Wendy Williams update: public deterioration continues while nobody mentions coincidental timing of the injections and health issues

August 30, 2022

PHOTO CREDIT: Dario Alequin for The U.S. Sun.

NEW YORKThe COVID Blog™ has been following the story of Ms. Wendy Williams since last fall. It caught our attention because the former talk show host vehemently refused to receive the lethal injections, despite vaxx zealot Dr. Mehmet Oz trying to shame her into receiving the shots in March 2021. But ultimately, Ms. Williams loved the money, glitz and glam of television more than her own health. Now she’s lost it all.

Several media outlets reported last fall that Ms. Williams caved and received the injections. New York had an indoor vaccine mandate that kept NBA star Kyrie Irving on the sidelines for several months for refusing the injections. Ms. Williams had a choice – get the injections or quit her eponymous show. But when the 13th season of the Emmy-nominated show premiered in September 2021, it was missing its star diva.

Fans believed that all the substitute hosts and re-runs of The Wendy Williams Show were temporary while Ms. Williams, 58, recovered from so-called “long COVID” and Graves disease. But her weeks-long absence turned into months. By November 2021, there were reports that Ms. Williams could no longer walk and was suffering from dementia. The show’s producers were already seeking a permanent replacement at that time.

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Things got worse in 2022. A Wells Fargo financial advisor named Lori Schiller, who formerly worked for Ms. Williams, petitioned the New York Supreme Court to appoint a guardian over Ms. Williams’ bank accounts. It was reported that a temporary guardian has had control of Ms. Williams’ money since March. Around that same time, actress Sherri Shepherd was named the permanent replacement for The Wendy Williams Show time slot. A judge then appointed a permanent guardian in May who controls Ms. Williams’ money.

It’s been a crazy summer for a once proud, powerful celebrity. She’s trying to salvage her career and legacy. But it’s safe to conclude that Ms. Williams will never work in television again for several reasons that all go back to the injections.

The TMZ “podcast” interview and strange public appearances

Ms. Williams appeared on TMZ Live on June 28, 2022. It was not well-received. She again spoke about starting a podcast. Ms. Williams also said that she’s lost 95% of the feeling in her feet due to lymphedema. She held her very swollen foot up to the camera at around the 5:50 mark. The TMZ hosts showed empathy and compassion throughout the interview, despite knowing there was something clearly wrong with their guest. They even cut the interview short towards the end when Ms. Williams starting incoherently rambling.

Most of the comments to said video are from her die-hard fans. Many of them expressed sadness after watching the interview. Several of them also blamed addiction and mental illness. None mentioned the injections.

Granted Tommy Williams, Wendy’s brother, piggybacks off his sister’s fame. He is famous solely for being the sibling of a famous person. That said, Mr. Williams appears to genuinely care about his big sister. He said via his YouTube channel that Wendy “is not okay” after the TMZ interview. Mr. Williams also said that he wants to help Wendy but she “pushes [me] away.”

A few days later, both the official Wendy Williams Show Instagram and YouTube channels disappeared from the web. She launched “The Wendy Experience Podcast” Instagram account that same week. It does not have a blue check mark. No actual episodes appear as of publishing.

Paparazzi, meanwhile, continually follow Ms. Williams around. The Daily Mail filmed her in the lobby of her New York apartment building earlier this month. She was barefoot, with her feet still swollen like they were in the TMZ interview.

The U.S. Sun filmed Ms. Williams last week buying cigarettes and vodka at a liquor store. The pictures do not look good.

We’ll continue following up on this story.

More celebrity updates

Canadian pop star Justin Bieber was featured on The COVID Blog™ in June. The 28-year-old was diagnosed with herpes zoster oticus, a known adverse reaction to the Pfizer mRNA injections. It caused Bell’s Palsy-like symptoms and forced him to cancel the remainder of his summer U.S. tour. He was out of commission for seven weeks before returning to the stage in Italy on July 31.

