August 21, 2023
MOREHEAD, KENTUCKY — We first wrote about Dr. Mattias Desmet and his theory (i.e. real-life observation) called mass formation psychosis on January 1, 2022. The final paragraph of said article reads as follows:
“As we enter 2022, it’s now a waste of time and energy trying to communicate with vaxx zealots. They are far too indoctrinated, beyond reasoning.”
This phenomenon is so bizarre, so surreal, that we haven’t stopped at Dr. Desmet’s explanation for the wholesale brainwashing of humanity since 2020. The psychological theory of “tempting fate” is another possible explanation. Dr. Robert Cialdini’s principle of social proof (humans naturally do things that they see other people doing) provides another angle. But in August 2023, people are spontaneously dropping dead everywhere, blood clots and heart disease are the new common colds, and all cancers now start at Stage 4.
Despite all of the foregoing, a May 2023 Pew survey found that 62% of Americans believe the benefits of mRNA and viral vector DNA injections outweigh the risks. That same survey found that 1 in 3 Americans had received a booster shot within the last six months, while 66% believe the lethal injections “have saved millions of lives.”
There’s now statistical evidence for another phenomenon The COVID Blog® has known all along – 71% of triple-vaxxed parents said their kids have received the injections too. Perfect segue.
Traditional family sucked into the hysteria
Mrs. Autumn Bailey Dennis is a tattoo artist in Morehead, Kentucky. She has four children: Ella and Milly (ages 10 and 8, respectively), Aaron (6), and Vertie May, who is six months old. The oldest daughter was born with disabilities and requires a wheelchair. Her son was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes in June 2021. She miscarried a fifth child. Mrs. Dennis fights hard for all of her children, and also, from all appearances, is a good wife to her husband.
She got married at age 18 when she had her first child; and is still married today to husband Tyler. In other words, the couple did it the traditional way. They are a rare Generation Z/young Millennial couple because they married so young. Mrs. Dennis is (was) about as level-headed as a liberal in deep red Kentucky can possibly be. Then along came “COVID.”
Mr. Phelan Bailey is Autumn’s brother. Phelan is a nurse practitioner at St. Claire Healthcare in Morehead; and Autumn thinks very highly of him. There’s nothing wrong at all with having a tight-knit family. In fact that’s just another indicator of a grounded individual. But…
Family initiation into perpetual sickness
Mrs. Dennis received the first of at least three mRNA injections on February 4, 2021.
We assume the husband received the injections around the same time. The two oldest daughters received the injections by the end of 2021.
Mrs. Dennis indicated in several Facebook posts that her son has also received the injections, including the pin cushion CDC schedule for childhood vaccinations.
She did not want to send the kids back to in-person school in the fall of 2021 because she was scared they’d catch so-called COVID-19. But Mrs. Dennis conceded to their pleas, with a bunch of hypochondriac-type caveats.
She was encouraging everyone to get the injections, to inject their kids, and wear masks by August 2021.
Mrs. Dennis reported being sick in February 2022. But she was “glad I got my booster” or it would have been worse. She thanked the mRNA injections and the U.S. medical industrial complex as if they were deities.
RELATED: Bill Gates: a look back on the vaccine godfather’s evolution, as “at least I’m vaccinated or it would be worse” becomes official slogan of the COVID religion (May 12, 2022)
Milly was diagnosed with pink eye on June 26, 2022. It was so severe that she was “speaking in jibberish.”
Mrs. Dennis posts virtually everything about her family on social media. They all appeared to escape life-altering post-injection issues throughout 2022 and the first half of 2023. That all changed this month.
Permanent heart damage
Mrs. Dennis reported on August 12 that she went to the emergency room due to “scary symptoms” that she believed was a heart attack. She dismissed the “inflammation in [her] chest” as #ABV. Ironically Mrs. Dennis is afraid to take any medications because she is breastfeeding Vertie May.
RELATED: Amanda Makulec: 35-year-old Washington D.C. woman gloats of being vaccinated, pregnant, breastfeeding; newborn son dies at 2 1/2 months (October 2, 2021)
Despite describing her symptoms as “stabbing pain” in her chest, she never used the word myocarditis. One of her fellow vaxx zealot friends mentioned pericarditis.
As of August 13, Mrs. Dennis is still feeling the pain.
We’ll follow up in due course.
Cult of personality
The New York-based band Living Colour (not to be confused with the 1990s sketch comedy television show In Living Color)…
…is a one-hit wonder from the 1980s. They were unique as an all-Black heavy metal band. Living Colour is known for their 1988 song “Cult of Personality,” which peaked at #13 on the Billboard Hot 100 that year.
