Matthew 6:24 – thousands of U.S. Christian churches are serving the wrong god by facilitating mRNA and viral vector DNA injections
December 14, 2021 (updated 11:00 a.m. Pacific time)

When COVID Legal USA launched in January, The COVID Blog was an afterthought. As a content marketer, this blogger understood that all companies need a blog to promote itself. And as a legal researcher and writer for business, criminal defense and constitutional attorneys, it was also understood that many people needed pro se assistance to save their businesses and livelihoods from COVID dystopia in 2021. But ultimately, starting this past summer, religious exemption requests became the primary market need from COVID Legal USA.

A religious exemption request from COVID-19 injections is essentially a college essay. You must articulate your “sincerely-held religious beliefs” that run contrary to receiving mRNA and viral vector DNA injections. You also must articulate “reasonable accommodations” for the exemption. But just like in high school and college, nobody (except nerds) likes writing essays, particularly ones that require legal arguments that reinforce religious arguments.

Black Christians and White Evangelicals targeted in houses of worship


We’ve pointed out numerous times that Black Americans of all political affiliations and Evangelicals of all races are the least likely people to receive mRNA or viral vector DNA injections. Mainstream media have said many times that the best way to coerce Black Americans into injections is through churches. The United States, in general, is still a Christian nation. But that status is fast diminishing, particularly since the turn of the millennium.

Pew data found that 77% of Americans identified as some sort of Christian in 2009. That number dropped to 65% by 2019. But one thing remains unchanged. Christians rely on God and their houses of worship in times of uncertainty and need. That is particularly the case when it comes to COVID-19 “vaccines” and all the dystopia since 2020.

Clergy and religious leaders are second to only doctors when it comes to trust in seeking advice on the COVID-19 “vaccines,” according to an October Pew survey. But that same survey found that 39% of clergy encourage people to receive injections versus only 5% who discourage it. The most glaring part of that data – 64% of historically Black Protestant clergy encourage people to get the injections. That’s compared to only 21% of Evangelical clergy encouraging the shots.

RELATED: Reap what you sow? Doctors dropping like flies in deaths described as “died unexpectedly” and “died suddenly” since mid-October (November 17, 2021)


There’s no definitive data as to how many Americans received injections in churches. It’s safe to say that at least 60% of all injections in the United States are administered at Walgreens, Walmart, CVS or some other retail pharmacy. But nearly all of this blogger’s family members were injected in churches or at some sort of religious event. They otherwise may have never received the shots. All the rural Iowa White friends also received their injections at churches.

Thousands of churches and pastors across the country are encouraging their congregations to receive the injections. The worst part is that they’re using God as justification for the injections. It’s impractical to list every church and pastor that uses the power of the pulpit to push mRNA and viral vector DNA injections. But this snapshot gives you an idea of the organized agenda of using God as a spokesperson for Pfizer, Moderna, et al. Every one of these people are doing a disservice to their congregations and God.

Emory Fellowship United Methodist Church (Washington, D.C.)

Pastor Joseph W. Daniels.

Pastor Joseph Daniels of Emory Fellowship United Methodist Church in Washington D.C., did the “vaccine on camera” thing to encourage his predominately Black congregation to do the same at his church in February. Several other pastors and their wives joined him, including Pastor Mark Whitlock of Reid Temple African Methodist Episcopal (AME) Church in Maryland. He called the mRNA and viral vector DNA injections “a gift from God.”

Koinonia Baptist Church in Baltimore

Reverend Dante K. Miles.

Reverend Dante K. Miles of Koinonia Baptist Church in Baltimore allowed Johns Hopkins University onto the church’s premises to inject his congregation and others in the neighborhood in late March. All of them received Johnson & Johnson viral vector DNA injections. Dr. Katie O’Connor, whose title at Johns Hopkins is “co-chair of vaccine equity,” said at least 200 people were vaxxed at the church.

Affinity Missionary Baptist Church in Cleveland

Reverend Ronald Maxwell of Affinity Missionary Baptist Church.

Reverend Ronald Maxwell allowed vaccine clinics at his Affinity Missionary Baptist Church in Cleveland in March and April. Maxwell said people showed up to receive the injections because they trust him. Maxwell invoked Jesus as the justification for allowing the injections in his church.

“One of the things Jesus got in trouble for was he’d always do healing on Sundays, which meant he was doing healing in the place of worship,” Maxwell said via Fresh Water Cleveland. He also said that the church is a “trusted place” and people who otherwise would avoid injections got them in his place of worship.

Somerville, Massachusetts Vaccine Day at churches

Reverend Dr. Dieudonné Raymond – Holy Bible Baptist Church.

Three Somerville, Massachusetts churches offered injections on July 11 “regardless of immigration status or health insurance.” Holy Bible Baptist Church, St. Anthony of Padua Parish Catholic Church, and the Boston Presbyterian Igreja (Church) celebrated “Somerville Vaccine Day” that Sunday. Free food and gifts were given to all recipients. Reverend Lino Garcia Ayala is the administrator at St. Anthony.

McNeil Chapel Missionary Baptist Church in Longs, South Carolina

Reverend Jared D. Myers of McNeil Chapel Missionary Baptist Church.

McNeil Chapel Missionary Baptist Church allowed a mobile vaccine clinic on its premises on July 18. The shots were offered after the regular church service that day to the predominately Black congregation. Seed Time To Harvest Behavioral Health Services administered the injections.

Ann McGill, writing for Live 5 News in Charleston, wrote, “Worshipers have been able to pray to a higher power for an end to the pandemic, and then get a vaccine to do their earthly part to make that happen.”

60 Charlotte, North Carolina churches inject congregations

More than 60 Charlotte, North Carolina churches duped thousands of Black children and young adults to roll up their sleeves for the injections in early August. Some of the reasons given for taking the injections by the recipients ranged from doing a good deed to “protecting my children” and “a selfless act of love.”

One of the churches, United Missionary Baptist Association, called the initiative, “minority-focused Youth/Young Adult Vaccination Challenge.”

Full Gospel Church of Jesus Christ in Smilax, Kentucky

Pastor Billy Joe Lewis of Full Gospel Church of Jesus Christ.

Pastor Billy Joe Lewis of Full Gospel Church of Jesus Christ in Smilax, Kentucky, told his conservative, rural White congregation in October via NPR, “a COVID-19 vaccine will not leave the ‘mark of the beast’ nor rewrite genetic codes.” He allowed a mobile vaccine clinic in the church parking lot to offer the injections after a regular service.

Lewis apparently promoted the injections from the pulpit on Facebook prior to the foregoing initiative. But the link is no longer active and cannot be accessed on archives. “Anything that can ward off suffering and death, I think, is a wonderful thing,” Lewis told NPR.

Mt. Gilead Missionary Baptist Church in Norfolk, Virginia

Reverend Dr. Shelton Murphy.

Reverend Dr. Shelton Murphy offered the church’s property to Peoples Pharmacy on November 13. His flock walked in and chose whichever shot they wanted between the big three (Pfizer, Moderna and J&J). It was the third time Mt. Gilead allowed the pharmacy to inject people in the premises since July.

Pretty Prairie United Methodist Church in Kansas

Reverend Angela DeVore of Pretty Prairie United Methodist Church.

Reverend Angela DeVore had extra incentive in convincing her rural, predominately White congregation at Pretty Prairie (Kansas) United Methodist Church to get injected. She received a $10,000 grant from the Kansas Pandemic Assistance and Vaccine Equity (PAVE) program. The town is so small that there is no pharmacy. So DeVore offered up her church for mobile vaccine clinics. There have been at least three vaccine clinics at her church since mid-November.

Whole Man Ministries in Winston-Salem, North Carolina

Bishop Barry Washington of Whole Man Ministries in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, arranged an entire racket to get mostly Black kids and young adults into his church on November 20 for injections. The first 25 vaxx recipients received $25 gift cards. Washington also gave away 300 turkeys, toys and other items as rewards for receiving injections. He said it’s important for kids to receive the injections because they don’t have patience to wear masks.

Shoreline Church in Knoxville, Tennessee

Pastor Jason Hayes of Shoreline Church in Knoxville, Tennessee.

Pastor Jason Hayes allowed Summit Medical and Shults Pediatrics to use church property for injecting at least 600 predominately White conservatives on November 20. Summit gave kids as young as 5 years old bottles of bubbles, candy and stickers as rewards for receiving the injections. It appears to have been a two-day event, as a Facebook post indicates 364 people were injected at the church on November 13.

Bethel AME Church in San Diego

Reverend Harvey L. Vaughn III.

Reverend Harvey Vaughn of Bethel AME Church told NBC 7 in San Diego that “hundreds” of people came to a mobile vaccine clinic at his predominately Black church in San Diego in early December. Vaughn also admitted that people are more likely to receive the injections because it is being offered at a church and encouraged by a person they trust – their pastor.

Only 47% of Black San Diegans had received at least one injection at the time of publication, according to NBC 7 in San Diego. That’s compared to 64% of Whites and 71.1% of Asians.

Shiloh Baptist Church in Erie, Pennsylvania

Pastor Anthony Harris of Shiloh Baptist Church in Erie, Pennsylvania.

Shiloh Baptist Church in Erie, Pennsylvania allowed the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center to inject area residents and church members this past Saturday. A second vaccine clinic is being held at the church in January. Adults can receive boosters, and kids as young as 5 can get their first shots. The United Way is offering $10 cash for everyone who comes in and receives an injection.

Nehemiah Ministries Christian Church in Las Vegas

Pastor Kelcey Anderson of Nehemiah Ministries Christian Church in Las Vegas.

Pastor Kelcey Anderson West offered up his church for “free vaccines and booster shots” on Sunday, December 12 after the regular service. Carmen West, a Nehemiah Ministries spokesperson, told News 3 Las Vegas that people are “apt to take the vaccine because it is right here for them at the church.”

Friendship-West Baptist Church in Dallas, Texas

Reverend Dr. Frederick Haynes of Friendship-West baptist Church in Dallas.

Reverend Dr. Frederick Haynes offered up his Dallas church for a vaccine clinic on December 12 as well, specifically targeting kids ages 5 to 11. L&H Scientific Labs and Trustn Diagnostics administered the injections.

Losing faith?

We’ve already written about “the pope” and his unabashed, shameless promotion of the mRNA and viral vector DNA injections. It’s crushing people’s hearts and souls hearing their spiritual leaders advertise for Pfizer, Moderna et. al.

