Shawn Kuhn: 21-year-old University of Georgia student is latest near-term Pfizer death that mainstream media call “breakthrough” COVID-19 death
October 15, 2021

Mr. Shawn Kuhn.

ATHENS, GEORGIA — A 21-year-old sports science major and personal trainer is dead, and is now being used by mainstream media as a pawn in their propaganda campaigns.

Mr. Shawn Kuhn received his first Pfizer mRNA injection sometime in April, according to CBS 46 News in Atlanta. He received the second shot in May. Mr. Kuhn caught so-called COVID-19 in December 2020. He suffered only minor symptoms before recovering within days. Thus, he had natural immunity for a disease with a 99.7%+ survival rate for people his age. But he received the injections anyway.

Mr. Kuhn allegedly caught “COVID-19-based pneumonia” towards the end of August. His condition progressively deteriorated through September. Mr. Tim Kuhn, Shawn’s father, said his son was “in and out of three hospitals” for the next six weeks. He said Shawn was “losing blood” every day, but doctors had no explanation as to how or where he was losing the blood.

Tim posted a Facebook update on October 10. His son was in the intensive care unit, in a medically-induced coma, and on a ventilator. Note that once a ventilator is utilized, the chances of survival decrease significantly. Shawn was to be transferred to Emory Hospital in Atlanta via Life Flight in the forthcoming days. But he did not survive the night.

Shawn passed away at 2:59 a.m., October 11.

Shawn’s sister, Sharla, also wrote about him on Facebook that day.

The aftermath

The CBS 46 story is essentially a CDC production. The doctor they rented for the story, Robin Dretler, essentially said that 15 million people have to die from “vaccines” and/or COVID for everyone else to reap the benefits of the agenda. Watch the full story below.

Here’s what we know for certain. Mr. Shawn Kuhn appears to be one of those skinny high school kids who got into lifting weights in college (note: I was one of those kids). He was 21 years old and in excellent physical shape. The CDC found this past March that nearly 80% of hospitalized COVID-19 victims in 2020 were overweight or obese. But mainstream media want you to believe that this young, healthy man who caught COVID-19 months prior and already had natural immunity, died from COVID-19 as a “breakthrough” case. Regardless, that is how his death is recorded.

Mr. Kuhn graduated with honors from Perry (GA) High School in 2018. He was a senior, Dean’s List student at the University of Georgia at the time of his death. He was also a Team Leader at Chick Fil-A. The Shawn Kuhn Memorial Scholarship Fund is accepting contributions. Checks and money orders can be sent to:

Perry High School
1307 North Avenue
Perry, GA 31069

Funeral services are scheduled for Saturday, October 16 at Cross Point Baptist Church in Perry, Georgia.

Another near-term Antibody Dependent Enhancement death

Mainstream media and big pharma must continue their propaganda campaigns to keep this COVID-19 charade going strong. Anyone with a shred of common sense knows Mr. Kuhn did not die from COVID-19. He died from antibody dependent enhancement (ADE). In a nutshell, his immune attacked healthy cells in his body that it recognized as SARS-CoV-2 or some related coronavirus that looks or acts similar.

The good Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi explains it best.

Unfortunately everyone who receives the real mRNA injections, and not a placebo, will succumb to ADE within a year or two max. Of course they could also develop cancer within that time frame, or die from heart failure due to blood clots. We now know that these shots have bio-mechanical properties. You are essentially being injected with liquid computer operating systems that take over your genes.

We’re going to see many more so-called “breakthrough” deaths like this because they are really “vaccine” deaths. And no matter how many of these happen, even with the breakthrough propaganda spin, vaxx zealots still won’t acknowledge that these injections neither stop the spread of so-called COVID-19, nor mitigates the symptoms. The shots are for obedience and control. Nothing more. Nothing less.

Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


COVID Legal USA is your partner in fight mandatory vaccines and other COVID mandates. Follow us on Telegram and Twitter. Read about white pine needles and order them here.


