Adrienne Pan: 43-year-old CBC Edmonton radio host disappears from social media for months, dead after post-Moderna “serious illness”
January 19, 2022 (updated 1:40 p.m. Pacific)

Ms. Adrienne Pan.

EDMONTON — A 43-year-old Canadian radio broadcaster is dead in what sounds like an extremely unpleasant, prolonged death.

Mrs. Adrienne Pan received her first Moderna mRNA injection on April 21. She posted the proverbial band-aid on the arm photo to both Twitter and Instagram that day. Mrs. Pan disclosed that she had a preexisting pulmonary embolism (blood clot in the lung), which should have immediately disqualified her from all of these injections. Instead doctors told her she is ineligible for the AstraZeneca shots, but should be fine with Pfizer or Moderna.

She received the Moderna injection at BetterLife Medical and Pharmacy in Laurier Heights that day. Mrs. Pan said she was “incredibly grateful” and that she is “in total disbelief I’m vaccinated against COVID-19, 13 months in. Humans can be awesome.” Mrs. Pan reported no immediate adverse effects.

Hardcore mRNA cheerleading and disappearance

Mrs. Pan didn’t talk much about the injections prior to her own. But afterward, she became a de-facto spokesperson for Moderna and the “vaccine” agenda overall. Just six days later, on April 27, Mrs. Pan posted a chart, and wondered why people in their 50s were “lagging in getting their shots.”

That same day, she posted government data saying that most post-injection adverse reactions were the result of the Pfizer shots.

She posted a GIF on May 6 that says “I’m a hottie with antibodies.” The caption reads, “All the millennial COVID-19 vaccine happiness going on in [Alberta] right now is just a darn delight.”

She posted the hashtag #TeamModerna on May 7.

Mrs. Pan replied to a tweet suggesting people prefer Pfizer over Moderna on May 22. She wrote that Moderna is 92% effective, and that she’s “excited” to get her second injection soon.

She tweeted more government propaganda stats on May 25 and 26.

Her last actual tweet came on May 27. She did a few retweets on May 28 and May 30. But then she completely disappeared from Twitter. It was very unusual because she averaged at least 100 tweets per month since January 2020.

Mrs. Pan had one more Instagram post on June 20 of a birthday cake that apparently had the wrong spelling of her name on it. She disappeared from Instagram thereafter. It’s unclear if or when Mrs. Pan received a second Moderna injection. But in Canada, the government recommends a one-month gap between the two doses. Thus Mrs. Pan would have been eligible on May 19. Again, she said she was excited to get the second one on May 22.

Death and aftermath

Mrs. Pan apparently got very sick, very fast. She hadn’t done her afternoon CBC radio show since at least June 2021. People started wondering what happened to her in the fall. A Reddit post from September in r/Edmonton asked, “What happened to CBC Radio 1’s Adrienne Pan?” One person commented that they emailed the show, and a producer told them that she was on personal leave, with an undetermined return date.

News broke on Monday that Mrs. Pan passed away on January 15 after “battling a serious illness for months.” There’s been no information released at all about what exactly happened. But it sounds like she was in the hospital for quite some time. Coincidentally or otherwise, she disappeared from social media and the radio right around the time she was to receive her second injection.

Mrs. Pan had been with CBC Edmonton in some capacity since 2011. She is survived by her both parents and her husband.

Connecting the dots

Of course mainstream media are not going to provide any details into Mrs. Pan’s death. So all we can do is compare it to similar post-injection deaths and injuries.

The closest one in every possible way is Ms. Jovita Moore. She was the Atlanta television news anchor who suddenly developed brain tumors just 12 days after her second Pfizer injection back in April. Ms. Moore was absent from her television job for months before passing away on October 29.

Then of course there’s Ms. Wendy Williams. The television talk show host was apparently talked into the injections to keep her job that was recorded in New York. She’s been absent from her show since September, with all kinds of rumors swirling around about what happened. Mr. Michael Granata suffered profusely after all of his internal organs swelled up to the point of dysfunction after one Moderna shot. He died in a hospital ten weeks later.

