No root canal, no problem: how I’ve treated a very painful, problem tooth for 13 years without getting a root canal; and the healthiest drink everyone needs to know how to make

by Brian A. Wilkins
October 27, 2022

SOMEWHERE IN THE BOONDOCKS — It almost happened this time. I was about an hour away from pulling a Tom Hanks from the 2000 film “Cast Away.”

Instead I went to sleep, and the pain finally started to subside after days of hardcore treatment.

I say a lot of things on this blog. I tell you all that I haven’t stepped foot in a doctors office since (approximately) 2008; and encourage you all to divest of mainstream medicine as well, particularly Americans, for your own well-being. I would never tell anyone to do something I don’t do myself. Always practice what you preach, if you will. Further, if your body can heal broken bones on its own, it should be able to heal a tooth without having it removed. That’s the story I’m sharing today, in the latest adventures of life without doctors.

It was nearly 14 years ago, January 24, 2009. This giant abscess formed on one of the back-right gums above a cracked tooth that should have been crowned two years earlier. I had a root canal scheduled in 2006-07. But I never showed up and never rescheduled. Now I was stuck with this horrible condition.

The pain is tantamount to torture. Your whole head hurts, and you cannot chew anything on that side of your mouth. It throbs and it sucks. But now with no dentist, I was on my own. Long story short, I learned that garlic is one of the most powerful, natural antibiotics on Earth. An abscessed tooth is simply a bad bacterial infection.

The informal literature was very direct – peel the garlic cloves, chew on the infection side of your mouth, let the garlic juice and the powerful phytochemical allicin, absorb into the abscess and tooth itself. I was already in pain. But the intense burning from the garlic juice was bad too. Regardless, the idea is to let the juice and garlic pieces sit in your mouth for as long as you can stand it (usually less than 10 seconds), and spit it out. I repeated that two more times.

RELATED: Editorial: my story of potential exposure to spike proteins via shedding from “vaccinated” people, and the potential suramin, shikimic acid, pine needle tea cure and prophylaxis (June 7, 2021)


My mouth was almost completely numb from the burning garlic juice. In other words, the pain was a lot more tolerable. Three hours later, I repeated this process. Three more hours later, I did it again – this time before bed. The three additional steps were brushing, flossing and rinsing with salt water before chewing the garlic. When I woke up, the pain I felt the day before was reduced by at least 30%. The abscess shrank by half. After two more days of this regimen, I was 90% back to normal.

The second flareup

The tooth didn’t bother me again for nearly five years. It was late 2013 when I was out being a nomad in my van, traveling the Western states. I was a bit of a caveman, not having flossed (or showered) in probably 10 days. That is a very bad idea when you have a tiny crack in a tooth where a small food particle can enter, sit there, and rot (and form bacteria). Prevention equals impeccable oral hygiene.

The pain this time seemed even worse. But now I was dating a woman who also lived in her van. We were meeting that night, and I did not want my breath smelling like garlic. I turned to my friend Mike Adams at Natural News. He wrote about a tooth infection treatment consisting of aluminum-free baking powder, Himalayan pink sea salt, and colloidal silver. I had to drive 100 miles to the nearest city to find all this stuff. But it was worth it.

You mix one part baking powder with one part of the sea salt. Place that mixture on your toothbrush. Then place several drops of the colloidal silver over the powder on your toothbrush. If there is an abscess, push your toothbrush hard enough against it so the abscess pops. It will be gross. But the idea is to get that mixture inside it. Also if your tooth is cracked, make sure that mixture also gets into the crack. Needless to say, salt in an open wound burns like hell. But again, it wasn’t any worse than the pain I was already experiencing.

Once the burning subsided, the pain was substantially less intense. Two hours later (once I drove back to our camping spot), I placed just the straight colloidal silver on the toothbrush, and gently rubbed it on the abscess and into the tooth. No burning. We hung out that night; and I was in far less pain than I was just eight hours earlier. The next morning, the sea salt/baking powder/colloidal silver combo was applied again. The straight colloidal silver was applied four more times that day. The next day, the pain was 70% less intense than 48 hours earlier. Now I just hoped this never happened again.

