James Hallinan: 40-year-old New Mexico political consultant vaxxes himself to death, embodies the virtue-signaling vaxx zealot addicted to needles

July 28, 2023

James Hallinan.

PARADISE VALLEY, ARIZONA — A 40-year-old political consultant is dead after receiving an untold number of lethal injections.

Mr. James Hallinan described himself as a conservative Democrat and a “gay man.” She was a spokesman and campaign manager for several prominent New Mexico politicians, including Attorney General Hector Balderas and Democrat Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham.

Mr. Hallinan sued the latter for sexual harassment after she allegedly poured a bottle of water on his crotch, then grabbed his penis and testicles in 2018.

Democrats swept the incident under the rug because it was a female assailant, and Lujan Grisham is deeply connected to Washington, D.C. Vice President Kamala Harris officiated Lujan Grisham’s wedding in 2022.

The governor’s campaign and political action committee settled the matter for $150,000 in 2021. New Mexico Republicans called the settlement “hush money.” Mr. Hallinan claimed that he’d received death threats and harassment from police ever since the settlement. Lujan Grisham was re-elected in 2022 despite the sexual assault allegations.

Mr. Hallinan was a founding member of the New Mexico-based nonprofit Southwest Public Policy Institute. His final Twitter post came on July 17. He bid farewell to Mr. Eric Witt, an aide to Governor Lujan Grisham, who died unexpectedly that day. He was 60 years old.

Note that Lujan Grisham is a diehard, virtue signaling vaxx zealot who supports vaccine mandates.

The man loved his needles to death

To call Mr. Hallinan a vaxx zealot would be an understatement. He was posting about flu shots in January 2021. Mr. Hallinan also said he had so-called COVID antibodies, aka natural immunity.


He received his first Moderna mRNA injection on March 20, 2021 despite natural immunity.



Mr. Hallinan double virtue-signaled his second Moderna mRNA shot. He tweeted a video of himself receiving the lethal injection on April 16, 2021.


The next day, April 17, 2021, he tweeted another video urging everyone to “get the damn shot.”


Mr. Hallinan received a booster mRNA injection and another flu shot on December 3, 2021.


He, for whatever reason, received a DTaP (diphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus) shot around November 2, 2022, along with another flu shot, and got very sick as a result. Mr. Hallinan said he got sick because he received “the wrong vaccine.”


Ms. Marissa Hallinan, James’ sister, posted via Facebook that her brother died on July 20. No further details were provided.

The vagueness means the suicide card or some other weird car accident-type #ABV narrative may be forthcoming.

Needle addiction is real

We’ve talked about how vaxx zealots are similar to heroin junkies. A few studies have concluded that the actual needle penetration into the skin is a major part of heroin addiction. We found another case study published in 2010. It refers to “needle fixation.” A 37-year-old man repeatedly drew his own blood and re-injected into himself up to 20 times every two minutes. He was also addicted to heroin. The study continues:

“Prior to injecting he described mounting tension and craving for needles, which was released by inserting needles and indulging in the above behaviour. He described this process as more attractive than heroin itself most of the time and would feel intense relief after inserting a needle.”

The man was prescribed Prozac and methadone as a treatment protocol to cull the needle cravings. It apparently worked, but he stopped showing up for treatments after six weeks. The study associated sexual arousal and obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) symptoms with needle fixation.

There’s no other explanation for vaxx zealots continually going back for more poison, other than sexual pleasure, addiction and/or pure stupidity. Many did it because Trump, Fauci or some other idol told them to get the shots.

Mr. Hallinan acknowledged that he had natural immunity to so-called COVID, but irrationally got the injections anyway. There are no tangible benefits to the shots, other than 15 minutes of social media clout. Perhaps that is also part of the addiction.

Dear vaxx zealots: start taking Prozac or natural SSRIs like pharmaceutical-grade St. Johns Wort or 5-HTP for your own good. The first step towards overcoming addiction is admitting you have a problem. There’s no way to detox the injections. All you can do is refuse further shots and pray every night before going to sleep.

Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


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A. Lakenne
A. Lakenne
11 months ago

All one needs to know about Mr. Hallinan is to look at the shirt in his second video; it tells me everything I need to know. Thank God that from the very beginning, with all of my faults and shortcomings, I knew a year in advance to take a very hard pass on the Satanic Elites’ (and their not-so elite lackeys) vile “vaccine” agenda.

11 months ago

Totally agree on the mental illness of vaxx zealots. The social media obsessed and virtue signaling really strokes their ego and their desires for attention. The constant need to post your life in detail on social media I cannot relate to. I have no sympathy for this type of behavior. I never knew that needles were so addictive in themselves. Ewww. I can’t feel sympathy for him or his crowd. Reap what you sow.

KarlM Alias
KarlM Alias
11 months ago

….that our beloved and brilliant brother….
Brilliant?? Certainly, not while alive – the only brilliance coming from this dude will be during his cremation.

Jack Sparrow
Jack Sparrow
11 months ago

It is definitely mental illness and I detect some form of narcissism. The guy is carrying on about his antibodies. Some form of self validation that he has these special protectors in his body called antibodies. Needle addiction of course also. This is not the way to get off.

11 months ago

“Get the damn shot”…… Get a damn casket. Unreal.

11 months ago

A guy who I worked with told us all the same words on a June, 2021 conference call. “Just get the damned shot!”. Three months later, he was diagnosed with a rare terminal blood cancer. They replaced him at work in the summer of 2022. I lost that job then due to the company mandate but don’t regret it.

11 months ago
Reply to  Ed_J

I’m glad to hear that there are still critical thinkers such as yourself that stood up, facing great personal risk finically and other wise, that said NO. It gives me hope. In the last two days I received texts informing me of the of the deaths of a 46yo woman that I knew and another that was a 49yo. Both, from heart attacks. Stay strong out there.

Never forget Fauci
Never forget Fauci
11 months ago

The SODOMGOMORRAH+ sex cult hive mind members are brainwashed, they/them/zer are ticking time bombs, for them the fetal tainted clot shots were a satanic baptism into their depravity, now they will pay for it dearly over the next few years they will all start turning into stone like their ancestors did in Sodom & Gomorrah

11 months ago

‘Mr. Hallinan got sick because he received, ” the wrong vaccine.”

What kind of INSANITY is this, and a sick society have we become? Showing your face on social media with thumbs up? Showing your band-aids, your shots? Who notices or even CARES about you? Who gives a rat’s ass!

Randi Novack got the vaccine because, she, ” believed in Trump”. What kind of immature society have we become? It is so shocking. Did they all just get out of puberty?

Because that is the majority of the people featured here that Brian exposes. Stupid children.

11 months ago
Reply to  Cat

It’s an IQ test that many failed, unfortunately.

John Smith
John Smith
11 months ago
Reply to  LoriQ

I feel that IQ does play a part in many cases; additionally, I have noticed the common thread of lack of connection to a higher power.

People whom I know and who do not lack a respectable IQ score, yet have lined up for each and every shot, display the common trait of existing entirely within themselves: existential narcissism, in a way.

They lack a connection to God, the Universe; whatever name one employs to refer to that power which exists on a far higher plain the do we.

11 months ago
Reply to  John Smith

I agree John. There is an arrogance to many I’ve met who took the shot – a sense that they know better than the rest of us. Fear is the other component the MSM has stirred up amongst the population. It takes a strong-willed individual to resist the insanity going on these days. People that do – Stand and Stay Strong.

11 months ago
Reply to  John Smith

True, it is a lack of connection. But not only this. They are not so intelligent actually,because they dont use their brain, instead take things as they are told to them and apply accordingly. Without critical thinking.
This is not very intelligent. They just had the ”education” and fit a role. They learned something and then applied, without using their own neurons. Just lollow like sheeps all they were told.
Most are absolutelly terrible if you take them out of the comfort zone. They have 0 skill to adapt and do something different, figure things by them own etc. This, again, is not an intelligence trait.
Some give them too much credit!
They are utterly stupid and also delusional. Think they are intelligent, important for the state etc. They are not, they are just drones.
i kinda wonder of they are not the ones some call ”soul less people” drones, that are filling a gap in the Matrix we are living in (if indeed there is one).
Anyway, they are not intelligent. An intelligent person is able to connect the dots and make this fast. They are not, they just follow steps they were ”educated, indocrinated” in. Nothing more.

