Anne Heche: 53-year-old actress did not die from the injections, but it’s also unlikely she died from the actual car crash
August 14, 2022

Ms. Anne Heche.

We received at least 20 emails from people asking about actress Anne Heche, and her August 12 death possibly being tied to the injections. This is a classic case of “don’t automatically assume” even during The Great Reset global genocide.

There are no “I got my vaccines” posts on Ms. Heche’s Facebook and Instagram accounts. In fact there are only one or two photos we could find of her wearing a mask. However, you can bet your bottom dollar that Ms. Heche, 53, received the injections. She works and lives in Hollywood, and is a liberal. The totality of those circumstances is the next best evidence to the actual Band-aid photos.

Ms. Heche did not die as a direct result of the lethal injections. But she most likely died from the combination of another common cause of death and the culmination of a topsy-turvy life.

Who was Anne Heche?

Ms. Heche was born in 1969 in Aurora, Ohio. Her parents, Donald and Nancy Heche had a total of five children. Her family was so poor that they were forced to move around a lot when she was a child.

She landed her first acting role as two twins on the daytime soap opera Another World in 1987, at age 18. Ms. Heche won an Emmy for the role in 1991. She left the show that year, and had small roles in films and television for the next five years.

Ms. Heche landed several significant film roles by 1997. She was doing well for herself, starring in a string of Hollywood hits, such as Donnie Brasco (1997), I Know What You Did Last Summer (1997), and Six Days, Seven Nights (1998). But then she started dating Ellen DeGeneres, right after breaking up with comedian Steve Martin, in 1997. Her career tanked from there, as did her mental health.

Ellen breakup, mental breakdown, and memoir

Ms. Heche announced her breakup with Ms. DeGeneres on August 18, 2000. The next day she took MDMA (ecstacy), and drove from Los Angeles to Fresno, dressed only in a t-shirt and panties. The car ran out of gas, so she walked for a few miles before knocking on a random woman’s door. Said person recognized Ms. Heche, let her inside, gave her a bunch of water to drink, and let her take a shower. But the starstruck attitude changed when Ms. Heche started making herself at home in the woman’s house.

Ms. Heche asked if they could watch a movie, prompting the woman to call police. Ms. Heche reportedly told the cops that she was God and was going to “take everyone to heaven on a spaceship.” She was taken to a mental hospital, but released a few hours later. No charges were filed. Ms. Heche married cameraman Coleman “Coley” Laffoon two weeks later. She divorced him in 2007 and immediately starting dating actor James Tupper. They never got married, and broke up in 2018. Ms. Heche had one son with each man.

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Her memoir, Call Me Crazy, was released in September 2001. She wrote in the book:

“I believe that many people may think I went insane. I do not believe I am insane. I believe I went through a period of my life that was insane, and it lasted 31 years.”

Ms. Heche wrote about her dad living a homosexual life behind the family’s back. She also wrote that her father sexually abused her. But Ms. Heche’s mother and sister refuted the allegations. Mr. Heche died of AIDS in 1983. Three months after his death, Ms. Heche’s brother, Nathan, died in a car crash at age 18. Another sibling, Cynthia, died at just two months old. Susan Bergman, another sibling, died in 2006 from brain cancer. Abigail Heche, Anne’s sister, is the only sibling still alive.

Abigail (L), Anne, and Nancy Heche in 2013. Photo via Instagram.

Nancy Heche is now 85 years old. She’s been a Christian motivational speaker who helps people overcome homosexuality ever since her husband died of AIDS. Nancy and Anne have had a rocky relationship since the Ellen/Anne thing. When Anne was asked in 2011 if Ellen DeGeneres was her first and only homosexual relationship, she replied, “Oh, jeepers. Yes! Yes! I mean, that’s been way out there for years.” Anne also said in that interview that she’d been estranged from her mom since the Ellen relationship.

Ironically, in Anne’s last film, 13 minutes (2021), she played an anti-abortion activist who disowned her son after he revealed his homosexual lifestyle.

The car accident and death

Fast forward to Friday, August 5, 2022. Ms. Heche purchased a red wig at a hair salon that morning. The owner of the salon, Mr. Richard Glass, posted a selfie of he and Ms. Heche on Instagram

About an hour later, around 11 a.m., Ms. Heche crashed her Mini Cooper into an apartment complex in the Mar Vista area of Los Angeles. She backed up and sped away from the scene at 90 mph (145 km/h) on residential streets. Less than a minute later, she crashed into a home.

The crash ignited a fire that burned the entire house down in less than an hour.

The aftermath of the fire.

The person living in the house was there, but was somehow uninjured. Ms. Heche definitely did not have a heart attack or stroke (aka “vaxxident”) at the wheel because she was alive and moving around, despite being severely burned, when paramedics took her away from the scene.

Things got really weird from there. Initial reports 3-4 days after the crash said Ms. Heche was in stable condition at the hospital and was “going to pull through.” But suddenly everything changed. She was in critical condition, on a ventilator and in a coma by August 9. It’s unclear what happened between the day of the crash and last Tuesday that led to a ventilator and coma.

Ms. Heche was pronounced brain dead on Friday. It was reported that she died from a “catastrophic brain injury.” The hospital is keeping her alive to harvest and donate her organs. But the whole story just doesn’t add up.

RELATED: U.S. motor vehicle traffic fatalities in 2021 break record for largest annual percentage increase in recorded history (May 25, 2022)


If she was injured enough to be on a ventilator and had a serious brain injury, she would not have been able to move around in the very animated way she did at the crash scene in the above video. In fact it looked like she was trying to get off the gurney, and away from medical personnel. There are reports that Ms. Heche was under the influence of cocaine at the time of the crash. That could perhaps explain the energy jolt on the gurney.

Granted the following examples are fiction. But the ending in the 1983 film Scarface, and a scene from the 1987 film Fatal Beauty, demonstrate how cocaine can keep people alive much longer than they probably should have been.


Medical “errors” are the third-leading cause of death in the United States. It wouldn’t be at all surprising if the ventilator killed Ms. Heche, not the car accident and fire. Virtually all so-called COVID-19 patients in the spring of 2020 died after being placed on ventilators because it was unnecessary in the first place, and destroyed their lungs. Doctors have killed tens of millions of people in various ways since 2020, but mostly via ventilators, Remdesivir, and/or the injections.

The official story will be cocaine, mental illness and a brain injury killed Ms. Heche when it’s all said and done. But doctors are the most protected, trusted murderers on Earth. They are also incentivized to kill. All we can do is speculate as to what really happened.

The Benjamin Gord story

We tried contacting Mr. Benjamin Gord back in February when his story was first made public – a story that sounds eerily similar to what happened to Ms. Heche. He never got back to us. But his viral video is an example of what’s likely happening everyday across the country.

