July 8, 2021 (updated July 9, 2021 – 7:00 p.m. Pacific)
UPDATED July 9, 2021 – Family tells Faines’ former employer, News4Jax, that she died from “food allergies”
You may believe this if you choose. A Yale-educated, 35-year-old, liberal woman, ate something that she’s allergic too and died of anaphylaxis (severe allergic reaction), according to News4Jax, Faines’ former mainstream media employer. The report also says she had asthma.
A 2013 study published in the British journal Clinical & Experimental Allergy concluded the following:
The incidence of fatal food anaphylaxis in food-allergic people is lower than accidental death in the general European population.
That means you have a better chance of dying (according to insurance companies) in a car accident, falling down and breaking your skull, drowning in a swimming pool, etc. than from food anaphylaxis.
Peanut allergies are the most “common” food-related allergic reaction deaths in the world, according to WebMD. Children are by far the most vulnerable to death from peanut and all other food allergies. EIGHT (8) children died from all food allergic reactions from 1991 to 2001. Four of those were from milk allergies.
Coincidentally or otherwise, the foregoing data show a slight increase in the risk of death from food allergies for victims with asthma. But that’s because asthma was a comorbidity in three of the eight deaths in that 10-year span. News4Jax reported that Ms. Faines suffered from asthma.
Eleven (11) people died from peanut allergies in 2005. The American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology (AAAAI) also ranked peanuts as the most “deadly” food allergy. The most generous estimate for deaths by food allergies is also from the AAAI – 150 per year.
So if you want to believe Yale-educated Ms. Faines died from food allergies, more power to you.
NEW YORK — A 35-year-old Youtube personality, journalist and salsa dancer is dead as near-term “vaccine” deaths continue piling up.
Ms. Ayesha K. Faines received the second dose of experimental Pfizer mRNA sometime around March 15, according to her Twitter posts. It is unclear exactly when she received the first and second shots. But her earliest post about being vaccinated is from March 30.
She acknowledged it was Pfizer on April 3 and even said the first injection “had me down for the count.”
She “praised God” for being vaccinated a few days later.
Ms. Faines was very active on social media. She had 23,500 Instagram followers and 17,600 on Twitter. But Twitter was by far her go-to platform. She averaged 367 tweets per month from January 2021 to May 2021, with a high of 427 in March and low of 297 in April, according to Social Blade. That’s about 12 tweets per day. It dropped to 226 tweets in June, or about seven tweets per day.
She was very active on June 28, with 25 tweets that day. The medical issues related to the mRNA shot likely commenced thereafter. No further activity appeared on her Twitter page. Her last Facebook post was June 28 at 10:45 p.m. Ms. Faines passed away on July 2.
Who was Ayesha K. Faines?
Ms. Faines is best known as a panelist on “The Grapevine Show” on Youtube. She was a Yale University graduate and worked for mainstream media outlets WJXT4 News4Jax in Florida and My9TV/Fox in New York. She is also the founder of a website called “Women Love Power.” Ms. Faines appeared on Entertainment Tonight, MTV and lectured at universities. Unfortunately she was also a dangerous tool for the COVID agenda.
Black Americans are the least likely of all Americans to be vaccinated, according to recent data from the Kaiser Family Foundation. About 62% of Asian Americans are vaccinated as of June 28. White Americans are next at 47%, followed by 39% of “Hispanics.” Only 34% of Black Americans are vaccinated. The United States has a history of vile, evil experimentation on Black Americans, which is the root cause of the overall avoidance of these experimental mRNA and viral vector DNA injections.
Ms. Faines, like the late MSNBC legal analyst Midwin Charles and Dr. Kizzmekia Corbett, was used as a disinformation agent for big pharma. She regurgitated mainstream media talking points and subterfuges hoping to coax Black Americans into submission.
Regardless, liberals loved her. She received numerous condolences across social media after her death. No mainstream media outlets mentioned the fact Ms. Faines received the Pfizer injection several weeks prior to her death. All of them say she died “unexpectedly,” which is media modus operadi for 2021 deaths of relatively young people.
We know for certain she died in Essex County, New Jersey. But the New Jersey Medical Examiner can stall for up to 12 weeks on public records requests. Thus this story will be long forgotten about when we do discover the cause of death.
Push to poison Black Americans heating up
The whole “vaxx the blacks” thing has been a top U.S. government priority since mid-2020. People are going door-to-door in Baton Rouge, Louisiana offering the experimental mRNA and viral vector DNA injections. Baton Rouge is over 32% Black.
It’s also happening in “underserved communities” in San Diego, California. Underserved is political jargon meaning Black. Vermont, a state with only a 1.4% Black population, faced criticism for opening their vaccination program to Black people first, while excluding white people.
