August 3, 2021
SÉTE, HÉRAULT — A 22-year-old man is dead, and authorities appear to be blaming food allergies.
Mr. Maxime Beltra received the first dose of experimental Pfizer mRNA on Monday, July 26 at around 2 p.m. local time, according to a video by his father, Frédéric Beltra. The image of the EU Digital COVID certificate is a bit hard to read because it’s a screenshot from a video. But you can clearly see Maxime’s name on the top right and the date on the bottom right.
La Chaîne Info (LCI) reported that Maxime went to a restaurant with friends after receiving the injection. Maxime’s sister called Frédéric at 10 p.m. and told him that Maxime was suffering a “violent” allergic reaction of some sort. Paramedics tried saving Maxime, to no avail. He passed away at 11 p.m., nine hours after the Pfizer injection.
Father’s video goes viral
Parts of Frédéric’s video have been (crudely) translated from French to English. Note, anyone reading this who can speak French and English can please listen and post a full translation in the comments. Here is part of what Frédéric is saying:
Maxime just wanted to live. He was my only son and he died, killed by a shit vaccine that was never validated or properly tested, only nine hours after injection, under the horrified look of carers who have nothing to curb the consequences of the violent anaphylactic shock that killed him. He had to get vaccinated so he could go on vacation to Greece, with his friend.It is criminal to put on the market vaccines which have not been certified, which have not been verified, which kill 22-year-old young people in great shape with a kind of corruption to vomit from our elites. For a virus that kills less than 1% of the population, we are in the process of vaccinating all of humanity with treatments that have never been thoroughly examined and whose side effects we do not know
The full video, originally shared on Twitter by a French journalist, is embedded below.
Reactions and explanations
A Montpellier prosecutor told Agence France-Presse (AFP) that an investigation is open. But the prosecutor already concluded that it is “unrealistic” to believe an autopsy will prove that the Pfizer mRNA injection killed Maxime.
The prosecutor’s office also said “it is known” that Maxime ate a food that he was allergic too that day. Doctors told the Le Figaro newspaper that it is “highly unlikely” that the Pfizer injection caused his death.
Interestingly this isn’t the first time we’ve heard the food allergies excuse. U.S. media pushed the food allergy cause of death for Ayesha K. Faines last month. We noted how extremely rare it is for anyone to die from food allergies in that story.
CheckNews contacted Frédéric a few days later. Despite his initial anger, he took a much softer approach in the interview.
I am not anti-vaccine‚ I do not subscribe to this debate. My approach is republican. I believe in the police and the justice system. I just want to know what happened. Maybe the my son’s death may be of use to other families. If we can prevent this from happening to another child
Maxime apparently worked at a local brewery that paid tribute to him the day after his death.
Florian Philippot, President of the Patriots nationalist party, tweeted about Maxime on July 27. European Parliament member Gilbert Collard also tweeted about the death.
Macron vaccine mandates and protests
France President Emmanuel Macron announced mandatory vaccine passes on July 13 for anyone entering restaurants, bars, museums, sporting events and essentially any and all other public places. All healthcare workers in the country are required to receive the experimental injections by September 15 or face termination. France is now charging people for PCR tests too. French citizens are not surrendering to the dystopia.
Large protests have taken place across France every weekend since Macron’s announcement. There appeared to be tens of thousands of people in the streets of Paris on July 17.
The protests continued the following weekend in Paris and elsewhere.
Every country around the world has reached the crossroads. The people are either going to fight tyranny or succumb and comply. At least Europeans are trying. There’s been nothing even close to the protests in France happening in the United States.
It’s clear that a good majority of Americans are COVID and vaccine zealots. Thus we must amplify our voices and ensure we’re heard not only by our own government, but by the world at-large.
Stay vigilant and protect your friend and loved ones.
COVID Legal USA is your partner in fight mandatory vaccines and other COVID mandates. Follow us on Telegram and Twitter. Read about white pine needles and order them here.
“I am not anti-vaccine”
Another pandering pansy on a planet drowning in pansies…pathetic.
