Neil Astles: British inquest confirms post-injection AstraZeneca death seven months later; family urges others to “get vaccinated”
November 15, 2021

Mr. Neil Astles.

BOOTLE, MERSEYSIDE — It took seven months for a British inquest to conclude what most critical thinkers already knew. But the decedent died in vain as his family encourages others to suffer the same fate.

The inquest was conducted by the Sefton, Knowsley and St. Helens Coroner’s Office at Bootle Town Hall last Tuesday. Mr. Neil Astles received his first AstraZeneva viral vector DNA injection on March 15 at the St. Helens Rugby Club, according to the International Business Times. He suffered from debilitating “thunderclap headaches” 11 day later. Mr. Astles, 59, started vomiting uncontrollably on April 2 while the headaches worsened.

He was admitted to Warrington Hospital that day and diagnosed with several blood clots in his brain, including a central venous sinus thrombosis. The latter prevents blood from draining away from the brain. Thus at least one blood vessel burst, causing massive bleeding in the back of his brain. Mr. Astles was transferred to the Royal Liverpool University Hospital intensive care unit upon the discovery.

Doctors contemplated surgery to relieve the pressure built up in Mr. Astles’ head. But they decided against it because the damage was already too extensive. Mr. Astles died on April 4.

Disturbing comments from the family

Mrs. Carole Astles, Neil’s widow, seemed both confused and shaken by his death. She said at the inquest:

“The vaccine never even entered our minds because it was nine days after that he developed headaches. It wasn’t evident he was in a race against time at that point. It’s just not fair.”

But Mr. Peter Astles, Neil’s brother, appeared to dismiss his brother’s death as collateral damage:

”I think everybody in this country should have the vaccine. I had the vaccine even after Neil died.”

Dr. Alison Astles is Neil’s sister. She leads the Department of Pharmacy at the University of Huddersfield.

Dr. Alison Astles.

She said there’s nothing to be furious about because her brother was just “extraordinarily unlucky.” Dr. Astles answered, “every medicine we take is a balance of risk and benefits” when asked by the BBC if she wished her brother didn’t get the AstraZeneca injection. She also encouraged everyone to get both the first and second AstraZeneca injections despite the known risks and personal impact on her family

“If we all have the vaccine, a few of us might have a blood clot but the evidence is that fewer people will die. We trust the process, we trust the regulator, and despite what has happened to our family we don’t want people to be scared off. That’s the message we want to get across.”

The inquest judge said that Mr. Astles suffered an “extremely rare” adverse reaction, and said the benefits of the injections outweigh the risks.

Julie Goulding, the senior coroner in charge of the case, said that the family showed “dignity” by supporting the injections despite their loved one’s death. She also repeated both the “very rare” and “benefits outweigh the risks” fallacies.

The inquest concluded that Mr. Astles died from “intracerebral hemorrhage, central venous sinus thrombosis, and the COVID-19 vaccine.”

U.K. expands booster eligibility

The Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) announced today that all Britons over age 40 are now eligible for booster shots. Boosters were only available to people over age 50 prior to today. The JCVI also cleared the way for kids ages 16 and 17 to receive second doses of Pfizer mRNA. That age groups was only eligible for one dose prior to today.

U.K. mainstream media tools have been loudly promoting the booster shots for weeks. Piers Morgan gloated about his third injection last Thursday, and told so-called “anti-vaxxers” to “f*** off.”

Meanwhile “vaccine passports” are now required to enter most public places in Scotland and Wales. Northern Ireland and England are still technically “free” since passports aren’t required in most settings, according to the BBC. The Republic of Ireland requires vaccine passports to travel abroad.

You have to wonder if the Astles family is even close-knit. They literally sound completely indifferent as to the death of their brother. Perhaps they are being paid. The sister is a doctor and obviously loyal to big pharma. Either way, there are many families like this now, broken because of injections. It’s yet another cog in the depopulation agenda – breaking up families by any means necessary.

Many of us are making new friends, new connections in 2021 both out of necessity and desire. Unfortunately we can no longer cling to old ways. Adapt or perish. That’s where we’re at. Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


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2 years ago

This is just madness. It is more comfortable for people to believe a lie than know the truth because the truth of what this agenda is all about is too scary for them to grasp. If they ever wake up, it will be too late for them.