RELATED: “One World Religion” Headquarters opening in 2022 (November 24, 2021)


We’re happy to say that 85% of religious exemption requests done via COVID Legal USA were successful. It’s the consultation and conversations with clients that is the most difficult part of it all. Notes from clergy are not required for religious exemption requests for employment. But nearly all clients asked their pastors for letters, and were all denied. The dejection and disappointment (and crying) as they professed to losing faith in God is just so gut-wrenching.

The powers-that-be know they must use different techniques on different populations to coerce the injections. Many people are doing it now because they face the jab or job choice. Donald Trump is used as a false prophet to encourage White conservatives. The liberal/LGBT crowd line up willingly because they’ve been convinced that the shots are cool, sexy and honorable. Now pastors are using God to convince the Black Christian masses to roll up their sleeves.

The Pope, Joel Osteen, Creflo Dollar – millions of people follow these types of spiritual “leaders” and heed everything they say. But Jesus was not a multi-millionaire and, frankly, not a narcissist like these people and the lower level pastors herein. There are zero tangible benefits from receiving these injections. But there are many potential/likely adverse effects from them. It’s disgraceful, disappointing and disheartening that churches are now vaccine clinics in 2021. Then again, nothing is surprising anymore.

If we fail to understand how we got here, we’ll never figure out how to return to some semblance of normal humanity. Have faith in your family, your friends and a higher power, not a person claiming to speak for God.

Stay vigilant and protect your friend and loved ones.


Contact COVID Legal USA today if you are fighting against mandatory vaccines for employment. We also assist people with pro se representation related to other COVID mandates and restrictions. Follow us on Telegram.


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#FBA Sasha
#FBA Sasha
2 years ago

Wow. I started crying reading this because it literally hit far too close to home. My church is listed in this article. My former church that is. I don’t want to talk bad about the pastor so I won’t get into detail. But it broke my heart when he let this happen. And seeing all these other houses of God doing the same thing, I’m completely shaken now. No more internet today.

2 years ago
Reply to  #FBA Sasha

Sasha, I have spent plenty of time disturbed – many sleepless nights since Dec 29, 2019, after learning things liike this, that turn the stomach & bruise the soul.
Brian & other brave truthers cover what MSM is paid to hide, and telling the truth in this day and age can get you death threats, mocked, doxxed & destroyed.
I feel your pain as the gravity of the depth & breadth of evil spreads.
Partly because of who are vitimized, & partly because I don’t know if the perpetrators are willfully evil, or sadly ignorant of the wiles of Ephesians 6:10-12.
Weeping may endure for a night, but the full armor of God goes on in the MORNING! ??

2 years ago
Reply to  Chris

Ahmed! And the armor of Ephesians 6 is priestly warrior attire not Roman armory… We are at war against all ungodliness even in high placed churches.
Isa 59:17 AKJV For he put on righteousness as a breastplate, and an helmet of salvation on his head; and he put on the garments of vengeance for clothing, and was clad with zeal as a cloak.

2 years ago
Reply to  #FBA Sasha

You may not want to talk bad about the “pastor”, so I will. No true lover of the Lord and seeker of truth would make themselves a (likely financially compensated) mouthpiece for lies & deception. I am confident that all the “pastors” in this article are wolves.

2 years ago
Reply to  #FBA Sasha

This is quite a sorry situation. The religious leaders and their churches were utilized to incite people into taking an experimental injection. Because of their influence, pastors must also be made aware of the wrong caused by these injection so they could undo the enormous wrong and put an end to the whole thing.  Write to your pastor, remind him of his duty to look for the real Truth.

2 years ago
Reply to  #FBA Sasha

A church that I was affiliated with (not my home church) and greatly admired and loved also became a vaccine center. The pastor is a very intelligent man, but puts his trust in the medical profession and health regulatory agencies. So sad.

Holding on
Holding on
2 years ago

It breaks my heart to read this. I can see how this capitulation by church leaders is laying the groundwork for a one world religion in the one world system (see Revelation). I’m waiting for Jesus Christ to come back. I am tired and heartbroken. If people cannot see this is foremost a spiritual battle, then they are well and truly lost. So many churches have implemented the ‘vax pass’ in my country that I can no longer go to church. Think what a powerful testimony for Jesus if they had all stood up and said NO. Now, it’s far too late and they are all marked and bioengineered.

2 years ago
Reply to  Holding on

This is a reply to “worthless AUssie sinner saved by grace alone”.
Please look at these sites. Please don’t ignore them. If we are unwilling to be like the Bereans, studying Scripture to TRULY see if something is true or not, then we unreachable by God. We MUST look WELL into things; and examine them CAREFULLY. PLEASE look at these sites:
Is the Earth Really Round? | Biblical Science Institute
Does the Bible Teach a Flat Earth? | Reasonable Faith
And I found this comment from someone on another site, it’s very succinct and very good:

“So many reasons we know the Earth is round. Besides what had already been explained, here’s some other things to think about. Water draining. First of all if flat it wouldn’t spiral down. It would just go straight down. And second, think about how the directions change as you switch hemispheres. Next, seasons. They simply wouldn’t exist if flat. How do we gradually get longer and shorter days without a spherical Earth?”

I hope this helps. I will say that I’ve heard that many Christians DO believe that the earth is not TOTALLY round but possibly slightly ‘egg-shaped’, but right now I don’t have the information about that to share here.

Last edited 2 years ago by Cammie
2 years ago

I stopped attending my church when the rainbow which used to represent God’s promise never to flood like Noah’s flood started to mean LGBTQ instead. Beware. A lot of churches have been infiltrated by the forces of evil. The current “pope” being the most glaring example. Not that I am calling out the Catholic church, it’s everywhere. Serve your own communion with God and your friends and family.

worthless AUssie sinner saved by grace alone‼
worthless AUssie sinner saved by grace alone‼
2 years ago
Reply to  Annie

 A lot of churches have been infiltrated by the forces of evil
the ‘acid test’ is if they actively oppose Almighty God’s flat Earth revelation;
if they do: then: they, almost certainly, have been ‘infiltrated’ ;
in fact: this whole phoney-baloney ‘plandemic’ was, basically, ‘cooked up’ in a desperate attempt to stop that revelation;
or: rather: they had to put their ‘plans’ into operation many years b’fr they intended to…

John Brennan
John Brennan
2 years ago

I agree. There is far more in the Bible supporting flat earth, than globe. Newton was student of Kabbalah, a hundred years ago his writings on the subject were collected by a jew and eventually wound up in a museum in Israel.

2 years ago

LoL. OK, if the Earth was flat, how did Jesus “spend 3 nights in the heart of it”?
I can’t believe this is even an considered here.
One friend I know thinks EVERY AIRPLANE WINDOW has been manipulated to give the lucky cow w/the window seat the “illusion of spherical visualization.”
It takes all kinds, I guess.

2 years ago

I think you blasphemous flat Earther delusion-spewing charlatans here are mobies working for the vaxcists, trying to discredit sites like this by pretending to believe in this blatant nonsense and up-voting each other’s lies.

Hint to anyone dumb enough to fall for these Satanic blasphemers’ lies about Scripture: people also knew quite well the Earth was round in Biblical times; see Isaiah 4:22. You don’t have to get into a rocket and fly up into outer space to get a view of this “circle of the earth” either; as even the earliest of the ancient sailors knew, if Earth were flat, you’d never be able to pass over the horizon out of another ship’s view. Likewise, if the Earth were truly flat, it would be possible (if one had a sufficiently powerful telescope) to spot the shores of Africa and Europe from the beaches of Miami in Florida; but you can’t because Earth is round and those other continents are too far over the horizon.

John Brennan and Worthless Aussie Vaxcist damned to Hell by your blasphemies, we never knew you; depart from us to the eternal Lake of Fire prepared for your master Satan and all his followers, you vaxcist vermin!

Droxine Rose
Droxine Rose
2 years ago

This article is shocking to me. I’ve attended numerous churches of varying denominations in my life, and not ONE has ever pushed a political or medical agenda on members. I never knew who my pastor voted for, in any church I’ve attended. Even during this whole event, all I’ve ever heard any of my pastors say, in private, is to do what you feel is best for your circumstances and individual concerns. If any church I attended started to publicly speak out about any type of political, national, or medical event, that would be my cue to leave that church immediately. The church’s mission is to preach the Word, the saving Gospel of Jesus…period. No politics, no coercion of unrelated matters. There are a few key points I disagree with in mainstream Christianity today (such as the timing of the Rapture) but this is not a salvific issue so my attendance in a church adhering to a pre-Trib viewpoint is not an issue for me. Critical thinking (being a ‘Berean’) and going back to the Word and reflecting on it myself are not in conflict with the Gospel. Jesus told us to be discerning. 🙂

2 years ago
Reply to  Droxine Rose

I believe the reason so many in the church have been deceived into taking this lethal injection is because of the predominantly taught pre-Tribulation rapture.Those who believe the pre-trib deception don’t discern the danger of this, the beginning of the Mark of the Beast, because they believe they won’t be here for any of the end times events.

Droxine Rose
Droxine Rose
2 years ago
Reply to  J H

Absolutely agree! I look at the pre-Trib deception as an offshoot of the ‘Prosperity gospel’ nonsense. I feel sad for believers who have been deceived and will be reeling in shock when things don’t happen the way they were led to believe.

2 years ago
Reply to  Droxine Rose

I absolutely was too. But massive trauma jolted me out of it.

2 years ago
Reply to  J H

I sat through some of those pre-trib sessions, and I could never make them make sense. I always thought that the pre-trib deception would lull christians to sleep. Which leads me to my point. I know someone that goes to our church got the shot and when my husband said something to her about the end times being here, she informed him that that was nonsense because she wasn’t going to be here.

2 years ago
Reply to  J H

Pre Trib Rapture is a Certified Cult started by dispensationalist Cyrus Scofield in the late 19th Century who was sponsored by Jacob Schiff who set up the Federal Reserve System…Scofield walked out also on his wife and kids, which at that time could have meant a death sentence since there was no social safety net…there is so much more to this Cult, that I would not have the space to write it here…

2 years ago
Reply to  Car

i read that a girl had a delerious fever dream about the rapture happening before the Tribulation or something like that

2 years ago
Reply to  Book23and6to5

It was Margaret McDonald, a girl from Scotland, who had a “vision” of a rapture. It is not biblical and was not taught pre-1800’s. Darby, Scofield, and Hal Lindsey made it popular. There is only one return of Jesus and every eye shall behold Him. The tribulation occurred for 1260 YEARS (not days) when over 50 million saints were slain by the papal beast system. Jesus said that all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus would suffer persecution.