“He HAD to get vaccinated so he could go on vacation to Greece, with his friend.”
A “vacation”…yes that sounds like a real life or death matter. Well; I guess he chose the latter.
“The brewery is crying today”
Yet they look so happy in the photograph. “Bring me my chains”; they bleat…..
I doubt his father said the pro-vax quote the paper printed, MSM is never to be trusted.
If he did flip-flop like that, then he was threatened.
Yeah I am not an anti vaxxerr…but… It’s like if you question what is in an injection you are a leper. That’s it I think. Those who ask a simple question …let me think…Oh yes. What substances are being placed in to my body? You know that thing I live in? That thing that they will not help you with if their “substance” breaks it. That thing that Drs will say cannot be broken by the said substance. Finally that thing that these lovely warm fuzzy companies will not take responsibly if it say…oh..yes…kills you. Makes that thing cease to function. Takes you away from wife, husband, partner, mum, dad, uncle, aunt or children. Makes fatherless motherless, uncleless auntless, grandmaless, grandpaless so on and so forth. YOU the OWNER of the body have no authority over your OWN physical body. Yeah I am an anti-moronic pin headed, imbecilic choice person.
This calling people who do not want this jab, an “anti-vaxer’, is just name calling to demonize and try to discredit them. Regular vaccines can and do cause side effects and sometimes deaths, but nothing like we are seeing here. This shot is NOT a vaccine in any traditional sense of the word. Plus it was never thoroughly tested. These companies all knew that all previous attempts as developing an mRNA “vaccine”, always killed the animals during the testing. That is why no animal testing this time. They rolled this shot out in 8 months and made certain they had no liability for any adverse effects or death.
Kind of like the goldbugs slander. I just retort Or throw in conversations – oh sorry are you you one of those ‘pro vaxxers?’. Works like a charm.
I think this Covid Lunacy is part of the strong delusion that the Bible talks about in the last days. I’ve spent years informing my parents of Prophecy and what was coming, even all last year explained how this ties in, its preparation for the final events, the Mark of the beast. I showed them so much stuff and then earlier this year, my mother went and got vaccinated. Now I’m worried about her because I don’t know what’s going to happen. Even bringing up this topic, tends to end up in an argument and I’m viewed as the crazy conspiracy theorist that doesn’t know what he’s talking about. People will come at you with comments like, are you a doctor? You say No, they say well then, you don’t know what you are talking about. I reply with…, so i have to be a doctor to use critical thinking skills? do research, recognize lies, inconsistences, history repeating itself, propaganda and Bible prophecy to which this is all leading to the final climax? I’m so tired of the brainwashed zombies, I’m surrounded by them, none of them seem to take issue with this totalitarianism, or something being FORCED upon people, many of those same people would reject The Bible and say, you can’t tell me what’s right and wrong or what to do, but they have no issue bowing down to the government and doing everything they say, sigh. At least God’s word is to protect us from deception and live rightly, whereas governments are power hungry tyrants pushing every evil and detrimental thing under the sun. I’m tired warning people, even just a while ago, i told my dad about several people mentioned on this site who have suffered, like that 13yr old girl paralyzed from the waist down (it bothers me because it could easily be my young niece who turns 13 in November) and I barely got any kind of response out of him. I get treated like an outcast, they look at me as if to say, oh, he’s off again, just ignore him and he will shut up and go away. Well, I’ve down all that I could, I don’t know what else, its like everything you say just isn’t getting through, hence the strong delusion I mentioned.
