Madison Taylor: 22-year-old Mormon missionary and college student suffers 94-straight days of vaginal bleeding after first Moderna mRNA injection, emphasizes “this vaccine isn’t dangerous”
January 10, 2022

Mrs. Madison Taylor.

FARR WEST, UTAH — A 22-year-old newlywed, Mormon and college student was living a charmed life of travel, love, God and youth. That is until she succumbed to dystopian mandates that likely changed her life forever.

Mrs. Madison Taylor graduated from Bonney Lake High School (Washington) in June 2018. Though Mrs. Taylor said she doesn’t like talking about religion and politics on social media, she often posts about her faith – The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (LDS), aka Mormons.

Mrs. Taylor served an 18-month LDS mission in Honduras right after high school.

Mrs. Taylor called a woman named Taylor MacKenzie her “hermana” (sister) in several Instagram posts. Ms. McKenzie commenced a Mormon mission in Peru at that same time.

Thus the family is devout LDS. In fact Mrs. Taylor apparently traveled to Thailand as part of some sort of LDS mission while she was still in high school.

When she returned from Honduras in February 2020, many of her Instagram posts thereafter centered around Alic Taylor, the man she married in February 2021.

But Mrs. Taylor also enrolled at the University of Washington (Seattle) when she returned from Honduras.

That decision was the beginning of her 2021 nightmare that continues today.

Moderna malaise

The COVID Blog ranks California as the top COVID dystopia state in the country. New York and Oregon are number-2 and number 3, respectively. Washington state is number-4 for good (or bad depending on your point of view) reasons. In fact Washington has had a law on the books since 2003 that allows healthcare officers to “At his or her sole discretion…may issue an emergency detention order causing a person or group of persons to be immediately detained for purposes of isolation or quarantine.”

Washington is 68% ” fully vaccinated,” according to USA Facts. Only eight states have an equal or higher fully vaxxed rate. Despite the near 70% vaccination rate, Washington’s seven-day average for new daily so-called COVID-19 cases was 11,778 on January 7, 2022. Note that the highest seven-day average in 2020 was about 3,400 new COVID cases per day, when nobody had the “life-saving” injections.

Governor Jay Inslee is the generic brand of Gavin Newsom. Inslee announced last week that Washington state will provide 800,000 free at-home COVID tests, free masks for everyone in the state, and more make booster shots more widely-available. Meanwhile the University of Washington announced its “vaccine mandate” for both students and faculty on January 6, 2021. We pick up the story of Mrs. Taylor from here.

RELATED: Shelly Sytsma: 60-year-old Washington State woman develops several blood clots, pericarditis after second Pfizer mRNA injection; declares “this vaccine sucks” (October 15, 2021)


She received her first Moderna mRNA injection April 16, according to her Instagram page. Mrs. Taylor posted a video, along with a written summary of said video, on April 27. The first three sentences twice say that she is not trying to discourage anyone from receiving the injections. Those sentences also emphasize that she is “not anti vacc.”

Mrs. Taylor reported heavy vaginal bleeding that began eight hours after the injection and persisted to that day. She is on birth control and hadn’t had a period for nine months prior to that. Mrs. Taylor reported suffering from blood clots prior to receiving the injection. Of course, blood clots are very common adverse reactions to the mRNA and viral vector DNA injections. She also suffered from “crazy uterine and stomach pain” that is beyond anything she ever felt from routine menstrual cycles.

Mrs. Taylor voiced concern for her ability to procreate, and that she may develop cancer based on all the tests ran by doctors. She also got the reality check that all vaxxed people get when they go to the same doctors pushing the injections. “I thought I was crazy,” she said, after doctors refused to believe that the mRNA injection caused all of Mrs. Taylor’s problems. She “googled” her post-injection condition and cited several mainstream media sources that confirmed her condition was caused by the injection.

“I wish I had known about this” prior to receiving the injection, she said.

