July 3, 2021
SYRACUSE, NEW YORK — A 53-year-old musician and father is dead despite being warned about COVID-19 “vaccines” by his kindergarten-aged son.
Mr. Jeff Kimpland received the experimental Johnson & Johnson viral vector shot on or around April 13, according to his Facebook page. He mentioned in the same post that he was aware of the Centers for Disease Control and the Food and Drug Administration temporarily halting the J&J shots due to blood clots. The post concluded with Mr. Kimpland repeating something his six-year-old son told him: “don’t get J&J daddy.”
The comments to the post reveal that Mr. Kimpland was completely indoctrinated by mainstream media talking points. One friend commented that Mr. Kimpland already had COVID-19 and, correctly, did not need the experimental injection. But Mr. Kimpland said that natural immunity only lasts for 90 days. This is completely false, as several studies have shown natural immunity is real and highly effective. Mr. Kimpland also repeated the mainstream media lie that only “six people out of seven million” got blood clots after J&J shots.
Mr. Kimpland added the “I got my COVID-19 vaccine” banner to his profile photo on June 6. His last Facebook post was on June 15. He died at his home in Dewitt, New York, on June 19. He is survived by two sons.
Powerful media psy-op
Mr. Kimpland was a singer and songwriter. He appeared to be a happy-go-lucky guy who loved his kids. He also had a girlfriend. But all that is a recipe for disaster in today’s world of subterfuges and deceit.
Mr. Kimpland got all of his information about COVID-19 and the so-called “vaccines” from television and Fauci. He did not look anywhere else for information. This is another case of uninformed consent. In fact, his kindergarten son was more informed than he was. Yet he failed to listen to the smart youngster who now must figure out this world without a father.
This situation will get creepier as the year passes. Pfizer is now requesting emergency use authorization for kids ages 5 to 11. We already covered the story of 13-year-old Jacob Clynick, who died three days after the Pfizer shot. There are also many other suspicious deaths of young, healthy teenagers dropping dead while playing sports. Death counts are sure to rise by the end of the year as most U.S. colleges and universities are mandating the experimental shots for the Fall 2021 semester.
Everyone (except spoiled rich people) needs a job. But if you don’t have a life, then a job is useless. No job is worth getting injected with experimental poison. The choice is yours. Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.
COVID Legal USA is your partner in fight mandatory vaccines and other COVID mandates. Follow us on Telegram and Twitter. Read about white pine needles and order them here.
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When is 6 year old has more brains than a grown man then you know how thick this man is.
Fully indoctrinated by the presstitute media. His son had not been indoctrinated yet.
Still stupid enough to fall for the media telling him bullcrap.
Emphasis on “yet.”
However, with a dead father, he may have just been inoculated from propaganda for life.
After 90 days you can get covid again? That is so off the mark of the scientific data. I wonder where he’d gotten that information from specifically. Probably the evening broadcast of junk news that is served up these days to the children who should be adults by now.
90 days is from Fauci. Sadly, it seems only mass deaths or deaths/injuries of some very high profile people could stop this madness right now.
Why would that change anything?
As long as the information is buried, nothing should change.
We’ve had mass protests against masks and lockdowns in every city of the world and no one has even heard of it because they’re staying at home and the news won’t cover anything but BLM and Jan 6.
They got that lie from the same place they get all of the lies about this genocide jab. Whatever CDC and “The Fuhrer” say is gospel to the sheeple in this country. I see a lot of sadness and tragedy headed for our country and I can tell you that Trump isn’t the answer. He was the main player in the “warped speed” crap instead of pushing for a cure which is already available anyway.
Louise, you are so right. In the next few years, I believe we will be seeing many, many deaths from “unexplainable causes”. The awake people will know the real cause. Reject all official narratives. STAY VIGILANT!
“Only “six people out of seven million” got blood clots.”
There’s something called a d-dimers test that is, according to WebMD, “a blood test that can be used to help rule out the presence of a serious blood clot.”
I’m eagerly awaiting a study that I heard Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi talk about.
I think what they’ll do is, before a number of people get “vaccinated,” (or “the shot”) they’ll take a d-dimers test.
