Kaitlin Endres: 33-year-old California woman paralyzed, re-learning how to walk after Johnson & Johnson viral vector DNA injection

September 15, 2021

Ms. Kaitlin Endres.

RAMONA, CALIFORNIA — A 33-year-old flight attendant and former beauty pageant contestant is holding out hope that she may walk on her own again. But she’s resigned to her “new life”and trying to stay positive in the face of the impossible.

Ms. Kaitlin Endres received the experimental Johnson & Johnson viral vector DNA injection on June 9, according to her Instagram account. She felt it was “the right thing to do.” She also felt pressure to get the injection because of her jobs in both the airline industry and real estate. Ms. Endres called the injection a “birthday present to herself” since she turned 33 the day before.

Her entire existence and life as she knew it changed forever 12 hours later.

She was at a birthday dinner the next day and told her boyfriend “my legs feel really heavy, like something is squishing me.” But she kept smiling and pretending like nothing was wrong so to not ruin the dinner. Severe pain in her legs turned to excruciating, debilitating pain on her way home. She said it felt like there was a boulder sitting on top of her legs and she couldn’t move them. Ms. Endres lost consciousness as her body shut down from being in so much pain.

RELATED: BREAKING: FDA, CDC call for temporary pause in Johnson & Johnson shots due to blood clots (April 13, 2021)


The pain continued the next morning so she went to an urgent care facility. She also could not speak normally and a 104 degree fever. Ms. Endres said on the “Level Up with Matt Rogers” podcast that doctors tested her for blood clots. But she did not specify what tests were actually done. Doctors told her she was fine and nothing was wrong with her despite being in excruciating pain. These are “normal” side effects to the experimental injections, according to the doctors. They prescribed Xanax, a drug for anxiety and panic attacks, and sent her home.

Note that the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and other U.S. “health experts” have long blamed anxiety for all “vaccine” adverse reactions, and not the injections themselves.

Condition deteriorates further

Two days later, June 12, Ms. Endres started feeling sharp pains behind her knees and her toes were numb. She went back to the same urgent care and was told to go to the emergency room. ER doctors performed an MRI, which came back “clear.” They decided against testing for Guillain-Barré Syndrome since the MRI showed she was healthy. She was prescribed steroids and sent home again.

Her condition progressively worsened. She could no longer control bladder and bowel functions and was forced to wear adult diapers. Ms. Endres returned to the ER again a few days later. This time they did do a lumbar puncture (spinal tap), along with four more MRIs on her spine. All of it came back “clear.” But now she had the added complication of lumbar headaches and was essentially bedridden for the next two weeks. And that’s when she hit rock bottom.

It was June 29 when she attempted getting out of bed on her own with a walker. It took several minutes and she did accomplished standing up. But she immediately collapsed to the ground, unable to hold herself up. Though doctors told her it was “paresthesia,” she no longer had the ability to stand and walk on her own. Unfortunately she could still feel the sharp pains throughout her legs despite not being able to move them.

You’re on your own post-injection

A neurologist told Ms. Endres that they believe she will walk again, but it will take time. As of today, she still cannot walk without “extreme assistance.” She’s been in contact with many others who have suffered adverse effects from the lethal injections. Granted Ms. Endres is lucky. She found a doctor at least semi-willing to help her.

She competed in Miss America pageants in Oregon in her younger years and acknowledged that her looks opened doors for her. This situation is no exception. She had a hyperbaric oxygen chamber delivered to her home. But she acknowledged on her GoFundMe page that the cost to rent it is more than “some people pay for their mortgage.”

But she’s still getting the regular runaround of the typical vaxx-injured individual.

A neurological actually “prescribed” her two Rock Star energy drinks to stimulate cerebral spinal fluid production at one point.

She started convulsing after drinking them because doctors didn’t listen when she told them of her caffeine sensitivity. Some of the neurologists have done tests that Ms. Endres said the results are not indicative of what actually happened. For instance, she saw them mark “5 out of 5” for toe dexterity when she could not move her toes at all on command.

RELATED: Brad Malagarie: 43-year-old Mississippi man has stroke, paralyzed hours after experimental Johnson & Johnson shot (April 17, 2021)


Ms. Endres uses both a wheelchair and walker as she continues trying to regain the ability to walk. If nothing else, she stays very positive despite the grim prognosis. But like every recipient of these lethal injections and the propaganda that convinced her, she’s trying to make sense of this world now. Ms. Endres posted an Instagram update on August 12 about a friend of hers who allegedly died of “COVID-19” despite being fully vaccinated. “I don’t know what to say, I don’t know what to think,” she wrote.

