Josephine Boswell: 2-year-old Georgia girl dies in her sleep after mother Kassandra admonishes the non-vaccinated, then scrubs her Facebook page
July 27, 2023

Josephine Boswell.

SAVANNAH, GEORGIA — A 2-year-old baby girl is dead; and the mother is trying her best to hide the reason why.

Josephine Marie Boswell was born on April 12, 2021. She was the first and only child to Lee and Kassandra Boswell.

Kassandra after giving birth to Josephine.

Just before Josephine was born, and to Kassandra’s great delight, Lee received his first mRNA injection in late February 2021.

RELATED: Debate Over: all vaccines, including the new JYNNEOS monkeypox concoction, harm human physiological functions (July 25, 2022)


Mrs. Boswell then posted a lengthy Facebook update on August 6, 2021. It indicated that she already pumped Josephine full of poisons, on the way to the CDC-scheduled 26 shots by age 15 months (including mRNA injections at age six months). The post also indicated that only vaccinated people could meet Josephine, and that Mrs. Boswell may “cut off” non-vaccinated people because of her “desire to protect [my] child.”


Josephine died in her sleep on July 15, 2023.



Mrs. Boswell posted photos of Josephine’s grave a few days later.



Mrs. Boswell posted about being a bereaved mother who should not be judged. She also conceded that a baby dying at age 2 is “against the natural order.”

Several people began commenting on Mrs. Boswell’s posts, saying that she killed her baby. Both Mr. and Mrs. Boswell scrubbed their Facebook profiles of all things vaccines sometime in the last 24 hours. The internet is forever, however. Life is not.

Rest in peace, Josephine.

Are babies really dying everywhere in the U.S.?

The baby boomer generation (1946 to 1964) was so named because of the unprecedented number of births in the U.S. and across the globe after World War II. Many historians say the baby boom happened because couples had delayed starting families in the 1930s and 1940s due to The Great Depression and war. The G.I. Bill allowed certain war veterans to buy homes with low-cost mortgages, which provided economic confidence and thus, more babies.

The so-called COVID-19 pandemic was supposed to have a similar effect. People across the globe were locked in their homes for most of 2020 and a lot of 2021. The result was supposed to be a lot of babies since there was nothing else to do except have sex. But U.S. birth rates (and Australia, and Italy, and Norway, and Japan, and…) hit historic lows in 2021 and 2022. An analysis by the Washington, D.C.-based Economic Innovation Group (EIG) provides more insight.

Nearly every U.S. state experienced declines in the age 0-4 population from April 2020 to July 2022. California, Illinois and New York experienced the most dramatic drops in said population.

EIG blames an exodus of young families from large urban areas due to the ability to work remotely. But 45 of 50 U.S. states experienced declines in population numbers for the 0-4 age group. The kids all have to be going somewhere else; and theoretically, it should all even out. That is unless the kids are going somewhere beyond the planet Earth and/or under the Earth.

RELATED: Yasmina Guevara: 8-year-old Argentina girl dies after weeks of suffering; family censored by Facebook after warning parents “do not vaccinate your children” (February 8, 2023)


It’s now an established pattern. Vaxx zealot parents proudly trash and belittle non-vaccinated people, then scrub their Facebook, Instagram and other social media pages when something bad happens. If you’re going to worship mammon and evil, then be proud when you willingly sacrifice your child. That, or you could apologize to the world, and warn others about the dangers of pumping babies full of various poisons before they can even walk.

The COVID Blog® wrote about the death of Ms. Desiree Penrod on March 22, 2021. The 25-year-old died a week after the Johnson & Johnson viral vector DNA injection. At the time, we wrote that Ms. Penrod was “the youngest victim this blog has covered.” Those days are long over.

Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved one.


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Sean O'Connor
Sean O'Connor
11 months ago

Wow thanks for those maps on birth rates I analyzed miscarriage vs death rates in VAERS for the USA and Territories. I found that GUAM has 44 miscarriage reports to 4 deaths while the rest deaths exceed miscarriage.

Whatever this thing does to blood and/or glycoproteins some versions of this inoculation seem to lower fertility.

There’s even breastfeeding fatality reports in VAERS for babies that breastfed off an inoculated mother!