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2 years ago

Him “losing blood”, i.e, hemorrhaging, could be consistent with vaccine-induced thrombotic thrombocytopenia. As in, the vaccine causes platelets to clot up where they shouldn’t, so there’s none left to clot where they should. The victim ends up bleeding to death.

2 years ago

Wow, this young man needed a vax perhaps less than anyone else on this entire Earth!

What tragic and needless death.

David Robertson
David Robertson
2 years ago

The media propaganda that it was a Covid death was to be expected and this will be the case for all the many deaths this winter when the colds and ‘flu come calling. Remember that in early animal trials, ten and twenty years ago, with these coronavirus gene modification technologies, ALL the animals died when they contracted the wild virus.

On this basis, if 20% of the population received the full dosage of graphene oxide from all the shots, including the boosters, then when they catch a cold THEY WILL DIE. In the United States this will amount to 65 million people, In Canada where I live it will be 7 million. In the U.K. 14 million. In the EU 90 million.

The workers who have been fired for refusing the Jab will return to work but the economy will collapse and the Great Depression will seem like an economic boom time by comparison with what lies just ahead. It is a downward spiral started by the Jab that is now too late to stop. Anyone who has not prepared for this will be a casualty. I suspect that is almost everyone.

Last edited 2 years ago by David Robertson
2 years ago

Hopefully you are totally wrong. But even if you are half right, it will still be horrible. I fully expect that this coming cold/flu season here in the northern hemisphere will tell us a lot about what we can expect on down the road.

Max Power
Max Power
2 years ago
Reply to  Ron

I foresee a run on vitamin D and accordingly my family is stocked up on it.

2 years ago
Reply to  Max Power

For the last ten years I’ve been getting my vitamin D from a tanning salon. However, this year I don’t want to pick up spike proteins from the bed, so I found a tanning light on ebay. Getting it through the skin is the best way, especially if one has absorption problems.

Thanks to those who prayed for my dad. He has a broken leg and hip. He survived one surgery, with one more to go on Tuesday. If he makes out of the hospital without being jabbed by a booster, it will be a miracle. They will only let his wife in to see him, and she will support any suggestion of a booster. I have done all I could have done.

David Robertson
David Robertson
2 years ago
Reply to  Ron

Yes, indeed. I do wonder how much they can hide however. Even the VAERS system is poorly supported and gives only a snapshot of the deaths and casualties from the Jab. There are honest alternate media outlets but they are in the same position as all of us with regard to the information they have access to. We can only see a very distorted picture of Reality.

What seems to be well established is that there is a plan to kill off most of the human race before 2030 and that this plan has been moved up and implemented sooner than the perpetrators would have wished. I have been watching these developments for a very long time but I was taken by surprise by the suddenness of the onset of this final chapter in March 2020. Nevertheless the evil nature of those in charge, and their ultimate intentions, has been known to me for decades.

Since the beginning the public exposure of the machinations of the rulers has been widely reported so people are beginning to realize how evil they are and the truth of the predictions in the Bible of these times. By the same token we know that their plans will not succeed and that they will be defeated by the One who is the ultimate ruler of all, the Lord Jesus Christ.

God will use these events to bring everyone to the Krisis, the moment of judgement or decision on whom they will serve, the LORD Jesus Christ or Satan, the Enemy of God and humanity, the father of lies. How much more tribulation this will take only He knows. My belief is that it will take a great deal. I myself almost died before I repented, came to a knowledge of the Truth and surrendered to the One who is the Author of Life, 45 years ago.

2 years ago

I would give your post a thousand up votes if I could. Very well said.

I admit I did not have the discernment that you do. I am 61, but I had no idea of the things happening in the background over the years. Some of them I had heard of, but I blew them off as “conspiracy theories.” So I’ll admit that.

