Stephanie Wasil: 50-year-old California educator develops blood clots, dead eight days after second experimental Moderna mRNA shot
June 21, 2021

Ms. Stephanie Wasil.

ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA — A 50-year-old educator and mother of two is dead after being pressured by her employer to get injected with experimental biochemicals.

Ms. Stephanie Wasil received her first dose of Moderna experimental mRNA on March 5 at a local CVS pharmacy, Mr. Zach Wasil, her ex-husband and close friend, told The COVID Blog. She suffered no apparent adverse effects from the first shot.

Stephanie was against masks, social distancing and vaccines throughout the so-called pandemic. But her employer, Lucia Mar Unified School District, started pressuring and “strongly suggesting” that all personnel get the shots. Further, both of Stephanie’s daughters, ages 21 and 18, her parents and several friends received the shots and all seemed fine.

Despite being extremely hesitant to get the second shot, Stephanie caved and did so on April 2. The adverse effects were immediate and severe.

Battle for life begins

Ms. Wasil suffered from a 104 degree fever, extreme fatigue, debilitating headaches, nausea and loss of appetite within hours after the shot. All of the symptoms persisted for the next eight days. Stephanie called 911 on April 10 and sent Zach, who is also her business partner and the father of their two daughters, a one-word text message – “help.”

Zach arrived at Stephanie’s place within minutes. She was on the floor writhing in pain. By the time paramedics arrived, Stephanie was fighting for her life. She could not breathe and started panicking before losing consciousness. Medical personnel performed CPR in the ambulance and at the hospital for a total of three hours. But they could not keep her heart pumping. The continual chest compressions broke Stephanie’s ribs.

Doctors informed Zach that even if they did revive Stephanie at that point; she would have permanent brain damage. Doctors got her heart pumping momentarily and performed a CT scan. They found a “large lump” inside her stomach.

Stephanie’s last entry in her personal diary read:

I can’t seem to beat this [temperature], I have no energy and can barely walk 10 steps without having to rest, goddamn this [vaccine]!! Feel like I have COVID or the results of the vaccine. I don’t know but it feels like I’m dying. I hope I am ok.

Stephanie passed away Saturday morning, April 10, three hours after arriving in the ER.


Stephanie’s death certificate says she died from complications of thromboemboli. The family had a forensic autopsy done. The lump in Stephanie’s stomach was deemed to be gut-associated lymphoid tissue. It is part of the body’s immune system that protects against foreign pathogens and invaders.

Ms. Wasil had blood clots in her lungs that ultimately caused a heart attack. The San Luis Obispo County Coroner refused to list the Moderna shot at all on the death certificate. Zach said the first mortician refused them service due to the fact the Moderna shot was involved and the family is very adamant about making that clear. Now all Zach and the family can do is hope for justice and accountability.

“I have learned so much. It’s a bit much, like they are trying to kill us all for real,” he told The COVID Blog. “The lawyers just say there is nothing that can be done because the Big [pharmaceutical companies] covered their butts on this thing.”

Stephanie was a free-spirited, big kid at heart. She loved Halloween and would have been just fine if the holiday was a 24/7/365 event.

Stephanie and Zach were not the typical divorced couple. They were close friends, business partners and parents. Zach even posted about Stephanie’s Moderna death on his business website. He also created another web page dedicated solely to telling Stephanie’s story. Zach said he cannot help to wonder if something bad may happen to his daughters after witnessing Stephanie’s death.

“I worry about it a lot,” Zach said, “It’s very stressful waiting for another call of emergency either from latent effects of the vaccine or just full-blown breakdown, I don’t know.”

A GoFundMe page is collecting funds in memory of Stephanie, and will benefit their two daughters.

It takes two for Moderna

If you believe Dr. Sherri Tenpenny (which we do), everyone who gets these shots is likely going to die within five years, with symptoms starting about 40 days after the second shot. By volume, we’ve covered more AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson deaths related to these experimental shots versus the others in our six months of existence. Pfizer, Sinovac and Sputnik V all seem to be powerful enough to kill after one dose. But we’re seeing a pattern with Moderna – the second dose kills.

Ms. Simone Scott developed myocarditis and died six weeks after her second Moderna injection. She felt very sick after the first injection, but proceeded to number-2 anyway. Dr. Thomas Flanagan died 11 weeks after his second Moderna shot. Ms. Griselda Flores died just two days after her second Moderna injection. Pastor Kimberly Credit died 26 days after her second Moderna injection. The only case we’ve covered of someone dying after one Moderna dose is the comic book artist, Mr. Jesse Hamm.

