Kathryn Huffman: 60-year-old triple-vaxxed Texas nurse resurrects her competitive youth bodybuilding endeavors, suddenly dies in her sleep

September 21, 2023

FRISCO, TEXAS — Average life expectancy in the U.S. had risen or stayed the same every year from 1943 to 2019. The average American lived to 78.7 years (life expectancy at birth) in 2019, with the average woman living 81.4 years. Life expectancy since the 1940s has always been highest among Asian Americans and White women.

Ms. Kathryn Wyant Huffman was a 60-year-old competitive bodybuilder. She was also a nurse at Medical City Dallas Hospital, according to her Facebook page. Ms. Huffman divorced her longtime husband in 2019, after 25 years of marriage.

She described her husband as an “abusive, lazy slob” and the marriage as “terrible.” Meanwhile she described herself as a former “raging alcoholic” who weighed 182 pounds and had two hip replacements. After 12 years of sobriety and several other mea culpas, Ms. Huffman, on July 7, 2022, told the world that she was getting back to her yesteryear passion of bodybuilding at age 60.

And why not at age 60 when, prior to 2020, Ms. Huffman could expect to live into her 80s. But this is not 2019; and Ms. Huffman was a nurse. You know there this story is going.

“We’re going to defeat this enemy…with the vaccine”

It’s unclear exactly how many mRNA injections Ms. Huffman received. But as a nurse, she was first in line in the U.S. Her first Pfizer mRNA injection came on December 18, 2020 – one day after Chattanooga, Tennessee nurse Tiffany Dover collapsed on live television after her shot.


Her second shot came on January 11, 2021.


Full-on vaxx zealotry commenced from there.


By the summer of 2021, Ms. Huffman was regurgitating all of the most common verses in the Book of COVID. She wrote on August 29, 2021 that the ICU at her hospital was full of “unvaccinated people.”

Ms. Huffman told a chilling story about a patient who begged not to be placed on a ventilator, likely because said patient knew that once the ventilator goes on (and/or the Remdesivir goes down), you’re going to die. Further if the patient was talking in the first place, then the patient did not need a ventilator. But hospitals have received hefty cash bonuses from the government for implementing The Great Reset genocide, including $39,000 per patient they killed via ventilator.


Several of her friends and followers chimed in with their “I’m vaccinated” stories, prompting Ms. Huffman to repeat more Book of COVID verses: “95% of hospitalized COVID patients are unvaccinated,” “I’m ready for my booster,” etc.


It appears Ms. Huffman received a booster shot on September 14, 2021.

Revitalizing her bodybuilding endeavors and sudden death

Ms. Huffman stayed true to her word. She set a goal to compete in a bodybuilding competition for people age 60 and over in Miami, in July 2023. That gave her one year to get back in shape.


She posted older photos of herself on Instagram for inspiration. This one is from 25 years ago, and posted via Instagram on August 10, 2022.


Ms. Huffman posted another inspirational photo on September 5, 2022.


She was working out 5-6 days per week. Ms. Huffman posted this update on March 28.


By June 19, she looked like this.


Ms. Huffman, on June 8, reminded everyone that the NPC Southern States Championships were on July 8. She was one month away from competing.


Ms. Huffman’s final Facebook post was on July 2 at 6:08 p.m. It was one week before her first bodybuilding competition in decades. She was feeling a little down because all of her friends had “great marriages, vacations,” etc. while her life is “nothing but a grind.” Still, she was looking forward to the competition the following week.

Ms. Huffman passed away in her sleep that evening. Her son found her unresponsive Monday morning, July 3, according to a GoFundMe page.

Life expectancy is quickly declining

Mainstream media continue sugarcoating the realities facing Western humanity, who are 80%-plus vaxxed. NPR, citing a now password-protected document published by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC), reported on December 22, 2022 that U.S. life expectancy is now 76.4 years. That is the lowest life expectancy number since 1997 (76.5 years). Average life expectancy has dropped every year since 2020, after rising every year since 1944 when the average American lived only 65.2 years.

We’ve said it numerous times. The peak of the vaccine genocide will take place in the spring and summer of 2024. That’s when all the people who received one Johnson & Johnson viral vector DNA injection, or one or two mRNA injections from December 2020 to August 2021, will die off in droves. The only ones who will be spared are those who received placebos.

