

Daniel Perkins worked his regular night shift and got home at sunrise to take his regular nap on Wednesday, December 8. The 36-year-old was supposed to pick up his twin, 8-year-old sons from school later that afternoon. But he never woke up. Mr. Perkins “died suddenly in his sleep,” according to in Australia. He had “no signs of any illness.”

You literally cannot do anything in New South Wales without a vaccine passport. Nearly all professions require mRNA or viral vector DNA injections in the state as well. Draw your own conclusions from there. Mr. Perkins is also survived by his girlfriend of 21 years.

Demaryius Thomas – former NFL player

Mr. Demaryius Thomas.

Mainstream media quickly created a strange narrative around the death of former Denver Bronco Demaryius Thomas. The popular “Undisputed” morning sports on FS1 commenced the questionable narrative. Skip Bayless said something about Mr. Thomas suffering from seizures ever since a February 16, 2019 car accident in Denver. That became the full mainstream media narrative from that point forward. But it makes zero sense.

All reports from 2019 said Mr. Thomas, 33, suffered only “minor injuries” from the accident. Further, Mr. Thomas played for both the New England Patriots and the New York Jets in the 2019-20 season. He also thanked God for another opportunity to play football on May 30, 2019 at a youth football camp.

The 2019-20 season was perhaps his worst as a professional football player. But it was not because of a car accident. It was because Mr. Thomas suffered a torn Achilles tendon on December 23, 2018. Even with today’s medical technology, it takes at least a year for NFL players to recover from that type of injury. Mr. Thomas announced his retirement from the NFL on July 28, 2021. Here is the key quote from his short retirement speech:

I’m so grateful for that and now I can move on. I’m happy, I’m healthy. And now I can try to find my next itch.”

Mr. Thomas passed away on December 9. The official story is he had a seizure in the shower at his Roswell, Georgia home. A cousin of his told the Associated Press that Mr. Thomas had been suffering seizures and other neurological disorders ever since the crash. Yet somehow, Mr. Thomas played NFL football in 2019 after the crash and declared he was healthy and happy just five months ago.

RELATED: 5 young athletes in 8 days die or suffer career-threatening heart attacks (November 11, 2021)


The cousin said Mr. Thomas’ personal driver found him dead. He had a personal driver because of the seizures, according to the cousin. But the more logical reason he had a driver is because Mr. Thomas had his driver’s license taken away as part of his sentencing for the accident. Seizures are one of the most common adverse effects from the mRNA and viral vector DNA injections covered on this blog.

There’s no way mainstream media will ever admit Mr. Thomas died from mRNA-induced seizures. We already know that soccer players are having heart attacks and/or dying on the field of play almost daily in 2021. Soccer simply doesn’t resonate with most Americans. Granted it has become more popular in recent decades, particularly among young people. But just think about it – Americans call it soccer; the rest of the world calls it football.

If an American “football” player suffered that same fate, it would spook all NFL players and a lot of American fans. So this very flimsy narrative was created around Mr. Thomas instead.

Damned if you vaxx, damned if you don’t vaxx (Canada)

Mrs. Tiffany Guara.

Mrs. Tiffany Guara is a wife and mother of two from Calgary. She is apparently wealthy or at least more well-off than the average Canadian, based on some of her comments and Facebook history. Mrs. Guara is “fully-vaccinated” and believed that status was her ticket to freely travel internationally. She quickly learned that mRNA and viral vector DNA injections neither protect you from so-called COVID-19, nor from government tyranny.

The Guara family returned to Calgary from Cairo on December 4. Egypt is on a travel ban list in Canada due to so-called Omicron. She and the entire family had negative PCR tests (that cost them nearly $1,000 total) in both Cairo and Frankfurt, Germany before landing at Calgary International Airport. Border agents and public health officials interrogated the family about COVID, “vaccines” and everything else. They read her rights and said she was entitled to a lawyer.