However, the thing I care about the most in the world is truth, no matter where it leads, so when my eyes were opened back in March of 2020, I realized a couple of things: (1), the “pandemic” was simply the next step in an agenda that the “forces of darkness” were ultimately responsible for, the foundation having already been laid long before, and (2) These things happening today are likely directly related to those final events which culminate with the second coming of our Lord.

In reference to one remark you made, yes, we need to remember that no matter what “they” are trying to do or where the dystopian future they would like to herd us to, their plans will never come to fruition. God is in control of all. In the meantime, we work, we warn, we watch, we pray, we occupy until that day.

Thanks for your comment!

2 years ago

By the same token we know that their plans will not succeed and that they will be defeated by the One who is the ultimate ruler of all, the Lord Jesus Christ.

The people who run America absolutely love the fact that you “have faith” that “Jesus will save you and destroy them”.

This absurd notion…and that is all it is…causes Americans to sit back on their duffs and do ABSOLUTLEY NOTHING to forestall their own extermination.

Good luck America; you are going to need it!

David Robertson
David Robertson
2 years ago
Reply to  dddd

The rulers of the United States and Canada (where I live) know more than you do about whom and what they are up against. “Laborare est Orare” is an ancient proverb and one which is just as true today.

You may continue to dwell in ignorance and suffer the consequences since there are no bystanders today. If you are not for the Lord Jesus Christ then you are against Him. It is a terrifying thing to fall into the hands of the living God, as you will see, if you continue along your present path.

Last edited 2 years ago by David Robertson
2 years ago

God is dead
Satan lives
The Year is One
Pamela has begun

Pamela T Andrews / DDDD

David Robertson
David Robertson
2 years ago
Reply to  dddd

I wonder if you realise that your god is laughing derisively at you. Satan is the embodiment of Evil, in which there is no Love or Life, only Hatred and Death. You may admire him but he has only contempt for you and will kill you as he would anyone else. He will use you to fulfil his purposes but when he is finished with you he will discard you. He is destined for destruction as are all his worshippers.

Do you know the meaning of your name?

“This name was invented in the late 16th century by the poet Sir Philip Sidney for use in his poem Arcadia. He possibly intended it to mean “all sweetness” from Greek πᾶν (pan) meaning “all” and μέλι (meli) meaning “honey”. It was later employed by author Samuel Richardson for the heroine in his novel Pamela, or Virtue Rewarded (1740), after which time it became used as a given name. It did not become popular until the 20th century.”

It seems you have strayed very far from who you were named to be. It is not too late to change your direction of travel. Your Creator and Redeemer, the Lord Jesus Christ is waiting for you to do so. He is the embodiment of Good, in which there is no Hatred or Death, only Love and Life. He has already established Immortality in the Kingdom of Light, Life and Love, for everyone who believes in Him. Choose Life Pamela.

2 years ago
Reply to  dddd

“This absurd notion…and that is all it is…causes Americans to sit back on their duffs and do ABSOLUTLEY NOTHING to forestall their own extermination.”

Nope. Not true. Many of us who are believers in the Creator God work harder to combat evil because… that’s what we do and we have more at stake than just this world. You should also consider that those who do call themselves “believers” but “sit back on their duffs” and do nothing would continue to sit on their rear ends even if they were not believers. They are lazy, or cowards, or entitled, or whatever, but their character is not imprinted as such merely because they say they believe in God. “God” just becomes an excuse for them. They would find another excuse if they didn’t have that one.

Just think about it, and maybe try to understand the issue a little more fully before venting. Thanks!

John Barrett
2 years ago

David the reason I hate false prophets is because they lie. NO MAN knows when Christ will return. If you own a Bible, you can check this for yourself.
So as much as you would like for this to be “the end times”, sadly you are doing little more than guessing. The end times have been predicted by other false prophets for several thousand years now. Get it? Christ might not return for 100 years or 10,000 years. You would do BETTER in the hear and now to work hard to fight against lies and false statements and to help uplift people instead of presenting them with fear and false prophesies. Sorry to burst your Nostradamus self image kiddo – just trying to keep you honest brother and I know that YOU KNOW I’m right.