There’s even a remake of a popular rap song that contains a lot of racist stereotypes and is completely insulting to the intelligence of not just Black people, but everyone who views it. It’s called “Vax That Thang Up.”
Now the Biden Administration announced a federal door-to-door vaccine campaign.
This depopulation and manipulation agenda does not discriminate. Every soul on this planet is a target, regardless of race. But White Conservatives and Black Americans are specifically in the government cross hairs for the rest of 2021. The First and Second Amendments are your primary lines of defense. Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.
COVID Legal USA continues our efforts in helping Americans and others avoid mandatory vaccines for employment, travel, etc. Follow us on Telegram and make certain to share all these stories with friends and loved ones via group emails due to reports of our links being censored by social media platforms.
Keep it coming liberals. Keep on taking the death shots. The sooner we rid of the world of these scum the better chance we have of beating the elites.
Typical dumb sheep fashion she accuses her own race of falling for misinformation. Well, missy, look where “trusting the science” got you. Enjoy hell!
Many conservatives followed the herd over the cliff too. Sadly, critical thinking skills are no longer taught in schools or by parents. As a result, many humans are like frogs sitting in a pot of water on a stove wondering why the water is getting warm.
They should go too. This is the “moron” test, and a lot of people are failing it.
First: Please post the safety studies from all the Covid vaxs in the US. Please include the sections titled DATA GAPS that are on the EAU applications that the vax makers didn’t include to gain EAU. Please post the Biodistribution and Pharmacokinetics studies?
Informed Consent is a Federal Law and pharma companies as well as Drs are to legally provide answers to questions asked by people. That’s not liberal, conservaive, independent or anti-vaxx, it’s the law. Informed Consent gives individuals the right to refuse. It’s also PRO-SCIENCE which by the way you have provided none. Name calling is the last refuge of the outargued. When you must resort to name calling, you’re lost any debate or arguement.
VAERS just upgraed their numbers on Friday. They added over 2000 deaths following COVID-19 shots from last week. Last week they were reporting 6,985 deaths, and this week that number jumped up to 9,048. Besides the 9,048 deaths, there are 7,463 permanent disabilities, 56,971 Emergency Room visits, 26,818 Hospitalizations, and 7,822 Life Threatening injuries following the COVID-19 injections.
Some specifics: As of July 2, 2,678 pregnant women reported adverse events related to COVID vaccines, including 994 reports of miscarriage or premature birth.
To put this into perspective, there are now 30% more deaths recorded in 7 months since the launch of the COVID-19 shots in December of 2020, than during the entire 31-year history of VAERS recording deaths following vaccines since it started in 1990.
1990 to November 2020: 6,145 deaths following ALL VACCINES. (Source.)
December 2020 to July 2, 2021: 9,048 deaths from COVID-19 shots only. (Source.)
121,092 reports of anaphylaxis with 46% of cases attributed to Pfizer’s vaccine, 46% to Moderna and 7% to J&J.
8,256 reports of blood clotting disorders. Of those, 3,959 reports were attributed to Pfizer, 2,699 reports to Moderna and 1,552 reports to J&J.
1,796 cases of myocarditis and pericarditis with 1,177 cases attributed to Pfizer, 563 cases to Moderna and 52 cases to J&J’s COVID vaccine.
More perspective: US offered the 1986 Swine Flu jab. Less than 60 people died from th Swine Flu vaccine in 1976-the vax program was stopped.
VAERS was created by HHS/CDC, after they were mandated to do so. Knowingly filing a false VAERS report is a violation of Federal law (18 U.S. Code § 1001) punishable by fine and imprisonment.
The people who run this planet hate their “useful idiots” like this “journalist” even more than we do.
It is a fact that in the minds of the elite; a worthy opponent of strength, courage, and wisdom is held in 1000 times higher esteem than a sycophantic enabler like the deceased.
Once the toads are out of the way; the Real Battle will commence.
The death shots made (according to him) and paid for by the Orange Blot?? Warp speed my *ss.
Conservative or Christian or lib or lefty alike, many went for the bait. Some are paying for it dearly. Bad shot, bad product.
I would say that it is a bad CONCEPT, that any shot — let alone an experimental one! — that claims to cure you for future ills, is a bad shot and a bad product. Bad CONCEPT.
Looks like many “wiser folks” in the Black community are having the last laugh now eh Ms. Faines?
Black Americans are weary of the vaccine for to past atrocities committed by the US public health service. Tuskegee is one example.