Governments agents transported the family to the Westin Airport Hotel, which has been transformed into a COVID quarantine jail.

The Guara’s were greeted by people in Hazmat-looking outfits. Mrs. Guara and her family apparently spent four days in the facility, which she shot video from inside.

The family is now “quarantining” at their home for 14 days.

The story went viral because Canadian mainstream media covered it.

Several observers, particularly on social media, felt little sympathy for Mrs. Guara because of perceived petty complaints and her voluntary “vaccination.” For instance, she gripped about having no hair dryer and not being able to eat for two hours. But the moral of the story is simple – there’s no rhyme nor reason to receiving these injections. You’re doing it simply because someone told you to do it. There are no tangible benefits, including being free from dystopian rules while traveling.

RELATED: Bonnie Keefe: 61-year-old Canadian woman develops painful skin disease following Pfizer mRNA injection, told “don’t talk to media” by health authorities (September 1, 2021)


Meanwhile Rick Nicholls, a Member of the Ontario Provincial Parliament (Chatham-Kent) is using his platform to disseminate truth. He asked Ontario Minister of Health Christine Elliott earlier this month about the 86 stillbirths in the Waterloo (Ontario) area among vaccinated women from January 2021 to July 2021. In the years prior to 2021, the area averaged about one stillbirth every two months. Other members of the Ontario Parliament groaned and objected to his question about “vaccine” safety for pregnant women. Elliott responded with canned, scripted talking points.

Ontario government officials announced last week that it is cancelling plans to end “vaccine passports” in January. Instead the government is extending the program “indefinitely” and adding QR codes to show proof of vaccination. In other words, the government revealed that these are the new normal rules of life in Canada.

Not to belabor the point. But Australia and Canada are now competing for the COVID dystopia capital of the world. And their citizens are mostly unarmed. Same with Europe, as the conditions there continue spiraling towards full dystopia. The only thing saving individual U.S. states from the same fate is the Second Amendment, and the mere threat thereof, period. The courts are helping as well. But that one Constitutional right is likely to keep Arizona, Florida, Iowa, Texas and other states free from blatant COVID manipulation for the foreseeable future. But don’t let your guards down.

Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


Contact COVID Legal USA today if you are fighting against mandatory vaccines for employment. We also assist people with pro se representation related to other COVID mandates and restrictions. Follow us on Telegram.


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2 years ago

I think that when the fully vaccinated realize they have to keep getting boosters or lose their status, you will see more of that group break away from the covidian cult to join in with the non vaxxers. I know several vaxxed people who won’t get additional shots and won’t vax their children. They are starting to see the light.

Karen Christy
Karen Christy
2 years ago
Reply to  Annie

I wish people in my family would see the light, but alas, I’m the lone crazy/criminal who would rather go to the gallows or face a firing squad than accede to taking the clot shot! 🙁

2 years ago
Reply to  Karen Christy

Yes we are lone crazy criminals!, and we will be the ones who have to take care of the injured…and it’s the unvaxxed women who will be able to conceive children as well….so, you could say the future of humanity rests with the unvaxxed now. best

Ian Allan
2 years ago

Thanks to both of you. Please do your best to make your husbands aware that there are devilish criminals like Dr. and Mrs. Goebbels behind the dumb officials carrying out the plan. Luckily there are also here and there a few brave heretical doctors.

2 years ago
Reply to  Karen Christy

Nah they will come after the those who do not receive the ongoing snake bites and jail them before “re-educating” them and eventually inmates who still refuse will have accidental death and suicides.

