Democrat U.S. Senator Ben Luján has stroke after promoting masks, “vaccines” for a year, hands Republicans Senate majority while he recovers
February 4, 2022

U.S. Senator Ben Luján.

UPDATE March 3, 2022 – Ben Luján returns to Senate after a five-week absence.




ALBUQUERQUE — Many political pundits believe Democrats will lose the House of Representatives majority in the November 2022 midterm elections. The current U.S. Senate is split evenly, 50-50, with Vice President Kamala Harris being the tiebreaker vote. But now Democrats face some tough decisions after losing a crucial member of their Senate Caucus.

U.S. Senator Ben Luján, D-New Mexico, checked into Christus St. Vincent Regional Hospital in Santa Fe on January 27. He complained of dizziness and fatigue, according to his official statement. Doctors determined that the 49-year-old, first-term Senator, had a stroke in his cerebellum – the back part of the brain that controls walking, motor learning, vision and more.

Senator Luján was transferred to University of New Mexico Hospital on January 28. He underwent decompression surgery over the weekend to relieve pressure in his skull.

We’ve covered several similar stories of skull surgery (decompressive craniectomy) to relieve pressure in the head. But they were for different causes. Ms. Camila Canepa developed a blood clot in the space between the eye sockets and brain after receiving an AstraZeneca injection. She passed away on June 10, 16 days after the injection. Mrs. Kerry Hurt had emergency skull decompressive surgery for a post-AstraZeneca stroke and blood clots. She is now permanently disabled.

Luján loves masks and “vaccines”

Senator Luján was a trendsetter in a way. He received his first Pfizer mRNA injection on Saturday, December 19, 2020. He didn’t specify it was Pfizer. But the Pfizer emergency use authorization was issued on December 11, 2020. The Moderna EUA was issued on Friday, December 18, 2020. Thus it’s unlikely pharmacies and medical providers had access to Moderna shots until the following Monday.

Senator Luján had just defeated Republican Mark Ronchetti in the 2020 General Election weeks earlier. He was sworn into the Senate on January 3, 2021. And ever since then, Senator Luján has been an unapologetic, big pharma loyalist.

RELATED: Victor Dominello: Australian MP diagnosed with Bell’s Palsy after viewers notice “droopy eye” during presser; but he’ll still get second AstraZeneca injection (August 23, 2021)


At least twice since September 2021, Senator Luján promoted legislation and policies to hasten censorship on the internet.

It’s unclear if Senator Luján received a booster shot. But he’s encouraged everyone else to get their boosters numerous times since November. He especially liked posting photos of children being injected.

Days prior to being hospitalized, he was still promoting mRNA injections, quarantines and tests.

Senator Luján’s office said he’ll return to the Senate within four to six weeks. But a craniectomy is considered a last resort treatment because of the inherent risks. Thus Senator Luján was in pretty bad shape prior to the surgery. Bare minimum, he’ll spend the next several weeks in the hospital. A 2016 study in The New England Journal of Medicine found that 30% of craniectomy patients were dead after one year. Another 18% were disabled to the point of needing round-the-clock assistance, and about 6% were in a vegetative state.

What this all means in the grand scheme

Senator Luján posted about the U.S. Supreme Court vacancy just one day before he fell ill.

Democrats need all 50 of their votes plus one Republican (or the Harris tiebreaker) to confirm any Biden Supreme Court nominee. The partisan environment in Washington, D.C. likely means the Supreme Court will operate with only eight justices, six being conservative, until either Senator Luján returns or when the next Senate is sworn in next January. But that may be the least of the Democrats worries.

The Democrat Senate “majority” is already razor thin because they cannot rely on the votes of Senator Joe Manchin, D-West Virginia and Senator Kyrsten Sinema, D-Arizona. Further, Senators must be present to vote, unlike the “proxy voting” rules in the House of Representatives. Senator John Hoeven, R-North Dakota and Senator Mitt Romney, R-Utah, are both absent this week due to “COVID-19.” But once they return next week, Republicans have the majority again, 50-49.

RELATED: July Briefs: Republicans joining Democrats in vaccine Great Reset rhetoric; American Academy of Pediatrics funded by Pfizer (July 26, 2021)


The Democrats $2 trillion Build Back Better legislation is completely dead now. Democrats may be forced to go full ruthless and force Senator Luján to resign if he’s out for too long. New Mexico Democrat Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham (no relation) can then appoint a replacement.

This blogger hasn’t voted since 2008 and is unlikely to ever do so again. The “lesser of two evils” philosophy is self-defeating. COVID dystopia is the most pressing issue for humanity and Americans right now. Several state governors are on the people’s side (Iowa, Florida, South Dakota, Texas, etc.). But those who value freedom and liberty cannot rely on any of these people to protect your rights as a human and an American.

Reap what you sow? Senator Luján is only 49. Sure, people that age, or any age for that matter, can have strokes. But just search the word “stroke” on this blog and draw your own conclusions. Que sera sera. Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


COVID Legal USA is your partner in fight mandatory vaccines and other COVID mandates. Follow us on Telegram and Twitter. Read about white pine needles and order them here.


