Rich Fitzgerald: Allegheny County (Pennsylvania) Executive’s Political Action Committee attempts sabotaging The COVID Blog® with $2,000 bad check
December 20, 2022

Allegheny County Executive Rich Fitzgerald.

It’s always something. Pure paid trolling our emails and comments sections, coordinated censorship and harassment by big tech and fintech companies, wannabe activist state investigators like Nevada’s Sandra Edwards threatening fallacious prosecutions, 4chan incels with blowup dolls as girlfriends stealing intellectual property from The COVID Blog® , printing presses suddenly cancelling our partnership to print our books, burning down a house that this blogger once lived in…

This website is apparently public enemy #1 to the powers-that-be (“TPTB”). The attacks come from all angles, all day, every day, hoping they’ll beat us into submission. As The COVID Blog® approaches its two-year anniversary of existence, we thought we’ve seen it all. But this latest attack, in an attempt to manipulate and sabotage our bank accounts, was way out of left field. And it was executed by an elected official’s political action committee (PAC).

Who is Rich Fitzgerald?

Rich Fitzgerald is the Democrat Chief Executive of Allegheny County, Pennsylvania. Pittsburgh is the county seat. The chief executive, as the title implies, is the county’s top elected official. He is the supervisor and director over all county agencies, and appoints the heads of various departments.

The county executive serves a maximum of three, 4-year terms. Fitzgerald, 63, was first elected to the position in 2012, and is currently serving his third and final term, which will expire in January 2024. The Allegheny County Council consists of 12 Democrats and three Republicans.

Fitzgerald, not surprisingly, is a vaxx zealot. He tweeted the proverbial “I got my vaccine” virtue signaling post on January 12, 2021.

He took part in The University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC) Phase III trials for the Moderna mRNA injections, beginning in the summer of 2020. Fitzgerald learned that he received the actual injections, not the placebos, during the trials that officially ended in October.

RELATED: Julia Ann Whalen: 32-year-old Pennsylvania woman diagnosed with Guillain-Barré Syndrome three weeks after Moderna mRNA injection; “can’t be the mom or wife I used to be” (October 15, 2021)


There are still at least 42 active or recruiting clinical trials for the Moderna mRNA injections, and 45 for the Pfizer mRNA injections in the United States, as of publishing. The UPMC Children’s Hospital hosted mRNA injection trials for kids ages 6 months to 12 years, starting in the summer of 2021.

A significant proportion of Fitzgerald’s Facebook and Twitter posts are de-facto advertisements for masks, mRNA and viral vector DNA injections.

Fitzgerald offered all Allegheny County employees $100 each in exchange for receiving the injections in March 2021.

Julie Hallinan, Friends of Rich Fitzgerald, and the $2,000 criminal bad check

Julie Hallinan (pictured) is the campaign manager for Fitzgerald. She is the director of Friends of Rich Fitzgerald, a political action committee (PAC). Hallinan oversees the PAC’s budget, which is about $1 million annually, according to her LinkedIn page. She also appears to do consulting work for the Biden Administration, and is a board member for the Women & Girls Foundation of Pennsylvania.

The COVID Blog® received an electronic check from Friends of Rich Fitzgerald in the amount of $1,955 on November 22, 2022.

Neither this blogger, nor his assistant, even noticed it since it was received right before Thanksgiving. The bank sent us notice on November 29 that the check had been returned and charged back. We were charged the processing fee by the e-check platform and a returned check fee by the bank, totaling $73.37. Additional safeguards we have in place on the bank account prevented any further financial damage.

Under Pennsylvania law:

“A person commits an offense if he issues or passes a check or similar sight order for the payment of money, knowing that it will not be honored by the drawee. An issuer is presumed to know that the check would not be paid, if payment was refused by the drawee for lack of funds, upon presentation within 30 days after issue, and the issuer failed to make good within ten days after receiving notice of that refusal.”

Passing a bad check between $1,000 and $75,000 is a first degree misdemeanor in Pennsylvania. We contacted Hallinan and provided her the opportunity to “make good” on the check by paying the fees we were assessed. She wrote back, saying they “apologize for the inconvenience.” She claimed that the check was fraudulent.

RELATED: Greg Galdon: 67-year-old Pennsylvania man dead 19 days after second experimental Pfizer MRNA shot (April 14, 2021)


Regardless whether that’s true or not, it’s not our problem. We wrote back, telling Hallinan that we’re still out the funds due to her negligence or otherwise; and that she needed to make good. Hallinan did not respond further.

We filed a complaint with the Pennsylvania Attorney General on December 13.

But Democrat Josh Shapiro is the current Pennsylvania Attorney General and Governor-Elect. He will appoint his successor prior to assuming the governorship on January 17, 2023. Further, the Friends of Rich Fitzgerald PAC gave $100,000 to the Josh Shapiro Campaign in 2021. Thus nothing will come of the complaint that we filed with Shapiro’s office.

