January 17, 2022
INDIANAPOLIS — We’ve spoken about the concept of caveat emptor several times. It is the buyers responsibility to research the quality, safety, etc. of products before buying. Most injectees become loyal advocates of the shots because they have no other choice. Evidence of this phenomenon is all over this blog, and in scientific research.
A September 2021 Pew survey asked 10,000 Americans various questions about so-called vaccines. People were divided into two groups – vaxxed and non-vaxxed. The results were predictable. When asked if the injections are the best way to protect Americans from COVID-19, 91% of the vaxxed agreed. 77% of the non-vaxxed disagreed. The survey also found that 77% of the vaxxed feel that the non-vaxxed are hurting the country. An October PBS survey (n=805) found that nearly 70% of Americans under age 30 support vaccine mandates for work and in-person learning.
That brings us to our most recent story of cognitive dissonance after mRNA adverse reactions.
“I am all for vaccines”
Mrs. Christina Scott represents the last bastions of traditional family life in the United States. She is a wife and proud stay-at-home mom of two. Both concepts are nearly extinct in 2022.
Mrs. Scott has been with her husband, William, for 11 years, married for at least six of them. She suffered complications with both of her pregnancies, specifically preeclampsia with the first one.
Her second son was born in the fall of 2020, had some issues, but is now happy and healthy.
Mrs. Scott is a fence-straddler when it comes to COVID-19 dystopia. She wants to say what’s on her mind all the time. But she always prefaces everything with several disclaimers so to not upset the herd. Mrs. Scott, for instance, recognizes the irrationality of mask zealots, and says so in no uncertain terms.
But when it comes to mRNA and viral vector DNA injections, she, like many other injectees, is very careful about her wording. She prefaced a December 2020 post about the dangers of mRNA injections for pregnant women with “I’m all for vaccines.” Thus she’s known at least some truth about the shots for 13 months, and apparently does not plan on having any more kids.
“I can no longer stay silent”
Most of 2021 was normal for Mrs. Scott. She posts about her family life throughout the year. But she suffered post-partum depression after her second son nearly lost his life to sepsis. Mrs. Scott started working out up to 60 minutes per day and lost weight. This regimen became her self-therapy.
But then this healthy, informed woman made the decision that likely changed her life forever.
Mrs. Scott received her first Pfizer mRNA injection on October 29.
She got the shot so she could “volunteer for [her] son’s class.” Less than two weeks later, on November 9, she posted a cryptic message about making the right choices in life.
Mrs. Scott did not post publicly again until December 23 when she informed everyone what was happening. It’s a lengthy, 1,000-word post. The first three paragraphs, about 25% of the post, contain several disclaimers and caveats before she gets to what’s actually happened.
“I’m having a difficult time continuing to stay silent due to the backlash that I may receive, but I can no longer stay silent or be pushed,” she wrote. The Indiana Department of Health called Mrs. Scott to remind her about the second injection. But they removed her from the call list after she told the woman on the phone what was happening.
The next two paragraphs are more disclaimers and an apparent feeling of guilt for having an adverse reaction to the injection.
“[This] is MY story, MY reality; it is not misinformation. I’m done tip toeing. I’m usually a private person. I’ve held off for so long. But then receive backlash if it doesn’t fit the agenda.”
She received the injection despite having so-called COVID-19 in May, and thus had natural immunity. Mrs. Scott suffered “sharp chest pains” the day after the injection. A few days later, she also developed an elevated heart beat. But she didn’t want to accept that the condition was worsening and hoped it would just go away. She took full responsibility for her situation.
“I did sign the papers for possible adverse reactions, so I take accountability for my decision, it was no one’s decision to make
but myself.”
The pain was so bad that Mrs. Scott had difficulty breathing. She called her doctor after a week of all the foregoing symptoms. But her regular doctor couldn’t see her that day. So she went to the emergency room. Doctors first believed she had a pulmonary embolism (blood clot in her lungs). But the CT scan found nothing. Mrs. Scott was diagnosed with severe inflammation of her entire chest cavity.
We’ve covered at least one other story with a similar post-injection adverse reaction. Except that one was a preexisting condition called pleurisy that the mRNA injections exacerbated.
