Caroline Rothstein: 38-year-old triple-vaxxed New York poet blames lax masking, Pfizer’s Paxlovid for her new “COVID-19 symptoms with a vengeance”
May 10, 2022

Ms. Caroline Rothstein.

BROOKLYN — A 38-year-old poet and writer for, among others, Cosmopolitan and The Guardian, is unwilling to face reality as her health continually declines.

Ms. Caroline Rothstein is a believer in all things COVID-19. She is a Twitter “blue check,” best known for her slam poetry. She often writes and speaks about masturbation, orgasms, and being Jewish. Ms. Rothstein uses a lot of vulgar language and hyper-feminist, made-up words like “cishetpatriarchial world” in her poetry. The following, published on Instagram in April 2021, is from a slam poem called “A Blessing For My Clitoris After I Cum.”

Another one of Ms. Rothstein’s slam poems is called “To All the Boys I’ve Fucked Before.”

Ms. Rothstein is the daughter of Mr. Steven Rothstein, a wealthy Bear Stearns stockbroker. He is best known for purchasing a lifetime pass (a “golden ticket”) for first class flights on American Airlines in 1987. Mr. Rothstein paid $250,000 (about $633,000 adjusted for inflation today) to fly first-class forever. Two years later, in 1989, he added a companion pass for another $150,000 ($347,000 today). A total of 65 millionaires took advantage of the offer until it was discontinued in 2004.

RELATED: Nate Bronstein: 15-year-old Chicago high school student commits suicide after relentless bullying for false rumor of being non-vaccinated (April 29, 2022)


But after accumulating over 30 million flight miles from 1989 to 2008, American Airlines terminated his golden ticket, citing fraudulent behavior related to the companion pass. But the real reason was that the pass was a bad idea from the beginning. It cost American Airlines upwards of $23 million in lost revenue from Rothstein alone. Caroline Rothstein wrote about her dad’s semi-famous frequent flyer adventures in a 2019 Guardian article.

Ms. Rothstein has toured the United States performing her slam poetry since at least 2019. Most of her shows were online in 2020 and 2021 due to the so-called pandemic. That’s where the story picks up.

Vaxx zealotry and extreme denial

Ms. Rothstein received her first mRNA injection on April 22, 2021, according to her Twitter account.

She received the second shot on May 13, 2021. The announcement was contained in a long thread about depression and being Jewish.

Ms. Rothstein reported being “knocked out in bed” after the second injection, in yet another Twitter thread about being Jewish.

She received her booster injection sometime in November or December.

Ms. Rothstein reported that she was sick with so-called COVID-19 on April 26, 2022. She partially blamed being unmasked. Ms. Rothstein also indicated, despite being triple-vaxxed, she was taking Pfizer’s anti-viral drug Paxlovid. The FDA authorized the drug for emergency use as a COVID-19 treatment in December.

Ms. Rothstein is very confused as to why she has so-called COVID since she’s triple-vaxxed, boosted and “was extremely cautious and mask compliant.” The entire thread is 10 tweets long, talking about how she already had COVID, and how the world is an oppressive game of “COVID Roulette.”

She reported that her symptoms worsened two days later, April 28.

The next day, April 29, Ms. Rothstein directed more blame at Paxlovid.

A week later, On May 6, Ms. Rothstein reported that she “relapsed with COVID” and has a cast of new symptoms “with a vengeance.” She continued blaming Paxlovid for her deteriorating health.

Several Twitter users asked her why she took Paxlovid if she was already fully vaccinated and boosted. But she did not answer any of said queries. Interestingly Ms. Rothstein, citing journalistic integrity, said she’s only anecdotally connecting her illness with Paxlovid because “I cannot spread misinformation without 100% evidence.”

We’ll update this story in due course.

Blame everything except the holy serum

Ms. Rothstein posted a mainstream media article about numerous other people reporting severe adverse reactions to Paxlovid. But of course the FDA concluded that people should still take the $530 per five-day course of the drug when prescribed by their doctors. It appears that Ms. Rothstein feels that since mainstream media are somewhat constructively criticizing the new Pfizer drug, then she has permission to do so as well.