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny said way back in April 2021 that vaxx recipients will die “42 days to a year” after the injections. She was correct, as she was referring to the people who received the original formulas before the slow-kill boosters were introduced in August 2021. All of the injections since that time contain the anti-heart attack buffer tromethamine, aka “tris,” to at least delay inevitable cardiac arrest.

RELATED: James Hallinan: 40-year-old New Mexico political consultant vaxxes himself to death, embodies the virtue-signaling vaxx zealot addicted to needles (July 28, 2023)


Dr. Charles Hoffe was a bit more optimistic than Dr. Tenpenny when he said, in July 2021, that everyone who received the injections would die of heart failure “within two years.” He posited that tiny blood clots would accumulate in the capillaries of vaxxed people, and ultimately cause the heart to stop. Now it appears, based on observation and the doctors’ assessments, everyone who received booster shots from September 2021 to March 2022 will make up the bulk of the die off in 2024.

Ms. Huffman is one of those booster victims. She stopped drinking alcohol 12 years ago, got out of an alleged abusive relationship four years ago, and was working out daily as a 60-year-old woman. She was as healthy as someone her age could ask for. This blogger respected her grind in the gym. It gets much harder after age 40, let alone age 60.

Things are getting bad for everyone. This blogger has been in contact with people he hadn’t spoken to in decades because they’ve found this website after suddenly losing loved ones. We get more emails now than at any point since The COVID Blog® started in January 2021. It’s heavy stuff, even when you’ve known all along that this would be the result of mass vaccination.

This blogger has spent the last several months visiting and hanging out with as many old friends and loved ones as possible. We typically don’t talk about the elephant in the room. It’s just reminiscing and having fun. We suggest that you do the same before its too late. Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


COVID Legal USA is your partner in fight mandatory vaccines and other COVID mandates. Follow us on Telegram. Pre-order The COVID Blog® book here.


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10 months ago

What I got out of this article was a woman who was unhappy all her life. Young, old, married or unmarried. It’s a shame. Well at least she was vaccinated. It could have been so much worse.

10 months ago

Why are nurses so stupid to take the vaccine, I know some where forced, but some wanted it and then participated in the forced death of many with Ventilator and the GATES Murder Drug Rhemisvir.

10 months ago
Reply to  Dawn

No one was really forced. They could have walked off the job and lived.

9 months ago
Reply to  ShellyM

True, one can always get a new job, but you cannot expect to get a new body.

10 months ago
Reply to  Dawn

The majority of those in the medical industry really aren’t very smart! No common sense and zero critical thinking. They memorize and regurgitate and worship the corrupt scientists and government agencies. They are full on brainwashed sheep!

10 months ago
Reply to  Denise

Sometimes the money is too good. They have family and need to support them. Lots single mothers. I was shocked when I had a visit to my local hospital ER a few months ago. All those nurses were covered with tattoos. They just follow the social media trends. Even that this person was “vaccinated”, bodybuilding is not a healthy sport. Very bad choices since the beginning.

9 months ago
Reply to  Dawn

The reason is very simple. We were mandated to do so. This came from the “Big guy” himself, Joe Biden. Many of my friends and colleagues were skeptical, but most moved ahead. I did not take the “Jab” and decided that even if I had to leave the profession after decades I would do so. I was allowed a religious exemption thankfully and many of my colleagues STILL wonder how I got this. God did it, I followed His instructions.

10 months ago

That photo of her with “I got my shot…”: the curved blue band is reminiscent of a scimitar. And one way of looking at it is, “I cut my own throat.”

10 months ago

Nothing about that whole “look at all these dumb unvaccinated people, they’re dying!” story was real, then or now. It’s an incredible statement about how humans can lie to themselves, that she was a nurse and couldn’t see this for herself, but instead became part of the propaganda machine in real time.

10 months ago

Bodybuilding is good for a broken heart, but it does nothing for myocarditis.

Last edited 10 months ago by Timothy
10 months ago

I have a R.N. license and have used it in the past. What I learned about nurses is that, in general, they are not a very bright group of people.

10 months ago
Reply to  ShellyM

My niece, an RN (nurse) is dumber than a box of rocks!!!!

10 months ago

What I got from this article is that her husband outlived his usefulness.

So, who won the bodybuilding competition ?.

Harold Crapper
10 months ago

I sure hope the 2024 date is wrong, I have too many family and friends who just would not even consider what I said. If true, I will have a few extra nieces and nephews living with me.

