Francine Boyer: 54-year-old Canadian woman develops blood clots, dead 14 days after experimental AstraZeneca shot
May 1, 2021

Mrs. Francine Boyer.

MONTREAL, QUEBEC — A 54-year-old woman is dead, and Canadian mainstream media are reaching for the stars with their propaganda.

Mrs. Francine Boyer and her husband, Alain Serres, both received experimental AstraZeneca shots on April 9, according to a family press release. Mr. Serres suffered no apparent adverse effects. But Mrs. Boyer suffered from extreme fatigue and debilitating headaches. She checked into a local hospital, but doctors could not figure out what was wrong. She was transferred to Montreal Neurological Institute-Hospital.

Doctors diagnosed her with cerebral thrombosis, aka blood clots in her brain. She died on April 23. Canadian mainstream media and politicians commenced a Fauci-Biden-like public relations campaign defending experimental viral vector shots after Mrs. Boyer died. Quebec Premier François Legault told state-run CBC/Radio Canada, “we knew there was a once chance in 100,000 this could happen.” He said the death of Mrs. Boyer is “sad,” but the benefits of experimental AstraZeneca shots outweigh the risks.

National Director of Public Health Dr. Horacio Arruda offered even more big pharma propaganda. He said Mrs. Boyer’s death is “very rare” and “sometimes, unfortunately, there are complications.” Health Canada, a Canadian hybrid equivalent to the CDC and FDA, also said in a statement that the benefits of AstraZeneca shots outweigh the risks.

Mrs. Boyer is survived by her husband, who posted on social media the other day “I love you and I will love you forever!” She is also survived by two grown children, two grandchildren, and her siblings.

Canada “quarantine hotels”

Yes, these are a real thing. Canada requires COVID-19 tests for all international travelers entering the country. Visitors then must pay for a government-authorized hotels and quarantine until the results come back. The three-day stays cost upwards of $2,000. Non-compliance costs upwards of $3,000 per day. Many travelers are now landing in the United States and crossing the border by land to avoid the quarantine hotels. It is one of the most dystopian COVID-19 policies in the world.

International travel is essentially extinct. Clashing laws between countries and airline obedience to Fauci and big pharma mean nano-swabs and experimental shots as part of your passports. Good news is that so-called vaccine passport are unlikely to ever come to fruition on a national level in the United States. It would balkanize the country. There are already several states that have banned them. Further, it would create two separate economies – states and companies that want masks and shots, and those that don’t.

Stay vigilant, Canada. You’re known by many “yankees” as being nice and even kind of docile. Show the world that you won’t be a population of genetically-modified humans like the USA is fast-becoming.


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3 years ago

If COVID-19 patients are being treated with hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin,
and/or dexamethazone with good results, I am wondering if any of these patients
suffering adverse reactions from the vaccinations are being treated with the same drugs.
Any information regarding this would be most welcome.

3 years ago
Reply to  Ben

Several physicians reporting great results treating long haul covid with Ivermectin*, likely due to its powerful anti inflammatory effects. Same reason prednisone tends to be helpful. Some patients given Ivermectin for long haul covid seem to recover well, others only when on the medication, when they go off meds symptoms return suggesting extensive tissue damage.

I recommend researching the Fasting Mimicking Diet (easier and a bit safer than a five day water fast) designed by Dr Valter Longo out of UCLA for cancer patients then applied to several chronic illnesses. Some large social media covid long haul support group members are reporting much success with this approach which is expected to eliminate damaged cells while stimulating stem cell activity for repair. FMD can be customized and self-designed once you understand the macro-nutrient and calorie goals. That’s much less expensive than buying the ProLon FMD kit designed for cancer patients unable to manage a home prepared diet plan. (Longo designed it at UCLA oncologists’ request but doesn’t personally earn any money from the kits.)

