December 9, 2021
MANAOAG, PANGASINAN — A 56-year-old highly-respected math teacher and mother is dead as Filipinos face the most precarious forced vaxx campaign in the world.
Ms. Juliet Valdez received her first Sinovac Coronavac “inactivated virus” injection on August 11, according to her Facebook page.
Note that Coronovac is one of 11 experimental injections authorized for emergency use in the Philippines. It is one of only two countries (Indonesia) currently using the Novovax injections, which is yet another reason to keep a close eye on the Philippines.
Coronovac allegedly uses dead SARS-CoV-2 virus, but keeps the spike proteins intact. Further a German journalist and Christian pastor, Samuel Eckert, has offered a $1.5 million reward for a virologist to “provide scientific evidence of the existence of SARS-CoV-2” using the postulates criteria of Nobel Prize winner (1905) Dr. Robert Koch. Nobody has claimed the reward.
Ms. Valdez received her second Coronavac injection on September 8. About 90% of the comments were a combination of “congratulations” and “stay safe.”
Death and aftermath
The Philippines is 80% Catholic and over 90% Christian overall. It is one of only two Asian countries that is predominately Christian. Ms. Valdez’s Facebook timeline reflects this phenomenon, as nearly all of her posts after the second injection invoke God.
There isn’t much public information as to what happened to Ms. Valdez. Her last Facebook post came on November 27 at her First Sunday of Advent church service.
Ms. Valdez typically posted on Facebook 2-3 times per week. Thus it was a bit unusual for her to disappear after November 27. From all accounts, she passed away on or around December 6.
But her son used language that is all too familiar in describing her death. He wrote that his mother “suddenly left us.”
Funeral services commence on December 10 and end on December 15 with her burial.
Scary times in the Philippines
Australia gets most of the press for being the most dystopian country in the world as it relates to COVID-19. But the Philippines isn’t far behind.
RELATED: Arlene Tolibas: 55-year-old Filipino actress and comedienne dead three weeks after second experimental Sinovac Coronavac shot (June 10, 2021)
A “vaccine” mandate went into effect for all workers on December 1. As of today, only 36% to 41% of Filipinos are fully vaccinated (meaning two injections) depending on which source you believe. The mandate went into effect despite millions of Filipinos having no access to the injections, even if they truly wanted them.
Those who are non-vaccinated must pay for their own antigen or PCR tests, which cost anywhere from $40 to $100 each. The average monthly salary in the country is 13,000 Philippine pesos, or about $258. Harry Roque, Jr., the spokesperson for President Rodrigo Duterte, said on November 12 (before he left office three days later) that the mandate will only be enforced in areas with ample supplies of the injections. Duterte has also indicated that he wants all non-vaxxed people locked down indefinitely.
RELATED: Philippines officials: 24 deaths after Sinovac and AstraZeneca shots are “unrelated” (May 6, 2021)
These “sudden” Filipino deaths are happening quite often. Ms. Venice Gabad-Dizon of Bacoor, Cavite (Philippines) posted “all is calm, all is bright” on Facebook on December 5.
She died less than 18 hours later.
Ms. Gabad-Dizon, 26, received at least one Pfizer injection back in June.
We focus a lot on the Western world at The COVID Blog. But it’s important to keep up with what’s happening in Asia, particularly since nearly all said countries use the Chinese (Sinopharm/Sinovac) injections that Americans know very little about. Again, nobody knows what’s in those shots since there’s no definitive proof of a virus to be “inactivated” as the primary ingredient. But it must be pretty bad. China is literally holding people down and injecting them against their wills.
Filipinos were very sweet and nice to this blogger when he visited there a few years ago. Same with Australians from Perth to Melbourne. That’s probably why those two countries are covered more frequently here than others. But The Great Reset is global and every human being is in the cross hairs. Western humanity is already two-thirds GMO. Asia and Africa are really the last bastions of pure humanity. But based on what dictator scum like Duterte has planned, that won’t last long in the Philippines.
Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.
COVID Legal USA is your partner in fight mandatory vaccines and other COVID mandates. Follow us on Telegram and Twitter. Read about white pine needles for tea and order them here.
Not sure which God she was praising…Search 2700 Church Denominations Endorce Covid Vaccine. They have these people giving praise in exchange for taking the Mark of the Beast…
Nobody should take this death vaxx, but it’s not the “mark of the Beast”. The Beasts are not here yet, the first beast nor the second beast, the false prophet. We’re not there.