It’s unclear which mRNA injections Ms. Rothstein received. But she literally blamed everything from improper masking and global oppression, to the “politicization of science” for her rapidly-declining health. It’s as if her brain will not even allow her to fathom the idea that the mRNA injections have compromised her immune system. Long gone are the days of chicken soup and orange juice for vaxx zealots. Three experimental injections, experimental Paxlovid, and denial is the standard treatment protocol when one is feeling under the weather.

Meanwhile, Israel reported 26 “COVID-19 related deaths” for the week ending April 2. Twenty of said deaths (77%) were people who received two or more of the injections. Only six were non-vaccinated.  The trend has been consistent in Israel throughout 2022. It is also on par with New South Wales, Australia data. The country’s largest state was publishing weekly so-called COVID-19 death numbers since at least the beginning of 2022. But it stopped in late April due to every week showing 70%+ of all COVID-19 deaths being vaxxed and/or boosted people.

RELATED: Tracey Spicer: 54-year-old triple-vaxxed Australian television personality blames “long COVID” for her pericarditis, deteriorating health (April 27, 2022)


COVID-19 and “long COVID” are now code words for vaccine adverse effects and deaths. But don’t bother trying to show and tell vaxx zealots this undeniable truth. “Da Nile” is the longest river in the world. But proud Brazilian scientists are in “denial,” claiming that the Amazon River is the longest in the world. Whether it’s “da Nile” or “denial,” humanity cannot escape this hard-wired coping mechanism during the most powerful human psy-op in history.

Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


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2 years ago

I dislike anyone getting duped into taking these vaxxes and suffering from the side effects of them. But I can’t drum up any sympathy for her and other vaxx zealots/covidiots. Hate filled, trash spewing people. Karma is a b-tch and it’s coming for them.

J Far
J Far
2 years ago

I love the tweet from the guy saying that if 5 days of Paxlovid doesn’t work, let’s bump it to 10. These folks just keep doubling down, are they ever going to wake up?

Tom Bombastadillo
Tom Bombastadillo
2 years ago
Reply to  J Far

It’s another $530 bucks for the pusherman.

2 years ago
Reply to  J Far

I think this “poet” is too far gone to wake up ……at least not on this earthly plane. When they get as degenerate as she is, they are way too far gone to exercise any kind of logic or reasonableness. I don’t have any feelings one way or another about her plight, but my hunch is someone will be happy when she finally bites the dust.

2 years ago

I lived in NYC for 14 years and I can tell you that people like Ms. Rothstein are plentiful. I couldn’t bring myself to watch the clips including, “To all the Boys I’ve F***ed Before”. To me, that type of stuff is not art. On FB, I have an acquaintance, early 50s, who has Bells Palsy. (He lived and worked in NYC for a long time.) My guess is it’s a booster reaction, similar to Governor Newsom of CA, but this acquaintance won’t even consider that it’s the vax. I gave myself a lot of credit for simply reading then not commenting. People don’t want to hear the truth and if you attempt to tell them the truth, then you’re the bad person because you’re bursting their bubble. Everyone needs to figure it out for themselves. COVID is the new religion so people like Ms. Rothstein will probably stick to her belief system no matter what.

2 years ago
Reply to  Christine

I guess she’s not Jewish but now a branch Covidian. Lol

steve Brown
2 years ago
Reply to  Annie

Idolatry is a disease the Jews have been plagued with for over 5 thousand years.

The Ogs
The Ogs
2 years ago
Reply to  Christine

“I gave myself a lot of credit for simply reading then not commenting.”
Oh me too! Thank you for mentioning that.
The Old School says ‘if you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all.’ This can be more challenging than I thought…

2 years ago
Reply to  The Ogs

Yes. I’ve starting giving myself credit for when I don’t say anything (when I really want to) verses the occasional instance when I do, which in reality does no good. I do pick and choose. If it’s in person and a friend, I might say something, but I do my best to not engage in FB and Twitter arguments. It goes nowhere.