Last edited 2 years ago by LibertyLion
David Robertson
David Robertson
2 years ago
Reply to  Car

The futurist eschatology originated at the turn of the 19th. century with a Chilean Jesuit priest, Manuel de Lacunza. From Wikipedia:

“(Lacunza’s) perceptions of the second advent of Christ were largely responsible for the formation of British Premillennialism, which then formed the basis of Futurist Dispensationalism under Anglo-Irish theologian John Nelson Darby, who had access to Irving and further developed Irving’s theology. Under Darby, Ben Ezra developed into a comprehensive hermeneutic, in which a literal interpretation is given to theology and eschatology. It was systematized by Cyrus Ingerson Scofield (1843–1921).

Thus from one man, Lacunza, the system became the standard for Christian thought for many generations … The influence of the Plymouth Brethren (who adapted the system, c. 1830) upon Christianity after the late 1800s is readily apparent as one reads later Baptist creeds, confessions and messages …

While many good, sincere people claim to be Christians of various stripes (Baptist, Presbyterian, Pentecostal &c.), in reality they cling tenaciously to a common system having deep roots in Ben-Ezra. Though the view had been offered several times before, the successful offering was a 1790 manuscript published by Rome in 1812. In 1827, it was translated and published in English by Edward Irving. To Lacunza’s basic system, Irving added a ‘pre-trib rapture,’ an idea he may have obtained from a Scottish lass, Margaret Macdonald. However, it was under Darby’s name (Darbyism) and skillful guidance that the system spread over the whole earth. It became the foundation for the Plymouth Brethrenism. In the early 1900s, it was codified by Scofield. Irving’s system was adapted by various denominations with only minor differences among them.”

Personally I believe that this view of prophecy is a strong delusion sent by God in order to, inter alia, facilitate the return of the Jews to the Land as a recompense to Esau for the way in which his younger twin, Jacob/Israel, obtained the Birthright, by deceiving his blind father Isaac. The Jews are not “Israel” which name belongs to the tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh who were taken into captivity along with the ten tribes of the Northern Kingdom of Israel by the Assyrians between 745 B.C. and 721 B.C.

These tribes later migrated north into Europe from between the the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea where the Assyrians had settled them and where they multiplied into many millions. They merged with the then European. nations to become the ancestors of present day European nations. This is why the Gospel was preached first to the Jews and then to these “lost tribes” of Israel. The tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh today are found in Great Britain and North America. As the Bible says, the tribe of Manasseh had more land and the tribe of Ephraim had ten times more people. This identifies England and the US as Ephraim and Scotland and Canada as Manasseh.

2 years ago

I concur. Historicism is the eschatology taught by the reformers and early church fathers: Luther, Foxe, Tyndale, Wycliffe, Calvin, Knox, Huss. Historicism teaches that the 70 weeks messianic prophecy (490 years) of Daniel 9 was fulfilled in Jesus Christ–the 70th week is not chopped off and launched thousands of years into the “future” to be fulfilled by an antichrist. Futurist dispensationalism is a relatively new doctrine imported into America via the Scofield Bible with its copious notes, distributed through out the bible colleges and seminaries, and is now taught in most main-stream churches. Futurist dispensationalism is counter-reformation theology with jesuitical roots, invented by Franciso Ribera. Its purpose was to place the antichrist way into the future to take the onus off of the pope from being identified as antichrist. The saints of the dark ages knew who was martyring them and “wearing out the saints.” Modern christian are still trying to figure out who the antichrist is, not knowing that antichrist is a system, the dynasty of the papacy.

2 years ago
Reply to  J H

Spot on. And it was the creation of the Scofield Bible in 1909, that was the first step in the game to put American Christians on the road to hell. This is just the end-game on a project that has been going on for decades.

After I had my Paul-on-the-road-to-Damascus moment in 1990, I spent several years trying to find a church, before I gave up. I found all the pastors to be ignorant false shepards, and the congregations to be ignorant worldly people. No-one was living the Christian life…which is TO COME OUT OF THE WORLD. I don’t feel I’ve missed anything. My faith only became stronger with each passing year, and with my private Bible study, my discernment has grown with each passing year.

Thanks again to Brian, for publicly calling out these wolves in sheep’s clothing, leading their flocks to perdition. We now know that word gets out to the idiots who end up in these stories fairly quickly. Shame is a powerful weapon…keep swinging that weapon.

Shelli Fitzpatrick
Shelli Fitzpatrick
2 years ago
Reply to  J H

I absolutely agree with you. The Bible doesn’t teach pretrib rapture. Study it out for yourself in the KJV.

Violetta Magnolia
Violetta Magnolia
2 years ago

Yet, the Bible clearly mentions “Catching Away” to take place (The term “rapture” comes from the Latin verb rapiemur which means “to seize, snatch, carry away.) – the “catching away” takes place on Jesus’s first return when he shouts like an archangel in the clouds – the dead rise first, then the living that believe/that are Jesus’s “bride/elect” are transformed and rise up to him.

1 Thessalonians 4:15-18

As far as Pre-trib…mid or after, I don’t like to get into this too much – not something that is to divide us if we are true Christians who believe and know that Jesus is GOD’s direct son (many say 2nd after Adam) and that he is the manifestation of GOD in human form who died & shed his blood on the cross to end the curse of death we would otherwise suffer from, but were purchased by this and offered a way out of damnation or nothingness when we die in this physical body if we only believe Jesus is GOD, his son, and died on the cross and rose three days later supernaturally & try to live a Godly life-following in Jesus’s footsteps-but we are saved by GRACE not works.

From one unique way I receive truth from GOD’s Holy Spirit within me, I am told we are already in the Great Tribulation right now.

Droxine Rose
Droxine Rose
2 years ago

Not denying the Rapture, just the ‘popular’ timing of it. Every text, taken in full Biblical context with surrounding verses, seems to make it pretty plain that the Rapture occurs at the same time as the Second Coming, when Jesus descends with a shout. In any case, we must be awake and prepared, no matter what the timing.

2 years ago
Reply to  Droxine Rose

Yes, it is wishful thinking, not critical thinking that makes people think they will receive a get-out-of-jail-free card. No, Christ Jesus is not coming an extra time to spare true believers the test. In fact, as Christians we must suffer the MOST to be purified, in order to reign with him for 1000 years on the restored earth. This the ultimate test for EVERY soul on earth. We have seen how many people who consider themselves to be Christians have already FAILED this test…and compared to what is coming, there has barely been any hardship, so far. People traded their souls for dining out, cruises, and “getting back to normal”. Really sick and sad, that they loved their worldly pleasures to their deaths.

Last edited 2 years ago by Kris
2 years ago
Reply to  Kris

You are correct. How many deceived people downvoted your comment? The road is narrow indeed.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kris

You call it wishful thinking, God calls it faith.
“Will he find faith when he returns?” “Comfort one another with these words” “The wrath of zgod is set aside for them that Hate the truth” “I am the way the Truth and the life”
“5 were foolish”
“If it were not so, I would not have told you”
So many scriptures promising a rescue plan for his beloved.
“Be it according to your Faith”

2 years ago

1Thessalonians 4:15-18 Never mentioned anything re Jesus first return. Read that passage. Nothing is said about it only what happens in the sky / heavens when the rapture takes place.
PS “Harpadzo”(transliteration) is the Greek word meaning”to snatch away”. Since you are referencing a book that was written in Greek.
Please watch a movie on Bitchute/com called After The Tribulation. It is a Bible study proving the post trib position is correct. Read Matthew 24:29-31.. What are the first 4 words? “Immediately AFTER The Tribulation”. ?

Last edited 2 years ago by Book23and6to5
2 years ago
Reply to  Book23and6to5

i don’t believe God can or would take his spirit from his children, that said, if it is post trib, then God will not be removing his Holy Spirit from the world till then.

2 years ago

Not convinced it’s the tribulation yet, much less the great tribulation, but definitely can agree we are inching So So close now. We fly soon!

2 years ago
Reply to  J H

Pre-Tribulation from what I know of sounds like the illusion of a free lunch. There’s no free lunch especially with spirituality. The road to Hell is an easy one, to sit next to the Divine requires years and lifetimes of work.

Mystery schools (where today’s organized religions that were watered down for the masses came from) call this ‘internal monarchy’.

Few get to Heaven. Heaven would not be of value if it was as easy as entering the US as an illegal immigrant.

Buddhism calls a ‘disillusionment of sensual pleasures’ ( pleasures of the 5 senses). This 3D world is a trap for consciousness and appealing to animal instincts (bright shiny objects like credit cards, branded items for false social standing), then you know you are following a path of awakening.

2 years ago
Reply to  SpecOps

Exactly. I have friends and relatives that subscribe to this nonsense. They use it as a shield to sidestep any responsibility for standing up to tyranny. I point out the massive genocides of the 20th century, especially Christian Russia and they just shrug. They can’t even see it was designed to do just that, lure them into a comfortable trap.

I can’t believe adults believe in this non scriptural fairy tale. What a delusion.

These people are a major impediment to unifying any form of resistance to tyranny. They’ll just go along with soothing words of serpents to their demise, both physical and spiritual.

Joe Cooper
Joe Cooper
2 years ago
Reply to  Wim

It wasn’t Christians that were genociding the Russian people though.

2 years ago
Reply to  SpecOps

Interesting, Ops!
I’ve also seen a great evil under the sun: deluded people “serving God” in abstract poverty, believing false doctrine. I wonder where their sincere intensions will get them?

“To his own master a (wo)man stands or falls…Who art thou that judges another man’s servant?..” Right?
We know wealth, women, power & shiny things are traps, but there are many more.
I don’t even want to open the “most people go to hell door,” because I’ll never sleep again.
That’s one punishment I can’t fathom, and reconcile a loving God with, or even the purpose for humanity at all…

…If the end result is a tiny fraction of people who suffered horribly on earth end up in paradise,
(Happy) -even though they must know most of their loved ones
(90%? along with billions more people)
-are burning in hell, torment, “and their worm dieth not.” ?

I don’t know where to file that.
Every believer I’ve asked says something like, “That’s above my paygrade.”
True, but why reproduce then? Especially if you take all the words of Jesus at face value.

I cannot understand why anyone would WANT to be born -or have children-facing odds that horrifying. I’ve also not met any1 as disturbed about this dilemma as I.
Are we reading the same Bible?

2 years ago
Reply to  Chris

I understand you@!!!!! I cannot believe that God would give up on anyone. I always believed that people continue to learn through each life experience. Otherwise nobody could ever achieve heaven.