The nightmare continues

Despite all that was happening, Mrs. Taylor tried living her life as normal. She and her husband got a dog in May and traveled to Las Vegas for her birthday in August. But later that month, on August 28, Mrs. Taylor reported having surgery. But she did not provide further details. The adverse effects from the mRNA injection persisted; and she’s apparently experienced little to no relief since April.

Mrs. Taylor, again, kept moving in life as if nothing was wrong. But frustrations boiled over in an October 5 update. She posted a photo of her vaccine card and started the post with “this vaccine isn’t dangerous, this mandate is dangerous.” Mrs. Taylor not only reported that an ingredient in the mRNA injection triggered her preexisting autoimmune disease, but also that the menstrual bleeding lasted 94-straight days before finally subsiding.

She implied that the only reason she received the injection was because of the University of Washington mandate. Mrs. Taylor repeated that doctors refuse to connect the obvious dots and denied her a medical exemption for the second injection. It’s unclear if she’s received a second shot. Mrs. Taylor also appears to be coming to grips with the fact that she is unlikely to ever have children.

She mentioned a GoFundMe page, but we could not find it. Mrs. Taylor posted a New Year’s Eve update recapping the year. Her favorite memory was getting married. Her biggest challenge was “being sick 8 [out of] 12 months this year.” Her last update as of writing was from January 8. She’s, again, trying to live her life as normal. But she now knows that life will be full of challenges and uncertainty.

Doomed regardless?

Mrs. Taylor, like millions of others, made the decision to receive the injection based on Fauci and mainstream media propaganda. Ultimately she received the injection because of the dystopian mandate at the University of Washington. But even if she chose to continue her LDS mission in lieu of college, she still would have been coerced into the injections by her church leaders.

RELATED: Tshiama Anaclet Tshiama: 24-year-old Mormon missionary dies “unexpectedly” as LDS leaders mandate injections and invest in big pharma (December 31, 2021)


Every mainstream media so-called journalist has blood on their hands as it relates to the largest genocide in human history. Mrs. Taylor, and perhaps billions of others across the globe, are fed 24/7/365 propaganda about these “safe, effective” injections. Granted, every person who receives these shots ultimately made their own decision and have only themselves to blame. But as a journalist, this blogger is appalled by mainstream media and church facilitation of this entire agenda.

RELATED: Matthew 6:24 – thousands of U.S. Christian churches are serving the wrong god by facilitating mRNA and viral vector DNA injections (December 14, 2021)


There’s enough evidence from respected doctors now to conclude that all vaxx recipients will die and/or develop cancer within 2-5 years after the injections if they survive the initial toxic shock. Perhaps the ones that die immediately are the lucky ones. 2022 is going to be so ugly and disturbing, particularly for those of us covering it all. All we can do now is anticipate what the world will look like when the dust settles.

Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


COVID Legal USA is your partner in fight mandatory vaccines and other COVID mandates. Follow us on Telegram and Twitter. Read about white pine needles and order them here.


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2 years ago

As these illnesses and deaths start to occur more frequently, I must admit, I will feel vindicated as a strong non vaxxer. A big “I told you so” comes to mind. The smug vaxxers make it easy to feel this way. But that will be tempered with the horror I will feel seeing it happen. I will have to pray to God thankful for his guidance through this evil. And pray for those poor lost souls.

2 years ago
Reply to  Annie

You are absolutely correct Annie. A big I told you so is right on the mark. A Los Angeles Times columnists tweeted recently that mocking the unvaxxed is ghoulish but necessary. This is how our .gov propaganda merchants really feel. Should the pure bloods also engage in this type of banter? Mock every death from blood clots or heart attacks? I won’t do this as I believe every life is precious and will not participate in this tit for tat hate. I do have to stop myself from thinking and saying the same thing though. Discernment is lacking with many when it comes to this so called pandemic even Christians. I too pray for these lost souls

The Watchman
The Watchman
2 years ago
Reply to  Hal

Many Christians, I’m afraid, are Christian in name only. Only listening to someone in a pulpit once a week is possibly the most dangerous way to practice the Christian faith, especially these days.