Doctors prescribed anti-inflammatory medication. But it has not significantly improved her condition. Mrs. Scott is scared for her life, as doctors don’t know what to do to help her. Despite all the foregoing, she used the last 3.5 paragraphs (another 30% of the post) to affirm her faith in science and “vaccines.”
I believe and know that vaccines work, science works and science rocks, but the possible adverse side effects ARE scary, and an actual nightmare when it happens to YOU. We’ve lost loved ones to COVID, I am not trying to misinform or mislead. Honestly have been made to feel like the “bad guy” just for sharing my story – that will more than likely be deleted. I am hurt, sad and angry.
We’ll update this story in due course.
Chest inflammation a common adverse reaction?
This blogger never heard of pleurisy until the first case last week. There are 890 cases of pleurisy and pleuritic pain reported in the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).
Thus in the real world, that means 89,000-plus such cases.
The mRNA injections cause inflammation of internal organs in general. Apparently every body part has its own name for said inflammation (e.g. heart = myocarditis). But that alone should dissuade anyone who has held off this long to continue avoiding the lethal injections.
RELATED: Cheryl Hynes: Canadian woman gets Pfizer for first injection, Moderna for second injection, hospitalized with severe damage to several vital organs (November 26, 2021)
Pleurisy is a new thing on this blog. But the way Mrs. Scott ultimately received the injection is not. She knew the dangers. And even after the life-altering adverse effects, she’s still defending the injections and the entire COVID-19 agenda. This woman has the ideal American life – marriage, home, “white-picket fence,” 2.5 kids, etc. And even that foundation was not enough to prevent this.
The psychological warfare is real. So are the adverse effects to these injections. Don’t be the next victim.
Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.
COVID Legal USA is your partner in fight mandatory vaccines and other COVID mandates. Follow us on Telegram and Twitter. Read about white pine needles and order them here.
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I applaud her being a stay at home mother. It was one of the most rewarding times of my life. But I have no sympathy for the social media suck up she’s become. If you always have to put a disclaimer on your opinions and actually what is happening to you, you are living a false life, false narrative and have false friends. I hope she fully wakes up to this and gets off social media and truly devote herself to her family. I hope the children have a long happy vax free life.
The very sad part of the social media craze is people actually believe that the world cares one whit about their lives. Guess what the world doesn’t care.
I like the fact that social media gives people an outlet to talk about the vax injuries but I cannot understand this obsession with posting you vax status, your kids vax status, posting the gazillion covid tests you take etc. It’s crazy. All these vaxxed people are still scared of covid. They posts pictures of the masked up and getting even more tests….aaaargh. These types of people are the ones that keep this shit going.
Yeah I don’t get it either. I also heard some lady on the phone at Walmart talking loudly about bringing her kid in to get a Covid shot. Why she had to make that phone call as she wandered around Walmart with three kids in tow is beyond me, other than she possibly wanted people to hear her???
So bizarre isn’t it? What other vax or medical procedure has anyone done this with? Do people not stop for a second to see what they are doing?
How vapid though, to live through social media. To post your innermost feelings about the new baby coming. Is nothing private or sacred? To me its just too much. Throw the inner self about with abandon just to get stomped on when speaking the truth. There are millions of paid trolls or AI bots that gang up on the injured.
Why expose yourself to yet another toxin – social media.
With this woman, it’s a severe case of “Me too” with the vax. She had no need to do it. Herd mentality runs deep here.
the world does care, one person at a time!
So many victims sound so apologetic & disclaim for not being anti-vaxx. Stockholm syndrome?
Thank you so much for making these stories known. So many people are in denial about these poison shots–even after they’ve been injured or their family member or friend died because of the shots! I just don’t get it! Fear is out of control with so many scared of covid. THANKS for reporting the truth. Wish more people would WAKE UP to the truth and read info on sites like yours!!! God bless you for risking your livelihood and maybe even your life!
Strange, this one. Honey, why are you apologizing for telling the truth, going against the narrative just slightly, calling a spade a spade?
“I believe and know that vaccines work, science works and science rocks…” Excuse me while I vomit.
Vaccines certainly do ‘work’, her currently condition is proof of it.