RELATED: Midwin Charles: 47-year-old MSNBC legal analyst dead one month after experimental mRNA shot (April 7, 2021)


The fact that Mrs. Pan had a previous pulmonary embolism, and doctors still let her get these shots, tells you everything you need to know about the now-global medical industry. Anyone still trusting the white coat gods in 2022 is either a fool or has a death wish. Granted there are still a few good doctors left out there. But most of them are ostracized and constantly under attack from the medical establishment.

We’ll update this story if/when we learn more. Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


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2 years ago

The covid cultists sing the praises of the sorceries they allow to be injected in them. They trust in man, in science, to keep them healthy. They reject their God given immune system in favor of the satanic sorceries brewed by wicked men and women. The very thing they rely on to keep them alive kills them. God will not be mocked. She was a fool to put her trust in deadly poison, which is what the bible calls sorceries in rev. 9:21. It’s from pharmakeia, the root word being pharmakeus. It’s where the English word pharmacy comes from, it is defined as ‘a druggist, a poisoner’.

Deus Ex
Deus Ex
2 years ago
Reply to  Lyn

What’s the difference between a pharmacist and a drug dealer?

2 years ago
Reply to  Deus Ex

There is no difference

2 years ago
Reply to  Lyn

No. There is. The drug dealer is honest about what his profession is and doesn’t tell you it is safe. They don’t hide under a cloak of “respectability”. They just sell the drug.

2 years ago
Reply to  Deus Ex

The drug dealer is more honest.

Mitchell Johnston
2 years ago
Reply to  Deus Ex

Profit margin, and street drug dealers are not out to harm their clients.

Old Vet
Old Vet
2 years ago
Reply to  Deus Ex

Possibly 10 years to life??

Sean Connors
Sean Connors
2 years ago
Reply to  Deus Ex

The pharmacy industry is sanctioned here in the USA much like drug cartels in Mexico or South America

2 years ago
Reply to  Deus Ex

What’s the difference between Mexican drug cartels and the governments of the world that are in (Rockefeller) lockstep at enforcing the depopulation clot shots? The former don’t force people to take their drugs. It’s up to people whether they want to buy or not.

2 years ago
Reply to  Lyn

The literary grade irony of being named Pan – the same as the goat-man trans-human god of the adversary. Some say there maybe second chances in the millennium. For her sake, I hope so.

2 years ago
Reply to  Lyn

Leftist lemmings would still be thrilled for their injection if their leaders told them it was a lethal injection to avoid covid. Facts and logic are lost on these people.

Those of us paying attention understand the two biggest liars are leftist politicians and anyone they promote (e.g., businesses in “green” energy, covid “vaccines,” . . .).

Mrs One
Mrs One
2 years ago
Reply to  SharpShtik

Yet it was God emperor trump who rushed these vaccines out and this very blog demonstrated him giving them a thumbs up 5 times

Congratulations you’re eating the right wing of the same bird.
Yet you think you’re so clever.

2 years ago
Reply to  Mrs One

Not a smart comment ! (Right wing of the same bird)
If you want suicide ,vote whoever the democrats can drag up to their party line after Biden goes into the infirmary.
It’s all sad in American politics , just as it is in many other countries whose politics aline with the modern socialist order . Ditch the mocking bird altogether , it’s contaminating your own nest .

Mitchell Johnston
2 years ago
Reply to  Lyn

Very well said, and all true. I would not vaccinate my dog, I love my dog.

2 years ago
Reply to  Lyn

She probably didn’t even believe in any God.

2 years ago
Reply to  Gwen

I suspect majority of vaxtards are Athiests.

2 years ago
Reply to  Insomniac

Sadly, many people who are professing to be Christians have taken the jab, some having taken the boosters.

Kimmy J
Kimmy J
2 years ago

And, for every public radio/twitter figure like this there’s another 10-100 regular folks that disappear. One study estimate the true number is 41x that reported on Vaers.

Even those starting to see and question end up immediately pushing the thought out of consciousness, as a survival mechanism. Or self-censorship, where your brain simply shuts it’s thoughts down ….one of the most powerful psy-ops tools. The Hong Kong scientist whistleblower Dr. Yang Ling recounted how she had to fight her own mind against this as she began to see the crimes and cover-ups in her own SARS-CoV-2 lab by her own bosses. She asked an innocent question and was dismissed as totally psychotic as the covert battle began, to belitle, isolate & destroy her. Her own husband eventually turned on her as the sheer terror of it set in.