David Robertson
David Robertson
2 years ago
Reply to  The Ogs

Telling someone the truth may offend but it is not offensive. It is after all intended to help them. If written online it may not reach the intended audience but it may help others who read it. Withholding vital information may do more harm than good.

2 years ago
Reply to  Christine

I’m still in nyc, Manhattan to be exact and yes most of the people here are like her. Most if not all New Yorkers are allergic to truth, including my gf for 6 years. She’s a nurse and refuses to hear me out on anything that involves facts and real scientific data. It’s really bizarre. I’ve lived in communism and I’ve never seen this level of brainwashing

Last edited 2 years ago by CK10
2 years ago
Reply to  Christine

I wasn’t watching that video of her ‘art’ either, just knowing that there was live footage made me cringe.

Grace Napoli
Grace Napoli
2 years ago
Reply to  betticus

There was no reason to watch it, having already read the trash she wrote above that. It’s clear she is a vile, deranged, sexually degenerate pig. I needed no further proof.

2 years ago

From what I can see this was a vile and repulsive person before getting jacked up with mRNA injections. And all downhill from there for her. Her voice is a waste of energy.

Tom Bombastadillo
Tom Bombastadillo
2 years ago

The warthog princess has received more ‘cishetpatriarchal privilege’ in her life than all of The COVID Blog’s readers put together.

Now drowning in Da Nile. Goodbye and good riddance.

The Ogs
The Ogs
2 years ago

“…her brain will not even allow her to fathom the idea that the mRNA injections have compromised her immune system.”
Yup. I just can’t say it any better than this…
More and more of these unfortunates over the next six months to a year?

2 years ago

Can someone really be this obtuse? I don’t think so.

2 years ago
Reply to  Dawna

Personal observation here is that it makes people all the more stupid on a dose dependant basis.

2 years ago

Not only has the world population been shaken up by these jabs, but also the measurements that we’ve used to determine intelligence. Now, when hearing prefaces like Dr., Professor, etc., instead of being in awe, I’m wondering if that person has been jabbed. SAT tests, Mensa, Harvard grad, Tournament of Jeopardy Champ…all obsolete measures of intelligence in my book. I actually do a mental yawn now.
And, I’m constantly amazed at the variety of people I’ve come across who haven’t taken the jab…the latest being my young, physical therapist. Just an ordinary girl. Standing firm.
And this woman who was jabbed, and is now jab-ill and is in denial…her plight reminds me of the Bible verse ‘Professing to be wise, they became fools…’ This entire passage starting from Roman’s 1:22 is worth a read.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ladyhawke

the Bible should be a mandatory read at all levels of education. My people perish for the lack of knowledge is also another relevant verse. Most of my highly educate and wealthy clients are triple jabbed and quadruple. one of the issues with our society is that we measure people by wealth and titles not common sense.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ladyhawke

Anyone who has not taken the jab is far from ordinary, despite how they look or seem, especially if they are in healthcare. It takes a lot of courage to refuse when everyone around you is getting vaccinated.

Christopher Schulz
Christopher Schulz
2 years ago
Reply to  Ladyhawke

And I am reminded of Rev:13

When the Ark is discovered in Yemen then it will be revealed

Honey Bee
Honey Bee
2 years ago

She’s a nasty, vulgar person. Too many of them in the world

2 years ago
Reply to  Honey Bee

Not for long, they canceled themselves, it is happening, sooner or later but not too late

2 years ago

“If you can’t say anything nice about someone don’t say anything at all”. My Mom never knew folks like her existed or she wouldn’t have made a rewrite edit.

2 years ago

From Isareli Health Ministry website:
Those vaccinated in Israel

  • Those vaccinated with two doses and at least a week (Pfizer) or two weeks (Moderna and AstraZeneca) have passed since the date of the last vaccination – their status as vaccinated will be valid through six months from the last vaccination.
  • Those vaccinated with three doses and at least a week (Pfizer) or two weeks (Moderna and AstraZeneca) have passed since the date of the last vaccination – their status as vaccinated will be valid through six months from the last vaccination or 31.5.2022, whichever is later.
  • Those vaccinated with four doses – their status as vaccinated will be valid through six months from the last vaccination or 31.5.2022, whichever is later.