French-Canadian singer Celine Dion was first mentioned on The COVID Blog™ last November. She was supposed to be the opening act at the new Resorts World Theater in Las Vegas on October 19. But the show was cancelled “due to medical reasons.” Ms. Dion has not done a live performance since that time. In fact in March, she seemed quite negative about her overall prognosis. There are reports that Ms. Dion has lost over $70 million in earnings due to all the missed shows in 2022.

Actress Christina Applegate announced on August 10, 2021 that she was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, another known adverse effect from the Pfizer mRNA injections. The former Married…With Children star frequently mentions her condition on Twitter, as it’s apparently taken over her entire existence.

Production of Ms. Applegate’s Netflix series, Dead To Me, had been postponed indefinitely since September 2021. But the official Twitter account for the show retweeted another account announcing that the third and final season will premier “this fall.” It’s unclear if Ms. Applegate will appear in the show beyond footage that had already been shot prior to her MS diagnosis.

RELATED: Taylor Hawkins: Foo Fighters drummer likely died from vaccine-induced myocarditis, as mainstream media push the “drug overdose” narrative (March 28, 2022)


The whole Wendy Williams saga is shaping up to be a combination of Britney Spears-like conservatorship and mysterious Anne Heche-type death. Her entire demise seems so orchestrated and deliberate. But the bottom line is that Ms. Williams, like all these other celebrities herein, received the injections by choice. All of these people had plenty of money to walk away from their jobs and preserve their health.

Ms. Williams has been through a lot in life. She’s had alcohol and cocaine issues in the past. Her 2019 divorce after 22 years of marriage was very public. She learned that Kevin Williams, her ex-husband, fathered a child with another woman.

But even her ex-husband, who was the former executive producer of The Wendy Williams Show, slammed the subsequent producers for their icy, disrespectful finale of the show.

Ms. Williams seemingly needed her show for therapeutic purposes. But there’s simply no denying that, despite all of her other issues, everything went downhill after the reported injections. That fact is always eliminated from the mainstream media stories.

Always trust your gut and never worship idols, whether it’s other humans or material things. And never keep your money in banks. Gold and silver bullion, along with a little paper money in a fireproof, waterproof underground safe ensures that you always 100% own your wealth.

Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


COVID Legal USA is your partner in fight mandatory vaccines and other COVID mandates. Follow us on Telegram. Pre-order The COVID Blog™ book here. Shipping starts on December 15, 2022.


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Jesus is my vaccine
Jesus is my vaccine
1 year ago

It is so sad about Wendy Williams and these other celebrities. Money really is the root of all evil

1 year ago

Not money.
The LOVE of money.
It always, always, always comes down to, “What do you love?” If your answer is that you love anything more than the Lord Jesus Christ, you’re in big trouble!

1 year ago

It is actually the the “love” of.

1 year ago
Reply to  HugeBerger

It may not be biblical, but frequently the “lack” of money is a root of a lot of evil, too.

1 year ago
Reply to  Anthony

And it’s hardly an equal to “the love of money” which would also be involved in evil acts of anyone “lacking” money. I think those would be a very small number when compared with the filthy rich loving money.

1 year ago

The love of money is the root of all evenly not money.

1 year ago

Money gets you freedom…it allows you to say no, to like say jabs or anything else you don’t want to participate in.

1 year ago

For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. 1 Timothy 6:10 KJV

1 year ago

Yeah. She’s done. Just biding time till it’s her time. And she could have walked away. Celebrity and Hollywood truly sucks the life out of you. You have to sell so much of yourself to be part of the evil cabal. Definitely not worth it.

Susan Jones
Susan Jones
1 year ago
Reply to  Annie

I agree. The price of fame can be your soul and there is no turning back.