I’m in Ireland and the covid propaganda is everywhere, its pretty much all anyone talks about and this whole obsession with getting everyone vaccinated is beyond disturbing, as is the stupidity of so many people, how easily they can be controlled, jump into line and line up like cattle to the slaughter house. I even saw an article about The Bay area in California, that even in McDonald’s, they are giving out the jab, smh. People don’t do an ounce of research and when you present evidence, they ignore it, like when Anthony Fauci said “No doubt, the next (meaning Trump) administration will face a surprise infectious disease outbreak”, he said that in 2017!!! Then you have Event 201 that happened at the end of 2019. People have the capability to do research and question things, find out things online with a device in their pocket, so there is no excuse to not know what’s really going on. They recently lifted the flight restrictions and the zombies flocked to go on vacation and guess what’s in the news for weeks prior? The delta wave, delta variant lol, all these different “variants” they say exist, just happen to come about when people are being thrown the bone of, oh yeah, you can go on vacation again, providing you are jabbed or meet our requirements, impeccable timing by this covid virus, wouldn’t you say? lol. Now they have article after article with grandiose claims of thousands of new cases with the delta variant and the silly brainwashed zombies who fell into the planned trap will be used as the justification for another lockdown, so called rising numbers, more restrictions and curtailing of rights and freedoms, more fear, hysteria and propaganda, more vaccine pushing with a coming 3rd vaccine and possibly more.
Indeed, I am in a similar position like you with respect to a parent undergoing an injection. I didn’t use the biblical approach, but I illuminated the inconsistencies in the narration coming from the boob tube. I pointed at the censorship on social media and inspite of the fact, people were reporting their decimation by way of this life saving elixir.
I spoke with all of my friends and most of them decided to trust the injection over a person who loves and cares for them. I sent them a peer-reviewed paper about ADE and the risks associated with this crap. They injected anyway. One of my buddies read the publication about ADE and said it convinced him to get it! I guess we really see what we want to see.
Right now it’s the calm before the storm. For us filthy unvaccinated and for the vaccinated. I’ve been building my ark to survive the flood of senseless deaths and tyrannical power hungry leaders. That’s all I can do as I watch the shit show unfold.
I’m really down about this. Even if these injections were to magically extend everyone’s life by 50 years, what’s going on right with the mandates, lockdowns and coercing is wrong to the nth degree. I want to start building with those who feel the same about all of this. I cannot speak to my friends anymore l, not because they exercised their right to inject themselves, but because they don’t see how immoral it is to coerce or try to force those who don’t want to it to get it. They don’t seem to see, that these elites don’t love them.
Anyway, sorry for the rant. I love you all as blokes, dudes and dudettes. We are truly in this together.
I’m with you. I am afraid for my country because of all the covid ignorance. Storm clouds on the horizon, for sure.
Very well said. I understand what it’s like. Well before this Covid lunacy, I was telling my parents about Bible prophecy and all the various evil agendas going on today and how it all ties in, i was telling them these kinds of things 5yrs go, so that’s why I brought it back to Bible Prophecy when this began, I could see right away the over the top reactions and that it was all about control, the strategy of the Elites, order out of chaos, or Problem – Reaction – Solution. I explained these kinds of things numerous times to my parents and I guess I wasted all that time, looks like they were just humoring me. When my Mother got the jab, she just said to me, well, what was I suppose to do? It annoyed me, what a silly thing to say, I even said, if you can’t stand against this, how are you going to stand against the mark of the beast when the time comes? sigh. She even knew that last year I got threated with the police. What was my crime? I went into our local pharmacy without a mask on, that’s it. It didn’t matter that I had been in there several times over the weeks prior with no mask on and nothing happened, but as soon as the Irish government made them mandatory, just like that, I was the bad guy. You’re right, inconsistencies like Fauci saying don’t wear masks, then later, yes, wear masks lol. That’s why I refereed to the strong delusion Scripture talks about, you care about your loved ones, tell them the truth, you think they trust you and they ignore what you say and bow down to what the government and mainstream media say, the same people who lie & push anti-Christ agendas. The only conclusion I can come to is spiritual blindness, to believe not the Truth.