Mr. Gord is a singer and songwriter. He got in a single car crash on or around February 1 in northern Arizona. All he remembers at the crash site was paramedics injecting him with something against his will. Mr. Gord woke up eight hours later at Flagstaff Medical Center to one of the most frightening scenarios imaginable. We was on a ventilator, an IV drip, and had a urinary catheter inserted in his urethra. But he was fully conscious and aware.

Mr. Gord pulled the ventilator out of his throat, pulled the IV out, and, painfully, pulled the catheter out. He shocked hospital staff when he opened the door and confronted them with the question, “why did you vent me?” Long story short, the hospital was literally trying to kill him. They diagnosed Mr. Gord with so-called COVID-19 while he was unconscious, then pumped him full of morphine and placed him on a ventilator.

Watch his five minute video below.

RELATED:  If you still trust “mainstream” doctors after reading these four stories, then may God help you (February 3, 2022)


We tried contacting Mr. Gord again in June for an update, to no avail. Had Mr. Gord not miraculously regained consciousness despite being heavily drugged, he’d be dead now. And you can be certain that his story is not unique. There’s no telling how many people have been killed under similar circumstances since 2020.

The only good news in all this is that the person renting the house Ms. Heche crashed into was unharmed. But said victim, Ms. Lynne Mishele, lost everything she owned. A GoFundMe page is raising funds for her. The Heche estate is also likely to face several lawsuits.

Ms. Heche was a very flawed human being. But nobody deserves the science project treatment from doctors, if that’s in fact what happened. You’re better off just dying with dignity than trusting doctors and hospitals. Smoke weed and eat cannabis edibles in large amounts if you’re in chronic pain. This blogger even set and cast his own broken wrist years ago. If push comes to shove, use those tele-health services if you absolutely believe you need a doctor.

All medical procedures involving anesthetics, needles and/or hospitals are hazardous to human health. Think long and hard before exposing yourself to an industry with a green light and incentives to kill you during The Great Reset. Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


COVID Legal USA is your partner in fight mandatory vaccines and other COVID mandates. Follow us on Telegram. Pre-order The COVID Blog™ book here. Shipping starts on December 15, 2022.


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1 year ago

Everyone seems to miss the fact that Heche was in a BODY BAG, that was zipped up! So unless this was a staged scene for the cameras, the techs on-site thought she was dead already. They she reanimates, bursts through the zipped body bag, then is loaded into the ambulance. Very zombie-like, yes?

1 year ago
Reply to  ElleWyn

They didn’t think she was dead, they were trying to make sure she was dead. Look how fast they were trying to get her to the ambulance. They probably knew she was struggling. Then when she fought for her life and popped out, they all gathered around in the hopes that no one would see it.

1 year ago
Reply to  ElleWyn

This is an interesting angle and needs to be explored. Based on a cursory Internet search, it looks like paramedics in the States do not carry body bags with them “because a dead body is not an emergency.” Also, if they find a person dead upon arrival, it looks like they don’t remove the body from the scene in case there’s a police investigation.

1 year ago
Reply to  ElleWyn

When she opened her body bag her jeans were totally intact. If she was burned wouldn’t her jeans be burned? Her hair wasn’t burned off either. They said it took like half an hour to get her out of the burning mess….how is that possible? Clothes and hair burn first. Also why did she buy a wig before the “accident”? Was she trying to hide from someone?

1 year ago
Reply to  ElleWyn

I believe doctors were not incentivized to save her life, as she was an organ donor. From a potential hospital administration perspective more money could be made from organ transplant surgeries. Additionally, from what I heard on several videos, she was working on a movie to expose human trafficking and the child sex trade in Hollywood and had been warned to stop – check recent posts on The Master’s Voice. I have questions: Was her car hacked? Was she trying to get away from someone? Did someone plant drugs in her car? For now I consider her death a mystery.

Greetings from Spain
Reply to  MrA

Exactamente así, es cierto ella estaba trabajando en una película sobre ese tema.
El sábado pasado vi en un canal de YouTube al que estoy suscrita llamado los liberales un programa sobre la extraña muerte de Anne Heche.
Dos periodistas Nicolás Moras junto a otro periodista Nicolás Martínez Lage quien también tiene un canal en YouTube llamado Terapia Liberal analizan esta extraña muerte, les recomiendo mucho a todos el programa ya que lo que analizan sobre su extraña muerte es muy interesante.
Quien desee verlo busque: Los liberales Nicolás Moras en YouTube

1 year ago

Wow.. that’s a crazy story

Atom man
Atom man
1 year ago

It’s a very interesting story. If she did get one of those experimental injections it would not have done her any good. It is possible she like her sister was developing a brain tumor and had she been injected it would likely have accelerated its development as has been seen with other cancers since the “vaccine” roll out. I understand hospitals get about $13 thousand for a COVID19 admission and another $38 thousand for the ventilator so there is a definite profit motive operating here. The same is true with organ donations.

1 year ago
Reply to  Atom man

A neighbor in November 2021, right after she got a booster, now has a brain tumor, stage 4 in a matter of weeks. Or should I say “suddenly.” 4 to 6 months to live. #ABV. She’s an organ donor. Who would want them. The shots speed up whatever is wrong with you. RIP Anne Heche.

what is going on
what is going on
1 year ago
Reply to  Annie

Her organs would be filled up with Spike Proteins. Speaking of which, it’s in the blood supply too.

1 year ago

Blood receivers screen for pop shotted folks. Refusing most donors.

1 year ago

Yeah 🙁 Don’t get sick and in sudden need of blood… very scary. May God help us all.

Atom man
Atom man
1 year ago
Reply to  Annie

That would depend – I understand that most brain cancers do not leave the skull but grade 4 astrocytoma is basically glioblastoma, the most severe “primary” brain tumor you can get and it possibly could leave the confines of the skull. Many other brain tumors are “secondary”, metastasis (spread) from cancers in the lungs, breasts, and kidneys. I had to look this up and the last one surprised me. That may mean that lady Australian politician could have possible metastasis from the kidney cancer into the brain but I suspect if and when such occurs it will already be widespread throughout her entire body.

1 year ago
Reply to  Annie

This is so true what you said about the shots. It’s weeding out the “weak” aka people not in optimal health or of a certain age. If you have diabetes you will have a stroke. If you have high blood pressure you’ll have a heart attack. If you survived cancer in the past it will come back with a vengeance ect.

1 year ago

But I though healthcare providers are ‘Healthcare Heroes’? That’s what all the banners at these death centers declared back in 2020. I remember thinking ‘What a load of horseshit… they have to face old people with a cold!’. I quickly came to realize they were likely killing people. It’s not hard to imagine all the so-called ‘Covid deaths’ when you realize that these very ‘heroes’ who were supposed to being helping people were actually murdering them. How many would have survived if they’d only ‘waited it out’ and stayed home?

1 year ago
Reply to  John

I know. Healthcare heroes 🤨 – who looked the other way when their fellow heroes, who refused the clot shots, lost their jobs, were censored and even some lost their licenses to practice medicine. Not even counting the ridicule from the world they received due to the basic principle of “Do no harm” by refusing the shots and/or wanting to properly treat their patients. I feel the vast majority of the current medical community are not heroes but to various degrees criminals in this scamdemic.