2 years ago
Reply to  Christina

“This is just madness”. “No, this is Sparta!”. Sorry couldn’t help myself. 😉
On a more serious note, There are no benefits to any of these injections, but you can’t explain that to the emotionally invested believers. It’s sad, but you can’t use reason or facts with someone who is emotionally invested in an ideology. Most are invested; a person like this man’s sister though, is most likely financially invested. Which is both repugnant and disgusting.

2 years ago
Reply to  MrMonkeyShines

The sister is a Made to Order Statist and Cultist…polished to perfection…that is what also makes this 666 Death Serum so Hideos…it allows them to indulge in their delusional fantasies for way too long before it is their turn to face the harsh reality they so militantly deny…extremely unfair…Sister Alison would e be a willing enthusiastic assistant to Dr. Mengele or the recent Cardiologist from Canada…

2 years ago
Reply to  Car

These days many people believe that everything is only a physical entity that has evolved from dead matter. There is no creator and nothing has an enlivening spirit.
It’s not surprising that so many are afraid of death. They believe this life is it, so as you say, they…”indulge in their delusional fantasies.” Gotta keep the wolves at bay some how.

2 years ago
Reply to  Christina

If a person contemplates the reality that these jabs are very dangerous, the stress these people must be feeling will be enormous. For example the sports figures who have collapsed and died on the playing field must be scaring the crap out of the other player because if they took the shot their lives could hang in the balance also. Sometimes it’s easier to believe the devil you know than the devil you don’t.

2 years ago
Reply to  Zoe

It is easier for them to pretend that the White Coats have them covered and double down on the propaganda and mind control than to have nightmares…I wonder what those athletes discuss among themselves in private after they see their Comrades pay for their mistakes in Trusting the Science and Choosing the Paycheck? Do they revolt against the Booster Shot, or go into deeper denial…I myself would not expect to see a Mutiny among these groups who drank the Kool-Aide out of their own ” Free Will “…they all should have said no to the Masks and the Jabs…and let it all grind to a halt…It kind of makes you think of Jonestown when the Reverend motioned them to all drink it down quick…

2 years ago
Reply to  Christina

I believe such people never wake up. More and more of these stories confirm that we are truly living in hell. Humans as a whole are not these loving and friendly creatures.
I’m stuck at uni in China. I wonder how I will deal with the pressure alone. It’s terrifying to be honest.

2 years ago
Reply to  Stranger

Honesty takes practice, like any other skill. Like they say, Speak up even if your voice shakes.

Last edited 2 years ago by Kriss
2 years ago
Reply to  Christina

I came to that same conclusion right after 9-11. The story was so in-your-face silly, I just couldn’t understand how anyone would buy it. I settled on the explanation you stated above; that most people prefer a comfortable lie that does not upset their worldview, rather than face the cold hard truth. I am sorry to say, after watching the last 20 years unfold, more folks than ever seem to have adopted that strategy.

Josh Scandlen
Josh Scandlen
2 years ago
Reply to  Kris

well, I fell for the 9-11 narrative until a few months ago. And now, once you see the obvious, you can’t unsee it anymore. Sometimes I wish I could go back, actually. Makes life so much easier.

2 years ago
Reply to  Josh Scandlen

Better late than never.

2 years ago
Reply to  Josh Scandlen

covid hoax woke me up about 911…

David does not back down
David does not back down
2 years ago

What is seriously wrong with these people? To not want to do anything for your own family member? I do believe the jab changes your way of thinking among other things. Like they think they got it and nothing happened to them so it must be ok. They will never see the light and I’ve come to realize its too late for them.

2 years ago

As if the Covid death numbers are not inflated.

Piers ominously posts his vax card….

2 years ago
Reply to  Justice

I’m already counting down for Piers. It’s been only 5 days so far since his booster.

2 years ago
Reply to  Yeezy

the guy is vermin of the worst order

2 years ago

They will rather see their family die than blaspheme the vaxxxines. If this isn’t a cult then I don’t know what is.