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2 years ago

And they keep dropping like flies and haven’t a clue as to why.

Survival of the Fittest?!?

2 years ago
Reply to  Jess

It’s not a real survival of the fittest because they get medical care. If it was really survival of the fittest we never would have promoted any shots to begin with.

Junea Gorda Gutierrez
Junea Gorda Gutierrez
2 years ago
Reply to  Gwen


2 years ago

Many of these people will never learn and will go on to subsequent boosters.

Matthew Grant
Matthew Grant
2 years ago
Reply to  Bright

And many because they’re too proud to admit that they made a mistake. Some of them act as if the COVID jab is some sort of a Holy Sacrament.

2 years ago

Got what he deserves. Karma got him. After all his “misinformation” regarding the safety and effectiveness of the vaxx to his constituents, payback was due.

2 years ago

There is a smugness to the drug-pushers that is an immediate turn-off. Oh sure, he cares so much about me…

Frank DiGorgio
Frank DiGorgio
2 years ago

I thought politicians get the saline jab??? Did he not get the memo???

Tom Bombadillo
Tom Bombadillo
2 years ago
Reply to  Frank DiGorgio

His social credit score wasn’t high enough. Communism is a real beach.

2 years ago
Reply to  Frank DiGorgio

They have to sacrifice one or two of their own to make it look good.

Nobody N Particular
Nobody N Particular
2 years ago

Another DemonRat, they should all be rounded up for pushing the murder of people by these worthless Big Pharma companies.

KarlM Alias
KarlM Alias
2 years ago

What about the Republicans, notably DJT, who allowed these monstrosities to market with no testing?? Plus all the other breaks DJTs administration gave to Corporations, including Big Pharma. Admittedly the Dems might have done the same, but they did not.

2 years ago

A little justice. May all who push this on us succumb to their own malevolence.

2 years ago

I find it fascinating that this is not on the news at all. Oh wait! It doesn’t fit the narrative so yeah.

2 years ago

I don’t wish harm on anyone. TBH, I was forced to get the vax last year to keep my job, so I’m not only concerned about my own health, but I also know why many people got jabbed – either to keep a job or they believed the lies. However, it’s hard to have sympathy for people like Lujan because not only do they push others to get the injection, they are pushing for censorship of information so people can’t make informed choices for themselves. Being a total tool of the Vaxi Party like Lujan makes him complicit in crimes under the Nuremberg Code and the US Constitution. I hope he wakes up and repents for that, and then becomes the political opposite of what he was before his stroke.

Tom Bombadillo
Tom Bombadillo
2 years ago
Reply to  TGOSM

He won’t. He’s a goner anyway.

2 years ago
Reply to  TGOSM

Very well stated. But, You did have a choice. As traumatic as it is to lose a job, what should have happened was to get a lawyer and you and your fellow employees file a suit. Everything that every employer has done for the last two years has been illegal! And people have to fight back. I hope and pray you received the placebo. Otherwise……….

Last edited 2 years ago by George
Chris LaRose MEV
2 years ago
Reply to  George

People are getting placebos?! i haven’t heard about that.

2 years ago
Reply to  George

Vaccination Roullete is a risk…just like any other game of chance…Placebo or Not…those that took the Jab still put the Revolver to their heads and pulled the Trigger…the only variable is, how many empty chambers are in that gun…hope no one else is feeling ” Lucky “

2 years ago
Reply to  George

I’m hearing that lawyers are not representing folks who want to battle these so-called mandates. Lawyers and doctors are afraid of being “blacklisted” from their professions.

No lawyer in his/her right mind is going to tackle this mess; especially without fear being forced out of their job. So, they aren’t touching this mess even with a 10 foot pole. You only recourse is to represent yourself, quit or be fired.

2 years ago
Reply to  TGOSM

He won’t be waking up anytime…he’s got a Ticket to Ride…One Way to Valhalla…

Tom Bombadillo
Tom Bombadillo
2 years ago

Another censoring commie goes down, hoist by his own petard. I had planned to visit my octagenarian parents in Santa Fe, NM in August 2020 to see them one last time, but the state committed the crime of not allowing visitors without 14 day quarantine and testing, so I could not go. Now, I would not go even if they asked me to. I am very happy to see this Human Rights Criminal Ben Ray Lujan have a severe stroke, and quite frankly, I hope he dies from it, because THIS IS WAR.

2 years ago
Reply to  Tom Bombadillo

Yes this is war Mr. Bombadillo. This government shill is responsible for heartache, pain and death. It’s a comfort to know he is experiencing the intended consequences of what he wishes upon others. I do not wish this man well and hope he has continued medical maladies. It is also a comfort to know our enemy in this war are inflicting their own injuries upon themselves. Senator you have reaped what you have sown.

2 years ago
Reply to  Hal

Yes, this is a major Coup and Victory for those fighting back against Genocide…this Shill and Moron got exactly what he deserved…His own Medicine…poetic…

2 years ago
Reply to  Tom Bombadillo

I feel the same. No sympathy for Lujan. The same thing happened to my mom because she believed the lies pushed by people like him…had a severe stroke and died after a week in a coma. She got the mRNA only months earlier. But my mom was innocent and trusted these monsters…she thought the vax was no different from the flu shots she got every year without incident. Those responsible for misleading, and then forcing the world to take these toxic shots should be tried for crimes against humanity. I will speak out against the vax till the day I die.