You must know every statement made by Jesus in the Bible. Look at his words regarding the Narrow Gate. Look at his words spoken in his ladt days in the Gospel of John. Look at the Binding of the Tares. Look! And see!

2 years ago
Reply to  Hal

I disagree. We need to actively mock any deaths from blood clots or heart attacks of the vaxxed. We need to go to the facebook pages of the deceased and comment that the death is the result of the vaccine. If it is an important person whose death was reported on the media, we need to comment where it was reported, making the connection with the vax which is often forgoten by the media. Some vaxtards will be angry but this is only the short term effect. In long term the effect will be positive and can revive some brain dead people. Covid is not a medical, but a political, psyhological and sociological problem and we need to act to obtain the sociological result desired.
I am not a fan of virtue signaling about how compasionate I am.

2 years ago
Reply to  mariusmioc

Don’t mock or boast. Always remember that pride goes before destruction and a haughty soul before the fall. The meek will inherit.

2 years ago
Reply to  mariusmioc

Thats horrible. Remember some people are basically being forced to take the shot. Inject it and Your kids get fed. Refuse it and they go hungry. I have spoke with many people suffering serious injury from this vaxx. They are on their own, living in and out of hospitals being told they are liars or faking it, being attacked, ignored and charged tens of thousands of dollars for for having their lives ruined. The isolation and non stop reactions pushed one of them to suicide already. Didnt know him but was very familiar with his story through those i do know. Its fuckin awful whats happening to people. Yeah i agree all the double masked, triple jabbed pfizer cheerleaders calling everyone “anti-vaxxers”are the ones who deserve to be injured or killed. I find myself wishing the worst for them often. Unfortunately not everyone who gets vaxxed is one of them. Many normal honest caring people who are against all this vaccine insanity are being forced into impossible situations. Don’t make it worse for them they aren’t the problem. The media and the vax cult are the problem. I would pay money to watch every MSMedia personality burn to death at this point. The pain and suffering they are responsible for is unforgivable.

The Ogs
The Ogs
2 years ago
Reply to  Annie

Hello Hal and Annie,
I agree – but I have to remind myself (constantly) that these people have been lied to!
They have trusted and their trust has been betrayed. It’s terribly sad. Unspeakably sad and unethical.
Anyway, the fearful, gullible and witless need to beware. That’s (according to Darwin) just how it works.

2 years ago
Reply to  Annie

Agreed. I have been constantly tempted to despise these conformers that through their stupidity endanger all of us. See what I just said. It is the exact opposite of what advocates say of the poison. We need to short circuit that and have compassion on people or it will cause division and hate exactly as the powers that be desire. Divide and conquer is a very simple strategy. We all fall for it. I am not saying do not defend yourself or family from a threat but use empathy first in day to day transactions. (I hate confrontations but love to defend myself if it comes down to it – Fighting does not phase me) But attacking Karen will not help her as hard as it is.

Doc Holiday
Doc Holiday
2 years ago
Reply to  Annie

People always seem to think the verse about the Devil prowling around like a lion seeking whom he may devour, means it will be an obvious attack from the devil vs EXACTLY what it means, a sneaking evil that is looking for doorways to attack. Whether that is through people, a fear, a lust, a temptation, or a play on emotions where one believes they are somehow doing “right”, it is a deception that people are missing without discernment from Christ. In this case, a deadly one.

john wilson
john wilson
2 years ago

My wife knows several people now having endless periods after the shot, luckily my family has not gotten any shots, got the covid and now the antibodies.

2 years ago
Reply to  john wilson

Don’t you mean ‘women’?
People don’t have periods, women do.

2 years ago
Reply to  Sally

Sally men can have periods. I saw it on cnn.

Take Note Tv
Take Note Tv
2 years ago
Reply to  Hal

ikr? clearly Sally hasn’t been watching the new LGBTQ channel. Ppl need to stop playin around and gear down for even more indoctrination coming in the near future.