Here’s the thing – you may be able to mitigate damage by skipping the second shot, whether it’s Pfizer or Moderna. But the effects from the first shot are likely irreversible. There are several natural remedies you can inundate your body with and hope for the best. Dr. Christiane Northrup said the best thing you can do after one or two doses is “get right with God” because few doctors will help you when things go south.

Bottom line – avoid the experimental injections and be ready to exercise your First and Second Amendment rights to ensure your body is not poisoned with this stuff. Stay vigilante and protect your friends and loved ones.


COVID Legal USA is your partner in fight mandatory vaccines and other COVID mandates. Follow us on Telegram and Twitter. Read about white pine needles and order them here.


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3 years ago

First AND Second Amendment rights … this town of Arroyo Grande, where Ms. Wasil lived and died, is located in a part of California that from about 1845 to 1870, was so lawless that its County Seat (San Luis Obispo) made Dodge City look mild by comparison. I’m acquainted with the area’s history and its courageous men and leaders who brought a return of justice, law and order. Will it repeat itself? I have been thinking for the past year now that the pharmacists at all these CVSs and Walgreens around here are going to have to watch their backs in the near future, along with every needle-wielding healthcare “hero” who took part in this. God have mercy on their souls.

Last edited 3 years ago by Janyuary
3 years ago

Another comment for readers: this area where Arroyo Grande is located is in a large county of a little more than 3600 square miles of mostly scenic agricultural/coastal and rugged terrain, and the total county population is barely over a quarter million (about 282,000); compare this to Los Angeles county which is a two hour drive away, to the south; LA county is about 4700 square miles but has almost 10 MILLION people.

THEREFORE like all across America, though this is “Kalifornia” (the most wrongly stereotyped and misunderstood state in the nation) these are small towns of mostly rugged-spirited folks. Individuals who work for local news media that have been IGNORING these stories will have no place to hide because unlike in large cities and densely populated areas, it is impossible to be anonymous around here.

I hate that I find myself lusting for vengeance against the Telegram Tribune, Cal Coast News, KSBY TV (the main local media), when I know that vengeance is the SOLE territory of the Almighty and that He will dispense justice, perhaps with the help of good men He delivers. God bless you The Covid Blog, my prayers are with you and yours.

Last edited 3 years ago by Janyuary
3 years ago

Another terrible fatality. Pure poison those jabs but people see their kith and kin have no obvious trouble with the jabs and sometimes go ahead and take it (like a friend of mine–I watch her for symptoms now). Dr. Tenpenny has been right about the results.

Not sure how our school district also in CA will handle this “vax” thing. Already they have asked if we have taken it in an email. I did not reply. They follow the state and the state, the “Gruesom” Governor, is an unreasonable cardboard cut-out of a man.

3 years ago

She just wasn’t quite hesitant enough. Must have been horrible, at the end, knowing she made a fatal mistake. Shame on Lucia Mar Unified School District !

Patricia Fitzgerald
Patricia Fitzgerald
3 years ago

Since pharma bought protection for themselves, I believe that any employees who are mandated to get a shot sue their employers. Step right up, lawyers. This is probably the only way to stop mandates.

Roger Fuller
Roger Fuller
3 years ago

Dear Janyuary, Don’t feel bad that you lust for vengeance against SLO-MSM deadly lies. It means you are normal. It’s the people who turn a blind eye to all these vaccine killings that aren’t normal. And when you say ” vengeance is the sole territory of the Almighty ” ; I say Religion is the opiate of the People. I think somebody else said that. Was it Karl Marx ? I also like the State of Jefferson, up North. Thomas Jefferson said: ” People should have the right to go to any church or no church at all. ” So he created the First Amendment of the Bill of Rights. That’s what I believe in.
So, for people who aren’t aware of what’s going on with the vaccines; Rosa Koire has been warning people for decades that the vaccines are part of Agenda 21’s slow kill program. Now Rosa Koire is mysteriously dead from a Pulmonary Embolism: a common condition of other Covid-19 vaccine victims. And she died only 25 days ago. And Brandy Vaughn, another major California anti-vaxx activist of also died mysteriously in the past year.
Lastly, I want to say that there is a nearby place: Atascadero State Hospital for the Criminally Insane that imprisons approximately 1200 psychiatric drug slaves and that Big Pharma atrocity has been going on since the place was built: about 1954: the same year that Thorazine was put on the market. That was the first drug that kicked off this giant drug Holocaust that the USA is now in.
If the news about what was going on in that place had gotten out in the past 67 years; maybe something could have been done about Big Pharma and America would be better off.