Can we create a blog making a link between the people who praise God for a man made vaccine and then end up dead? The irony is laughable
US Government has sterilized black women without them know, they did the same to Puerto Rican Women, convinced black women to abort their babies, ruined the black family and gave syphillis to blacks and then did not treat them. In addition, our government has been murdering world leaders, over-throwing governments and feeding us bullshit all along. DO NOT TRUST GOVERNMENT – LEFT OR RIGHT
The purpose of the vaccine is to create dis-ease. Causing uncertainty in ones immune system so they seek out medical treatment. I guarantee if you research, you’ll find there’s been an uptick in individuals with thyroid, lung, liver, brain, kidney, pancreatic and gastrointestinal cancers. The reality is that the vaccine is being used to bring attention to issues that the body/immune system would have taken care of on its own… With time. If the body were an hour glass…free flowly from one side to the next… The vaccine is a blockage to stop the flow of sand so one is inclined to seek treatment for a condition that would ultimately fix itself. Time will show us this
Privileged and wealthy Jewry (such as Gyorgi Schwarz, Susan Rosenberg and many more besides) pit various groups against each other (including whites and blacks) to facilitate the downfall of America (you see, no nation can function if it is in a state of chaos and infighting), but they also have a disproportionate role in the ‘Big Pharma’ companies and the covid ‘vaccines’.
Albert Bourla and Tal Zaks are just two examples of Jewish ‘vaccine’ and Big Pharma ‘big players’; there are many more. The likes of Tal Zaks and Albert Bourla value the shekels more than they value human health. Bill Gates is one of them (apparently he is Crypto-Jew. Jew-owned Google, Jew-owned youtube and Wikipedia, will of course, hide his Jewish identity. Wikipedia is ‘edited’ by Zionist propagandists and disinfo agents called Sayanim). Jews have a disproportionate role in the censorship of the internet. In the Jew-controlled Soviet Russia, criticising Jews was punishable by death.
Jews play us all, whether ‘left wing’ or ‘right wing’. The ‘left’ versus ‘right’ false dialectic keeps the masses preoccupied with infighting and diverts attention away from Jewish Power and Privilege, such as the Jewish bankers (Rothschilds, etc) who enslave us all to Usury (debt slavery). Jewish privilege stems from the Nepotism they practice: they promote their own kind (fellow Jews) into positions of power and influence.
The KKK was funded by Jews, and the Transatlantic Slave Trade was dominated by Jews. Jews own Hollywood, which pumps out brainwashing propaganda (what some call ‘woke agenda’) masquerading as entertainment (gone are Hollywood’s ‘Golden Age’ of wholesome and quality films devoid of underlying propaganda messages). Jews also own the lying mainstream media.
No, You are trying to pit everyone against Jews. I reject your hateful anti-Semitism. Crawl back to your cave bigot scum.
Read Arthur Koestler’s (a Jew himself) book “The Thirteenth Tribe.” Genetically, most of modern Jewry (Ashkenazi) are not even Jews. Rather, they are descendants of 9th century A.D. converts to Judaism. So, are not Semites.
I’ve read that the Ashkenazi Jews are actually Khazarians from the Caucuses, who were originally Baal worshippers. They migrated to Europe and infiltrated European Royalty.
Yes, Ashkenazi Jews are converts from Khazaria (modern day Ukraine). They converted to Judaism in 750 AD under King Bulan. Real jews are dark skin and had already left Israel in 70 AD. Ashkenazi’s made a deal with the UN to be given Israel in 1948, even though they weren’t from that land.
An anti-Semite is not someone who hates Jews.
It is someone Jews hate.
It is ok to be “anti-Siberian”; or “anti-Hungarian”; or “anti-Iranian”; but God forbid you be “anti-Semitic”; for this is The Greatest of All Sins…
How do I know? The Jews told me…
Wow, just throw all that info away and yell out antisemitism. Go watch the jew barbara specter say they are responsible for this chaos. Do you actually love them for destroying the world?
Lots of evil elites of all races have wrought even more evils. The CCP has genocided 100 million and we’re all at their mercy right now. But I don’t despise the Chinese as you do Jews. You’re spouting off age-old satanic hate of Israel, God’s chosen people, with the lame old excuse that a few Jewish people are evil. I have read all of the above from many sources. But hating a race of people is simply what’s in your own hateful heart .
Great, reject the antisemitism, but don’t be mad about what they did. Typical jew victimhood and no responsibilty.
Wow, wow & wow. What a disgusting thing to say about Jews. You’re a really awful person.
I am Jewish even though I don’t look it all, and I’m on this blog to be informed about how dangerous these Covid vaccines really are and how many previously healthy people of ages who have died or had very bad effects, and I get insulted!
Sadly, lots of good conservative and even Christian websites are getting invaded by radical anti-semites and other racists (I’m black Christian).
They all parrot the same Khazarian- Rothschild conspiracies, crime data or a news item to prove their point. But each one just believes they’re so brilliant and original to copy paste their hateful rhetoric.
I wish we’d stick to the topic to defend freedom and life, not to attack others who are also on the side of truth.