Barry Krofchick
Barry Krofchick
3 years ago

Sad for the family. These shots are dangerous. The 1/100,000 odds seems to be the number pharma is using. It’s much worse than that, and if one includes severe side effects , not just immediate death , it may very well be 1/1000 , making it worse than the hypothetical illness it protects against

3 years ago

As of 5.4.21 the CDC VAERS site reflects approx 3600 dead, 86,000 injured from Dec 2020-Jan 31, 2021. It’s stated that only 6% of mortality/injury rates are reported, so imagine those numbers are 6% of how many?? Now imagine how that number will dramatically adjust upwards when they add Feb-Mar-April 2021! EU is 8600 dead, 301,000 injured but also doesn’t reflect more than approx 6% having been reported.

Combining the US/EU at 6% reporting when is it enough to say the experimental injection is vastly more dangerous than covid-19? At these rates of dead and injured we are past the point of risk/ratio data…except the gov-controlled media doesn’t bother with a 24/7 massive chart screaming the numbers of dead and injured at the public, so IMO we are going to see hell at our doorstep in the Fall when cold/flu season starts. God help us all!

Last edited 3 years ago by Jennifer
3 years ago

the benefits of AstraZeneca shots outweigh the risks” says the tool bought and paid for by Big Pharma, Bill Gates, and the rest of the global elite gang. Only a complete fool would think this is true, especially since you have a 99% rate of recovery from covid. It isn’t the virus that has ever killed anyone, its the mistreatment of those who were infected, the purposeful murder of the elderly in the nursing homes. All that was for a reason, to add fear to the hype, and the sheeple fear for their lives and run to the nearest vaccine site to get their shots of death. They mock the ‘anti-vaxxer’ for not being as smart, as caring as they are. The truth is, I don’t live in fear of death. Death comes to ALL, no one will escape by wearing a mask, certainly not by taking any kind of medication or shots. It’s interesting to note, ‘sorceries’ in the bible comes from the Greek word ‘pharmakeia’, it’s where we get our English word ‘pharmacy’ from. The root word is ‘pharmakeus’ and is defined as  (a drug, i.e. spell-giving potion); a druggist (“pharmacist”) or poisoner, i.e. (by extension) a magician:—sorcerer.
God is turning people over to what they fear, death, why? Because most are idolaters, they trust in man, they look to man for survival, to take care of them, to provide for them, etc. They are like the Israelites who cried out for a king, so God gave them wicked Saul. The Lord has sent this virus and the ‘cure’ upon mankind, it will serve HIS purpose, even if that purpose is death for the masses.

3 years ago

Frightening how days, weeks, after the shots, people are dying in terrible suffering. More frightening is hearing another person tell me they just got a shot like our old veterinarian the other day. And the most frightening? Authorities insisting that these jabs are safe and effective thereby encouraging the ignorant to roll up their sleeve.

3 years ago

the fact that we have therapeutics that work to cure the infections such as vitamin D, C, and Zinc, and for worse cases Ivermectin and Hyroxychloroquine (with decades of use behind them with no side effects when used at the proper dosages) that doctors have been using to cure patients(in some places having to do it in secret because these treatments are being banned) just shows everyone that it is not a health issue, it is a money and power grab

3 years ago
Reply to  April

Exactly. In the US the first criteria for issuing an Emergency Use Authorization is that no treatment exists. The EUA issuance is based on a lie! That’s all anyone should need to understand the evil behind these experimental injections.

3 years ago

I am still lucky enough to have mom with me at 94. NO ONE in our small family is going to get any of the so-called vaccines. Johnson and Johnson supposedly has the shot which most closely resembles traditional vaccines. Here in Illinois the politicos are waging a campaign to “reach out” to those who are negative about these jabs. They compare the success rate to a plan like this as similar to a get out the vote push. I do not believe they will be successful in their endeavors.

3 years ago

The tired old “benefits outweigh the risks” when natural CV 19 survival rates and about six very successful medical therapies would bring the odds of dying from this man made disease to not much over zero.This whole narrative is a testing of complimentary systems, mass media and owned government, for imposing ‘their’ 4IR and the Technocratic rule desired by a misanthropic pyramid cap.

Last edited 3 years ago by Brad
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