2 years ago
Reply to  Karen Christy

In 1976 fear campaign for homosexual men having anal intercourse led to a free hepatitis vaccine which made all 30,000 recipients developoing HIV then AIDS. The same Vaccines were criminally used on Africans in 1981 and by 1982 as documented in many books by Doctors since, out of 130million Africans vaccinated 90+ million developed full blown Aids that was mothers, children, toddlers, babies in wombs and healthy adults. Now the vaccinated will likely suffer the same immune system destroying agenda used back then but ramped up a notch. Therefore Dr Robert Malone NRMA inventor predicted and warned that 80 per cent will die in 2-5 years from this biological weapon and those that dont will develop total immune system failure. In time the same retards will still not accept that their fate was due to their own consent to this experimental cocktail.

2 years ago
Reply to  Annie

Yes, I agree. We are meeting more and more people who are double-stabbed and want what they were promised: the return of their “freedoms.”

But of course, they are not receiving anything other than the “offer” of more stabbings, with the result that, in many, cases, they are declining the “offer.”

Like you, I feel that new demographic will help tip the balance.

2 years ago
Reply to  JohnEss

all i hear is that it’s my fault because I’m not poisoned that they need unlimited boosters

Karen Christy
Karen Christy
2 years ago
Reply to  Unvaxxed80

That’s what’s implied in my family, too. My husband’s niece, who is coming in from another country, asked if I would please take a COVID test and offered to pay for it if I were not willing. I said that I don’t mind, that we have the tests already, that each box contains 2 tests. I said that we could test either Thursday and Friday OR Friday and Saturday as she prefers. And she said, “Friday and Saturday is just fine.” I would be so ashamed to say that to someone, but she had no qualms telling me what the process would be to be in her company. Anyway, now, I want to have a little fun with it. I’d like some feedback, if I can get it here.

I was thinking – Should I ask her, just to familiarize her with her authoritarian side, “Do you need us to report our test results to you?”

I’d be delighted to hear anything anyone has to say. I thank you all.

2 years ago
Reply to  Karen Christy

Dear Karen, ask her to do the tests prior (1) she to your meeting and (immediately) prior to entering your house. And she has to give you proof of the results. Just in case.

2 years ago
Reply to  Karen Christy

Really strange for her to think she has the right to ask that of you.

What sort of mind does “people like her have”? Mainstream media has sown so much fear and lies into them it’s literally become a stranglehold. Sincerely, i wouldn’t accede to the test if it were I. However, given you have agreed and bless your darling heart for doing so, i think it would be wise to say something along the lines of…

So if this is what it would take to be in your company, do you care to know “what it would take to be in my company”? Nothing…

2 years ago
Reply to  Karen Christy

You should make her take a test since she has a better chance of being positive. Then banish her to some motel.

2 years ago
Reply to  Karen Christy

Tell her, you too would like some efforts on her part to give you peace of mind. Tell her that scientifically you don’t trust the nasal route and you will only settle for the anal route. Tell her to not worry, your husband will hold her still while you perform the test.

We are all in this together.

2 years ago
Reply to  Karen Christy

Ask her when she last had a smear test and if the result was negative. And when did she last haveHep A and Hep B jabs!

2 years ago
Reply to  Annie

Those Vaxxed with Integrity and Honor will work to inform others still sitting on the fence, unlike that Italian Actress that uses her huge following to lead the ignorant into the slaughterhouse…However, it is already too late for those that received one Real Jab that was not a Placebo…they are doomed the precise moment the Luciferase Soul Snatching Death Serum enters the bloodstream…

2 years ago
Reply to  Annie

nonsense, they are too smart to admit that they are dumb as door nails, so they gonna go all the way and make people who didn’t take the poison at fault, all my relatives are at that stance regardless of their financial status, rich and poor alike, I’m neither

2 years ago
Reply to  Unvaxxed80

It’s a small percentage but it’s growing. Look at the news. Now they’re saying J&J shot has clot side affects. I have friends who read that and are saying no more. But there are a large block that will go down with their cultist beliefs. Branch Covidians till death. Wish them well and let them to their own. You owe them nothing – even if family or friends. That’s just my opinion.