The war is now in full force in Australia, Europe and the United States with Biden’s dictatorial mandates and a well-oiled propaganda machine in mainstream media. This story, like every story on this blog, will be dismissed as “fake” and/or “rare” by the COVID cultists and their leaders. Live in truth because that’s all we have left. Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


COVID Legal USA is your partner in fight mandatory vaccines and other COVID mandates. Follow us on Telegram and Twitter. Read about white pine needles and order them here.


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2 years ago

For my birthday present to myself this year, I got a Bosley Hair Club for Men package.
To each their own, I guess.

2 years ago

Good that she shares the details of her story. Others will learn. Seems like she is grateful for the help and is staying positive. What stands out is the behaviour of the doctors. People have to remember it is their own people who did this to them rather than solely blame a political group, lack of religion etc.

Madam Cynique
Madam Cynique
2 years ago
Reply to  Observer

I think we need to remember that the political, industrial pharma and global corporations full of evil people have done this. They like to pretend they are ‘one of us’ but they are not. Truly, the love of money is the root of all evil. Others have said it: just follow the money. The cult of covid, pushed by the propaganda media mafia are their mouthpiece. They are in lockstep and if we don’t all wake up soon, those of us not dead will all be made slaves. Pray and pray more that eyes and deaf ears will be opened.

2 years ago
Reply to  Madam Cynique


2 years ago

We all know that nowadays you can’t apply any jobs without this stupid vaxx and you feel pressure cause it’s either you would take it or not, but I do hope that before taking this vaxx you should search about the side effect not doing a lot of selfies. Now, look at you seems like you are month old baby that need some help to walk and those side effects is totally rare I never heard it before.

2 years ago
Reply to  Sam

All her symptoms are familiar to me but then I’ve been following it since they started with the shots because I never believed the advertising of “safe and effective.” Boy, was Dr. Tenpenny right.

Healthy Skeptic
Healthy Skeptic
2 years ago

“She felt it was “the right thing to do.” She also felt pressure to get the injection because of her jobs in both the airline industry and real estate. ”

Note how the demonic entities work on the noble nature of people like Ms Endres. I have heard ” the right thing to do” explanation from people I know personally who have taken the dangerous gene therapy injection. The question that we need to share with people on the fence is ‘Who says it the
right thing to do?’ as well as Why? Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci says it is the right thing to do because they are demons hell bent on mass murder and mass suffering and pain.

2 years ago

They have advanced the propaganda to where ‘its the right thing to do’ will go down in history in the same category as Neville Chamberlain’s ‘Peace In Our Time’ holding Hitler’s Munich Agreement.

Last edited 2 years ago by SpecOps
2 years ago

Quit the job, go find something else to do using those ‘good looks’ to open other doors. No one wants a good looker who is bed ridden.

After Biden’s speech on the military being forcibly injected its rumored tens of thousands in total of USAF pilots including 30 top gun pilots have walked off the job. In the military people don’t get to walk off the job, but it wouldn’t be surprising if they applied to be discharged at least citing refusing to be injected as the reason.

Hospitals are already grossly understaffed and companies who offer services to HR managers hear the same story of having entire company staff quit over being forced to be injected.

And this is just the Air Force, not counting the other branches of the military.

Truckers may be censored on social media, but they have radios to communicate, and they know of relatives of other truckers who have suffered adverse effects, and they have walked off their jobs.

The back of the US may be broken, and preparing for a ‘dark winter’ should be on every one’s minds now when shipping of food and essentials go dead. Stock up for as many years essentials as you can.

2 years ago

And otherwise reasonable people are still getting these jabs this summer—this gal got hers after several months of reports of severe reactions. Alan Autry, once of TV’s “In the Heat of the Night,” is on radio now and said just today that there is enough data to show the vaccines are working and encouraged people to go get one now. I wanted to scream at him. He’s against mandates and for medical freedom, of course, but greatly misguided and uneducated about the shots.

2 years ago

if i were the potentate behind this i would engineer at least 50% placebos to ensure a vocal following testifying to its harmlessness and justifying all these merciless self-righteous attacks on the anti-vaxx crowd

2 years ago

I’m so glad to see that this bioweapon is being referred to as an injection and not a vaccine.

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