James Cooper Sawyer: 77-year-old healthy Tennessee father and grandfather gets third mRNA booster shot, dead eight days later

September 8, 2021

Mr. Jim Sawyer.

COOKEVILLE, TENNESSEE — An active 77-year-old father and grandfather was warned by his daughter not to get a booster shot. He’s now dead and the daughter is warning others to avoid the boosters.

Mr. James “Jim” Cooper Sawyer received a third Pfizer mRNA “booster shot” on August 20, according to his daughter Leah Flaga. Pfizer booster injections are currently recommended by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) only for immunocompromised people. Thus it is unclear why or how Mr. Sawyer even got the third injection, as he was described as healthy and vibrant by his family. The CDC reported that one million Americans have received booster shots as of August 31.

Mr. Sawyer immediately started “not feeling right” after the third injection. He text-messaged his daughter that day, asking her if she could help explain the adverse effects he was experiencing. No more information is provided thereafter. Mr. Sawyer passed away “suddenly and unexpectedly” on August 28.

Ms. Flaga said she hopes sharing her father’s story will “cause someone to think twice and do their research before so willingly injecting something so foreign into their body.”

Trump “vaccine” pushing prevails again

We’ve chronicled at least three instances on this blog of former President Donald Trump encouraging his voters and fans to get the experimental injections. Anyone still defending Trump as some good, noble person is just as brainwashed and controlled as liberal vaxx zealots. Mr. Sawyer may have been influenced by Trump. He was a loyal fan and voter.

In fact his whole family and circle of friends are all very pro-Trump based on their social media posts. Some of them are currently “fully-vaccinated,” but will now refuse the boosters.

Others reported post-injection deaths and adverse reactions in their own families.

But Ms. Flaga seems to believe that the “booster shots” are currently authorized for emergency use by the Food and Drug Administration.

The FDA has not authorized booster shots as of publishing. Boosters are only recommended by the CDC for those with weak immune systems. On it face, it appears the family may have colorable claims for relief in federal court against the mRNA administrator and doctor who recommended it if they can prove that Mr. Sawyer was healthy prior to the third injection.

Related: CDC, big pharma scrambling to take back control of narrative as facts and admissions hinder COVID-19 agenda (August 3, 2021)

So far we’ve only covered one other booster shot story. Actor and body builder Michael Mitchell received two Sinovac injections before receiving a Pfizer booster in Turkey. He died six days later. Granted it is a small sample size. But so far, all indications are that these boosters kill quick. Meanwhile mainstream media and Fauci continue disseminating dangerous disinformation about the booster shots, encouraging people to volunteer for their own slaughters.

Trump is trying to redeem himself. Though he’s still a “vaccine” cheerleader, he semi-indicated that he will not get a booster shot.

“I feel like I’m in good shape from that standpoint — I probably won’t. I’ll look at stuff later on. I’m not against it, but it’s probably not for me.”

But we’re betting on this position changing once his controllers get to him.

Mr. Sawyer had 10 children, 18 grandchildren and six great-grandchildren, according to his obituary.

Biden continues unilateral push for booster shots

It’s difficult getting through even three minutes of a Joe Biden speech. If anyone can tell what he says at 0:32, please post it in the comments. He then says the “plan is to get every Israeli…every Delta to get a booster shot” at the 1:15 mark.

Biden wants to commence booster shots for all American adults on September 20. But FDA officials are rebelling against Biden’s unilateral directive. Two senior FDA vaccine officials resigned last week because Biden is sidestepping them and making medical policy on his own.

The World Health Organization (WHO) is also at odds with Biden and Fauci. It is advising countries to delay booster shot roll outs so there are more lethal injections available for the currently non-vaccinated. Several countries are currently offering booster shots to “vulnerable people.” Israel, as far as we can tell, is the only country offering boosters to all people over age 60.

Instagram and Facebook are ramping up their censorship operations. They appear to be preparing for an influx of adverse event posts when the boosters commence in the United States. There’s only one way to protect yourself, and you know what it is.

Stay vigilant and protect your friend and loved ones.