John McClane
John McClane
1 year ago

I’m probably in the minority with this view, but I dont much care for celebrities. People like Celine Dion who push the LGBTQ abomination in one form of another, even specifically targeting children, like Ms. Dion’s gender neutral trash clothing for young kids, so her and all those in Hollywood like her, that push, excuse, praise or support LGBTQ (or tried it out with the same sex), feminism or abortion, deserve everything they get. They have their fortunes that most of them got through pushing every wicked agenda under the sun, they played vital roles in poisoning entire generations of youth, destroying their own countries (like the USA) and the world as a whole. They didnt care about any of their influence or the damage on a small scale or a nationwide, societal level, they chose their fame, idol worship from their brainwashed fans, their money, material possessions, privleges and lavish lifestyles, without a second thought or regard for what’s right. They speak down to the rest of us, as though we should do and follow everything they say, remember George Clooney telling people to take migrants from Syria into their homes? Did he do it? No! They are spineless cowards and don’t stand against any of the evils plaguing the world, not even when it comes to their very own children, they screw up their own children in the worst ways imaginable and sell them down the drain to the highest satanic bidder, so why should I give any of these people a second thought?

1 year ago
Reply to  John McClane

You nailed it!!!

1 year ago
Reply to  John McClane

I don’t think you’re in the minority when you speak the truth. Some of these so called celebrities are truly evil, most are just trashy whores. Dion is both and losing out on that 70 million is a good thing as far as I’m concerned.
The whole plandemic and miracle cure have shown us all that being in the majority while following a lie is detrimental to one’s health. Great post John, spot on truth.

Hollywood can buzz off
Hollywood can buzz off
1 year ago
Reply to  John McClane

I agree. If there is one thing this whole covid bull taught me is that Hollywood is full of evil scu*bags. There is a massive list of songs I will no longer listen to and movies I will no longer see. I refuse to put money in the pockets of these people. “celebrities” are nothing more than prostitutes for the elites.

1 year ago

Yes. Tom Hanks, Schwarzenegger…disappointments. We don’t want theiropinions, only their talent. I’ll not like their work again…and Hanks was my absolute favorite.

1 year ago
Reply to  John McClane

Bruce is one of ‘them’ too

1 year ago
Reply to  John McClane

Celebrities sold their soul, morals and body to get fame and fortune. Jennifer Lawrence (allegedly) did the deed with Harvey Weinstein to get where she is and now she’s terrified of Tucker Carlson. It doesn’t get more bizarre then that.

1 year ago

I wonder if Dr. Oz has anything to say or has offered Wendy any help since convincing her to take the jab???

1 year ago
Reply to  Joy

Dr. Oz is an evil, evil man. If you’re in PA, like us, DO NOT VOTE FOR HIM!!!!! He’s truly worse than a Democrat. I still can’t believe Trump endorsed him. What a joke.
This fall I’m writing in Kathy Barnette!!

1 year ago
Reply to  JustSayNo

Oh, I can believe Trump endorsed Oz. Why not? Both push the vax like there’s no tomorrow without it. Neither will admit that it harms more people than it helps. Both are rich and famous. Neither will care if you take the vax and are injured from it. Trump is the “father of the covid vax” while Oz is the father of the medical quacks. Peas in a pod. Made for each other.

1 year ago
Reply to  Ron

I agree. Just to be clear, though, it helps NO ONE.

1 year ago
Reply to  Joy

Very good question.

1 year ago

The TMZ hosts were very classy with her. That was nice.

1 year ago

I wonder what percent of the people who took the first two shots, will eventually die of clots or cancer?

I also wonder, if it proves true that the big long clots are, what I call ‘bio-mechanoid’ in nature, forming from sodium, aluminum, tin, etc., pulled from the blood by some kind of nano-tech, will these only be grown larger if the victim tries to nutritionally supplement their way out of their health problems resultant?