John McClane
John McClane
2 years ago

My generation (millennials) and the upcoming generation are unfortunately 2 of the dumbest and most brainwashed generations of all time and stuff like this proves it. Obviously I dont mean every single person in both generations, but as a whole, it’s pretty obvious because so many accept and go along with anything and everything evil, having the information, capability and resources literally available to them at their finger tips with multiple devices, one in your pocket and are still this far gone, smh. Humanity is doomed.

2 years ago
Reply to  John McClane

100% correct, the info has been out there before this whole Vax scam, only feel sorry for those who don’t have the mental capacity to make a decision, and those who are too young. The adults who have the mental ability and devices to sort this out, there is zero excuse.

2 years ago
Reply to  John McClane

100% spot on

2 years ago

‘Stupid is as stupid does’ – Forrest Gump.

2 years ago

I think at this point my concern is more for people who are covering this disaster day in and day out. Just be sure to take a break from this ugly scene for a while for your own mental health. I have been posting your stories most of last year trying to warn people and if a handful have heeded the warnings I guess I’ll have to be content with that.

David Robertson
David Robertson
2 years ago
Reply to  liz

I have had the same thought. If people don’t know by now, chances are they will never know.

Ann B
Ann B
2 years ago

When they choose to ignore YHWH’s clear warnings, he allows them to be deaf and blind.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ann B

The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom,

and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. – Proverbs 9:10


My understanding is, when the LORD is unwelcome into someone’s life, those same people will no longer be wise, or understand any of it. This is how I also understand the ‘woke’ crowd.

David Robertson
David Robertson
2 years ago

Given the amount of information that is freely available on the danger of these Jabs it is puzzling to say the least why anyone would submit to them, even if they are “mandated” which in any event is against international law.

I have already refused to be Jabbed here in Canada so perhaps the ‘knock on the door’ is scheduled sometime in my future. I honestly don’t care. I would rather go to a concentration camp than cooperate with the Evil that is openly at work in the world today.

With the exception of one couple who are good friends and my wife and I we know of no one locally who is resisting the programme. Everyone is wearing a mask and by extension has probably taken the Jab. It is almost two years since this began and people are still asleep. It is beyond comprehension.

2 years ago

You might want to pick-up a baseball bat, slingshot, or something, and fight – you really don’t want to go to a camp. You’ll be vaxxed as the price of admission, on that you can count.

Last edited 2 years ago by Kielanders
David Robertson
David Robertson
2 years ago
Reply to  Kielanders

It may come to that but I suspect I will be gone by then. I am already living on borrowed time since I am 81.

David Robertson
David Robertson
2 years ago
Reply to  Kielanders

The good friends I mentioned have bought two very large bayonets and intend to defend their lives to the death. Since I am 81 and somewhat frail I don’t see myself doing battle and firearms are verboten in Canada. We’ll see. I may change my mind as events unfold.

james grey
james grey
2 years ago

that is just sad, that you are in that position. Denied a proper defense to tyranny.

David Robertson
David Robertson
2 years ago
Reply to  james grey

I honestly don’t mind. I am angry for the children and the younger generations who have to look forward to so little if this insanity continues. Personally I expect I’ll die before anything really awful transpires so my fate is already sealed.

At the same time I am a Christian and have been looking forward to the second appearance of the Lord Jesus Christ before I die. So, given the current circumstances, He may bring the whole shebang to an end at any time, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump. The last trump was alway sounded at the Feast of Trumpets at the beginning of the seventh month on the Hebrew Calendar, at Rosh Hashanah. This takes place on 26/27 October in 2022. Just as the Spring Feasts of Passover and Pentecost were fulfilled at the time of His first appearance, the Autumn Feasts of Trumpets, Yom Kippur and Tabernacles will be fulfilled at His second appearance.