Yes, we unvaccinated are the enemy, there are parallels between this and Nazi Germany, starts off with being demonized and marginalized, there are already people ratting eachother out and random strangers going up to people giving them verbal abuse for not wearing a mask, people have been conditioned to not only be government spies, but turn on their family, friends, neighbors, fellow citizens, single them out, sell them out, they are good little NWO citizens. I told a friend of mine, we are the scapegoats, blamed for all of the “new variants” because they have things set up in such a way, they have an excuse or answer for everything. Exactly, the censorship, gaslighting techniques and coercion are sure signs this is a huge deception and there is evil intent behind it, its been planned thoroughly for years. Your friends don’t see how wrong it is because they have been conditioned with NWO buzzwords like “solidarity”, uniting when a “terror” attack happens, changing their avatars to the French flag for example & have been lulled into the collective, we are the world, one world unite mindset, The elites are creating a world so chaotic, that humanity is finally ready to sacrifice its freedoms, to gain its security. then the NWO will rise – That line is mentioned in Captain America : The Winter Soldier – Zola Scene, but applies to real life. Scripture says in 1 Thessalonians 5:3, “when they declare peace and safety (if you are secure, you feel safe & vice versa), sudden destruction will come upon them”, so what does that require? A world void of both.
I totally relate to you from the USA!! It’s like they “hear” you, but they don’t really hear you??… For the past few months, I have been privately grieving, praying, and trying to adjust to what may come. My closest & extended family members have done this to themselves before they even told me with all good expectations. My desperate input (esp. for the children!!) with facts, studies, published articles, and data has not been weighed closely– always an excuse about the email lost, internet speed, or “too busy with work to talk, but thanks!”..So, I’ve realized that it’s almost a paradox on a “spiritual plane.” Something is “blocking” them. They have “checked out” on questioning this much or taking any prudent precautions?!.. Your descriptions are so familiar!!.. A few others became rather shrill & angry, so I had to tone things down for them. And they were my nearest & dearest!!..Same for most friends!!…
Now my approach is to “ascend,” lean on my Faith, not expect a receptive audience, but keep faithfully 1) sharing information in a quiet, positive way; 2) not expecting much cooperation or understanding in return; and 3) rather than react to their anger or repeated ignorance? (” No, it has not been fully FDA-Approved!”); I’m just trying to keep my heart full of forgiveness and kindness toward them. It’s time to make all remaining Memories with them very positive & Loving. It’s a great time to make your mark in both your secular & spiritual life by being extra kind & Christian to all those around you.
It also gives you a pro-active stance under the circumstances.
Good Luck!-
Wow, amazing post, same exact thing here except all my immediate family will not ever take it! My husband and I and our children, my Mom n Dad and sister and her boyfriend and their children will never take it, my Mother in Love will never take it, many of my best friends, etc. But several friends have :'(
From the very beginning of this unfolding drama, I noticed that my friends who had confided in me that they were not Believers and/or knowingly had crossed more than a few of the Ten Commandments, were the ones in my life who readily cooperated with all of this agenda. Like you said, they’re comfortable with it, for some reason!.. But, now I’m just staying content, positive, & loving toward them, for my own mental health.
Plus,I want to warn others here that some of these folks who were in your life as friends or family may have some startling medical breakdowns & you’ll just know it has something to do with the vaccine they took only weeks prior, esp. when they had no known pre-existing conditions!.. This past few weekends, I’ve been helping 2 friends – one just has a stubborn “cold,” the other suddenly is battling cancer (symptoms all started after J&J shot!). This situation is also hard to take!..
I decided that I would use this chance to encourage them to go to church, say Prayers & seek repentance, so I have been working on that angle. Further, I had to decide that I cannot take all their burdens on my shoulders. I have helped them line up financial support & home health care. It’s shocking, but still the “spiritual plane” arises. I can’t fix or carry all of those personal burdens. But, my new approach is to keep being Positive, but not “take on” all their issues, or repeatedly explain certain bits of information…
So, that would be my advice…Maybe we can lead them to Salvation in Christ (laudable objective!)…But, we have to set boundaries to keep our own health & spirits, & be Prepared!!…The Truth is that none of knows how long we will be alive & healthy, so we just have to enjoy & cherish each Day.
So, that’s my 2 cents!..