10 months ago
Reply to  Harold Crapper

At least they will be taken care of by someone wise. And they have somebody that is family and has their best interest as a priority. We know we dont want this of course but if thats it, what can we do? Just step in.
Maybe this was meant to happen, to have the children educated by people that are not brainwashed.
Maybe this was the purpose: to get eid of the ones that fell into all lies and are dragging us all down.
Is a cleaning process, not what was intended by TPTB but Divine exist or maybe we manifested a different income as we didnt fall into the trap and thats it.
Will be a better world tomorrow, after we will face lots of problems of course. But no matter what lies ahead, we passed this difficult test and we are stronger for what is yet to come.

9 months ago
Reply to  Harold Crapper

Frends, family, co-worders – I don’t know a single person who is not vaxxed 🙁

10 months ago

She said her ‘heart swelled!” It sure did, probably to three times the size!

10 months ago

The forecast of death for the vaxxed is grim. Last year my wife, a federal employee, was faced with the prospect of no vax, no job. We talked about it and, since she was more than eligible and had plenty of money saved up, I recommended that she retire. Instead, she let herself get vaxxed twice so she could continue working for a couple more years in order to save up even more money.

Money does one little good in case of disability or death.

Curiously, those employees at my wife’s workplace who declined vaxxing were not terminated, nor were boosters required. It all seemed to blow over, especially when the war started in Ukraine. Suddenly the daily reports of (supposed) Covid deaths and “cases” stopped and coverage instantly shifted to focusing on the war.

I, being retired already, couldn’t (and wouldn’t) be forced by anyone to get vaxxed, despite the vitriol spewed in my direction by family members and supposed friends who lined up to vax shots. They were like sheep. They didn’t give it any thought and they just didn’t THINK. It reminded me of something my late father would say: “Use your head for something other than a hat rack.”

Then about a year ago, despite not getting vaxxed myself, I came down with Bell’s Palsy. Fortunately I was able to get over it, but I have to wonder if it was due to being around my vaxxed wife who may very well have been shedding spike proteins.

Does this mean that despite not getting vaxxed, my health might be compromised as well? I guess I’ll find out.

Harold Crapper
10 months ago
Reply to  Piglet

I wonder about the same every day, my family is not vaxxed, but we are around the vaxxed. I remind my daughter daily that all vaxxed now have a genetic mutation, you can be friends with them, but no dating them. I consider them the same as a person with AIDS.

10 months ago
Reply to  Harold Crapper

Agree. I told my kids there is no future with a vaxxed person. Be nice and be friends
but keep your distance.

10 months ago
Reply to  Piglet

Yes shedding is real but non vaxxed people can clean it.
This means lots of tea and supplements almost the same as vaxxed people if you live with them you need to cleanse on daily basis otherwise you accumulate too many toxins.
We can manage it but need vitamins, eat cleaner, salt baths, teas and supplements not a huge number but we cant have the same as we had before plandemic. We need to take more nac vot c antioxidants pine tea etc
Our bodies are not spike factories we can clean with some efforts

Sean OConnor
Sean OConnor
10 months ago
Reply to  Piglet

Shedding is real especially in close contact I made the mistake of going to beaches in South Florida when all those vaxxed from Canada and blue states were there. I got some lightweight skin ulcers that responded to nicotine gum and topical vitamin C (citrus juice).

10 months ago
Reply to  Piglet

Sorry about your wife getting the not very safe or effective experimental shots. Regarding Bell’s palsy, I had this diagnosis in January 2021, prior to the “vaccine” roll out to the general population. I was age 60 and had a pretty bad case from which I’m not fully recovered (synkinesis). I’ve also researched unilateral facial paralysis extensively as I’ve worked in healthcare for 40 years and it is considered idiopathic, meaning they don’t know for sure what causes it although there are theories. I’m not sure about the shedding spike protein thing, have no idea if it is possible to affect a non-injected person.

Last edited 10 months ago by SusanB
10 months ago
Reply to  SusanB

I believe radiation poisoning from 5G towers can cause all kinds of ailments.

10 months ago
Reply to  Piglet

My sisters best friend started having a constant period shortly after her son and husband were jabbed, which they both regret now. She believes it’s from their shots. If I were you I would look into supplements to combat what your wife may be transmitting. I know NAC and quercetin are good ones and I would also consider a zeolite spray.