2 years ago

I resent that my taxes are going to pay for his top notch medical government care when many of we unvaxxed don’t even have insurance. He doesn’t deserve it, especially since he believes in also silencing us from being able to speak about these shots.

2 years ago
Reply to  Gwen

Don’t worry…his top-notch medical care won’t save him from his delusions…he can fool himself in his last moments…believing the Fake Con Vid 19-84 propaganda…he probably won’t get tested for his White Blood Cell depletion as an indicator that his immune system functions have been decimated…at least the taxpayers won’t ante up for that…

2 years ago

He sold his soul to big pharmakia, now he begins the long road to the lake of fire unless he truly repents of the beast he has helped to create. Jesus said something like “it be better that a millstone be tied around your neck and thrown into the sea than offend one the little ones”, by this guy cheering the experimentation on the innocent of God he has sealed his fate – good luck sir

Matthew Grant
Matthew Grant
2 years ago
Reply to  Alex

Amen and amen to the Matthew 18:6 verse that you quoted. That’s the verse that popped into my mind when I saw Senator Lujan posting those photos of children being jabbed. I’m wondering if he was paid money under the table by Big Pharma to promote the COVID jab.

2 years ago

It isn’t misinformation. It’s truth and honesty. Something our healthcare system used to be known for.

2 years ago
Reply to  Marlene

Not really. Modern Western healthcare was the demon birthed by the Pinocchio people. The entire thing is a house of cards built on greed and lies.

john wilson
john wilson
2 years ago

He ignored all the science and studies on vaccine side effects to take the shot, the immediate symptoms may be over, but he still lives in denial about the long term side effects that will be coming down the road. People seem ignorant of all the evidence, experts and studies showing the vaccine side effects and how they will kill millions in time, it’s not just about immediate effects….the vaccine is a walking time bomb for millions of people.

Government is the virus
Government is the virus
2 years ago

Several state governors are on the people’s side (Iowa, Florida, South Dakota, Texas, etc.).

Glad you followed that up with,

But those who value freedom and liberty cannot rely on any of these people

I wouldn’t automatically assume that any politician is on the side of the people. We know the majority have vested interests, get kickbacks, make backdoor deals their “constituents” aren’t privy to. Can’t post links so look up Senators Accused Of Insider Trading, Dumping Stocks After Coronavirus Briefing. There’s plenty more where that came from.
By now it should be common knowledge that the purpose of the two party system is simply to control and manipulate (Jan 6 is a good example). Playing one side off of the other is the only thing that keeps it relevant – those oblivious to this fact are still asleep and some of them even got the clot shot with predictable results. Any hint of a 3rd party was always crushed before it went too far, or in the case of Ron Paul who ran as a Repub the system did all it could to minimize him and his airtime during the joke pres debates.

There’s a reason the CIA went through great lengths to dismantle and destroy democratically elected govts in S. America, Africa, Asia, Middle East. Gaddafi wasn’t murdered because some US politician cared about war crimes (we’ve seen how outraged they are in the face of actual genocide here),he was killed because he refused to play ball with the Corporatocracy. Meanwhile corporate media mouthpieces ramble on about Russia, China or some other foreign actors meddling in US faux elections.

Atom man
Atom man
2 years ago

Some of these conditions were previously unheard of – like a healthy 3 year old girl dying from cardiac arrest?! The chief way a younger person (49) would have a stroke (CVA) is due to some blood clotting issue such as a mechanical mitral valve replacement in the heart and not taking blood thinners (anticoagulants) – you can throw a clot from that one.
Wait – I did say blood clotting – that is what has been demonstrated time and again by physicians and even morticians among the “vaccinated”. All these side effects and deaths (VAERS here and EudraVigilance in Europe) as mentioned on this site – more than all previous vaccines in all previous years COMBINED?! -and they don’t want to stop? This seriously raises the global depopulation theory. One last thing – many miscarriages have happened among “vaccinated” women – the “64 thousand $” question to me now is – are these women now infertile?

2 years ago

I haven’t voted for at least the last two presidential elections. I too had major issues with voting for “the lesser of two evils”, which appears to me to be an “insane” thing to do or accept. I don’t see myself ever voting again since that’s we’re reduced to voting for; the lesser of the two evils.

Sin Nombre
Sin Nombre
2 years ago
Reply to  Kim

When people ask why I don’t vote, I tell them if voting made a difference they would make it illegal. That and voting for “The lesser of two evils” is still voting for evil.

2 years ago

The Lord states, “what you sow, you shall reap”. The wicked shall be ensnared by their own evil devices, and it shall destroy them.
What awaits for him in eternity with his god….the devil….I would not wish upon anyone.

Top Gun
Top Gun
2 years ago

here’s another useless politician with myocarditis:
John Fetterman, Lt Gov Pennsylvania
reap it baby

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