Hate Them With A Perfect Hatred
Hate Them With A Perfect Hatred
1 year ago
Reply to  John

How many people did you hear of dying from Covid AT HOME? I haven’t heard of a single case. They always die in hospitals.

1 year ago
Reply to  John

100% agree. “Heroes”? MY FOOT!! Disgusting!! Christianity made compassionate hospitals and Atheism made murderous hospitals!

1 year ago
Reply to  John

As well as dancing like a bunch of looney-bins in empty hospitals. for dopamine hits on anti-social media.

We were forced into an economic lockdown to “protect the health service and precious angels”. People lost their jobs for that!

I’m surprised the sheep haven’t got their pots and pans out to give out now for weekly round of virtue signalling banging. I was disgusted with my neighbours acting a bunch of bufoons for allowing the murder of cancer patients as they were denied their treatments. I was even saying, while watching and hearing the madness, “You complicant murderers”.
I’ll never forget what those sheep and deathcare medical professionals did (and are still doing)

I have been around a few hospitals recently and I was sick to see the amount of face nappies (presumably used) on the ground IN and OUT of the hospitals. INSIDE! Surely the angels aren’t doing that?

But no… it was those pesky anti-vaxxers (who were right all along) who caused the deaths of grannies croaking from “covid-19″/old age, and maybe not dirty hospitals while staff were wasting away PPE, the thing which was meant to be in short supply.

Jesus is my vaccine
Jesus is my vaccine
1 year ago

It is so sad this happened but I do agree it is suspicious. She was a good actress. First thing I thought was something happened while she was driving. Then the video of her moving on the gurney. I saw that I knew it was the doctors. I am an organ donor but its coming up for renewal. This caused me to look more into the donor stories. Some are downright horrific. There have been patients with tears in their eyes while they harvest the organs. It is pure evil. I will no longer be a donor and I suggest everyone do the same

1 year ago

No one in my family is an organ donor. It’s not on our license either. We all had new medical directives drawn and notarized that we refuse to be organ donors. Only the family can override this directive. No power if possible to the medical community. As purebloods our organs are free from those clots. After the way we have been treated and demonized, they don’t deserve our organs or blood.

Atom man
Atom man
1 year ago
Reply to  Annie

My mother always told me two things about hospitals. She said always have a family member with you there so they can see what they are doing to you and never sign an organ donor card as they will pull your plug more quickly!

1 year ago
Reply to  Atom man

People in both prisons and hospitals die because of a lack of medical care…both are industrial complexes that are incentivized to deliver a profit to their Shareholders…you can also purchase their Stock on the NY Exchange…

Atom man
Atom man
1 year ago
Reply to  Carr

One thing I should add – during the “pandemic” or “plandemic” they kept relatives out, didn’t they? So it was easy to put them on those mechanical ventilators and chalk up an extra $38 thousand. Also their drug of choice was Remdesivir as it was patented and profitable but I have read nothing but bad news about it in terms of kidney damage.

1 year ago
Reply to  Atom man

So true. Ivermectin was very promising but they eliminated this as soon as they found out patients were doing really well on it

Michelle Miller
Michelle Miller
1 year ago
Reply to  Atom man

Remdesivir killed my son in laws father. Family members tried to get the doctors to use Ivermectin, high dose vitamin C etc but to no avail. They were not even allowed in to see him. Pure evil.

leslie landberg
leslie landberg
1 year ago
Reply to  Annie

Most states are 9rgan donation OPT OUT. That means you are automatically in the program.l unless you go to your states government pages and locate the form for opting out, sign it, print it, notarize it and send it to your attorney and to the state government, demanding a certificate of receipt. Then tattoo yourself with the certificate number across your chest. Didn’t do that? Solly Chawlee.

1 year ago

once you are on the list, just taking your symbol off of your license wont work. the list prevails. maybe google and see if there are ways to get off of it.

Jesus is my vaccine
Jesus is my vaccine
1 year ago
Reply to  oldbat

There is. You have to go into the system and request you be removed. Here in Texas it’s the donate life website. Thank you for your advice I would not have known

John McClane
John McClane
1 year ago

She deserved far worse, the consequences of what her and her ilk did, with their abominations is still ongoing. Like the destruction of entire generations of youth.

Sin Nombre
Sin Nombre
1 year ago

I’m not a donor, because it doesn’t seem natural. The person who receives the organ has to take antirejection drugs for life, so that their own body doesn’t attack and destroy the transplant. It seems to me, that nature/the creator/God (take your pick) never meant for this type of procedure to be undertaken.
Just because you can do something, doesn’t necessarily mean you should.

Last edited 1 year ago by Sin Nombre
1 year ago
Reply to  Sin Nombre

Yet Dick Cheney received the heart of a young man, and now he is living on and on because of that. Many of these wicked elderly get extra decades of live by getting the organs of the young.

Sin Nombre
Sin Nombre
1 year ago
Reply to  jojo

Hence another very good reason not to donate organs.

1 year ago

I have also decided not to donate my organs after reading so many nefarious stories. I believed in it so much that I convinced my family to do it. Not any more.

1 year ago

Well, let’s look at the pain suffered by the Preborn Human Child in many abortions. We’ve permitted that horrific crime against humanity. Why should they not expand it? In fact, we all once were defenseless while very young and now we’re once again in the same position.

That’s what happens when you look the other way while 63 MILLION innocent Human Beings are legally butchered.

8 months ago
Reply to  Bridget

Well said!

1 year ago

I’m convinced anyone that still works in the medical industry has some sort of mental illness. How people can work in that environment day in and day out and continue to participate in such horrendous protocols clearly shows they are homicidal maniacs.

1 year ago
Reply to  Dee

My neighbor is a nurse and a drunk. Her mental health is declining a little bit more with each passing year. Granted, something within her kept her from getting a booster shot, but during the rollout of the shots in early 2021, she was harping on me to get injected. Since then I’ve learned that her clinic has lost many patients who have died from, well, we who read this blog know what, even if my nurse neighbor won’t admit or acknowledge what killed them.

I have also abandoned an old friend who is married to a doctor. I can’t deal with the denial or willful ignorance or whatever it is that these health care providers and pharmacists are exhibiting. And yes, many know exactly what they are doing, which makes them complicit in this great genocide we are witnessing.

Thank you, Brian, for such excellent reporting. I can only imagine the hours you put into these articles week after week, month after month. Looking forward to reading your book when it comes out!

Con-vid 1984
Con-vid 1984
1 year ago
Reply to  Margo

Notice how the lesser extremists of the vax cult members gets very quite about all COVID related topics when during the beginning of the vaccine rollout that were very adamant about how everyone should be getting these shots.

Now the ones that are still alive pretends all the crap they have said and done towards the critical thinkers didn’t happen.