Third flareup

I’d been doing well. The tooth didn’t bother me again until the Fall of 2021, nearly eight years later. I discovered  that stress also causes the tooth to flareup. If you go back to the October 2021 archives of The COVID Blog™, you’ll see an eight-day gap between posts. This was the worst flareup ever because the infection spread beyond the tooth. I was literally out of commission for five days in excruciating pain, unable to eat, and barely able to see due to the throbbing.

I used everything I’d learned over the years, including the garlic. But it took about four days just for the pain and discomfort to start subsiding. It felt like there was a “bone scab” on my jaw, as I could barely open my mouth. I woke up on Day 5, and the pain finally was about 50% less intense. I was back to 100% after about nine days. But another step had to be added to kill the bacterial infection that had spread from the tooth to other parts of my body.

The current flareup; and the most healthy drink you can enjoy anytime, particularly “flu season”

Yeah, this sucks. Two flareups in two years, the first time ever. Again stress is a big part of it. It started around October 12. Long story short, I was completely out of commission for about six days. The pain was intense and stubborn. I literally had a screwdriver and a hammer in my hand last week (and a bottle of rum for anesthesia), ready to knock the tooth out. But I reminded myself – trust the process, meditate (to mitigate stress), and be patient.

The pain finally reduced by about 50% on October 18. But again, the bacterial infection spread. My whole head hurt and now there was a sinus infection. It was gross. But luckily I know how to brew a powerful, natural antibiotic, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant/anti-viral.

Start with three slices of fresh lemon and lime.

Do not clown my old RV cutting board.

Next, chop up some fresh, ORGANIC ginger root. I usually do a tablespoon-and-a-half or so.

Place the lemon, lime and ginger into a pan or coffee/tea pot. Then add a spoonful of ORGANIC turmeric and a cinnamon stick. Break the cinnamon stick in half.

I normally use white pine needles for the tea. But for those who don’t have that, use three bags of ORGANIC green tea. I used the latter in this situation for demonstration purposes. Squeeze honey over all the ingredients (a few swirls will do).

Dump 20 ounces or so of BOILING HOT water over the ingredients.

Also do not clown my old RV cookware.

Cover and allow to steep for 10 minutes.

Separate the liquid from the ingredients (strain).

Pour it into your favorite mug and add more honey for taste.

The finished product is a little gritty because of the turmeric. But it tastes good and you can almost feel your body saying thank you with every swallow. It’s best to have a spoon in your cup to stir after every sip. The turmeric doesn’t really dissolve  well.

Enjoy good health! Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


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1 year ago

Thanks! I’ll try this recipe this weekend

1 year ago

Thanks for the info!

1 year ago

Thanks Brian! Just bookmarked this for future reference.

1 year ago

Somewhere I read that there was a very high coincidence of having a root canal and dying of cancer. Has anyone else heard the same?

1 year ago
Reply to  Indomitable

Yes. I have. And, there is the belief that each tooth is connected by an acupuncture meridian to a specific organ in the body.

I have a really good holistic doctor, and the first thing he asks new patients is about their dental history, and specifically, “Have you ever had a root canal?”

LOTS of people with medical issues were resolved after a biological dentist fixed the root canal.

Last edited 1 year ago by Jess
1 year ago
Reply to  Indomitable

Yes, watch Root Cause. For this reason Dec 2021 I had two root canals removed.

1 year ago
Reply to  Hollie

did you get implants or partials or just empty tooth?

1 year ago
Reply to  hannah

The teeth were back molars so I didn’t replace them with toxic metal & other chemicals especially since I suffer from heavy metal toxicity from jabs

1 year ago
Reply to  hannah

Since they were back molars I left them alone not putting any more metal in my body but they sure did try to cash in on trying to convince me I needed them. I know for a fact my heavy metal toxicity sure would not benefit from putting anymore toxic metal or other chemicals in my body.

1 year ago
Reply to  Indomitable

I am studying the effects of root canals by listening to Dr Nunnaly a holistic dentist. it makes me really upset how the dental world so easily ruins our immune system with root canals. all of us who have one have a higher risk of heart attacks.

