Joey Mishkin: 35-year-old Florida single father receives Pfizer mRNA injection to save his job, suffers massive heart attack, dead 12 days later
November 22, 2021

Mr. Joseph Mishkin.

MIAMI — A 35-year-old single father is dead because society and his employer coerced him into self-poisoning in order to feed his family.

Mr. Joseph “Joey” Mishkin received his first Pfizer mRNA injection on October 1, according to his aunt, Renée Grossman. He got the shot because of an ultimatum from his employer. The next day, Mr. Mishkin suffered sudden cardiac arrest (heart stopped beating) while hanging around the pool at his newly-purchased home. Paramedics were able to get his heart pumping again upon arrival at the scene. But his heart stopped again in transit to the hospital.

Doctors placed Mr. Mishkin on a ventilator that night. It kept him “technically” alive for several more days. But the damage was done from all the heart stoppages and lack of oxygen to his brain and other organs. Mr. Mishkin passed away on October 12.

A devastated family

Mr. Mishkin was a lighting technician at Frost Florida, an event production studio. He’d been with the company since March 2019. But after almost three years working for the company, Mr. Mishkin was forced to receive experimental injections or lose his job.

He appeared to be an exemplary family man, particularly as the single father of fraternal, 12-year-old twins. He reportedly worked “long hours” to ensure his two kids had everything they needed. But he was also a man who stood up for his family in the face of tyranny. You have to love his moxie.

Mr. Mishkin left a message on the Hollywood (Florida) Police Department Facebook page in 2015. Apparently some cop was harassing Mr. Mishkin’s mother and he stood up for her both at the scene and in the aftermath.

The family also needs to be lauded for their unfiltered truth about the death of Mr. Mishkin. The GoFundMe page makes no bones about what happened: “Joseph was a victim of the vaccine.” His two children are also victims of the vaccine as they are completely traumatized by the sudden loss of their father, according to the GoFundMe page.

Mr. Mishkin is also survived by both parents, a sister, two step-sisters and his fiancée.

Too little, too late

Though the list hasn’t been updated since April, Florida ranked number-2 behind only Iowa by Becker’s Hospital Review for states with the least COVID-19 restrictions. Governor Ron DeSantis has toyed with the idea of running for the Republican Presidential nomination in 2024 on the strength of his resistance to COVID dystopia (despite encouraging Floridians to receive the injections).

He signed emergency legislation last week allowing for exemptions from employer “vaccine” mandates, including natural immunity and willingness to wear masks. Florida medical exemptions can be as simple as pregnancy or wanting to get pregnant in the future. The White House attacked Governor DeSantis because Disney World halted its employee vaxx mandate in response to the new law.

Unfortunately the law came too late for Mr. Mishkin. This man was not a virtue signaler. He was not some vaxx zealot posting pictures of his arm with band-aids on it. He was a single father and family man getting by in this cruel world. Perhaps Florida should name their new law after Mr. Mishkin. Regardless, Florida, Iowa, Wyoming, and South Dakota are the four states that have essentially outlawed vaxx mandates by employers. Texas, Alaska and South Carolina are also considered mostly “free” states.

Every working American has three choices: 1) get the lethal injections, 2) quit your job or 3) move to one of the foregoing states and start new lives. Religious exemptions work in most cases across the country. But it’s best to control your own destinies and livelihoods.

Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


Contact COVID Legal USA today if you are fighting against mandatory vaccines for employment. We also assist people with pro se representation related to other COVID mandates and restrictions. Follow us on Telegram.


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2 years ago

“A 35-year-old single father is dead because society and his employer coerced him into self-poisoning in order to feed his family.” This sentence says it all. My heart goes out to Mr. Mishkin’s family. People are now forced to decide between a financial death or possible physical death (or bad reaction to the vaccine). I’m glad the family is telling the truth. The employer should be be sued so the family can be compensated. Pfizer and the U.S. government should also compensate this family but of course that’s not likely to happen. (Yes. I know Pfizer is not held accountable for their crimes.) I’m 53 and I’ve never seen anything like this in my entire life. And yet there’s a large majority of people walking around thinking these vaccines are safe and effective when, in fact, they’re very dangerous.

2 years ago
Reply to  Christine

Even folks that are fine after the Covid shots, and don’t get any side effects from it are not out the woods, but they don’t believe it. You cannot convince most of those folks these Covid shots are bad, and they won’t listen or care even if you send them facts. Those folks will just have to wait at least two to three years to see what happens. Based on what the Spike protein can do it is a miracle a lot of folks are still alive after the Covid shot rollout.

2 years ago
Reply to  Osa

According to Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, if you receive one of these vaccines, a side effect could pop up anywhere from 0-10 years. We have no idea what the long term effects will be of the spike protein on the body.

2 years ago
Reply to  Christine

Yes we do! All the animal test subjects dropped dead almost exactly 18 months in the animal test subjects humans should be similar!