So we know exactly when in the year He will make His entrance on the scene and He has told us what to expect to be going on in the world at that time. Today’s events appear to me to match the conditions He spoke about. We just don’t know which year it will happen and, in Jesus ‘ time, as was always said at the Feast of Trumpets, “no man knows the day or the hour” as it is the time of the new moon and that was never certain to be seen.

Last edited 2 years ago by David Robertson
2 years ago
Reply to  Kielanders

A gun would be even better, but these clueless, naive Canucks gave them up, along with the Aussies and the Kiwis. They got a little too comfortable and forgetful of history.

Gunny HiWay
Gunny HiWay
2 years ago
Reply to  K.J.

There are still PLENTY of guns in Canada.
They did not “give them up” like Australia.
Just made them harder to buy, own, operate and load.
I am in Spokane and we meet Canadian hunters along our border every deer season.
Be well,

AUssie pub` crawler
AUssie pub` crawler
2 years ago
Reply to  Gunny HiWay

“They did not “give them up” like Australia”
they weren’t ‘given up’ in AUssie, either….
back-in-the-day of The Great AUssie Gun Grab, TPTB only got abt ⅒ of wht they were hoping to get;
unfortunately, all the pp’l who ‘stashed’ them are, now, either elderly or dead… ☹
( it being almost 30-odd yrs ago, now )
and: no-one knows where the guns be @ …..
the current ‘crop’ of AUssie gun owners…. less than ⅕ of wht there used to be…..are, again, unfortunately, nuthin’ more than a bunch of low-life, worthless CUCKs ☹
what AUssies need is for some sympathetic US mil’ to do massive ‘air-drops’ of AK-47s, AR-15s, hi-cap magz and a coupla BILLION rounds of mil-spec’ ammo….

2 years ago

Sell your Cloak and buy a Sword…don’t be taken into detention for any reason…it would end much more painfully…

2 years ago
Reply to  Car

Or try to “slip through the cracks”… It’s time to get creative, as many Jews had to for basic survival during the Holocaust. Have a place to hide (seriously!), get what will pass for a pass (?) while you indicate you’re re-charging your phone or supposedly re-scheduling appts., stay “irrelevant” as an elder, so no one ever assumes you’re a “threat.” In some countries now, you can still go places without checks only for groceries or “care-taking,” so make arrangements to “care-take” as a nanny, or for an elder friend, & say you have to stay unvaxxed as required for babies, their medical contraindications, treatment, or some such thing??- Stay on the down low, but have friends- Think Anne Frank! One major thing you have going for you is that all of this is so utterly nonsensical that you can be as “creative” as the perpetrators, & probably get away with it unnoticed just as effortlessly-?!.. It is amazing what people did during Nazi occupations, etc. My impression is that they want to take down “opposition” of fighting & reproductive age, so just stay quiet & positive!!- 🙂 Pretend that you’re demure & “controlled”- lol!.. It seems like creativity is the way to go!-

Last edited 2 years ago by Esperanza
2 years ago

I have Mormon neighbors that, over time, I have become proud to call friends. Better neighbors, I’ve never had. I have found from this relationship, however, that Mormons are quite patriotic as a community – in the case of the vaxx, to their own detriment.

I wish this beautiful young couple the best as they navigate their ‘jew normal’, and hope for a miracle. Hopefully, with each passing story like this, others with learn and the tide will change, that the sleepers will awake.

Last edited 2 years ago by Kielanders
2 years ago

People google how to bake a cake, or how to change the oil in their car, before they do these things … yet they can’t be bothered to google before offering themselves as lab rats? This woman was born post-internet, and the internet has a plethora of info on Joseph Smith and his Masonic psy-op Mormon Church. If she ever bothered to look into that, did she question? She has been drinking the Kool Aid since birth …so I doubt it.