If they ask you are a doctor, tell them back you have as much qualifications as computer salesman Bill Gates. That will shut them up.
Hahaha, I will do that, thank you.
Don’t be bringing the Bible into this. Especially since the Bible does not speak of any precursor to the Mark of the Beast. You are doing exactly what the devil wants you to do. Stop.
Too blind for the reality huh.. You should read some verses I think and understand them word by word so you would know!
Ridiculous comment, I will say what I wish and the Bible is very relevant to this because of what it’s leading to, if you can’t see that, then I can’t help you. The Mark of the Beast wont just come about instantly, there has to be preparation involved, gradual processes to get people to accept it willingly, otherwise there would be far less chances of deceiving most of the world into believing they are doing what’s right, evil agendas are always implemented one step at a time and we are seeing that now, it’s blatantly obvious.
The elites, who are not religious minded, are fooling you religious types into thinking some sort of biblical Armageddon is happening. It’s not. It’s all contrived to deceive you and make you panic.
You wanna bet?? They are FULLY religious minded! They are high level Freemasons who are truly the worshippers of multiple Babylonian gods, the highest of which they worship is Lucifer! Check out the back of a Freemasonic Bible! There are all the Babylonian gods. Also, Lucifer to them is the light bearer wanting to bring them all knowledge. What a deception
The Bible contains amongst other things information and warnings to humankind about what will happen in the future (in relation to the time it was written). If you cannot see that I’m not sure what else I can tell you.
I don’t think they would have done this massive plan and effort and not have this be intended to be the Mark of the Beast. Contains 98 percent graphene oxide which contains six neutrons, six protons and six electrons. 666…also, Luciferase, and the threat of no money, no job unless you submit and get it
the mark of the beast is not literal. If it were, and if it pertained to ‘vaccines’ then why does it say ‘on the hand or the forehead’? Who gets vaccinated there? The mark of the beast has a spiritual application, what you think {Forehead} and do {right hand}. Dead religion causes those who adhere to it to think and act accordingly. Those who truly belong to Christ are shunned, persecuted, etc by this mystery babylon, this dead religion. Not being able to ‘buy or sell’ represents being shunned, being excluded, being ridiculed, etc.
So what yah think what happened to this world not literal too?
Read my comment again, because I never said the mark was literal or that it was the vaccine or anything in it, I clearly said this covid stuff is preparation for the final events, one of which will be the mark of the beast. I am responsible for what I say, not for what you understand or misunderstand.
“I am responsible for what I say, not for what you understand or misunderstand”
Wow, I’m going to use that!
Just mention that you read on mainstream news – not conspiracy sites – that the nations like Israel and Iceland and Malta with the highest vaccination rates in the world are having more case of the new delta strain. So what is the point of taking the vaccine if it do at prevent the very thing you are supposed to be getting vaccinated for / against. If they can’t understand that – not much you can do except convince them to take a walk in the sun instead of watching th s propaganda on TV and avoid the subject. It’s hard.
I hear you. Don’t worry, there are many of us in this exact situation.
People in general, just don’t want to know about anything that goes against the official norm (JFK, RFK & MLK assassinations, 9/11, pick anything).
Simply put: you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink.
It’s disappointing and frustrating I know, but what can you do? The only thing is to stick to the truth as you know it, and keep stating it when the opportunity arises.
I don’t know much about the development of food allergies, but I would think that, at 22 years old, Maxime would have known what he was allergic to.
I just find it odd that he would knowingly eat a food he was allergic to…or maybe he did accidentally. I suppose that’s a possibility. Maybe the food was accidentally added to his order.
And why would people pre-conclude that the “vaccine” is “highly unlikely,” especially if an autopsy hasn’t been done?
Personally, I believe that coincidences can be meaningful, and there’s a larger pattern at work if we’re willing to step back far enough.
Most people who are so food allergic that just a molecule can cause anaphylactic shock, carry an Epi Pen with them at all times, because they know that restaurants and such can accidently contaminate their food with the allergen. Thus, to me at least, the dying of a food allergy reaction explanation doesn’t hold much credibility.
