Emma Burkey Update: 18-year-old Las Vegas woman who caused the U.S. temporary Johnson & Johnson pause is moving with a walker, wheelchair

December 9, 2021

Ms. Emma Burkey, before the J&J injection.

LAS VEGAS — We first wrote about Ms. Emma Burkey on April 24. The high school senior received the experimental Johnson & Johnson viral vector DNA injection on or around April 1. Several blood clots formed in her brain within a day or two, causing four strokes and several seizures. Ms. Burkey was placed in a medically-induced coma to prevent further adverse events. That was all followed by three brain surgeries to save her life.

RELATED: Emma Burkey: 18-year-old Las Vegas woman has three brain surgeries to relieve blood clots one week after Johnson & Johnson shot (April 24, 2021)


Emma’s story got so much national and international attention that Fauci and the medical bureaucrats paused use of the Johnson & Johnson shots in the United States. Of course the pause only lasted 10 days.

Note, the dates in our April 24 story came from reports in the Las Vegas Review Journal. But those dates do not appear accurate, based on updates on Ms. Burkey’s GoFundMe page. Ms. Burkey awoke from her coma on April 16. This was her in the days after she woke up.

The family reported that Ms. Burkey was “speaking softly” again by April 22. She was moved out of intensive care and placed in the acute rehabilitation unit on April 30. Ms. Burkey suffered a setback on May 8, with constant vomiting and convulsions throughout her body. But she was able to watch her high school graduation via livestream on May 30. Mrs. Kathy Burkey, Emma’s mother, provided a Facebook update on May 28. She lauded her daughter’s perseverance, but expressed disappointment because the family could not celebrate her graduation as they had planned.

Doctors offered a very grim prognosis for Emma in April. The fact she’s even alive is a medical miracle and a testament to the type of person she is. Emma has a long road ahead to recovery. But she’s determined to get some semblance of her previous life back, no matter how much work it takes.

Rough summer of ups and downs

Emma literally has to stretch and loosen her limbs before her brain will ever be able to make them move properly again. Kathy posted an update on July 5 explaining the process.

Emma and her family finally returned to their Las Vegas home from Loma Linda University Hospital in San Bernardino on July 17. But their lives are now forever altered. The Burkey’s bought a wheelchair-accessible van for Emma. They also sold their home and purchased a single-level home to make things easier on Emma.

Their insurance company agreed to pay for botox injections for Emma’s legs and arms. The injections are meant to “loosen up” her limbs that were essentially immovable due to the strokes. But the botox procedures were postponed because of a scheduling mistake. It crushed Emma, prompting her to cry and tell her parents, “I just want to get better.” The appointment was rescheduled a few days later.

Emma got a little break from all the craziness on August 21. She and her mother went to a Jonas Brothers concert. It was apparently part of Emma’s graduation plans that she finally got to fulfill.

But if Emma wishes to every walk on her own again and have any semblance of normalcy, she’ll need to be committed to rehab and physical therapy for the foreseeable future.

Literally healing one step at a time

Emma could barely move any parts of her body in May. She’s slowly, but surely, progressing in the right direction. She’s talking close to normally and eating on her own. Kathy posted an update on September 17. It expressed concern because Emma may have a new brain bleed. But on the bright side, a video showed Emma taking her first few steps towards walking again.

Emma posed for a photo on October 9, which shows a smile that almost looks like her pre-Johnson & Johnson self.

Kathy posted another video update on October 10. You can clearly see Emma’s left leg being much more mobile than it was from the previous month.

Emma incorporated aquatic therapy later that month. Stroke victims use it to help strengthen their limbs and improve balance. Kathy posted another video update on November 27. Emma can actually “kick” her left leg out, which is vast improvement from the September video. Kathy said that Emma’s goal is to use her walker unassisted by April. That would be one full year after the Johnson & Johnson injection, blood clots and strokes.

We’ll hopefully provide an update in April 2022 of Emma moving around alone with her walker. Kathy Burkey has a very clear message for the world. “Do not get the J&J vax,” she wrote on November 27. The GoFundMe page is still collecting funds to help the family.

This is NOT a happy story

It’s great to see young Emma alive and recovering. But she should have never been in this situation in the first place. Ms. Burkey was working two jobs and got straight A’s in school before it was all taken away from her. She’d likely still be working her two jobs or be in her first year of college now. But all she has to look forward to is rehab, hospitals, and a slim chance at being able to walk on her own again.

RELATED: Maddie de Garay: Ohio 13-year-old cannot and did not “consent” to vaccine clinical trials (July 8, 2021)


It’s difficult writing these articles because of the anger that builds up as the articles progress. Emma was 18 when she received the J&J shot. She made her own choice based on Fauci propaganda and mainstream media lies. Young people will see these stories, dismiss them as “conspiracy theory” and line up for their own kill shots. And at this point, there’s nothing left to save them.