Animals are sentient beings
Animals are sentient beings
2 years ago
Reply to  Kris

Just wish people would stop using the term “lab rats”. There’s no such thing. There are beautiful, sentient beings whom humans call rats (“tame” rats are wonderful and they are the ones tortured in those evil “laboratories” where the poisons are made). Remember: God made rats, too. EVERY living, sentient being deserves the freedom God gave him/her. The evil done in those places which torture animals has been turned on humans for a LOT longer than most people realise. Certainly since vaccinations began.

Loving the beings God made, who all avoided the fall, brings one closer to God faster than almost anything else. Of course the devil made the first divide and rule to be between humans and the other beings on the Earth. Then between male and female, Jew and “Gentile”, etc etc. Right down to the ongoing divide and conquer techniques used today. So no, not “lab rats”. Just gentle, intelligent, beautiful beings captured and tortured by the evil now unleashed globally onto humans.

The sooner we recognise that animals are sentient and that humans should treat them with great respect and love, the quicker we’ll remember God. Because a large part of the human hypnosis by the devil has been our forgetting that every other creature on this Earth has sentience, too. (except maybe parasites. Which is an interesting idea, given that its parasites in human form who’ve caused/helped cause all this.)

Love and gentleness and sanity and health and happiness are all intertwined. If gentleness and working WITH nature and our bodies and God’s sentient beings were in charge here, things would be infinitely better. We’d have called a halt to the madness of humanity aeons ago.

2 years ago

Indeed, I totally agree. I was protesting outside a primate torture lab, as far back as 1984. I have never used pharma drugs (sorcery) or been a user of the evil medical system, since I became an adult…so my conscious is clear on that issue.

When my sister was 11, she had two white rats. I still remember their names: Nils and Bernard. Each summer morning she would put the cage out in the garden and open the door. Those rats played all day in the flowers. In the evening she would call them back into the cage. It was an amazing thing to see. Those rats hit the pet store lottery, the day they came to our house.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kris

And of all the methods of killing livestock, a Kosher slaughterhouse is the worst for extreme cruelty. It has to be a realm of hell. They must have planned their killing methods to produce the most andrenochrome in the meat. When theThird Reich were making black and white documentaries, the one on Kosher slaughterhouses did much to sway the German people. Last time I checked, it was still on YT. For the life of me, I can’t understand how it has escaped censorship.

The Ogs
The Ogs
2 years ago

Perhaps Mrs. Taylor wasn’t thinking clearly.
She should have kept the grant money and just stayed home. Prevented from attending (not her fault). Any lawyer could run with that.
Now she sees the big picture! Her health is damaged and her future imperiled… who cares about school at this point.
I fear the worst yet I do hope for and wish Mrs. Taylor all the best.

2 years ago

The young lady in the story surely seems to need prayer. I don’t know enough about Mormons or about her to in any way judge her faith in Jesus, but as a Christian I know that Jesus saves and heals, so if she knows Him there is hope for her.

When I discovered that a fake tetanus vaccine pogrom (choice of words is deliberate) had been launched in Africa with the apparent intent of sterilizing African women, I began to pray for them. It is God who opens the womb and so it is not man’s to close it. I prayed that the women who had been “sterilized” would have children, anyway. I don’t think God’s mercy in this situation is based upon our worthiness but upon His kindness. Yes, we all have made bad decisions and sometimes we suffer pretty severe consequences for doing so, yet God still shows mercy, even to people like the woman taken in adultery who was facing a stoning.

There are several scriptural examples that increase my faith for the healing of vaccine injury. I have previously posted about Numbers 21 which is an accurate picture, I believe of the situation we have today. In that story the people of God were facing consequences for complaining against God and against Moses. The LORD sent fiery serpents among the people and many died. God’s answer when the people acknowledged their sin was to tell Moses to put a bronze serpent on a pole so that anyone bitten could look at the serpent on the pole and be healed. This was not God teaching the people to worship an idol! It was a foreshadowing of the death of Jesus on the cross who “became sin” for us. A note on that story that I’ve seen somewhere says that eventually the bronze serpent on the pole had to be destroyed because the people HAD begun to worship it! This is our time! Many of us made the mistake of turning to doctors and pharmaceuticals (from a word that also means “sorcery”) in putting our hope for healing in them instead of the true God and His Son, Jesus. Now it is time for the idol to be destroyed! Fortunately, the real Savior is still alive and ever lives to make intercession for us! I have been repenting of trusting in doctors, government advice, etc. instead of making the search for God and His wisdom the priority. I think many of us will be healed as we repent and put our trust squarely back in Jesus, the Great Physician.

