Pakistan: police superintendent Malik Imtiaz Mahmood drops dead minutes after experimental COVID-19 “vaccine”
July 3, 2021 (updated January 5, 2023)

Mr. Malik Imtiaz Mahmood.

Jump To Tiffany Dover


KHUSHAB, PUNJAB — A police superintendent is dead in what may be the fastest death we’ve covered on this blog.

Mr. Malik Imtiaz Mahmood was the Superintendent of Police for the city of Khushab. He received his experimental injection against COVID-19 on or around June 13, according to the World Doctors Alliance. The organization shared a photo of Mr. Mahmood receiving the injection.

Details are sketchy as to what exactly happened next. But a disturbing video shows Mr. Mahmood clutch his heart and drop to the ground, apparently just minutes after receiving the shot.

The Namal reported that Mr. Mahmood died of a heart attack. It is unclear which injection he received. The China-made “inactivated virus” Sinopharm and Sinovac, Russia’s Sputnik V, AstraZeneca and the CanSino (China-made viral vector DNA) shots are all authorized for emergency use in Pakistan.

The country also ordered 13 million Pfizer doses late last month. Pakistan processes and packages the CanSino shots at its own labs. Most Pakistanis receive one of the China-made injections. But many Pakistanis travel abroad for work and need AstraZeneca or Pfizer to enter their host countries.

Further the Pakistani government punishes people for refusing the experimental injections. Some provinces cut off your cell phone service for refusing the shots. Others withhold paychecks until you show proof of vaccination. Pakistan suspended 70 military troops without pay for refusing the injections in January.

Remembering Tiffany Dover

One of the early cases that inspired the creation of this blog was Tiffany Pontes Dover. She was a nurse at CHI Memorial Hospital in Chattanooga, Tennessee, but lived in a nearby Alabama town. Ms. Dover, 30, received the experimental Pfizer mRNA injection on live TV on December 17, 2020.

Less than 20 minutes later, she passed out, on live television.

The story was insulting to the intelligence of critical thinkers. Ms. Dover got on camera shortly thereafter and said she passes out all the time, specifically “six times in the last six weeks.” How can someone work as a critical care nurse and pass out so frequently? The subterfuges continued when the hospital staged some “Welcome back Tiffany” thing where the masked nurse clearly was not Tiffany Dover on December 20, 2020.

An archived Twitter thread showed all of Ms. Dover’s family re-posting the foregoing video, claiming that it is in fact Tiffany. We’re 80%-plus certain that the woman in the video is Amber Lynn Honea Dietz, another nurse at CHI Memorial at the time.

The truth is that she’s likely dead. But we’ll never hear that from mainstream media. What a disaster that would be for Pfizer and all these other companies if one of the first recipients of their poison died immediately on live television. Thus the story has been manipulated and suppressed. We knew our platform was necessary from that point forward.

More instant deaths

These instant deaths after experimental injections are not anomalies. The following video is from a vaccine clinic in Mexico. Watch the woman in the background fall out of her chair and have a seizure just minutes after receiving the injection.

What we know for certain now is that the viral RNA (spike proteins) in these shots spreads to every organ in your body. We also know that the spike proteins cause blood clots. Whether you die in minutes, days, weeks or months after the experimental shots, it’s likely going to happen within a year or two. Blood clots are inevitable after any of the experimental viral vector DNA or mRNA shots.

The only way to protect yourself is to avoid the injections. Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


COVID Legal USA is your partner in fight mandatory vaccines and other COVID mandates. Follow us on Telegram and Twitter. Read about white pine needles and order them here.


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John Brennan
John Brennan
3 years ago

We’re living out the movie “The Hunger Games”. This is a war people. Don’t let them get to your children, body mind or soul.

3 years ago
Reply to  John Brennan

This is a spirtual war. The soulless zombies will perish while the awakened will crush the elite.

3 years ago
Reply to  Aidan

We are always in a spiritual war and we are always being judged. But there’s much, much more to that than what you suggest. We are not God. God will crush the predator/parasite class. Let Bill Gates et al play God. (They play God but are far from imitating him.) There are conditions for entry into Jehovah’s new world and they include not being arrogant and dishonest. They include being meek, not violent – like the fascist authorities with their counterrevolutionary operations. Counterrevolution means war against the people. Those who own and rule the world have always engaged in counterrevolution. How is it that good people have rarely come to be in positions of power, so that there should come to be this dark world? For now, for a purpose, God allows it. It works like this: Everyone, good and predatory, gets together to hammer out the rules that, ostensibly, will conduce to peace, security and prosperity for ‘all’. The predators among us don’t wear ID badges saying “Predator.” Then the wolves in sheeps’ clothing among us proceed to strategically break the rules. They’ve been doing that forever and that’s how, in this dark world, the monsters have come into positions of authority. They know that by strategically breaking rules and agreements, they can in that get ahead of and on top of others.