Probably many who died or suffering long term issues from these suicide jabs would spend hours researching and learning about which refrigerator to buy, but did very little research on these death vax’s.
I agree with that, totally. Call me timid but my whole life I would not take a prescription drug without a lot of skepticism and testing it with quarter-doses first and noting the side effects. What I’m hearing from friends is that they didn’t think twice about getting the shots, gave it cursory attention. That just freaks me out.
Kriss, did your friends have any bad side effects from taking the vaccines?
One friend aged 58 said she felt “tired” after the 2nd shot however I was so mad at her for taking it that I could not bring myself to gather any further details. She really rushed into it despite my telling her how it could do her harm.
My SIL, after 2nd jab, had bad flu like reactions: horrible long headache, worst ever for her, vomiting, fever of 103, shaking, chills, aches and pains. That lasted about 24 hours then she started to get better. She was down in bed really out of it and her son was worried about her the whole time. Now with what I know about that toxic payload, I am surprised she survived. She is 58. Her husband is 73 and had similar symptoms but not as intense. Since he has COPD, I am also surprised he survived. I’m worried the shot may have made his COPD worse at this point.
Kriss, thank you for answering me, do you which of the vaccines your friends got?
What very few seem to get, is that the the revolution has already happened. Listen to Yuri Maltsev and Yuri Bezmenov… Like the 1917 bolshies, they already overthrew the Czar, and took out the laws (2020).
Now it’s stage 2, the purging of the useful idiots who’ve already served their purpose. That’s usually pretty easy coz they are true believers in the mother-ship koolaid promises.
After that the real deal stage 3 kicks in, where we resistors will need brains & brawn and things like amendments.
Amendments in a lawless society are useless.
… the existing ones, see the end of the article.
“The first Pfizer shot has me down for the count” she says. Then that should have given her a clue not to take the second one! I just don’t understand the mindset of these people.
I have to assume in order for me to comprehend the taking of the 2nd dose after a bad reaction, that they have to take it for work. And you know, it is “safe and effective” and bad side effects are “rare.”
Kriss, also because the health experts have said that it’s normal to have some unpleasant side effects from these vaccines.
As I said though, one slight bad reaction to a pill and I’m off it. I’ve tossed so many meds from the doctors. They are awful. I put them on my “do not take” list for reference in future! So I can’t imagine taking a second shot of a vax after a bad reaction. I won’t take shots for my migraines either—can’t control how much is going in and how it will affect you.
The mindset is in a 20-plus-year hypnotic trance induced by constant, pervasive, aggressive advertising everywhere they listen or look, in media. Of course they consciously tuned it out, but the subconscious heard every word and saw every image. Consciously tuned out, subconsciously received.
Heavy media consumers have been conditioned for more than a generation now by billions and billions of marketing dollars, to:
I wonder what will happen when, if, they snap out of their trance?
Excellent post. And this is the reason why I find myself watching less and less television. I actually find myself switching the channel every time I see a COVID inoculation commercial.
That’s the price of virtue signaling at all costs.
If all they’ve ever done in life is follow the herd and do what the “authorities” tell them, they’re certainly not going to question those authorities in these times of “UNPRECEDENTED CRISIS!™”, they’ll just keep swallowing the bait. It’s really that simple.
I’m not a twitter user, but I went over to her twitter page and the comments on vaccinations are all gone. Earlier today I thought I was able to see some posts on vaccinations. Now… gone. Are they really trying to erase this history?? This is sick!!
Yes, couldn’t find those tweets on her feed. 🤔 The tweet of her criticizing unvaxxed black people is still up though. 🧐
What a “coincidence.”
This story gets weirder every time someone writes about it.
Normale che uno scelga il suicidio mangiando qualcosa a cui è allergico
This was a good article. Thank you!
Tbch my opinion is she died from complications with the vaccine or she committed suicide because the secrecy of her family is what’s typically associated with Either self inflicted (drugs or suicide) deaths.
Alternately maybe her people know her wishes wouldn’t to let he vaccine related death to put off other African Americans.. Absolutely gutting loss either way because she was a luminous person 💔
Her father is a federal judge and her mom, a physician. She mentioned during one of her public speaking engagements that after she graduated from Yale, her father wanted her to go to law school. He didn’t consider journalism prestigious enough, unless she also had a law degree.
I got the feeling that she was really trying to live life by her own terms, but also trying to make her family happy too. She didn’t seem like herself in her last few appearances online.
I sincerely hope that she didn’t take her own life, but her family has been very secretive and not forthcoming with any details, other than what was printed by the media. I understand that they are private people, but she was in the public eye and people want to know how a healthy woman, could just die, out of the blue of a food allergy. It’s all very sad.
I always looked forward to her commentary on various events and topics. 🙁