October 30, 2021
LAND O’ LAKES, FLORIDA — Ms. Tiffany Thomas owns a small business called Emerging People. Its mission is to provide in-home services for people with developmental disabilities. Now she needs the services that she provided others for more than a decade.
Ms. Thomas received her first and only Pfizer mRNA injection on April 6, according to her Facebook page. Everything seemed fine for nearly two weeks, until her entire existence flipped upside down on April 18. She was rushed to the emergency room with a plethora of symptoms, including convulsions, inability to speak complete sentences, dizziness, and memory loss. Two more emergency room visits followed in the next two weeks.
Doctors have given every diagnosis imaginable, including Guillain-Barré Syndrome, Meniere’s Disease and Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS). The Meniere’s Disease, which this blogger never heard of until now, has caused Ms. Thomas to suffer partial hearing loss in her right ear. But essentially, the entire right side of her body no longer functions like it used to.
Ms. Thomas kept her condition secret until August 23, when she first posted about it. She’s been networking with others who have suffered adverse reactions to the shots and vows to “[do] all I can in my power to regain normalcy.”
“I am not an anti-vaxxer or conspiracy theorist”
Ms. Thomas posted another update on September 22. She described how one minute she feels as normal as possible, only to suddenly experience a racing heart, pressure in her head, and numbness on the right side of her body. “What the hell has this [vaccine] done to my damn body,” she asked rhetorically.
Doctors have prescribed several medications to mitigate the symptoms. But Ms. Thomas refuses to take any of them, as she fears anymore chemicals in her body will only exacerbate the situation. Her frustration with the entire situation is apparent and justified.
This is not me, this is not who I use to be. I have been running the same high paced business for 11 yrs., managing other children’s lives. And now, I have doubts on my everyday life? It’s infuriating, it’s defeating, there’s days of uncertainty, certainly days filled with anxiety of not knowing what the next hour may bring.
Her final update as of publishing is from October 20. She prefaced the post with the obligatory disclaimer, “I want to make it clear, I am not an anti-vaxer or a conspiracy theorist.” Ms. Thomas reiterated that she refuses to take any medications and instead depends on acupuncture, red light therapy, and chiropractic procedures.
She is dealing with autonomic dysfunction, meaning the nerves that regulate vital physiological functions like breathing, heart rate, etc. are severely damaged. Ms. Thomas said she hopes to reverse the nerve damage. But there is no known cure for this condition. All she can do is hope to mitigate the symptoms.
Ms. Thomas said she will visit more neurologists and perhaps the Mayo Clinic in the coming weeks. We’ll update in due course.
False hope for vaxx victims
Reality is something few people actually embrace in 2021. Most Americans live their entire lives on social media. Truth is the new terrorism, while inertia and obedience are the keys to career and social “success.” U.S. doctors work for profit, not to help you. They sell their narratives, chemicals and treatments to live upper class lives. But at some point, lying for profit is not only unethical, but also criminal.
We’ve seen no evidence whatsoever of anyone recovering from post-injection neurological disorders. What we call “Shawn Skelton Syndrome” is fast-becoming endemic in vaxxed people. And there’s simply no cure because the mRNA and viral vector DNA injections are working exactly as they’re supposed to work. All these shots are doing is making U.S. doctors more money by offering treatments they know won’t work anyway. But vaxxed people who want to survive will do anything, even go back to the same people who hurt them and ask for help.
Healthy people don’t need medical intervention. Don’t succumb to fear. Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.
COVID Legal USA is your partner in fight mandatory vaccines and other COVID mandates. Follow us on Telegram and Twitter. Read about white pine needles and order them here.
Can the fire and brimstone please just drop already, the world is toxic & intolerable. Certain people need to pay for what they have done, although imo there are certain people or groups who there is no punishment good enough for them, in this life or the next because the damage is done and can never be undone. Hey, just being honest.
Earth would be a very lovely place if it weren’t for (the vast majority of the) people.
The animals are absolutely lovely; as are the mountains and valleys and oceans and lakes and rivers.
Ever see the Omega Man (1971)? Charlton Heston / Robert Neville had a paradise for himself; and did not even know it…
No, i don’t recall ever seeing that. Yeah, i’m beginning to hate certain people more and more every day, there is literally nothing good left in this world.
Jesus said the love of many will wax cold. So beware of being in bitterness and hate.
I’m already at that point, tends to happen when your generation has been destroyed by abominations, your future gone up in smoke before it even began and having to contend with or acknowledge things no man should ever have to face.
I know I wont be in Heaven, I dont want to be there anymore, anyway, so it doesn’t matter. Nothing matters anymore.
If nothing matters, then why not get a KJV Bible ( a good version ) and start reading it or reading it again whichever may be the case?
