3 recent case studies highlight what’s happening inside vaxxed people’s bodies that cause them to spontaneously collapse and die

September 27, 2023

British Columbia (Canada)-based Dr. Charles Hoffe said in July 2021 that tiny blood clots in the capillaries will ultimately kill all vaxxed people within two years of their last injection. This has been mostly true since Dr. Hoffe said it. He encourages vaxxed people to get D-Dimer tests to detect these clots since you’re unlikely to feel any symptoms until your heart stops or you start needing body parts amputated.

RELATED: Jummai Nache: 47-year-old Minnesota woman gets both legs and hands amputated after severe Pfizer mRNA adverse reactions (July 26, 2021)


Further, even if you do have an elevated D-Dimer (and thus blood clots somewhere in your body), there really isn’t much you can do beyond surgery. Post-injection blood clots are not the same as blood clots prior to 2021. These blood clots today are rubbery, plastic-like things that we’d never seen until a couple years ago.

You could take anticoagulants (blood thinners) to prolong life a bit after receiving the injections. But traditional blood thinners are useless today. Someone needs to invent new blood thinners that dissolve rubber and plastic without poisoning your blood. That is impossible. So again, you are screwed no matter what if you’ve received the injections and not placebos.

Three recent, very disturbing cases of post-injection blood clots provide insight as to what was likely happening inside everyone’s bodies who have spontaneously collapsed and died since 2021. These three subjects are still alive as of publishing. Bottom line, if you’re vaxxed and have even slight issues with shortness of breath or strange twitches in your chest or anywhere else that didn’t exist prior to receiving the injections, then there’s a serious problem.

Paula Guynn – giant blood clots pulled from her lungs

Mrs. Paula Pearce Guynn resides in Oakland Park, Florida. She has a stained glass business. Mrs. Guynn is at least triple-vaxxed.


Mrs. Guynn wrote via Facebook on September 20 that for about three weeks, she’d been experiencing shortness of breath. She was dry-heaving and had cold sweats. Mrs. Guynn’s husband took her to the emergency room. Doctors ended up pulling several blood clots, including one that was 15 centimeters long, out of her lungs.


Mrs. Guynn said on September 25 that she’s feeling better.

A blood clot that big in the lungs typically spells death. This woman is very lucky to be alive and to have suffered symptoms to warn her.

Bobby Coder – worst case of blood clots we’ve ever seen; lucky to be alive

Mr. Bobby Coder resides in Denison, Texas. He’s in his late 60s or early 70s. Mr. Coder has worked at Best Buy since 2005. The company never mandated the shots, but offered up to eight hours of additional vacation time to all full-time employees who received the injections. Best Buy also said it would provide additional sick time for anyone who had adverse reactions to the shots.

Mr. Coder received at least two injections. He’s been very sick ever since, and has danced with death several times. Mr. Coder was hospitalized three times in 2022 for various ailments, including blood clots.


This year has been no better. Mr. Coder said doctors removed 26 blood clots from his lungs in April. The only reason he was suspicious and got checked out was because he had a sore finger. Doctors also discovered numerous blood clots in his legs.


A month later, Mr. Coder posted photos of all the blood clots on a diagram that his doctor created while removing the clots. It’s incredible that Mr. Coder is still alive. It looks like nearly every blood vessel in his lungs was clogged. The doctor also implied that the mRNA injections are the cause (which is obvious, but the doctors didn’t state so unequivocally).



Mr. Coder was back in the hospital again on August 4 after collapsing at work. This time he thought it was a stroke. He had an MRI done, but didn’t post anything about the results.

He went back to work on August 11. It’s unclear if Best Buy is paying his medical bills as promised. The company has most likely determined that the vaccines have nothing to do with Mr. Coder’s deteriorating health. He hasn’t posted anything about his health this month. We’ll follow up in due course.

Carla Williams – pay attention to twitches and pain in your legs

Ms. Carla Williams resides in Needham Market, Suffolk, England. She is at least double-vaxxed.

Ms. Williams suffered a deep vein thrombosis (DVT) – blood clots in the deep regions of the body – in August. She didn’t specify where the DVT was, but they mostly occur in the deep veins of the legs – at least before 2021. Post-injection DVTs happen everywhere in the body.

They are dangerous because if they break loose and travel to the lungs, it stops your heart (pulmonary embolism). Ms. Williams suffered a pulmonary embolism previously as well. She was prescribed lifetime blood thinners. But again, the existing blood thinners on the market do nothing for post-injection blood clots.

She began a vacation in Greece on September 3 after being cleared to fly. We’d guess she felt twitches or something else in her body, as she learned of yet another DVT on September 13 while on vacation.