1 year ago
Reply to  hannah

not to mention toxic mercury with amalgam fillings & I caught two lying trying to make money off healthy teeth I still have that have never been worked on. Trust NO ONE!

1 year ago
Reply to  Hollie

so do you have missing teeth now? or?

1 year ago
Reply to  Hollie

I was 11 or 12, and in 6th or 7th grade. I asked the dentist how he got the silver melted and put in the drill hole in the tooth without it being hot. He said he didn’t melt it, it was an amalgam. THAT’S ALL THE S.O.B. said. Every single time going to the dentist, there was a cavity going to be filled, before and after this time. I believe some were filling imaginary cavities. I had a mouth full of mercury, and believe it was probably the reason for a lot of shyness and excessive perspiration. and I’d just bet it had to do a lot with extreme nearsightedness.

Edward F.
Edward F.
1 year ago
Reply to  Indomitable

Weston Price. I have also read that root canal is a source of heart infection, and other infections in the body which are never resolved fully unless and until the tooth is fully removed. Have read this: A good heart surgeon before operating on the heart checks to see if a root canal is there. The theory is this (i think) : there are minute canals in the tooth where bacteria reside. The bacteria are no problem as long as they are exposed to air. With root canal treatment, the bacteria turn bad as they are cut off from air, and then create all sorts of problems.

Only God is my Judge
Only God is my Judge
1 year ago
Reply to  Edward F.

Good mention of Dr. Price – people should read about this dentist! We’ve been hoodwinked on so many things.

Thanks to Brian for these health tips!

1 year ago
Reply to  Indomitable

or heart attack. infection sets in in the tiny canals.

1 year ago

Twenty-first century medical science and we’re stuck with self-treatment of the Old West or risk running into Dr. Mengele.

I previously pulled a tooth with my Leatherman during the Plandemic. I went to the dentist recently and since I can’t tolerate their anesthesia, the dentist filled a cavity without it. It was either that or the “Fast and Furious” nitro.

Less than a week later, the cement-like substance he filled the cavity with cracked my tooth below it.

Thanks for the information. On a positive note, I’ve found that Amazon carries a long line of dental tools.

1 year ago

I am printing out this information. My family has been building up our medical supplies and now this dental care since a year ago when we felt as unvaxxed we would be refused care. We have it in print form with several of us in case SHTF and the power goes out. Luckily I am near the Amish and have a family history with homeopathic remedies etc. I for one find myself glad of the freedom that comes from disengaging from the medical complex. Thank you for all your research and reporting.

1 year ago

I certainly can relate…I have a cracked tooth I have been dealing with for 15 years, and I had a flair-up of pain last night. The pain is gone this morning, because the second I feel it coming on, I start with my program. I have used the garlic and colloidal silver (yep, it burns like hell) but for me, what works best is holding and swishing hydrogen peroxide in my mouth several times, and then covering the crack with the emergency dental filler you can buy for about five bucks. I had to yank one of my teeth in 2014. After it cracked, the jagged edge was cutting my cheek…so I had no choice. I will never forget that desperate week of pulling…and the overwhelming feeling of extreme relief when the tooth broke free and the blood was running.

What I always had a vague notion of…but has now become crystal clear…is that all the hardships of living alone outside the system was something like a boot camp…a form of training for these times. When the scamdemic hit, and I watch people meltdown, absolutely nothing changed in my life. I admire your courage Brain…God bless you

Only God is my Judge
Only God is my Judge
1 year ago
Reply to  Kris

I’m jealous, Kris – of your boot camp training. Well, we’ll do what we can, I guess. It’s overwhelming trying to figure out or next moves, get a van Brian W. style, find a commune, hunker down, etc. We’ve really learned a lot over the past few years, about the world and what not. Thankfully we stuck to our guns on a few things, and stayed in the control group with these current experiments. Some things did change for us, including the realization that family will throw you under the bus for not going along with the narrative, and the true sheeple nature of so many.

Yes, God bless Brian and his efforts.