John, I personally know how easy it is to get into the frame of mind you are in because I have been there. BUT that is what satan wants. He wants God’s children to lose hope and give up. Don’t give him that power.
I have to stay in God’s word. Where we are in history is in the Bible and no surprise to God….the one true God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob in the Bible. God is the only way out of this. You are not alone….although it fells like sometimes.
It’s beyond difficult to see all this going on around us and watch our loved ones and friends and humanity fall for this monstrous demonic lie. Please ask God to strengthen you and I will be praying for you.
In Jesus’ name.
But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved. Matthew 24:13
Please, John, don’t give in to the devil, who wants you in hell with him. DON’T LET HIM WIN AND HAVE YOUR SOUL. YOU DO NOT WANT TO END UP IN HELL WITH HIM!!!!!! I have had to fight these thoughts also…do not blame God, but the devil who’s doing all this. HE WANTS YOU TO BLAME GOD. Please don’t give Him up when the race, the battle is almost won. DON’T GIVE UP THE FIGHT. -SHARED in love from a Sister in the Lord who has been vexine damaged for decades. They can damage our bodies, but CANNOT HAVE OUR SOULS, IF WE DON’T GIVE IN TO THEM.
I see a lot of people who promote the ‘turn the other cheek’ psyop as viciously passive aggressive. When the shadow is deliberately suppressed it manifests in other unhealthy ways. Stockholm Syndrome and making excuses for government authoritarianism is another mind virus as a result of this mentality.
I prefer someone who says it like it is. Expression of anger is justified and is the only way tyranny is put down.
That is why they have been preaching non-violence and filling libraries and bookstores with pointless New Age self-help tripe that promote curling up in fetal position mentality while old physical books of information are being destroyed and the rest online being deleted even in the Internet Archives like Dr Mercola’s website.
In order to take down a dangerous predator, you tranquilize them. New Age grovelling to authority and denouncing ‘hate’ is how the negative agenda tranquilized the mind so resistance does not even exist when they do their takeover.
We are now seeing the results with not enough people saying no to the injection and embracing grovelling to authority.
YES Vfhg! Thank you. Those who blame, blame, blame blame blame all the bad people in the world, play the victim card constantly, blame blame blame. It’s all everyone else’s fault, as if that matters one way or the other.
They want OTHERS to “do” while they themselves dictate what is to be done. Meanwhile, while the losers blamed, the winners DO things like go without the gym, or conveniences or luxuries or privileges or even income, we DO the right thing and leave the blaming to the losers. The sooner each person DEFIES this tyranny by refusing to cooperate, the sooner this tyranny stops and the more people will live. It is not who you blame, dddd and John McClane, it is what YOU DO that counts.
Jesus came to this earth to save those whom you denigrate. The Bible says that those who judge themselves by themselves are not wise and that is exactly what you have done here. Jesus came to this earth to offer salvation to all and non of us deserve anything but condemnation when we look at the perfect man Jesus Christ and realize we are nothing but wicked, evil people who have rebelled against God and gone our own way. God has also stated that those who don’t give mercy won’t receive mercy.
You do not know any of what you have written for a demonstrable fact; you read it in a book or heard it in a sermon and take it at face value; that is called “faith” and you are certainly at liberty to approach your life in that fashion.
However; I do not live by such a creed. I am unlike the Christ; I make judgements constantly; and in so doing I am better able to navigate life and avoid being screwed over by the unscrupulous souls that you are so loathe to “judge”.
If “Heaven” is ultimately to be filled with all these dreadful “saved” people who I found so unseemly while amongst them here on earth; then spending eternity side by side with them sounds like a fate worse than death.
As for your “perfect man Jesus Christ”; well that is entirely subjective. Christianity is predicated on *hatred of self* above all other things; and the absolute necessity for a “redeemer”; and I have far too much self-respect to subscribe to that death cult ethos. That you describe yourself and all others as “wicked and evil” is a pathological response to lifetime immersion in that cult.
I came into this world not to be judged; but to pronounce judgement.
Pamela T Andrews
30 October 2021
Oh dear, Pamela. Sounds like you are auto-choosing hell. There’s only two places you can choose to go, and you are rejecting our Lord and heaven. THAT IS SOOOOOO SAD! Just what the devil wants you to do.
The thing that I sincerely struggle with in your august statement, is that Jesus only had to log 33 years (there’s that number, again) on this Earth.
He never, to my knowledge, had a nagging/controlling wife or ‘hell-raising’ children to wrangle, much less significant bills to contend with that weren’t covered by the gratis of the peasants to whom he preached.
Ironic as well, that if I knew that I could calm the seas at will, walk on water, heal the sick, and simply conjure my next meal from thin air – I, myself, would most probably be more relaxed and cavalier in my approach to life and others.