Susan Mahan
Susan Mahan
2 years ago
Reply to  Chris

Yes it’s hard to figure out a loving God and our interpretations of Scripture and file it away somewhere. So don’t… Let God be a just and loving God who will do the most loving, just, righteous thing in His timing . . . He is also no respector of people, what he’s done for the saints in the past, you, for others here and now, He’ll do for the generations to come…. Remember the 1000 year reign of peace is coming….

2 years ago
Reply to  Chris

If we go back to Genesis. God’s plan was for Adam and Eve to fill the earth and subdue it. If they had not sinned the earth would have been full of perfect people. Satan had other ideas – you know the rest of the story. As the bible states, Satan is the ruler of this world for now. God is much more powerful than Satan and his original plan will proceed. The bible also says that “the meek shall inherit the world”. That hasn’t happened yet.

Think what a kingdom is. A simple explanation of a kingdom is a king at the top with people to rule over. If most Christians are going to Heaven and ruling with Him, then who are they ruling over? Yes, there will be some – a little flock. But Jesus says he also has other sheep – a great crowd – and that is where most of us fall.

“Hell” as preached in the pulpits was used as a tool for fear and to keep people compliant. Hell (Hades or Sheol) is simply the common grave of mankind. When the Israelites were burning their children alive in the valley, God said that to do such a horrible thing had never come up into his heart! Jesus used Gehenna as a symbol for complete and everlasting destruction – not burning forever. Same with the Lake of Fire, it doesn’t mean conscious torment, but everlasting death or destruction.

Jesus also said that when you see all these horrible things coming upon the earth, then hold your heads high because Satan’s time is short and Jesus will be coming soon.

7 months ago
Reply to  Karen

Excellent comment ❤ I grew up in a religion that teaches this. My mom, aunt, and brother are members but I was a rebellious teen and went wild. I’m older now but I found that the further away from God that you go, the harder it is to rid yourself of sins that have become ingrained. I was very very upset when my mom, aunt, & brother allowed their FEAR of a “novel virus” to listen to the propaganda from our govt. My mom even pressured me and my kids about the shots. I couldn’t believe it when I saw how brainwashed she and my aunt were about everything. My mom even said that they were being encouraged to get vaccinated by their religion. I was very shocked by it because in the past this religion never had anything to do with govt propaganda or govt issues. Their only thing was: “give Caesar’s things to Caesar and God’s things to God.”

2 years ago
Reply to  Chris

No ‘odds’ are involved. That is a misuse of the term and borders on blasphemy

2 years ago
Reply to  J H

I believe in pre-trib rapture but I also understand that it could be wrong. I would rather be prepared for either scenario so I’m open to information from other perspectives. I do agree that some people have used the pre trib rapture as an excuse for inaction.

2 years ago
Reply to  J H

When I deal with Christians who believe in ‘The Rapture’, I only have one thing to say:

“The Rapture’s already happened, we didn’t make the cut.”

2 years ago
Reply to  J H

Amen! PTR (or MTR) is a doctrine from the enemy designed to sedate the sheep and keep them unwary and unconcerned about the grave dangers now looming. It will probably be the major cause of the “great falling away” that happens when Christians find themselves in the middle of a horror they were promised (by men) they would never have to face. This will be the shipwreck of the faith of many.

The great rehearsal for the eventual Mark is upon us and so many sheep are not only lining up for it but actually attributing it as a gift from God! It is a ‘gift’ from god, just not the god they think they know. Crediting the work of satan to the Almighty Christ Jesus is tantamount to blasphemy. If one cannot resist this relatively mild pressure during this rehearsal, how will they resist the real thing when it the full pressure of hell comes against them? We develop our resistance by exercising it now in the name and power of Christ Jesus.

Susan Mahan
Susan Mahan
2 years ago
Reply to  J H

Exactly, they totally bypass 2 thessalonians 2:1-?. Man of lawlessness sets himself as god in the temple of God… That’s us folks …we are the temple of God. And that’s what these shots are doing allowing him to eventually set himself up as god in our minds and bodies

2 years ago
Reply to  J H

wow you are so right!! sometimes i listen to a Bible show called To Every Man An Answer where callers usually ask the hosts Bible related questions. Sometimes a caller asks if the jab is the MOTB and you should hear them rail and almost shame callers for asking and they go into a pre-trib rapture rant (esp Mike Kessler) It makes me so upset to listen to them! They are sadly mistaken and it grieves me to hear them mislead callers!
I used to be pre trib but it never sat right with me so i just believed by faith until i watched a wonderful Bible study called “After The Tribulation” in 2013-2014 or so. The post Trib rapture stance is ? Biblical.
It can be seen on Bitchute/ com. I don’t know if it’s on other platforms other than youtube which i don’t recommend

2 years ago
Reply to  Droxine Rose

I attend a church similar to yours. There are still some out there actually teaching truth and not corrupted by Satan. If there was a political or medical agenda being pushed, i would be done and look for a new one.

Susan Mahan
Susan Mahan
2 years ago
Reply to  Droxine Rose

I agree that normal political things should be kept out of the agenda of church talk, but when politics defy God laws then we have a biblical mandate too stand up for righteousness.

2 years ago
Reply to  Droxine Rose

There are things that God has espoused, and if any party endorses them, they should be pulpit denounced. Abortion is one.

Dhiego Verona
Dhiego Verona
2 years ago

It really is like this, here in Brazil as evangelical churches and famous pastors all in favor of vaxx there is a pastor that if you watch the video of him pushing (speaking) pro in favor of vaxx, out of anger to see.

2 years ago

The government functionaries probably add a subtle remark regarding tax exempt status when talking to them.

These same “Clergy Response Team” preachers will be pushing gun control when we need them most.

Christel Picciano
Christel Picciano
2 years ago

I have a religious couple,all about the discernment of Jesus Christ, but my friend keeps giving me excuses why I can’t fly to visit them. In other words, she is fearful. It’s disappointing.

2 years ago

Wow, so many churches are selling out, and working for the NWO.

2 years ago
Reply to  Osa

Search 2700 Church Denominations Endorse the Covid Vaccine…

2 years ago

Churches were closed down for a year (while liquor stores & movies were “essential” & remained open) This must be a big hit to the income.
i have even seen a church sign that only allows those fully jabbed to attend in person.
i wonder how much $ they were offered to sell their souls?

i’m very disappointed in most spiritual leaders (including religions, spiritual, health gurus) in the last 2 years. Very few have the testicular fortitude to stand up against tyranny.

As far as i know, orthodox churches seems to be the only ones that speak up most. A polish canadian pastor was even arrested (don’t know the denomination tho). There is also an aussie orthodox priest on YT condemning the tyranny. Respect.

Droxine Rose
Droxine Rose
2 years ago
Reply to  pam

Our church has always allowed us to tithe online, as most do, so our contributions at least continued. All of our charitable giving for other organizations is done automatically so we were able to continue those too. Disappointing that a church would turn away the un-jabbed. Not Biblical at all!

2 years ago
Reply to  pam

Those orthodox churches, predominantly from Eastern Europe, experienced communism close up and see what is coming. That’s why they resist.

2 years ago
Reply to  pam

“Very few have the testicular fortitude to stand up against tyranny.”

This is because they’re playing both sides against the middle.

They want people to be good, all the while endorsing the vaccines that kills people behind the public’s back.

My advice to you is to leave religion, because they’re criminals who are so two-faced it’s not even funny.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ant

Organized religion was created to control and deceive people. You are correct. I have a personal relationship with God and Jesus Christ. No “official church” required. It never was.

2 years ago
Reply to  Lucy

The Abrahamic religions is the worst of these religions. To historically remind people on this site, Edward Jenner, the inventor of the first vaccines, was a devout Christian.

What’s even worse is that Christianity and Communism are on the same side.

2 years ago

Quarantine of those who are actually ill with an infectious disease is the Old Testament biblical method of protecting others from infection. Hard to apply this now however, considering that doctors now take the place of priests.
Interesting that communion involves sharing a single cup and a single loaf of bread.among a group of Christians. Paul said they would get sick if they took communion in an unworthy manner. (See I Cor. 11:30)
All response to COVID – masks, distancing, no gatherings, etc. – has the effect of preventing fellowship and communion.
It might come to the point where God must be trusted for our health as indeed the scriptures advise.

Droxine Rose
Droxine Rose
2 years ago
Reply to  guard4her

Most churches are utilizing the individual, sealed cups of wine or juice that also have a separate sealed communion wafer on them to administer communion. Both churches I’ve attended during this are using these, and many believers I’ve spoken to elsewhere have indicated their church doing so as well. Also have hand sanitizer stations at all entrances, etc.

2 years ago

Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools. And like Franklin Graham, then they suffered pericarditis and had to have heart surgery.

These faith leaders are fools, misleaders. In the Catholic community locally, I have a devout, unjabbed, Catholic friend who joined a church 25 miles away from her city home so that she can get away from the masking and jabbing obsession of the places she formerly attended.

Thank you for spotlighting these bad leaders. I’m sure there are many more.

Only God is my Judge
Only God is my Judge
2 years ago
Reply to  Kriss

Yes, we have to beware of the false leaders. That’s why God gave us brains – to use them. I empathize with your friend… we now drive over 40 miles instead of walking a half mile. It was important to us to get our priorities straight (still a work in progress, of course).

2 years ago
Reply to  Kriss

Wow, I did not know that Franklin Graham suffered heart issues, after being vaccinated and he was advising everyone to be Covid-19 vaxxed, too.
What kind of Covid did Pastor Marcus Lamb die from, and did he die of an underlying cause, not publically shared, like dying from complications if he was diabetic?

2 years ago

I have been a follower of this blog since May 2021 after a close friend of mine passed away from taking the Jab here in South Africa, Johannesburg. I love that you stand for truth and you back it up with evidence. But I am disappointed in the fact that you deleted a comment I made today, I was not calling for violence or using inappropriate speech, but You deleted a comment I made proving The Abrahamic faiths to be a tool used by the elites deceive humanity, and I backed my claims up with evidence. Why did you remove my comment would like too know, thank you?

2 years ago
Reply to  Morgan

We are in the situation we are in because of the Abrahamic destruction of the traditional healing world that the Pagans had. It’s 100% native tribe and pagan knowledge that was lost by the Abrahamic zealots serving Emperor Constantine’s Roman Catholicized army.

Its an inconvenient truth that the Black Death happened just after the destruction of vast 1000 year old Pagan libraries of knowledge in medicine, arts and science, of which the knowledge would have saved 2/3 of the European population.

Notice also medieval art starting from the Dark Ages was backward as they had to use different color tones for buildings at different distances, because they had lost the technique of perspective for 3D projection on a 2D canvas.