Encyclopedia Britannica defines cult of personality as “a deliberately created system of art, symbolism, and ritual centered on the institutionalized quasi-religious glorification of a specific individual.” The American Psychological Association defines cult of personality as “exaggerated devotion to a charismatic political, religious, or other leader.” Cults of personality are achieved via social engineering.
Living Colour lead singer Corey Glover perfectly captured the foregoing definitions in the song’s lyrics.
I sell the things you need to be,
I’m the smiling face on your TV,
Oh, I’m the cult of personality,
Like Mussolini and Kennedy,
I’m the cult of personality,
Like Joseph Stalin and Gandhi,
I’m the cult of personality.
Donald Trump and MAGA are a powerful cult of personality in the U.S. His fanatics, who make up at least 40% of the U.S. population, will go to prison for him, die for him, and believe and live by anything and everything he says. Trump’s sheep believe he is the second coming of Jesus Christ, and so does he. Trump said “I’m the chosen one” exactly four years ago today, August 21, 2019.
That same day, Trump tweeted quotes from a right-wing commentator, declaring him “King of Israel” and “the second coming of God.”
When Trump was asked point-blank “do you believe you are the second coming of God,” he nodded in the affirmative as the press pool got pin-drop quiet to hear his response.
Trump shared an article on this Truth Social platform on August 9, entitled, “Donald Trump is the Chosen One.”
Trump has literally replaced God in tens of millions of American Christians’ lives.
Homosexual culture (LGBTV) is a combo apotheosis and cult of personality, with behavioral deities – sexual degeneracy and divestment of common sense. LGBTV controls another 40% of the U.S. population, and is equally as powerful as the MAGA cult. But both can hold the “vaccine” cult of personality’s beer.
It doesn’t matter how many people spontaneously drop dead. All the hyper-aggressive cancers, myocarditis and blood clots as far as the eye can see since 2021…and it just does not matter to vaxx zealots.
Sure many are living in denial because there is no turning back. But anywhere from 35-40% of Americans have and will vaxx themselves and their children to death. Perhaps some in this cult of personality has subliminal death wishes. Other than complete and thorough brainwashing, that’s the only other plausible explanation. Regardless, between Trump, homosexual culture and vaccines, 95%-plus of Americans are mind-controlled by one or a combination of two or all three of them.
Mrs. Dennis now has permanent heart damage. All of her kids have received mRNA injections. Her six-month-old baby was conceived from vaxxed sperm and egg, and is now being fed vaxxed breast milk. This blogger, deep down, does not want to follow up on this story. It has disaster written all over it by the end of 2024. But we’ll continue in our responsibility of reporting on the vaccine genocide and The Great Reset to the best of our ability.
Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.
COVID Legal USA is your partner in fight mandatory vaccines and other COVID mandates. Follow us on Telegram. Pre-order The COVID Blog® book here.
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People like the one featured above need to be removed from the gene pool ASAP. I know that sounds terrible, but I’m just all out of patience with these folks.
Well, Milly was vaccinated, so it certainly could not have been covid, right?
The argument of the jabbed to that is: “The vax doesn’t prevent you from getting covid; it prevents you from being hospitalized and dying.” End of argument in their world.
The COVID vaccine has become more Batman than Batman himself.
“I’m whatever Gotham needs me to be.”
This definitely has disaster written all over it. A strong delision like Thessalonians said indeed.
I feel so bad for her poor children.
Agree. The children don’t stand a chance. A former friend, before she went vaxx zealot on me, posted on social media about her 2 year old grandson. He doesn’t have a functioning liver. The entire family, vaxxed and boostered, were having a difficult time celebrating his birthday because they all have covid, including this innocent little boy. The dumbass grandmother can’t see the irony of her fully vaxxed family suffering with yet another round of covid. Between the dozens of childhood vaccines he received as well as both his parents were fully vaxxed when he was conceived makes this a man-made catastrophe. Poor sweet child. Shame the adults in his life are clueless and 2+2= 5 for them. There’s little or no hope for these covidiots.
After skimming through her tweets above, I came to the scientific conclusion that Ms Dennis is as retard as she is pretty. Which came first ?.
I was thinking something along the same lines. Lots of millenial women pose like that. The goal is to look helpless and vapid – and as attractive as Autumn Bailey Dennis is, she certainly does look helpless and vapid. #stepfordwives #millenialedition
“Kick start my heart, hope it never stops” – Motley Crue
Hmmm…..interesting – video “Cult of Personality.” The lead singer at the 3:57 min mark making the satanic salute (devil horns)…..”you gave me fortune, you gave me fame, you gave me power in your god’s name (satan).” Irony, in that they are talking about themselves and their freemasonic overlords. Such is the music world…..and the world at large.
‘the entertainment industry is an extension of the jewish religion’ John Lennon 1965
These people really eat every lie is thrown to them by the msm they follow. EACH and EVERY ONE, it has to be mass psychosys.
