November 2, 2021
WARNING: this article contains graphic images that are not suitable for work and are not suitable for the faint of heart.
We know for a fact that the mRNA and viral vector DNA injections cause myriad physiological problems in women, particularly in their reproductive systems. Disturbing images of abnormal menstrual discharge are common, even for women exposed to the spike proteins via shedding.
Stillborn babies and spontaneous abortions are happening far more often that what’s being reported in vaxxed women. There are also instances of post-injection women possibly poisoning their newborn babies with contaminated breast milk. But now we’re seeing something new among post-injection teenage girls.
Lipschütz ulcers aka vulvar aphthous ulcers
Non−sexually acquired vulvar aphthous ulcers were first observed by Austrian dermatologist, Dr. Benjamin Lipschütz, in 1912-13. Thus the condition is still sometimes called “Lipschütz ulcers.” Vulvar aphthous ulcers are extremely painful and unsightly. They typically affect the internal labia minora (inner vaginal lips) of adolescent female virgins.
Vulvar aphthous ulcers are extremely rare. But precise prevalence statistics do not exist. The condition is often misdiagnosed. All sexually transmitted diseases, including genital herpes and Behçet syndrome, must be ruled out before a vulvar aphthosis diagnosis. Some doctors believe the condition is a manifestation of the Epstein-Barr virus (mononucleosis). Many vulvar aphthosis cases are preceded by flu-like symptoms or upper respiratory tract infections. But there is no definitive data as to what causes the condition – that is until we entered the twilight zone in 2021.
There is now at least one documented case of post-injection vulvar aphthous ulcers. Of course that means “rare” to mainstream media, but likely very common in real-life.
The Minnesota case
A 16-year-old Minnesota girl received both Pfizer mRNA injections in August. She suffered a high fever, muscle aches and extreme fatigue within 24 hours. She also suffered from painful lesions in her vaginal area. The lesions expanded and became so painful that the patient could barely walk, urinate or defecate.
She went to the emergency room and was diagnosed with a Bartholin cyst. Doctors prescribed an antibiotic and discharged her. But that turned out to be yet another misdiagnosis. The symptoms worsened over the next 48 hours. She returned to urgent care two days later not only with all the same aforementioned symptoms, but also pus accumulating in the affected area. That’s when University of Minnesota doctors began treating her for Lipschütz ulcers.
RELATED: Sarah Beuckmann: 34-year-old Scotland woman suffers gruesome AstraZeneca adverse reaction (April 24, 2021)
The patient already had several preexisting conditions, including a club foot, a soft palate cleft and a history of oral ulcers.
Why a child with this many medical issues received experimental mRNA injections is unclear. University of Minnesota researchers provided a photo of the patient’s Lipschütz ulcer.
She tested negative for COVID-19, HIV, syphilis and genital herpes. There was Epstein-Barr virus present, indicating a previous mononucleosis infection. The case was reported to the Vaccine Adverse Effect Reporting System (VAERS) as doctors determined there was a “novel association” between the patient’s vulvar aphthous ulcer and the Pfizer injections.
This case suggests that vulvar aphthous ulcers may be precipitated by vaccination, however, further research is required to establish a causal relationship. Since 1980, approximately 80% of the 164 cases of genital ulceration reported to the VAERS have been associated with COVID-19 vaccination. A review of the VAERS, reveals 368 cases of oral aphthous ulcer and 126 cases of either genital, vaginal, vulval or vulvovaginal ulceration associated with COVID-19 vaccination. Of those involving the genitalia, 83 cases were associated with the Pfizer BioNTech (BNT162b2) vaccine.
The patient reported improvements in her condition after two weeks of both oral and topical remedies. But she still suffered from painful urination and sensitivity in the affected area. Read the full study here.
