Barbara Buchanan: 63-year-old Oregon woman afraid she’ll die any day now after several Johnson & Johnson blood clots
June 10, 2021

Ms. Barbara Buchanan.

BEAVERTON, OREGON — A 63-year-old woman believed she did the right thing by obliging government and mainstream media coercion. Now she fears falling asleep and not waking up on any given night.

Ms. Barbara Buchanan received the experimental Johnson & Johnson viral vector DNA shot on or around May 5, according to KATU Channel 2. She believed the “one-dose” J&J shot was the most appealing, despite the federal government’s 10-day pause of J&J use in April. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Centers for Disease Control (CDC) jointly stated that the J&J shots cause blood clots. But they, like mainstream media, emphasized the words “rare” and “very rare.” Fauci advocated for the shots and the government resumed injecting the masses with them.

Everything seemed fine for several days following the shot. In fact, Ms. Buchanan did not even have the sore arm that a vast majority of experimental shot recipients report. But about a week later, she started coughing up chunks of blood. She told KGW 8 News in Portland that she also had a fever, cramps in her legs, and felt very fatigued.

Ms. Buchanan went to the emergency room at Providence St. Vincent Medical Center. Doctors immediately ordered a CAT scan after listening to her lungs via stethoscope. Ms. Buchanan had blood clots in her brain, lungs, stomach and throat.


Medical personnel said the blood clots were caused by the Johnson & Johnson shot. But Dr. Ray Moreno downplayed the situation, calling the blood clots “very rare” and encouraing people to get the shots regardless. He made some more odd statements that bordered on blatant falsehood and advertising for big pharma.

Vaccine-related blood clots are incredibly rare — a condition that affects only 1 in 310,000 patients, while COVID itself can cause blood clots in one in five patients. Some patients who get COVID will become severely ill, and 1 in 55 will die. While infection rates are declining, we are not out of the woods with COVID-19 yet, and getting vaccinated is the best thing you can do to protect yourself.

This blog has never heard of anyone getting blood clots from COVID-19; and we specifically cover this stuff. His “1 in 55” statistic assumes that you believe the CDC COVID-19 numbers at face value and ignore the evidence of PCR test manipulation and statistical sorcery.

Meanwhile, Ms. Buchanan was prescribed blood thinners and sent home. She now worries that she’ll fall asleep and never wake up. Her family stays with her on most nights and closely monitor her health.

Desperation from the COVID overlords

The entire COVID agenda is crumbling, yet the chief facilitators are still conveying their doom and gloom fearmongering. Fauci still has the nerve to keep talking in public as if nobody has seen his emails and confirmed everything we already knew.

Dr. Death is now pushing some “Delta variant” and telling people the only way to prevent it from spreading is everyone getting injected with experimental mRNA and viral vector DNA shots. But French Virologist and Nobel Prize Winner Luc Montagnier is keeping common sense at the forefront. He said the so-called vaccines are causing all the so-called variants.

It’s also clear that higher COVID-19 case numbers positively correlate with higher vaccination rates. But Fauci continues the deny and deflect game, and declared himself “the science.” Joe Biden and mainstream media keep Fauci perched on his pedestal. Biden is even encouraging children to get these shots, at Fauci’s behest.

It’s not going to be easy. But all of these COVID overlords are going to be held accountable at some point. The damage is already done to the masses, whether its death, disfigurement or permanent psychological trauma. It’s up to us to keep the pressure on. Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


COVID Legal USA is your partner in fight mandatory vaccines and other COVID mandates. Follow us on Telegram and Twitter. Read about white pine needles and order them here.


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3 years ago

What’s with all these leftist public figures addressing people as “folks”? Is this the new word for prole? Unfortunately for Ms. Buchanan, it’s probably only a matter of time for her.

3 years ago

 She believed the “one-dose” J&J shot was the most appealing, despite the federal government’s 10-day pause of J&J use in April. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Centers for Disease Control (CDC) jointly stated that the J&J shots cause blood clots

I have read dozens of statements from people, after they experience adverse reactions, rationalizing why they took the shot even though they know people are being harmed and the only thing you really can do is; SHAKE YOUR HEAD.

I’m really trying to be compassionate towards these people but its getting hard. Especially now because there are so many Funding pages to get the public, to help them pay for medical & living expenses because the vax makers have immunity.

3 years ago
Reply to  codetalker11

Yeah trying to be compassionate towards these people is, while with good intentions, is impossible. I would worry about yourself during this recession.

3 years ago
Reply to  codetalker11

i have friends who, after suffering the relatively mild side effects (fever, throwing up all night long, urinal infection) & still think it’s totally worth it. They need to feel that they did the right thing. Otherwise, they’d go crazy. (i refrain myself of telling them the horrible stories i read. it’s better to let them to be in peace.)

3 years ago
Reply to  pam

The problem with the mild to no adverse effects is it gives people a false sense of security.

3 years ago
Reply to  codetalker11

F those morons. They are the energy of the beasts turning our earthly experience into a nightmare.

3 years ago

No, Dr. Moreno, the best thing we can do to protect ourselves is stop listening to people like you and stay away from rushed shots that should have been pulled from the market months ago. As for this woman, it’s hard to believe anyone would willingly still get a shot that was paused for use at one time. The covid virus is treatable but the C19 shot SAEs are another story. The medicos don’t seem to know exactly what to do and what they do doesn’t seem to help. The damage is done.

Last edited 3 years ago by Kriss
John Doe
John Doe
3 years ago

what a nightmare!

3 years ago
Reply to  John Doe

That’s the word! And this gal is only one of thousands who will never be healthy again.

3 years ago

That female and her likes, are the real enablers of the war on humanity. They are the fuel in the gas tank of the demons posing as the father-figures of mankind, through their compliance and addiction to propaganda.

The time to feel sorry for them has long passed, the boat has left the dock. They insist on sinking, then let them sink. Their secret desire is to have everybody sacrificed on the altar of the demons they worship, along with them.

Jeremy Edwards
3 years ago

This is the time to call upon the name of the Lord, and get saved!

2 years ago

I finally figured out what RARE means; Real Adverse Real Emergency
No wonder they say adverse effects are R.A.R.E!!

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