When I hear: fully FDA approved!!! They approved Cominarty in SUA and they delivered Pfizer! Also they recognised there are a few diferences but not so important, is basically the same. But… you cannot sue one producer of a generic brand for a product with another name having an almost ”similar formula” that BTW they didnt revealed anyway.
So please somebody enlighten me: how can people hear this: they approved ONE VACCINE, Comi arty, Delivered another, another name/label Pfizer and still say is fully approved because they said so, yet ALL evidence out in the light show so clear the truth?
I do believe these people are of very low IQ, 0 critical thinking, 0 connection. They were brainwashed into thinking they are good and better than other, intelligent. This is how they controll them. Making them believe they are smart, also they are very fit for this system and usually do well – they all do work that anyone can do with the training, just drones believing they are special. they were told are smart, and good, and sensitive to others, good people and they all believed this and thus are so easily controlled and manipulated. As they controlled poor white people by telling them they are better than POC and then make them do everything to keep this illusion, the same they controll liberals by telling them they are better and smarter then the rest.
But they are sooo stupid. I bet TPTB are laughing their ass off on the back of these delusional poor minds and also have very low, none actually respect for them. They really DO believe they are inferior and useless eaters. And actually they respect the rebells and the critical thinkers, they really do. They do respect an intelligent opponent. Might hate him/her but they have the respect, these libs have nothing, they are applauding and congratulate each others as they fell into their demise.
I am very sorry for the little ones, in this case especially for the oldest one, that is disabled. She is such an angel, it is so obvious in her eyes, such a lovely, loving, trustful child. She is so happy she pleased her mom, I am crying now for her. Such a pure soul, I do feel it even through the screen, through the pics, she is beaming of joy and love. Hope she will be ok, all of them and if it is to go, to do it without pain, without suffering, please god, spare them of the suffering if this will bring their demise, or heal and protect them.
She says “fully FDA approved” and “emergency use authorisation” in the same paragraph.
EUA is not “fully approved”. It’s not even half approved.
She says she can’t take meds because she’s breastfeeding, but is happy to take the shots and force her kids to take them too.
How dumb can you be?
Even if it is “approved”, it doesn’t mean shit to those who are not bent on clinging to a satanic sytem, that most seem to not being able to let go of (“it is not approved”, “it is against the law”, “it is against the TSA rules and regulations”, “I took only one vax for my elderly granma”…).
28 years old…will likely leave this world and her family behind by the time she is 30. Without your health you have nothing!
Another case of educational indoctrination by a corrupt system. Not one once of any critical thinking skills is present in Mrs. Dennis, her husband and her nurse practitioner brother. Any informed consent given to any of the experimental quack shot receivers? No informed consent, just lies of “safe and effective”.
Poor kids.
First they scared them into fearing everything including fresh air (oxygen), stay away from everyone…..6 feet, than the HEROES started showing up in the hospitals…..remember the dancing nurses? Yes they were saving lives and performing choreographed dance numbers in front of dying patients rooms. People had signs on their lawns for crying out loud “health care worker heroes”….im guessing that included the walmart staff too? Your know it was bad when they though the walmart guy or the cvs/walgreens person was saving their lives from an impending world wide pandemic. So they scared them to death, than made them feel like they were saving the world and that elevated their status to all knowing know it all. Vax zealots were born.
Only severely spiritually deficient people allow themselves to fall prey to hysteria and fear of death.
Genuinely good folks / spiritual folks are at peace with their own mortality and Destiny. Their main concern is to be agents of positive energy as they go through this earthly experience, not how they are going to stay longer on it at any cost.
The ER were jammed with idiots having panic attacks because they overdosed on propaganda, while they were counted as convid victims.
Yes I agree. Fear leads people to do things that make no sense. The Bible states over 365 times not to be afraid or fearful. There is a reason for that. If everyone didn’t comply and weren’t so afraid they would not have been able to pull off the biggest mass genocide in the world.
You hit the nail with the hammer. The vast majority of us are trained to trust the “authorities”, no matter how corrupt they are. The Statist believes that government is the highest expression of Mankind, when in fact it’s just another avenue for preverts and control freaks to exercise power over others.
So it’s easy to see how they fooled so many people. But it still doesn’t make sense to me; most people seem to understand the corruption in gov’t and corporations.
I guess the corporate news and entertainment sector, along with our broken education system and the complicity of most every big corporation, the threats to our livelihood and our children, and a lot of neuro-linguistic programming did the trick. Be afraid… be very afraid… if you’re not afraid, you’re going to hurt other people. I hope Humanity got smarter ‘cuz next time they WILL come at us harder.