Don’t engage them anymore. You did your duty by trying to give them other uncensored facts etc. They need to reap their rewards for being cult followers. There’s nothing you can do except be there if they reach out. Don’t hold your breath.

2 years ago
Reply to  Annie

i don’t engage anyone anymore, for the last 6 months at least, they are crying now that their vaxpass will be revoked if they don’t take the 3rd shot and still refuse to admit that they got screwed, having all sort of health issues, but mostly blaming on their age, hormones etc. Ironically the rich ones are in their mid 40s, i get my info through a person who still in contact

2 years ago
Reply to  Unvaxxed80

The vaxxers and boosters in the group I used to really be close to had to postpone our Christmas Eve party because they are sick with covid or something else. They are bemoaning the fact that another Christmas has been taken from them. My response is – How’s that possible since you are vaxxed and some even boosters? Shouldn’t you be good to go? No response. They got none. So we are going to just invite the young adults for fun and celebration. Their loss.

2 years ago
Reply to  Annie

This is a really good comment. In my experience, most people don’t want to hear uncensored facts. I need to accept that, relax (as best I can), and let it go. People will wake up in their own time…or not.

2 years ago
Reply to  Annie

“Look at the news.”

I don’t.

I don’t partake in any of “their” rituals. It can be lonely at times but well worth it.

2 years ago

My husband and I and our adult children have found new ways to have fun. There are a lot of like minded people out there to become friends with. We don’t fuss and moan on social media etc like the Covidians do.

2 years ago
Reply to  Annie

That’s great to know Annie.

Back to basics is the wise way. Being constantly bombarded and overloaded with sound, imagery and propaganda is the sure way to forget our humanity and the gifts and responsabilities that come with it.

2 years ago
Reply to  Annie

You would like to think so but that’s not what I’m observing. Everybody I know is either still organic and ready to fight for their bodily sovereignty (like myself), or a herd of vaxxx yuppies who would get a daily clot shot if they were told on TV that they need one. I’m telling you, they’d still get it even if ten people in line before them had already keeled over dead, and there was thick black smoke coming out of the syringe.

2 years ago
Reply to  Critical_Mass

Leave the vaxxed yuppies to their fate. Enjoy your life to the fullest and hopefully your example may inspire some to stop their madness. Either way it is a win win for you. ☺️

2 years ago

I was wondering if Joel Embiid was going to join the list of crippled sports stars. A couple of games ago he came out of the game because he siad he just wasn’t breathing right. It was attributed to sore ribs. That was a week ago, since then he played Sat, missed the Mon game, but played last night. It is interesting to note he missed 9 games because of covid protocols earlier this season.

2 years ago

McElvoy of BBC: “Until we put jabs in the same category as we did compulsory smallpox vaccination…”

Doesn’t this tell you everything about her ignorance considering the lethal history of the development of the smallpox shots?

Last edited 2 years ago by Kriss
2 years ago
Reply to  Kriss


And of her motives in conflating this con with a disease which has a 30% death rate.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kriss

“the poisoned needle” by eleanor mcbean is freely available online

John McClane
John McClane
2 years ago

Skylar Due, one of the LGBT perverts…


Bailey Carr, a member of the Gay straight alliance….

Well, good riddance to both of them, i don’t feel sorry for those who push or promote such evil or who engage in that Abomination which has poisoned every aspect of society and destroyed two entire generations. My young niece & nephew are growing up in a toxic pro LGBTQ culture because of people like them and the reason i won’t ever be able to bring children into the world because i won’t subject them to such things, its everywhere now, spreading like a plague.

2 years ago
Reply to  John McClane

John McClane: These stupid LGBTQP ( P for pedophile) are being used by Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum to depopulate the world. Hitler used the LGBTQP in the 1920’s- 1930’s under the leadership of Ernst Rohm’s brown shirts to come to power.
Then he got rid of them. The current crop of useful idiots also will not do well being ‘proud’ of their sin when the social mood turns very dark in this dark period. We are at peak insanity and peak degradation. The Lord Jesus will step in . Then you can bring children into the world.