Destruction of women nearly complete
It’s common knowledge and indisputable fact that as “vaccination” rates rise, COVID-19 cases rise. Vermont is the most vaccinated state in the United States. The Boston Globe reported that Vermont is currently experiencing “alarming spikes” in so-called COVID-19 cases. Mainstream media call all post-injection illnesses COVID-19. That all being said, there’s another documented case of vulvar aphthous ulcers that raises even more questions.
This case involves a 19-year-old woman from Colorado. She went to the emergency room earlier this year with full-body skin inflammation, sore throat, cough and vulvar pain, according to the June study published in the Journal of Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology. She tested negative for HIV, syphilis, gonorrhea and all other sexually-transmitted diseases. Doctors diagnosed her with “vulvar aphthosis in response to systemic COVID-19 infection.” In other words, they are saying COVID-19 caused the ulcer, which looked even worse than the Minnesota case.
But there’s one major unanswered question with this patient. She had sex with her “only lifetime male partner” one week prior to arriving at the emergency room. Was he vaxxed; and did he sexually transmit spike proteins that caused this condition? Unfortunately we’ll likely never know. We emailed two of the doctors involved in the study asking those very questions. There was no response at the time of publishing.
Western women, especially Generation Z and Millennials, hardly exhibit womanly traits anymore. Whether they are sleeping with other women or exhibiting male behavior in other ways, women of the 21st century are conditioned by mainstream and social media to shun men altogether. Thus U.S. marriage rates and birth rates are at all time lows in 2021.
RELATED: Depopulation Agenda: Planned Parenthood’s documented blueprint for destroying humanity comes to fruition over last 50 years, culminating with COVID-19 (October 15, 2021)
The psychological destruction of Western women is near complete. But now the powers-that-be are working on the physiological destruction of women. Again, there are documented patterns of post-injection women not only being unable to carry babies to term, but also poisoning their newborn babies with spike-protein-contaminated breast milk. The emasculation of men is nearly complete as well. This is transhumanism. This is the Great Reset, the New World Order.
If you’re a man lucky enough to have a feminine, soft, supportive, strong woman in your life, don’t take her for granted. Pickings are very slim in 2021. Same with women lucky enough to have a man with shoulders, hair on his face, commitment to supporting his family, and who loves eating meat. Good luck finding a non-GMO lover in these time.
It’s creepy to even think about what a typical “couple” will look like in two, five and 10 years from now. Humanity is forever altered. Cling to like-minded, non-GMO people if you want to continue any semblance of our former humanity. Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.
COVID Legal USA is your partner in fight mandatory vaccines and other COVID mandates. Follow us on Telegram and Twitter. Read about white pine needles and order them here.
Thank you so much for reporting this.
Under normal circumstances, any medical product being associated with even just a tiny fraction of all these side effects would be immediately pulled from the market.
The fact that it’s not clearly shows that all of this is intentional. The only explanation is that they are deliberately poisoning the population with spike proteins to kill and sterilize people.
The pain is just icing on the cake for these psychopaths.
God holds these evil people in derision and their plans will only succeeded if God allows it to for the culmination of His story. The revelation is written in the Bible in the book of the revelation of Jesus Christ. Gods will will be done and man cannot thwart it.
You are one of the best out there, Brian. I’m thankful for your courage and research and reporting ability!
May God bless you and your staff! ♥️
Looks like HPV exacerbated by the shot.
Why not just call it the “wrath of God” for immoral behavior? Seems to be the case…
God, if he is good, does not wish us harm does he? The works of evil men are just that. Hard to comprehend but that is something people have to learn. There is a specific evil tribe responsible for all this. Jesus called them the synagogue 🕍 f Satan. They are that bad. But they are men.
