Sarah Beuckmann: 34-year-old Scotland woman suffers gruesome AstraZeneca adverse reaction
April 24, 2021

Mrs. Sarah Beuckmann is likely to be wheelchair-bound for the foreseeable future.

GLASGOW — This story is not for the queasy. So fair warning – stop reading now if you can’t handle the sight of ghastly human injuries.

Mrs. Sarah Beuckmann received her first dose of the experimental AstraZeneca viral vector shot on March 18, according to The Daily Record. She immediately felt flu-like symptoms, but was otherwise ok – until seven days later. A tingling sensation in her legs quickly turned into a rash that morphed into something you only see in horror movies.

Photo Credit: MirrorPix

Extended hospital stay

Her husband took her to the A&E (accident and emergency department) at Queen Elizabeth University Hospital. Doctors immediately placed her on an EKG machine, as her resting heart rate exceeded 160 beats per minute.

The hospital performed tests to determine if she had herpes or HIV, to no avail. Two biopsies determined that she had an adverse reaction to the experimental shot. Doctors treated the condition with steroids. But not before it spread to her fingers and face.

Photo Credit: MirrorPix


Photo Credit: MirrorPix

Doctors gave her morphine to mitigate the pain. Mrs. Beuckmann told the Daily Record that she thought her legs would need amputating if the condition did not improve.

The mother of one ended up spending 16 days in the hospital before being released on April 12. However she will require physiotherapy to restore strength in her legs. Nurses come to her home to change the dressing on her legs daily.

Mrs. Beuckmann is “ineligible” to get the second shot due to the adverse reaction. But she is encouraging others to get the shots despite her adverse reaction. “I’m not an anti-vaxxer or anything,” she said. “I still believe people should be vaccinated and the amount of people that have had it and have been okay shows that it is safe for most.”

We’ve seen this before

This is at least the third time we’ve covered experimental Johnson & Johnson and AstraZeneca viral vector shots causing this reaction, known as Stevens-Johnson Syndrome. It is the second time in Scotland. All three times, none of the original sources mention Stevens-Johnson.

Further, this is probably the 100th time we’ve covered a victim or their families encouraging others to get experimental shots despite their experiences. It is a waste of time trying to make sense of this seemingly contagious psychological disposition among the inoculated. All you can do is stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.

COVID Legal USA is your partner in fight mandatory vaccines and other COVID mandates. Follow us on Telegram and Twitter. Read about white pine needles and order them here.


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3 years ago

Did I read her final statement wrong? Despite getting this really awful side effect which will result in her needed daily changes in dressings for goodness knows how long and will affect her health in the long run for the worse, SHE STILL WANTS PEOPLE TO TAKE THIS VERY SAME VACCINE?!? I felt sorry for her (those images really shook me) until I heard this ridiculous piece of dribble. No vaccine should be doing this. None whatsoever. If i heard someone i knew had this reaction and told me to get the same vaccine which caused same said reaction then like any person with an ounce of sense (and a brain) i would say no.

These sheeple are pathetic morons who instead of using critical thinking instead follow government propaganda and maniuplation to take a vaccine over a virus with over a 98% percent recovery rate. This vaccine is dangling the carrot on a stick for these muppets.

I am so confused as to why people who develop serious injuries from these vaccines still want others to take it? Shoudn’t this be a wake up call to these people? If you shock yourself by sticking your finger in the toaster and it felt sore then you would tell others not to do the same. It’s the same principle. These morons never listen or read. Good riddance to anybody who takes it.

David Robertson
David Robertson
3 years ago
Reply to  Aidan

It is the effect of the relentless demonizing by the mendacious mass media of those of us who oppose taking this vaccine on perfectly reasonable grounds. I believe this is just the beginning and that more deadly diseases are coming along with more deadly countermeasures. Eventually I expect to be given an ultimatum, take the vaccine or starve.

This entire process may take a few years. The year 2025 has been mentioned frequently as the year the next big pandemic, the SPARS one, is due for initiation. It will run until 2028. And then of course we will have Herr Schwab’s 2030 Great Reset. It makes me glad I am 80 and may leave the field of play at any time.

Last edited 3 years ago by David Robertson
2 years ago

I’m fully expecting they will try to kill the holdouts, either via starvation or some other method. I decided as soon as they started putting pressure (encouragement, punishment, shaming, loss of freedoms etc) that this was my red line and the hill I will die on if necessary. They will literally have to kill me before I take another “vaccine” of this or any other kind. As human beings we have lost so much over 100s if not 1000s of years, we have been so brainwashed we don’t even know how much we’ve lost and are manipulated and taxed literally to death. If, after all that, we can’t even have bodily autonomy, well we literally have nothing.

“Better to die on your feet than to live on your knees” as they say.