11 months ago

Utterly tragic, an angel. I wonder how it can be to see such a small child lifeless. I am heartbroken just to read these stories.
Also, on TT App, I saw lots of parents mourning the loss of their babies. Some infants, a few days post birth (all being perfect and then out of the sudden), then many with t4erminal diseases and then pass, many, to many and so small! Max 2 yo and some so ill. I am wondering when I read about cases like: healthy baby, then bam.. after weeks baby feels sick and pass in a few days or weeks. Is absolutelly terrible.
On top of the vax program of too many shots, now we also have covid one to add.
RIP Josephine

Jack Sparrow
Jack Sparrow
11 months ago
Reply to  Maria

I have read that SIDS did not become a thing until the vaccine schedule went exponential. Also there was no such thing as a peanut allergy and peanut butter was what half the kids were eating.

11 months ago

Stay vigilant Brian. May the Creator fortify and grant you more courage.

11 months ago

What we are witnessing is horrific, and the cause is obvious. But it’s #ABV 🙁

Harold Crapper
11 months ago

Kassandra knows that her bad decisions possibly killed her child, that is why she scrummed social media. As it becomes more and more apparent that her actions did, she probably won’t be able to live with her decision, very sad.

11 months ago
Reply to  Harold Crapper

I know what it’s like to lose a child. 28 years ago a stillborn baby. My husband and I are still haunted by it. After an autopsy and testing, no cause was found. I didn’t drink alcohol or take even an aspirin during my pregnancy. I can’t imagine how I would have coped knowing my actions caused my child’s death. We went on to have 2 more healthy children thank goodness. By their actions, her and her husband know they are responsible by allowing their daughter to get shot up with all those poisons. So many shots in the first 2 years. It’s ridiculous and downright criminal. RIP to all the innocent children. This is so sad.

11 months ago
Reply to  Annie

I am sorry for your loss, Annie. A former work colleague lost one of her twins right before she was due to give birth. It was beyond sad, and absolutely devastating. These parents who are choosing to give the shots to their children are criminals. Kids have been handed shortened lifespans.

11 months ago
Reply to  Annie

A friend had two stillborn babies before having her girl, she was born on 7 months and very tiny. Now she’s a healthy and active pre-teen girl. I said very clearly to my friend “do not give her this injection, children are 99.999% fine with this disease, if she even catches… it’s your decision but if you give her this injection and something happens you’ll never be able to live with yourself, ever”. Luckily she heard me.

11 months ago
Reply to  Andre

Andre, I am so glad your friend heard you. People are so filled with fear every time they hear the MSM report a new disease or illness “outbreak”. My mother was going to race to her doctor’s office and get the monkeypox vaccine. WHAT! I was very blunt with her: “Are you having sex with gay men?”. She sheepishly utters a quiet, “no”. I then said, ” Don’t get it then!” Unfortunately her and her husband still went and got everything else! Boosters, flu shots, shingles vaccines and everything else they are told to take! Sometimes, multiple shots on the same day. She’s very ill now – turbo cancer throughout the body – and he is having dementia-type problems. I am sure I am not alone watching family and friends destroy themselves with these jabs. What to do? What to do.


11 months ago
Reply to  LoriQ

The medical community doesn’t seem to be pushing covid shots as much now. Instead they’re pushing the flu shots, tetanus booster, shingles shot and of course paxlovid, you know, for covid. We all know of fully vaccinated individuals getting covid again and again. Truly evil these drug pushers, I mean doctors. And the compliant willingly get these shots.

11 months ago
Reply to  Harold Crapper

She scrubbed her account to cover up in order to continue her vaxx crusade….right or wrong. To imply these people have a guilty conscience is giving them way too much credit.

11 months ago

Congrats, Mommy, you’ve done your job, now no one can hurt your child, ever.

Of course, you could have just aborted her like so many loving & protective mommies do – but you got there nonetheless.

Stay tuned to CNN for more life skills training.

Jack Sparrow
Jack Sparrow
11 months ago

People are afraid of the ones they should be trusting and trusting those they should run from.

11 months ago

It’s clear SIDS is caused by vaccines, has been for years, and now with the covid shot it’s getting much worse. I’d like to think this mother was a moron (IQ 51-70), unable to process information and arrive at a logical conclusion, and that’s why she let satanic doctors (and nurses) kill her child, however, I don’t think she is a moron. She’s been brainwashed since birth, possesses fierce pride in always being right, and developed some sort of cognitive dissonance.
The doctors and nurses who performed the injection generally have IQs in the normal range (85-115) and it’s abundantly clear they shook hands with the devil a long time ago.
Rest in peace Josephine, you deserved better in this world.

