October 15, 2021
SCHUYLKILL HAVEN, PENNSYLVANIA — A 32-year-old wife, retail manager, and mother of two daughters, is slowly accepting her new reality and warning others about the consequences of her decision.
Mrs. Julia Ann Whalen received a Moderna mRNA injection sometime in late May, according to her Facebook page. It is unclear whether it was her first or second injection. But she wanted “the world to go back to normal” and equated normalcy to the injections. Her employer, arts and crafts retailer Michaels, does not appear to have any vaccine mandates. Mrs. Whalen knew her life was forever altered just two weeks later.
She lost all feeling in her legs in Mid-June. Doctors performed a battery of tests before diagnosing her with Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS), a known autoimmune adverse effect from both the mRNA and viral vector DNA injections. GBS causes the immune system to recognize nerve fibers as foreign pathogens, and attacks them. Mrs. Whalen spent seven days in the hospital before being discharged.
Long, hard road to potential recovery
Most GBS patients are able to walk again after six months. But symptoms are known to last for two years and longer. Post-injection GBS is uncharted territory for doctors; and Mrs. Whalen is learning this reality. Her July 26 Facebook update indicates that doctors have no idea when or if she’ll recover.
By late August, Mrs. Whalen was experiencing new symptoms and wondering if her current condition may be permanent.
She was apparently being asked a lot of questions by friends and family. So Mrs. Whalen posted another update on August 23, with a rough timeline of what’s happening to her. She needs assistance to do everything from shower to walk. She cannot work and “can’t be the mom or the wife I used to be.” She used the hashtag #NotRare and acknowledged that adverse effects to these injections are suppressed by mainstream media and big tech.
Four days later, she reported worsening pain in her legs, equating it to “being shocked.” The formerly (seemingly) happy mom, wife and retail manager was losing her spirit. She even conceded that if she wants to attempt walking on her own, she must use a cane.
Mrs. Whalen takes at least seven prescription drugs everyday just to function. But she experiences new symptoms everyday, while the existing ones worsen. Unfortunately Mrs. Whalen is also experiencing another common phenomenon in these COVID times – doctors cannot, will not, and do not help most post-injection victims.
Mrs. Whalen implied that she made a bad decision based on social pressure and lack of research. But she’s at least trying to warn others that these adverse effects are real and can happen to anyone. Meanwhile she’s also learning about the COVID-19 troll community that consists of both vaxx zealots and vitriolic “anti-vaxxers.”
Mrs. Whalen has no public Facebook posts since October 5. We’ll update in due course.
Watching life crumble in real-time
The global COVID-19 psy-op is powerful and highly effective against the masses. That being said, it’s incredible that seemingly hundreds of millions of people either still don’t know that these injections maim and kill, or they do know, but don’t care because they’re devout, loyal zealots. This blogger, who has been a journalist for over 20 years, had never used the words “autoimmune,” “thrombosis,” or “anaphylaxis” in a sentence before 2021. Now those are regular terms in my vernacular because of what’s going on in the world.
It’s difficult not to feel for Mrs. Whalen. She is a young mother and wife who seemingly enjoyed her career. She literally went from age 32 to age 82 overnight with GBS. But the information is out there. You won’t get it from Google searches, Facebook or CNN. This is a matter of life and death. There’s simply no excuse for ignorance at this point. We laud Mrs. Whalen for speaking out in an environment that demonizes anyone who speaks truth about these injections. Regardless, this whole situation was avoidable; and she learned that too late.
Don’t be the next story on The COVID Blog. Please keep spreading knowledge. Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.
COVID Legal USA is your partner in fight mandatory vaccines and other COVID mandates. Follow us on Telegram and Twitter. Read about white pine needles and order them here.
Like so many other victums she was indoctrinated with decades of Vaccine propaganda…I have heard it from other people before who try to infer knowledge on a subject where very little exists…” You have taken Vaccines and Flu Shots before, so why do you have an issue with this one? ” I have an issue with it because all governments are pushing it in UNISON and mine is offering Free Donuts and Lottery Tickets…It comes down to discernment and critical thinking…If too many people are in favor of it, than I know it has to be wrong…
” You have taken Vaccines and Flu Shots before”.
Speak for yourself. I might be stupid, but not that stupid.
Those who consider themselves to be awaken and smart, but in fact are not, are a big hurdle on the way to freeing humanity.