Another scripture that comes to mind is the incident in Acts 28 when Paul was bitten by a venomous snake and the unbelievers around him at the time expected him to swell up and die. When he did not they were so impressed they thought he was a god! Not only did Paul not die, but he shook off the snake and it landed in the fire, a picture I would suspect of the ultimate fate of the evil one that likes to inject poison into human bodies!

I hope the young lady in the story will put her hope in the God of the Bible who sent Jesus to save her and who can heal her of this horrific injury just as He did the woman with the “issue of blood”.

Giusy Smoglier
Giusy Smoglier
2 years ago
Reply to  Alexis

Jesus had 1 (unthinkably difficult) mission, and He did it. He considered His Majesty not a thing to be grasped, but emptied Himself by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. It was a tremendously expensive labor of love, and wracked with fear though He was, He acceded. He completed His mission. He is The Christ. Nothing further needs to be done to His completed work. I appreciate your restraint in declining to judge her faith, but it’s my hope that she meets people who will resist her assertions Joseph Smith and guide her to The Truth.

2 years ago
Reply to  Alexis

Those same folks are still worshiping a snake on a pole…to this day. The Kabbalah names the supreme being as Ein-Sof, and it is pictured as a snake in a tree.

Also the Tetanus vaccines that sterilized the young women in Kenya, were also used in Mexico and the Philippines. The WHO admits it happened…but claims it was a mistake. This stuff has been going on for decades.

David Robertson
David Robertson
2 years ago
Reply to  Kris

The serpent that was raised up in the wilderness by Moses was for the purpose of healing those bitten by a serpent during a plague of serpents sent by the LORD on account of the people’s lack of faith. They repented and the LORD gave them the remedy.

“So Moses made a bronze serpent and set it on a pole. And if a serpent bit anyone, he would look at the bronze serpent and live.” (Numbers 21:8)

This then pictured prophetically the mission of the Lord Jesus Christ. The serpent symbolises sin, I,.e rebellion against the LORD, Jesus Christ, caused by “that ancient serpent”, the author of sin, Satan, the Enemy of God and humanity.

“And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so must the Son of Man be lifted up, that whoever believes in Him may have eternal life.” (John 3:14)

“For our sake He made Him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God.” (2 Corinthians 5:21)

2 years ago

I suggest you spend some time looking into what the Kabbalah is all about. These are the folks **** bent on the building the Third Temple, and making the Beast the One-World ruler. These are the people trying to kill us. it becomes clearer and clearer with each passing day…just how many Christians will be totally fooled into worshipping the Beast. One must have the indwelling of the Holy Spirit to have discernment. Reading the Bible is not enough.

David Robertson
David Robertson
2 years ago
Reply to  Kris

As I have mentioned in other comments, I do not subscribe to the futurist doctrine of Manuel De LaCunza, John Nelson Darby and Cyrus Scofield.

The location of the putative Third Temple would have to be on the Temple Mount. This is described thusly in Wikipedia:

“The present site is a flat plaza surrounded by retaining walls (including the Western Wall) that was built during the reign of Herod the Great for an expansion of the temple. The plaza is dominated by three monumental structures from the early Umayyad period – the al-Aqsa Mosque, the Dome of the Rock and the Dome of the Chain – and four minarets”

These buildings militate against any Third Temple being built. My own understanding of the fate of the present State of Israel is also less sanguine for the Jewish people. I believe that Jerusalem will be utterly destroyed and with it the so called Jewish State.