When the opportunity arise, don’t ever let them forget how they contribute to our demise.

1 year ago
Reply to  Margo

Your neighbors cognitive dissonance is a mental illness. My neighbor has been a nurse for over 30 years and she finally opened her eyes to the genocide that is taking place. She told me her nephew “died suddenly” after his booster and she is sure that’s what caused it. Her and her husband never got jabbed and they are trying to wake up family members. It’s funny because a few years ago I cut my leg at the park doing a workout and I asked her if she thought I needed stitches. She said “no, but maybe a tetanus shot.” I go, “no, I don’t do vaccines!’ She was taken back by that answer but I’m thinking it makes complete sense to her now.

what is going on
what is going on
1 year ago
Reply to  Dee

It’s no longer possible to trust doctors. They no longer work independently, they all work for corporations now so they are just employees and are constantly threatened with losing their license if they don’t play along. NO EXCUSE to murder your patients! Lose your dam license.

1 year ago
Reply to  Margo

Many thanks to you Brian. Every site or blog that has dissenting opinions against the covid propaganda is being eliminated!! And several more are GONE. They’ve been silenced
You Brian are our voice in these strange times. Lets NOT be silenced! Thank you

1 year ago
Reply to  Dee

My mom was an emergency room nurse working midnights in downtown Detroit at Henry Ford for many years in the 70s and 80s. I asked her why she took that risk, working that shift and she said that she loved saving people’s lives. The blood and gore did not affect her. She just loved what she did for whatever reason. She saw it all, knifings gun shot wounds, car accidents etc.

1 year ago
Reply to  Dee

I resigned as soon as the mandates came down. I knew what was going on. It was out there. All people had to do was research. I am sickened by all of my cohorts who continue to murder people without a second thought. THEY KNOW. No excuses. Just doing my job…

1 year ago
Reply to  Dee

Its tough but great freedom fighters are there. We’re definitely not the majority but we’re working somewhat behind the scenes!

The Ogs
The Ogs
1 year ago

Typically in cases like this the victim’s lungs will be damaged by fire. Lungs are very delicate and susceptible! The end result is a lack of oxygen to the brain, and patients will be on life support yet they are ‘brain-dead’…

1 year ago
Reply to  The Ogs

She wasn’t unconscious though. She was alive and moving, she unzipped the body bag, sat up and was moving her arms towards her feet – perhaps to undo some straps – so she definitely wasn’t brain dead.

1 year ago

Another excellent article Brian. Thank you!

1 year ago

During my career at one point I had an industrial occupation that included training in case of a fire and burns. One thing I learned was that severe burns mean a slow, lingering and extremely painful death. Heche’s burns were described as “horrible” and I knew immediately that she would soon be dead, despite initial (and now clearly inaccurate reports) that she would get better and would spend week recovering. There is no surviving such injuries, and the sooner she died, the sooner her excruciating pain would end.

Keep in mind that she was inside a burning car for a very extended period of time before firefighters could reach her. It was a wonder she was still alive when they pulled her out, but it would have been better for her if she had died upon impact.

One of the photos in the Daily Mail UK articles showed Heche with a bottle of vodka tucked next to her gear shift. Combined with the drugs in her system, she was as high as a kite.

Years ago I was stationed at an overseas military base at which there were four to five deaths each year due to auto accidents, and nearly every one involved alcohol. (Ironically one involved the sober “designated driver” who was not drunk, but had been up since 6 a.m., worked all day, gone out with five friends to party at a nightspot, and as they were heading home on the dark roads the driver, tired from many hours awake and then spending the evening in a smoke-filled bar, fell asleep at the wheel, went off the road and killed one of his sleeping passengers.) Booze, drugs and cars are a bad combination.

Hollywood stars, to include faded ones, are not immune to foolish acts that kill average people. Actor Paul Walker of “Fast and Furious” fame also died in a fiery crash. It can happen, and it can happen to any of us.

1 year ago

Here is another similar story. Cousin was not vaccinated. Became ill with regular flu like symptoms nothing special. She became scared because the covid lie is portrayed with the same symptoms and each and every death in the universe had covid 19 as its cause. She went to the hospital with just the flu. Got tested with a test which is a total fraud and sure enough They said she got covid and They got to keep her there for “treatment “( which means you will be killed in their upside down world). Two days later the murderer ( doctor) said They discovered that her kidneys where not working well but that she cannot be placed in the kidney unit before she got cured from the non existing c19 virus. They then put her on a ventilator and two days after that event she was dead. The cause of death according to the house of death (hospital) was c19. That was determined without an autopsy. Could it not have been kidney failure since They also discovered her kidneys had a problem two days after she had been in the house of death (hospital) ( remember she did not went to the house of death for kidney problems). Anyways the house of death (hospital ) recieved their money from who for writing down c19 as the cause of death. The chief murderer with the funny name doctor recieved his blood money for coordinating the execution of this murder and the cabal was one human closer to their depopulation goal and to their AIM to sow terror on this planet. This story is from 1 year ago. She was just someone on this planet. Not a celebrity so it all is taken care of in a Nice and quite way. That is the story of my cousin (54 years old) . We live in south america. The day of reckoning will come though and it will be brutal. It has to. But these murderers deserve nothing less. No mercy from me. There was nothing wrong with my cousin. She just got scared because of the c19 lies and having the flu herself and not being vaccinated. You have read how it went. So no mercy from me. Have a great day. overhere it is a beatiful sunny day. Cousin could have enjoyed it as well. But as it goes for all things. It is what it is. Take care.

1 year ago
Reply to  Longrider

Happened to my neighbor. His wife even tried to save him. Her husband injured his back and mandatory testing at admission said he has covid. With no symptoms. They wanted to put him on the remdesivir but they both said no. Turns out they double dosed him with the off brand anyway and he quickly died after several days of begging for food and water and then going unconscious and put on oxygen. She was locked out of his room and the ward but when she finally just said screw it and broke into the ward she was literally banging on his door as he flatlined. Nearly got arrested.

Karen Christy
Karen Christy
1 year ago
Reply to  Candace

A friend of mine is too traumatized to speak of the husband that she lost, but from what she has said, it sounds like this is what happened to him, too. He was a vehemently anti-vax triple-boarded physician for whom medicine had been a second career. He had first been a PhD, a virologist for the DoD. He was a brilliant, humble, extraordinarily kind man – a gifted carpenter, a voracious reader, a classicist and so riotously funny. His widow says that in the early days in the hospital, he was begging for medications that he knew would work, but all he got was 6mg. dexamethasone 3x daily. My own anti-vax dr. says that that dose does nothing. Eventually, he became brain damaged and died. He would’ve celebrated his 57th birthday later this month. At first, I had hesitated to say that he was killed. Now, I have NO qualms about calling it what it was – murder.