Thanks for this post. Was a huge fan of Living Color. Never could figure out why they did not gain a larger following. I did see them open for the Rolling Stones and came out later and also jammed with the Stones. Loved listening to this song while reading about this poor woman and her kids. Sad how people jumped at the chance to become heroes. TPTB played on people’s vanity and insecurity.
I still have the vinyl of that first album. Great record. As to why they never got bigger, unfortunately, it’s because they’re black. I honestly think it was an attitude of “white guys listen to rock, black guys listen to rap”. Some people are incapable of looking at things outside of an inherited rigid structure.
A prime example is the group Fishbone. Truth and Soul is one of the best albums I’ve ever heard, to this day. It had everything on one album. Funk, punk, Ska, rock, blues. It was literally phenomenal! I saw them live in Toronto circa 1996 and they put on one energetic show. For, like, $10 bucks!
They have canceled shows over the years due to poor ticket sales, yet some blowhard called Machine Gun Kelley, who has the talent of a kernel of corn, sells out stadiums. Sad, to say the least!
Another example is Bad Brains, hard-core punk band from the NY hard-core scene in the early 80’s. Not exactly the same situation, these guys were big in their scene, which was relatively small, for being all black in a predominantly white scene. But later in their career, when they decided to explore their roots and started incorporating reggae rhythms into their music, they lost fans. I thought it was innovative but most people had the attitude “it’s not what I paid for”.
In a scene that was predicated on breaking rules, I’d say it’s exactly what you paid for. But what do I know?
Check out Truth and Soul by Fishbone. Truly amazing music. Will lift your Spirit in these dark times.
I had the cassette tape in my car! LOL! I feel old now! (Love rears its ugly head on their next album was also an awesome song, played it until that cassette tape broke!) As for color, I will never understand people and their ignorance. Music is music, and I could care less what color they are! If they are talented, they are talented. End of!
Ya — injecting polymers (hydrogel), heavy metals, and nanotech into the human bloodstream might cause a bit of damage, don’t you think.
Every one of the pieces on this blog should end with the initials “Q.E.D.” (a fancy way of saying: end of discussion; point proven). The “anti-vaxxers” — actually, the anti-injectors — have been right for decades. You cannot inject poison into the bloodstream and expect to be healthy.
Period. The End. Q.E.D.
My heart does go out to the children who are compelled to suffer because of their brain-dead parents. Really, the best thing for everyone would be that these vaxx-zealots to boost themselves back to source.
Frightening. These ppl are ticking time bombs. What disturbs me the most is her poisoning her children and who knows how often.
Almost every one of her posts are punctuated by words related to FEAR.
Most Americans are trained to see the world as a frightened little gerbil might see it.
Gerbils do not do very much actual thinking; their reactions are mostly based on instinct.
When that is your only frame of reference and fear is the primary emotion that envelops your pre frontal cortex; it is any wonder that someone claiming to be an “authority” can persaude such a person to believe and do almost anything?
The brainwashing and mass psychosis all boil down to people allowing themselves to be conditioned to perceive medicine as purveyors of health, in the “health care” business. It is a dirt-simple and very deadly error.
The hypnotic trance ENDS when medicine is recognized for what it is: in the business ONLY of injury and illness care. Until then — as long as people look to medicine for health care, they will die younger than necessary. True health care is an individual duty and chore, 100 percent behavioral, involving food, fitness, and risk; the surfer who decides NOT to ride the storm waves today, too risky, versus the surfer who does. THAT is health care, behavioral and individual. Medicine will KILL PEOPLE if it is allowed to take over health care. Giving it the force and authority of government made it DEADLY. None of this jab disaster could have succeeded remotely as well as it has without the aiding and abetting of government. Bad medicine kills the willing; when backed by an official “health agency” it also kills the unwilling. Separation of medicine from state, same as the church, is a crucial part of the solution. Brian, you are a FINE JOURNALIST, thank you for all you do. God bless you and yours.
Trillions & trillions of dollars invested in “health care”; “medical research”; “hospitals”; & “preventive care” over the last 50 years; and the MOST IMPORTANT STATISTIC; LENGTH OF HUMAN LIFE; is really not much different than it was in 1973.
Face the facts; it’s all for naught.
All that smooth skin and sad, stupid eyes…tragic for her children. How long is the prognosis for myocarditis before death? It used to be a rare condition, not so much anymore. Just keep taking your selfies anyway, babe, even though your chest is pounding.
If the “vaxx” actually worked against covid, it wouldn’t matter if some chose not to take the jab. The ones who took it would be protected so the “unvaxxed” wouldn’t matter. But that’s not the case. The “vaxxed” are 319% more likely to contract “covid” over and over again. The ones who refused it get it once and never again… like me.
I guess these zealots can’t admit they are wrong and just keep playing their games to save face… sad really.