2 years ago
Reply to  Christine

I don’t think that it will be a 10-year wait. If it is, those people most likely got a placebo and will have succumbed to the normal ravages that can take away a person’s life. A military analysis that was on but is now out of circulation seems to infer that the body count in the millions will stabilize after the year 2025. However, I don’t think anyone knows except for the inhuman snakes that brought this genocide-in-the-making about. At the worst, the spike proteins will liquify the internal organs. I find it interesting that the late George Carlin, in a rant about “germs”, unknowingly called out the germaphobes and said when their organs turn to mush because they did not understand what a strong immune system entails, they will have deserved it. He never realized how close he came to unwittingly blowing the plans of men like Bill Gates and a fear-mongering controlled media, since his apparently healthy self just up and died a few years after that comedy routine.

2 years ago
Reply to  Osa

18 months, the mass deaths start in 2022, its meant to be a slow killer!

Paul Kersey
Paul Kersey
2 years ago
Reply to  Truthbknown

They were hoping to get the rest of the population jabbed before the first batch started dying off by the tens of thousands each day.

John McClane
John McClane
2 years ago
Reply to  Osa

Makes me worried about my mother who got her first jab in April and the second in May, I pray to God she will be ok in the future, but it still plays on my mind, can’t help it :(. I warned her not to get it and she didn’t listen, in fact went behind my back and I only found out about it by accident.

2 years ago
Reply to  John McClane

I talked to my children and one of my granddaughters who is a medical student about the alternatives to the mRNA and the dangers of the shot until I was blue in the face. Not only did they all go ahead and get it anyway but one of them continued to push me to get it. At this point, I believe I am the only one in my immediate and extended family who is a pure-blood. I also tried to persuade two of my friends not to get it but they did anyway.

Kendra Carter
Kendra Carter
2 years ago
Reply to  Frances

I know only 7 people who are unjabbed. No one would listen to me either. Now, they don’t talk to me and I’m totally isolated. I’m in Canada where the majority believe we should be separated from Society. We are heavily mandated here so I just stay home and pray🙏

2 years ago
Reply to  Kendra Carter

I’m so sorry. I know how it feels to be isolated. I’m one of the few people I know unvaccinated as well but the U.S. is a little better than Canada right now. But who knows what the future holds?

2 years ago
Reply to  Frances

“At this point, I believe I am the only one in my immediate and extended family who is a pure-blood”

I think you should be protected by Greenpeace.

2 years ago
Reply to  John McClane

Isn’t it crazy?? I had so many favorite friends who only told me about their “decision,” after the fact. One got the J&J & now has some serious health problems. I’m positive it’s not a “coincidence.” “One & done”- could be prophetic!!- :/

Statistics Jason
Statistics Jason
2 years ago
Reply to  Esperanza

One of my good friends had an emergency visit to the hospital around a week after getting the shot. Something went wrong with his heart and he needed to get a pacemaker put in. He thinks it’s ball a coincidence. He was scheduled to visit me last month but cancelled (without refunds for plane and hotel) because he was terrified to hang out with an unvaxxed person like myself. Meanwhile I’m alive and well.

Paul Kersey
Paul Kersey
2 years ago

I would have went anyway and just hung out in the city by myself and not said a word.

2 years ago
Reply to  John McClane

The same exact thing happened to me. Literally, the same thing. My mom also went behind my back and took the death shot. I tried, in vain apparently, to warn her since the beginning of the year because she too has bought into the fear and outright lies spun by the mainstream media. I too found out by accident, and happened to stumble upon a text message she sent an ex-friend of mine back in February that she had just gotten home from getting her “vaccine” and she was “worn out”. When I initially asked her about that text, she lied and said that’s not what I meant or something but in my heart, I knew she was lying.

Well, fast forward about 8 months and i finally asked her again and she admitted it. I was just completely baffled by the brainwashing effect that it has had on my precious mom . I cried, because I knew she opted to a sacrifice herself for this plandemic and it hurt like hell. I tried to warn her. I presented her with evidence. It was at that moment that I made peace with her decision. It’s her life and if she wants to slit her own throat on behalf of the gates, fauci, biden, schwab, walensky coven, then that’s her right. I did my duty to warn and was ignored. It’s incredibly sad but there’s not much we can do about brainwashed family members. My mom and I are super close, like best friends literally so this really stung that she’d go behind my back like that.

I just quit my job last Tuesday as a registered nurse who worked REMOTELY for the US government for the past 9 years. I had covid and recovered and I have been working from home, not in an office setting or around a soul. They mandated I get the vaccine. Let me add that I am a mom of 6 (ages 1-11) and my husband is currently not working. I made the hard decision to quit my job because my family needs me! I have no recourse from injuries or anything! If I get injured and cannot work, or die, my family is screwed. On top of it being rooted in Satan and killing so many who are censored, silenced, and banned from telling their stories. So, I took a serious leap of faith ans I decided to become a freelance medical writer and I’ve been incredibly blessed by the opportunities that have come my way. I’m using the gift God gave me as a writer to make more money that I did working for the slave-holding government. Please keep us in prayer, we’re homeschooling and trying to make a living as best we can online and thankfully, some great opportunities popped up to allow me to resign a $70k/year job, but our future is still so uncertain as a nation. I’m leaning on my faith in God alone to help me navigate this new life path I’m on. It really makes me wonder about those who are jabbed and claim to have faith in God. Do they realize their actions show the opposite? And that they actually pledged their allegiance to the pharmaceutical companies and U.S. government?

