Kevin Hopkins: 42-year-old Intrepid Artists International representative suffers massive heart attack on birthday, dies one week later
March 9, 2022

Mr. Kevin Hopkins.

CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA — A 42-year-old father, husband and music executive is dead, under all too familiar circumstances in 2022.

A music manager for a currently touring artist informed The COVID Blog™ of this story. They asked to be anonymous due to the sensitive nature of the subject matter. This blogger, of course, loves music from the 80s, 70s and 90s, in that order. Rarely do you see pop musicians playing actual instruments and creating sounds with their innate talents since the turn of the millennium. Pop music today is manufactured by computers and performed by studio-created “artists.” This story was an opportunity to not only learn about real music still being produced today, but also another likely coerced post-injection death in a highly-vaxxed industry.

Intrepid Artists International (“Intrepid”) was founded in 1994 by Rick Booth. It is a music talent agency that nurtures and represents musicians and entertainers. Blues is their most represented genre, followed by Root Rock, Soul and Funk. Memphis guitarist and blues singer Eric Gales is perhaps their most prominent act of 34 artists listed on the website. He’s featured in several YouTube videos with over one million views. Mr. Gales appeared on The Arsenio Hall Show on August 16, 1991 when was 17 years old.

His 2017 song “Carry Yourself” is well-known on the Blues circuit.

Veronica Lewis is the company’s youngest talent. The 18-year-old is a Blues piano player and singer.

As we’ve chronicled with Adele and Celine Dion, the entire music industry has faced myriad obstacles since the so-called pandemic commenced. It is especially difficult on those who rely on live shows for revenue.

Making adjustments during the so-called pandemic

Mr. Booth and Intrepid have felt the sting of the so-called pandemic, as did the entire music industry. Bars, restaurants and clubs were closed, festivals and concerts cancelled, etc. Both artists and music executives were struggling. Mr. Booth spoke about all this on the Making A Scene Presents podcast with Richard L’Hommedieu on March 21, 2021. Note that Mr. L’Hommedieu makes his “fully-vaccinated” status quite public on social media.

The 38-minute conversation started off with Mr. Booth talking about the struggles of both Intrepid and the music industry at-large since March 2020. “None of us have had a paycheck since the end of September,” Mr. Booth said. The company received a PPP loan in May. The entire team, including Senior Artist Representative Kevin “K-Hop” Hopkins, was furloughed four months later; and the company moved out of the offices it occupied for 26 years in late October. But things started picking up in early 2021 when Mr. Booth started receiving numerous calls for bookings. He credited the mRNA and viral vector DNA injections for the turnaround.

“Eric [Gales] has been vaccinated. A lot of my guys are getting their vaccinations, so I feel good about things,” he told Mr. L’Hommedieu. Venues started reopening en masse at the beginning of 2021, with “social distancing” and mask rules. Mr. Booth said the music industry was bouncing back globally except for in countries “that had not done a good job getting the vaccination out,” he said. “The reason that we are trending so positive in the U.S. is because the vaccination process right now has really cranked up and has really been moving along with very little drama to it.”

RELATED: Bernice Gibb Rhoades: 56-year-old niece of Bee Gees brothers dead days after second Pfizer mRNA shot (April 24, 2021)


Mr. L’Hommedieu and Mr. Booth talked about the Save Our Stages Act. It was signed into law By President Donald Trump on December 27, 2020 as part of the $900 billion coronavirus relief package. The bill allocated $15 billion for independent music venues. But Mr. Booth said neither venues, promoters, etc. nor the music talent had received anything as of the interview. The Small Business Administration revamped the procedures in June, and funds started being allocated thereafter. But apparently there are no funds at all allocated for the actual musicians, just the companies.

Towards the end of the interview, Mr. Booth circled back to vaccinations and booking dates in Europe. “I don’t know what’s going to happen there because they aren’t taking care of themselves with the vaccinations,” he said. “I have dates booked over there, and I’m hoping my folks that are vaccinated can go.”

Mr. Booth tagged Mr. Hopkins in an August 27 Facebook post celebrating a successful 2021 summer for Intrepid artists. “If we want to continue the fun, we all need to Vax up and Mask Up! All of our jobs all depend on it,” he wrote.

Mr. Hopkins also celebrated the fast start Intrepid got off to in the early summer of 2021.