Critical thinking and using the scientific method DOES rock, but the modern “Science” establishment is nothing more than another ad for the trillionaires’ garbage products.
The virtue-signaling rambling preamble regarding protecting family, neighbors etc. is a joke. She took it in late October after the vax was out for almost a year. She was a hold out. Trying to create this fake virtue signaling crap is weak.
She wanted to appear to be “good mommy” by volunteering at her son’s school. So where are those administrators that insisted on the jab now? And who will raise the children–as this one won’t last long.
Yes, you would think to be a “good mommy” you need to stay alive & stay healthy!!..
I keep seeing these folks who DO NOT need to take this for their careers or any mandates– But, they just do, despite doubts, etc. Maybe the social pressure is so great!..
I do wish her the Best & hope it is a limited reaction!!- She is certainly not alone out there!!-
“Maybe the social pressure is so great!..”
The brainwashing is so great, and especially effective on the not-so-strong-minded, such as those who engage in self-destructive behavior to try to impress upon others that they are “good mommies.”
“I’m usually a private person.”
I know. Yet her entire life is out there. Pictures and editorials. I think a part of her is thrilled to have another topic to write and take screenshots about – “I am not anti-vaccine but guess what happened to me!?” Frustrating.
I just wanted to note that Puerto Rico hasn’t logged a death in VAERS since July 2021, with the exception of one in Oct. I find that strange,
The reason these people have taken these vaccines (newspeak for experimental mrna injections still going through clinical trails) is because they have all been asleep for their lives. These same people are not aware that they have been lied to throughout their entire lives about almost everything.
The real truth is that “vaccines” kill, viruses don’t exist (exosomes and detoxification are the reason we feel sick, as well as BACTERIAL and FUNGAL infections, look it up), the earth is NOT A GLOBE (and people say it is a globe is because they have been TOLD so, if you don’t believe me then do some research and educate yourself), God is real (and so is the kingdom of Heaven, again if you don’t believe me then read a bible), the world is controlled by masonic elites whose plan is to create a fake pandemic (bigger than of the 2009 fake swine flu scandal that resulted in the unnecessary creation of vaccines that destroyed lives.
These sheep will always baffle our minds. And we should tank the author of this blog for the great work he does trying to keep is sanity while reading these stories full of stupidity.
Still antivaxx. Loud and proud.
…..if you don’t believe me then read a bible. Ok, a few primitives wrote a fantasy, at a time when the majority thought epilepsy was caused by demons, and nearly everyone ‘saw’ God behind everything (burning bushes etc). Since then, nothing – nada; I’m convinced.
Well of course people back then thought epilepsy was caused by demons, they were primitive as you said. They didn’t have the medical knowledge that we have now. And not all seizures back then would have been caused by demons. But that doesn’t mean people back then didn’t see God.
If you’re argument is to prove that God doesn’t exist because “a few primitives wrote a fantasy” then saying epilepsy was not caused by demons doesn’t actually disprove his existence because it doesn’t explain why God doesn’t exist.
So a few “primitives” didn’t witness the missionary of Jesus Christ? So there is no evidence of kings such as David or Solomon (dead sea scrolls)? People didn’t witness miracles?
“Since then, nothing – nada”
People haven’t had visions of angels and Mary? Are they lunatics?
Why would Jesus come down again at this time? Have you not read revelations?
If you haven’t read the Bible and done any research and make the claims you have made is complete ignorance.
I don’t think primitives wrote the Bible, I think it was the powers that be of the time, to create “mass formation psychosis” (MFP) and control lots of people. Think about it; way back in the Bronze Age, humans, who have always lived a close-knit tribal existence, are suddenly herded into cities and used to build empires, creating the “painful anxiety and social isolation” needed to create mass formation psychosis. Then religion is sold as a solution to their anxiety, but it creates new anxiety because it teaches that dirty sexual thoughts (which everyone naturally has) are evil and will doom you to hell/hades/whatever. So now people have even more anxiety and are even more desperate to apply any “cure” that the controllers offer them.