Clown World
Clown World
2 years ago

Did she not get the memo from her local rabbi that the shot is meant for goyim only? Alas, the insatiable Synagogue of Satan is going to get blood no matter what, whether from enemies or from their own.

Gunny HiWay
Gunny HiWay
2 years ago
Reply to  Clown World

Her “Rabbi” is wrong.
Masturbation is totally NOT OK in the Jewish bible.
It is referred to as “spilling your seed”.
She is one ignorant POS.

Sin Nombre
Sin Nombre
2 years ago

For someone who abhors this “cishetpatriarchal world” (emphasis on patriarchal), she sure as hell loves to cling to the very patriarchal system of Judaism. Her mental dissonance is unbelievably strong.

2 years ago
Reply to  Sin Nombre

She is part of the Fake Jew Tribe that Yahusha Messiah spoke of in response to the Pharisees being of the Synagogue of Satan…This is the Ashkenazi Tribe not the true Jews from the Tribe of Judah/Abram…

2 years ago
Reply to  Car

Do you think that the true Jews will be revealed soon? If yes, then when and how, and what will happen?

2 years ago

She is yet another lowlife degenerate shilling for this wicked agenda while living out of big daddy’s pockets and revelling in moral decay.

Holding On
Holding On
2 years ago

Another repulsive, morally bankrupt woman peddling vax zealotry and who knows what else. I find it interesting that there seems to be a strong link between the morally bankrupt and the experimental mRNA shot. It’s as though they are looking to validate their existence and fill up the empty spaces in their souls by finding purpose in their new cult. They truly are blind and deceived.

Kim Karma
Kim Karma
2 years ago
Reply to  Holding On

“fill up the empty spaces in their soul”
Unfortunately the new inhabitant will carry an armor of wickedness.

2 years ago

Ms. Rothstein Trusted the Science and took 3 doses of the Jew Poison and is now going down for the count…good riddance to another arrogant stuck up vulgar self-righteous shameless (the worse possible choice that any man can make ) Feminist Vaxx Zealot Cheerleader for Big Pharma & the JWO ( consisting of Gates, Soros, Kissinger, Trump, Rockefeller, Musk, Trudeau, Merkel, Macron and all the other enemies of all Mankind )…let natural selection take its course…I myself actually grew up in New York and know exactly what I am talking about regarding JAPs…Ms. Rothstein, you have a serious case of Stockholm Syndrome and are getting exactly what you deserve and bargained for thru your arrogance and ignorance…in the unlikely event that you might humble yourself, please use your platform to tell your audience not to make the same mistake that you have made…please do at least one thing right…

2 years ago

Ah a typical New York liberal jew. Most of my nyc bank clients are like her. If they know I’m not jabbed they’d lynch me

2 years ago
Reply to  CK10

hey not all jews are jabbed nor would they lynch anyone jabbed or not, but b careful one smart unjabbed jew.

Petra Sarmiento
Petra Sarmiento
2 years ago

“We’ll update this story” the covidblog-about Carol R.-by that time she will be 6 ft below.

2 years ago

The real tragedy is that there are people who buy tickets to see her show.

Anyway, now I am really encouraged to have my next custom printed hoodie :

FRONT : I got Vaxxed.
BACK : Just kidding. I’m not a moron.

That ugly girl, makes the real girls who are sweet and soft-spoken, even more precious than they already are.

Last edited 2 years ago by donthatemetoomuch
2 years ago

The daughter of a rich stockbroker living off daddy’s fortune never having to earn anything complaining about oppression and being a jew, oh the irony!!

2 years ago

These people and the immoral filth they spew are a pox on society. It helps put history in context.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jason

I know some juice who would be equally repulsed by her vulgarity as anyone else who is repulsed by it.

Focusing on one bad segment of a group of people, then extrapolating to the whole group, is neither fair nor the enlightened path to take.