Perhaps it’s just another coincidence that this blogger is Generation X, then came Gen Y (Millennials), and now Emma’s Generation Z. All children born in 2010 or after are called Generation Alpha, the first full generation of GMO kids in the Western world. They call it The Great Reset; and the generational designations are restarting (resetting) back to the beginning of the alphabet. At least we all have a front row seat for what’s to come.

Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


COVID Legal USA is your partner in fight mandatory vaccines and other COVID mandates. Follow us on Telegram and Twitter. Read about white pine needles for tea and order them here.



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2 years ago

This makes me sick to see this happen to a young person. I have children near this age and they’re not nor will ever be vaxxed. This is the beginning of some of her best years. Best of luck to Emma. I am not sure I would be so strong to overcome. I live in Chester county Pa and there are so many parents proudly getting their children vaxxed. It’s a bizarro world here. Stay strong PureBloods.

2 years ago
Reply to  Annie

The whole story is simply gut-wrenching.
The worst is how they prey on the altruism of these innocents, and convince them they are “doing the right thing”. “I am getting the jab to protect others” (here, the children she cared for).
God can do anything, He could heal her without their faith, but all the better that they are leaning on Him. Wherever she goes from here is truly a miracle in my mind, considering the damage that was inflicted from the bio-weapon.

2 years ago

Isn’t it sadder because it’s their fault: the sellers of the poison jabs, no accident. I love the little black dog; he/she is so patient with his people. Good blessings to this young woman and no more brain issues so she can keep healing.

Marlana stark
Marlana stark
2 years ago

This j&j jab is what I was scheduled to get . I am thankful I didn’t get it and won’t get any of them! Poor girl and of course she can’t sue anyone!! I’ve talked and pleaded with family to no avail makes me soo sad.
Please get better and write a book and get a lawyer! Many prayers

2 years ago
Reply to  Marlana stark

Recent Dr David Martin interview: the COVID shots are technically not vaccines, so legally the PREP Act should not apply. They were given immunity anyway as vaccines in March 2020. If wilful misconduct by the manufacturers could be proven, they have no protection. Biden apparently gave Gates & WHO $4 billion for a vaccine injury compensation program. If only the people who really need it could receive their share!

Marlana stark
Marlana stark
2 years ago
Reply to  Carolyn

I pray the injured get some of that compensation because their lives are forever altered. Medical bills, pain and suffering, therapy medications forever altered!

2 years ago

Thank you for reporting on this. This paragraph struck me in particular, “It’s great to see young Emma alive and recovering. But she should have never been in this situation in the first place. Ms. Burkey was working two jobs and got straight A’s in school before it was all taken away from her. She’d likely still be working her two jobs or be in her first year of college now. But all she has to look forward to is rehab, hospitals, and a slim chance at being able to walk on her own again.” That’s exactly what I was thinking. If Emma hadn’t been vaccinated, she and her family would be living a very different life right now. And yet, when I try to tell people stories like this, they don’t want to hear it. No healthy person under 40 should be injected with these vaccines. There are so many vaccine related deaths and injuries going unreported. It’s unbelievable.

2 years ago
Reply to  Christine

” No healthy person under 40 should be injected with these vaccines.”

Here we go again !!!. Another one gobbling the BS satanic propaganda, then getting on a pedestal lecturing about how to gobble the propaganda just to a certain point.

I don’t even vaccinate the feral cats I occasionally try to help, no negotiations. I must be crazy and anti-science.

Last edited 2 years ago by donthatemetoomuch
Marlana stark
Marlana stark
2 years ago
Reply to  Christine

Soo agree I’m glad they put this in the article !
I don’t remember seeing her story though all I knew was that they halted the j&j due to blood clots! I didn’t see this on main stream new!

2 years ago
Reply to  Christine

NO PERSON of any age should be injected with these POISONS.

But yes, people don’t want to hear it. Been there, done that. Still speak up. Best way is to be casual and ask questions that make them think. Otherwise they shut you out.

2 years ago
Reply to  Christine

I begged my friends and family not to get it. I showed them all the evidence but they never listened to me. They all got their shots and some are giving it to their children. They all seem to be fine. None of them has had a major issue that I know of. That’s besides the point but the fact that they fall for all these lies is crazy to me. I hope they continue to be fine but it makes me sad

Mike In California
Mike In California
2 years ago
Reply to  Annie

“They all seem to be fine” Give it 3-5 years and get back to us on how “fine” they are after that.

2 years ago
Reply to  Christine

Agree. The things she is going through are what may happen to you in advance old age or after a horrific accident. And even though she seems to be doing better, she has aged. The before and after photos show it. Poor girl.

Frank Digorgio
Frank Digorgio
2 years ago

The sheep who die from the suicide jab are the lucky ones.