2 years ago

I live in the UK, where we are unarmed (I envy the American 1st and 2nd Amendments- don’t let the nationwrecking ‘hook-nosed tribe’ take them away from you!).

Armed or not, the ‘Z.O.G-bots’ (police) would literally have to kill me before I am forced to take an evidently dangerous jab against my own free will.

By all means, I’d happily wear a shiny PVC total enclosure suit/nuke suit/hazmat suit in public and look like a total buffoon, if doing so gives the authorities and the TV-addicted sheeps peace of mind that I am not ‘spreading’ anything or ‘endangering’ them. I’d rather be stared and laughed at by wearing a PVC enclosure suit in public areas than harm my health with a dangerous ‘vaccine’. I can accept humiliation, but I can not live with regret for the rest of my life if I took the ‘vaccine’ and wound up with a life-changing injury from it.

Of course, if the ‘vaccine’ killed me, I’d no longer suffer the burden of regret upon my shoulders for the rest of my days; but I have no death wish, either! Life is precious, except in the eyes of the ‘hook-nosed tribe’ of unempathetic globalists who see us as nothing more than expendable cattle/beasts in human form, and as units of economic productivity.

2 years ago
Reply to  Cody

For the record, members of this Tribe are Gates, Schwab, Trump, Merkel, Macron, Putin, Castro, Ardern, Trudeau, BoJo in addition to Shallenberg of Austria that called for nationwide Mandatory Jabs…Also Victor Orban of Hungary and all the successive Ukrainian Prime Ministers…even Nicholas Maduro of Venezuela who has overseen destruction there…this is the Synagogue of Satan Ashkenazi Tribe whose DNA has been programmed by Satan himself to have no remorse or empathy whatsoever…In the Past Certified Tribe members have been Colombus, Napolean, Mussolini, Hitler real name Hiller a Rothschild spawn, Tito of Yugoslavia, Lennin Stalin just to name a few…they are all the Bolsheviks, Nazis, Zionists, Jesuits who worship the Kahballah and Talmud…

2 years ago
Reply to  Cody

Cody: As an American living in a red state in the south, I wish you were here so we could work together to fight for freedom for not only us but for all of humanity.
Clearly, the globalists/communists are satanists no matter what religion they profess nor what they look like. As for me, Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior, so I fear no demons posing in human form. Pushback is starting. Be of good cheer .

John Brennan
John Brennan
2 years ago
Reply to  Cody

We are now fighting tooth and nail for our rights here in the States. Township by township, county by county, state by state. My County of Jackson was one of thousands that passed 2nd Amendment Sanctuary Status bills just before covid hit. Six weeks ago we passed a Resolution opposing mask and vaccine mandates. The Khazarians must pay for their crimes or be driven back to Western Asia where they came from. If we succeed, perhaps we’ll give you a hand. The Irish too. My ancestors came from England and Ireland.

2 years ago
Reply to  John Brennan

i wouldn’t mind glock or three, it’s still possible to get a gun in Europe, although illegal, but at this point it doesn’t matter

Lawrence Caryl
Lawrence Caryl
2 years ago
Reply to  John Brennan

Hey John. I’m from Jackson County too. Brooklyn to be specific. So glad about being in a Sanctuary County!!

2 years ago

Brian, any word on where (town or borough) in Alaska the 2 year old was vaccinated? I’m up here, so am interested. The entire state is so under populated, that it’s ironically like the largest small town in the world. If you don’t know someone up here, you know someone that knows that person.

AUssie pub` crawler
AUssie pub` crawler
2 years ago

non-Vaxxed are terrorists and criminals
then: that’s wht i am….
but: not to worry….
pretty much ALL the Vaxxed will be either dead or ‘zombified’ soon….
then: us un-Vaxxed will just move in and ‘collect’ all their stuff….