I think many have been deceived. Many believe we are to be obedient to government as stated in Romans. But they are missing the point that we are be wise and use discernment, especially if those man-made laws violate God’s commands. I am so disappointed and disgusted by how many churches have let the cult of Covid replace true worship of God and Jesus Christ. Keep praying fellow saints, we are truly in the last days. Repent while you can.
Wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.
So are you saying disregard Romans 13 in favor of other scripture ? Romans 13 is pretty clear. So what scriptures is a person supposed to use and which ones are okay to throw away ?
What part of “be wise and use discernment” do you not understand? Only brainwashed robots follow instructions without using their critical thinking skills.
We are to follow the laws of the land unless they go against the commandments and teachings of God. The murder of unborn children is wrong and we should not profit off of it in any way. Furthermore God formed us in our mother’s womb, He created us down to the strands and code of our DNA. Allowing any man to modify or mess with our DNA, to tinker or touch it, is rejecting the very foundation of life God Himself laid down inside of us.
The very government of Rome that the Apostle Paul asked us to submit was the same government that killed him. Ah, by the way, who killed Jose Rizal? I rest my case.
” 2700 Church Denominations”
most so-called ‘churches’ have been totally ‘taken over’ by The Devil…
utilising ‘free-masonry’ as the main vehicle to do so…
I agree. I was saw a new face turn up when a good pastor was being voted out. Never saw the guy before, but he was apparently a member, and was a Mason as advertised by the big Masonic ring on his hand. I happened to be sitting where it was even highlighted by an inset light in the ceiling, in the balcony at the back of the church. Put in the right place at the right time to see it. He showed up to vote the pastor out, a pastor whose main crime against Satan and bad church members was a prayer ministry which resulted in local university athletes attending the church, and some of them being saved, too, who weren’t going to church.
The Mark of the Beast will be received in (the right hand) or in (the Forehead). The mark of the beast will be in the time of Jacob’s trouble, after (the beast) is revealed. That’s why it is always good to understand scripture within the context. By all means, do not get these injections because they will eventually kill you.
By all means don’t get them because for the first time in history the Mark of the Beast is actually being developed and this make-you-a-GMO and patent and own you fake so-called vaccine is the first part of the move. Period.
Everything the global elite have done to advance their NWO (which they now call the Great Reset) has been accomplished by the stepping-stone slow phase-in. Of course the same will be done with the mark. First the number (most likely this vax), then the name, and last of all the mark. Thus, weak-minded cowardly people (including those who profess to be Christian) will be lost at some point along the way. This is the method they have always used. If they can’t trap you the first time, they get you in the second go-round. Anyway, the Beast has already been revealed to those with discernment.
How and where was the beast revealed??
For those of us who have been studying End Time prophecy for decades, the advent of the internet was a huge boon. If one takes a couple of days to go online and carefully study, one will be able to discern the identity of the Beast.
However, without discernment one will be led into a swamp of disinformation, and controlled opposition. If you have been going to movies, watching TV and playing video games for the last 30 years, your discernment will be severely compromised, because you have allowed evil into your brain. The history of Europe over the last 2000 years, is the history of Christendom. If you don’t have a firm grasp of that history, you will probably be confused and mislead. The advent of the Scofield Bible in 1909 was the first controlled opposition aimed at End Times prophecy. It was meant to mind control Christians who are ignorant of the history of the last 2000 years. It has been successful beyond the globalist’s wildest dreams.
Can you tell us who you believe the Beast is?
2 THESSALONIANS 2:6-10 And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time. For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way. And then shall that whicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his brightness of his coming: Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved./ So, “the body of Christ” which is “the church” is hindering “the Beast” from coming! Jesus is the one “letting” until he be taken out of the way. Then after, “the man of perdition” who is “the Beast” will be revealed. The body of Christ will not be here when “the Beast” is revealed! It will be in “the time of Jacob’s trouble”. “Jacob” is “Israel”! The book of Revelation records the events of “the time of Jacob’s trouble/ Daniel’s 70th week”!
It’s very heartbreaking that not everyone knows of the danger they are walking into, with all the information that is out there.
You’d think by now they would know, but as mentioned in another thread, the problem is censorship! For example if you look up “pilot deaths vaccine” on Google, top results are all “fact checks”. But if you do the same search on DuckDuckGo, the results are very different (e.g. 1700% increase in such deaths up to Sept. 2021).