Just like that stupid woman who considered herself smart and said she spaces out the vaccines that she inflicts on her helpless dog, while she shouldn’t put anything in her dog at all.
Flu shot is not experimental! Not new, old technology.
Absolutelly all vaccines were bad in the first years, yet improved after. Including polio, hepatitis B. Bad meaning they gave to many dangerous side effects. Too many of them.
Flu shot was not mandatory.
I never took a flu shot in my life so this argument don’t stand with me. Had the swine flu and felt I should avoid going to the hospital so stayed at home, a few very bad days but a flu. Recovered and never had a flu ever since. Also started to take vitamins on a daily basis.
So nope, flu shot does not equal experimental voluntary but mandatory and pushed covid vaccines
never took any flu shots ever, whenever i got sick vitamin c and chicken soup did the job, haven’t been sick in years, eat healthy, avoid sugar and exercise and your immune system will be intact
Praying for Julia Ann… I’m from PA., as well.. I also know of others who have gotten Guilllian Barre Syndrome .. One from the Swine Flu shot years ago, and one from having been administered two antibiotics for a flu she had.. The latter is doing much better now and walks without a cane – but after 3 years of therapy. Everyone is different, and nutrition plays a role as well.. Praying for Julia Ann and everyone going through this!
Could someone tell me if this is true. I thought I heard that Guillain Barre syndrome is actually Polio. Is this true?
No, they are two different conditions, usually viral related. GBS generally is limited in time so most recover but polio effects are usually permanent.
Thank you for clearing that up. I had read it somewhere and was not sure if it was true.
Polio is not viral, it was caused by ddt and the polio “vaccine”. These diseases are the same, because all of these diseases are simply the body’s being poisoned. Viruses do not make people sick, and contagion is not real. Watch, all of the videos, and read The Contagion Myth and What Really Makes You Ill. We’ve been lied to about EVERYTHING, including the reason we get ill.
i believe GBS was rebranded to polio to push the (polio) vaccine.
20 years ago, I had a WW2 vet neighbor who went to the VA for a regular checkup and got a flu shot, after which he got sick and spent a short time in the hospital, with pneumonia.
He got out then later developed GB and spent most of two years in a nursing home recovering. He had started stumbling around and slurring speech. His neighbors thought he was drinking again, but it was paralysis beginning to afflict him.
Around the time this neighbor got that shot, there was a Nova program about a former Soviet germ warfare scientist who told of the chimeric weapons the USSR had been developing.
They took a pneumonia bacteria, and spliced into it the genes from rabbits, to make myelin (nerve sheath insulation). Then they sickened a population of test rabbits with it.
These rabbits first got pneumonia, all of them, and 50% were killed by it. The rest recovered, only to become paralyzed around six weeks later. The bacteria causing the pneumonia also produced myelin where it was not supposed to be, and stimulated the rabbit immune systems to attack their own rabbit myelin, causing the paralysis.
That neighbor, I think, was probably experimented upon. With name, address, and phone number, everybody getting these ‘shots’ can be experimented upon with many things, and followed up on without knowing it via listening in on their conversations, hacking their computer, hacking their doctor’s computer, etc..
That Soviet germ warfare is all documented in a book by Ken Alibek, a defector to the United States. That particular bit is detailed in a chapter about a program called Bonfire. The book is titled Biohazard.
Mr. Wilkins, here is another medical term to add to your lexicon: thrombocytopenia, a condition where the platelets (thrombocytes) in the blood are reduced by autoimmune attack from the spleen, causing bleeding disorders. You can internally bleed to death just by bumping into something if the disease is severe. If a disease is of unknown origin it is called idiopathic but if caused by medication or treatment it is called iatrogenic. Gregory Michael, a physician at Mt. Sinai, died from this disorder and at the time of his death a blood specialist from Johns Hopkins U. in Baltimore said it was a “medical certainty” that it was vaccine related (he supported vaccinations but mentioned when you vaccinate a lot of people “things happen”). They sure do, don’t they? Which % would I be in? Nobody can tell me. Notice how iatrogenic disorders associated with these “vaccinations” are instead called idiopathic.
Keep the faith, baby.
Yes, he is familiar with the term, as he’s covered people who’ve suffered from this condition post vax.
If she was working at Michaels, she didn’t have a clue, and now is learning the hard way.