One last thing, do people realize that when they take the jab for their job that they are basically saying they are willing to risk their life for their salary? And that they placed the VALUE of their life and body at the dollar amount they make? So my life value ends up at $70,000? Kinda eery, like when the slave owners used to place bids on slaves, it’s kind of the same set up. Think of all the trillions and trillions of dollars in this world and your jabbed life-worth “value” ends up being less than $100k a year. Pretty sad when you have oligarchs living so high on the hog with their trillions dictating and mandating their witch’s brew on the world populace. Stunning to say the least.

2 years ago
Reply to  Noel

This is an excellent comment. I wish you and your family all the best. The thing that I encounter when I tell people the truth about these vaccines is: 1. A certain cohort is brainwashed and believe COVID vaccines “safe and effective” and are the way out of the pandemic and back to freedom. 2. A contingent of people see the BS but like you said, they are willing to be jabbed for their job or because they want to travel or for whatever surface reason. They are not willing to make the sacrifice. But what they don’t realize is that they will ultimately sacrifice no matter what so if at all possible, it’s best not to compromise yourself. 3. There are people who won’t be vaccinated no matter what. These people are relatively few and far between. I also believe there will be a contingent of people who refuse the boosters. Your comment makes so much sense to me. Thank you for writing.

2 years ago
Reply to  Christine

I guess my name is ‘Few and far between’ then.
thanks for your logic.

1 year ago
Reply to  Christine

Trying to force JAB me or my family will get you hunted down by me.

2 years ago
Reply to  Noel

As anyone who has ever done the right thing, especially for themselves or for loved ones, we come to realize the right thing is not always the easiest thing and in fact may require a sacrifice. I believe you did the right thing. If California continues to press school employees for the clot shot (along with our poor little kids), I will not quit but seek legal due process first, preferably with a group of plaintiffs. Even if I still get bumped off the job, later on, if the tyrannical climate changes, I will be back, undamaged by a toxic shot(s). Your mom is a grown woman; they do what they want no matter the age. The child becomes the parent, no? My mother had a bad reaction to a flu shot and refuses any vaccinations but there are days she worries about catching the covid-19. I have to reassure her we are doing the right thing and must trust in God to lead the way. Good luck and blessings to you. You’re brave and your kids are seeing this, a role model for surviving in an often cruel world, There used to be a saying I used to find rather trite but now I like it: Sometimes when God shuts one door, He opens another. Some of us already knew we were different anyway—we aren’t followers and think for ourselves, we annoy people by speaking out with our always-ready opinion, and people may find us annoying but when there is a problem, there they are at our doorstep. Interesting how that works. God has set us to lead even if we don’t always want the job. Stay strong and keep up with the latest data coming out (like the Dr. Gundry heart analysis to the AHA). We’ve done our jobs, warned those closest to us about the clot shots. The rest is up to them.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kriss

Excellent comment. Thank you and all the best to you.

2 years ago
Reply to  Noel

Happy to see you are out of that medical/industrial complex which has killed plenty and really cures nobody, even before this Covid psyop came to be. Best of luck with your endeavors. I tried to warn my family also, to no avail, and this story has been replayed in homes all across the country. So now we play a waiting game, wondering if and when the axe will fall on our loved ones.

2 years ago
Reply to  Osa

As an unjabbed person, I see that many of us will end up being caretakers. This is so incredibly difficult to try to explain to my jabbed partner, odds are I will be taking care of her and her young son only 20 in the next years. A timebomb has been created for us.

2 years ago
Reply to  Christine

The sheep will eventually be slaughtered if they do not wake up

2 years ago
Reply to  MICHAEL P

It’s too late for 4 billion people, and thier rank only gets thicker. Dustin Moskoitz is rubbing his hands.

2 years ago
Reply to  Watchful

I can’t even imagine about the kids. Fauci is itching to get his hands on Infants next year!!.. AND BABIES ARE NATURALLY *100% IMMUNE*, for all intents & purposes?!!. Babies & Toddlers don’t have serious cases, IF it’s even possible for them to catch it at all!!. There are a million other rare diseases that pose a much greater Risk than Covid to any of our children!!…

Last edited 2 years ago by Esperanza
Jothe ho
Jothe ho
2 years ago
Reply to  Esperanza

We should be seeking the death penalty for Fauci. His time is coming

Karen Christy
Karen Christy
2 years ago
Reply to  Christine

I’m also shocked. I’m so shocked so frequently I really ought to be over it. I ought to be numb, and perhaps I will be soon because it seems as if the frequency of these events is only ramping up. But I’m not there yet.