Perhaps Ms Pan at a point in the illness questioned the vaxx, but got covertly taken down, isolated with pity and condenscension, ‘no it’s MIS-A’ (the Tenn Dr was given this lie as he died), or ‘you have a rare heart condition’ or ‘you had the tumor all along, we’re so glad we caught it’ (Jovita). ‘One thing we know with ? certainty, it’s nothing to do with the injection!’

2 years ago

Interesting. Ms Pan won a national award for a television documentary about a community activist his terminal pancreatic cancer diagnosis, but she was not inspired to do something similar when she had a front row seat for vaccine injury?

2 years ago
Reply to  Indomitable

Maybe, but we do not know. There are plenty of instances of totalitarian regimes muting potential troublemakers.

The Ogs
The Ogs
2 years ago

Things are still pretty bad here in Canada and people (including children) are still lining up to be injected. Apparently Mr. Trudeau has spent tax money on millions and millions of injections through 2025…
Hey I wonder if the nations will still accept shipments of the toxin, the pathogen they’ve contracted (and paid for) a year or two from now, when the population is already decimated?

2 years ago
Reply to  The Ogs

Trudeau will be at the top with those charged with Crimes Against Humanity.

2 years ago

I swear…everyone I know personally or read about becomes head cheerleader of Satan Shot University after they get injected.

Other people I know have noticed it, too.

“Anyone still trusting the white coat gods in 2022 is either a fool or has a death wish.” That is so true! We have to get people to learn to take care of their bodies and not outsource it to a doctor who is either too ignorant/lazy/arrogant/bought off to learn things that actually heal.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jess

That happened to my elderly father. He never really said anything or cared whether people got any kind of shot before. After he got those three Pfizer shots, he became obsessed.

2 years ago
Reply to  Wollio

Makes you wonder, doesn’t it?
There’s a video out there of a CIA scientist talking about how they can implant memories and beliefs. I have family members that were so invested in this entire scamdemic, there was nothing I could do to snap them out of it.
Most of them use Facebook, I don’t.
I do believe that those who rule us are using frequencies, mind control technology through social media/mobile phones, and implanting beliefs and memories with these shots.

None of this makes sense otherwise.
My question is, why are some of us immune to all of it?
Immune to the Mind control technology and frequencies?

2 years ago

Another clotter clots out! Yawn, this is a daily thing now, like children dying from heart attacks…. Sick bastards must all hang!!

2 years ago

The cadence of their dialog feels so brainwashed.

Back in the day, “they” were demonizing butter. “They” were successful in replacing it with artificial margarine in the minds of a generation as the best way to go – excuse the pun.

In fact, ironically there was a TV commercial with the tag-line of “It’s not nice to fool mother nature”. And indeed it will not be nice, as nature has a way of taking things back. We’ll see how kind “she” is to foreign genetic instruction sets.

2 years ago
Reply to  FNFAL

Yep, sure do remember that butter controversy. Even as late as 1988, I remember getting into an argument at a holiday dinner table with my sister about butter. I was trying to explain the anti-butter propaganda, but she was very vocal in rejecting my helpful info. That was one of the last dinners I ever attended. Now every person, except myself, who was there that day are vaxed. I have accepted that they all soon will be dead. You couldn’t stupid in 1988, and you can’t fix stupid in 2022.

2 years ago

What a testimonial for BetterLife Pharmacy in Laurier Heights…

2 years ago

 “All the millennial COVID-19 vaccine happiness going on in [Alberta] right now is just a darn delight.”

When you’re this naive, only experience can educate you. Unfortunately, there was no turning back for her with this severe adverse reaction. Truly need to research thoroughly what they want to force into your body. RIP. Nice lady, I’m sure.

Last edited 2 years ago by Kriss
2 years ago
Reply to  Kriss

Some folks are saying this vaccine actually steals your soul, which could be the reason we see such a push for terminally ill people to be injected. Pan has received the ultimate education and is probably being tortured in baphomets dungeon right now.

2 years ago
Reply to  Eman

I’m pretty sure they kill the connection to god and the soul. I know how crazy it sounds but it’s true: there are demons entangled in all that’s taking place as well as attached to the shots.