In Christianity there is “the Great Commission”; the over-arcing goal of the religion; which is to spread Christianity to all corners of the Earth. (It is similar to Abraham being told by God “I will make your descendents as numerous as the stars!” Which would make a bacteria happy but personally I would just want my descendents to be happy and healthy and get along with other people.) This Great Commission basically meant destroying other cultures and replacing them with one that was easier to profit from than tribal religions where people lived much more closely with nature and each other. (Gotta work the fields and get that tithe money.) So if you spend your entire life working to spread the religion (#WeGotThis) you can FINALLY relieve your anxiety, the anxiety that was created on purpose by the same people who created the religion.
Once again we see a problem being created so TPTB can peddle a cure. (It reminds of an episode of that old show “Pete & Pete”, where they bury land mines in people’s front yards and then go door-to-door peddling their “Land Mine Removal Service”.)
Christianity is only one example but you can see the same stories being recycled throughout history. Many of the stories surrounding Moses, for instance, are just copies of stories from “Dionysis the Wine God”, who was basically the mascot of ancient Greek wine corporations.
And why were the Romans the first to adopt Christianity, a religion that (1) worships a Jew and (2) gives the perfect religious reason to support the Roman raiding and plundering of the ancient world? Could it be that the whole Roman Empire was just another Jewish-owned corporation?
If you want to look where all this started, look to Phoenicia, the ancient sea-faring empire who worshiped Baal/El/Melqart, a bull-horned god of chaos, and who were known for child sacrifice. Do you think it’s coincidental that the symbol of Phoenicia was the Phoenix, an immortal two-headed bird that keeps “dying in fire”, only to be reborn again and again? And why is the Phoenix so popular on coats of arms all over the world?
And how did the Phoenix ever become a Buddhist symbol? Was Buddhism founded by Phoenicians (proto-Jews) too? If you thought the Mormon church was rich, you’d be blown away by the wealth of Buddhist organizations. Buddhism basically teaches that happiness is the source of all evil in the world.
And why does the “Russian eagle” have two heads? The German “eagle” and many other “eagles” are often depicted with two heads as well. It is even an emblem of early Christianity; you can find the “two-headed eagle” on St. George’s cathedral in Constantinople (modern day Istanbul). But eagles don’t have two heads. Phoenixes do. Look up “double-headed eagle” on wiki and you will curiously find NO MENTION of the phoenix.
And why does the US dollar have a pyramid on it? These are the symbols of an ancient empire that supposedly “collapsed” (after warring with Phoenicia). Could it be that the “collapse” of these ancient empires was just as fake as the Ukraine conflict is today?
Good story and praying for healing for Christine….thankyou for due diligence in providing the details. This pandemic is the scourge of humanity and the medical establishments handling of it has reached havoc on millions of lives!
This woman, who posts about her life and the most private of pictures actually wrote “I am usually a private person”? Yep, serious cognitive dissonance.
There has never been any scientific proof of a contagious path called viruses . This there are no need for vaccines full of aluminum , Mercury , aborted baby cells , etc . I wonder if she’ll ever realize most if not all of hers children’s suffering is simply from poison being injected into them and then following that up with pills that are so toxic they kill the germs that are trying to help restore the body to a balanced state . Firemen do not cause fires
“Firemen do not cause fires.” Unless you live in a world like that described in ‘Fahrenheit 451′. Come to think of it, I think we just might.
Es realmente sorprendente cómo a pesar de todo el daño causado la gente sigue defendiendo estas inyecciones.
Conozco personas que ya se han empezado a poner la tercera dosis a pesar de que se empiezan a dar cuenta de que no les ayuda a mejorar su salud
El adoctrinamiento en los medios de comunicación está haciendo su trabajo en la mente de las personas. Creen ciegamente en las vacunas aunque no den ningún resultado.
Son como robots conducidos por algo extraño que los induce a la muerte sin la capacidad de cuestionarse nada.
El ser humano ha dejado de ser humano para convertirse en una máquina obediente que hace todo lo que le ordenan. No hay pensamiento crítico , no hay humanidad parece que las inyecciones les hayan arrancado el corazón y los sentimientos para convertirse en máquinas.
Seeing all her disclaimers (and she’s not the only one who does it) gives me appreciation for the freedom I give myself. I feel no pressure to go along with any official narratives on vaccines or anything else. I am proud to be an independent, critical thinker.
Thank you so much for this vital website and for all that you do for humanity.