Eva Rose: 61-year-old Australian grandmother receives Pfizer injection to see her family, has immediate adverse reaction, still considering second injection

October 15, 2021

Ms. Eva Rose.

MELBOURNE, VICTORIA — A 61-year-old grandmother of 11 is willing to do anything to see and hold her beloved children and grandchildren, who are scattered across Australia. Now she faces an easy life or death decision, but doesn’t know what to do.

Ms. Eva Rose (last name is perhaps Feher based on several family members’ names) announced that her 11th grandchild was born on September 17. It was an emotional day for her as she wanted nothing more than to hold her new grandson. She “met” him on a video call the next day. Ms. Rose met him in person for the first time on September 23. But her own daughter would not allow grandma to hold her grand baby because Eva was non-vaccinated.

Ms. Rose has apparently been struggling with the decision whether or not to receive the injections for quite some time. She said on September 8 that she is “not against being vaccinated.” But she also pointed out how people are being “bullied” into the injection. Ms. Rose also insinuated that she has some sort of medical condition that prevents her from receiving the injections.

The pain from being unable to hold her new grandson because of her non-vaxxed status made the decision for her. Ms. Rose posted on September 27 that she was scheduled to receive her first Pfizer mRNA injection on October 5. The post, however, shows that she really didn’t want to go through with it. But she equated “normality” with the injections.

First injection nightmare

Ms. Rose received her first Pfizer mRNA injection on October 5. She reported having an “instant reaction.” She felt a burning sensation in her chest, throat and nose. She also reported a “metallic taste” in her mouth.

RELATED: Japan suspends use of Moderna injections after “metallic particles” found in vials; country continues using Ivermectin to treat COVID-19 (September 1, 2021)

Both her tongue and lips went completely numb. Her blood pressure rose to 170/100 and her body temperature was over 100 degrees Fahrenheit. Ms. Rose said her fingers filled with fluid 45 minutes later and her temperature dropped to 97.8 degrees. Despite all that, she was sent home after 90 minutes. The next day, she experienced dizziness, slurred speech and general malaise. The injection administrator called Ms. Rose two days later to make an appointment for the second injection. The nurse told Ms. Rose simply to “take an antihistamine” before coming in for the second shot.

Ms. Rose also reported that her son developed pericarditis after his first Pfizer mRNA injection. But doctors told him that once he recovers from the heart inflammation (if he recovers), he’ll need two doses of AstraZeneca to be considered “fully vaccinated.” Now Ms. Rose is essentially surveying her Facebook friends to determine whether or not she should get the second injection.

One of Ms. Rose’s daughters is basically begging both her mother and brother not to get the second shots.

Ms. Rose will see her doctor on October 21 to discuss concerns about the second shot. But she already knows what her doctor is going to say. Thus it’s unclear why she is even bothering to discuss her legitimate concerns with this person.

We’ll follow up on this story in due course.

Listen to your body, not doctors

My now ex-girlfriend (we’re all going through it in 2021) was told by doctors that she had ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) in June 2020, a form of breast cancer in the milk ducts. I implored her not to get any treatments because she was 100% healthy, did not feel sick, and nothing was wrong with her. We were just going to change our lifestyles together and live well.

DCIS is considered Stage ZERO cancer in most places outside the USA. There are also many studies that found women who left their DCIS untreated lived longer than those who received treatments. Despite me trying to get through to her, she received two very drastic treatments. Now she needs more surgery and is likely going to be told her cancer came back and she needs more treatment. Doctors have scared her into being a cancer industry customer for the rest of her life. I spent over 300 hours talking to doctors around the world, researching, etc. But she wouldn’t listen to me. She only listens to the white coat gods who she’s been going to (paying) for 20 years.

My ex-girlfriend was part of the inspiration in launching The COVID Blog. But now millions of otherwise healthy people are being told they are sick or will get sick. So they are receiving these experimental injections, only to really get sick and, in some cases, die. Some get sick after the first injection, like Ms. Rose. But yet she still cannot bring herself to say no to the second one because her doctors say she should get it. The psy-op is real. The psy-op is powerful. Doctors are not your allies. Unfortunately those who cannot and will not listen to critical thinkers will meet their inevitable fates.

Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


COVID Legal USA is your partner in fight mandatory vaccines and other COVID mandates. Follow us on Telegram and Twitter. Read about white pine needles and order them here.