Ms. Williams was scheduled to fly home on September 14. But doctors would not clear her, as the combination of high altitudes and the pressure inside airplane cabins can cause DVTs to break loose. She was finally cleared to fly back home on September 21.

We’ll update in due course.

Rooting for Deion Sanders

The University of Colorado Buffaloes football team is now must-watch television, all because of Head Coach Deion Sanders, aka “Coach Prime.”

The Colorado vs. Colorado State game was the fifth most-watched college football game in ESPN history. Colorado got smoked last week by Oregon. But their 3-1 record is quite the feat already, considering the team won only one game last year before Coach Sanders arrived. This blogger’s heart pounds with concern each time he’s watched a Colorado game this season.

We’ve been covering Coach Sanders’ post-injection blood clots since March 2022. He’s unfortunately a vaxx zealot, developed blood clots in his legs, and needed two toes amputated around that time. This past June, Coach Sanders reportedly had three more blood clots removed from his legs. He was complaining about being in pain after the game versus TCU on September 2.

Once you have even one post-injection blood clot, there will be more. Coach Sanders has injected (no pun intended) life back into college football. The game needs him more than he needs it. But Coach Sanders is vaxxed and has chronic blood clot issues. We’ll leave it there.

RELATED: Cienna Knowles: 19-year-old Australian horse trainer received second Pfizer mRNA injection “to keep my job,” develops numerous blood clots, can no longer work (November 8, 2021)


Three things cause vaxxed people to spontaneously drop dead or die in their sleep: cardiac arrest, ruptured brain aneurysms and pulmonary embolisms. All of said conditions happen quickly, and with little to no warning.  The only way to get rid of these plastic blood clots that cause all of the foregoing is surgery. As Dr. Hoffe said, get a D-Dimer test. If the score is high, get an MRI. You’ll need multiple MRIs and multiple surgeries every year to survive. But this is the reality for vaxxed people.

This blogger takes no pleasure in writing these article. We want vaxxed people to live long lives even though many of them have wished death in return. Vaxxed people should eat lots of fatty fish, onions and garlic. Pomegranate juice is also good for blood vessels. Anything that keeps your blood and circulatory system healthy, you need to be ingesting a lot of it, including water.

Seek intervention immediately if you feel any strange twitches or pain anywhere in your body. That may be the only sign before it’s all over. Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


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11 months ago

I detest those social media posts with “I got mine or I am vaccinated. We can do this!” So what. And then posting pictures and details of your ill health and treatments. Is nothing personal anymore? Or when they ask for privacy. How about not posting in the first place. The last 2 years leaves me disgusted and out of patience with a large part of people. Critical thinking is rare. Thank you for your blog, Brian. Helps keep me a sane.

Strange days
Strange days
11 months ago
Reply to  Annie

I feel the same Annie. Bragging about a “vaccine” like it’s some kind of badge of honor is so weird. Has anyone ever bragged like this about their measles or polio vaccine?

11 months ago
Reply to  Annie

The past few years have proven to me that 80% of Americans are ignorant, brainwashed, corrupt, dishonest, mentally ill or some combination of all of those. That’s been my experience with people my entire life, starting with my immediate family members and closer “friends” who I grew up with. The 80% rule has been getting worse, or more obvious maybe, with the internet growing so much in the past 20 years.

Linda Grace
11 months ago

What is the point of getting the D-Dimer if there is nothing they can do? Isn’t that just confirmation that death is imminent? I already know so many people whose parents were murdered (died) because of the injections, and one woman whose parents were not injected, got sick, and the hospital killed them with “treatment”… it is all heart rending.

Like you Brian, I am trying my best to enjoy people I love and the current blessed circumstances I find myself in, knowing that days are short, the world is wicked and depraved, and I anticipate death around the corner for too many people to count.

11 months ago
Reply to  Linda Grace

Getting the D-Dimer will establish if whatever ailment you currently have, is due to clots. if you don’t have any ailments, then yeah, it seems strange. Don’t forget that many alternative health practitioners are selling clot busting cures so people getting checked might generate sales

Atom man
Atom man
11 months ago
Reply to  xxxxxxxxxxxx

I recall from reading medical files there is also a PTT (pro thrombin time) test. I recall it tells how slowly or quickly blot clots. If it is not “within normal limits” (wnl) + is on the fast side, that may also be an indicator. If I was in the situation of these unfortunate people, I would surely ask for the D-dimer and PTT to see what they show. However, it could not be a one time thing. You would have to repeat them at 6 or 12 month intervals for some time to see if “you are in the clear” – if ever. Maybe after 2 or 3 wnl tests you could call it quits and then hope for the best. However if one thing doesn’t get you, maybe something else will. I heard glioblastoma was considered an exotic (rare) tumor maybe 15 years ago and now we have all these cases. Brain tumors have been on the increase during this time anyway maybe due to cell phone radiation and now this!