The CooF cult are called ‘zealots’ here just like the fanatic iconoclasts that smashed statues of the classical world.

2 years ago
Reply to  SpecOps

This is very likely true… I don’t know why people are down-voting the comment above me.

It’s hidden in plain sight, yet people, even commenting here on TheCovidblog, still refuse to say “enough is enough” and leave the Abrahamic religions, and continue to dismiss the idea that these same religions, which they’ve clinged desperately onto, are not as noble as they thought it was supposed to be. Or better yet, destroy everything relating to the Abrahamic religions

Coping sounds like a good idea and all to handle trauma, but in this case, all of these people who stay in these religions and churches are coping merely to evade the harsh reality that their religions and churches are complicit in this conspiracy as much as the government have been advocating for vaccines even before “pandemic” happened, and have been giving crappy medical advice for years.

Abrahamic Religion cannot be reformed. WAKE. UP.

2 years ago

“Good Lord above” – Trevor Phillips GTA V

2 years ago

Wolves in sheep’s clothing! The truth is, these pastors were never for God. And their actions are revealing who they really are! This should take off the blinders of people. They serve the god of their bellies! They are hirelings just like the word of God said. They use “emotion” and big speeches to persuade people. To go to those buildings is to disobey God. Those buildings are not for the rational but for the emotional. The rational mind sees the trap and questions all things, but the emotional runs right into the trap. Music is also what they use to get you emotional to make you vulnerable. They truly serve the Vatican! I still believe Roman Catholicism will be the one-world religion.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jeremy

Yes you beat me to the punch line! They are not will they ever know God through Jesus. That name that people have worn out with swearing and their uttering it like a chant is Roman Catholic cult behaviour. In fact let’s face it the structure of the “church” with one big dude at the top (in the pulpit – where is that in the New Testament?) is not really found in the ancient church. They met in synagogues until they were kicked out and then homes or anywhere they could in 2s or 3s and as families and extended. They went to the ends of the earth and were murdered by Rome (the reason they has to flee). This covid fraud would have no effect on such a church as shown in China where they risk jail and death. I was trained to be a “minister” could preach as well as any if not most and gave my life for the local church (never “made it” as I questioned everything and that is not acceptable) and its people within and yet not once did they teach that the pope was the true antichrist, (Barry Smith did make an appearance in the 70s) the one who murdered more innocent believers and people than any one human being through his Jesuit network of spies and assassins who have hijacked the mystery religions such as freemasonry and the all others. See for evidence plus 200+ presentations. (Not my site and although it has taught me much I may not agree with everything there I value it very much – there are many such sites)
To add to my absolute shock and horror a very old friend is the “senior pastor” of an Indian church and he now says the “unvaccinated” can only attend online adding that pure vomit about keeping people safe. He has submitted to the AOG who are on board with the papacy 100%. You can never “serve” as a “pastor” unless you are willing to submit to their leadership completely without question. Of course they argue internally plenty but this fraudemic has seemed to have unified them somewhat in a very bad way. They are all silent. 99%. Then there are some such as these who actually promote it for cash and aid the mass murder. Let’s face it – why are they unashamedly so desperate to poison every person on the earth with their venom (which is Latin for virus) Why is that? Is it purely about the great reset or control or is there something else?

2 years ago
Reply to  covid1984pl

They know they cannot go to heaven, having sold their souls, so they want to take as many of God’s true children with them as possible. Jesus said TRUST NO MAN! I see why. They smile at your outwardly, but inwardly curse you.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jeremy

This pope is not, and has never been, Catholic. Jorge Bergoglio’s hidden ethnicity reveals his true religion. And his true religion becoming the One-World religion has been foretold by Christian and Islamic prophets for the last 2000 years.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kris

And one ounce of critical thinking eliminates Jorge Bergoglio as the Beast. The Beast will be beloved by most of the world. He will fool most people because he is charismatic. Does that describe Bergoglio? Most people are repulsed by him. Bergoglio does, however, meet the criteria of the False Prophet.

The actual Beast is much younger, and has been publicly feted since birth.

Only God is my Judge
Only God is my Judge
2 years ago
Reply to  Kris

Your comments seem to be unnecessarily downvoted, but that’s how it is with topics sensitive to people. Perhaps people should research the matter for themselves, they may be surprised as to what they learn, if their search provider lets them. Sure, I’m sensitive to certain topics, too, but I can’t just go around downvoting everything.

I am curious as to your take on who the actual Beast is, unless you don’t have one and are speaking generally (younger person, charismatic, etc).

2 years ago
Reply to  Jeremy

maybe they are just deceived over this one issue because they are not listening to the Holy Spirit carefully. Do not judge fellow believers–thats up to the Lord. Its not the mark of the beast yet.

2 years ago

My pastor, who I love, had vaccine clinics in July. I was very disappointed about this but he never pushed the vaccine from the pulpit. Before the clinics, he had three doctors (who are also congregants) speak at a Zoom bible study about the vaccine just to “inform” us and have a Q&A session. Of course, since one person was an emergency room doctor, another a pediatrician (his daughter-in-law) and another a dentist, they all promoted the vaccine, said it was safe, and that they had gotten the injection.

2 years ago
Reply to  Stefanie

They got the ” Safe Injection ” without doing a single hour’s worth of research…if they searched ” Common Vaccine Ingredients ” or ” Section 13 Vaccine Inserts ” and Hydra in Moderna then they might not be leading people into the slaughter…It is their Faith in Sorcery that allows them to be confident…Anyone in a Church should know that there is no substitute for Natural Immunity…If it is from nature it is good for you…if it is made by Man it is bad for you…it really is that simple…Mercury, Monkey Kidney Cells, Aluminum, Formaldehyde is toxic enough, then add ” Peptides ” which are trace amounts of Scorpion & Snake Venum, Graphene Oxide, and Hydra Vulgaris and that amounts to a Luciferase Soul Snatching Death Serum…what qualifies these Dopes to be giving others medical advice when they don’t even research these things? This is manslaughter at best, and Genocide being carried out in Real-Time…May they all Reap what they have Sown…

2 years ago
Reply to  Car

That’s why Jesus said we should rejoice when we see His vengeance on our enemies. I now understand that. Watching loved ones succumb to this destroyer…and losing them to the beast system…REALLY HURTS, while they laugh.

1 year ago
Reply to  Car

I agree. These people are under the power of the evil one. I’m astonished by it and the Lord Jesus Christ is right(of course) when he said he came to divide, even households parents and siblings. Know that you do not trust in men..period, end of story. The trust of men is a trap and a stumbling block. When I bring up the Lord almost all of my family turn away and scoff scowl and laugh. But they are the ones who bow down to fauci and “the science” falsely so called. Enjoy a few verses about trusting mankind
Psalm 146:3
Do not trust in princes,
In mortal man, in whom there is no salvation.
Jeremiah 17:5
Thus says the Lord,
“Cursed is the man who trusts in mankind
And makes flesh his strength,
And whose heart turns away from the Lord.
Psalm 118:9
It is better to take refuge in the Lord
Than to trust in princes.
Isaiah 2:22
Stop regarding man, whose breath of life is in his nostrils;
For why should he be esteemed?

KarlM Alias
KarlM Alias
2 years ago

This is hardly going to be popular; but, can you not see that the brainwashing going on now wrt. the ‘vaccines’ is exactly the same as for religion? In the case of religion the recipients are often children, and they are told over and over by people in authority such as parents, teachers, to believe in something they can not, now or ever, see. After a while they believe it to be true, and it is very difficult to convince otherwise. Science, good old fashioned evidence etc. etc. is just not heard. The resulting hypnosis is, in my opinion, roughly the same as the Vaxx Zealots exhibit today if anyone questions their ‘Vaccine Gods’.

2 years ago
Reply to  KarlM Alias

And if they really believe all the “do it for the common good”, they would limit their caloric and drug and alcohol intake. Obesity, diabetes and vascular diseases cause most of the health problems. So many of these Covidians are unhealthy mentally and physically.

Droxine Rose
Droxine Rose
2 years ago
Reply to  Annie

I wish I could upvote this a million times! Thank you.

2 years ago
Reply to  KarlM Alias

I’ve met Jesus. I actually saw Him once. And like the wind moves and I feel it and know which direction it comes from I can also feel Jesus and interact with Him. It’s the constant communication, the leaps of faith that get bigger with bigger stakes, and the miracles that follow that maintain my faith. And every now and then Jesus actually shows up and hangs out with me. He is real. Alive, interactive. You just have to seek after Him with all your heart and there He will be. Nobody, not even some glorious alien of light, not some man committing all kinds of crazy signs and wonders, nobody can ever make me doubt Jesus because I walk with Him every single day.

2 years ago
Reply to  Candace

I Believe You! All Jesus ask from us is a personal relationship with Him! You won’t find Him in most churches these days. Take up our daily crosses & Live for Him no matter what! The Bible is our instruction manual-the Living Word of God…. Who better to serve then our King who died for us! What other earthly king loves their people as much as Christ does? We’re ALL here for a Purpose- boots on the ground, if you will…. Be wise as serpents & gentle as a dove, spread the good news, time is short. Turn to Him while their is still time…. This earth is NOT our home… we’re just passing thru.
God Bless & Don’t take the Jab!