Many Intrepid shows require proof of vaccination for entry. Popa Chubby is an Intrepid artist. Here is the Instagram post promoting a short Massachusetts tour in September.

Death of Kevin Hopkins

Mr. Hopkins was celebrating his 42nd birthday on Friday, February 25. He apparently suffered a sudden cardiac arrest. Mrs. Hopkins found him unresponsive in their home. Nobody knows how long he was there without blood going to his brain. Paramedics got his heart pumping again, and rushed Mr. Hopkins to a nearby hospital. But from all accounts, his brain simply went too long without blood/oxygen. He passed away on March 4.

Mr. Hopkins had been with Intrepid for 15 years. He was originally from Missouri, and a big-time Kansas City Chiefs fan.

RELATED: Glenn Wheatley: 74-year-old “double vaccinated” Australia music icon dead after weeks suffering in hospital, mainstream media blame COVID-19 (February 3, 2022)


He oversaw Intrepid artists’ tours in the Northeast United States and Eastern Canada. There’s no definitive evidence that he received the injections. But the preponderance of evidence points in a certain direction.

A GoFundMe page is collecting funds for Mrs. Hopkins and their two young sons.

The beginning of an ominous pattern?

The talent manager who informed us of this story said that most entertainers, musicians and artists are forced to receive the injections if they want to play music for their livelihoods. The death of Kevin Hopkins is, “the touring market’s first major one that will impact real touring artists,” they said.

This blogger is by no means talking bad about Mr. Booth. His Facebook posts, interviews and all related information online point to him being a very down-to-earth, apolitical, cool guy who treats his artists with dignity and respect. Unfortunately he suffers from severe tunnel vision as it relates to this entire so-called pandemic and the lethal injections. Mr. Hopkins was described as Mr. Booth’s “right-hand man” by our source. Thus he very likely had the same philosophical views on the injections. Granted everyone has been forced to navigate this powerful, global psychological operation for two years now. But discernment is a matter of life and death in these times.

Musicians and entertainers are very much like bloggers and writers. They create something that others want and are willing to pay for. Internet has helped expand opportunities for musicians. But ultimately concerts, tours and live shows are the lifeblood of musicians. And still they get screwed.

Citigroup estimated that the music industry generated $43 billion in 2017. But the artists received only 12% of that, with most of it being tour dollars. It’s the same thing with rip-off platform like Google ads and YouTube, where the actual content creators make a fraction of what Google makes off of them. Musicians, however, rely heavily on live shows, which forces them to choose between doing what they love or working in an office.

RELATED: Google confesses propaganda agenda, bans all Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine information (April 26, 2021)


We’re already seeing broadcasters, entertainers and soccer players collapsing, with some dying, at unprecedented rates while performing their crafts. Musicians and those involved in the industry will inevitably start dropping as well due to high vaxx rates in the industry.

Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


COVID Legal USA is your partner in fight mandatory vaccines and other COVID mandates. Follow us on Telegram and Twitter. Read about white pine needles and order them here.


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2 years ago

And another one bites the dust. Another one bites the dust. From the music group Queen. Really fits what is happening even more every day. It’s draining. Hopefully his children will not get the clot shot.

2 years ago

Old school rockers like Clapton and Van Morrison are the only ones writing protest songs against medical tyranny.

If Zelensky is who I think he is, contemporary sell-out “artists” will soon be singing anthems about him.

2 years ago
Reply to  freefall

I love Clapton for this. But Zelensky appears to be a graduate of the “Young Global Leaders” program of WEF and a friend of Klaus Schwab. So expect him to help the NWO.

2 years ago
Reply to  freefall

What does this article have to do with Zelensky? Instead of rooting for the Ukrainian Citizens being massacred, you are focusing on slandering their President. How about you slander Putin? He’s the reason that unjustified war is happening. He is the aggressor and he is murdering innocent Civilians as we speak. But no, focus on Zelensky.

2 years ago
Reply to  Yeezy

Another silly TV zombie speaks

Gunny HiWay
Gunny HiWay
2 years ago

Later… Fun to be a lab rat, eh?

2 years ago

I love quality music too, but let’s face it, there’s a huge cloud over this industry.