As I have also said there are many different interpretations of prophetic scriptures and we shall all have to wait until their fulfilment to know which are correct. Many Christians believe that the prophecies you mention have already been fulfilled during the destruction of the Second Temple and Jerusalem in the First Jewish War and the following Second and Third Jewish Wars culminating in the ill fated Bar Kokhba Revolt between 32 A.D. and 35 A.D. Bar Kokhba was regarded by many Rabbinic scholars of the time as the expected Messiah.

John also mentions many antichrists being around in apostolic times. I think unless one has a complete knowledge of history from the time of the prophecy to the present day it is best to assume we don’t know whether a prophecy has already been fulfilled and so view our own understanding as potentially incomplete.

The apostle John tells us the the whole world lies on the power of the Evil One and Satan is known as the prince of this world even in the time of Jesus. I believe that what we are presently witnessing is the exposure of this reality to public view.

These wicked spiritual powers were removed from their positions of authority in the Heavens in October 2017, as a consequence of victories in spiritual warfare. They have come down to the Earth to assist their servants, the rulers of this present darkness, to resist their own removal. In order to do this they are desperately seeking to impose total control over everyone, everywhere, all the time.

So, far from this being a time of victory for Satan it is evidence of his ongoing total defeat as he and his minions refuse to go gently into that good night. The word to us Christians at this time is: Stand still and see the deliverance of your God. Look UP for our Redemption draws nigh. All we have to do is agree in prayer with the intentions of our Father to bring about His total victory. This is a model prayer for this day:

“Father God, we ask that you would turn back the plots of those who oppose Your plan to set up Your Kingdom here on earth. Prepare the way before us, as we do Your will in all things.

Thank-you for providing all that we need to obey Your word and to follow Your leading.

We acknowledge Your power to do all that You have promised to do in us and through us, in the name of Jesus.”

Last edited 2 years ago by David Robertson
2 years ago

“Jesus died for her sins” (so she believes), her husband takes her in the middle of the night to the bathroom and washes her body and her newly acquired dog makes her feel like the center of the world. Oh, and she is getting on her soap box screaming that “this vaccine is not dangerous”. What more could she ask for ?.

2 years ago

It seems that Stockholm Syndrome is a common adverse effect…so many devout believers fail to understand that following the advice of False Prophets is condemned in Scriptures…in this case the Mormon Church and the Cult of Fraudci…discernment is what is commanded…

2 years ago

Fun fact about the mormon “church”. It’s one of the main centers for MK Ultra and other trauma based mind control in the country. They work directly with the CIA and have thousands of tortured mind controlled children and adults constantly in their rotation. It’s not a church, it’s a satanic cult. Just because many people don’t know about it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. Lots of testimonies from survivors about this, look it up.

Susan Venable
2 years ago

We have to awaken to our Awful situation. We Gentiles have allowed the Gadiantons to get above us. One Mighty and Strong is coming to fix the Church and we must recognize him as he comes and even now. These shots KILL people and the 15 are heavily invested in the Vax industry. It has been killing people for years, but they have upped their game tremendously with the bioweapons they are using now. The real goal of these shots, the Mark, is stated clearly on the Georgia Guidestones, to maintain the Earth’s population under 500,000,000.

2 years ago

“It’s not the jab, it’s the mandate” So. If someone who gets the jab of their own accord has undesireable outcomes, it’s not the jab?

Ham sandwich
Ham sandwich
2 years ago

Sadly she will be sterile, at best

Kard K
Kard K
2 years ago

Malaysians deaths have accelerated since end Nov 2021. These shots are working as intended. 6 mths after the 2nd dose.

Fear is death
Fear is death
2 years ago

God forgive me, but if it was with me, that doctor would meet the Creator really fast. I would face my act consequences, but that would be the end line for him.

Walter Strohbeck
2 years ago

This is so tragic. BUT an equally big tragedy is that the duped majority still believes they are lucky cause adverse reactions are pronounced very rare, when in reality it is common for them to have their health already compromised and only time will tell.

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