Kelly Myczka
Kelly Myczka
2 years ago
Reply to  Candace

Candace: fellow sister in Christ. I have no idea why you got down voted, it concerns me. I also, have tangibly experienced Christ. He has given me visions while in court rooms fighting for the orphan, I could audibly hear his sandels against that commercial grade carpet as He walked down that court room aisle, ever present, making it very apparent my fight was far bigger than physical for that orphan. That orphan 6.5 years later became my son. That vision happened in one of the first of hundreds of court reviews I sat through over those years, fighting for that orphan. I think if you are truly walking in alignment with God’s will, not the American dream, but the surrendered, lowly humble will of God, you have the opportunity to interact with Christ himself. Some battles require Jesus to show up, tangibly. Most Christians blow me off. Most think I’m nuts, though I’m highly educated, masters prepared nurse, seen both life and death given, many experiences, most Christians have never lived so close to the edge for Jesus to need Him to physically show up. The vision He gave me was His blood dripping down the walls of this tiny court room, I had been holding this heavy, floppy, developmentally delayed baby for 6 hours, standing. I needed that vision to carry out His mission for my life, which was to save the orphan. I needed it to carry me through the backlash we would get, the threats of violence the threats of taking that orphan away from us, even at the five year mark if we didn’t “do as they say” to the detriment to the orphan. We navigated lightly, led by the spirit and surrendered our ideals for the orphan, for Christ, who, when needed, tangibly showed up. To all these points, when covid struck, it was so obviously clear to me the truth, the lies, the deception bc the previous 6 years prepared me to see the whole truth. In addition, I hold zero thoughts on the tribulation. None. I know we are commanded to stand ready, praying always for the quickness of the coming of Christ. So, I do that, fasting, praying, seeking only His truth, and I don’t worry about the sacrifice, the pain that is probably coming to those of us fully surrendered, bc He does show up and the Holy Spirit provides this furry of fire to withstand the temptation of satan, always. I pray my life is a living testimony of truth. I may die alone, bc most of my viewpoints are contrary to even the churches in America, but I’ll stand with Jesus on that day, not doubt about it. God bless you sister. Also, to those commenting that they don’t attend church bc they are full of wolves, I agree, especially in America, however, if you changed/altered your perspective and attended instead with a missional focus, knowing full well, many (including the pastors) are not saved, it’s a game changer, well, it has been for me. It’s not about how the church will serve you, but rather, how can the truly surrendered actually show up and show them the true Christ among us? None of this surprises Jesus. We should be full throttle in the middle of the messy Pharisees just like Jesus. Have your close “friends” but show Christ to the rest and be missional-minded. I think evangelical Christianity kinda screwed up the vision of what Paul tried to communicate about what the church was. Let’s be honest folks, Paul exemplified house churches and community where this intimate small group of truthers supported one another through the transparency of the hardships of life. Small, intimate and transparent. That’s where you get fed. So create that for yourself, host it if you have to, then go to church on Sunday and be missional. Invite the Pharisees to dinner at your house, invite the pastor. Be gentle and loving, but speak truth when God gives the opportunity, if you are so blessed to do so. God’s love on this journey to you all!

Justice Coming
Justice Coming
1 year ago
Reply to  Candace

Wow that’s beautiful made me cry with joy to hear the faith of the saints!

2 years ago
Reply to  KarlM Alias

No one has ever seen the wind, or electricity, or radiation, or infra red, ultraviolet, electromagnetic fields etc. Do you not believe such things exist because you cannot see them?!

2 years ago
Reply to  KarlM Alias

I am SO GLAD my Mother sent me to church when young, because I learned about the Lord, and won a Bible by attendance, (even if the churches way back then were teaching heresies,) it still led me to the Lord, to learn His Truth in His living Word for myself. So People ARE being saved by churches, even if they are not true to God. We must read His Word for ourselves to learn the truth, not just go by what the pastors are saying. “Blessed are those who have not seen, and yet believe. (the Lord). How many more are like me? But you have to read His Word, and believe it! IT IS PURE TRUTH.

2 years ago
Reply to  KarlM Alias

“Blessed are those who have not seen, yet believe.” TRUE FAITH. I feel sorry for all who do not believe in Jesus Christ, our Savior forever. You WILL MEET Him at the judgment…and wish you had believed in Him.

1 year ago
Reply to  KarlM Alias

Brother I hope the Lord opens your eyes. There is proof in this world about Jesus being the Lord Christ. They shut down Christian churches never mosque’s or Sikh or Buddhist, why? Preach anything anyone on the street and no one will harass you but begin to preach about Jesus and the demons come. Look up athletes who mention Jesus in their award speeches and what happens? They cut the feed. Why? The liberals only attach Christian’s and blaspheme the Lord Jesus, remember them saying amen and awomen? Why? The DOJ gas listed Christian’s as extremists even while jihadis have been killing Americans here at home over and over. Why? It’s because Jesus is the Lord Christ. The evil one does not divide his kingdom. Why would he waste his short time shutting down his own demons? i.e Muslim Sikh Shiva Catholic Sikh. Think about it. It’s always the Lord Jesus Christ and his elect, always. That’s because he is the only life, way and truth. In closing where are the transitional fossils? There should be trillions alongside the ones found but not a one. To this day they still haven’t found one transitional fossil in any of the huge number of species, yet expect us to believe the evolution lie. Not one single transitional fossil yet all the other intact fossils are everywhere? Did every single transitional species (trillions) have a secret hiding place that only they went to, This whole world wants to bury God bury Jesus and no one else and it’s incredibly obvious.

2 years ago

Proof why you don’t need a middleman to connect to a Higher Power that is above all Earthly religions, dogmas and belief systems, of which the differences comes down to arguing which flavor of ice cream is the best.

2 years ago

This is beyond the beyond…disgusting and despicable how the Churches of Satan and their Pickpocket Pimping Pastors selling the Mark of the Beast 666 Kill Jabs for their 30 pieces of Silver in order to deliver Souls to Lucifer…So much for being their Brothers’ Keeper…there will be a Special Place in the Pit for these Epic Sellouts…and the one Pastor concentrating on 5-11-year-olds forgets the Scripture ” For whoever should offend one of these little ones that believe in me…it would be better to have a millstone wrapped around his neck and then caste into the sea “…

2 years ago

A friend of mine told me people just go into “the ministry” for money. You said “ The dejection and disappointment (and crying) as they professed to losing faith in God is just so gut-wrenching.” People need to put their trust in God alone especially when humans let them down, even humans that pretend to “speak” for God.
As an aside the eugenics monster Margaret Sanger got black ministers to convince black women to kill their unborn children.

2 years ago
Reply to  Zoe

Like doctors. Money. The pastor of the mega church 2 miles up the road from me pulls 60,000 per month for himself. It’s in the public record. He’s just so despicable, always begging for “God’s money”.

This doesn’t include the profit from his book sales or speaking fees paid to him when he preaches at other mega churches. That’s part of the scam these preachers run with each other – outrageous fees to preach at each others mega structures.

Then there’s the money from their dreadful music, and on and on.

2 years ago
Reply to  Zoe

I’m going by Jesus words of wisdom. TRUST NO MAN, especially now, and having had my own family be turned against me, brethren, and friends. TRUST IN THE GREAT PHYSICIAN ONLY.

Amy Sukwan
Amy Sukwan
2 years ago

I haven’t popped open a Bible in awhile, but it seems to me that Jesus was healing on the Sabbath, which was in direct conflict with the approved healers at the time. I also read the original word for sorcery or witchcraft is pharmakea which is the root for Pharmaceuticals. Not only is injecting in a Church on Sunday not the will of Christ it sounds in direct opposition. I’ve given up on most established religion. My mother a former Catholic nun still devoutly attends Church every Sunday in Las Vegas, facemask and all. I told her even the masks seem in contradiction to scripture as you should remain unafraid in the eyes of God, and being made in God’s holy image should remain uncovered. You were supposed to not wear hats in Church for those reasons. The pandemic theater is all about sowing fear and then relying on human interventions to save us, putting faith in man, not God. At least I was able to convince my Mother to avoid the jab…but I told her I can’t enter a supposedly Holy place with a facemask. It feels wrong…

2 years ago
Reply to  Amy Sukwan

Me too. I cannot wear the mask. It is a world wide occult ritual. Look up masks, and mask face covering in Encyclopedia Britannica and see if you can still put one on. It’s a Jesuit Medical inquisition. We have a right o breathe clean air, and the masks are doing more harm in the long run than any so called virus. Oxygen deprivation. Breathing back in waste that should be exhaled. and children! I hate seeing them put on the children!

Linda N
2 years ago

“a COVID-19 vaccine will not leave the ‘mark of the beast’ nor rewrite genetic codes.” This is mincing words, because regardless of exactly how it works, what it DOES do is use mRNA to force your cells to make a deadly spike protein that is totally foreign to your body and thus will destroy all your organs and kill you!”

2 years ago


Shelli Fitzpatrick
Shelli Fitzpatrick
2 years ago

I am so sorry to hear this but it is prophecy fulfilled. We are witnessing the great falling away. The problem here seems to be people don’t read the Bible for themselves and they idolize their pastors Resulting in being easily deceived or just biblically illiterate.

It’s hard for me to understand how believers could think God would be okay with genetic alterations. As soon as your genes get modified you are no longer what God made you to be.

I am happy to see you covering this story that is so important to warn people to put their trust only in Christ and not man. So thank you for this story.

Last edited 2 years ago by Shelli Fitzpatrick
Max Power
Max Power
2 years ago

Now is the time to hermetically seal and hide/bury a few KJVs.

2 years ago
Reply to  Max Power

My grandmother, who died in 1999 at the age of 93, told me to know the Bible because it would eventually be taken away. I always remembered that.

2 years ago

“so important to warn people to put their trust only in Christ and not man.”

Wouldn’t you know it, Christ IS A MAN. Having no biological father, still makes him a man, for God does not need a process to create. When God decides to create, He just says it be and it is.

If tomorrow God decides that 1000 virgin females would give birth to a human, without sexual intercourse, it would be too easy for God to make it happen.

That’s what some people refuse to grasp, so they go on an intellectual journey to project their own limitations on their understanding of God. The nature of God is beyond anything our 3 lbs brain can grasp.

Max Power
Max Power
2 years ago

Jesus saith unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? he that hath seen me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou then, Show us the Father? John 14:9

2 years ago

You reminded me of the scripture: The priests rule by their means, and my people love to have it so. They trust more in the pastors than the Lord and His Words of life.

2 years ago

my church head pastor had mention that there would be a vaccine clinic coming to the church. after that I stopped attending the church. my aunt told me the head pastor didn’t even take the vaccine but told people to go get it. i rather read my bible than associate myself with this nonsense.

2 years ago

Brian, I wish you could know how fortifying it is to read your posts. For example: “Clergy and religious leaders are second to only doctors when it comes to trust in seeking advice on the COVID-19 ‘vaccines,’ according to an October Pew survey.”

Misplaced trust! To many of us, obviously misplaced trust, glaringly obvious. However, the REAL culprit and focus for how to move forward, is misplaced force of government. The wacksinator plot would have been stillborn had medicine been held apart from wielding government force the same as the church is according to everything in our founding documents. We must repeat this to ourselves as Americans!

To move forward into 21st Century Freedom, we must retain and keep separation of church from state, and ALSO establish and maintain separation of medicine and science from state. NONE should ever wield the force of government under any pretense; they are belief systems whose ways change drastically from place to place and century to century, whereas arithmetic remains the same for all, anywhere, throughout the ages, that is one sure source of truth. Science and medicine employ it and now pretend to supersede it but they are mere beliefs.

Government, the force of government, must be limited to serving the interests of law, order, and self-ownership in commerce and body. Government is a force like fire, a dangerous servant and a fearful master, one of the founders said. It must be kept in control as we progress into 21st century liberty.