2 years ago

Aussie pub crawler: You are right about the fate of the vaxxed. I will not miss the tyranny that their fear has unleashed upon the world. However, the vaxxed children have done nothing to earn their fate. And, yes like after the Black Death in Europe in the 1300’s, wages will rise and commodities like used cars and houses will drop in prices. Unless the Brandon regime looses hyperinflation upon the whole world like the pedo in chief is trying so hard to do.

2 years ago

I am looking forward to that day myself.

2 years ago
Reply to  SpecOps

I would never think I could get to the point of not caring, but I am there now. There is not much to them as people. Shallow and ignorant. Take the path of least resistance. Worshipping false gods. I claim a house in Hilton Head. 🙂

The Ogs
The Ogs
2 years ago

Things are okay here in Ontario. Except they are now injecting tiny school children with the experimental inoculation.
Now, in my opinion Canadians (on a worldwide scale) are pretty well about as soft as humans get. Adversity is largely unknown and doctors and hospitals (used to) care about you. My country is an environment engineered so that the lowest common denominator can thrive.
Thus coddled and protected and lied-to relentlessly, Canadian parents despite everything known STILL believe that these injections are safe and effective! It boggles the mind.
Flash forward to the spring of 2022 and there are expected to be a lot of injured precious children. And oh yeah by the way, you’re never going to be grandparents…
When they find out the truth some of these trusting, gullible parents are going to lose their minds.

2 years ago
Reply to  The Ogs

The Oggs: The trusting gullible parents might do more than lose their minds. The hate heaped upon the uninjected by the powers that be might be replaced by request for sanctuary from very angry formerly trusting parents. There are consequences for mass murder.

2 years ago
Reply to  The Ogs

“Things are okay here in Ontario. Except they are now injecting tiny school children with the experimental inoculation.”

Then what is the “ok” part all about ?. Holding two opposing views in one’s mind, isn’t that what they call ‘Cognitive Dissonance’ ?.

2 years ago

NFL has explaining to do. NFL player in the Kansas City vs. LA Rams game tonight had a Covid jab side effect. Player was literally shaking in a stretcher. Hands were shaking, and player was sent to hospital for something that did not seem like a serious injury on the field at first. I have seen players catch the ball that the player dropped, and landed the way he did, but was still able to get up like nothing happened.

Max Power
Max Power
2 years ago

“first, second, third, fourth and twelfth booster shots”-

The ‘first responders’ and medical personnel were the first to be injected.
How long until their minds are controlled by the nano-tech?

Maybe mind control explains the weird situation where so many people are now working basically as Nazi death camp guards.

2 years ago

The ” Fully Vaccinated ” ( Compliant Statist Sheeple Slaves ) received no tangible benefits…except maybe for a Bag of Crispy Creme Donuts & a Bogus Lottery Ticket ( lottery jackpots are given to lower-level cousins of the elite another Scam )…now that they altered their DNA for the privilege of being turned into a Transhumanist Cyborg & Sold their Souls…they will be obliged to get their Operating Systems updated with the Booster Jabs, and that’s if they survive the 2-week average survival rate after the first Booster…Nice job Statists…3 strikes and you’re outta there…

2 years ago
Reply to  Car

My ex has been jabbed 3 times. I rarely see him but so far, no ill effects. I don’t know If he’s lucky or nothing has kicked in yet. He’s the type that gets flu shots too. I wonder if he’ll be lucky with jab number 4.

2 years ago
Reply to  Wim

My friend’s girlfriend and he are in NYC. She needs a surgery so no surgery without vax. She got Moderna. Ok the first shot. Second one she had side effects. Only had it a few weeks ago so not sure to what extent yet.

2 years ago
Reply to  Wim

It’s just a waiting game now. Same with my daughter. She hasn’t spoken to me since October. She said I made her feel stupid.