Today, I was reading some entertainment news in French that made some reference to the passing of an American actor at age 41. Heath Freeman passed away in his sleep. The cause of death has not yet been established. It could be anything, but 41?!

2 years ago
Reply to  Karen Christy

It’s a rarity when old people pass in their sleep, let alone a 41 year old man. That’s because most people fall into the clutches of these doctors who want to make as much money as they can by “managing” their disease and making it worse thru the pharmaceutical junk they prescribe, ensuring a vicious circle of new ailments and complaints. They never “cure” anything and they actually hate the word “cure”. My belief is that only the orneriest and fearless of people who are not easily intimidated and don’t run to the white coats with the first sniffle or sneeze, manage to die in their sleep. By contrast, 41 year old people who die in their sleep are polar, overmedicated opposites whether the drugs are legal or illegal.

2 years ago
Reply to  Karen Christy

I have decided to just assume that if they don’t say what the person died of which has always been the custom then he probably died of the mRNA.

2 years ago
Reply to  Karen Christy

I’m visiting a relative in Florida and a few days ago I read about a 33 year old much loved teacher in Sarasota, named Samantha Brinton who died suddenly and unexpectedly and they said “the cause of death was not immediately available”. Then last evening this relative of mine noticed a death notice in the local paper for an acquaintance of his where it said he “died suddenly”. I know of several other people this year who also have died suddenly and unexpectedly. How many of these sudden and unexpected deaths have to happen before people will connect the dots???

2 years ago
Reply to  Karen Christy

My uncle just passed away from CJD. Prions disease attacked his brain (seeing cases from the vaccine) and he was dead within a year.

Logic Reason
Logic Reason
2 years ago

Technically, he’s was not considered “vaccinated” or given the “de – pop – ulation” shot BECAUSE FOURTEEN (14) days must elapse, after getting the “clot shot” to be considered “vaxxed” How convenient for the eugenic depopulation inner evil circle. I know this has been speculated on before but it’s worth repeating. Very possible that different lots, batches of the virus in a vial shots have different formulations being given, that means a rolling of the dice gamble with a Russian roulette shot.

Last edited 2 years ago by Logic Reason
2 years ago
Reply to  Logic Reason

They will call his death “covid”…

2 years ago
Reply to  Logic Reason

The most Hard Core Vax Zealots who left skid marks to be first in line are probably the Lucky Zombies who got the empty chambers playing Russian Roulette…the Elite have planned all this out very carefully…Millions probably got Placebos early on to draw in more sceptics later, and give them all their Virtue Signalling confidence up until the Boosters…and it made those that did all the real research look less credible the entire time…

2 years ago
Reply to  Logic Reason

These “technicalities” and “anecdotal” excuses are not going to go away. What is going to be the healthiest thing to have around is a loaded gun and well-stocked ammunition when medical ogres like experienced, asymptomatic (in goodness) AZT veteran Tony Fauci, with all the excuses and inconsistencies, outarm the “hesitant” people who still want to use logic and reasoning skills when dealing with their own health.

2 years ago
Reply to  Logic Reason

I found on clinicals dot gov, Pfizer has a trial that will over in 2023., that uses different dosages. 10, 20, up to 100 microgram.

Also someone recently analyzed the VAERS data: most of the adverse effects occur at only like 5% of the lots. i lost the URL

btw, they did the same trick for polio vaccine. i.e., if a child got sick (w/ polio) within about a month, she was not considered vaccinated. If a child came became paralized, the doctor was instructed to diagnose it as something else, like TM.
(i personally believe polio = GBS. to push the vaccine)

2 years ago

I wonder are his employers taking care of his children now?

2 years ago
Reply to  Mike

Exactly. That’s a great question.

2 years ago
Reply to  Christine

Perhaps we should all email them and ask them? I was considering it myself. They companies that are doing this need to own up.

Max Power
Max Power
2 years ago
Reply to  Mish

The corporate officers need to be sued for their own personal assets via piercing the corporate veil of protection due to their fraud and/or negligence, if possible.

2 years ago
Reply to  Mish

Email nothing, call them daily until they respond.

2 years ago
Reply to  Mike

Quite frankly, I don’t know how the owner of his company can look himself in the mirror. Mr Mishkin was someone’s son, someone’s father, and they will never see him again in this life. He did not want to take this experiment. Why could they/management/owner not respect that? They are complicit in his death and instead of a go fund me that owner ought to pay all of the expenses for his funeral and the raising of his children.

2 years ago

How many more orphans are we going to read about? Probably alot. This is what they are pushing society to do. Kill yourself willing. If they had their way everyone would be dead but children under 5. Think about that….we are dealing with the most evil, diabolical group of what? Not even sure what they are, I know they aren’t human.

2 years ago
Reply to  Rox

They’re humans, but they’re psychopaths. The only care about themselves and they totally lack empathy, remorse and guilt. They’re emotionally like spoiled 4 year olds and will stop at nothing until they get their way. Too bad the sheeple are too brainwashed to see reality, we outnumber them a million to one.