Until 1791, in England, the government required that you go to church on Sunday. If you didn’t, you’d better have a good reason, or be fined or jailed. The Founding Fathers of the United States understood that the force of government in the hands of religion was a BIG mistake. They envisioned a kind of live-and-let-live in Christian liberty, with Christian creeds as their “municipal code,” one of them described it. It worked VERY WELL, with our Creator being the guarantor of rights no man or men could override, the rights to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness.

ALL communistic systems require atheism to function. Atheists answer to no one but themselves in their morals, and so can justify any behavior. Christians who follow the Law refrain from many things, such as vengeance, revenge, and enslaving others for self-gain because their fear of God is greater than their fear of being broke.

I hope all here see the video of crowds around the world singing, to the tune of “She’ll be comin’ ’round the mountain when she comes,” “You can shove your vaccine mandates up your ass,” with variations such as “toxic poisons,” and I even heard it sung in I think a foreign tongue. It is truly wonderful to see and I hope it becomes a world anthem as we move toward Christian liberty as per the Founders’ vision.

2 years ago
Reply to  Janyuary

Excellent post! And that song was in my head all day after I saw that video!

Greetings from Spain
2 years ago
Reply to  Wollio

Les recomiendo la canción de Blind Joe, ” I will not comply”.
La pueden ver en YouTube, es de hace dos semanas. Me emociono al escucharla.
Un músico disidente con la versión de los medios de comunicación y sus mentiras.
La recomiendo

Shelli Fitzpatrick
Shelli Fitzpatrick
2 years ago

Matthew 7:15 KJV
[15] Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.

2 years ago

An addendum to my post … as well, separation of charity from state! It is not the force of government’s job to provide for health care, education, housing, or charity. That is the job of churches and prosperous, free commerce. The force of government must be limited to enforcing folks’ rights to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness within the law. I would think a wise practice if not law would be to prohibit marketing by the medical industry (pharma, insurance, and clinics/hospitals) from entertainment and news media, rather like tobacco or legal services. When people need those services, they know where to find them. Medicine that trolls for patients on commercial media — and medicine spends billions of dollars every year on marketing across the spectrum 24-7 — is sociopathic.

Last edited 2 years ago by Janyuary
2 years ago

Well said and well done for calling out these heretical wolves. I’ve read many times that those involved in the occult and satanic church have said that ALL churches have been infiltrated by satanists. People lack discernment, serious faith in God rather than men and Biblical knowledge and they are easily led astray. I was just on a zoom call with an online class (people from all around the country and world) where one of the lukewarm members of the class felt the need to tell everyone that because he got a sniffle, he’s now a “covid believer” (confirming it’s a belief rather than fact) and that his dad has the flu and is now being murdered on a ventilator, therefore his former unbelief has turned into belief and he “wanted to warn everyone”. He even went so far as to say he “felt guilty” because he told his dad not to get the injection. The level of brainwashed idiocy and over emotional ridiculousness that he thought was so cool to exhibit made me so mad. This is a group that is staunchly against injections and the narrative and has stood firm against it all no matter what. One member is even going through her husband divorcing her because she will not get injected. It is beyond obvious to me that he is a demonically influenced infiltrator, whether he knows it or not. The words “stay vigilant” could not be more important in these situations, and people must STOP BELIEVING IN GERM THEORY and quickly find the truth about illness or they too will fall prey to the lies eventually.

Carole Murdoch
Carole Murdoch
2 years ago

The title about churches serving the wrong God, hit close for me.

A friend of mine, who is a Protestant pastor in NJ (U.S.), preaches to his flock to take the jabs. He, himself, is double-vaxxed and recently took a booster. I asked him how he makes peace with bodily sovereignty and our bodies being a temple contrasted against the coerced, experimental serum mandates. He responded that it’s everybody’s responsibility to help keep others safe and for me to “just get the vaccine.”

I feel saddened for him that he confuses God in Heaven with fallible science, government and Fauci. I feel sorry for his parishioners who look to him for spiritual guidance and receive doses of twisted propaganda.

2 years ago

Very interesting article Brian.
Without a doubt, this cannot be the Creator. The one-God who created nature, the heavens and the earth.

I think people need to use the logic, ask yourself: are any of these churches (millionaires) in the name of God? Does he own at least one of these churches? So, it’s only Muggle who wants to be Muggle. God never asked for it.

Even more interesting is that if you search the Bible you will find: 1. God does not dwell in temples made by the hands of men (Acts 17:24); 2. “Do you not know that you are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in you? If anyone destroys God’s temple, God will destroy him. For God’s temple is holy, and you are that temple”. (1 Corinthians 3:16,17). I could go on and on, but I dont.

2 years ago

“Yea, they are greedy dogs which can never have enough, and they are shepherds that cannot understand: they all look to their own way, every one for his gain, from his quarter.” Isaiah 56.

The bible makes it clear that it is not to call anyone a pastor. As it says in Timotios 2, “there is one God, one mediator also between God and men, himself man, Christ Jesus”. So, only follow these guys, the most muggle/alienated, which don’t search to discover the truth.

Remember, these guys are part of the same group that killed Jesus. They are the Pharisees of today. Or do you think that if Jesus came back today, he could claim some of these gigantic temples and the billions that are collected in his name?

2 years ago

Don’t forget TD Jakes taking the vaccine on camera.

2 years ago

WOW if this was ever a test for the churches by GOD this was it and they all failed. How do the churches justify their actions before GOD? How will these ministers/pastors/priests and the congregation stand before GOD and explain to him that they put their trust in man and not him? These are word I pray no one ever hears from GOD. “I never knew you: depart from me” This was the time for the churches to stand up and say “We put our faith and trust in the Lord.” Instead they have a fearful congregation that they will shepherd to the nearest vaccination center.

2 years ago

The powers that be are using Margaret Sangers playbook. One of her strategies to get black people to abort their children was by getting support in the black churches from the ministers who sold it as a virtue from poverty.
The remnants are still evident today in the high amount of black babies aborted unfortunately.

2 years ago

Pureblood here, haven’t been to a church in about several years, I just read the King James Bible at home and use a Noah Webster 1828 Dictionary. Here’s a tip for some of you, don’t lose faith in God/Jesus because people let you down.

2 years ago
Reply to  Anon

That’s true. Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever. We are the sinners that need to change. For after death comes the judgement

2 years ago

Did the churches get paid to promote the injections?

2 years ago
Reply to  Pat

It could be. The UN agenda 2030 has infiltrated cities, you can look up your own city resiliency plan. This includes the churches, DHS works closely with them to push the desired agenda. Any 501c3 church is part of the plan. Maybe 99% of them.

Violetta Magnolia
Violetta Magnolia
2 years ago
Reply to  Pat

I’ve read some of the church leaders do get paid to promote the Great Abomination “covid 19” “mark of beast” vaccine- some involved in Freemason aspect like Billy Graham.

2 years ago

Why is do difficult to believe churches are part of this scam?

The Vatican’s finances have been controlled by the Rothschild family since 1800’s. Therefore EVERYTHING the churches have done over the centuries, has been for the fulfillment of the NWO–which the Rothschild family is heavily involved in.

Religious organizations (very much like crime organizations, as I like to call them) sowed the seeds of progressive ideology very slowly over the years to get people to the point in which we see today. This is evident with all the cover ups and transfers of priests who sexually abused of children. Some priests even murdered their lovers and/or had children with young girls (Thorn Birds mini series in the 80’s normalized a forbidden love between a very young girl and a priest). We are meant to sympathize with their vulnerable humanity and excuse their vial behaviors—which many die hard Catholics have done.

The pastors of these churches have been brainwashed through education, under the guise of changing times, like the rest of the population. They are useful idiots the Cabal needs in order to get the hesitant, religious populous to take this UNGODLY jab. Don’t get me wrong, many religious “leaders” are hip to the plan and are willingly herding people to their death–for wealth, clout, etc..

Bottom line–pray in the privacy of your home, with God in your heart, and always walk into any situations that does not seem right to you, with this mantra screaming in your head, “IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST, I DO NOT CONSENT.”

Be well, stay strong and remain united.

Violetta Magnolia
Violetta Magnolia
2 years ago

Well said. Religious leaders are def. being paid off-many to promote this Great Abomination jab – what was it, Rick Warren got a book deal from it? Not sure how that worked. Some are just ignorant and others arrogant, selfish, lusting for gain over leading their congregations in the footsteps of Jesus’s Holy way, willing to sell the souls, bodies and minds of their ignorant church members who wrongly trust them to gain $$ and/or from blackmail.

And what is up with this comment and another with all the negative votes? This info by SkepticalbyNature is TRUTH, whether you like it or not. Strange….

Joyce Amiwero
Joyce Amiwero
2 years ago

The truth remains that our relationship with God is personal. People looking up to anyone that calls himself a pastor, a reverend or a prophet is just fooling themselves. People should always ask why are there so many pastors/reverends and not a lot of missionaries? It is because these self-called pastors/reverends/prophets make easy money out of the folks and not really there for the spiritual needs of the people. Look at all of them; who appointed them as pastors?

This is not the first time people are being deceived because people don’t read their Bible. Take an example from the Book of Jeremiah (amplified version). Jeremiah 14:13 says:

“Then said I, Alas, Lord God!, Behold the (false) prophets say to them, You will not see the sword, nor will you have famine; but I (the Lord) will give you assured peace (peace that lasts, the peace of truth) in this place.”

The Lord replied Jeremiah as follows:

To the False Prophets
Jeremiah 15 -Therefore thus says the Lord concerning the (false) prophets who prohesy in My name-although I did not send them – and who say, Sword and famine shall not be in the land; By sword and famine shall those prophets be consumed.

To the people who were deceived
Jeremiah 16 – And the people to whom they prophesy shall be cast out in the streets of Jerusalem, victims of famine and sword; and they shall have none to bury them – them, their wives, their sons, and their daughters. For I will pour out their wickedness upon them (and not on their false teachers only), for the people could not have been deceived except by own consent.”

When I stand before God, I can’t say the pastors of my church told me to do this or do that and I had to obey. Your walk with God is personal, read your Bible, pray to the Lord and His Spirit will guide you in the way to go. I prayed to the Lord about the covid-vaccines, and I am convinced that I should not take them, so I am not taking the vaccines even as I face potential dismissal in the coming weeks. God will provide as I know the Lord is able to open great doors or show me how to make money in ways I never imagined ( see Jer 33:3); all I need is to trust in the Lord.