2 years ago

One thing the ‘vaccinated’ ( really a genetic modification injection) have in common with the purebloods….tyranny from totalitarian government ‘leaders’
Face up. You can’t comply your way out of tyranny. Resistance is the only answer.
If millions say no, it is over for the demonic tyrants.

2 years ago

I’ve been very sick for 10 days now. Maybe it’s Covid, maybe it’s not. I haven’t been tested. I had a fever as high as 102.7°F, feeling fatigue and malaise, headache, cough, and no appetite. I developed a sinus infection which triggered my asthma bringing all the symptoms of a tight chest and trouble breathing.

I had a teledoc appointment on Tuesday evening when my blood oxygen level was only 87%. The doctor asked if I was vaccinated (I am not), then asked if I was planning on getting vaccinated. I asked him what did my Vax status and future plans have to do with my treatment? He didn’t answer that question. He also asked if my husband was vaccinated.

I was feeling so sick, and having a hard time concentrating. I told him all my symptoms, that I had a sinus infection that triggered my asthma and that this has happened to me before. He tried to tell me that the sinus infection would not trigger the asthma (not true, this happens to me often). He told me I probably had Covid and should go to the ER immediately because of my low oxygen levels.

Well, I refused. I told him that if I went to the hospital, I would be at their mercy with no advocate to protect me, and would probably die. He told me they would treat me with Remdesivir and that would help me. I told him that it would ruin my kidney function, but he said, no it was safe. I told him that I was not going to the hospital, that I needed prescriptions for an antibiotic and prednisone to treat my infection and asthma. We argued back and forth for a bit, but he finally prescribed what I needed.

I’ve been on the medications since Tuesday and am feeling a little better. My fever has broken and the infection is better. I’m still struggling with asthma symptoms, though. Please pray for my recovery. I truly believe that I would have died if I went to the hospital!

2 years ago
Reply to  Lin

I am praying for you, Lin.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kris

Thank you, Kris. I’m feeling better, and my oxygen levels are normal, so I think I’m on the road to recovery. I still have a feeling of malaise, or fatigue that makes it hard to do anything but rest. I’m taking a variety of supplements recommended by Dr. Mercola in the hopes of regaining my strength. I truly believe that refusing to go to the hospital saved my life.

2 years ago
Reply to  Lin

not sure how prayer actually renders tangible effects but judging by your tone and clarity, you need have no fear, the vital force of life seems to be just fine within you.

2 years ago
Reply to  Lin

Me too, please pray for me. Today I sneezed at least twice and I had a runny nose when I was outside. I think it’s con-vid, I can no longer smell my mother-in-law coming around the block and I can no longer taste my favorite flour-and-high-fructose-corn syrup based donut ($.99).

A retard I know who reads too many books, told me that if I believe I am going to be sick then I am really going to be sick. He has no compassion in his heart, he is a science denier.

Pray for me. (and only for me). Thx.

2 years ago
Reply to  Lin

There are early at-home treatment protocols for cv19 which you can find online or someone find for you. Try World council for health

2 years ago
Reply to  Frances

I already discovered the cure. They gave me the nobel prize for it. Here it is AGAIN, just for you : CUT THE CORD OF YOUR TV !!!.

Brian Timm
Brian Timm
2 years ago
Reply to  Lin

Black cumin seed works just like Ivermectin. NAC is a key supplement to be on during these times as well. In addition, find an heirloom pine tree [unsprayed] and collect the pine needles. Take the green pine needles and boil them. Pine needle tea has more vitamin C than anything that exists. Drink continually.

2 years ago

That Sesame Street video with CNN’s Sanjay Gupta and Erica Hill is completely eerie. If that doesn’t wake you up, I don’t know what will.

2 years ago

That is not how the VAERS database appears on my end so I find the one post dubious.

As for the rest, for every 1 person who died that is documented publicly, there may be 10 – 100 others. Nobody will ever question the vaccine. This is madness.