2 years ago
Reply to  Eman

They douse infants in aborted fetus and animal parts when they are born in hospitals.
All of the garbage and evil in vaxxxxines remind me of “spirit cooking.”
They attempt to destroy the connection to G-d and higher consciousness as soon as babies are born if their parents submit them to the needles.
These vaxxxxines attack the spinal cord, spinal fluid, and pineal gland.
That is our connection to consciousness and G-d.
They do the same with our dogs, cats, horses, birds, etc.
I read a report that it’s likely RABIES does not even exist.
If this is true, what in the heck are the injecting into our dogs?
Why are animals developing cancer more frequently?
I refuse to submit my dogs and cats to any more vaxxxxxines.
It’s evil to destroy the DNA and innocence of our sweet furry loved ones.
It’s purposeful. Satanic. Most have been so mind-controlled, they can’t believe such evil exists in the world.

Honey Bee
Honey Bee
2 years ago

People act as excited about the jabs as they would if they won the lottery. I really think it affects the brain about as soon as they get it. It’s like a cult

2 years ago

I guess she’s no longer a hottie with antibodies. Just dead. Wow! What a lousy way to go. I kept wondering if her last months she realized how she was played by the medical losers. That all her virtue signaling was a lie. I’m can’t wrap my head around it. Bracing myself for the horrors of hearing this a lot this year. ?

2 years ago
Reply to  Annie

I have a feeling they never actually accept the “Truth”. They followed that lie all the way to the end. They have this feeling of superiority after the shot, they become “experts” with lots of data to back up their elevated status as an expert vaxed person. If they accepted the truth that they were lied to and that they are no one special and that they just injected poison into themselves………thats too much reality to accept. Easy to continue down the road of lies even to their demise.

Linda N
2 years ago
Reply to  Rox

And of course their physicians in the hospital are lying to them all the way to their death as well. “It has nothing to do with the shot!”, they insist, and it allows at least some of these poor patients to feel their superiority all the way to their last breath. It amazes me how so many physicians can be so bloody blind. Medical school indoctrination is obviously incredibly successful.

2 years ago
Reply to  Annie

Well, perhaps she is a spirit now, definitely anti – body.

2 years ago

As heartless as this may sound, I have very little sympathy for this poor young woman. She is one of the reason this pandemic has played out how it has for the last two years. This cheerleader for the govt., pharma and the media is guilty of bringing hardship and loss of freedom for her countrymen as well as death. Her giving aid to to this craziness and the people that orchestrated it makes her equally guilty in the deaths of Bruce Ward and Francis Perron and the injuries of Jasmine Comeau and Fred Pyle. (Featured on this blog). She is guilty of perpetuating the great lie through her job and social media life. People like Mrs. Pan have been the cause of job losses, school closings, vaccine mandates, mask mandates, broken families and a host of other maladies that have been unleashed on many through out the world. Regardless, I view every life as precious and pray for the soul of Mrs. Pan and pray for God’s comfort for her family

John Brennan
John Brennan
2 years ago
Reply to  Hal

“If the Media lies, then the Media dies”. Line from Matthew Bracken’s short story “What I saw at the coup”.

2 years ago
Reply to  Hal

You are right, but there was no need to start with not wanting to be heartless. We are under no obligation to be heartful. Even if every life is precious, they are experiencing the karma of their own making. It would have been another matter if someone had forcefully injected her. But, no, she injected herself and it “excited” her to do so. She brought it upon herself. My only grouse is that stupid people like her end up affecting my personal space.

2 years ago
Reply to  EzraPound

The irony of this is how many vaxxed think that the unvaxxed are uneducated and stupid. They think we are all “right wingers.”

Last edited 2 years ago by Gwen
2 years ago
Reply to  Gwen

Exactly! They think we are just dumb and uneducated but truth is we have done our research and we know more about vax than your average doctor. I just hate the fact that these over zealous vaxxers are injecting children. I really wish children were left out of all this

2 years ago
Reply to  EzraPound

I hear ya EP. I choose to be heartfelt when it comes to any death. I realize that this type of person would be the first to bang the drum when it came to locking up myself and my family for our noncompliance to this bs. She would be a proponent for excluding me from participating in society for my views and certainly wouldn’t care if I died from covid. It is not lost on me that she and her kind are my enemy and wish me no good. Dead is dead, whether angel or a**hole it is final. Not knowing what was in her heart at the end, I personally choose to respect and grieve all death.