Majority in my former church took the vaccines and are now unpaid advocates for Big Pharma. For me, I will have no part in it. I went to the church on my own accord and has stopped going there on my own accord. I came to this world alone, I accepted Christ as my Lord on my own and when I die, I will stand before God on my own. So I refuse to bow to a pastor, a reverend or even to a government. I only bow to and knee before the Lord God.

Last edited 2 years ago by Joyce Amiwero
2 years ago
Reply to  Joyce Amiwero

Amen. Totally agree.

Broken Pottery
Broken Pottery
2 years ago

Even before the whole covid scam, I think many Christian churches started preaching another gospel than the one of Jesus Christ. Many who were raised in the gospel of Jesus Christ, have been nudged into this new gospel and they don’t seen to understand it isn’t Jesus’s teaching anymore. Satan has many ways to turn us away from truth.

We had just found what appeared to be a great church in a new community we moved to in 2019. For the first time in our then 31 year marriage, my husband wanted to attend church. Sermons were amazing and they were Jesus’s gospel. They were happy to shut down and comply with all of the covid “rules” including masking. We only attended one time since they “lifted” those. As soon as I saw they were sponsoring a shot clinic, I got a huge pit in my stomach, immediately canceled my monthly financial gift, and have not attended since.

I get my sermons on YT now and my fellowship from a small community Christian charity I volunteer with now. Times have changed.

2 years ago
Reply to  Broken Pottery

I learn more from online sermons and studies, and just reading the Bible from cover to cover, than I ever learned in any church building.
I was also warned to stay out of these church buildings months before this Covid Psy-op came on the scene, and after some prayer, I left. Other things also influenced my decision, but I don’t regret it.

Last edited 2 years ago by liz
Honey Bee
Honey Bee
2 years ago
Reply to  Broken Pottery

Who do you listen to on YouTube? I do like to hear sermons, but nowadays it difficult because so many pastors don’t preach the truth. The pastor I used to listen to got the jab and so did his whole family. Now I feel differently about them. It made me sad.

2 years ago
Reply to  Honey Bee

Welcome to the “disappointed” club. There are so many pastors and conservatives I will not listen to any longer because they still support jabbing. There is a local channel here in our small town where the pastor is savvy about the “plandemic” and another channel broadcasts a baptist pastor who also is not a jabaholic. But others are clueless and ignorant about the horrific nature of the so-called mRNA vaccines. Really lost respect for a lot of people.

2 years ago

All these 501c3 churches, made possible by 33rd Degree Freemason polecat Lyndon Baines Johnson, who also ordered the sinking of the USS Liberty in 1967, have absolute cowards as “pastors”. The biblical word for them is “Hirelings”. and they are disgusting.

Max Power
Max Power
2 years ago

It is so great, so wonderful, so useful, that bad churches are identifying themselves by pushing mRNA/spike protein injections.

2 years ago
Reply to  Max Power

The ones that take a “safe” attitude and tell their flock it’s up to them whether to take the vaccine or not are doing them a disservice also. They should be warning their assembly of the aftereffects and deaths these RNA injections are responsible for.

Droxine Rose
Droxine Rose
2 years ago
Reply to  liz

I tend to think, that just like the general population, many of the church leaders don’t know where to go for accurate information. The censorship has done its job very well.

Greetings from Spain
2 years ago
Reply to  Droxine Rose

Estoy de acuerdo contigo.
En mi religión nos dijeron que hay muchas teorías conspiranoicas en Internet y que sólo debemos escuchar la versión oficial.
No han investigado nada sobre estas inyecciones… La censura en todo el mundo ha hecho muy bien trabajo.
No puedo hablar con casi ningún hermano de mi religión sobre esto y si les digo todo lo que se y todo lo que he investigado no quieren escucharme, afortunadamente mi esposo y yo nos apoyamos en esto, y también con algunos compañeros de creencia que también han investigado por su cuenta pero somos muy pocos

2 years ago


Last edited 2 years ago by Loveisallweneed
2 years ago

I suggest people consider Luke 5:31 when opposing vaccine pressure. I think this simple scripture says it all. ‘Jesus answered and said to them, “Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick.” According to Jesus, people who are well don’t need doctors. A vaccine is a fear-based approach to health and as such is in opposition to the concept of “faith” entirely. Why, if I trust God, would I take an experimental gene therapy to “protect” me from something that might never happen?!

Only God is my Judge
Only God is my Judge
2 years ago
Reply to  Alexis

Nicely put! “fear-based approach”… Most don’t have any concept of a risk and reward ratio.

2 years ago

All those that took the shot will learn that there is a reason why we got brains. It should be used to assist the free will. Now the free will has been used without applying common sense or the use of the brain in an objective way. Slavery will be the result . Not only in a physical way but a deeper kind of Slavery. Slavery trough and of the mind. A slave who does not know he or she is a slave and will support things bringing one deeper into mind Slavery. Shackles are not needed then. One does not reckognize terror and humiliation anymore as what it is and supports and understands it and want just that to happen. Even death cannot solve this because the vax people made the choice freely. That is the key word here. Freely. You must make the choice to take the shot out of your won free will. In spiritual terms it is a done deal then. It does not matter if you where treathend, affraid, thinking you where doing the good thing, lied to or whatever. In the end the choice was made using ones own free will. one did not use the brain in an objective way to guide the free will but let other things be the guide. The end result will be Slavery of and trough the mind. We are not the flesh but inhabit the flesh. Traditional slavery ends with death but that is not the case of your mind is enslaved. The beings of the negative path want absolute control over others up to the point where you can be told to kill or harm yourself and support that, out of your own free will as being a good thing. The taking over of your mind trough your own free will that is the real purpose of all that has been going on. One should be ones own adviser. Use logic in an absolute way and wherever it takes you there jou wil find truth. Even of it feels unpleasent or offend. It is truth. The father and i am one and all that i can do you can do as well. Jezus said that. That is a good point to start. He knew what he was talking about.The religious leaders do not know what they are talking about (parrots and valse prophets) and many are conscious followers of the negative path. The pope for sure. The are wolves dressed as sheeps. The approach you with messages of love but their real AIM is the oppositie of love. The talking over of your free will by your own free will and then use you in countless negative ways. Truth and nothing but the truth sets one free. Absolute truth. Not relative (our own) truth. As a being of the positive path i must respect free will as well. I can only advice you to not take any vaccine. That virusses exist has not been proven in a truly scientific way. Common sense then should tell you that jou cannot recieve some sort of medicine or cure against something which has not been proeven to exist in an objective way. All the rest does not matter then.We are not the flesh but inhabit the flesh. The top of this vaccination cult knows this as well. This has nothing To do with health. Beware. The harvest for both paths ( negative and positive) is in progress. Many places of worship are part of the negative path as well. If you want to that path. Fine. If not then pay attention . Much and deep love to you all. Stay strong. It is worth it. ( english is not my native language btw. Just so you know if things are not written correct). Take care.

2 years ago

1 Peter 4:17 (KJV)
For the time [is come] that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if [it] first [begin] at us, what shall the end [be] of them that obey not the gospel of God?

Statistics Jason
Statistics Jason
2 years ago

Sadly I wasn’t to surprised to see some United Methodist church’s listed here. When I was a kid in the 70s they were thought of as one of the more conservative churches. I heard them described as “strict” which I respected.

Today when I look at websites of some of their church’s I am shocked at what I see. They seem to have fully embraced wokeness. For example some of the websites mention they are supportive of LGBTQ and they are all welcome at their church. I am not a religious scholar but I don’t believe that the Bible is pro-gay. That’s just one example, in general it seems the United Methodist Church wants to be in synch with the world and what the world of course they are pushing the vaccine. Disappointing.

2 years ago

I cut off Samaritan’s Purse when Franklin said “Jesus would take the vaccine” HAHHAHAHAHA :laughable

Avoid donating to churches with 501c3

Bob Curfman
Bob Curfman
2 years ago

Anyone can keep the written Torah, something that man made religions deceive people into rejecting, there is only one way that is the keeping of the written Torah

2 years ago
Reply to  Bob Curfman

No. Only one man has ever been able to keep the written Torah, and only he ever will be.

2 years ago

. . . by their fruits you shall know them.

Anthony Tuminello
Anthony Tuminello
2 years ago

Yet another reason to avoid all of the UNBIBLICAL church buildings (I mean pagan temples). The reason why all of these “churches” are advocating for the death shot is because these church buildings are 100% government-owned property thanks to IRS code 501(c)(3) “tax exemption”. Hireling Robert Jeffress of First Baptist Dallas is one of these devils (he also worships Donald Trump). Right before last year’s selection, Jeffress basically ADMITTED to his whole congregation that he can’t say certain things while pastoring the church because “we enjoy our tax-exempt status”, thus PROVING that all of these church buildings are in direct violation of the Scriptures (see Matt. 22:15-21 KJV). You can actually watch this on YouTube, look up the video “Why Christians Should Vote? | November 1, 2020” by First Baptist Dallas.

Acts 7:44-50 (KJV) Our fathers had the tabernacle of witness in the wilderness, as he had appointed, speaking unto Moses, that he should make it according to the fashion that he had seen. Which also our fathers that came after brought in with Jesus into the possession of the Gentiles, whom God drave out before the face of our fathers, unto the days of David; Who found favour before God, and desired to find a tabernacle for the God of Jacob. But Solomon built him an house. Howbeit the most High dwelleth not in temples made with hands; as saith the prophet, Heaven is my throne, and earth is my footstool: what house will ye build me? saith the Lord: or what is the place of my rest? Hath not my hand made all these things? 

1 Corinthians 3:9 (KJV) For we are labourers together with God: ye are God’s husbandry, ye are God’s building. 

1 Corinthians 3:16-17 (KJV) Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are. 

2 years ago

I prefer the 1611 now because the KJV was altered by Rome. Yes in their agreement with the IRS they must not speak against the state or get involved politically as they risk their property and massive incomes being taken from them. Even the men and woman ministers who do not like all of this will not speak against this because it means total loss for them and it is a nightmare to detach from Babylon. They hitched their souls to Satan without knowing it. But it goes further. They have purposely preached and taught Christians to obey the state even though the governments are acting way outside their authority and what the forefathers wrote down in the constitution. Real believers have been murdered for a millennia for disobeying tyrants and not bowing the knee to anti-Christian laws. The presidents are just puppets controlled by a shadow government who are hell bent on a Jesuit one world order. So pastors and teachers will never reveal this information. They are either trained in Jesuits seminaries or a Jesuits themselves. 

Last edited 2 years ago by covid1984pl
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