Most browsers have a setting to change your search engine from Google to DDG…problem fixed.
That is the problem, plus trusting mainstream. Even for those who don’t use a non censored engines, truth can still be found, if they really want to do a bit of research. I recently got off FB, because no matter what I posted no one would look at it unless it was recipes or funny video’s. I question what is more important, the lives of people worldwide or kittens and cupcakes? I guess for many, it’s the latter. Thanks for your reply.
A sad story. RIP
So it appears that the un-inoculated (Purebloods) shall inherit the earth.
And things are going to get worse than this over the winter. Better buckle up…
REMEMBER that no schoolchildren ever previously died from ‘covid’, not one.
In some countries, they slaughter those NGO workers seeking to vaccinate their children, like in rural Pakistan, Afghanistan, Congo, Nigeria…etc.
That’s not very nice and definitely not peaceful.
And absolutely justified. They come with intent to kill.
Exactly. If someone’s trying to force something on you or your children that you don’t want, in particular when it’s deadly like we know this is, you are well within your right to defend yourself. Unfortunately self defense sometimes means loss of life.
Some places in the West they’re giving people the (false) choice of getting vaccinated or taking the test but that test is not innocuous, neither are their reasons for deploying it.
fair game if they were warned beforehand – like if someone you don’t know comes into your home with an axe
Good for them.
I’m in Thailand and am starting to notice some pushback to the vax. Enforcement is hard to do here among the poor rural types, some of whom have A: None or unreliable electricity B: No Internet access and C: No smartphone. Authoritarian statements need teeth and police are not enforcing much here. As a side note I know several people that have taken Sinovac. Nobody dead that I know personally, but two have weird muscle spasms and one is complaining of a lot of pain which he blames on a motorbike accident. He’s aged a lot too…so I don’t trust it. Now they’re pushing Pfizer boosters in a mix and match thing. A lot of Thai news stories about people dying after vax lately…
I see clients coming in after their shots and I don’t recognize them. They have aged. And some look like they have shrunk. A lot are getting covid now that 6 months after their last shot has passed. They are in shock it’s happening. Still in denial about it all.
I have noticed the rapid aging thing a lot especially among American vaxxed friends on social media some look like they’ve aged 10-15 years just in the last several months! They pushed the vax hard here on the hospitality workers they wanted them to be 100% jabbed staff so they could reopen the resorts and go “back to normal.” My feeling on the ground is that Sinovac might be marginally less dangerous than the MRNA stuff but that it is equally useless. Our neighbor here a fit and healthy Thai guy in his 20s who works night shift security at a hotel got both jabs and wound up in the hospital with Covid two months later. Since Pfizer is being shipped in for boosters and for the 15-17 age range a lot more stories of death are popping up. They did a mass free Pfizer jab event at Phuket Airport November 25 through December 5 for folks on the North of the island. I was hearing ambulances on the main road all times of day and night rushing South on Thepkrassatri the nearest hospitals all being South. It’s only just begun to sound more normal again…
Does anyone still doubt the jesuit pope and his globalist cabal are antichrist wolves leading the trusting sheep to their slaughter?!?
“Is the pope Catholic?”…ah…no, he is not. He is a Jesuit. The Jesuit order was created in 1540, precisely to infiltrate the Church. While still in Argentina, Jorge Bergoglio was filmed several times praying very fervently in places of worship that belong to another non-Christion religion. The videos were online a few years ago. Don’t know if they still are.
Nice people . Too bad they are led by evil fools.
Too bad they are dumbed down and brainwashed like most other groups of people.
Matthew 7:26
Even for someone who’s been through a lot in their life this all borders on daunting for me. Such needless loss of human life, what a waste.
We know this is a global program and that the “methods” being used to implement it are mostly the same with a few variations here and there. If most people are experiencing the exact same or similar symptoms (which they are) then it stands to reason the contents of these injections are nearly identical everywhere. This operation’s been carefully coordinated, remember Event 201?
Governments and the figureheads that represent them are doing the bidding of something that’s been working in the shadows for a long time, determining public policy in private.. NWO wants to do away with politicians entirely and put people like Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg in charge. That’s essentially what’s been happening with this scamdemic. Dr. David Martin named about a dozen of them.
Duterte is obviously just a NWO stooge.
seems like a nice lady, RIP. the pope Francis pushes the vaxx. that may be why so many catholic were conned. (the pope is also pro CPP)
Unfortunately God will not know her with her altered DNA.