1 year ago
Reply to  Karen Christy

57?!? For the love of God, he had so many more years ahead. He was the kind of doctor that we need alive. I’d rather be in a jail then a hospital. I never thought I would say that but I have more of a chance coming out alive from jail.

Virginia Potocki
Virginia Potocki
1 year ago
Reply to  Karen Christy

This is exactly what they did to my sister last year who was an immunology specialist. She contracted Covid, (we are all strongly anti-vaxx) the doctor sent her home and several days later she was rushed to big sky hospital by my brother-in-law who is a transplant surgeon. Big Sky transported her to Bozeman Montana where they refused to let my brother-in-law into the hospital and pushed Remdesivir and the vent. She died alone, four days after her 62nd birthday. I consider these people cold blooded murderers. They only allowed my brother-in-law into the room in the last few moments before she passed. I have lost all faith in medical science and I’m from a family of five generations of medical professionals who practiced medicine the right way. Money is not why you go into medicine. Practicing medicine is about saving lives not earning 30 pieces of silver!

Last edited 1 year ago by Virginia Potocki
1 year ago

“She contracted Covid”

I’m sorry about your sister but every time I hear of someone contracting covid I can’t help wondering how that conclusion was reached. We all know the flu and common cold magically disappeared in the age of Convid, and misdiagnosis isn’t a rarity either.

The CDC used PCR under an EUA to “test” for covid for over a year before withdrawing it at the end of Dec. 2021 because they claimed they’d just realized it couldn’t distinguish between the flu and covid after more than year of misusing it. Regardless, PCR is an amplification tool, it was never meant to be used as a diagnostic, so their real reason for “testing” is anyone’s guess. It also means that over a years worth of data showing “covid cases and infections” with the PCR being misused as a diagnostic tool is 100% worthless, meaningless, yet no one bats an eyelash. Further, SARS-CoV-2 has yet to be isolated and purified, as doctors Thomas Cowan, Andrew Kaufman and David Rasnick have attested, so what exactly are people being tested for and what’s being done with that material? Who knows.

1 year ago
Reply to  Candace

I know one person who supposedly died of “covid”. A customer of mine named Mike. We had a pretty good relationship and talked often. He was very anti-vax, very conservative and very religious, father of 5, age 50. In June, 2021 he went on a fishing trip to Cabo with some friends and when he came back in early July I saw him for the last time, and he looked great and was very happy. A month later, I learned that he had “died from Covid”. Apparently he came down with symptoms, and checked himself in to a hotel to quarantee from his family. After a week or two there, he went to the hospital was put on a ventilator and died shortly after. I wish I had know, I would have bought him Ivermectin and HCQ to his hotel and saved his life.

1 year ago
Reply to  Longrider

Yes, I have heard other stories exactly like your story. It sounds like they gave her remdesivir. It causes organ failure, and the kidneys are the first to go. I don’t know if this is true in your county, but in the United States, hospitals were paid to give remdesivir. I’m sure hospital administration knows exactly that they are murdering for money, but what is truly shocking is the number of people (rank and file employees) who will go along with the killing not to make waves, out if cowardice, or to keep their jobs. The Milgram experiment, I think understated how high that number would be …or maybe people were a little more ethical back then. I remember a few years back when the MSM was trying to discredit the Milgram experiment. Perhaps the globalists did this because they knew a huge Milgram experiment was on the horizon, and they didn’t want people making connections.

I’m shaking my head at how folks smart enough not to take the Jonestown jab, are still dumb enough to voluntary enter the Killing Fields.

Linda N
1 year ago
Reply to  Kris

As I sit here typing this, I probably have Covid, (although I have no instant anti-body tests on hand and don’t really care to). Or at the very least have a nasty cold or flu. My husband got sick first and I got sick soon after. Fever (not too high), cough, exhaustion, loss of appetite, cannot taste my food, etc. If this is covid, and I believe it might be, I have had much worse, believe me. Getting through it with a bunch of vitamins and herbs, and I have no intention of going to a hospital. I had upped my stash of supplements to take if I ever caught it, and am getting through whatever I’ve got just fine. The first couple of days were the hardest but my stash starting helping me right from the get go. TPTB have blown this thing totally out of proportion to scare people into taking their death jabs.

Just me.
Just me.
1 year ago
Reply to  Linda N

Ivermectin cures the symptoms.

1 year ago
Reply to  Linda N

Good for you! Will keep you and your husband in my prayers.

1 year ago
Reply to  Kris

They do it just the same where i live. They Remdesevir you. It is a who protocol when one is diagnosed with something which not has been proven to exist. (C19). It is murder.

1 year ago
Reply to  Kris

A family friends wife (71) died that way, was recovering from the man made virus in a hospital in Fla. She was un-jabbed and not vented, but they did give her (run-death is near) Was going to be released then suddenly died.

1 year ago
Reply to  Longrider

Such horrible deaths these poor people endure! Anyone that works in a hospital that goes along with these deadly protocols has blood on their hands. I don’t care what department they work in. They all talk to each other and are well aware of the genocide. These morons pretend to be so smart when they are just puppets for Big Harma. What sad life’s they all must live but judgement day will be much sadder.

The Ogs
The Ogs
1 year ago
Reply to  Longrider

“She just got scared because of the c19 lies and having the flu herself and not being vaccinated.”
Yikes – so she went to the hospital? Oh my. There’s your (fatal) mistake right there…

1 year ago
Reply to  Longrider

What an incredibly sad story as are all the other ones on this thread. And after killing these un-jabbed patients and saying they died of the supposed c19 they will then have more stats to say “see, it’s the “unvaccinated” who die”. Lord, help us. They are so evil.

Not woke
Not woke
1 year ago

If doctors, hospitals, and pharma are lying about vaccines, what else are they lying about? Do these self-proclaimed healthcare heroes even know how to speak the truth or is it a mangled heap of self-interest?

1 year ago
Reply to  Not woke

I suspect all “medical advice” we have ever been given is a lie to some extent. In particular, regarding food. Everything they tell us not to eat, we probably should be eating. For example, fats. For years we were told to avoid animal fats at all costs, in favor of fats that come from nuts and seeds. Hmm..

I even have my suspicions about smoking. For decades now, we’ve been told smoking will kill you, causes cancer, etc. But what if the opposite is true? I know that sounds crazy and we definitely shouldn’t be trusting big tobacco, but think about it: these are the same people who are pushing the deadly shots now, telling us not to smoke. How many times have we heard stories of healthy young people who ‘didn’t smoke,’ coming down with stage 4 lung cancer?

I’m not promoting or advocating smoking; I’m just thinking out loud. Why should the same medical complex who is killing everyone now, be trusted in regard to “tried and true” medical advice?

1 year ago
Reply to  ElleWyn

Question everything. In my long journey away from globalist narrative propaganda, using sun screen was the last thing to go, for me. Vitamin D from the sun prevents all cancers. Sunscreen causes cancer. I began keeping a permanent tan in 2011. Have not been sick since then.