11 months ago
Reply to  Maria

People confuse “being very adaptable to the system in place and fashioned by it”, with “being intelligent” or “being successful”.

11 months ago

“The reasonable man adapts himself to the world: the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man.”

___George Bernard Shaw, Man and Superman

Kim Karma
Kim Karma
11 months ago
Reply to  Cat

“vanity by far my favorite sin”

Al Pacino in Devil’s Advocate.

There’s a reason Narcissus had his own fable. Looking at oneself (which is basically much of what posting on social media is) is not good for mental advancement. It’s causes one to not advance past the first few rungs of Maslovs hierarchy of needs. Which is ironic because it gives the illusion of self actualization when in fact it inhibits it.

11 months ago

And still the vaccine injured are being ignored by their vax zealous governments, friends and family (that care more about big pharma profits than their injured loved-one, whose life is now ruined) and sell-out mainstream media.

I am disgusted by those people who dare to dismiss those vaccine injuries as either fake/not related to the vaccine or as “rare” and not worth discussing. I have said it once, and I will say it again, anybody who promoted the jab (from big pharma shills, to a social-media addict “who didn’t know about the vaccine being bad from the start”) are all guilty; and anybody who dodges this issue is evil and selfish. They all need to come forward and admit their guilt. We know big pharma has gotten away with this before (remember swine flu?) and will never admit their evil guilt. Will the rest of the vaccinated, who haven’t yet admitted their own folly and guilt, come forward? Well the myocarditis will have to hit them so hard that they will have to eventually.

Brian is once again reminding the world that these vaccine issues are real and still happening (I and every other critical-thinker doesn’t need reminding; we just come here to validate our claims).

11 months ago

another clueless moron bites the dust -total idiot telling others to take it just because he watched a load of propaganda on TV and deemed himself better and more intelligent than others …….. the reason so many of us did not take it was not because we were ‘selfish , uneducated morons who didnt watch MSM” , we didnt take it because we saw all the same propaganda that he did , but we had the intelligence to keep going , to keep learning , to keep educating ourselves and guess what we learnt ……. these vax idiots thought they knew everything when the truth was the vax idiots were the most clueless…. all they knew was what the TV was telling them …….and that right is one dumb f&&&… HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHA

11 months ago

Not much for the needle junkies to show off other than band-aides and vaccine cards. Nothing like blue hair and body piercing.

They should be given UV flashlights so they can follow their Luciferase tracks.

11 months ago

My double-vaxxed elder brother is a 56yo polyglot PhD. Never failed to make smart-alec quips during covid about getting “chipped [insert obligatory smiley]” and “when will it dawn on these people [how deadly the virus is]” etc. etc.

From flooding me with emails (which go to my Spam folder) about the wonders of mRNA and bad, bad Russia, he has now switched to much-needed updates about “48 C / 118 F in Sicily!!” Err… No, it wasn’t. And even the actual temperature on that day was measured on a road surface, in blatant departure from established methodology.

Hook, Line & Sinker. Again and again and again. These supposedly intelligent and educated individuals will NEVER learn.

11 months ago
Reply to  Dayne

The mind control is far, wide & deep. It’s distressing.

Atom man
Atom man
11 months ago
Reply to  Dayne

These people are useful for “pushing the narrative”. That term “useful idiots” comes to mind as TPTB have no love or concern for them. Sooner or later all of them (including TPTB) will come to grief. Call it “karma” (action) or “the law of cause and effect” or “divine justice” as I see clear evidence in physics that all things are connected by strong, invisible threads. Most of those people are highly egocentric too – me, me, me – and “the universe” or the “universal mind” does not seem to care much for that. In time of course they will all be dead, dead, dead, and what better world will they have left behind? Chaos and destruction. Maybe the survivors will know better than to trust “authorities” when there really are none, at least none that acknowledge such an “inconvenient truth” that the healthiest children in the USA are those of the Amish.