2 years ago
Reply to  Critical_Mass

All Hail the Fake Crown Corona Hoax…make the Lie big enough, repeat the lie over and over again, and the Zombies will believe it…works every time…

Josh Scandlen
Josh Scandlen
2 years ago
Reply to  Critical_Mass

that, my friend, is the quote of the century

2 years ago

Keep taking those boosters, Piers, and one day soon, after the blood vessels in your own head rupture and spill out blood inside your own skull, you, too, will be chocked up as another “sudden” or “unexpected” death, just collateral damage, as population control reduces your number by one more.

2 years ago

Brian, make way for a special upcoming post entitled, “Piers Morgan: Live by the Jab narrative, die by the Jab.” It seems Karma has a special outcome for virtue signalers/cabal agents/deep state sellouts.

I try to come on this blog everyday hoping to see less people posted, but my goodness, the ignorance is ramping up weekly.

Bless your spirit Brian for having the fortitude to post the sad truth on a daily basis.

2 years ago

We are literally witnessing a Jonestown Ritual on a Global Scale in Real-Time…and now the few telling the Truth are being labeled as criminals…

2 years ago

Piers Morgan is obnoxious. Also it is crazy that family members, and even the vaxxed recommend the Covid shots even after a death or bad reaction from it. You wouldn’t recommend a product that does not work that you paid for with your own money, but the Covid shots seem to be in a different category.

2 years ago
Reply to  Osa

The Covid jab is different because it’s “FREE”. Anything touted as being free, especially by a government, has strings attached guaranteed. To paraphrase a well known saying, “If you’re not paying for the experiment, then you are the experiment.”

2 years ago
Reply to  MrMonkeyShines

Actually the Covid jab is not technically “FREE”. We are paying for it with our tax money. Basically robbing Peter to pay Paul.

Louise Gallagher
Louise Gallagher
2 years ago
Reply to  Osa

The entire family got hit in the head with the same hammer as my Daddy used to say.

Paul Kersey
Paul Kersey
2 years ago
Reply to  Osa

As long as the shots are FREE!

2 years ago

that sister is cold it’s like she could care less she has no soul

2 years ago
Reply to  tom

It would be so Poetic that Sister Alison becomes a near-term statistic with Fake Covid on her Certificate and a story on this Blog…

2 years ago

You’re right, they don’t sound like a close family. Pretty callous bunch, and brainwashed. As for P Morgan, I expect to hear about his SAE soon. What a load of dummies. They’re lucky the dead don’t speak.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kriss

But sometimes the dead do speak. Don’t forget they turned out in droves for Brandon and Ho Harris! 😬

John McClane
John McClane
2 years ago

I absolutely cannot stand Piers Morgan, he has a lot to answer for, his hands are covered in red. That man Neil suffered horrendously and my goodness the response from the family is beyond callous, especially that so called doctor who is his sister and the brother who got the jab after his own brother died from his, smh. They are pushing for the “booster shots” here in Ireland, so I’m expecting a big increase in people passing away and it will all be blamed on these magical new variants, the Delta variant, Mu Variant and whatever nonsense they come up with next and us unvaxxed, so the cover stories and scapegoats (us) are already in place. If they require these passports, I wont ever be able to travel to another country and soon I won’t be able to do normal things, I’ll be officially a societal outcast. Everything I told my parents is coming true and they dont even acknowledge I was right, in fact they clam up if I even raise the topic and barely say a word, dismiss it and then move onto something completely irrelevant and unimportant or make excuses to leave the room, sigh. This has to be part of the strong delusion that Scripture speaks about as we are on the road to the Mark of the beast.

2 years ago
Reply to  John McClane

Yes, I do believe it is the strong delusion that God gives these people. There is no other way to explain how normally well-functioning people with common sense in other matters are allowing themselves to be guinea pigs for these injections with minimal testing on humans. These people do not savor the things of God, and eventually God gives them over to a reprobate mind. I have seen it happen in my own family, who have all taken the jabs. Hang in there the best you can. Travel defiinitely is on the back burner, but there is really no place to go….this is happening worldwide. I pray God will keep you safe in the midst of all this insanity until the time we are taken out of here. Wish it were today. I know for a fact there are others in Ireland who see through this deception. I hope you find each other.

Last edited 2 years ago by liz
2 years ago
Reply to  John McClane

“If they require these passports, I wont ever be able to travel to another country and soon I won’t be able to do normal things, I’ll be officially a societal outcast.”