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2 years ago

It’s very sad to see these stories. I try to warn but am called stupid and crazy. My coworkers are anxious to get their young children vaxxed. It’s so disturbing I lose sleep thinking about all the deaths and injuries

2 years ago
Reply to  Monyca

I’ve been there – losing sleep. It has passed. It is so hard to accept separation from family and to be coerced by them too. Unbelievable times when we know we are right and they are all just grazing sheep.

2 years ago
Reply to  Monyca

Me too.

Doc Holiday
Doc Holiday
2 years ago
Reply to  Monyca

I gave up. The information is out there and all it takes is a minimum level of critical thinking, so they’re on their own. And I expect the same in return when it comes to their thoughts about me choosing not to receive the death jab made by the same people who made the virus and murdered/tortured puppies and monkeys.

T. D.
T. D.
2 years ago

Your ex-girlfriend’s loss is our gain, I guess. This is a good blog. Hope she pulls thru her chosen treatments.

2 years ago

Don’t put too much effort on your ex. Put effort on you and your next girlfriend

2 years ago

Sometime you wonder how much genetics play a part. This family may not survive a second shot or boosters. People are literally walking right into the gas chambers.

2 years ago

My brother’s friend became a new grandma and daughter wouldn’t let her visit unless she was jabbed. She didn’t want to but gave into her daughter’s demands. After the jab she was so sick and did not get better. She died one month later suddenly. No pre existing conditions and healthy. Now dead. No more grandma, no more mom. No more friend.

2 years ago
Reply to  Stephanie

So very sad 😢

2 years ago
Reply to  Stephanie

The amazing thing is that those ignoramus, frightened sheep believe the vaccine prevents transmissions. The globalist have done a fantastic job messing with their minds.

2 years ago
Reply to  Stephanie

Your friend’s blood is on her daughter’s hands and so are the relevant Cause and Effect consequences..

2 years ago
Reply to  Stephanie

i also have friends who got jabbed because they want to hug the newly born grand-kid.

vaccination used to be called “immunization”;
the propaganda took advantage of this.
People think they’d become “immune” (from infection) after the trans-fection jab.
But after so many got sick. now they say, the jab only prevents from “serious sickness” (never mind it is not even doing that)

2 years ago

“Doctors are not your allies.”
This is true like never before. In fact, many seem ok with harming you and they’ll not lose one second of sleep if they recommend something that maims or kills you.

Max Power
Max Power
2 years ago
Reply to  Ron

It’s clear there has been a TREMENDOUS moral shift in doctors.

They are most of them now on the side of true evil.

2 years ago
Reply to  Max Power

Perhaps their pineal glands are grown over with a self-assembled nano-tech antenna and they receive thought and attitude orders from an AI now and the AI says ‘there’s nothing wrong with the injections’, all the time.

2 years ago

God has something special waiting for those who have forced harmful policies that tear families apart needlessly all around the world by the millions.

In the meantime, I hope one day those guilty of base crimes against humanity (there are so many of them!) will be tried, convicted, and sentenced very harshly. You can fill in the blank as to how they should be punished.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ron

Hemp rope, lamppost? This probably sounds harsh but we are at war. It’s us or them. I’m a grandfather of five and I know what this poor woman is going through.Unfortunately she is at greater risk to harm her grandchild now that she has been genetically modified. I pray she does not get the second injection and that God heals her body.

2 years ago
Reply to  Hal

Grandfather of five? So am I.
And no, not too harsh at all. I’ve thought of much worse for those who are truly guilty. I suspect that as time unfolds and we see even more devastation on the population from these shots, we’ll likely see more of an outcry to hold those responsible accountable.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ron

Congrats Ron. Four mos. to almost eight years of age. I am thankful that my son and daughter in law did their research and proper discernment so I’m not suffering the dilemma Ms. Rose is. I really feel for these folks that are in this position. I don’t really know what choice I would make in this particular situation. It’s really God’s judgment they should fear. We would all like to witness justice served on these ghouls but, that may not be God’s plan. Eternity is a long time to suffer.

2 years ago
Reply to  Hal

You make an excellent point. Shedding is likely to harm the child more than any Covid transmission, which the “vaccines” don’t prevent anyway.

Only God is my Judge
Only God is my Judge
2 years ago
Reply to  Watchful

Yes, the shedding is currently our biggest fear, with all the muck present inside the juice. A secondary problem is the weakened immune system – I’m sure we’re all noticing the massive uptick in symptomatic sick people over the summer! Many of whom were juiced. So, these people are more likely to get sick whoever they expose themselves to, whatever the bug may be. The Cochrane review (a gold standard in research) either stated or at least intimated that those who received flu shots were sicker overall than those who were not. I was previously brainwashed into thinking I was supposed to do it to protect older adults I worked with. Turns out, the nurse I witnessed sneezing and hacking in a home setting was maybe doing so due to effects from the flu shots we all took, putting patients at risk. But it wasn’t the ‘flu’, so nothing to worry about for the older adult, eh?