1 year ago
Reply to  Kris

I believe this as well. You don’t hear about cancers from people who live in sunny areas around the world. Especially what is considered third world countries. I’ve been saying this for years and most people think I’m crazy, but I stopped the sunscreen back in the late 80’s.

1 year ago
Reply to  ElleWyn

I agree. It’s funny, I’ve been thinking of taking up smoking in my old age, after not having smoked in my youth. The American Indians were/are very smart and they partook.

1 year ago
Reply to  ElleWyn

I can tell you that nuts and oilseeds are very healthy, but ONLY if you soak them, or else it will destroy your health. It removes most of the phytic acid and help make minerals more available to your body.

I’m telling you this by experience, because I switched my diet to at least 60% raw foods with a lot of nuts (mostly cashew for me) since 2014 because big pharma destroyed my health with their chemicals, and I tested with and without soaking.

1 year ago
Reply to  Julien

They may be healthy IF prepared properly, but they are still much higher in inflammatory Omega 6, when we actually need a higher ratio of Omega 3, which mainly comes from pasture raised animal foods/wild caught fish.

listen to your soul
listen to your soul
1 year ago
Reply to  ElleWyn

Everyone has a sixth sense, an intuition, but most choose not to listen to it. They have been brainwashed to listen to “experts”. You know what your body needs. You know when you need carrots, water and a big slab of cheese. You know when you suddenly crave chicken soup or orange juice a cold is probably festering….

1 year ago
Reply to  ElleWyn

Seed oils, i.e. ‘vegetable oils’ are the biggest cause of disease today, because they are loaded with omega-6, mostly linoleic acid, which causes inflammation. Historically, diets contained omega-3 and omega-6 in a ratio of 1:1, but nowadays, with the misinformation about saturated/animal fats/cholesterol causing heart disease, the promotion of seed oils has caused that ratio to increase to as much as 1:25 in some people’s diets.

Linked to this, it is likely that the upsurge in dementia has been caused by a lowering of cholesterol in the population. Cholesterol has been shown to be protective to the brain.

Rach M
Rach M
1 year ago
Reply to  ElleWyn

I totally get what you mean!! In fact, I have said the same to my husband. What if cigarettes are not all that bad? From my personal experience, I had less problems when I was smoking. Shortly after quitting, I gained weight, suffered joint pains, started clenching (till I lost dental bone, and to this day, I still have dental issues), developed weird rashes (my eczema worsened) and a whole host of other problems. They may not be related to smoking but I know my life before cigarettes was definitely better physically.

Also, most people I know who had lung cancer never smoked and most smokers I know lived till old age without cancer. My own grandmother died at 95 and she smoked her whole life (died of pneumonia).

I am also not advocating smoking but like I said to my husband, I feel less healthy after quitting and that is my experience.

Julia Parry
Julia Parry
1 year ago
Reply to  Rach M

I think you are on to something. All my parents’ friends smoked — yet none died from lung cancer or any cancer come to that. They were a lot happier and healthier than middle aged people are now. It’s interesting how relentlessly the governments worldwide tried to stamp put smoking. All we have now is an obese, sickly, depressed population with very poor mental health.

1 year ago
Reply to  Not woke

Self-interest and wilful ignorance.

John McClane
John McClane
1 year ago

Good riddance to an LGBT pervert.

Hate Them With A Perfect Hatred
Hate Them With A Perfect Hatred
1 year ago
Reply to  John McClane

It wasn’t long ago (1970’s I believe) that homosexuals were classified as mentally ill. This is obvious to most of us even today. Their insanity crops up in various types of sick behavior, not just sexual perversion. In this case, it manifsted itself as a callous disregard for human life by driving like a maniac in a residential area.

L Garwood
1 year ago

After a severe head trauma (including neurosurgery!), much of the damage occurs as a result of post traumatic brain swelling. Brain swelling worsens and reaches its peak on about the third day after injury. Usually it resolves (if the patient survives) at about day 7-10.

This is why brain death should not be assessed on day 3 after an injury — that is when the swelling is at its worst.

Albumin is a protein in the bloodstream which acts an an osmotic agent inhibiting brain swelling. My understanding is that Ms. Heche suffered significant body burns which would cause much serum loss — along with albumin loss. Such a loss would aggravate brain swelling over time. Ms. Heche’s post traumatic care would be extremely complex; and only aggravated if there were unknown social pharmaceuticals on board.

It’s heartbreaking to see someone survive a head injury with consciousness, and then slip into a coma and death as a result of brain swelling. If we had a solution to this, we could save a large number of lives.

Thanks for your reporting. You are doing a great job. I can’t wait until the publication of your book. I hope you are selling autographed copies as well!

1 year ago
Reply to  L Garwood

Good information. I also wondered about damage from smoke inhalation.

L Garwood
L Garwood
1 year ago
Reply to  kriss

Apparently, that IS the official cause of death now.

1 year ago

The gal was in a burning house for an extremely long time. Had burns across much her body. Which can maybe explain why she was animated one moment and then had such a health decline. Burns are tricky, and any number of complications can happen in the healing/treatment stage. But overall this ladies life was wild.

#FBA Sasha
#FBA Sasha
1 year ago

I’m kind of done with celebrities. But the Benjamin Gord story is horrifying and now might explain a death in my family. My (non-vaccinated) cousin was in a car accident last year (September 2021). She was stuck in the car until medics got there because it was turned upside down, but she was able to call me from her phone. She said her leg was probably broken, but otherwise felt fine. She sounded fine. She even laughed a little when I told a joke about her driving.

The hospital said she had COVID two days later and gave her a vaccine against her will. The next day, she was on a ventilator. The next day, she was brain dead and they called the death a brain injury. And they harvested her organs after receiving permission from her ex-husband, and not her mother, father or any of her brothers and sisters. I mean, is this like a script that doctors follow? I hate this world.

Karen Christy
Karen Christy
1 year ago
Reply to  #FBA Sasha

I’m so deeply sorry for your loss.

1 year ago
Reply to  #FBA Sasha

TERRIBLE!! What a horrible death!!

Linda N
1 year ago
Reply to  #FBA Sasha

So sorry for your loss! This being able to give vaxxes against one’s will scares the hell out of me! I agree with you. I too hate this world.

1 year ago
Reply to  #FBA Sasha

Exes should not have that kind of power. Her family should sue.

1 year ago
Reply to  #FBA Sasha

Very sorry for your loss. Another horrific story.

Jean Lebon
Jean Lebon
1 year ago
Reply to  #FBA Sasha

What a horrible sorry! Sorry to read about your loss.

I am surprised though. Aren’t you able to reject specific treatments (in the US, I suppose)? It’s in the Nuremberg code after all… We can here in the UK, if you are conscious. If you are not, your consent is assumed.

However, we are automatically opted in for organ donations and have to opt out manually, which most people don’t bother doing and many don’t even know they are opted in as the law is recent (2020).The practice is highly dubious ethically as someone needs to be alive for their organs to be harvested – organs from dead people are of use to no one. Who knows how many people would wake up from their supposed brain death if they had been kept alive longer?

