Yasmina Guevara: 8-year-old Argentina girl dies after weeks of suffering; family censored by Facebook after warning parents “do not vaccinate your children”

February 8, 2023

Yasmina Guevara.

SAN MARTÍN, ARGENTINA — An 8-year-old girl is dead; and no other parent will ever have to endure the same pain if her family has anything to say about it.

It’s unclear when exactly Yasmina Antonella Guevara received the injections. But her father, Mr. Yamil Guevara, posted via Facebook a photo of Yasmina from what appears to be a hospital bed on November 22.

He posted another photo of Yasmina in a hospital bed the next day. They were apparently awaiting tests to determine what was wrong with the little girl.

Mr. Guevara posted another photo on November 26, and asked for continued prayers for Yasmina.

The next update came on December 18, asking for more prayers.

RELATED: Santino Godoy Blanco: 4-year-old Argentina boy who starred in a national vaccine campaign, dies suddenly (November 15, 2022)


By December 21, Mr. Guevara was praying for a miracle.

He was still hopeful. But over the next several days, Mr. Guevara started seeing the writing on the wall.

He went silent for the next several weeks before announcing the death of Yasmina on January 27. She passed away on January 11. This was also the first time he mentioned the mRNA injections. Little Yasmina suffered in excruciating pain in her final days.

“Do not vaccinate your children,” he wrote. “They [are] killing us all with this. Now it was my daughter. Tomorrow it can be your son.”

Mr. Guevara quickly learned that you are not allowed to tell truth about the injections on Facebook.

Ms. Vanesa Guevara is Yasmina’s aunt. She reported on January 27 that Yasmina died from post-injection vasculitis – inflammation of the blood vessels. It is a very common, and known adverse reaction to the Pfizer mRNA injection.

Ms. Guevara was also censored by Facebook. But she remained defiant. “We won’t allow them to continue killing children with vaccines,” she wrote.

If nothing else, the Guevaras started conversations within their friend and family circles.


Mea culpa responsibility

We wrote about little Anastasia Weaver last week. The six-year-old Ohio girl died a little over a year after receiving a second Pfizer mRNA injection. Her mother, Stephanie Day-Weaver, blamed #ABV. Unfortunately the behavior of Ms. Day-Weaver is the rule. Mr. Guevara and his family are the admirable exception.

This blogger would love to go back in time, perhaps to the year 1994 or 1996, and make a few different decisions. But other than binge-watching episodes of Step-By-Step or The Arsenio Hall Show from those years, there’s no such thing as a time machine.

All you can do is learn from your mistakes and grow in both knowledge and wisdom. This blogger always passes the latter on to the young cousins, niece and nephews (despite none of them listening regarding the injections).

Modus operandi these days is to start a GoFundMe page after apparent post-injection deaths and live in denial for the rest of your life. It’s unfortunate that the Guevaras have not set up a fundraiser because we would surely love to support and disseminate it.

It’s rare for The COVID Blog® to cover individual post-injection deaths by themselves anymore. But the innocent children deserve and command the extra attention.

Dear parents around the globe who have lost children to the injections: do the right thing. Nothing will bring your children back. But their deaths are opportunities for you to save other children’s lives. Selfish denialism will eat you alive in perpetuity, and accomplish absolutely nothing.

Rest in Paradise, little Yasmina. Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


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1 year ago

“Selfish denialism will eat you alive in perpetuity and accomplish absolutely nothing.”

^^^A fantastically underrated statement, and a well written empathetic article.

As her father quoted (in short), “the doctors did not know how to treat her”, which is an extremely significant statement. Even doctors whose hearts are in the right place and truly want to help have no idea how to treat this kind of biotechnological contamination.

I’ve said from the beginning the only way to treat these people is with counter-technology designed to deactivate the self-reproduction and assembly of the ‘spike’ protein/Nanotech, which we know is harvesting it’s required elements from the body and additional injections. I personally believe the ‘boosters’ do exactly that, they boost the speed of the process. Those who didn’t receive any boosters are still infected with this technology, but it’s progressing at slower rates and will lead to the same inevitable conclusion.

I’d bet my life that the counter-technology already exists, as they would never have released something they couldn’t control.