One of the many things of God is judgment and truth. Because God is good, he will judge every man for what they have done. And my hope is on God, who will bring an end to all these devils! The fact that God is longsuffering and merciful makes man without excuse. Every man has free will, some have chosen Satan, and therefore, they do the deeds of Satan. And those who don’t run to God run to Satan, whether they know it or not, they run in the darkness and know not where they go. Hell is a place prepared for the devil and his angels. Everyone has a choice, that is why “hell” is fair for these evil men who hurt others. Indeed their works show that they are of Satan their father. 1 John 3:10 In this the children of God are manifest, and the children of the devil: whosoever doeth not righteousness is not of God, neither he that loveth not his brother. James 4:4 Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God./ The only Love that the world will get from God is back at the cross! Psalms 51:17 The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise. But the wrath of God is on these people who do the will of Satan and harm others. Their damnation is just who go a-whoring after Satan.
This should be enough for a sane person with a conscious to stop these Covid shots. If I was a parent I would be pissed off or regret allowing my daughter to take these shots in the first place. I wonder how many parents will end up with depression or possibly commit suicide after they realize what they have done to their children allowing them to take these dangerous, and experimental jabs.
First of all, my heart goes out to these women who have been afflicted with these sores because of this poisonous injection! People are far too trusting of Big Medical and Big Pharma, and of their government and media.
In regards to the masculinization of women, I would like to add that nearly all “female” characters in recent films/TV are not feminine in any way. If you exchanged any of these characters for a male actor there would be no difference. That’s what is so horrifying and gross about feminism: it has nothing to do with womanhood, and instead gives us a comic book caricature of a “man” who happens to have breasts and female genitalia. This grotesque idea has been absorbed by many women. In my workplace, I am surrounded by women who absolutely act like men – or rather, how they think men act. What ends up happening is that they speak and behave like bizarre caricatures of men – again, men who happen to have female bodies. It is repulsive. And these women wonder why the average man is repelled by them…
Feminism tears down femininity and tells women that true womanhood should be eradicated and that women should try to behave like men, or at least how feminists think men behave. I reject that message with all of my being! I am so thankful to God to be a woman, to be a mother and a wife, to be female, and I will never accept the devil’s message that I have to take on the characteristics of a man.
God made male and female for a reason. Blurring the line between the two might be considered “enlightened” to modern minds, but most people know better, which is why it takes decades of nonstop propaganda to move people from a natural, hard-wired, biblical human being to a grotesque, warped blend of genders that was never meant to be.
” I am surrounded by women who absolutely act like men – or rather, how they think men act.”
. . . this, all day long.
Most of the “female” actors are really men as are the “female” politicians and partners of the heads of state. It’s part of their religion. Real women are used for breeding purposes, in hiding. The term “queen” for a gay man came about because it was well known in centuries past that the queens of the European Royal Houses are really men. Gender inversion is a thing with them.
Go to and search “transvestigation”. All this gender inversion and role reversal is part of the confusion agenda to destroy our culture. It is normal for the El-ites though. They especially despise women, the bearers of life. They hate life, even their own.
I was awakened to the “transpocalypse” in 2018 – learning that 99% of “females” in Hollywood are actually feminized/castrated MEN. And yes, it is all part of the Elites’ Luciferian/Gnostic religion, which literally worships androgyny.
Did you ever watch any of Mr. E’s videos about this? They’re second to none.
A guy named ‘Mr.E’ used to have a YouTube channel concerning the ‘Transpocalypse’, before YT punted him – some of the funniest stuff I’ve ever listened to.
Back in 2016 I thought it was a hilarious joke – now I’m not so sure.
Someone has collected many of his old vids, and posted them on Vimeo, found here:
His video analyzing photos of Meg Ryan had me rolling on the floor!
His analysis of Sandra Bullock is worth a listen if you’re in need of a smile, even as sad as all this actually is.
Great points raised. Ever seen the statue of Satan? An androgynous being – they are taking on his likeness “being like their father” and that is how I know all these things are evil.
Exactly! “Transgenderism” is a rejection of being HUMAN, case closed!