Incompetence or sabotage?

Hallinan boasts on her LinkedIn page about raising millions of dollars for several political candidates, and acting in a fiduciary capacity therein. Yet she’s claiming that someone stole the Friends for Rich Fitzgerald PAC’s checking account information from under her nose, and started writing bad checks. That scenario demonstrates incompetence and gross negligence for someone entrusted to handle millions in campaign funds.

Sabotage is the only other possible reason for all this. The motive certainly exists, as vaxx zealots worship the injections almost like some god-like substance. He would not be the first state employee to attempt sabotaging, damaging and/or interfering in some way with our operations.

Vaccines are the leading cause of coincidences. Thus it’s possible, but highly unlikely, that our website which Fitzgerald obviously hates, was specifically targeted by some random thief who allegedly stole the PAC’s checking account info from the irresponsible fiduciary.

Regardless this article would have been absolutely unnecessarily if Fitzgerald and his magic millions campaign manager simply made good on the damage done to us. It’s just another day at The COVID Blog®. Government, mainstream media, big tech, fintech, Democrats, MAGA Republicans, etc. all hate this blogger and this website. So the attacks will continue. And we’ll keep on trucking forward.

Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


COVID Legal USA is your partner in fight mandatory vaccines and other COVID mandates. Follow us on Telegram. Pre-order The COVID Blog™ book here.


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1 year ago

In the 4th pic on Julie Hallinan’s Facebook where she is facing Biden, they look like father and daughter, the resemblance is so strong. I’d wager he sniffed her hair.

1 year ago

The evil of this democratic party truly has no limits.

Carolyn Holm
Carolyn Holm
1 year ago
Reply to  Clotless

Time to wake up to the fact that it isn’t just the democrats

1 year ago

We the people love you Brian. To hell with the corrupt and the mindless.

1 year ago

The saboteurs will fail, always. Keep trucking on.

Crazy Cabbage
Crazy Cabbage
1 year ago

I may not agree with you 100%, but I deeply respect your intelligence and your moxie. We need your voice and opinions in the public square, (as we do other dissident voices that sometimes miss the mark). I have learned a lot from this blog. Thanks for sharing the reality of TPTB vs. one voice. It’s scary. No one would blame you for choosing an unharrassed life, so thank you for pressing on.

1 year ago
Reply to  Crazy Cabbage

I live the people I don’t agree with in everything. It is the only way to progress as we come with new ideas and new challenges.
Of course the prerequisite is for that person to have integrity/good intentions and an open mind.
I would be very bored to follow an website/blogger that mirrors all my believes 🙂
We really don’t need to agree in all things as we as humans learn and evolve through challenges. I see this as a plus!

1 year ago

Hopefully the clot shots work their magic on all of those involved. They are only foot soldiers aka useful idiots. They are expendable to their masters. This is the only upside to these shots. Getting rid of useful idiots.

1 year ago

I have lived in Pennsylvania my entire life. I have never liked Rich Fitzgerald, although I do not live in Allegheny County, thank Heavens. He is a piece of work. If I send you an electronic check, I know that the money will be there. Yet, they will not return your funds caused by their bad check. Meanwhile they are donating $100,000 to Josh Shapiro. The voting in Pennsylvania is as corrupt as the rest of the country.

1 year ago

Your blog wouldn’t bother them if they were on the truthful side. Millions of people took the shots. Fitzgerald took the shots. Pfizer and Moderna made billions. They have lots of money and power. They want to silence the ensuing carnage ? Which proves your message..I can’t think of another reason.

Linda N
1 year ago
Reply to  Kate

Most people cannot bear to realize what the shots have done or could do to them so they have to keep on believing that all is right with the world and Big Pharma has everyone’s best interest at heart. This especially includes TPTB that both advocated and mandated them.

1 year ago

Rubber checks used to be against the law and jail time was not an unusual consequence. Now that we have a multi-tiered judicial system, not so much. That doesn’t change the fact that these a$$holes are still scum bag criminals.

1 year ago

Democrats and non-Conservative Republicans are the high artists of bad checks, bad full faith and confidence, etc.. Like on a Biblical and end-times scale, never before seen in human history, or at least Post-Flood human history. Epic scale. Currently $30 some trillion, not counting all the other unfunded obligations. The globe is awash in funny money dollars, too.

1 year ago

This Fitzgerald has the eyes of somebody that eat human fresh, a dark predator. I cant even watch connect – I can but don’t want to he is very very dark you name them all abominations aso that entitlement cruel slave owners/colonialistă had. Same persona. Not just in US, but also in Sti Lanka everywhere (Congo genocide in Leopold II of Belgium) those that did abominations while posing in “deputatele membrs of the society” and “good fathers/sons/husbands” that is the face/Look/vibe.

Raymond J
Raymond J
1 year ago

Fitzgerald looks very pink in the video. Inflammation perhaps?