2 years ago
Reply to  TruthBTold

When people do bad things for long enough they stop listening to that little voice inside that knows right from wrong. They ignore, distract, rationalize, justify, etc. over time they can become completely numb to the idea that what they are doing is wrong.

We all do this on a daily basis. Only for far less impactful things. The best example is lying. Most people lie all the time. It’s not even frowned upon. It’s mostly about convenience. Sometimes it’s just easier to tell a small lie and move on with it. The more you do it the less you even notice it.

Once you’re used to telling small lies and avoiding the consequences of telling the truth, when a bigger issues comes up and that issue is easier to avoid a negative outcome with a lie, we’re more likely to lie for a more favourable outcome.

The same goes for greater crimes, I only imagine that the initial few times a person commits something harsher (I.e. murder, theft, etc.) it’s a lot harder to silence that little voice (your conscience) initially. But with practice they can get on with it and still manage to sleep at night.

It almost takes a miracle for them to wake up to what they’ve done. Paul was leading the kidnapping, torture and murder of the early Christians before a miraculous event made him do a complete 180 and become one of the most influential Christian leaders ever.

But sadly, the psychopaths have their consciences seared and it’s unlikely they’ll turn it around.

1 Timothy 4:2

1Now the Spirit expressly states that in later times some will abandon the faith to follow deceitful spirits and the teachings of demons, 2influenced by the hypocrisy of liars, whose consciences are seared with a hot iron. 

2 years ago
Reply to  Andre

Excellent comment and very true.

2 years ago
Reply to  Andre

Thank you for that scripture passage. It’s amazing how many verses that I used to read without understanding how they pertained to my life now jump off the page, full of meaning and truth!

2 years ago
Reply to  Andre

We’re going to have to come to terms with fact that these psychopaths are of the Synagogue of Satan and are murderers and liars. This group believes they are chosen and are superior to other humans. Their god Yahweh is an ancient Canaanite war god. A god of fire, death, storms and destruction. This god grants them permission to kill with impunity. According to their holy book, it is no crime to kill, cheat or rob those not of their group.
Please do your own research and look into the origin of Yahweh and what this god truly represents. Also look into the Habirus, who they were and you will find the criminal psychopathic origins of this group. We must awaken most of the deluded Christians that are today enslaved by them. A task of monumental proportions.

Holly lengyel
2 years ago
Reply to  TruthBTold

Total Amount Of Vaccine Death SETTLEMENT Money That Should RIGHTFULLY Be Paid

To The Victims And To The Surviving Family Members Of This Deadly, Untested Toxic Injection !

Can You Imagine How Much Money That Would Actually Amount To ?

I CAN’T Begin To Imagine- I Won’t Because It Just PISSES ME OFF BEYOND IMAGINATION To Do So!

We Don’t Even Know Exactly How Many People Have Died


Since These Dirty Scoundrels Have Muddied The Record Keeping Waters Of ANYTHING and EVERYTHING That
Would Reflect The Actual Number Of Victims Who Have Paid The Ultimate Price

If You Are Still On The Fence Regarding Exactly What Needs To Be Done To Save Humanity At This Point In The Game, DON’T BOTHER WASTING THE TIME.

**Doctors, Nurses & Healthcare PRACTITIONERS !

You SEE The DAMAGE These Jabs Are DOING,
Yet You Continue To Show Up At Work, ADMINISTER THE DEATH SHOTS And Stay SILENT.

Oh Yeah.
You Need A Paycheck.
That’s Why You Continue To Administer These Deadly Shots
















F U C K. Y. O U. A L L

2 years ago
Reply to  Holly lengyel

Holly, this whole thing has really opened my eyes as well, my respect for the medical profession is in the toilet now.

2 years ago
Reply to  TruthBTold

“They’re humans, but they’re psychopaths.”

You’re more right than you know.

Just look at the scientists involved in medical research. What do they do all day? They torture animals, then, when finished, they incinerate them.

What are the key characteristics of psychopaths & serial killers when young? They commonly start off early in life torturing animals, . . .and setting fires.

I mean, medicine is the perfect employment for psychopaths – status, wealth, & sadism.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kielanders

It is. That’s why in a free market, consumers would benefit if the marketing of medicine was as prohibited from commercial entertainment and news media as cigarette commercials. If you need medical help, you know where to find them, just the same as if you want to buy a pack of smokes, you know where to get them.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kielanders

You’re spot on. I’m a nurse, recently resigned (I spoke on it in an above comment) but you’re 100% that sociopaths and psychopaths run the medical world. A hospital is the best place for a serial killer to lurk and hide. It has always fascinated me about killer nurses and doctors who off their patients. They can provide lethal injections with ease when no one is watching, cause patients to crash, and then look like the hero when the patient stabilizes.