Cain->Enoch->Irad->Mehujael->Methusael->Lamech->Jubal, father of all such handle the harp and organ.

2 years ago
Reply to  FNFAL

Lucifer allegedly has musical instruments installed on its body. An ex-witch-turned-Christian said rock music was used to conjure up demons. So whenever a witch renounces his/her trade and turn to Jesus, he/she will always burn all rock music albums. What do you believe?

2 years ago
Reply to  Curtis

Burn all rock music albums !!??. Even ‘Stairway to Heaven’ by Led Zepelin ?. Forget about it !!!.

2 years ago
Reply to  Curtis

I believe music is the single most powerful non-material human-generated force on earth. Language is second to music only as most powerful. Language has hypnotized people into believing in soothsaying medicine, and handing the force of government to medicine. MUSIC will save us as it is a link to God, it is His love to us.

Jayna Dinnyes
Jayna Dinnyes
2 years ago
Reply to  Curtis

Well, loud jarring music just may attract some EVIL angels. (One third of all the angels were cast out of Heaven on to Earth with Lucifer, who had been the top angel there. Revelation 12:4, 7 – 9)
Harmonious notes seem to bring GOOD angels that are also here.
Which ONES would you like to come to YOU?


2 years ago

Poor guy. Dying on his birthday. Story after story of people taking a witches brew and then death or severe injury. As sad as this and many other stories I’ve become emotionally hardened due to the constant reoccurrence of these tragedies. Like a short video on loop. Name and faces change, but the outcome is always the same. There is a loss for humanity when these types of stories become commonplace. Oh, another one lost today, is how I am beginning feel. Seems a heartless and non-humane response. This may be the plan from TPTB. Regardless of the reason folks summited to this safe and effective experimental agent, injury and death are the result for many. Sadly this will not be last story of the consequences from this wonderful injection. I pray for strength and comfort for this poor mans family

2 years ago
Reply to  Hal

We all start to feel this way. It’s a lot to take in. But push through it for we are the witnesses of these sorrows, self inflicted they may be. Our strength is what will carry us through this awful mess.

2 years ago
Reply to  Hal

Wait ’til it’s your Friends & Family!!… A close one to me is now having Heart Palpitations after Moderna shots- healthy, active & only in his 40s!!.. He had perfect health. His chance of getting a bad case of Covid-19 was probably a million to one… Now a Heart patient. Coincidence? I think not.

Last edited 2 years ago by Serri
2 years ago

Brian, thank you for your continued documentation of these cases. I know it can’t be easy as it’s the same thing over and over and over again. What’s amazing is people’s unwillingness to scratch the surface of what is truly going on and to see things how they really are. A big red flag is all these deaths are going uninvestigated…as if they were somehow natural and normal. Where are the autopsies?

2 years ago
Reply to  Christine

I think many do realize what’s going on and have connected the dots. They comply anyway for their own reasons knowing what can happen to them. I’ve seen personal quotes on this and many other sites. That’s amazing ,but also quite bizarre.

2 years ago
Reply to  Christine

There are government-paid bonus structures to Hospitals/Doctors/Coroners/Morticians to facilitate the Vaccine Genocide and cover it up…there is a very little financial incentive to investigate…Just put Fake Covid on the Death Certificate and get a $50,000 bonus from the Big Sugar Government…

Kimmy J
Kimmy J
2 years ago

Vaxx is sooo 2021. We’re already way into step 3 of the Great Reset: War – the big wealth transfer and crime cover-up. We the sheeple can only watch helplessly. Praying for truth and justice to the world asap.

Jess Hansen
Jess Hansen
2 years ago
Reply to  Kimmy J

Don’t watch helplessly, PREP!

2 years ago
Reply to  Kimmy J

Vax passports & Digital ID bills are being passed while everyone pays attention to Ukraine & Russia. Ukraine has been in a civil war for 8 yrs, no one cared until MSM told them to-you were lied to daily about covid, yet now MSM is telling the truth about russia & ukraine….sure.

2 years ago

The poster the victim is holding up above, has the vaccine giving health departments listed on it.

Here’s what I think about county health departments:

They are not worth their cost.

First of all, they do far more damage to people in the county than good, via their being vaccine sales outposts. Even outside of the Covid poison shots, based on what I’ve picked up, vaccines cause cancer, damage/shutdown kidneys, cause autoimmune disorders, lower IQ, etc.. If all the damage is taken into account, health departments are the number one cause of disease and illness in any community.