1 year ago

Hey, thanks for this article and the recipes.. I will tell you my experience without going into the details that since the v came out I have had problems with my teeth. Previously no issues for about 20yrs. From what I can tell they are ageing faster or something like that. My wisdom teeth move every time I am exposed to a recently v’d person. And other issues. And I know many many people needing dental work after they took the v. Anyway, thank you for your work.

1 year ago
Reply to  Dee

Resorption of the teeth is a common adverse reaction of the quackcine.

1 year ago
Reply to  Goldfinger

What is that? I have an upper molar waaayy back in the mouth, not a wisdom tooth. Broke off and it’s been moving up above the gum and kind of disappearing. It’s creeping me out a little. I can’t imagine a dentist going all the way back AND UP there to get it out, I’m a weakling. But where it is going? 🙁

1 year ago

Thank you for this, Brian – very timely as the wife is facing root canal revision surgery in the next two weeks.

1 year ago

there is a good documentary on bitchute about the horrors of root canals

1 year ago

I was working at a health food store about 15 years ago when I was told by my dentist that I had the beginning of an abscess in a bottom molar. The recommended solution was a root canal. No way was I doing that!

I began soaking a cotton ball with oil of oregano and laying that against the tooth and gum. It burned like the devil but I kept it in my mouth as long as I could stand it, twice a day. I also took grapefruit seed extract and d-lenolate (olive leaf extract) three times a day for about a week. The next time I went to the dentist, nothing was said about the abscess. Apparently it was gone. All these years later, I have a crown with an intact root that has never given me any more trouble, knock wood!

1 year ago
Reply to  Rebecca

Oregano oil is fantastic. I brush with a few drops of a DIY essential oil blend that includes it. It’s a bit like Thieves oil but heavier on the cinnamon and diluted with olive oil. The supercharging ingredient I later added is propolis. I never use toothpaste. Have not been to a dentist in 14 years.

1 year ago
Reply to  Dixon

I swish about a cup of water with 20 drops clove oil abut 3 times to get rid of a toothache. Works for me..

Gigolo Joe
Gigolo Joe
1 year ago

Great post. I’ve kept an abscess at bay for 10 years with a waterpik. That’s all you need. You can use it to clean out the abscess, but it also gets in the cracks of the tooth, and into cavities. When you first use it, it will be painful, but if you direct it to the most painful spot, the pain will actually be gone by the time you run out of water, as the pressure is relieved. You’ll also smell the rot being flushed out. Clove oil works as a quick acting anesthetic, similar chemical component to garlic, but more pleasant smelling. I’ve had a waterpik since I was a teen, but if I’d actually used it, I never would’ve needed root canals, which can have a very deleterious effect on your health (see: The Toxic Tooth, How a root canal could be making you sick)
Recommend “Money by the Mouthful, How to Become Dentally Self Sufficient” by Dr. Robert Nara. He was hounded by the ADA cartel until he retired for his efforts.

1 year ago
Reply to  Gigolo Joe

Thanks for the info about a water pik!

1 year ago

Turmeric as we know is more used in India. Just a tip, The most potent Turmeric are found in the Himalayan region its called Lakadong Turmeric. Its cultivated from a tribe in Meghalaya region of India.

Its 100 times more potent, a bit expensive but a teaspoon in warn water, will make you know for sure. Its the real thing you been waiting for. The smell of this turmeric will fill the whole house.

1 year ago

Thanks for the information. Posted it everywhere, people might be needing it now that the only way one should go hospital is if one’s head is hanging from the neck by a thread.

Only God is my Judge
Only God is my Judge
1 year ago
Reply to  SpecOps

Well put, and it was really hard to find a dentist with integrity before the plandemic.

1 year ago

You should grow turmeric plant so that next time you want to experience the real turmeric you will be amaze of its result. I use turmeric roots as I grow them at home or sometime when i run out i get it from fresh market that sell the roots turmeric organic. Am from Thailand. Love your post and suggestion will definitely try it for son.

Black Sheep
Black Sheep
1 year ago

Thank you, Brian, and for this website.