And at what point is it considered “likely”?
Folks, do yourselves favors, pass on the jab for vacations, jobs, ballgames, bars, etc. Its not worth your life. Just ask Jason the bartender…..oops you can’t, he’s dead too.
Yeah it’s boggling to read so many chose the shot not because they really wanted to get it but for something that’s transient and not priceless as their clean bill of health is……
Every night when i watch the “news” a local commercial for the “poke poke” aimed at the young comes on. It is young people saying why they got “it”. Not one single reason is for health. ALL OF THEM agreed to it for social mobility reasons. And the marketers see that as persuasive; i see it as they are warning us…
True!!. And there’s so much reliance on the Marketing motto– “Safe & Effective” (TM) when a few lines on the breakthrough ingredients & how they really work, conclusive study results, actual facts & figures would make it a much easier “sell.” They just don’t want to touch that information on this one!!..
The father’s original statement is confusing. He is calling out the vaccine for what is really is and stating everything wrong with it. If he had these concerns why didn’t he tell his son about it.
Did the reporters pick up on that or were they too busy collecting their money from bill gates to shut up and tell the father to make a statement later about being not anti vax.
And why does something feel they “have” to get a vaccine to go on holiday? It’s a choice between life and death. That doesn’t seem like a real choice. That’s a bribe. And only an idiot would fall for it.
In Northern Ireland they have given over 500 free concert tickets to those who choose to be vaccinated. I couldn’t believe how dumb people were when seeing that but then I remembered it’s nothing new (just donuts in america).
Aidan something weirdly good has come of this current madness: i pray for the people of Ireland, the land of my ancestry, more than i ever have before. Many friends here do now. Things are bad most places but the Death Culture has a grip on the Emerald sod just now.
EVERYONE please go look at the video with DR. Bryan Ardis (with Dr. Reiner Fuellmich–famously suing health organizations/governments over this virus hoax) on Bitchute. In that interview, Dr. Ardis revealed, the true cause of the COVID deaths in the USA in the beginning of this hoax: REMDESIVIR poisoning. Fauci mandated all US hospitals use this unheard drug exclusively, over Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin.
The TWO studies he sighted on the CDC and NIH websites in favor of this unheard of drug, showed how poisonous it was to humans–the first case studies, (trailed for the Eboli virus) revealed 4 main drugs were tested (Remdesivir, Fauci’s own drug submission and two others) and the results were so deadly they aborted the study. The second study found 22% of the participants suffered 4 main severe side effects: 1. Multiple organ failure, 2. Acute Kidney Failure, 3. Septic Shock, 4. Hypotension–the same symptoms of the “covid virus”–we are looking at mass genocide and they blatantly put it out there for any person or useless doctor to question. AND NO ONE DID!!
“Doctors” were mistaking PULMANARY EDEMA for PNEUMONIA. Because the patient was suffering from acute kidney failure, the body was unable to filter/drain out excess water (from IV) and it was accumulating in the lungs–sound familiar? These people were then put on ventilators, which just speed up the process and cause their deaths. The WHO, CDC, FDA, Fauci, etc..knew this would be the result.
Do not go to hospitals, trust ANY politician, or person, institution, school, university who is promoting this death shot. This was under Trump’s watch and I want an explanation on why this happened and why he is, to this day, in favor of this jab. DO NOT CONSENT and trust your instinct and God for guidance.
What is interesting is how doctors got the pejorative “quack”. The word stems from the middle dutch “quack salber”, similar to the english “quick silver” or mercury. The American herbalist Jethro Kloss wrote in his book “Back to Eden” how doctors at one time prescribed mercury to their patients, with very bad results.
Let us not forget the “bloodletting”!
I’m so sorry, it is so hart breaking, he had such a friendly smile, he must have been such a nice person. Please take my deepest condolences.
I’m also sorry for the beyond stupid hate comments here. I hate to be in the same vaxx sceptic population as them who feel so smart by blaming 22years old to give in into all-present state propaganda. You are also the reason why people die on this poison as nobody wants to identify themselves with such lowlife as you.