Amy Demel
Amy Demel
3 years ago
Reply to  Aidan

Totally agree with you. Not to mention the vaccine is still inside her continuing to eat away at her for the rest of her now shorter life. Covid is a flu that doesn’t need a vaccine. This whole thing has been a lie from the start. False numbers across the board, fake tests with false readings and killer vaccines. Looks like Gates and Fauci got their depopulation wish. So many will die by Christmas this year.

Karen Christy
Karen Christy
2 years ago
Reply to  Amy Demel

I so desperately hope you’re wrong.

3 years ago
Reply to  Aidan

We know that the CV19 virus has never been isolated properly, doctors around the world have requested that information and were told that it is not available….. global all cause mortality was higher in 2017…that being said, if it was real, I would be more inclined to get cv19 since the data out there says survival under 70 is 99.5%

Last edited 3 years ago by April
Johanne Howard
3 years ago
Reply to  Aidan

Their treatments are paid if they align with the agenda, otherwise they get no care.

3 years ago
Reply to  Aidan

Her statement is so bizarre following that insane reaction I have to wonder if she was paid.

2 years ago
Reply to  Aidan

This is the type of people the government want to kill off. Morons

2 years ago
Reply to  Craig

No Craig, the gov wants to kill off & control EVERYONE. Now that they’ve nailed transfer of consciousness (SelfLESS – Movie) & secured their underground oasis hotels to protect them from another 1918 EMF die-off (this time it’s 5G)- they’ve determined humans are a waste of space.
WEF infiltrators and useless idiots in entertainment, medicine, & politics help propel the psychosis, but it’s really interesting (& sad) watching them mix Jesus in it.

Check out Behold a Pale Horse & for other angles…

3 years ago

Its not only blisters but images close up of the ankles show yellow-red pus filled blisters the size of her toes covering her ankles and feet.

There’s no flu in history has created these sort of blisters, even the Smallpox virus which also produced large amounts of blisters on the skin couldn’t match this level of blistering.

Add to that her face looks like someone punched it hard enough to break her cheek bone.

As for her recommendation for others to get the vaccine, there exists military think-tanks in NATO who still believe to this day they can start a war with Russia and survive. What else can I say?

3 years ago
Reply to  SpecOps

The only time I’ve seen “weeping extremities” was near the end of my husband’s life. It’s typically associated with one of three systemic problems, his was venous insufficiency (heart) resulting from PE (pulmonary emboli) after he broke his arm and was hospitalized. Another common scenario is kidney/renal dysfunction, or post-surgical lymphedema etc. Bottom line, if this woman went in healthy and ended up with edema in lower extremities…something systemically critical happened post-injection.

2 years ago
Reply to  SpecOps

Potato already did that -& blamed Trump. Watching him report he “had Covid,” not knowing who he is, & that it was giggle’s husband who may have it-
and idiots still defending voting his shill a** in,
is just as painful as hearing these propaganda victims suggest taking their kill-shots.
Next level is the 6 month-olds.

If they continue to launch this 5G weapons system, & ship half of CA’s water out to the ocean, I don’t see escaping an extinction level event in the next 5 -10 yrs max!

Last edited 2 years ago by Chris
3 years ago

Another vaccine “Stockholm syndrome” drone. I feel sorry for her sufferings but did it ever occur to these brainwashed vaccinees that perhaps the shot distribution should just stop and the drug companies try again for something better? That position would not make you “anti-vax” if this is what they are so worried about.

3 years ago
Reply to  kris

How about simply prescribing proven treatments for covid 19, oh right, no $$$$ to be made.

3 years ago
Reply to  Jennifer

Therapeutics utilizing existing pharmaceuticals such as Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine should be receiving the utmost attention right now. And those agencies and individuals who have been suppressing this information should be prosecuted, jailed and some even worse.

3 years ago

Absolute INSANITY! SJS can be LIFE-THREATENING!! Not to mention the possibility of losing limbs. It truly is no joke. As a nurse who worked in ICU and ICU step down units for several years, I never once saw a case of SJS. It’s not common, and honestly pretty much any drug can cause it as well, especially antibiotics. But my god, why on EARTH would you urge people to get the vax when it is known to cause life threatening adverse effects such as this??? She says “it’s safe for most people”. Yeah lady…tell that to the families of the poor souls who’ve died from this POISON! Bet they’d have a few choice words for you.

Jourdan Fuqua
Jourdan Fuqua
3 years ago
Reply to  Shelly

As a Nurse myself, i’ve got to agree, and I would add that it looks like an extreme case of petechiae to me. Granted, i’ve not once seen a case that bad in almost 20 years. I’d be curious to see her labs and medical history.

Jenny Werner
3 years ago

How can anyone promote this filth from Hell ? She is still a pro-vaxxer urging others to get this experimental “rat poison?” The amount of brainwashing going on in order for people to become “vaccinated” against the sniffles is just mind-blowing!

marty robinson
marty robinson
2 years ago

Yeah it’s called poisoning. Haven’t any of you sheep learned from others??

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