I have also had clear success tamping down, and heading off at the pass, semi-regular and ever potential infections that want to develop around a loose rear molar I have by using a few drops of Oreganol (concentrated oregano oil) along with a half-dropper full of something called Gum Guardian, an herbal mouth rinse. Good combo, and Oreganol is pretty impressive. Like your garlic description, it burns and seems to kill everything, and I have discovered that I need to pull the fluid mixture around in my mouth very aggressively to get the concoction below/above the gum line, where the infection is.

When already ‘horse has left the barn’ infected, I also have done salt water rinses, and c. silver separately. The salt clearly helps, not sure about the silver, but the oreganol seems most potent of all. I just rinse my mouth aggressively most days now, and so far, have kept the tooth in my mouth.

QUESTIONS: So do you all three things now; i.e. the garlic, AND the salt/soda/silver, AND the tea, and do you imagine the tea would help systemically with a tag-along sinus infection?

1 year ago

I’ve used MMS over the past year or so for gum pain and it has been quite effective. Works fairly well as a tooth whitener and is cheap too.

1 year ago
Reply to  Jimmy

Where do you get your MMS? Is that chlorine dioxide?

1 year ago

I reviewed lots of info from holistic dentists and they agree that root canals lead to many immune related disorders because infection grows up into the gum and sinus and creates major chronic health issues. They say people get tons of the wrong tests and often never figure out whats making them sick! The dental world doesnt even use the right x-rays and so they claim everything is fine but they need a cone x-ray to see the root canal infection hiding up there and insurance doesnt cover it and most dentists wont buy one! Dr Hal Huggins was a pioneer in this field if you want to read his research – its kind of shocking.

1 year ago
Reply to  hannah

According to Thomas Levy, an MD and a lawyer, even one tiny cavity, that might not even show up on a regular dental x-ray, can DRAIN your body’s supply of vitamin C and cause circulatory system damage. He has a book about it, and it’s all evidence-based medicine. He had to become a lawyer to protect himself and a dentist friend, who were treating heart disease successfully by good dentistry and use of vitamin C. Ralph Klenner was another excellent doctor. His stories can be found on the internet. His wife had gum disease bad enough a dentist recommended having all her teeth pulled. Klenner had been using vitamin C to treat infectious illness like measles. He had his wife use vitamin C, and cured her gum disease.

An excellent quick litmus test, I think, of whether any doctor’s office or especially county health department is honest or not, is if they recommend supplementing with vitamin D in winter. Really, it should be the same way with vitamin C. If some official is going on about how bad the flu, covid, or cyncystial or whatever disease is, and the official does not say to stack up on D, he has no credibility.

1 year ago
Reply to  mike

What kind of vitamin c did he use? Oral or intravenous? Do you know more Bout the vitamin c he uses?

1 year ago

What about reversing tooth decay/cavities? Do you having anything to help with that? I have been trying to avoid the dentist and I know I have at least 1 possible 2 cavities at the moment. Thanks!!!

1 year ago

This sounds really good! Thanks for sharing!

1 year ago

Cloves spice, when chewed, is a powerful antibiotic in itself.

During the harshest of lockdowns here in Bulgaria, I developed a gum infection. Throbbing pain; no sleep; tears in my eyes. I knew that no dentist, if they were open at all, would agree to see a non-jabbed patient. So I just went to a supermarket and picked up every herbal tea I could get my hands on. Within 24 hours, the pain stopped for good.

Lastly, there’s always prayer.

Jack Sparrow
Jack Sparrow
1 year ago

I recently had a bad tooth that I treated with clove oil applied directly. It worked so far and tooth is still there. Fresh garlic in the mouth will cure just about anything too. Have put a clove cut in half in each side of my mouth and hold it there for a sore throat, congestion, etc. Works really well. I often drink tea with honey and ginger root and lemon juice. Will try this remedy as well. Seeing what happens in our hospitals now you really can’t do too much home remedy stuff for yourself. I take a turmeric supplement daily because of the anti cancer properties.