2 years ago
Reply to  Rox

The Synagogue of Satan…whose DNA has been programmed by the Devil himself to have no remorse or empathy whatsoever…and they have put their own in all the top positions…mayors Governors all the way to the White House…make no mistake about it…they are all part of that Tribe…including Big City Mayors such as Garcetti of Los Angeles and De Blasio of NYC just to name a few…they are not real Italians…

2 years ago
Reply to  Car

Yep, they’re cryptos, and have infiltrated every organization, bureaucracy, and institution. Everything is infected by and infested with them. They’ve polluted and subverted everything they touch. We must reclaim our world and our future. Now.

KarlM Alias
KarlM Alias
2 years ago
Reply to  Rox

….dead but children under 5. 
Don’t worry, they will come with a 6 mo – 4 yr old version before long.

2 years ago

Anyone taking the clot shot, the heart-stopper jab, at this point…is living on another world because the truth is out there, as they used to say on the X-Files. Only thing a person has to do after finding it it BELIEVE IT. But they don’t. They only hear that awful. deceptive word, “rare.”

Last edited 2 years ago by Kriss
2 years ago
Reply to  Kriss

Yeah it was rare when the vaccines weren’t given out, and now it’s not rare. Good luck to anyone trying to explain that to joe normie.

2 years ago

If this man would have just said no he might be looking for a new job, but at least he would be alive to find one.

2 years ago

The “vaccine” is an IQ test, the correct answer is NO!!!

2 years ago

Interesting to see Minnesota on the list as #40 (10h worst) for Covid restrictions. I lived in NY many years before moving to the hinterlands of N. America; and always thought Minnesota was a normal state with normal people. To see all the bizarre riots and insanity and everything else that has happened there the last few years makes no sense.

2 years ago
Reply to  dddd

The normal people live outside the metropolitan areas. There are few restrictions where I live in Minnesota—-or at least people aren’t following them. The farther away from bigger cities, the more normal it gets. My sister works for a healthcare entity in rural Minnesota. They were poised to lose 40 percent of their staff due to vaccine mandates. They appear to be approving many religious exemptions. I left employment at the state university system because the leftist governor decreed the state employee vax or test mandate. Leadership at my university only too happy to comply. They had already jumped back on the mask forever bandwagon. Good riddance—listen to me, do not send your kids to a state school. If you must, the smallest community or technical college far far away from large cities…unless you want to waste your money on leftist indoctrination camp.

2 years ago
Reply to  Wollio

Thank you for the advice; though I have no children. The universities today are running right up there with the “news media” and the “politicians” as the best professional liars; they are guilty of so many lies it boggles the mind.

I actually reside in the mountains of the Dakota Territory; which should be easy to narrow down…lolz.

Droxine Rose
Droxine Rose
2 years ago
Reply to  dddd

We may be neighbors! We just bought a place south of the SD mountains and can’t wait to move .

Max Power
Max Power
2 years ago
Reply to  Wollio

I got a degree in Agronomy in 1986. Here’s what I remember about leftists and like ilk. The physical geology professor was a hardcore liberal and militant athiest, he’d get in your face if your brought up anything Christian. The historical geology professor (started to major in geology), was very likely a homosexual. There was a music class with a guitar session. That professor was a short guy who sat on a high stool, and wore black pajamas. If you put a cone-like straw hat on him he’d have looked like a Viet Cong. The first English composition course professor was non-Christian an liberal. The political science professor was a Democrat and talked about it. There was a Communications professor woman who was liberal. All in all not too bad for back then. I’d hate to go to college today. Or pay the outrageous highway robber prices that are charged for courses and for books.

2 years ago

I just sent a message to Frost Lighting to tell them that their Boss is a disgrace to humanity…maybe others can take a few minutes and do the same…This whole ordeal is worse than Nazi Europe…it is a nightmare that the majority of ameriKans are on board with this Genocide…IMHO what makes these shots so Hideous, is that it allows the Vax Zealots to indulge in their delusions and Cult Worship for far too long before facing the day of reckoning themselves…I know people still Virtue Signalling and lining up for their Boosters when they walked the walk to the Clinics all the way back in February…ignoring these developments and never having done their own due diligence…These are the Zombies that are killing us…and it is so unfair that victims of this warfare such as Joey Mishkin suffer an immediate painful end…Hideous and Unfair…

Kimmy J
Kimmy J
2 years ago

Mass formation psychology by Dr Desmet explains this deeply bizarre, destructive phenomenon. search YT or duckduckgo.
He points to Jonestown.

No reasoning or persuasion on this earth can change people’s mind. The pre-disposing psychological state that led to this, runs way deep. TPTB had already destroyed life meaning and joy for the masses, capped with the deliberate harsh imprisonment, violence and chaos of 2020… For most this is not just about salvation from a bug, but from lifetime of stress, exhaustion, emptiness and eternal threat of another pandemic. The jab represents a symbolic, almost spiritual cleansing from life until 2020.