Omri Hussain
Omri Hussain
1 year ago

I don’t know much about USA celebrities, but this Wendy comes across as a bitch. Also, I don’t like saying this but how do we even know ‘she’ is a real woman? That Michelle Obama put on a very convincing drag show. Sorry but no sympathy for this vile creature. I don’t like her. Her illness obviously hasn’t taught her humility. It’s appearing as though she has some sort of brain deterioration disease. Looks like the human form of Mad Cow’s disease to me. I am coming across a lot of people now who are acting like this. As if they are drunk but in reality, they are not. The spike proteins and the fame have both gone to her head. I give her a year to live, and I am being generous here.

1 year ago
Reply to  Omri Hussain

Agreed. My dad who was very active and healthy in his sixties had a severe adverse reaction to his second shot. No one ever did figure out what happened but it was almost a year of these insane blood clots in his nose. After that resolved he started getting numbness in his feet and having cognitive decline. The two combined really make it seem as if he’s drunk all the time, slowness, repeating things, memory issues, vacant expressions and barely able to stumble around.

1 year ago
Reply to  Candace

I’m so sorry Candace for your Dad. I wonder if the blood clots in his nose were from repeated tests they used in the nose…..all the way up to the brain? God Bless you and your family.

1 year ago
Reply to  Candace

How did your dad get the blood 🩸 clots in his nose? Because of the silencing shot you said?
Sorry for that

1 year ago

Well…it’s questionable how much longer paper money will be good for…but that being said, I’ve had all mine, plus gold and silver under my own watchful eye for many years. I have been urging a friend to take his large savings out if the bank for many years. Yesterday he called to say that the guy who put a new screen in his phone gave him the same advice. “He said the same thing you said!” Imagine that! Don’t listen to the person who has been spot on for a long as you’ve known her…listen to the guy who services your phone …

Thanks once again Brian, for your dogged work persuing the truth … even as you suffer your own losses.

1 year ago
Reply to  Kris

The prophet is never believed by those in their own village. We are all “hopelessly human” and they judge us only by our weaknesses.

The fun part is telling them how they will dance even before their strings are pulled. And still they won’t believe you.

Hate Them With A Perfect Hatred
Hate Them With A Perfect Hatred
1 year ago

In 2021 when Biden announced mandatory vaccine policy for all companies with more than 100 employees I was ready to give up my job and my entire career, and sell my material possessions. It’s worth it to keep what is most precious to all of us: our health and our freedom to decide what we inject into our bodies.

Many people who took the vax are now learning the hard way that deals with the devil don’t work out. For those who did it out of fear / bullying, I have some sympathy. For those who took an arrogant, self-righteous approach and ridiculed/ attacked “anti-vaxxers”, even advocating that we lose our ability to work and feed our families, I say: you reap what you sow. You deserve whatever happens to you.

1 year ago

My husband was literally 2 days away from losing his job when they backed down. It’s a hill to die on, unfortunately. If you don’t have your health, the rest makes no difference.

1 year ago

“career”, the other name for “my chosen place in the slave plantation”.

When I was younger, at the university, they were inculcating us with the concept of “career”, how to go through interviews…etc. at that time it felt so weird and uncomfortable to me, but I didn’t have words for it. It felt like they were conditioning us to become prostitutes for the system.

Looking back now, it is definitely a cult induction to make one start worshiping slaving for the system, and being accepted by it, seem as one of the most important thing in one’s life. While in fact, this beautiful planet gives its bounties for free with a minimum effort invested (food, water and shelter).

No wonder people are so empty, unhappy – or worse : making every effort to appear happy -, obedient, addicted to servitude and apathy. “love” for them is finding someone who tries constantly to convince them that they are very “special” and stroke their ego.

Enjoy your labels : republican, democrat, conservative, christian, lesbian, gay…etc.

1 year ago

Holy hell! What a whack-a-doodle! She has money and a great apartment. Wow. I’m so effing impressed. She loves The View and Doctor Oz? Fine, burn in hell together. All of you. She can’t say one word about what the death shot did to her?? No wonder she’s deranged! See-no, hear-no, speak-no evil. Good riddance. Enjoy your gold & treasures because they won’t do anything for your soul except corrupt it. Wow. Sick.