11 months ago
Reply to  Dayne

For some people the letters PhD after their names means Perpetually hopelessly Dense.

Holding On
Holding On
11 months ago
Reply to  Daz

Or: purposefully, hopelessly dim.

So many of them indoctrinated by the ‘education’ system that deliberately eradicates all critical thinking.

10 months ago
Reply to  Holding On

C’mon people, I can’t believe you don’t know this. It is actually for “Piled Higher and Deeper”.

I know of a university that has a PhD in Hospitality – I kid you not.

11 months ago

Not one but TWO assistants to a weird governor drop dead within 3 days of each other?

All I can say is “Hmm?”

11 months ago

No end to the idiocy

The Ogs
The Ogs
11 months ago

My cousins in Georgia are injected and they are all sick, they have “heart problems”. My buddy Howie died suddenly and unexpectedly in May. And now my best friend for 50+ years, we are like brothers, is hospitalized with “heart problems”. He was a very strong man who left his bed before dawn for forty years, to drive his transit Streetcar back and forth through downtown Toronto. A job not for the faint of heart…
Unfortunately because of his career, my best friend is injected up the wazoo and boostered etc. and he doesn’t know science. So he trusted.
I am going to visit him right now! When I spoke to him on the phone he sounds like a drunk and is slurring his words… seems like more than just his heart to me.
Personally I am still running up the stairs two at a time, and healthy as a teenager. But then, I have not taken a needle (injection) in the last 40 years.

Harold Crapper
11 months ago

World is better off without people as dumb and narcissist as him, he was too stupid to know he was stupid.

11 months ago

I had a good friend for decades and at first he was hesitant and was against the shots. But when threatened with job loss, his fickle mindedness turned him into a vaxtard and he hates everyone who refuses the shots. He even blocked me on his messenger app and phone. When I called him using another number, he answered and started scolding me for refusing the shots and said he couldn’t wait to keep up to date with all future boosters. He even said as long as he takes a lot of vitamin C and pray to God for protection after taking the shots he will be fine, can keep his job and can lead a normal life unlike me. He has since blocked that number too.

11 months ago
Reply to  Tom

Your “friend” was always a compensated psychopath.

Linda Grace Byers
11 months ago

Seeing all the sweet babies that died, innocent and without choice (there isn’t a child alive that likes needles), is heart rending.
I cannot image parents having to live with knowing that they willingly had their children lethally injected … as a mom, I regret the shots my child had when he was young: I didn’t even know the things they do to new borns right out of the womb?!
God help us all … what is coming our way, fast and furiously, in the next year + will be unbearable. I see people I love declining, and it is like I am holding my breath in anticipation of great loss…
Thanks Brian, for being brave and bold, sharing awful in the hopes that someone, ANYONE, will be saved from a tragic end

Last edited 11 months ago by Linda Grace Byers
11 months ago

I hate needles. I can’t imagine anyone being addicted to them. They give me the willies

11 months ago
Reply to  Brenda

When I worked in a pharmacy years ago, it would always make me laugh (quietly to myself, of course)… some heavily tattooed person would come in for a shot of some sort and be moaning about how scared they were of needles. Really??! They weren’t afraid of shooting ink and potentially toxic dye under their skin.. anyway, I hate needles, too, especially these days!

11 months ago

How does one get ‘pharmaceutical grade’ St. John’s wort?

11 months ago

I’m still amused how these idiots still think you need a booster when your blood no longer contains the so called “covid antibodies.” Let me give you a short lesson in immunology… Once your body has been exposed to a pathogen, it learns how to produce antibodies against that pathogen. Over time, the body destroys these antibodies when they are no longer needed (ie you are no longer exposed to said pathogen). However, once the body has learned said pathogen, it remembers it and your B-cells produce can 250,000+ antibodies PER SECOND if the body is exposed to the said pathogen again. The lie is, you need the antibodies in your blood or you aren’t protected. Your immune system will produce the antibodies when they are needed IF they are needed… The only exception is if you’re “vaxxed”. If so, you’ve already destroyed your immune system and a simple cold will probably kill you.

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