10 months ago
Reply to  Piglet

Sorry about your Bell’s palsy. This is why, as a single man, I wont sleep with “vaccinated” women. That cuts down on the dating pool quite a bit in the Leftist city I live in, however the dating pool is not all that great to being with, with all of the BPD narcissism in women these days.

Non GMO human
Non GMO human
10 months ago

Missed you Brian! So happy to see your font again. I’m also spending time with family as much as possible these days.

Take care!

10 months ago

This is a good example showing no matter your physical conditioning, the vax can end your days. The three leading causes of death in the US are cancer, heart attack, and stroke…rates are increasing and all 3 are linked to the vax. I feel like I dodged a missile.

10 months ago

Yesterday at my son’s basketball practice I’ve noticed a a heart defibrillator (is that how you spell it?) right beside the front door, I don’t remember seeing these before.

10 months ago

I took some courses through Dr Tenpenny when this PLANDEMIC started.

I wanted to learn more about JABS even though I’m a non jabber all my life.

I’m 67 now.

I thought maybe if I shared what I learned from Dr Tenpenny then since I paid for it that family would be more open to listening.

I already had fought the medical cartel in the 90s for not complying and my family saw me as unhinged let’s say so surely they’ll go through Dr Tenpenny’s info since it’s not me.

I was wrong.

9 months ago
Reply to  Nicholas

Did Dr.Tenpenny tell her students in the course that vax manufacturers were unable to be sued for vax injuries and deaths? That information, which was available to the dumb joe normies, was all that was needed to make a conscious decision about whether or not to take the jab. If you took it, then you’re an idiot who deserves to suffer the consequences. If you didn’t, then well done and let me set you up with my a hot, anti-vax granddaughter.

10 months ago

It was alarming, its now terrifying the rythm of the deaths due to the killing syringe. I had this elaborate virus and have no more or rather taste smell and parosmia but didn’t taste their vax

10 months ago
Reply to  Leo

There is no “elaborate virus”. There is only elaborate propaganda that sipped into your mind and EMF assault.

10 months ago

Can’t help but note that in her first vax screenshot she announces “my heart swells”

The macabre ‘jokes’ just write themselves don’t they?

10 months ago

I imagine the 7.3 million immigrants (not counting the thousands that are uncounted monthly) that the Administration has let in are going to be back fill for when the great die off – which has already commenced – really gets going – guess they figure if the population numbers are kept up – no one will notice.

10 months ago

Wow! That is something. I have worked out on and off most of my life but I would love to have half of her dedication. These kind of stories are sad! It is not hard to feel bad for the nasty vaxx zealots who die but I do feel bad for people who die that are just normal people. My boss has had like 4 boosters and I always worry about him suddenly passing. He is genuinely a nice guy and if he passed it would leave a big whole in our company!

10 months ago

“My heart swells…” she wrote.

10 months ago
Reply to  Ed_J

I thought that was ironic since that’s more than likely what killed her. Can’t help but wonder how many synthetic hormones she was on since she clearly turned into a man during the last few months of her life. Frightening!!

Ruldolph Muggle
Ruldolph Muggle
9 months ago

Her heart swelled, alright…

9 months ago

I share stories from this blog and elsewhere with friends in hopes of enlightening them and getting them to think twice about getting vaxxed. So far I’ve met with little success. People are used to being fed government and Big Pharma propaganda all of their lives and anything else is just “conspiracy theory.”

What is a conspiracy? To me it’s just another word for “team work,” except in this case those involved didn’t advertise their activities to the world. That, of course, is something that happens all of the time.

I think most people who are taken in by the propaganda really don’t want to consider that the world is not what they thought it was, that it’s full of lies and deception and they’ve been suckers for all of their lives.

I’m reminded of that famous line from The Matrix: “This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill – the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill – you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.”

Most people opt for the blue pill. Readers of this blog have taken the red pill and and are finding out how deep the vax rabbit hole goes.

9 months ago

Hearing about all of these vaxxed injuries and deaths really gives the chosen people/un vaxxed some perspective and gratitude for not being dumb morons.

No matter what life throws at me in the present moment in time it’s nothing compared to the pain and heartache that will follow suit for the vaxxed. Sure sucks to be them. Anybody denying that coming reality needs to get their head out from their arse.

9 months ago

She got what she asked for ????????????

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