Once it’s clear that independence from the Source of life doesn’t work (Adam and Eve raised that Issue when they ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and bad), then God can shut down this system of things. The precedent will be set. The Judge can act. We are fairly at that point, thankfully. But God can’t intervene into our affairs until we learn the lesson that we wrongly wanted to learn. God is a God of light. He didn’t lyingly cover up the rebellion in Eden and he didn’t lovelessly destroy the innocents who were in Adam’s loins when Adam essentially joined Satan in making himself God. Only the Creator has the right to decide what is right and wrong. ‘That’ is the right knowledge of good and bad.

3 years ago

The pakistani chose death. These sheep are letting their governments bully them with these threats. I don’t know what type of government pakistan is but it’s clearly not a democractic one when you are being forced to take a vaccine that will very likely kill you.

On a side note: the video of the woman collasping in the vaccine clinic centre should a disclaimer on it saying beware of the wilderbeast up close to the camera. Thank god she had a mask on.

3 years ago
Reply to  Aidan

Just like all the big mouths that told others to get it then killed their baby or died. Despicably stupid

3 years ago
Reply to  Aidan

All countries are forcing the poison on its people. In one way or another.

3 years ago

The woman in the after-video with all the proud vax signs seems to have the shakes like other women damaged by the shots whose bodies jerk uncontrollably. Could it be that is her and she is too unwell to work any longer?

Spirit Warrior
Spirit Warrior
3 years ago

That image of Mr. Malik Imtiaz Mahmood, in uniform, seated, getting his shot with his fist on his chest. It’s a pose that, to me, speaks “duty.”

That’s…a memorable image. 

3 years ago
Reply to  Spirit Warrior

Yes, and it also seems to me that his eyes, his face, express fear and resignation.

Last edited 3 years ago by Janyuary
3 years ago
Reply to  Spirit Warrior

“duty” to do what ?. “duty” to who ?. Duty to discard God’s given intellect and obey deceivers and demons-worshipers ?.

While Man has been endowed with the blessing of a higher intellect, it comes also with higher responsabilities and accountability. The Quran rightfully states that, when all is said and done, the deceivers and those who allowed themselves to be deceived, shall have the same punishment.

Those who allow themselves to be misled, are in fact complicit in their own demise.

William H Warrick III MD
William H Warrick III MD
3 years ago

I don’t know what happened to her, but the first thing I would have done when she collapsed would be to lift her legs to 45 degrees holding her by her feet because the most likely cause of her collapse is a Vasovagal reaction with Syncope. What actually happened to her is unknown, but the other video below this one makes a good case that she died. The people around her didn’t appear to initiate CPR but it only went for less than 30 seconds.

3 years ago

Ok Mr William MD. We got it. Can I have a prescription for Oxycodone please ?. I need a little taste of paradise.

Tom Bombadillo
Tom Bombadillo
2 years ago
Reply to  Amin

400k+ opioid-dead Americans can’t be wrong!

Susan Jones
Susan Jones
2 years ago

If you have ever had a Vasovagal reaction, you would understand what he is talking about. I had one after an SI joint injection. It was the most creepy thing I have ever experienced. Never had it before and never had again. Just because someone gives an opinion that you may disagree with doesn’t mean you need to jump on them like a pack of wolves on a dead animal. Is she dead? Probably. But the Vasovagal reaction is a real thing. If you can’t take someone giving an opinion, then you are no different than the other side.

3 years ago

Largest mass delusion in history, largest robbery in history, largest conspiracy in history and if only all those who played along get what they were serving – but they won’t, they will get more money. Oh! And most corrupt military operation in history too.

3 years ago

It’s important to note that they didn’t get those spike proteins from actual viruses. They manufactured them.

2 years ago

Has anyone checked that hospital to see if Tiffany Dover indeed works there?

1 year ago
Reply to  juj

That would be too easy. Would be pretty damn simple to find out if she is dead…this is all so damn stupid.

2 years ago

The ONLY message I’ve been delivering to my children SINCE 2017! and any youth is to avoid vaxxes at all costs. I told my son who is a father that they will prey on them at school even. Tell your kids NOBODY gets to touch you and that they are enabled and powerful enough to walk out immediately if they say ‘vax’ pop-up-clinic. This video above is horrific and the sheeple continue to get in line. Is it just a coincidence that its PREY and PRAY!!

William H Warrick III MD
William H Warrick III MD
1 year ago

What I can say about both of these videos is that there is Zero response to what is a Cardiac Arrest. No Resuscitation is attempted. Clear the Airway, check for a Pulse, if none, Shock and if no pulse begin CPR. It’s like they don’t know what to do.

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