Then, the shot. (I always like to mention that we need to be clear about which brands of “vaccine” we’re talking about.)
Then, 7 days afterward, they’ll take the test again.
Afterward, if the test shows that there are elevated levels of d-dimer (which would mean clots), in a significant percentage of volunteers, then that’ll blow this “6 in 7 million” figure out of the water.
I’m really eager to see the results of that study. I can use that as a solid basis for the concerns I have about these shots. (Not that I don’t already have a basis. The bio-distribution study is also pretty solid.)
But first you need a sizable sample of willing participants who we don’t mind suffering from “side” effects.
…Oh wait.
The guy must have been hanging around with Jason the Bartender.
Well, I hope he isn’t now…
Hanging out together in hell.
Although the corporate news slant is that the right, Republicans, conservatives, resist the “vaccine” (I have come to hate hearing it accepted as such in language) and the left, Democrats, liberals, are more inclined to take it, that is FALSE in the real world.
The ONLY common denominator in those I see around me who reject the jab, is their lack of media consumption, their lack of dependence on corporate news.
Corporate news, where a handful of companies own virtually every news medium, even the “alternative independent” papers, has REMOVED local media from our midst. We have zero baseline news sources, the ones that gather the death statistics from the county public records, and list the births, marriages, and deaths in the county.
Used to be you could pick up the paper and read death notices (as opposed to obituaries, paid-for articles about the deceased), and see the age, town, and name of one who died, same as name and date of births, and marriage licenses. Simple announcements of public record, BASELINE JOURNALISM.
But since corporate news has financially squeezed out any small independent news organs, they simply cease to exist.
We are really in a pickle. It has come down to the most fascinating IQ test I could ever imagine. The clerk working the graveyard shift in the 24-hour convenience store passed it, while the commercial pilot flunked it. God works His wonders in strange and mysterious ways.
Part of how many otherwise ‘anti-vaccine’ types ended up getting nailed was being exposed to the news machine that convinced them into buying into the fear. The only news I pay attention to is who died and how fast.
I remember 30+ years ago my grandfather would read the paper for the news, and said things wouldn’t be in the paper if they weren’t true. My, how times have changed. I can’t imagine what he would have said then about today’s news – perhaps something to the effect of “I’m sure glad I won’t be alive during that time”?
You can’t take for granted much these days, with respect to what people know or believe. We know a pediatrician in another state, who was all about masks last year, especially for children. In fact, this ‘hero’ even started a petition in his area to promote the kiddos having to wear masks. We went back and forth with him last summer on the data available (including the CDC and RCTs available), the futility of wearing them outside, videos showing aerosols going right through various materials including N95’s, etc, but he never responded to the facts or the data. He simply towed the line, writing that “anything helps”, and wrote often in a slightly condescending tone on the matter. I wonder what he would say now, knowing the studies are confirming CO levels rise to dangerous levels quickly in masked children – probably that most would have died from the virus if they hadn’t worn them all day. Not to mention what has happened to these kids psychologically. What happened to nonmaleficence?? Shameful MDs.
fear of death is powerful for those who are not born again by God, in Christ. People fear the unknown, they trust in man who have titles in front of their names as though any are trustworthy. This man’s appointed time to depart this life has come, God used a toxic vaccine to take him out, but the real cause of death is sin, ‘for the wages of sin is death’. God is rising against evil men and women and giving them what they fear most as they trust in the arm of the flesh and not the God of the bible. When the sovereign God of all is done with evil men like Fauci, Gates, etc. He will bring them all down. All happens according to HIS will in HIS timing. God creates evil for His purposes- I form the light, and create darkness; I make peace, and create evil; I am the LORD, that doeth all these things. Isaiah 45
Those who are in Christ preach Christ crucified, His finished work that saves His people from their sins – Matthew 1:21 ALL of this world is under the sway of the wicked one- 1 John 5:19, ordained by God. It is serving the purpose and will of God.
Tried to upvote. Great post. Thanks.