Frank S.
Frank S.
1 year ago

When Heche sat up on the gurney, she wasn’t wearing an oxygen mask. So, that makes the whole “destroyed lungs, brain damage” line questionable. However, her feet, legs and back appeared badly burned. Its my understanding a severely burned patient can seem lucid, but days later lapse into critical and die as their body is too overwhelmed to heal.

1 year ago
Reply to  Frank S.

“When Heche sat up on the gurney, she wasn’t wearing an oxygen mask.”

You’re correct. She already should have had an IV line placed, an oxygen non-rebreather mask placed, neck collar & backboard placed, and should been accompanied by at least 2 paramedics & 2 EMT’s while loading into the transport, who also would have been treating her WHILE she was still trapped in the car.

I’m assuming the Cooper she was driving wasn’t electric, in which case, a single 1.5″ hoseline would have been able to suppress any flames & smoldering fairly quickly, granting access to the Medics & EMTs. A 2nd or 3rd hoseline may have been pulled to protect neighboring structures.

She should NOT have been completely covered with a paper blanket.

The whole thing is sketchy AF.

Frank S.
Frank S.
1 year ago
Reply to  Kiel

They possibly may have wanted to wait to give oxygen until away from the fire scene (in driveway, street)? It didn’t seem immediately necessary for survival.

1 year ago
Reply to  Frank S.

I didn’t see any skin peeling off nor cuts or tears on her back. It looked a bit reddish like a sunburn – so first degree burn.

1 year ago

My father died January 20, 1997, in a hospital, six days after emergency back surgery, and about 15 minutes after a radioactive dye injection for a test, a gallium scan if memory serves.

“What’s he doing in a chair, he’s supposed to be on a gurney,”, my sister and mother remember a nurse saying, just before he had a pulmonary embolism and died.

The hospital bill for the six day stay, and everything if memory serves, was $11,500 (1997).

Some months after, I called the hospital under the auspices of wanting to know how much my father’s organ donations helped people. It put me in touch with one of their volunteers who handled such requests. She told me how many people his limited eye, skin, and femur marrow donations helped. Because of the PE and the radioactive dye, those reportedly were the only organ donations taken.

I further requested to know if the hospital ‘was able to benefit financially’ from his donations. The volunteer woman found out and called me back. For harvesting and handling the organ donations, the hospital benefited to the amount of $47, 000.

Imagine what a body’s organs are worth to the hospital when all or nearly all are harvestable? What is a liver, heart, lung, etc., worth?


I won’t for space but could tell the story of a 24 year old male art museum security guard who went for a hernia surgery and never came back. His only known relative was a brother in Florida not heard from in years. I believe they murdered him for his organs, and this was way back about 2002.


1 year ago
Reply to  george

I have been researching the organ/body trade for years. The average human body parts out $500,000. Even being the beloved host of Masterpiece Theatre for decades, could not be protect Alistair Cook form having his body parted out and sold. I believe that particular funeral home was in New York.

1 year ago

Like a moth to a flame, every vet clinic in my town is staffed with a good measure of pink haired, tattooed, gay, and face-metals technicians. Outwardly, they seem to care and feel for the patient, but my half-century honed discernment tells me otherwise. But, there are just some people who secretly thrive on blood, pain and suffering in others. I make every attempt to be there in person, but sometime overnighters are required. On several occasions my cats have been returned with more emotional trama than makes sense.

So too, others smarter than I, have connected the modern medical systems to sorcery, cockatrices, and allegiances to Apollo the devil, in the very cherished Hippocratic oath. Always a good idea to pray and anoint any person or pet that is going in for “care”.

1 year ago
Reply to  FNFAL

The vet industry is no different than the medical industry. They are just as dangerous to our pets as the “death’ industry is to our loved ones. Many are vegan “NWO” diet and believe they’re saving the planet yet have no problem injecting and administering toxic poison and recommending toxic food to our dogs. My son has a good friend that just became a vet and she told my son that it’s very depressing since they euthanize a large number of dogs. Uhh, yeah. I told my son to encourage her to become a holisitic vet, because then and only then will she be able to truly heal dogs.

what is going on
what is going on
1 year ago
Reply to  FNFAL

You are right to be cautious. It’s a thing called sublimation. Sociopathic People often take certain jobs to have helpless people or animals they can abuse while publicly looking good.

Tom Bombastadillo
Tom Bombastadillo
1 year ago

Of course they killed her with the ventilator because the government pays them a ton of money to put people on ventilators. Free money for nothing.

Murder One.

1 year ago

I have no sympathy for any celebrity that croaks it because they were silent during the past few years regarding the scamdemic. The past few years has proven how useless these so called “stars” are.

We don’t need them. All part of the bread and circuses package you get when you waste your life in a crap job, and live outside of that same crap job as a joe normie.

Useless oxygen thieving, cabalist whores.

I can’t stand watching anymore of these hacks on the big screen anymore (and I used to be a big film buff).

“I’m a human being dammit! My life has value!” – Network (1976)

And yes I see the irony with the above quote.

Choose life. Choose taking a first vaccine. Choose then taking a second vaccine. Then a third. Choose to not question why your fucking leg is missing after taking the 3rd vaccine Choose not to question why your friend died suddenly after sitting upright in a chair while fast asleep on the tv. Choose to blame it all on long covid. Or it that’s not it then climate change. Choose continuing to rot yourself away while getting more vaccines that make big pharma richer while you’re sicker and poorer because you have to pay medical bills from your vaccine injury and can’t work so you need a wageslave carer to come in and look after you because hubby croaked it after going for a wee swim in a Spanish hotel swimming pool. Choose blaming it all on antivaxxers while posting on whatever anti social media trapping device about your condition and living the rest of your life on validation, positive affirmations and depression because you were a moron with no brains who didn’t question why it taking a vaccine that paralyzed a 12 year old girl (not to mention killing /murdering people during the trails) was such a good idea.

And for the sequel (Prosthetic leg spotting where it’s set in 2029)

Choose then regretting it all years later. Choose apologizing to the antivaxxers who tried to save your life. Choose getting rid of all bread and circus claptraps. Choose Jesus. Choose the real church. Choose not wanting to eat bugs. Choose wanting to own private property. Choose wanting to own you’re own body. Choose life.

1 year ago

Looks like Ms. Heche was clawing her way out of a body bag. Was she targeted by 5G bursts to get her to pop up like she did on the stretcher? The experiment continues.

1 year ago

She has a film about sex trafficking coming out apparently so there’s another possible layer to the suspiciousness

1 year ago

Even before the medical establishment sold it’s soul I’d still rather get medical help from a vet – medicine in this country has been on a slow slide for decades.

1 year ago

I didn’t think people who got the mRNA shots were able to donate blood or organs.