emily rachel
emily rachel
1 year ago

colloidal silver is AMAZING and really helped me. Im 28 now, but when I was 19 I had a cyst grow on my face, and for about 3-4 years it would shrink and grow continuously, sometimes growing as large as a dime or even slightly larger, I went to multiple doctors, i went to “skin experts”, I took acne medications to get rid of it (everything but Accutane- i never tried Accutane after i found out it caused birth defects) I washed my face all the time trying to get it to go away, i changed my whole diet to eat super clean and worked out and drank water, but no matter what i did, it always grew back. It was extremely embarrassing, and people would constantly stare at it since it was right in the middle of my face. Well around that time i discovered Alex Jones, and he mentioned colloidal silver to treat sore throats, that was the first i ever heard of it and at the time i had a sore throat. When researching colloidal silver, I found out it helped animal cysts (like for your dog) but i couldn’t find anyone online saying it worked for human cysts… But since i tried everything else and was desperate i was ready to try anything!!!!! i bought some colloidal silver off of amazon for like 8 dollars ( i was too cheap to buy from Alex lol) And after i put the colloidal silver on this cyst (after i washed it and made sure the pores were open) I could literally feel the colloidal silver sink into the cyst, it was burning a little bit, and for the next hour or so the cyst would not stop leaking and all the puss was getting flushed out, i was amazed because nothing else i tried did this!!!! Then i let the cyst heal and the next day it was almost gone!!!! and about a week later the cyst was GONE and all that was left was a small scar. After a year the scar completely faded, and the cyst NEVER came back. I am still so amazed it cured my cyst that i struggled with for years. It really was a life changer for me at the time! Now i always keep some colloidal silver just in case.

1 year ago
Reply to  emily rachel

I jabbed my hand on a used straw when I was putting something in a garbage can. When I got home I sprayed some colloidal silver on the scrape. A few days later, it was practically gone. No scar.

1 year ago

I don’t know when but at some point it became recommended (for people in the states anyway) that we all use soft bristle brushes to avoid destroying the enamel on teeth. I for one don’t feel the soft bristles clean my teeth very well at all so I stick with medium bristle.

Not long ago I developed an infected spot in my gums. Figured a popcorn kernel or something got stuck. I broke my water pick out and dissolved some sea salt in filtered water to clean under my gums and the inflammation was gone in under a handful of days. I highly recommend water picks for routine cleaning especially for people who don’t go to the dentist often, like myself.

Sometime back my former dentist destroyed one of my back molars (that I had zero problems with) trying to drill out a “cavity”. Tooth ended up breaking a little while later and another dentist filled it with the mercury crap. I wish I could afford to have all my fillings (mostly from my teen years) taken out and replaced…they’re all the mercury type. I remember a dentist telling me one time that most people develop cavities in their teens, ugh.

Thank you for the info. Definitely going to look into the colloidal silver. I make a drink like yours but instead of lemon and lime I use dried elderberry (sambucca nigra).

1 year ago

A month ago, I had horrible pain in my left upper teeth that was extending into my jawbone.

I started adding ascorbic acid to water and drank it. Normally I can only drink a maximum of 10 g a day, which is 2 teaspoons.

I continued adding, 1 teaspoon to 750 mils of water. And I continue to drink. I got up to 30 g of vitamin C, and the pain completely disappeared, and I was able to happily sleep.

The next day I drink around 20 g, and the pain has been gone since that time.

1 year ago
Reply to  sam

About how much ascorbic acid is that to 8 oz of water?

1 year ago
Reply to  Lee

1 cup is 240cc so about 1/2 tsp/cup

1 year ago

Very similar to the treatment against coronavirus recommended by the late Tanzanian president John Pombe Magufuli.

1 year ago

I always had trouble with dentists
No wonder mine and billions of people have bad teeth
The “science” they use and practice is outdated, belongs to 60 yrs old findings
Lately some more well educated and interested dentists are using laser to kill the cavities bact. There is also a lot of “biological” dentists if am not wrong with the term, they are aware of root canal is really bad for us and they have alternatives, is not cheap at all which makes me think that most humans will never have a truly good dental health… these greedy tooth “docs” need to be regulated, controlled by the communities so we curb their greed to a reality of most.
Remember my cousins choosing a university degree sayin’: “gonna be dentists cause makes a lot of money” so no one in dentistry is really concerned about people’s teeth health but on their own pockets like GP’s and other mainstream docs

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