I’m not saying that he’s not the savior of mankind – I’m just, ya’ know, sayin’.
Nah , Jesus had it easy, being beaten and crucified and all. Nothin like what modern dudes with nagging wives and annoying kids have to deal with.
I’ve seen estimates from historians that indicate the Romans crucified and/or put-to-death in all manner of ways, outside of warfare, upwards of 40 million souls over the course of around 500 years. So your point would be what, exactly?
The point would be, that God Himself, the creator of everything who breathes and universes are born, the ultimate beauty of love and perfection CAME DOWN to walk among us, to suffer beside us, to show us how to live and love each other, but ultimately to sacrifice His Life for us, to die a brutal death He didn’t deserve, He didn’t have to live and die at all, and by doing so, He offers us total forgiveness if we only believe. Total forgiveness, based on His sacrifice for us, based on Him proving His love for us. He begs us to believe. Once you believe God Himself will come down into your life, He will prove Himself to you, and He will save you, not only from an eternity of suffering but from suffering here in this world. His death gave us an amazing gift, He offers His Holy Spirit to us. It comes upon us in an amazing way and empowers us, protects us, teaches us, and profoundly changes us. God is real. He is alive. Any person seeking after Him with a sincere heart will find Him. He makes it pretty easy really.
Right. He just has to see billions of people committing sins against others and themselves and Him and His Father and the Holy Spirit every second of every day.
And by the way He was a carpenter until he gave that up to do His ministry and give up His life on a Roman cross to pay for all the sins of everyone who ever lived or will live, past, present, and future.
He also was the sole provider for his mother and several brothers and sisters after his father died. He didn’t worry, steal, stab anyone in the back at work, shirk, lie (see No Liars In Heaven by Chick), sleep around, get drunk, smoke pot, etc., etc., etc..
No offense, I respect the Christian faith, but have my own questions concerning the stories we’ve been told. That said, nowhere in the Gospels does it say that he was the breadwinner, nor that he worked as a carpenter. His stepfather was a carpenter, so it makes sense, but carpenter was never explicitly stated outside of the Apocrypha.
That a Roman General/Emperor gave the faith his stamp of approval also gives one pause. It is what it is, I do have ‘hope’ in a loving all knowing father, though I do not know his name – and I’ve found in life that the opinion of large groups of people is rarely, if ever, correct.
The God of the Bible may have created the world in 6 days, but more or less appears to have been an absentee father at best of the past 5,000 years.
Regardless, while this is a battle of good against evil, it is a Covid blog – we are on the same side, apologies to have derailed this thread with theological hair-splitting.
. . . best to you guys.
That is what Bill-ionaire Gates and the Great Rest gang think as well. What do you think the shot is for?
He/she meant that this planet would be a lovely place if we didn’t have all these stupid, gullible and brainwashed idiots skipping around the place. Whatever about Gates&friends and their depopulation agenda, the reality remains that there are a lot of annoying, blind idiots out there who are a ghastly liability to all of us us aware folks.
Us non-sheeple would be able to live normal, peaceful, fulfilling and enjoyable lives if the sheeple were gone and there was just us in society. And, no, I am not endorsing eugenics or depopulation of the planet. I just want to live in a world without idiots.
Earth would be a very lovely place if everyone lived according to the Bible, and God’s commandments. Thou shalt not kill, love your brother as yourself, Love the Lord with all your heart, mind, soul and strength. THAT is what went wrong. People are choosing the curse over the blessing. It’s right in the Bible. It’s supposed to be ONE NATION UNDER GOD, not one nation against God. So…He removes His hand of protection from those who don’t want it. Guess who then takes over? The one who got all the people to turn against god. HE SAID RETURN TO ME, AND I WILL HEAL YOUR BACKSLIDING! please do!
The Small Hat Tribe, whose DNA is programmed by Satan himself are running these crimes…very few want to call them out…
“It is a sad reality when someone is not allowed the freedom to share their story due to censorship”
___The Latest Victim
Oh no. You are not going to use THAT EXCUSE. Americans DEMANDED CENSORSHIP OF EVERYTHING starting around 1980; where little harmless office jokes were turned into 100 million dollar “sexual harassment” suits. This would soon escalate into where calling any perversion what it was a manifestation of actionable “hate speech”.
Americans not only failed to resist their chains; they demanded their chains!
As my late mother; born in 1927 would say; “You made your bed; now lie in it”
Exactly right. And I guarantee that likely every single one of these people had no problem with censorship until *they* got censored when sharing their vax stories. But, like you said, we’ve come to demand our chains, so once we put them on, there is no getting them off.
Good luck on regaining your normalcy, but I wouldn’t count on it. This is your new normal. You remember “new normal,” right? Maybe that’s what they meant all along when they kept hyping the “new normal” all last year. One way or another, our lives would be changed. But in my case, I won’t volunteer for it by taking some forsaken gene juice.