Who are you talking to? Do you think Frederick is reading your comment?
You seem to be having a slight problem with virtue signalling. Be careful.
“You are also the reason why people die on this poison as nobody wants to identify themeselves with such lowlife as you”.
Wow. I mean Wow. Such ignorance in that statement.
This young man took the vaccine because he wanted to go on holiday to Greece (unless you can’t read or didn’t see that part). That’s it. Not because he didn’t want to be associated with “lowlife” people.
If people are dumb enough to take this poison because they are bribed to then they don’t even deserve to live. Why take something that will kill you? It makes no sense/
How did we kill him? How? That is a stupid and insulting question. The only people who killed him are big pharma who released an untested and experimental vaccine. What do you think was going to happen? And how was the anti vax movement supposed to change the minds of millions of morons that want to take the vaccine? We have tried are best at persudaing others but to little avail.
So if you want to go around blaming us for this person’s death then go on ahead but in the end of the day you are wrong.
This young man as well as other pro vaxxers would have those who don’t take the vaccine locked up in prison camps or forced to take the vaccine if it meant they could get their precious freedoms back.
And how can you say someone of 22 years isn’t aware of the vaccine dangers. Plenty of young people are not taking the vaccine. He choose not to take warning of those trying to save him. He choose not to use common sense to save his life.
You know what. I would rather be with “lowlife” anti vax than dead people.
I also think it’s so tragic!!..He did look like a fine, young man. Unfortunately, this is not the first highly Allergic person I’ve seen to expire quickly after these shots. There was a talented young newscaster in my city – beautiful, well-educated, promising future– But, she was a severe allergic and succumbed totally unexpectedly just days after her shot. She even had her Epi-Pens available, but once this is taken up into your bloodstream, cells & organs throughout your body??.. Severe allergies are extremely unpredictable. The manufacturers first brought this product to market advising that NO ONE with a history of severe allergies should take this shot!!.. Word to the Wise!!…
Anyone have trouble viewing the video? How about those residing in the USA? I’m in the UK, and cannot watch the video unless I use a vpn! The censorship shares commonality with the free speech suppression of Soviet-controlled Russian and Eastern Europe!
The censorship in the present day, however, is different. You see, the ZionistGlobalist so-called ‘elites’ now have the benefit of advanced electronic technology, which they’ll misuse to oppress and subjugate us in ways they could never could have dreamed of when they were the supposedly ‘Russian’ leaders and officials in the SovietBolshevik period (by the way: the Soviet Bolshevik leaders/officials were not Russian, nor were they Christian. They hated Christians, as dissident and Noble Prize winner Alexandr Solshenitsyn noted.
If I don’t use a vpn, I see this message from BitChute: “Channel Restricted. The parent channel of this video is unavailable at your location due to the following restrictions: Contains Incitement to Hatred” . Unbelievable, isn’t it!
I heard that the censorship, aka ‘restrictions’, started when a powerful (which translates to: money-endowed) Lobby Group of a certain unmentionable ethnoreligious clique pressured the British government to clampdown on BitChute, following concerns over the oppressively tyrannical Freedom of Expression being exercised on the platform. Now BitChute is following in the footsteps of YouTube, whose CEO is Susan Wojwikci (no prizes for guessing which ethnoreligious clique she belongs to. Google also loves to censor, as does facebook. Research who are the CEOs/owners of Google and FB, and you’ll notice a commonality).
Boy, this unmentionable ethnoreligious ‘clique’ sure love their censorship. This unmentionable ethnoreligious clique, who have a strong in-group preference, and who practice Nepotism, sure love their Lobby Groups and Organizations representing their own exclusive interests, but woe betide white/European Gentiles having their own representation and interest groups! Can’t have that now, can we).
* NOBEL (not ‘Noble’) Prize Winner (too many late nights, lol)
“I am not anti-vaxxine.” And he trusts the government (law enforcement)to actually investigate his son’s death.