I don’t believe the Lord used the vaccine. I believe the Lord was trying to save this man by speaking through his 6 year old son. Who I emphasize is in “Kindergarten!” Knows nothing about the world yet but warns his daddy not to take it. “Out of the mouth of babes and nursing infants you have ordained strength because of your enemies,that You may silence the enemy and the avenger.” (Psalms 8:2). You know and I know that was nothing but God that spoke through that baby! But unfortunately, his father did not adhere to the warning and listened to the world instead of God.
Another name to add to the list when charges are finally brought against “doctor” Mengele-Fauci, CDC, NIH, and everyone else involved in this. Why are people not charging the pharmacies, etc. where they’re receiving this poison? Why are the people injecting their fellow human beings not being held accountable when something bad happens to them? Why would they even do this when the package inserts say “INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK”?
This confirms the animal studies on ferrets and cats that resulted in all the animals dying when they contracted the wild virus. In other words there is a connection between a coronavirus, of which there are many, and the Jab, which results in death when the two are united.
No doubt the fact that the body has developed immunity to the virus acts in the same way as the virus itself when in contact with whatever is in the Jab. No one who has recently had a cold or the ‘flu, that will be wrongly diagnosed as CV19, should take the Jab. Indeed no one should ever take the Jab since it is killing far more than any virus.
Donald Chump is the fool who help get these death shots out, A.S.A.P! The Jesuits are the ones poising people! And, just like Fauci, Trump is a Jesuit!
I have to agree, while Birx and Fauci ran amok, Trump did nothing. The puppet master Kushner ran the show from behind the scenes. While I voted for the guy, as of course the lesser of 2 evils, he really is not the guy to get us out of this mess, as he still doesn’t see how devastating this poison jab is. Downvote away, the truth hurts.
farmer, a statement and question. Statement: when a lefty Democrat wins an election, leftism increases in one party. When a lefty Republican wins an election, leftism increases in both parties. Guaranteed. Question: Which is the lesser evil? *Disclaimer, I voted as you for 30-plus, stopped in 2012 after realizing that voting “against” is literally an imaginary action, and began ONLY voting “for” including pluralities to put a bad winner on defense
Which is ironic, since he was pushing HCL, which actually works. He obeys his masters in a country I will not name.
My mother’s idiot son told her directly DO NOT get ‘vaccinated’. She did not listen to him. She received her second dose on April 9. Her idiot son had to pick her up off the floor 4 times the next day. She then spent most of the next 6 weeks in bed. She then spent the next 6 weeks shrieking, two of them in the hospital. On July 1, her idiot son had to call the coroner.
I had to watch as she lost her mind right in front of me. She was 83. The TV created her reality. She was already showing signs if you read me, but those signs accelerated exponentially in those 6 weeks she lay sleeping.
Don’t let anyone tell you this is not real. I watched it happen right before my lying eyes.
So sorry to hear this Tony. 😢
I am so sorry that you had to see your mother die like that.
My condolences to you and your family.
Tony, I am so sorry for your loss!
It is so sad and scary to see how many sheeple are in this country. I am so sorry that he was that stupid. Now his young son will have to survive in this warped world by himself. It is hard to believe that educated people really listen to people such as “the Fuhrer”. A reasonable person can see that he has lied from day one about the virus and shots. I don’t feel sorry for the dad but my sympathy to the child.
This jab IS being giving to “spoiled rich people” and their kids. The top universities, with exceptionally “smart” students and staff are completely advocating this shot. I know this for a fact, because my son, who attends a very prestigious tech school (shall not be named) is being singled out for not taking the jab. The school is encouraging snitching on anyone who is unjabbed. My son is very well informed regarding the ingredients and results of this shot (fetal cells, Graphene Oxide, Luciferase, PEG, Polysorbate 80, resulting spike proteins, mRNA, Pathogenic Priming, shedding/transmission, etc) and tries to present evidence and have discussions with his classmates. They not only disrespectfully end the conversations, they are downright nasty and angry towards him. There is no way I’m paying top dollar to have my son exposed to this corruption, genocide and indoctrination—GAP YEAR until the foreseeable future, let go of societal fear and do what is right for your child’s well being. ALL Parents need to wake up, they are coming for our children in all grades. I’m absolutely gutted by what they are doing to our world. Just know this shot does not discriminate based on culture, or socioeconmic conditions–they are coming for everyone (the smartest/wealthiest of the bunch are proving to be the most gullible) with exception to those who have kissed the Cabal ring–arm yourself with information and spirituality–this is a war of the mind and soul. Thank you for this blog and for your efforts to spread the truth to the world. One last thing, people stop calling this a “vaccine”–“This is a [synthetic] technology that is being inserted in the human system to activate the cell to become a pathogen manufacturing site.”–Dr. David Martin.