1 year ago
Reply to  Grace

Her coffee machine is better and more expensive than yours.

1 year ago

So Dr. Oz put pressure on Ms. Williams to take the jabs. I hope people in the state of Pennsylvania flatly refuse to put him in whatever office he is running for…..I think it is Senator. Also, why is this nasty New Yorker running in PA? Could it be he could not get along with his fellow New Yorkers? This is not the person to have in office….we already have a surplus of too many compromised traitors. Perhaps this TV doctor can replace Fauci, since Fauci was also a TV doctor and considered an ignoramus by many of his colleagues. Oz would fit right in with the current and past monsters employed at the NIH.

1 year ago
Reply to  liz

Dr. Oz actually lived (still lives?) in a mansion on the Palisades in Cliffside Park, NJ overlooking Manhattan. He built it around 1990 and was still living there as recently as 2020. People Magazine has an article online from February 2020 with lots of pictures.According to the Philadelphia Inquirer, Dr. Oz used his in-laws’ Pennsylvania address to register to vote in the state in 2020. So, he’s a carpet bagger.

1 year ago
Reply to  Lin

He’s a disgrace to the medical profession.

1 year ago
Reply to  liz

Federmann is 1000x worse than Oz and has a growth on his neck the size of a softball and he’s had stokes. He can’t put sentences together coherently. When will good, normal people run?

1 year ago

She still considers Dr. Oz her friend?!?🙃 Just goes to show how much her mental capacity has deteriorated! Looks as if the medical mafia wanted to teach her a lesson for going on MSM and questioning the safety of the clot shot and the trustworthiness of “experts!”

Frank DiGorgio
Frank DiGorgio
1 year ago

Besides Wendy Williams tragic downfall from the poison jabs, take a look at the before and after suicide jab photos of Mike Tyson. If it wasn’t for his face tattoo, I would not have recognized him after he received the suicide jabs.

1 year ago

I started watching the TMZ video and had to stop. You can see that the guy on the right is already uncomfortable. He probably picked up something being wrong in their pre-broadcast setting up.

But why I really had to stop is that all that Wendy is talking about is the more money that she expects to bring in with podcasting, As a famous person. 🤦‍♂️ When she said that she has enough money that she could do something else, one would think that this means doing something (maybe even podcasting) for fun. Or experimenting with new formats. Meaning that she has enough money that even if podcasting turns out to be a big failure commercially that it is just something she wants to try.

She is basically saying, I’m rich and I want to do podcasting to get richer. No doubt she was having some cognitive issues since she spoke the quiet parts out loud I guess.

1 Timothy 6:7 For we brought nothing into the world, so we cannot carry anything out of it. 8 But if we have food and clothing, we will be content with these. 9 Those who want to be rich, however, fall into temptation and become ensnared by many foolish and harmful desires that plunge them into ruin and destruction. 10 For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil. By craving it, some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many sorrows.

Kim karma
Kim karma
1 year ago

“But the bottom line is that Ms. Williams, like all these other celebrities herein, received the injections by choice. All of these people had plenty of money to walk away from their jobs and preserve their health.”

Exactly, I heard Mike Tyson the other day say he felt forced to take it cuz he travels internationally and if he can’t travel his family don’t eat. Smh

1 year ago

Well said, well covered. Can’t really add anymore, except; stay away from needles, political theater….find a better drama; maybe some old 80’s throwback comedy to lighten the evening. Kudos to TheCovidBlog. Blessings to you and the readers for making better choices. Much love and thanks from N.C. Prep, pray and stay outta the way. 👍

1 year ago

This is a complete tragedy beyond comprehension. Deliberate murder by people making money without regard for the cost in lives and misery. A day of reconning must come by consent or by force . If we do not have justice for these people there are many people we see in professional and media that are complicit in this scam that are evil and should be held accountable. It boggles the mind as to the evil these forces have caused. I feel so terrible for these people brainwashed or not it breaks me to see them suffer.

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