2 years ago

It is many more than you think. Lying to the goyim is allowed in their religion so how do you know who is lying?

Rorshach's Journal
Rorshach's Journal
2 years ago

Let’s just ignore the fact the Talmud tells them it’s okay to treat non-J as animals and to kill them if necessary. How many Js do you know who publicly denounce Z-ism and the Protocols of Z? The amount is so few, that I think your opinion is actually detrimental to society. Look at how many have been killed, maimed and injured by media, pharmaceutical companies run by Js in this pandemic, and you just say “oh, just a small insignificant rogue demographic”. Meanwhile the other Js say “what conspiracy?”. Their silence condemns them.

2 years ago

You have been watching too many videos of Ted Pike and you got stuck on them. Maybe Texe Marrs too.

Last edited 2 years ago by donthatemetoomuch
2 years ago
Reply to  Jason

This liberal addicted to porn vaccine zealot is an insult to conservative Jews worldwide. Don’t call yourself Jewish then. Real Jews such as the ultra orthodox, resisted the covid jabs and lockdowns, and were brutally cracked down by the Israel police.

2 years ago

OMG, is she for real? I am reading and can’t believe my eyes.
So she is one of the people behind the glossy msm, what was presented as the ”aspirational” for women around the world?
Really I can’t believe such a person exists. She is absolutelly incredible in her stupidity/ entitlement/ evilness and something else I cannot put my finger on.
Another lost soul

2 years ago
Reply to  Maria

@Maria: She exists and she is supported by the huge majority of society in her own pathetic “wisdom”.

Lefties R Loozers
Lefties R Loozers
2 years ago
Reply to  Maria

She, however, has no problem putting her finger on it and telling the world. She needs to keep that stuff to herself and her non-binary partner. The left is intent on creating an army of women just like this to drag the nuclear family further into the abyss.

There are some people I care about that got the clot shot, but at this point we have to let the hypodermic needles fall where they may.

2 years ago

Poet??? LOL
Another disgusting self important mental defective.
She must be so, so miserable inside that she thinks she has to shock people into noticing her.
No sympathy for this particular vaxxed zombie.

KarlM Alias
KarlM Alias
2 years ago

Yes she is dumb, as are all vax-zealots. But the real villains are the Pharma Corps. ,Health Authorities, Scientists and Doctors who have pushed this thing as ‘safe and effective’, regardless of evidence. People look to them for medical information and their criminally insane responses, given always with gravitas, have fooled a lot. Should we not be directing our ire, and maybe our bombs, at them?

2 years ago
Reply to  KarlM Alias

I think that all these pathetic morons are exactly the same kind of villains as Big Pharma representatives. No difference.
It’s similar to those who vote for and support corrupt politicians who break all promises and oppress them later.
I don’t agree that “people” look for medical information. No, huge majority of people never do it, never ask any questions, they don’t do any research online.
They go and they get what they are told to get – poisonous shots.
Their fault and responsibility is huge. They perfectly cooperate with criminal politicians and Big Pharma workers, so no pity for them. It’s their choice.

2 years ago
Reply to  walirlan

Spot on! Their choice, they are the same as those imposing these vaxes. Entitled, canceling all those that say the truth they dont approve in different matters and so on.
i bet this one was promoting cancelling JK Rowlings and others…

2 years ago
Reply to  walirlan

Completely agree

EVERYONE who rolled up their sleeves contributed to the pressure and mandates that TPTSB implemented, and anything that comes further down the line as a result.
If so many hadn’t willingly, joyfully got them, they wouldn’t have felt so emboldened…not only did they help the psychos implement their plans, many also aided them with their disgusting attacks on those of us who chose wisely and refused to be guinea pigs

The ONLY jabbed I genuinely have pity for now are the children who HAVE no say, no capacity to consent and have been willingly served up to Pharma on silver platters by their so-called ‘parents’

2 years ago

A famous TV personality in Poland, Tomasz Lis, had said that when he was a very young journalist there was a saying among TV producers that PEOPLE ARE NOT SO STUPID AS WE THINK – THEY ARE MUCH MORE STUPID.
He also added: VIEWERS CAN FORGIVE US EVERYTHING but there is one thing they will never forgive us, they will never forgive us if we treat them seriously.