Contact COVID Legal USA today if you are fighting against mandatory vaccines for employment. We also assist people with pro se representation related to other COVID mandates and restrictions. Follow us on Telegram.


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Critical Thinker
Critical Thinker
2 years ago

This vaccine wickedness and evil must end. I am amazed at how many are rushing headlong into danger, my own family included. I saw a video by a specialist who said the first jab weakens your immune system by 15 percent, the second by 35 percent. That’s half your immune system gone. He also said any subsequent booster shots or flu shots WILL kill you. This very sad article confirms it for me. People are dying needlessly because they are listening to lies.

2 years ago

Thousands of doctors and experts in virology and even people who use to work for the corrupt pharmaceutical companies are coming out talking about these “vaccines” being a depopulation agenda. They are ALL being censored by NWO-controlled MSM and big tech. Bitchute has tons of great videos of them speaking out. Look at the Popular and Trending videos on Bitchute to find a lot of them.

2 years ago

My aunt who is very left wing has had all of the shots including her flu and booster. She’s still alive. Not sure for how long though. She wouldn’t be one to admit any side effects though because she 100% believe in vaccines and Bill Gates. Sad.

2 years ago

Between third, and now fourth shots, and HIV medicine-based pills to follow, we are seeing Pfizer seeking to gain a monopoly of physiological dependency on their products. The Sacklers pushed opioid dependency to the limit, so I guess it wasn’t hard for the next well-poisoners to follow a similar path.

Poison the well then offer to sell you water. Nothing has changed in two thousand years.

2 years ago
Reply to  Paul

Indeed, nothing has changed in 2000 years…except that the general public have lost more critical thinking and survival skills. Even a thousand years ago in Europe the average man on the street had some inkling of who wanted them dead. And these folks actual passed laws in some cases to protect themselves. People now are dumber and more enslaved than a Middle Age peasant.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kris

I guess a good excuse for the globalists to cull the herd.

2 years ago
Reply to  Paul

They are all Small Hat Tribe…all of them, even their Wikipedia Pages admit it…Yahshua Messiah called them out as the Synagogue of Satan…

2 years ago

I definitely think Biden should have a few booster shots since he and his people so adamantly adore the shots.

Hate to think what all those jabs did inside to Mr.Sawyer. Truly poisoned to death. RIP.

Karen Christy
Karen Christy
2 years ago
Reply to  Kriss

I also would like to see Mr. Biden get a few boosters, but if he does, then Mrs. Harris will become Her Presidentress. And if she also gets a few booster, then we’ll have Her Imperial Presidentress Mrs. Pelosi. No, I can’t abide that.

2 years ago

I guess James here didn’t pay attention to what happened to the Braveheart dude after the 3rd jab. God these people are stupid.

2 years ago
Reply to  farmerz

Anyone who Trusts Trump lacks Critical Thinking Skills…

2 years ago
Reply to  Car

Exactly. Trump, who rode his Hillary is a crook campaign to victory, praised her and Billy-Boy at his inauguration luncheon. Sad really.

2 years ago
Reply to  MrMonkeyShines

Trump is a bloodline cousin to Hillary…they are family…Nearly everything that Trump told the MAGA Kool Aide drinkers was Fake Phoney and False…played them like a Grand Piano…that’s what happens to people when they are in a Cult…

2 years ago
Reply to  Car

So many, so easily fooled on all sides.

Milton Passon
Milton Passon
2 years ago

The CRIMINAL MEDIA is killing people. Don’t watch TV

2 years ago
Reply to  Milton Passon

All of Satanic NWO-controlled MSM needs to be taken down worldwide for crimes against humanity. Especially for crimes against children, i.e. adrenochrome. And now for this mass genocide with these Covid bioweapons they are calling “vaccines”.

Healthy Skeptic
Healthy Skeptic
2 years ago
Reply to  A.B.