Offering a return to that scary, primitive, jab-less past, turns you into a mortal threat and a tangible target of their vitriol. . . It paradoxically strengthens their resolve: Soon, even 20% effectiveness and 5% risk of death every 3 months, (plus gulags for dissenters), will seem pretty reasonable to many, for the hope of the promised land with a job to boot.

Only the appearance of a stronger object of dread plus disconnecting the powerful voice of 24/7 messaging will break the spell. The establishment fully knows this and they’ll spare no effort to prevent that. They know their own survival and power depends on the people remaining hypnotized.

Desmet warns if they win the battle for totalitarian power, they’ll start mass destruction like Stalin 1930, Hitler 1935. Today jab-for-job, tomorrow jab-or-jail, in the end jab-to-grave for all undesirables.

Desmet says about 30% of people tend to be tyrants, and 40% are followers just going along. It’s up to the aware 30% to fight to awaken the followers. I personally believe in God to intervene and give us courage and victory.

Last edited 2 years ago by Kimmy J
2 years ago
Reply to  Kimmy J

I love your post, and love Dr. Mattias Desmet.

I’ll piggy back on your comment by encouraging others to search for him on YouTube and other platforms for his interviews.

Here’s one from August:

The good doctor has been nailing it with the discussion around the mass psychology behind the insanity taking place.

2 years ago

His employer murdered Joey as surely as if he held a gun to his head and pulled the trigger himself. I hope the family sue Frost’s out of existence.

2 years ago

Thank you Miss Grossman for being brave and telling us the truth that our government is desperately trying to hide.

2 years ago

Fauci just popped another champagne bottle.

2 years ago

My impression, after reading about Mr. Mishkin’s encounter with some Nazi cop on a Florida beach harassing people over service dogs gives me the sneaking suspicion that this patriot hero governor might perhaps be another two-faced Janus, saying one thing to his potential voters and another thing to the public “servants” under him. The leaders create the milieu. Much like our last president and perhaps another Hitler in the making is what my “spidey” sense is telling me. I grieve for this family and pray that his children can be shielded from this tyranny which is even greater in Israel than it is here..for the time being. Don’t let them get those poison injections, no matter what the personal cost, and teach them to develop a healthy distrust for the people in charge, because things will only get worse before it gets better, and the light at the end of the tunnel seems very far off.

2 years ago
Reply to  liz

Considering said FB post was from 2015, and that DeSantis only became governor in 2019, I have no idea what parallel you are trying to make here.

2 years ago

“Doctors placed Mr. Mishkin on a ventilator that night. It kept him “technically” alive for several more days. But the damage was done from all the heart stoppages and lack of oxygen to his brain and other organs.”

. . . after which, the compassionate doctors & nurses asked permission of family members to ‘harvest’ his salvageable tissue for sale on the open market.

In a quote from the hospital’s attending physician:

“We told this guy’s family that his cooling body yet contained millions of dollars in value for the hospital through selling his body parts on the open market . . . and, oh yeah, he might save someone else, or something. I mean, his heart valves alone were worth $135,000, to say nothing of his corneas.”

The quote continues:

“But, this guy’s family was selfish, and wouldn’t let us post his organs for bid on the hospital’s ‘E-Bay Human Harvest’ page. His family was actually quite unpleasant about the whole affair. So much profit potential profit was wasted, it was a very sad situation for the staff & administration all around..”


2 years ago
Reply to  Kielanders

I never would sign a donor card because I was always afraid that they would harvest my organs before I was truly dead.

Max Power
Max Power
2 years ago
Reply to  Lin

Back in high school, in 1982, a friend who graduated in 1980, who had been driving an ambulance, told me not to sign that card, because he thought there were times when hospitals were pulling organs too early and the person still had a chance. Around 2002 a 24 year old security guard where my cousin worked, never came back from medical leave for a hernia surgery. They thought he’d quit. Six weeks after going on that leave the hospital sent a worker with a bag of personal belongings to the workplace. That young guard had died, after a hernia surgery. He had no known relatives except for a brother last known to be in another state 8 years before. I think he was murdered for his organs. I could tell the story of my dad, whose very limited donation after his death circumstances, was worth $47,000 to the hospital. His bill for them basically killing him, allowing him to die due to negligence, basically, was $11,500. This was back in the late 90s.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kielanders

Nothing said by any party about the unsuitability of the organs for transplant, given that he was vaxxed. I guess the majority of organ recipients must have had the jab.

2 years ago
Reply to  Arcane

No kidding. If you’re ‘pureblood’ try to avoid blood transfusions and organ transplants. In fact try to avoid the hospitals and doctors altogether.

2 years ago

Devoured by sheep.
RIP, Joey.
Anytime i can smack some sheep : I will do it for you too.

2 years ago

In a just world, Pfizer/Albert Bourla should be paying his children’s bills FOR LIFE. Stop kowtowing to criminals who have seized our bureaucratic institutions, and demand Freedom of Information, Audit all elections & policy results IN REAL TIME!

2 years ago

I thought the state of FL have passed a law against mandates of this kind, no?