I commend you and your son’s efforts.
Though I have not been met with the downright nastiness you mention, I can sort of understand what he’s going through. A few years ago, on my FB page, I started a conversation on vaccines. It was borderline heated, and while we were respectful of each other, I guess I did feel lonely in my position.
You mention “smart,” and to me, it reminded me of something I’ve realized: there “school smarts,” and there are “street smarts.”
And also, in my opinion, a high IQ does not necessarily indicate an ability to distinguish truth from falsehood.
Agreed, that is why I put smart in quotes. These people are completely devoid of any instincts. Their brains are wired to retain an abundance of useless information and mathematical equations that the school dictates as pertinent. The educational system has stifled creative and critical thinking. College students these days are even more hubris than in the past. In addition, we have noticed a drastic shift in personality since getting the death shot–many have become even less tolerant for the most insignificant issue.
Stay strong and never consent to this shot.
You can still listen to a selection of Jeffs most famous cover songs, which he uploaded to his YouTube channel:
In the name of “Darwin” I must confess a hopeful optimism for humanity – all those who died from the shots were not beneficial to human survival. I wonder what their children will remember? Will their genes predestine them to obey and walk into the trains or gas chambers? Or will they wake up and remember that trusting eugenicists and dupes will get you killed.
Well, I suppose a lot of it depends on how you were raised. Nature vs nurture as they say. Experience vs your innate characteristics. Have to say though, it’s rough to escape genetics.
If so, this is a twisted man-manufactured kind of natural selection, it seems to me, and against a stacked deck. Nobody is going to convince me that the jabbed death of, say, an air traffic control guy with an IQ in the neighborhood of 150, was because he wasn’t beneficial to human survival.
It was because for one full generation at least, mainstream media consumers — pretty much everybody — were ambushed 24-7 on radio, television, billboards, magazines, newspapers, internet, even the sides of busses, for crying out loud — bombarded several times an hour with aggressive marketing to healthy people, that they are about to get sick, they had better have this test, that some common ailment is potentially a dangerous killer.
People consciously tune it out, of course, but their subconscious minds perceive every word, suggestion, and image, which are repeated, repeated, repeated, repeated, day in, day out, week after week, month after month, year after year, decade after decade. Three claws of the medical marketing beast: pharmaceuticals, hospitals, and insurance. FEAR and REPETITION in their extremely pervasive and aggressive marketing have hypnotized smart people into docile herd animals.
Jeff Kimpland is the third Syracuse man in his 50s this spring, written about on this blog, who had taken the poison shot and then suddenly and unexpectedly passed away. Here is the first blog post about Ronald Babb:, and here is the one about Bill Scott:
No explanation, no cause of death given for any of these three men—just here one day, gone the next. And very few, if any, Facebook comments suggest that it might just be the poison shots that are killing these people. Instead, the comments are all “RIP, thoughts and prayers, I’m so sorry…” Are people that clueless? Or is it that they themselves have gotten inoculated, so they’re not going to acknowledge the obvious because then they’d have to admit that they made a colossal mistake with their own bodies?
The world is run by a cult of psychopaths. Why would we believe anything they tell us?! Be true to your conscience. If it feels “wrong”, it probably is.
For those who have perished after they have mocked and ridiculed those who are vaccine adverse, I say…You Deserve Your Deaths.
This is karma. You mocked those who are trying to survive without the toxic vaccines. You paid with your lives. And for those who continue to mock and despise those not taking the vaccines…your day of tribulation is coming.
Too many are foolishly gung-ho. What is the big deal. I got both jabs, nothing happened. Oh yeah, if they can come back to life again, will they say the same. Perhaps some will…Some Fools never learn even upon death.