1 year ago
Reply to  Susan

I have heard that the Red cross initially said no to vaccinated blood donors shortly after the shots came out but then took that off their website.

1 year ago
Reply to  Susan

In Australia, the jibby-jabbed were initially not allowed to donate blood (all the blood donations here are handled by the Red Cross Blood Service). Then there was “outrage” from the jabbed and they relented. Very unfortunate they did, as our blood supplies are currently fully tainted.

1 year ago
Reply to  Citizen

Not all tainted. The do collect separatelly the unvaxxed blood. They have all the tools – platforms to see your status and probably you also put in the forms.
The pure blood is kept for thee, the priviledged ones
But I guess some people / body manage to clear the tainted blood, some, as it is not like the instructions mrna was injected in you. Also some things in the tainted blood just die if the blood is kept enough out of the spike protein factory – the injected human. Is a theory but makes some sense

1 year ago
Reply to  Maria

Well, yes, you make a certain point Maria. But what about graphene?

Con-vid 1984
Con-vid 1984
1 year ago
Reply to  Maria

Your theory is flawed. The mRNA technology being kept in a blood bag is no different than a vial. Once it enters a human body, that person will be indirectly vaccinated.

1 year ago

Ok I am going to go there. They can control your car. They rolled her out looking like a dead body. They didn’t expect her to sit up like that “alive” and on camera. If she hadn’t done that it the headline would have been died at the scene. So instead she is first at the hospital “stable” and within a day she is on a ventilator and brain dead…no oxygen to her brain. Maybe she said too much or it was a message to other stars.

Scary times
Scary times
1 year ago
Reply to  Rox

It’s very strange that there were two of these out of control car accidents in the same area. Anne and that Nurse who took out 6 people. Both of their cars totally out of control for no apparent reason.

1 year ago
Reply to  Scary times

There was also a female Republican senator who was up for reelection in November. Her car some how ended up driving head on into another car. That happened a week or 2 ago.

Hate Them With A Perfect Hatred
Hate Them With A Perfect Hatred
1 year ago

This woman seemed like she was demon possessed, driving like a maniac at high speeds through residential areas where she’s lucky she didn’t kill anyone besides herself. One less scumbag with no concern for the lives or safety of others is now gone from this world. GOOD RIDDANCE.

1 year ago

She wasn’t burned up thats just the msm narrative!! She was alive and maybe not well but to me looking at her car speeding dwn the road reminds me of Paul Walkers car when he crashed. I truly think she was to be sacrificed and it didn’t pan out the way the elites had planned! She lived so now lets off her! Dang this is just heartbreaking if they did get rid of her!! i call bs reguardless!

The Ogs
The Ogs
1 year ago

My cousins in Atlanta won’t talk with me anymore! We grew up in the 1960s and dutifully took all our injections back then when immunology was still considered ‘miraculous’. They sprang to the front of the lines when covid inoculation was first announced. And they believe they have been vaxxinated (just like the 1960s). It’s very sad.
Then I hear my cousin needs an operation on his heart? Uh huh (probably just coincidence).
Last I heard they’re all still waking up in the morning. I guess.
I might have also mentioned that their government in Washington appears to be an enormous criminal organization.
But hey I just calls things as I sees ’em… and they’re not used to that at all.

1 year ago
Reply to  The Ogs

Congrats on remaining a Pureblood. Respect to you. We have suffered discrimination, loss of family ties, spouses, children, jobs, businesses. You made the right decision, and the unvaxxed should support one another. Do not try to change their minds, but support each other. We need outreach of like minded people in our communities.

Injections were different then, in the 1960’s. They were not Emergency Use poison. There is no covid-19 vaccine, I don’t know what these people are taking, but it is not a vaccine.

1 year ago

Excellent piece, once again, Brian!

Frank DiGorgio
Frank DiGorgio
1 year ago

I could absolutely care less for Anne Heche. I feel sorry for the lady who lost her house and all belongings thanks to drugged Heche. Hope the lady sues her estate for damages.

1 year ago

I read that Ms. Heche was working on a project called the passion project which is a film about human trafficking before she died suddenly. No doubt a factor in her passing…

1 year ago

INSIDER: In spite of her unique and questionable lifestyle, choices; she had a few lingering morals, and,…..was about to assist in taking down and/or exposing more Hollywood pedo players. She “had” apparent evidence and first hand exposure. Problem is, she talked to and or trusted the wrong person,…going back to her “choices” of whom she mingled with, and in Hollywood, word gets around. Someone thought it’s in the best interest of many just deal with the wave before a tidal wave hits. And all that’s left of a somewhat troubled woman is conspiracy, speculation and unresolved agenda. RIP Anne.

1 year ago
Reply to  Marty

wow. You hear about others being silenced or receiving death threats in Hollywood. It must be rampant! I never would have thought that Producer Harvey Weinstein was really doing what he was doing, all while making some decent movies-?!.. I also think the LGBT+ gang has some aggressive elements (esp. lately!)-?!!… They didn’t like a very successful, public “defector” like Anne Heche, although she was very kind to all types of people, in general. :/

1 year ago

I would highly recommend that anyone following this story go back and look at the interviews done with “Lynne Mishelle.” It appears that that person is very likely Anne Heche. Definitely a dead ringer. Coincidence? This “death” seems to be another phony show, similar to the David Bowie scenario, and many others in the Hollywood community. It just gets more outrageous and in your face with every day that passes.

1 year ago
Reply to  Susan

The short video clip in which the “vicitm” appears to sit up is haunting. I put nothing past this rotting communist hole. remember Forrestal? Scalia? What honorable, decent nation allows a SEATED SCOTUS judge to be “disappeared” w/o a autopsy? The Central Bank Clan must roar with laughter every time we sit silently while they “do their thing”.

1 year ago

good observation on ventilator! didn’t think about that.

1 year ago

If I wanted to create a zombie or Frankenstein monster I would first subject my living victims to the COVID protocol. No matter how you die make sure you get cremated. Revelation 9: During those days men will seek death, but will not find it; they will long to die, but death will elude them. 

leslie landberg
leslie landberg
1 year ago

They do all this killing for the organs. They do not screen for disease, contrary to the bullshit propaganda. Anyone walking through the doors of a hospital is a walking blank check for $1.5 million. A heart alone, in any condition, is worth half a million. If they can, any hospital at ALL, including non profits and children’s hospitals will carve you up like a turkey while you are ALIVE AND CONSCIOUS. If you’re black or brown, elderly or a John Doe, you’re dead meat. Hospitals operate at increasingly slender margins! This is a 100% profit stream for them. Most of the COVID victims who the good doctors killed with their treatments like Remdesivir, were sliced open for their organs while still alive and rapidly cremated. NO autopsies by the coroner were allowed and there were strict orders for immediate cremation. IMO the reason that one guy woke up is because they were assuming he was in a coma and they need to flush the drugs out of you before they cut you open. That takes a few hours. He was basically preslabbed. Several people have woken up on the killing room table.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x