2 years ago
Reply to  Hal

Wrong. NOBODY had to follow her.
They all were just as stupid like herself.

2 years ago
Reply to  Hal

Being complicit extends tyranny to everyone else.

2 years ago

The vaxxed slogans are so cheesy. It’s like some kindergarten reward stickers. 10 boosters, free donut! Yay! But if you don’t get it, it’s a different story, now everything is serious, you may lose your job, become a scapegoat, lose friends and family relations.

2 years ago
Reply to  Katya

That’s a very good point. The slogans and propaganda are dumbed down to the absolute lowest common demoninator because that is the only plane on which so many people are capable of processing information. They understand only fear and coercion, reward and punishment, and are terrified of being “different” from most of the rest of the herd.

2 years ago
Reply to  Katya

It’s part of the latest Neuro linguistic programming NLP. It follows the EAST protocol. Keep it Easy, Attractive, Social and Timely.

hi inseel
hi inseel
2 years ago

Just can not fix stupid. That is the expected result. She lived and died by it.

Benjamin Gray
Benjamin Gray
2 years ago

So are we just going to keep watching people die from these vaccines while knowing they are coming for us next?

2 years ago
Reply to  Benjamin Gray

I’ll die in a hail of bullets if they try and force this non-vax into me. And so may someone or sometwo else.

2 years ago

“vaccine happiness” – wow. Never put those two words together before.

2 years ago
Reply to  whocares

My SIL told me she was “happy” she got the vaccines. I said nothing back; too asinine for words.

ga pretty ponies
ga pretty ponies
2 years ago
Reply to  Kriss

My SIL just died. Her funeral was Monday. She was only 3 yrs older than me. She had taken 2 jabs plus booster. She was fine at our Christmas celebration, or seemed so. She wasn’t ill and did not look ill or act sick. My husband and I were the only adults at his family’s Christmas celebration who were NOT jabbed. They didn’t treat us any differently for not being jabbed but they all seemed…..proud? of being fully vaxxed. I have never seen the delusion before of being proud to have had a jab. I know lots of people who take the flu jab yearly (not me) and they have never boasted about it like they seem to with this jab.When later I suggested that, perhaps it might be about the jab, everyone got mad at me and assured me it wasn’t. I mean, they were outraged that I even suggested it. RIP dear lady.
It was a brain aneurysm. There was nothing like this in their family before and they truly, truly believe that the shot had NOTHING to do with it. I think differently.

Last edited 2 years ago by ga pretty ponies
2 years ago

“My fifth shot won’t work because you won’t get your first.” It’s funny that we were told to get the jab to get ‘back to normal.’ I’m unvaxed (not anti-vax) and from where I sit my life seems a lot more normal than theirs. And your cousin has got this. She faced down one evil, now she can focus and defeat this other one.

2 years ago

A family member died the day after his Pfizer shot last spring.
99% of my family thought it was crazy we suggested it was from the needle.
Don’t expect a big awakening as the death toll rolls on.
These people are too committed to the lie.
I’ve got another family member right now that is sick with 103-degree temperature and many other symptoms resembling a terrible flu.
Obviously, she got the shot, but don’t expect anyone to ever make the connection.
It’s very likely the family will convince her to get the booster.
Then, funeral.
Even then, they’ll be thanking big phama for the booster and claiming it could’ve been so much worse.
The ruling class is correct. Most people, very intelligent successful people,
are too stupid to exist.

2 years ago

I’m seesawing heavily between the extreme cringe that is all the absurd propaganda for an experimental injection created by unimaginably wealthy and corrupt corporations whose main purpose is to keep people unhealthy and the fact that this is yet another tragic death of someone young and energetic who was duped into thinking she was doing something good for those around her (the most hollow prevarication this side of the covid farce). Obviously, we’re not being successful in teaching people how to think critically and carefully or how to do an honest risk vs benefit analysis. These killshots have to stop. Do Not Comply!!!!!