Yet another example of somebody saying, in so many words, how they “don’t want to persuade anyone else not to take the vaccine,” despite suffering likely permanent disabilities. Almost all these people say, “I am NOT anti-vax!” and: “I am not telling anyone else not to take these shots!” Are they trying to be that careful in how they come across?
If I took a gun and shot myself in the foot, and millions of other people shot themselves in the foot, and many of us complained of being maimed or circulation problems or amputations or being disabled, I would scream from the rooftops: “DON’T SHOOT YOURSELF IN THE FOOT!!!” But no, most of them remain committed to being pro-shoot-yourself-in-the-foot people and “don’t want to tell anybody else not to shoot yourself in the foot.”
For once, is there ANYONE who’s been injured by these gene therapy drugs who will just come out and say, plain and clearly, “You are being lied to! DO NOT take these vaccinations! The vaxxes are FAR more likely to kill you than covid!” ANYONE??
Great points. I think some have spoken out, post shot, as to the dangers; but offhand I can’t think of any.
The virtue-signalling disclaimer so many have does irritate me, and has been a sign of our culture degrading for some time, in concert with the PC mentality.
“Nobody told me my life could be turned upside down”
Should have paid attention to those “conspiracy” theorists…
On her Aug. 23 post Mrs. Whalen states, “I was so desperate for the world to go back to normal that I would have done anything to help that along”. This is not the first time I have heard this. This is propaganda word salad that has absolutely no line of logic. Now Mrs. Whalen’s world will never be normal. The constant brain washing by media, .gov, social media and the medical industrial complex is really working on many people. She should be angry that she has been deceived by those she obviously trusted. She should be encouraging people to NOT get this poison. I don’t believe these are adverse reactions but rather intended reactions. Big pharma, medical and government are not your friends. They are not looking after your best interests, so you need to do that. I pray for God’s healing for Mrs. Whalen.
You’re so right. “Propaganda word salad.” No one is going to think for me, work for me, etc., do matter how desperately I want it to happen. Life sucks often, and yes, sometimes it’s a real shame. I just love, and overquote, the saying: “you can wish in one hand, and crap in the other, and see which gets filled first,” so true.
Our jobs have been threatened, futures uncertain, lives have been stressed unnecessarily by all of these lies, yet no matter how much we wish it weren’t so, it is. We’ll probably end up on some sort of gov’t blacklist. So be it. If I have to eat canned sardines and a concentrated green supplement for a good while, then I’ll do it. I won’t like it, but I’ll do it. So could more people if they stood up. Humanity’s history is filled with stories of people saying, “I didn’t think I could endure, make it, etc.”, but they did.
The Covid blog certainly has had articles detailing sad, depressed, individuals whose reasoning skills were affected by various tragedies and traumas, but they are the minority. Many just don’t want to deal with any inconvenience, and this includes giving in to trusted “experts” and “authorities”. I can’t even begin to count the hours I’ve spent and the number headaches I’ve gotten researching so many things since last Spring. Mind blown. It would have been so much easier to do nothing. So many things could have gotten done instead. But you know what? I’ll always be able to say that through that research I protected some loved ones, and perhaps a few others as well, the best I could from these evil experiments.
I’m with you on the intended reactions, I just can’t see how it’s otherwise so. Yes, we need to pray, and then pray some more.
i pray that she heals. what a sad shame. we are dealing with demons.
I am SO,SO, SO tired of these people saying “I’m not telling anyone not to get it” or any number of other cowardly statements because they are still caving to the clown show of social pressure to be “pro vax”. I’m also in disbelief at their beliefs that they will recover. Why? Why do they think they will recover? There’s nothing to indicate they will. These are lifelong and life ending diseases, they’ve inflicted on themselves, but they keep lying to themselves that everything will be fine and they made the right decision. Confirmation bias so they don’t have to admit they made a horrifying mistake and have severely impacted everyone around them. If someone gets shot by a gun, they scream and yell about gun control, if someone gets shot by poison, they tell everyone it’s fine if they do it too. The delusion is frightening.
What I have noticed about so many of the people in the articles on the adverse effects of the vaccine is that they were especially susceptible to the notion of doing what they were told was good for the society even though they may have had reservations about it or didn’t need to get it. They wanted to be part of the team. It seems they had little ability to consider and do what is best for themselves as individuals. They had little trust in their own common sense or critical thinking. They just went along with the crowd.