3 years ago
Reply to  Roger Fuller

You lost me at “religion is the opiate of the people.” (more typically phrased, “Religion is the opiate of the masses.”)

If that was true, why does communism work so hard to eliminate religion? Wouldn’t they WELCOME anything that would drug and enslave their citizens? Religion is the LIBERATOR of the people. That’s why communism is so dead set against it.

Bad churches, such as pastors and preachers who thought they could placate this evil and “render unto Caesar what is Caesars,” have zip to do with religion. Every single one that buckled under and went along with this masking up, social distancing, and injection garbage, is a different animal from religion itself. That you fail to discern the dif between churches and religion is too bad for you.

Last edited 3 years ago by Janyuary
3 years ago
Reply to  Roger Fuller

Thomas Jefferson, like Thomas Paine, were, like all the Founders, overt, declared Christians. In England, the government would PUNISH YOU if you didn’t go to church on Sunday, unless you had darned good reason for not being there. So when the Founders crafted the Constitution, they were sure to separate church and state. Paine was very skeptical of the Bible, wrote “The Age of Reason” and it’s a wonder he wasn’t burned at the stake then. But he believed in God, he was a Christian, Thomas Paine. It is very bad that because these Christian creators of America had the brains to hold church separate from state, that the most common logical fallacy of all, “If not A therefore B” strikes the gullible. If not for church managing the state, then atheist. LOGICAL FALLACY that leads to strife.

Last edited 3 years ago by Janyuary
2 years ago
Reply to  Janyuary

I’m not going to comment on Christianity as a whole, but that nonsense about “turn the other cheek” and “vengeance in the lord’s” has got to go. Christians are delusional if they think bad people never rewrote parts of the Bible, and “turn the other cheek” only protects the bad guys.

Bonnie B. Raisin
Bonnie B. Raisin
3 years ago

I am sure many have benefited from the vaccine and good for them. I have chosen to not get the shot. FYI.

3 years ago

No entry in VAERS for her that I can find.

Roger Fuller
Roger Fuller
3 years ago

Dear January, June 27, 2021
I probably shouldn’t have brought up Religion with you; but I was taught since elementary school that in the USA, under the First Amendment, nobody has to join a religion. And I have always found religion to be a counter-revolutionary force. I believe it will take a revolution to stop the vaccines.

3 years ago
Reply to  Roger Fuller

Sorry, only now to read this, Roger. 07/09 I am puzzled why the issue of being forced to join a religion is stated. Wha ..? It is out of the blue, huh? What does it have to do with the price of tea in China?

Good government (as per the US Constitution model) is removed from religion, and we must also now recognize that in the same way, good government is held removed from science and medicine as well.

Religion aside, one must acknowledge as would the Founders that the Christian bible played a major role in the formation of America’s founding documents and the then-revolutionary ideals behind them. That is a plain fact, regardless of what one thinks of religion in general.

Science, medicine, masquerade as something else, but they are of men, and only beliefs. Keep the authority of government force removed from them because they are like religions. In that I think we agree?

Last edited 3 years ago by Janyuary
3 years ago
Reply to  Roger Fuller

Also, it is worth nothing that government-sponsored injections represent handing the force of government to medicine. Crippling environmental regulations to “save the planet” have hurt or destroyed many food production industries, and represent handing the force of government to science.

America’s founding was REVOLUTIONARY, to escape the tyranny of the Church in England, where its government accorded force of authority to religion. The Founders wrote the Constitution such that religion would always be held separate from government, hence people would live in liberty if the force of their government was held outside the reach of the church. I believe the same is true now for the 21st century, medicine and science must join religion as potential tyrants when handed the force of government. Solution: HOLD LIMITED GOVERNMENT OUTSIDE THE REACH OF TYRANTS of church, science, medicine..

Last edited 3 years ago by Janyuary
3 years ago

I found Stephanie’s case in VAERS.
VAERS ID: 1437053

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