The Satanic NWO will be taken down for crimes against humanity. These demonic entities foment hatred and bigotry against the non-injected. However, when the mass deaths from the lethal injections ramp up in the upcoming flu and cold season amounting to millions..even tens of millions dying, then the enraged and deceived injected people will realize that their expiration date has been moved way up. Millions will wake up figuring that life imprisonment or the death penalty means nothing to them anymore. Millions who have nothing to lose. That will make the demonic entities quake in fear.

2 years ago

I suspect these disgusting soulless demons already expect the numbers to rise exponentially this upcoming flu season, that’s why they’ve been pushing the unvaxxed are infecting the vaxxed mantra lately. They’re hoping to deflect the heat away from themselves.

Last edited 2 years ago by MrMonkeyShines
2 years ago
Reply to  Milton Passon

Milton, right on about TV, haven’t had television since the mid 1970s with some short-lived exceptions and I cannot comprehend how anyone could waste so many hours a day sitting on their butts watching other people experience life. But blaming is for losers. Winners leave the blaming to the losers. You blame “the media” for this — that is EXACTLY the same as blaming a gun for a shooting or an automobile for an accident. Consumers are responsible for how they use a product. Consumers so stupid as to think they are ENTITLED to the truth and that it is their media’s responsibility to provide it, are DEAD WRONG. Truth is like a black belt in karate, a trim and fit physique, or the ability to play a musical instrument — money is empty, of zero value — you must SEEK those things, and you must SEEK truth, invest EFFORT to find it. Those who think they deserve the truth from their news media, behave very stupidly.

Last edited 2 years ago by Janyuary
Lisa Espinoza
Lisa Espinoza
2 years ago

There was a video on yt talking about boosters for older people and people in the comments pointed out the double speak of the “Dr” in the video and how it seemed as if he was implying that the two shots weren’t working fast enough and the third shot was needed to speed up death.

2 years ago

Hello. I believe that, at the 0:32 time on the video, he says “How should you be thinking about the moment we’re in…”
For me, it’s our moment of personal ordeals to avoid being turn into slaves who gave up fighting for our lives and freedom. I hope that each and every one of us will prevail from having to take these poisons because of all the pressure we face.

2 years ago

The two party system is a hoax–they are two sides to the same coin. I know people who have taken this jab because Trump endorsed it–they are a fragment of themselves.
EVERYONE, must read Cathy O’Brien’s book Trance Formation of America–she tells the whole ugly, sick, twisted truths regarding our “leaders.” Ford, Reagan, Bush Sr., Cheney, Clintons, Bush Jr., Obama (second book).
Trump has endorsed these shots, he is not for humanity, regardless how many people claim there is a secret plan. This one act is enough to show how easily politicians can exploit the masses and lead them to their doom. Biden is so evil–he had an island just like Epstein’s, along with John Kerry, and Virgin Record owner Richard Branson –they are all in on it.
Never again will I be fooled, protect yourself, your loved ones, your home, your children and NEVER CONSENT to ANY jab ever again. Blessings to this blog and everyone who is courageous enough to stand up for their God given rights and to this tyranny.

2 years ago

Skeptical, yes, Maria’s testimony about Epstein’s Missed spy chain, the pics of Ms G & Lady Diana, Trump’s ex-wife out kid-hunting w/Ms Gsln…The bodies-

I think back to that verse:
It is harder for a rich man to go to heaven…
The cesspool just got 3 stages deeper when Trump left, Zionist or not, I see the ga$$$/pipeline/empty stores….And, so much more!
The Vax -even churches push it now, the veil is lifting.

Last edited 2 years ago by Chris
Amin Abdullah
2 years ago

A 3rd shot !!!. If this guy was not a fanatic, I don’t know who is. Idiot.

I noticed, many folks who were allowed by the system to make a comfortable living, start to think of themselves as being the favorite children of the ruling class. They start to relate to the government as a father-figure or even as a demigod.

They usually live in the suburbs, nice looking houses, lawn well-maintained, fly the flag on their porch (a ritualistic symbole linking them to their father-figures), follow “the news”, pay taxes, are in love with this or that politician as their savior, get nervous when a stranger passes by their house…etc.

Little did they know, they don’t mean shit to the ruling class whatsoever, just like everybody else (white, black, rich, poor…etc).