Risk management and prayer, that’s what we’re doing. Eternity sure seems like a long time.

Happy to hear about your kids’ decisions, Hal. God bless us all.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ron

Obviously those who put down the rules are culpable but those who enforce the rules on the ground like the daughter blocking her mother are even more culpable because they made the rules into action.

Once people realize karmic responsibility lies with those who carry out the orders more than those who give the order the mess we see today will cease to exist. They exist because majority choose to believe in the cult of government.

But most don’t because people do not want to own their own crap. The result is the situation we are in today and this will progressively get worse until majority refuse to comply with this idea we need government and man-made laws to take care of us.

2 years ago

There is a difference between being dumb and being ignorant. The daughter who thinks a PCR ‘test’ in anyway reflects reality, and that a ‘vaccine’ confers magical safety upon a person is simply ignorant. The spike proteins she passes in her milk to the baby might kill him, if so it would only be karma for her wilful ignorance.

Anna Maria
Anna Maria
2 years ago
Reply to  Daz

Albeit a majority have chosen to get the vaccine out of coercion and promises of freedom of restrictions in Australia, many are misinformed considerably, not being privy to any information on the potential harmful risks. It is her ultimate choice and we shouldn’t judge her decision as we likewise expect the same. I think it’s very sad and unnecessary to wish evil karma upon any person for a decision they’ve personally made. 

Michelle Sartori
Michelle Sartori
2 years ago

It truly pains me to see these previously weĺ people being bullied and coerced into taking a shot for a disease with a 99%+ survival rate especially when there’s SO many effective treatments available. But what makes my blood REALLY boil is the ignorance surrounding how DANGEROUS it is to be recently jabbed and then be around newborns. I thank God that I have no small grandbabies and that my only grandchild is 16 years old and NO he hasn’t gotten the shots and we’re hiding him when we know the door to door vax salesmen are coming door to door. I have 3 sons and 2 daughters. Neither of my daughters, of which one is my grandson’s mother, nor myself have taken the jab but 2 of my 3 boys, the brainwashed ones who think I’m overexagerating the risks, have taken them and they’re fine,, for now. The oldest one who’s 39 is having difficulty remaining unwanted as he works and studies and there’s talk of making it mandatory in those places. I have a dear friend that I think the world of and I recently sent her different programs to watch and interviews to listen to to learn more about the pointlessness of this drug and the negative effect on herself and most importantly her grandchildren who. she loves dearly. But since our state NSW has opened up to the fully vaccinated and a recent email between us had her being excited to go and visit her grandchildren which includes 3 week old twins, a boy and girl, I am devastated that she considers she’d be safe around them now she’s HAD the shot when nothing could be further than the truth. It just breaks my heart. I know that someone will probably knock on my door one day and demand I take it, but until then I’ll stay at home and avoid all those 90% of my country who’ve been jabbed. Thanks for reading.

2 years ago

I am the sole uninjected member in my immediate family. Same thing here, the rest don’t appear to show any issues, for now. For the first to take it its been 9 months at least.

Max Power
Max Power
2 years ago

“white coat gods”

One of the reasons I broke up with a girlfriend of two years, was her mother and her basically worshipped the white coat gods. She had a cardiomyopathy heart problem. From reading up on this, and how deficiencies of things like cobalamin (vitamin B-12, containing cobalt), I figured she probably just needed more B-12 in her diet, not to mention selenium (important for muscles).

Her mom and her did not like to hear about such things, and would not entertain any such conversations.

2 years ago

She’s so mentally weak it’s unbelievable. Modern civilization has weakened people’s resolve.

2 years ago

her own daughter would not allow grandma to hold her grand baby because Eva was non-vaccinated.

Stories like this remind me of how lucky I am to have not had any family since the 20th century…


“I am curious to hear other people’s reactions and experiences with the vaccine before I take the second jab”
____Miss Not-So-Bright

You almost died from the first shot; but you need “examples from others” to determine if you should take another. Behold; the great 21st century critical thinker Eva Rose! Multiply by 6 billion.