Second, I know for a fact that when it comes to the Environmental sections of health departments, they don’t do much. Restaurants around here get inspected only two times a year. Places have routine violations and keep having them at will. Between inspections only a significant outbreak of a food borne illness or severe complaints cause any other inspections. How worthless are the annual inspections for daycares, motels, swimming pools, etc.?

I personally know that when it comes to regulation of septic systems, it is an extremely rare health department that has a program worth its budget. Typically the average inspector barely understands their county’s program rules, and is not bright enough, or not allowed, to discover all the ways that fraudulent septic system installers and soil testers use to evade rules.

The plandemic also showed nobody at county health departments has any courage or actual care about people, but like Nazi concentration camp guards, are all too willing to help a global euthanasia campaign to exceed, and love money more than truth.

Frank DiGorgio
Frank DiGorgio
2 years ago

Blowing out birthday cake candles can cause heart attacks. Be careful out there, folks!!@

F. Rend
F. Rend
2 years ago

A dear friend and great artist and photographer Mel Marcelo facebook dot com / melmarceloart passed away this past week from a sudden heart attack. he was such a talent and loved life he was a proponent of being vaccinated but never was the type to ridicule or push it…I just feel his life was robbed because of this.

2 years ago
Reply to  F. Rend

Just found out an incredibly talented man in my family is now having near daily Heart Palpitations??!.. Fully vaccinated & proudly using his vaccine passport, but for how much longer??..
It would b a huge loss. He is brilliant & very accomplished!!. Very supportive of everyone, although falling in line far too quickly… Why don’t they do more research or have that momentary second thought or instinct??.. It was not required in the city or state where he lives either…

2 years ago
Reply to  F. Rend

I’m just having Faith– that and anti-inflammatory supplements are about all I can offer?!!-

Fred Dingo
Fred Dingo
2 years ago

Clot Shot

2 years ago

I wonder if he got the booster or did he just get the 2 shots?

Doc Holiday
Doc Holiday
2 years ago

Brian- thanks for linking Eric Gale and Veronica Lewis! They’re both fantastic. I recently watched Yellowjackets on Showtime and thoroughly enjoyed it just for the amazing 90’s soundtrack. Clearly created by a Gen Xer. You are too right about the absolute trash state of music. It’s a joke nowadays.

2 years ago

“This blogger, of course, loves music from the 80s, 70s and 90s, in that order.”

Interesting, that is my order of preference, as well.

IMO, the 80s was the best decade for music, and the 90s for movies.

Greetings from Spain
2 years ago

Todas las historias de este blog me afectan al ver cómo muchas personas se dirigen a la muerte voluntaria por causa de este veneno mal llamado “vacuna”, pero esta me ha afectado especialmente.
Hace 4 años que aprendo a tocar un instrumento musical ( guitarra ?) ya que adoro la música, mi profesor quien es una persona agradable, paciente y un gran profesor de música se vacuno porque en los 2 grupos de música de los que el formaba parte tuvieron grandes pérdidas económicas al no haber conciertos en directo durante casi un año. Cuando se empezaron a reanudar los conciertos él y los componentes de sus grupos musicales albergaron esperanzas de poder volver a tener conciertos en directo y por eso el y sus compañeros se vacunaron.
Pero todo ha sido muy difícil, tanto que al final los 2 grupos musicales de los que el formaba parte tuvieron que dejar su carrera musical. Dejaron de recibir ofertas para actuar a pesar de la exigencia de vacunación.
Mi profesor nunca fue un fanático de las ” vacunas”, cuando yo le dije que no me había vacunado y que no lo iba a hacer mostró un gran respeto por mi decisión, él lo hizo para poder volver a su vida anterior como músico pero esa vida anterior ya no volverá.
El de momento está bien de salud , no se si se ha puesto refuerzo, prefiero ser discreta sobre el tema y no preguntarle, sólo espero que siga bien ya que le tengo un gran aprecio como músico y como persona.
Que Dios nos ayude a todos a seguir luchando, hay días en que enfrentarse a este mundo de locos no es fácil , en Europa se empieza a hablar de una séptima ola de contagios.

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