2 years ago

I, too, begged my parents not to take these genocide bioweapons. They both ignored my pleas and all the information I sent them and got the shots anyway. They both have had health issues ever since. My Dad has had heart and lung issues and recently spent two weeks in the hospital. My Mom was having memory problems beforehand, but they are far worse now. She seems to have lost a lot of cognitive ability. It is so beyond sickening what is going on.

2 years ago
Reply to  A.B.

First, they scared them to death, then they finished off the job with poison.

Healthy Skeptic
Healthy Skeptic
2 years ago
Reply to  Watchful

Fear is Satan’s favorite weapon.

2 years ago
Reply to  A.B.

My dad is 98, in great health. I begged him not to take the death shot. He didn’t want it, because he has always been sceptical of the Medical/Industrial complex. However his wife was bugging him to get it. He promised me he would not take it. This was last March. About a month later I asked my step-mother if had any side effects from the vax. She bragged that nether she nor my dad had any. He didn’t have the guts to tell me that his wife whined him into the vax. I’m pretty sure they both got the saline shot, because nether has had any problems. Perhaps my prayers for my dad not to get vaxed saved him. Now he swears he will not take another…but we will see. It sickens me that so many take the death shot just to shut-up a family members. Those family members will have to face a reckoning.

Healthy Skeptic
Healthy Skeptic
2 years ago
Reply to  Kris

Shaming and nagging kill more people than guns ever will.
Yes, the family members will face a reckoning soon and in the hereafter. Count on it.

Alex Jones
Alex Jones
2 years ago
Reply to  Kris

My idiot siblings have been harassing my mom to take the jabs. She laughs them off.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kris

My daughter in law who is a nurse and has a 3 month old daughter who she is breastfeeding went ahead and got both her shots against the advice of her dad and I. She’s like since I am moving to CA I need to be vaxxed to get a job and that her husband’s family won’t let her in their house if she wasn’t vaxxed. She had recently had her 2nd vax and stayed at our house for a few days and I told my husband I didn’t want to get near her. I even quarantined myself in the guest room and closed the ac vent. I held the baby and a few days later I had this burning pain on the back of my leg that spread to the front of my leg. It hurt for about a week. Like my skin was on fire. I had covid over a year ago and I’m not vaxxed and haven’t gotten sick yet. My husband never got sick. My dil had the nerve to tell me I don’t know what your problem is because you already had covid. Because she is a shedder. My friend’s rheumatologist won’t see recently vaxxed people who are vaxxed less than 6 weeks in the office. They have to do telehealth. So I believe they shed.

2 years ago

Biden acts like he’s possed by devils.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jeremy

The whole administration is satanic.

Karen F
Karen F
2 years ago

0:32 – “How should you be thinking about the moment we’re in?”

Glen Alan sewell
Glen Alan sewell
2 years ago

No question in my mind that this vaccine program in a population thinning program. Call me crazy all you want, but i know it to be true. The doses are contaminated with different compounds. some lithium, some will sterilize you, some will castrate you, some will give you clots, some will be only distilled water and not do anything to you.
As time goes on and the booster shots will increase the contamination ratios to bring on more disabilities and death.

The central banks are behind this operation. and Satan is behind them.

2 years ago

People in good health who obey the doctor’s orders to come in for a check-up or injection to “protect” them from a possible future threat, behave stupidly. Doctors and nurses have only one job: to repair bad health. BAD health medicine’s expertise; true healers know that healthy people have ZERO business using the doctor’s services EVER and only FRAUD DOCTORS call healthy people into their offices for “treatment.”

Christopher Schulz
Christopher Schulz
2 years ago

I’m pro Trump and I used a portion of his covid protocol (melatonin, VitD3+Zinc) in addition to Naproxen to beat it, therefore I will not get injected because I look out for myself.

Daniel Heisenberg
Daniel Heisenberg
2 years ago

Trump hasn’t shilled for the booster shot. He actually called it a money grab and thinks booster’s are “a crazy thing”

We should differentiate between him shilling for the first two doses and the “booster” please. Thanks

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