David Robertson
David Robertson
2 years ago
Reply to  John Barrett

Why do you find it fearful to expect the Appearing of the Lord Jesus Christ in power and glory? It is a time for rejoicing surely? The scriptures tell us that His return is imminent and this is true in every generation. Christians have lived in this expectation for two millennia but today we see the signs of such times all around us, if we are alert to see them. Indeed the Bible tells us to be thus alert, to keep the oil in our lamps full.

I have been involved in worldwide spiritual warfare for the past 16 years and we have been very conscious of the times we are living in and have received many confirmations that we are in transition into the Tabernacles Age. I may not personally be alive on the Earth when the Lord returns as I am already 80, but I believe I will be changed and receive my spiritual body whether I am living on Earth or rise to meet Him in the First Resurrection.

The Lord Jesus told his disciples who asked Him when He would return that “no man knows the day or the hour”. This was a well known saying that indicated the Feast of Trumpets in ancient Israel and later in Judea and Galilee. This Feast is also the time of the “last trump” which the apostle Paul refers to. So we know from these two witnesses that He will return at the Feast of Trumpets of some year. The Spring Feasts prophesied of His first coming and the Autumn Feasts of His second.

So the statements I make about living in the “end times” are based on more than wishful thinking. Personally I believe that the Lord Jesus Christ will indeed return before the middle of the next decade. He could come in any of the intervening years and the Autumn Feasts will mark the days of the events of that time. I find this faith to be reassuring and while I acknowledge that there have been many times in the past when Christians have anticipated the Parousia, only to be disappointed, I do believe that my own faith is soundly based on both the written Word of God and the Living Word of God in my own heart.

You are of course free to believe according to the faith that God has given to you John, as each of us must. I certainly do not insist that you believe as I do but at the same time I must publish the faith that God has given me.

2 years ago

God, David, I hope you’re wrong. This would mean my husband, every single friend & family member I have, as well as a lot of people in the community that I love & look forward to seeing out in the world. Even though I’ve had to heatedly discuss my objections to all three of these vaxxes, citing the 1156 VAERS reports I’ve actually read, I don’t want anyone to die just bc I think they’re truly dangerous. I really hope you’re wrong, this whole situation is just SH*T!!!!!

David Robertson
David Robertson
2 years ago
Reply to  Kira

The world has changed Kira and everyone will be affected by this malevolent plan. The New World Order is being constructed and we are not going back to the way things were. As I say, they will fail and the actual outcome will be the coming of the Kingdom of God, which is good news for all of us.

We didn’t choose to be alive at a time such as this but we are. We just have to recognize the signs and act according to our faith. I believe this is the time of tribulation predicted in scriptures that precedes the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore I am willing to accept the consequences of refusing to obey government edicts, whatever they may be. For those who have taken the Jab, repentance and prayer would start them on the road to recovery. God is able to heal them.

I have heard from reliable sources that the Jab was administered in four different concentrations including one placebo. I suspect that only the highest concentration of the active ingredient, reported to be graphene oxide, will cause death or injury. It also apparently destroys the immune system in stages, 75%-50%-25%-0, so the fewer shots taken the better.

Whatever the case it is advisable to stop taking any more boosters. There are also supplements such as Vitamin D, suramin, quercetin, milk thistle, ashwagandha, and N-acetyl-cysteine that have been recommended by the Spanish whistleblowers to get rid of the graphene oxide. I use all of them with the exception of suramin. They also act a prophylactics.