11 months ago
Reply to  Atom man

Didn’t that bodybuilder, Jo Linder, have his blood cleaned regularly and after the clot shots his blood work showed all kinds of crap in it. He kept getting it tested and cleaned but in the end he still died way before his time. Sorry I am not more technical in my medical terms. But it does reflect the blood issues facing the vaxxed.

11 months ago
Reply to  Linda Grace

Get a D-dimer for clots, MRI of the heart for scaring or inflammation, and to check immune system markers, the point of it is that if these tests come back all ok, I would assume I got a placebo, turn to Jesus and move on with life. I believe there now might be a test for spike protein in the blood available, if so, I would add it to the list. Now if one of these tests came back not good, then I would dive into the rabbit hole of alternative treatments: praying and fasting, nuttakanese, ivermectin, HCQ, rife machines, oxygen therapy etc, etc and I would have Jesus words seared into my brain :”with man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible”

11 months ago
Reply to  Alex

It’s good advice to turn to Jesus regardless.

As for the tests (or anything else), I’d rather that industry not receive any more money for any reason. Take that money and feed the hungry instead. One can always pursue the wonderful treatments you’ve mentioned even without those tests.

Plus, our society collectively seems overwhelmingly concerned with extending their life in this world. Maybe it’s a result of the last three years, but I’ve become much more matter-of-fact about life. Serve God, serve others, help and be kind and love your family and your neighbors. Treat every day as if it’s your last, because it might be – whether you received injections or not.

11 months ago
Reply to  Linda Grace

Now you understand how those psychopathic so-called elites at the top view everyone. They view people with contempt.

Jack Sparrow
Jack Sparrow
11 months ago

I was watching the Colorado game against Colorado State and could see that Deion Sanders is visibly limping on the side line. I think when someone starts experiencing such severe symptoms that it is only going to get worse.

11 months ago

One cannot inject poison (which is what all vaccines are) into the bloodstream and expect to be healthy. That is the naked truth. Period.

Jens Petersen
Jens Petersen
11 months ago
Reply to  CSJ

True; however, this is not a vaccine and is at least thousands of times deadlier than conventional vaxxes.

11 months ago
Reply to  Jens Petersen

I certainly realize that. My point still stands.

I also realize that if “the authorities” are redefining reality as we speak, and in fact are setting up a simulacrum, or a false reality, and they now define “vaccines” as “shots containing polymers, nanotech, and assorted mystery ingredients,” then those are also “vaccines.”

11 months ago
Reply to  Jens Petersen

So true. These shots are not vaccines at all. A year or so back The CDC had to change their definition on their web site to line up with the clot shot. Pure evil.

11 months ago
Reply to  CSJ

Vaccines aren’t needed. They were created to make big pharma rich. Your own body can take care of these pathogens without the need for a so called “vaccine”

11 months ago
Reply to  Expat

It appears that high dose vitamin C, by mouth, or intravenously, probably rendered vaccines unnecessary, about 50 years ago. (Not that vaccines ever did any good at all.) The late Robert Cathcart, MD learned and used it. Ralph Klenner, MD, did, too basically. Now we have liposomal C and can even buy the simple supplies tools to make it at home. To this day most doctors would let people die of a serious infection out of ignorance or pharmakea greed, rather than cure them: the New Zealand farmer was a prime example. Ask anyone who was in the hospital for any infectious illness if the hospital gave them ANY vitamin C. Hospitals will essentially kill flesh-eating bacteria victims with acute scurvy. The cancer industry poisons people and then kills them with scurvy, too.

11 months ago

Matthew 16:25 For whoever desires to save his life shall lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake shall find it. They were so afraid of dying that they injected themselves with poison to live. A lot of time I will read something in the bible and it just doesn’t make sense to me or I don’t understand it. I think as we come closer and closer to the end times it will all start to make perfect sense.

11 months ago

I was talking with an acquaintance last week who told me her brother had appendicitis and in the course of his treatment for that they discovered worm-sized clots (her words) in his lungs which they “pulled out”. In the next breath she tells me she has to go get her covid booster. This same woman still wears masks on airplanes so I knew I was dealing with a lost cause and I just walked away.

11 months ago
Reply to  Gwen

All you can do.

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