“I personally hope I won’t be judged”
___E. Rose

It is good you have your priorities in order. When you are struggling for air and to stay alive; I am sure the first thing on your mind is that you have not been un-friended by anyone on the Facebook.


“Who are we to judge and discriminate?”
___E Rose

I judge and discriminate all the time. It is the sign of a healthy and vigorous mind and a thinking person.

2 years ago
Reply to  dddd

Hahaha Amen to all of that

Ivanka Feher
Ivanka Feher
2 years ago

This is unbelievable, people should not jump to conclusions. I am Eva’s Daughter, I have never stopped my mother seeing my son, yes I did stop her from cuddling him when he was 5 days old as she previously was in the emergency department unwell, I said to get a COVID TEST before holding him, she didn’t get the test so after 2 weeks from being in the ED with no covid symptoms she has held him …. I’m sure anyone would protect there baby, would you give your baby to their grandparents if they may of had whooping cough or measles, I don’t think so, so before people judge and say its Karma if my little boy dies Shame on you, I don’t have anything against people who are not vaccinated or who are vaccinated I believe everyone should have a choice and I definitely made a effort for my mother to see my son, I was the one taking him to see her.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ivanka Feher

well now that she’s jabbed she has a chance to actually hurt your baby, congrats
there is no covid test, because there is no covid, except the one in your head, cheers

2 years ago
Reply to  Ivanka Feher

In the screen shot above, you indeed required a negative test, so it’s hard to fault you as barring access to the baby. However, your mother writes “Just taking precautions till I’m vaccinated,” which implies there was more to it; or that she misinterpreted your demands. Regardless, it’s regrettable and sad she’s suffered from adverse reactions, and more so since all that information had been available to her. If you’re vaccinated, please be aware of spike protein “shedding” that could harm your baby. All the best!

2 years ago
Reply to  Ivanka Feher

Sure everyone would protect their baby. Thanks for stating the obvious that our friends in the animal kingdom can agree upon.

So why are we breaking from established rules learned from bitter experience like not injecting pregnant women? Even taking Vitamin D3 has to be done with extreme caution in pregnancy.

Your problem is you don’t acknowledge the people who push this injection talk about planetary government and mass depopulation under the cover of another hoax that human activities producing carbon dioxide is causing ‘climate change’

That these establishment billionaires in gas guzzling corporate jets and DiCaprio’s yacht + 20 concubines are riding on.

Eva Rose
Eva Rose
2 years ago

Unfortunately this article has only half truths. Taking bits and pieces from my Facebook posts doesn’t provide the complete picture. Yes I was emotional and felt bullied into taking the vaccine but it was mostly from my NSW premier and doctor, both of them using the vaccine against me as a bribe to be able to visit my grandchildren across borders into other states of Australia. My daughter’s only concern which I feel was completely understandable was that I had previously been in the Emergency department and she was concerned about me holding him without being tested for COVID first, instead we waited a couple of weeks from me being in the E.D to insure I didn’t have any symptoms before I would cuddle him. As you’ve read, I’m hesitant to take my second jab as I had a severe reaction to the first one. She has not stopped me from seeing my grandson because I’m not vaccinated.

2 years ago
Reply to  Eva Rose

Those who afraid to die never truely live

2 years ago
Reply to  Eva Rose

Please hold on to your life and avoid the second shot. In the long term, whoever is injected will likely see their health decline in one way or another. Feel well and be well.

2 years ago
Reply to  Eva Rose

Thanks for clarifying. Don’t take the second shot. That’s shown to really make things go south. The effects from the first injection was a major red warning light to you.

2 years ago
Reply to  Eva Rose

Hi Eva.
As far as you going forward, I implore you to simply review your Oct 11th Facebook post again, then consider the number of people on this blog that had similar reactions from the first jab, and after the second they were gone in a matter of days or weeks. Many people did not even have any real impact from the first jab, but still died shortly after the second.
You have had a “warning shot”. If you take the second, there is really nobody to blame but yourself if anything adverse happens.

2 years ago

Apart from the obvious advice over the death shot, cut off permanently all contact with all family members who impose restrictions. This is unfortunately not uncommon. Her daughter decided to have a relationship with big government and corporations.

When the dust settles never contact them again or attend any of their invitations. When it mattered, they cut her off. This pandemic is the greatest education ever, as Thomas Sheridan always says.

Troy Toliver
Troy Toliver
2 years ago

Stay strong bro thank you for this blog, you are doing a good cause

2 years ago

You can’t save someone from themselves sometimes, truly a bummer when it happens

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