At the European Parliament, Christine Anderson makes a powerful speech about the political elite using extortion, coercion, and manipulation to push an experimental procedure.
“In the entire history of mankind, there has never been a political elite sincerely concerned about the wellbeing of regular people. What makes any of us think that it is different now.”
I’m really having no more patience for these unfortunate assholes who want to let the whole world know they are not “antivaxxers” or “conspiracy theorists” …..none of which harms anyone or is morally repulsive. A premeditated crime is a conspiracy…either between one person and his reasoning, or more people agreeing to commit a crime upon others. An antivaxxer is exercising his or her right to health in other ways that do not include vaccination…..not a crime, and in most cases getting better results. An antivaxxer is one who believes sickness has nothing to do with “germs” or “viruses” but is something within their systems that is poisoning them that the body is working hard to reject….hence the symptoms. This a a hundred years’ debate…you pays your money and you takes your choice. Why is it that the word “antivaxxer” has taken on all the bad connotations of “pedophile”? I maintain that the news media is to blame for a lot of it, along with their controllers, and the fact that one mainstream news soundbiye is the same as thousands of the same soundbytes of all the rest of these propaganda outlets is a very HUGE conspiracy. Stop apologizing for thinking like a person who is exercising sound logic and reason. After all the inconsistencies of a little Vatican darling creep like Tony Fauci and all the evidence these vaccines are the cause of some very bad reactions that are most certainly not a respiratory bug, my question would be “why the hell are you NOT an antivaxxer or conspiracy theorist?”
I am a loud, proud antivaxxer on the solid premise that “preventative medicine” (on which the entire vaccine concept is based, to cure an ailment before it happens) is by definition a contradiction in terms. If not for bad health, there would be no medicine, no doctors, no nurses. BAD health is what medicine is for. Medicine is BAD for healthy people, it is only useful to sick or injured people. I am loud, proud, antivaxxer because preventative medicine is fraudulent medicine. BAD health and its repair is medicine’s ONLY job. Say it loud, say it proud.
Agreed. In 2017 I fell and broke my arm near the wrist. Unfortunately for me the break was a diagonal break and the bone couldn’t be properly set. Underwent surgery three days later. That was necessary, these jabs are not.
Unimpeachable reasoning, Liz. I, too, am appalled when a jab victim still seeks approval by intoning that she or he is not anti-vax nor a conspiracy theorist. The jab victims are perforce anti-vax and they feel the united pressure of practically the entire healthcare system against them which constitutes a de-facto conspiracy against them. You can’t have it both ways.
Well this is a strange one! She rejects and refuses to take any/all medicine/chemical treatments the Doctors are prescribing for her; but took the jab that has God knows what chemicals or medicine within it. Hmm…go figure.
She knows deep down she is screwed.
“I want to make it clear, I am not an anti-vaxer or a conspiracy theorist.”
Well, good for you. If you had been either of the above then this wouldn’t have happened.
Now she’s terrified to add medications? The irony. Good luck, as always, to her and others like her. Experimental jabs are just that, experimental, as much then, when she got it, as they are now. No good will come to vaccinees.
Article is so right: Reality is something few people embrace in 2021. 2020, too.
Anyone notice the mask she wears in the photo? Pointless, useless muzzles.
Yes, masks are now the ultimate in Stupid Signaling.
What’s worse is I wear a scarf thingie…very thin… at work and there’s always one brainwashed kid getting on my case about it not being up. I drink coffee or water all day. Poor California kids all confused by stupid rules and unable to breathe!
Unfortunately human beings are not the best at empathy. According to a psychologist I read, empathy was one of the last faculties…our early brains developed. Some of the ‘higher’ mammals are better at compassion and empathy towards their own kind than we are. Elephants are a good example of that, and possibly, whales and dolphins.!
Humans may have the best intellects, but we are not the best at emotion or empathetic understanding.
If medicine wants to do anything good for the world, maybe it should start there, instead of just concentrating on beating viruses.
“I’m not an anti-vaxer conspiracy theorist”…
If THIS experience doesn’t make you one, then what on earth would!?!
Good riddance! I’m glad Darwin is culling these fools from the herd and leaving the more discerning to survive.
She feels she has to say this in order not to be ostracised by her social media followers. In the post-truth age, whether or not she actually is a pro-choice critical thinker non-consumer of fake mainstream media (“anti-vaxxer conspiracy theorist” in Orwellian Newspeak), is entirely secondary. I’ve no doubt she is WIDE awake but daren’t admit it.
Lol, she sure seems interested in finding a cure now that its too late. Buyers remorse? Good luck finding a reverse for the vaccine Tiff, you’ll be worth millions if you can figure that one out.