Well, join the club, you most certainly will not be alone – I think it’s called ‘The Jew Normal’ that they’ve been telling us about.

Last edited 2 years ago by Kielanders
2 years ago

Unbelievable…Bewildering…the level of Statism and Sophistry that these people get away with…even when it is their turn to roll over from similar adverse effects…they will go out kicking and cursing those that refused to drink the Kool-Aide…Super Hard Core displays of Stockholm Syndrome here..Hey Alison, if you reading this don’t forget that Booster Shot…and keep track of your White Blood Cell count at the Pharmacy…it’s a very rare event to lose your Natural Immunity while worshiping your Idols at Big Pharma…Just Trust in the Science…and if anything happens to you, let us not forget that it was all for ” the Common Good “…

Kimmy J
Kimmy J
2 years ago

It’s a badge of honor to give your life as a warrior and martyr for supreme god Science. They’re proud of their brother. Their family name is up 3 notches in their social circle. Now they and their friends will always be the first to line up for every booster in loving memory of St. Neil.

2 years ago

That man, Piers Moron, is a slime. A shameful example of a media shill. I don’t believe he’s had the real injections either, I think they staged the photo ops of him getting / promoting the jabs and is likely they’re giving him placebo’s, either way it doesn’t matter because it’s more gas lighting from this vile virtue signaller, if his health declines then he will get what he deserves. I am in the UK and I cannot express how much I detest this lying obnoxious scum and his pushing this wicked evil agenda.

John McClane
John McClane
2 years ago
Reply to  Howdy

Well said, he is in favor of everything evil. He has a book titled “Wake up”, oh the irony. But its suppose to be about current issues and he is complaining about virtue signaling, the toxic culture we have, the elimination of free speech, yet he supports the very people and agendas that have things this bad in the first place, he and those like him are the ones that caused it, smh. He is nothing more than an opportunist, willing to alter his tune slightly to try and stay relevant and make money. People like him get under my skin, as if we should all stop and listen to them when they dont have a clue about anything and are quite literally destroying everything good in society.

2 years ago
Reply to  Howdy

We in the USA did not appreciate it when that scumbag tried to push gun control down our throats when he had his stint on CNN years ago. If we are both lucky, they gave Mr. Moron the real poison.

John McClane
John McClane
2 years ago
Reply to  liz

Ben Shapiro sure did show him up back then. Prissy Moron is a very intolerable, unlikable person.

2 years ago
Reply to  John McClane

Ben Shapiro is STILL pro-v, despite his own sister having a miscarriage right after getting one….. and (used to, maybe he doesn’t anymore) frequently, and proudly, mention his wife is a doctor!
Sounds as though his priorities may not be in the right place!

Nobody N Particular
Nobody N Particular
2 years ago

The Brits are too brainwashed, they can no longer think for themselves and cannot fight tyranny because they have been trained to accept it. While not all of them have been so befuddled by their indoctrination, those few with the sense to recognize what is happening are too few to make an effective resistance to it. In time the bullies of the British government will shut down all activities of the unvaccinated to force them to take the jab, and if they won’t then they will not be allowed to work, go to school, or receive health care. This is the REAL reason they have been disarmed, have adopted a national health care system, and indoctrinated by leftist ideology of humanitarianism. Just to be clear, humanitarianism is the idolization of Man, which is the corrupt celebrating the corruption.

Arnie "I'll be back" Schwarzenegger
Arnie "I'll be back" Schwarzenegger
2 years ago

The British were never ‘disarmed’ because they were never armed in the first place; we’re completely baffled when Americans make this point. Universal health care systems are found across the Western world not just in the UK; the US is the only exception (and sees hundreds of thousands of families bankrupted by medical bills as a result). There is more leftist indoctrination to be found in California than in the UK (and California spreads its sickness to the world, unlike the UK). There are plenty of people awake, who think for themselves and are prepared to resist in the UK. Don’t believe the government’s lies on vaccination rates (close to 20 mill. relying on God-given immune system in UK; government wanted people to believe there were only 5 mill.). US blue states, Canada, Italy, Austria, Germany, Switzerland, France, Israel, Australia: all well ahead of the UK on the path to tyranny.