2 years ago

They don’t care how many they kill, their mandate, their DEMAND is 100% control. When everyone is hooked on their boosters to live, because the genetic experiment long ago destroyed their immune systems, that is when the boosters will be used for TOTAL control. If you wish to continue living, if you desire your booster, you will comply with all demands…

2 years ago

My nineteen year old son was told by his employer that he had to have his shot of poison. I did warn him, but he likes the independence that his job gives him. In the period after having his first dose of Pfizer, he had palpitations about which he told his doctor. The doc said, “don’t forget that they’re going to open the Queensland borders so you should have your second shot”. The next day at three in the morning he phoned us to say that he thought he was having a heart attack. A fit and healthy young man describing the symptoms of a heart attack to the ambulance seemed bizarre. The hospital wrote it down as a reaction to the vaccine with inflammation, rather vague. Blood tests showed nothing, but there was a slight event on his ecg that one doc put down to his chest shape, which I was dubious of. Now he just seems to want to lie around and sleep, so who knows when he will recover. Pfizer claims another scalp.

David Robertson
David Robertson
2 years ago
Reply to  Bert

Unfortunately damage to the heart is permanent. There is no cure. Many millions of young people are affected and we should expect a commensurate rise in premature deaths in the next few years. It is so tragic that this situation was avoidable, if those of us who have known the truth from the beginning had taken a stronger stand against the authorities. Those in positions of political power have much to answer for.

2 years ago
Reply to  Bert

On one hand it saddens me that humans are being sacrificed on the altar of the billionares and their parasitic armies of bureaucrats. On the other hand, it angers me that they are complicit in their own demise, for choosing to comply their way to freedom (so they think !!), instead of drawing the line in the sand and fight. In the process, they are making our chances of winning this war on humanity, much less probable (in the short term at least).

2 years ago
Reply to  Bert

He needs an echocardiogram and a D-diner test.

2 years ago

Both of my Sons live overseas and without my knowledge they both got the Jabs against my strong warnings that they were dangerous. My older brother and my father both took the shots. My stepmother will not allow me to see my 86 year old father unless I get vaccinated. The good news is that my wife and I both understand how dangerous this stuff is. We both take lots of vitamin D, C, B, & Zinc. We enjoy cruising, but we will probably never cruise again due to these vaccine mandates. To others out there, please stop attacking the unvaccinated. We used to live in a free country whereby our health decisions were protected by the Constitution. Not so much anymore. Anyone with a half of brain should be able to see the propaganda and lies coming from the globalists and de-populationists.

Nicholas Wind
Nicholas Wind
2 years ago

From Toronto.
Yup the MASS PHYCOSIS continues as my family and 1000s of others are being destroyed by OUR GUB’MENTS.
My Son is not coming over and division everywhere.
When do we ARREST these MFERs??
Cops are in it in Toronto and Canada wide.
100k people minimum at the PARLIAMENT building to ARREST them all!!

2 years ago

I don’t wear the mask because i am too worried that if i am carrying the virus and i cough the virus will hit the face mask and bounce back and infect me.

2 years ago

Covid shots is hitting Hollywood. Canadian director Jean-Marc Vallee died suddenly, and unexpectedly of a heart attack at age 58. He is known for directing TV series called Big Little Lies, and movie Dallas Buyers Club. Also Betty White died at 99. It is believed she died of natural causes, and it is unknown whether she took the Covid shot.

Michal H
2 years ago

God bless you for the truth.

Greetings from Spain
2 years ago

En mi país estamos sufriendo el ataque de periodistas, políticos y personas populares que nos acusan de ser un peligro para la sociedad.
Se está fomentando odio hacia los no vacunados.
También se ha implantado el green pass , no podemos ir a restaurantes, conciertos, cine .
El ataque hacia nosotros está siendo feroz.
La lucha es difícil pero espero que Dios en su justicia les haga pagar por tanta ignominia y odio.

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