11 months ago
Reply to  Surfer

Some of the most academically gifted people Ive met have been the most brain-washed morons you could imagine. There is no simple correlation between IQ and common sense. The more “education” you get in this age the more brainwashed and stupid you become

Last edited 11 months ago by adrian
11 months ago
Reply to  adrian

As Mark Twain said “I was educated once – it took me years to get over it.”

11 months ago
Reply to  adrian

This is so true, my inlaws are ‘educated’, with phDs, degrees etc. Unfortunately they are all double vaxxed. What a time to be alive..

11 months ago
Reply to  Tesra

“…Unfortunately they are all double vaxxed”

Maybe : Fortunately.

500 millions. ASAP.

11 months ago
Reply to  Surfer

Totally agree. Her posts clearly show she was flexing her superior knowledge. Taking hits off the virtue signaling pipe. SMUG in all her “wisdom.” Using her daughter to posture and lecture everyone in her orbit. I can only imagine when she lies awake at night, if she dares entertain the thought that she actually caused her own child’s death. The terrifying horror of that moment.

A Human
A Human
11 months ago

We are saturated in a culture of death. ‘Satan comes to kill, steal and destroy.’ And ‘seeks whom he may devour.’

Confession and repentance and faith in Jesus Christ who paid for our sin by His death are the path to life, both now and eternally.

‘There is a way that seems right … but its end is death.’

We live in a nation of sheep being led to the slaughter at best and demonically led zombies at worst.

God in His mercy will rescue us when we humble ourselves. ‘If we confess our sins, He is faithful to cleanse us from unrighteousness.’

11 months ago

Stupid woman. The vax is taking out the zealots and their families. The poor children die for their parent’s stupidity. I hope this woman becomes barren so she is unable to harm anymore children.

11 months ago

The vaxx zealots are all severely brain washed.

Indications from the covid shot fallout are that they also will be sterilized and childless.

Pete King
Pete King
11 months ago

Thank you, Jesus Christ, for giving me wisdom and discernment not to get the demonic deposit jabs. Wisdom belongs to you alone, O God, take all the glory!!! Thank you for your grace and mercy to me. You have truly delivered me from the snare of the Fowler. Why me, Lord?

11 months ago
Reply to  Pete King

Amen and Amen my brother.

11 months ago

SIDS or sudden infant death syndrome appears almost exclusively in vaccinated babies within a short time frame of the shot, So if this kid was on the way to the 26 shot cdc recommended dosing, any of them including/especially COVID could of got her. Sad.

11 months ago

Thanks for coverage on this subject. With time, it will be interesting to see how many women in their twenties and thirties find out they can’t conceive or bring a pregnancy to term. I warned a few women at work not to get the injections in 2021. One’s family pressured her, to “protect grandpa” because he had cancer. She got vaxxed. Last year she appeared to be pregnant, but there never was any news of a baby. Another’s father blew off what I tried to tell him about the preventatives and cures found, and the dangers of the “vaccines”. He had a severe reaction with the first shot. His father died shortly after this time, probably from his injections. The daughter got injected because of her employer orders. I’ll be watching to see if she ever has a child. They are also probably all some corporation’s patented GMO chattel.

11 months ago

That woman who killed her child with the jab’s Facebook post comes from Pure Narcissism and Hyper Ego. “Don’t come around my child if you are unvaccinated and put her at risk…but its not personal, that’s just how it works”. All that is, is a pure ego play on her behalf. Its a form of Virtue Signaling. I had a guy I work with tell me that nobody who is not jabbed is allowed in his house and immediately I had him pegged as the ignorant freak that he is. Remember: 50% of the population are mentally damaged, 30% are “go alongs” with whatever the media tells you. That leaves 20% of the population who are critical thinkers: The “unvaxxed” pure bloods. Avoid the 80% and be happy and healthy.

11 months ago

This “mother” sounds similar to another “super mom” nitwit I had the unpleasant experience of interacting with, and not by choice either. These children child killers make my blood run cold and all I could do was berate the person responsible for bringing us together in the first place.

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