Last edited 2 years ago by David Robertson
2 years ago

Almost a few years ago Trump and Kill Gates were warning and saying a lot of people were going to die…Gates was even throwing out numbers in the Millions…It looks and sounds like its already a done deal…what people need to understand is that according to their religion, which is the worship of the Kabahllah…it is part of their Creed that requires them to warn their opponents…they understand that most will not get it, and brush it off…but this is how these things work…remember Trump read the Snake Poem six times…they always go back to their number 6…what was the result…millions of people still listened to Trump and could not discern this agenda…it is tragic…Scriptures have warned all of us not to put out Trust in False Prophets…now they will pay for that mistake in many more ways than one.

Lisa Augustine
Lisa Augustine
2 years ago

“..You are essentially being injected with liquid computer operating systems that take over your genes…” Exactly- which is why Bill Gates was so involved with COVID vaccines from the very beginning. No one seemed to question Bill Gates’ involvement , but many of us asked, why is he working along with Fauci and the others.. Is he a closet medical doctor.? I do know one thing.. Eugenics and population control is something he has always been zealous about.

David Robertson
David Robertson
2 years ago
Reply to  Lisa Augustine

His father and grandfather before him were also keen eugenicists.

2 years ago
Reply to  Lisa Augustine

It’s really interesting how when I am the slightest bit skeptical about this “When in doubt do without” is my motto), the pat scornful answer is a variation of, “You’re not a doctor. You’re not a scientist.” Well either is Bill Gates! And he seems to be running the show. In fact, he’s Jeffrey Epstein’s old pal and so close were they that Gates’ wife cited his relationship with Epstein as the primary reason for their divorce, meaning there is alot we will never ever be privy to.

Lisa Augustine
Lisa Augustine
2 years ago

I want to offer my prayers and condolences to this young man’s family.. My heart breaks every time I read a case of vaccine caused death or vaccine caused disability.. It’s gotten to the point that it’s hard for me to read these testimonies but I am grateful that this blog is providing them.. I can at least read their accounts and pray for every single one of their families. This blog brings us information that needs NOT to be brushed under the carpet.

Thank You, owner of the Covid Blog!! By the way, I found some White Pine Trees in my area (East Coast- USA) and snipped some off of some branches , placed them in a ziplock bag in my freezer, and will be having my White Pine Tea with honey! God bless you, lisa

2 years ago

I was a bit skeptical of the ADE predictions as being a bit overdone. I’m beginning to rethink that. Young healthy people usually don’t die, but they are.

Max Power
Max Power
2 years ago

That man and his communication ability and wisdom are extremely admirable. His acknowledgement of who should be thanked, the Lord, is so encouraging to me.

2 years ago

Hey Brian! I love this blog & appreciate so much the insane amount of work you’re doing to go in depth on these vax injuries, including shots of their FB posts, etc. The one thing I found offensive in the story on Shawn Kuhn, though, is why you keep saying ‘so-called’ Covid-19. Although these vaccines are really dangerous & horrible, and the suppression + censorship about the huge injuries they’re creating is unacceptable, C19 is truly terrible. We’ve had 2 co-workers die quickly from it. What’s up with ‘so called’?! Best, Kira.

David Robertson
David Robertson
2 years ago
Reply to  Kira

There has been a great deal of prevarication surrounding the Covid phenomenon from official and mass media sources. There is now abundant evidence that no such virus actually exists, other viruses such as Influenza A and B have been identified as the sources of infections ascribed to Covid, and many deaths ascribed to it were actually from other causes. The doctors who signed the death certificates were pressured into writing Covid as the cause when it was something else. Covid may well be merely an invention.

As many medical practitioners break ranks and report their experiences it seems the wheels are coming off what may be described as the biggest hoax in history. This is why Brian describes C19 as so called. It also explains why the co-workers you mention actually died from some other cause. All is not as it seems in Covidland.

Last edited 2 years ago by David Robertson
2 years ago

Thanks for your take on this, David! ~Kira

Kimmy J
Kimmy J
2 years ago

No, Covid definitely exists. It was created by gain of function processes funded by fauci in US and China. Even mainstream media is starting to admit this. The reason for secrecy as to its genetic and protein structure is the obvious: it will be clearly revealed as a chimera with inserted HIV & other sequences. Those claiming it doesn’t exist are deep in la-la land of denial. Educate yourself.