Frank Digorgio
Frank Digorgio
2 years ago

Wow, what a loving and caring family, especially that big pharma sister of his. Actually, there’s something very “robotic” about that family. Very creepy……

2 years ago

“Dr. Astles answered, “every medicine we take is a balance of risk and benefits” when asked by the BBC if she wished her brother didn’t get the AstraZeneca injection.”

Just make sure to get your booster(s) there, Dr. Cupcake, I’m sure your brother doesn’t like the thought of you being left-behind any more than I do.

Keep in mind, being an aging over-educated idiot, legalized drug pusher is no way to go thru life, so probably time to just be on your way now – we’ll try and get along best we can without you.

Last edited 2 years ago by Kielanders
Louise Gallagher
Louise Gallagher
2 years ago

They are so stupid that they think because they get the jabs that the powers that be will not turn on them. Little do they know that the vipers turn on their own. What a stupid family. What a tragic way to die too. Perhaps if they had watched him suffer during his dying maybe that would have made their two brain cells react. Pathetic…….

Josh Scandlen
Josh Scandlen
2 years ago

What the hell is wrong with these people? This is nuts. Your brother DIES and all you have to say is “he’s unlucky”? Damn, these people are evil

2 years ago

“A few of us might have a blood clot” is actually thousands and those “rare occurences” are actually pretty common with the vaxx. These people sound like they are completely brain washed – it’s downright terrifying to see doctors being this uninformed – and that has to be done with intent.

2 years ago
Reply to  Hillsong

My mom fractured her hip last night and so we were at the dr today. She needs surgery and the ‘clot shot’ came up in the conversation. She stated that she had not gotten it and would not be getting it. His comment was “it has already been tested on 200 million people….it is safe” and he kinda shook his head like we were a couple of backward fools. It makes needing any medical help scary as hell.

2 years ago
Reply to  Chrissy

If she just fractured her hip, perhaps she doesn’t need surgery. Your requests to not have her vaccinated will fall on deaf ears….these doctors and their medical boards are getting more tyrannical by the day. If I were in her shoes, knowing that older persons are ventilator bait for these wolves, I would try an alternate therapy. Comfrey salve and poultices have been used for fractures and even complete broken bones in the past. I messed up my foot this spring, and comfrey helped me quite a bit. I was not about to go see a doctor for a foot injury and somehow wind up on a ventilator. That’s how much faith I have in these corrupt monsters anymore. In hindsight, I believe the medical industry killed both my parents, and there was not a thing I could do about it because my mother put too much faith in these charlatans and ignored any suggestion by me to ignore a lot of their advice. She lived in fear for the last 20 years of her life and it ended up killing her.

2 years ago
Reply to  liz

I am assuming that Chrissy’s mother is a senior citizen. Hip fractures in the elderly are a serious issue for future mobility and always warrant proper medical attention.
Best wishes to your mom, Chrissy. I hope you find a surgeon with a conscience. If he just made an unpleasant comment but will otherwise do his job properly, maybe you could just count your blessings.

2 years ago
Reply to  Chrissy

I’m just waiting for some moronic doctor to say that kinda stupid to me. I’ve the research and the numbers to explain in his own language just how uninformed he really is – I’ve come to realize that many of us “civilians” have a acquired a lot more education on the bug and the vaxx than many so called doctors.

My mom also just fell and cracked a bone near the tail and one around the hip. Doc says they can’t do surgery for those kind of breaks – physical therapy for 2 weeks and she’s a little slow, but she’s back on her feet – clot shot was never even mentioned.

Pj wags
Pj wags
2 years ago
Reply to  Chrissy

I’m not a doctor, but you may want to look into vit d3k2 for bones. It might help your mom.

2 years ago

I like how gun grabber Piers Morgan who got savaged live on CNN by Alex Jones on that subject has his batch number start with ‘FK’. Let’s see what happens in 3 weeks.

2 years ago

I have a theory. These mug shots are really mocking the individual before he dies. Ha Ha we go another one!

Last edited 2 years ago by covid1984pl
2 years ago

These Vax deaths are so violent and painful. Those varied can’t acvpet that they could be killed by the Vax. I’ve accepted I’d rather die free than die vaxed

2 years ago

The card Piers heads up should have his personal patent pending number on it, now that he’s GMO property. It’d be interesting to see who owns him now.

2 years ago

What Da Bonkers?…

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