2 years ago

Believe in the Cult of Con Vid 19-84…Trust in the Science…take One for the Team…and you too can be a Jonestown Kool Aide Drinker…R.I.P. Adrienne…sure hope you didn’t use your position and any Peer Pressure to drag any of your friends and family down with you…BTW that is a cute Band Aide Pic you posted there…

2 years ago

it works people see? one less spreader of that nasty bug…

Robert Bissett
Robert Bissett
2 years ago

“Invisible, silent, deadly… it’s everywhere. Be afraid, be very afraid.” – the Narrative

It can be more or less in the background of everyday life; or it can at times become personal and gut-wrenching. Living in fear makes you an intellectual and emotional cripple. Your ability to think logically is much reduced and fear tends to drive out all other emotions. Your operating system defaults to “survival mode” with only three options: Fight, Flight or Freeze. In today’s world of fear we are told the only way to fight is to get the shot. We must fly from other people. We must freeze by hiding at home.

2 years ago
Reply to  Robert Bissett

Nicely stated. I’d only add that there is no “fight” at all in those succumbing to the pressure. Getting poked is simply another form of “flight.” It’s taking the easy way out (“out” – literally, in many cases), pulling the ripcord as one’s weakness and fear of poorly-thought-out consequences overtakes all, and is too much to deal with.

Sean Connors
Sean Connors
2 years ago

The discoloration in her arm at the injection site looks like people turning in zombie movies
it’s obvious

2 years ago
Reply to  Sean Connors

Noticed that as well. Odd grey looking tone to the flesh. She looked like an unhealthy person to begin with. Add the poison shot to the mix and you’ve got a recipe for death.

2 years ago
Reply to  Insomniac

It looks blueish. Like her blood wasn’t carrying enough oxygen. The clot shot working as soon as it’s injected.

2 years ago

People need to be more proactive for their own health! It’s the same for pregnant women, why would they take an experimental drug and risk their baby’s life/health when it’s not necessary?

2 years ago

The fucking sheeple… Why do they have to be damned dense and stupid? I have a sheep relative and no matter how much mountains of evidence I present to her, she refuses to acknowledge it. Videos of real doctors speaking out, crying family members who have lost their loved ones from the clot shots, people who have been horribly injured by the clot shots, and she claims all of it are fake! I tell you, my patience for her has run out and she can get injected with poison for all I care!

Petra Sarmiento
Petra Sarmiento
2 years ago


A few days ago, I tested ten of our office contractor’s staff to see if they are magnetic due to the death jabs (Sinovac, Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson, AstraZeneca, and Sputnik), lo and behold, a steel fork stuck and hung on their chest and arms, while steel coins stuck as well. They appeared very much surprised by the test I made, and for the mean time I advised them of some detox procedures so that the deadly ingredients in the jab will be flushed out of their bodies. However, today, (26 Jan. 2022) I tested some of my office mates, and found out they are not similarly magnetic. I told them they received the placebo jab which is harmless, plain saline solution. I advised all of them never to take the jab anymore, since it was intended to depopulate the world. They themselves have seen anecdotal evidence of deaths and injuries directly linked to the jab, which the prostitute medical professionals and the media deny as a causal link, but they were coerced into taking the jab with the “no jab, no job” policy. May Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of Hosts, stop these genocidal psychopaths from creating further harm and deaths.

2 years ago

Condolences to the family of Adrienne Pan.

My reasons for not getting the c-19 vax are probably not much different than most of you. But here is one reason. Back in 2010 I was diagnosed with copd, and was advised/recommended/suggested (cohorst?) that I take a vaccine shot for pneumonia so there wouldn’t be any compilations with my copd. No side affects of any kind for me. Ten years later, when it was up for renewal, I chose to get another one. Two shots. Each one ten. years. apart. From what I ascertain from the MSM some people (to start) are getting prepared to get their fourth shot. Within, lets say, about a year. And it is supposed to be ongoing, so after every year for three(?) years, you end up with 12 vax shots? Ummm…No Thanks. I’ll pass. (I know there is a difference between bacteria vax and virus vax. I just don’t care.)

2 years ago

My heartfelt condolences to the Pan & Norman families. This is so incredibly sad.

She apparently developed a fully body rash shortly after getting the 1st dose of Moderna. She was in the hospital in a coma for 7 months before passing away.

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