David Robertson
David Robertson
2 years ago
Reply to  Kimmy J

That’s the official story Kimmy. I don’t believe it. As well as undergirding the Covid hoax it also serves a geopolitical purpose to demonize China. The Wuhan lie was rolled out in March 2020 and didn’t gain much traction so they reintroduced it a year later. They are building a consensus to start a third word war.

This is really difficult to believe but they always lie because they are liars. All the wars of the last hundred years were built on lies. We live in a fog of lies. Everything you believe about the world we live in and the way it came into being is a lie.

Evolution is a lie. Democracy is a lie. It is all a charade, a fantasy created to enslave the people. It is so pervasive that most people believe it. However this is the time of the awakening. Get ready for big revelations.

2 years ago

Everything the Government Media Museums and Big Pharma pitch is a Lie…the Ultimate Truth is in the Bible…and all answers are there for those that seek it….this world is run by the Father of Lies, and that is Lucifer, and his biggest Lie in 2021 is the Fake Crown Corona Hoax…and the majority of humanity is Loving the Lie…how else can anyone explain how they are volunteering for a Soul Snatching Death Serum without a single hours worth of research? And this includes the majority of the Church Denominations and there Pimping Pickpocting Pastors delivering Souls to Lucifer by endorsing the covid 666 Mark of the Beast Jab…

2 years ago
Reply to  Kimmy J

I have educated myself, and Covid is a Hoax…no Virus can be isolated or harm a human body with a healthy immune system…the government has a lot of experience with Hoaxing…such as Space Travel, Nuclear Weapons ( yes you read that right ) Ancient Pyramids made out of CON-crete blocks, Dinosaurs, Space Rocks, Aliens Vaccines, and everything else that comes out of a University, Museum, or the Tel Lie Vision…Covid is a Hoax…

2 years ago
Reply to  Car

There’s nukes, they just cannot be airborne.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kira

Con Vid 19-84 is a Hoax and was planned out over 50 years ago…it is the perfect NWO tool to blame everything on…Vaccines are a fraud and a hoax, they are not a replacement for Natural Immunity…they are created by the Sorcerers at Big Pharma….No Virus has ever been Isolated or can harm a human body with a healthy immune system…after all is said and done, the Satanic Covid will be the Greatest Hoax in history….and most people will all have been fools for believing in it…

Kimmy J
Kimmy J
2 years ago

The experimental ferrets died of the wild-type virus too, as a result of ADE conferred by the experimental vaccine. So did Kuhn. RIP.

2 years ago

The families of victims like these would tell you to get F**ked if you told them you could prove in was the mRNA Injections and not a Bogus Virus Hoax…the Cult Worshiping runs deep…that’s what they get for trusting Big Sugar Government and Kill Gates…research and Facts be damned…

KarlM Alias
KarlM Alias
2 years ago

Thus, he had natural immunity for a disease with a 99.7%+ survival rate for people his age. But he received the injections anyway.
The IFR% for all 21 year olds world-wide is <0.01%, so will be even lower for a healthy specimen, which this guy seems to have been.

KarlM Alias
KarlM Alias
2 years ago

… but doctors had no explanation as to how or where he was losing the blood.
WHAT??? Ok, there is little way they could know the precise locations of all the microvascular clots, but the reason is absolutely clear. How stoopid are they?

2 years ago

tragic. sad. why??

2 years ago

“Note that once a ventilator is utilized, the chances of survival decrease significantly”.

You got that right and it’s always because of money ! I read somewhere that hospitals get paid $15,000 for every “Covid” death they report. If the patient was on a ventilator they get $30,000!

2 years ago

So the new buzzwords are ‘breakthrough case’, to go along with ‘sudden’ and ‘unexpectantly’. And the morons just lap it up and follow their orders like good little sheep.

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