He also said: we can’t do any serious programmes as these idiots will take their remote control, press the button and change the channel.

This guy is very rich thanks to stupidity of idiots who create the society. He is honest in this regard and he himself admitted although he worked in TV he was intelligent enough not to watch it.

2 years ago

Call him loammi, for you are not my people and i am not your god

2 years ago

Nor did she blame the fact that she went to a concert! Plus she looks fairly unhealthy. I cannot believe how ignorant and blind people are!

Greetings from Spain
2 years ago

Ahinoa Arteta es una cantante de ópera española que después de estar vacunada fue ingresada durante mucho tiempo en el hospital y tuvo que dejar muchas actuaciones debido a su grave estado de salud después de inyectarse el veneno experimental, ella NUNCA ha reconocido que su ingreso hospitalario fue causado por la terapia génica. Antonio Resines es un conocido actor español que después de estar triplemente vacunado estuvo 3meses en cuidados intensivos en un hospital muy gravemente enfermo. Antes de vacunarse insultó a los no vacunados, pero después de salir del hospital pese a la gravedad de su estado de salud nos sigue insultando llamándonos tontos y sigue defendiendo la terapia génica de ARnmensajero.
Está claro que la negación está impresa en sus cerebros como las letras de una impresora en un papel.
Es inútil intentar abrirles los ojos ? no vale la pena intentarlo, están en absoluta negación.

2 years ago

These people/celebrities are all over the world, got seriously ill and still love the clot shots, still blame the non-jabbed. They won’t change. That level of denial is rooted in their deepest fears, and somehow, it serves them, grounds their survival, however twisted and sad that survival may be. They survive, but do not thrive.

Kim Karma
Kim Karma
2 years ago

The took the mark of this system and now are fully reliant on pharma to stay upright.

Lefties R Loozers
Lefties R Loozers
2 years ago

What a disgusting wench.

As the Sundance Kid used to say, “keep flickin’ the bean, bitch. That’s what you’re good at.” Well, something like that.

2 years ago

When this delusional skank says her Covid symptoms are back with a vengeance, this totally negates Bill Gates’ current mantra “well, at least my Covid symptoms are not bad, since he claims he has had three jabs”. Get your stories straight, Covidiots. The truth is, clitoris poet, that Gates never got a real jab, he would not give it to his kids, and he cares not one bit what happens to NYC libtards like yourself.

2 years ago

What a disgusting, uncouth excuse for a woman – I stupidly clicked on her video, I almost have no words

Is it meant to be clever? Funny? Insightful? It’s none of those things…reminds me a lot of Sarah Silverman – what is it with these Jewesses and their potty mouths? Just nasty

Can’t muster up even a grain of sympathy for this cult member, couldn’t happen to a ‘nicer’ person

Blame everything under the sun for your failing health bar the big pink elephant in the room…the experimental concoctions you willingly allowed in yourself

Is there even a small part of these people that, in the depths of the night, questions the holy needle? I do wonder…

David Robertson
David Robertson
2 years ago

Since they are committing suicide I guess this is evolution at work, weeding out the weak members of humanity. Only the non-compliant will survive. Makes sense to me so I wish them bon voyage.

2 years ago

I notice a lot of these perverted types get elevated in the literary world. Gabriel GarciaMarquez wrote about pedophilia and multiple partners, not surprisingly awarded Nobel prize for literature.

2 years ago

Won’t she be surprised on Judgement Day when God “slams” her “poetry” and slams the door behind her as He kicks her disgusting butt out. Sorry, I know I’m being super judgemental, but the Bible does say, “by their fruit you will know them” and the fruit (accomplishments) of this chick’s life smells pretty rotten to me. ?

2 years ago

This nasty (((puta))) said she “likes it rough”. What a mixed up, debauched mess of a human sloth she is.

Last edited 2 years ago by Rebecca
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