My dad is in his 60’s, 5’11, 175 (high school weight), has all his hair, still runs the dogs down the street & hits a golf ball a mile, eats mostly raw fruits nuts and vegs, has no doctor, no tatoos, wears no jewelry, doesn’t smoke, but does drink a red wine occassionally. And he is healthy, happy, spiritual, soft spoken, and just a gas to be around. . . Oh, and did I mention that he hasn’t been vaccinated since he was about 6.
It’s no secret as to why these vaxxes are targeting women’s reproductive systems. It’s no secret that Bill Gates and others have publicly stated that earth’s population should be reduced.
There are only three ways to do this: Kill people outright (many are dying from the gene therapy cocktail drugs), kill people before they are born (abortion, which these drugs contribute to), and sterilization (reduces populations over time due to attrition, death rates being higher than birth rates), which is their preferred long term solution if you want the best method for deflecting blame, as well as being the “least messy” alternative.
My country, the US, has a documented history of involuntary sterilization of women (and I’m sure other countries have as well), so it’s obvious these people have no moral compunction against going that route. These injections have been deliberately designed to target the reproductive organs of women, which will lead to long term sterility, I am sure of this. But besides the mere sterilization issues, we are going to see a lot more of these other side effects, like these ulcers, and other effects that are yet to manifest.
Even though this case was reported to VAERS, you can bet your chicken farm that the vast majority of female reproductive organ problems stemming from vax reactions are not being reported.
On another matter, I don’t mean to sound immature or nit-picking over names, but no vaginal sores should carry a name like “Lipschütz ulcers,” don’t care what the dermatologist’s name was.
Covid vaccination status may be a required question for someone dating, and wanting to reproduce now. If somebody not vaccinated for Covid-19 reproduces with someone who is vaccinated for Covid-19, then there is a high chance that the baby born could not be human, and may not behave like a normal baby. There has been a phenomenon of baby eyed babies born. The future generation will never be the same once this Covid nightmare is over.
Absolutely, we have a 12 yr old daughter, she is not at all interested in dating yet (unlike most of her classmates who talk about little else, she spends her time studying, hiking, skateboarding, playing electric guitar and classical piano and doing art) we have already had a talk about never dating or being involved with anyone who is vaxxed, and the discussion was mutual, she completely understands whats going on, spike protein shedding, g-nome modification and the sterility issue. After watching many covid protest videos, she will also NEVER, EVER date ANY cop. Of course, most of them are also vaccinated, so thats two strikes.
This is a depopulation agenda
She needs to sue her parents.
Parents are literally killing their own children.
The level of incompetence, ignorance, indifference, and sheer stupidity on the part of parents is UNBELIEVABLE!!
Almost two years have be giving to the public to investigate this fake virus, this killer jab, these insane mandates and to simply, think. I cannot tell you how much this pains me to see this. This young woman needed parents to guide her, not march her to the slaughter.
Brian, I so agree with you. If you have someone who has NOT been tested, taken the jab, does not wear a mask, gives up their cellphone, stands their ground, knows their mind–hang on to them–they are the very essence of a diamond-in-the-ruff.
BTW. has anyone seen the movie CELL–it is an eye opener and the very definition of Predictive Programming. Also check out “V” from the 80’s–it was a made for tv movie that is playing out right before our eyes.
Never CONSENT to this poison jab–Wishing THE AWAKEN strength, love and unity.
Yep I just saw Cell for the first time a few weeks ago, I feel like that will be the outcome unfortunately
Most women live ordinary lives and are into pop culture. Any woman that’s smart and a rebel is the cream of the crop to begin with, and a rare breed.
There are at this time all kinds of afflictions manifesting themselves, that have previously been chronic yet dormant.
These have been kept inert and under control, just like cancer in most people. The healthy immune system keeps us all alive!
Afflictions like Herpes coldsores, and Shingles (it lurks) have appeared along with unusual auto-immune maladies, and yes cancers too.
I mean, inoculated women have reported terrible ulcers in their mouths… but THIS is really unfortunate.
“Biologics”…another name for vaccines. Gender benders. In reality!!