2 years ago

Injections are PERMANENT.
Americans have TWO choices: give priority to temporary, or give priority to permanent.

There is ZERO third choice, middle, or fence. Ron DeSantis is a wolf in sheep’s clothing, he wants to sit on an imaginary fence and is “helping” by using all the WRONG justifications. That you are born with free choice is the ONLY “exemption” that reality requires.

Medicine gone amuck with the force of government is the symptom, the cause is giving the force of government to medicine. The solution is to LIMIT GOVERNMENT so that its force is NEVER wielded by religion (the Founders made sure of that), medicine or science. Medicine and science are beliefs very different than what they were 200 years ago. Arithmetic is the same as it was 200 years ago, 2000 years ago, anywhere, for anyone. Science and medicine employ arithmetic and WRONGLY place themselves on its level. Trust arithmetic for truth. Believe science and medicine at your own risk.

Logic Reason
Logic Reason
2 years ago

There is Zero, zilch = No liability for any bad side effects. No one is liable or taking responsibility for anything, after the clot shot. If there is 0 (zero) liability then why does any pharma or other company need any concern with quality control standards? For example, let’s say hypothetically the covid in a vial could be contaminated with anything i.e. fecal matter, small pox, monkey pox ,[as Gates says small pox is coming or is that a False flag?] either way the companies are not liable.

2 years ago

For every one story there are many there are 10000s of unknown ones. Old people dying by themselves, kids mysteriously aborting and people dropping from rare conditions that should occur once a year but now many per week. (sure they are rare hey?)

2 years ago

Told my family even if I were to consider getting the Fauci-Ouchie, there is no way i’d do it while literally no one is liable.

Frank Digorgio
Frank Digorgio
2 years ago

I thought Florida did NOT have vaccine mandates so why did he got the suicide jab to save his job?!?!?

2 years ago

You forgot Montana!!.. That is a GORGEOUS State & they enacted a State Law several months ago that Bans Vaccine Mandates by Employers. I think New Hampshire is also taking a fierce stand for Independence and has joined in several Federal lawsuits.

Last edited 2 years ago by Esperanza
2 years ago

Hopefully DeSantis will take a page from Oklahoma’s play book and pass legislation holding employers responsible for injuries from forced injections up to a million dollars. It won’t compensate for a lost father, but it’s something.

R Jensen
R Jensen
2 years ago

“The next day, Mr. Mishkin suffered sudden cardiac arrest (heart stopped beating) while hanging around the pool at his newly-purchased home.”

In other words, he got himself into a whole lot of debt, obligating himself to get the jab since he did not want to lose the house. See, that’s how the financial system gets you. And make no mistake, it is ultimately these Judases who are pushing this. The Bible says that the borrower is slave to the lender. Do not be a slave to them.

2 years ago
Reply to  R Jensen

It’s not that easy to break out the system and live on a commune like a hippie.
This guy and his children deserve sympathy from us , he seemed like a decent enough dude not one if the virture signalling vaxholes.

Cynthia Kenner
Cynthia Kenner
2 years ago

I clicked on the link for Mr. Mishkin’s company and wrote everyone on the site an email asking if they were going to take care of his children and asking them if they felt responsible. I know it won’t do anything but it felt like I was doing something

Jothe ho
Jothe ho
2 years ago

I hope the family is suing Frost Florida and looking to charge them criminally for murder.

2 years ago

Infuriating. These garbage companies that are taking it upon themselves to do this need to pay dearly for what they are causing. I feel horrible for his family and friends and I hope they get all the justice they deserve in this situation, though it will be hollow compared with what they’ve lost.

2 years ago

Anyone that supports this virus false flag isnt aware that, “the truth is not for everyone”….

This is nothing but a beta test, to kill off the ignorant first. Then identify the resistance. This guy, even if real, is dead because he trusted media and big pharma. He lived in fear and it killed him. It’s a pattern.

Anyone on tic tock or YouTube you are being digitally tracked.

Resistance isn’t futile, you ust have to know what your shooting at!


Thoth al Khem
Thoth al Khem
2 years ago

THEY ARE CULLING humanity and anybody NOT dumbed down by stupefying SODIUM FLUORIDE POISON they put in toothpaste and Tap water sees it CLEAR AS A BELL. Says POISON right on the toothpasdte tube in the USA. FYI there is MORE fluoride in Coca Cola than a tube of toothpaste.

1 year ago

Very heart breaking.
A great young man doing the so called “right thing” for his two girls.
I’m a PURE BLOOD mostly as I’m 66 and had 4 shots before 5 years old.
I don’t wish harm on hardly anyone except TRUDEAU up here in CHINADA.
My Son is a little younger than this young man and has at least two poison JABS
But he doesn’t speak to us since we tried to educate him 18 months ago now.
So not much we can do there
I continue to fight for humanity daily as I can.

1 year ago

I kept going to work. Probably the only person at my work that didn’t get jabbed or tested. Now they don’t require it anymore.

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