2 years ago
Reply to  Frank Digorgio

By taking the Mark of the Beast Jabs, they have condemned their Souls the moment the Luciferase DNA altering Death Serum enters the Bloodstream…they are the Unlucky ones…

2 years ago
Reply to  Car

I’m sorry you have that bleak perspective. I would say the soul is not of the body, so I don’t believe it’s true. But if you do, say a prayer for them.

2 years ago

the saddest part is she will have more clots as the razor blade shot that caused it is still in her,

2 years ago

The medical bills will bankrupt the family.

Paul Kersey
Paul Kersey
2 years ago
Reply to  Larry

That is the plan to bleed us dry of all assets and insurance.

2 years ago
Reply to  Larry

Your insurance premiums (if you have any) will go up because of idiots like her and her mother.

2 years ago

For these experimental vaccines, people are drowning in a sea of misinformation.

Admin, even if it is too hard or it may hurt, please don’t stop writing articles about vaccine injuries.

warm regards.

Thomas Turk
Thomas Turk
2 years ago

NOBODY held a gun to her head.

2 years ago
Reply to  Thomas Turk

What’s the matter with you. You dare suggesting that there is a thing called ‘responsability’ ?.

Don’t you know that obese people were made obese and sick by fast food companies, and not because they scoff at the concept of good diet and discipline ?.

Don’t you know that some countries are turning into dystopian tyrannies, not because the people are cowards, lazy and servitude-addicted, but it is because of Russia and China, possibly because of muslims too who hate freedom ?.

This girl who wrecked her life is innocent and so are her parents. It is solely Anthony Fauci’s fault.

Stop hating.

2 years ago

I personally want to Thank this girl!!.. She saved my life & probably many others. I was being constantly pestered & pressured to take a J&J Vaccine ASAP, then her severe injuries occurred, which got J&J flat-banned across the Nation, and any possibility of that risk got shut down. Bless her heart a million times, & her fateful timing, for me!! Thank You, & All the Best!-

Last edited 2 years ago by Esperanza
2 years ago
Reply to  Esperanza

You are thanking this girl for having wrecked her body and her life, so that you won’t have to.

You sound like those who claim to love ‘Jesus’, because he was allegedly tortured and nailed on the cross, so that they won’t have to be held accountable for their deeds (so they think).

In other words : “go ahead, suffer and be tortured, so I won’t have to be. No worries, I love you so very much and I will celebrate your suffering”.

If that is not utter selfishness, I don’t know what is.

2 years ago

I think what happened here is terrible– really terrible. But, I was trying to find a grain of something Positive, for her sake!!.. I’m genuinely grateful that she inadvertently likely saved my life. I was about to set an appt. for that shot under tremendous pressure when this happened. She likely Saved many, many Lives all over, & that should give her & her family some degree of Comfort in their hearts (which they clearly need at this time)!!-
I really wish I personally could thank her in person (not just for my circumstantial situation at the time), but for hers!!. She’s obviously going to need & benefit from all the unexpected purpose & meaning to her life that she can muster!!-

Last edited 2 years ago by Esperanza
2 years ago

And many people cope with serious injuries on the battlefield by knowing that they DID save others or promote a Cause!!.. Here, that larger Cause is National, if not worldwide, Public Safety.

2 years ago

“Kathy Burkey has a very clear message for the world. “Do not get the J&J vax,” she wrote on November 27”

As if the other ones (Pfizer, Moderna…) are any better. Just like the one who commented “anyone under 40 should not get the vaccine”.

Drunk with propaganda, they hurry to climb on a pedestal to start propagating a slightly limited version of the BS they have gobbled. Those are the folks addicted to the demons manufacturing reality for them. The fakers that they are, are not an asset to the freedom-loving folks and to the humanity-loving folks.

Kimmy J
Kimmy J
2 years ago

This hurts. My teen daughter got it and seems ok. But we know only 5% of the lots were potent and only maybe 1 in 1k doses lethal. The boosters will gradually ratchet up the kill juice concentration.

Then in a couple years they’ll quietly release the omega variant… ADE hits but they’ll label it C-23, a totally novel bug that will strangely take out only those jabbed for C-19

2 years ago
Reply to  Kimmy J

I heard there is a patent on the variant…that would say it’s right in the injection….

Lisa Augustine
Lisa Augustine
2 years ago

Wow.. im so happy for her.. she’s making progress! Emma and family, many of us are praying for you!!

Last edited 2 years ago by Lisa Augustine
Michael Fisher
Michael Fisher
2 years ago

At what point will the medical insurance companies begin to refuse coverage to those who are vaxxed? I’m sure Emma’s medical bills are astronomical and soon to devastate her family’s bank account. Such an avoidable catastrophe !

2 years ago

Not gonna lie, this story has been really tearing me up – such a sweet young face just starting out in life, only to be derailed by this, what a nightmare.

Last edited 2 years ago by Kielanders
2 years ago

Any update on whether Gates’ children got ‘vaccinated’? Thought not…

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