1 year ago

So let me see if I understand…
You get an e-check sent as a donation,
Issuer pretended to donate to you,
They put a “stop payment” on the check,
All for the purpose of hurting you financially with the burden of processing and return check fees.

Not sure how all that works, but I guess it’s sort of like paper checks, that, when we cash them, we have to pay back the amount PLUS fees if the issuer pulls the check or has insufficient funds?

I bet their 100k donation to the Josh Shapiro campaign didn’t fail to go through. It’s amazing who those pesky random thieves target these days.

Jack Sparrow
Jack Sparrow
1 year ago

I will make a donation to compensate what they stole from you.

1 year ago

What is mind-boggling is how TPTB keep trying to play chess with you, despite always being put in checkmate by showing up on this blog…thus, shooting themselves in the foot. Are they that stupid, or is this the elite strategy against opposition of throwing everything-but-the-kitchen-sink…and hope something sticks?

The two photos radiate the energy of: “I’ll do anything to get ahead, including selling my family/best friend down the river”. Just looking at Fitzgerald’s frozen-face smirk, made me sick to my stomach.

1 year ago

Thank you for bringing this to light and laying out what happened. Obviously, they’re doing this to mess with, distract and (albeit minimally in this instance) damage you financially. Job one for these sellouts is not furthering any sort of due political process – because they control it already, but in defending themselves, as it were, from the truth and those who publicize the truth. What is the saying about the flak being heaviest over the target?

1 year ago

If I were you (‘Brian’), I would wear the harrasment like a badge of honor.

Vera Mercado
Vera Mercado
1 year ago

Although the young lady was involved I can’t get past his sinister grin.

I love Novak Djokovic for his stance. And Cole Beasley and Kyrie Irving. They weren’t swayed by the strong delusion and were willing to give up millions .. Love them for that!

prayer groups & essential oils
prayer groups & essential oils
1 year ago

After reading about the 6-year-old Danielle Cabana story in the other article this makes me sick. Pennsylvania has their share of young stroke victims. Perhaps if Julie Hallinan and Rich Fitzgerald could read, and understand what they read, they would see the error of their ways.

1 year ago

Unfortunately they choose to be “baffled” just like most DOCTORS. Baffled is code word for favorable profits. Ms. Hallinan and Mr. Fitzgerald fit the bill for the pond scum that will sell his their family out for a dime, anybody else is a forethought. In their minds they are doing nothing wrong, only profiting off the lives of their townsfolk and friends and neighbors. This is how your activism pays mucho dividends. These progressive narcissistic bastards are only in it for themselves. I only hope that they believed their own lies and are routinely boosted so in due time the world can eliminate these sewer rats that plague society.
I like your screen name, I believe in both.

1 year ago

I just sent you some $ to help pay those fees. I hope that others also donate and that the totals far exceed the damage done by this irrelevant pissant. Blessings to you and yours. Keep doing what you (all of you) are doing as it seems you must be over the target what with all the flak.

1 year ago
Reply to  Irunthis1

I have just donated, also. This blog is very truthful and backs up the truth with references. I will continue to read this blog so I will try to keep donating. Thank you.

Brian Tseng
Brian Tseng
1 year ago

Posting here for you, Brian. I just donated $50 to help offset those deep state jerks with their bogus checking fee. I’ll donate more in the future — you’re doing GOD’s work. Everyone who “supports” this blog, STEP UP however much (or little) you can! <3

The “Friends of Rich Fitzgerald” should be fined immediately and outed for the tools they are.

Non gmo human
Non gmo human
1 year ago

Shalom Brian & Covid Blog readers! Although I hate this happened to you, I’m so glad to see it inspired others to donate to support your work here as well. I pray that you find another printer for the book. Looking forward to supporting that as well. I’ll be keeping you in my prayers, and remember that no matter who is against you – as long as TMH is for you: No weapon formed against you shall prosper!

Much love and respect 💜

1 year ago

Yeah, this Fitzgerald jerk looks like one of these “4chan incels with blowup dolls as girlfriends”. Pittsburgh is a nightmare to drive around in; avoid it if at all possible. Unfortunately, there are way too many of these jerks in every borough, town, village, and city.

1 year ago

These people are sick!

doug Chesterfield
doug Chesterfield
1 year ago

This is a new scam by politicians. Rich Fitzgerald is not running for re-election, so why would he still be fundraising? He wants to help Allegheny County but pays Philadelphia politicians 300 miles away. It’s so he can buy power for his private sector businesses that will magically appear in 2024. He makes some fake donations, charges them back, and also caught up in the fraud is money to his friends that he doesn’t dispute in time.This lets him spend the cash on non-political matters in violation of FEC rules.

1 year ago

We are no longer “conspiracy theorists” with so much obvious and deliberate corruption around us. ..Enter the “Conspiracy Realists” !

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