Atom man
Atom man
1 year ago
Reply to  SeeD

You may be right but it is clear they didn’t want Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine for the masses as these evidently kill or retard the “virus” or “exosome” or whatever it is – that much is certain. Some say NAC and bromelain (from nature) have palliative if not curative effects for the “virus” and that nasty little injection as well. Interestingly, they did try to stop the sale of NAC to the public so there may be something to that statement. My personal opinion is that anyone who knowingly stopped or prevented any effective Rx should be at risk of capital punishment.

Yes, the elegant blogger does deserve the Pulitzer Prize but don’t hold your breath waiting.

Atom man
Atom man
1 year ago
Reply to  Atom man

By the way, I understand that NAC (N acetyl cysteine) is derived from eggs! Now, that is an interesting little fact.

1 year ago
Reply to  Atom man

3 eggs a day keeps the “doctors” away. Same with ananas

1 year ago
Reply to  SeeD

If they are”treated” then people will continue to get these shots. The only way they will learn is by observing the damage first-hand.

Lorna Denton
Lorna Denton
1 year ago
Reply to  SeeD

Good point. Indeed slow deaths occurring. Too long after the jabs, but not too long to not have been caused by them.

A citizen
A citizen
1 year ago

I’m so very sad for that little girl and her Father and Mother 🙁

RIP little one.

1 year ago
Reply to  A citizen

Amen. ❤🙏

1 year ago

How can parents be so ignorant of the side effects?

1 year ago
Reply to  Brya

Low IQ, unable to accept that evil exists, believe that their friends’ and family’s opinions matter more than their own.

1 year ago
Reply to  Brya

They are not. It is just a manifestation of the confusion and spiritual sewer brewing inside them and that they nurture so dearly.

Addiction comes in so many disguises that we can ever imagine. Blessed are those brave enough to leave the familar behind and dare to start a difficult journey to re-invent a better version of themselves.

Crazy Cabbage
Crazy Cabbage
1 year ago

It was heart wrenching to read of this journey. Thanks for the in depth coverage, especially when you link our hearts to others all around the world. May the cries of this and so many other families reach beyond the censorship and save other children. We all must keep talking about it! We must remain human.

John McClane
John McClane
1 year ago

RIP Yasmina, i’m sorry you had to suffer and have your life cut short because of this insanity. it really makes me angry to see children listed on here, as they are precious and should be protected at all costs.

God Bless sweetheart.

1 year ago

Poor thing. So heartbreaking. There are no words to describe the evil of the perpetrators or the stupidity of such parents.

YouTube “Porcupine Parents Protect Babies from Leopard” to see proper parental instincts in action.

1 year ago
Reply to  Boris

That stressed me out just watching it!

Vera Mercado
Vera Mercado
1 year ago

“nefarious”… That’s the term an ivy league epidemiologist used when talking about the push to vaccinate children whose immune systems and t cells were primed to fight.

1 year ago
Reply to  Vera Mercado

I work in a the front office of an elementary school, and back when these jabs were first coming out, I was one of the first to be “allowed” to get it (I’m a health assistant). I declined and was treated like a leper. I told them I didn’t trust what was going on and thought it was nefarious to even allow the jab to be given without proper research. All of a sudden, the word nefarious was touted around the front office, about anything that seemed wrong. It was a stab at me for daring to go against the grain. I finally told them I was glad they all learned a new word. To this day no one has admitted getting the poison was a bad idea. In fact, some of these “smart people” are still getting boosted.

1 year ago

The other heavy metal poisoning symptoms are sometimes helped by hot springs and things to detox like getting enough sunlight. I don’t know enough about these newer Poisons to have an opinion. It’s probably a similar protocol as the heavy metal poisoning.

1 year ago

That girl died so pharmaceuticals can become more rich… This genocide is all about money… So obvious !

1 year ago
Reply to  Ben

I don’t think so. They can print all the money they want. It’s about depopulation.

1 year ago
Reply to  Ben

That — and eugenics (depopulation). They don’t need 8 billion slaves, people!

Lorna Denton
Lorna Denton
1 year ago

Not been jabbed nor my daughter with the Covid jabs, neither will we ever. I knew they were bad news. Told the rest of my family the same. Only me and my daughter are unvaccinated. Tried to warn people online, either were not listened to, or people assumed we were the crazy ones. I pray for all those that are vaccinated with these murderous jabs, that they are healed and protected through Christ. That they turn to the Lord Jesus Christ for forgiveness, and salvation. Amen

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