Shaun Mulldoon: 43-year-old Canadian man has nearly seven feet of intestines removed after severe AstraZeneca “rare” blood clots
May 16, 2021

Mr. Shaun Mulldoon.

LANGLEY CITY, BRITISH COLUMBIA — A 43-year-old British Columbia man had his life turned upside-down by what he believed was the right thing to do.

Mr. Shaun Mulldoon received the experimental AstraZeneca viral vector shot on April 22, according to his Facebook page. He began experiencing severe stomach pains around Monday, May 3. Mr. Mulldoon went to his family doctor twice that week. But all he got was a negative COVID-19 test and sent home. Mr. Mulldoon started vomiting, passing bloody stools, and had high fevers soon thereafter. He checked into the emergency room on May 8. That’s when things quickly escalated.

Doctors diagnosed him with a “massive blood clot” in the small intestine. He underwent emergency surgery to remove nearly six feet of intestine. Two days later, doctors removed several more inches.

The aftermath

Mrs. Tara Mulldoon, Shaun’s wife, told CBC News that this is a “life-changing” ordeal for the family, which includes two children. Tara said they are not “anti-vaxxers.” But she is warning people to take any and all post-injection reactions seriously. Mr. Mulldoon is still in the hospital as of publishing.

Mr. Mulldoon was diagnosed with vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia (VITT). It is a known side effect of the Johnson & Johnson and AstraZeneca shots, which are essentially the same product. Dr. David Fisman of the University of Toronto told reporter Yvette Brend that this condition is no “run-of-the-mill” blood clot. British Columbia Provincial Health Officer Bonnie Henry called VITT “very serious” and most likely to happen after the first shot. John Bell, a developer of the AstraZeneca shot, said Canada is “acting on a lot hearsay not facts” as several provinces restrict use of the shot.

Bowel resection surgery (intestine removal) seems to have a relatively-positive prognosis. But Mr. Mulldoon will likely be prescribed blood thinners for the rest of his life.

AstraZeneca still being used despite inherent dangers

Indonesia is the latest country to suspend use of a batch of AstraZeneca shots after a 22-year-old died one day after the first shot. British guitarist and songwriter Eric Clapton also had a bad experience with the AstraZeneca shot. He feared that he would never play the guitar again after his “hands and feet were either frozen, numb or burning, and pretty much useless for two weeks.” Despite all the issue, many countries are still allowing these shots to be administered.

U.S. fertility rates hit record-lows in 2019. It’s going to be very interesting to see 2021 numbers when available. Former Pfizer Vice President Michael Yeadon published data last year showing that experimental mRNA shots inhibit women’s abilities to form placentas. Dr. Sherri Tenpenny believes most people who receive these shots will die within five years. The depopulation agenda is real. You have a choice to resist or comply. Simple as that. Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


COVID Legal USA is your partner in fight mandatory vaccines and other COVID mandates. Follow us on Telegram and Twitter. Read about white pine needles and order them here.


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3 years ago

 Tara said they are not “anti-vaxxers.” 

See; though her husband was maimed in the extreme; the good slave knows that the MOST IMPORTANT THING IS TO SAY WHAT THE GOVERNMENT WANTS YOU TO SAY: NOT SAYING IT WOULD BE WRONG-THINK AND THE GREAT SIN!

Anthropocentrism is stupid; just like the humans it worships!

3 years ago
Reply to  ddddd

I would shout to the whole world that I had become an anti-vaxxer If ANYTHING happened to my husband, even less than what this poor man is going through. THE DEVIL IS A LIAR!

3 years ago

Bah just because the mainstream media says blood clots may occur doesn’t mean people should panic. After all what do they do about the truth, apart from hiding it. This is the kind of shit i hear from joe normie everyday. The news is downplaying the risks from these vaccines and manipulating people into taking it by saying it’s okay to take it and a few risks are not bad. Morons. People deserve what they get when they don’t use their brains.

None Yun
None Yun
3 years ago

Like the couple interviewed on the GBS after 1976 Swine Flu vax, jUDY ROBERTS husband stated: “I’m mad at the Govt because they KNEW THE FACTS, but didn’t release those facts because if they did people wouldn’t have taken the vax. They could come out tomorrow, and tell me there’s going to be an epidemic, and they can drop off like flies next to me, I WILL NOT TAKE ANOTHER SHOT MY GOVERNMENT TELLS ME TO TAKE”

Had people watched that 1976 clip (and seeing President Ford faking getting the vaccine, and the CDC lying about certain popular entertainers at that time getting it), then they may have thought twice about the vaccine. They just modified their game slightly to utilize the popular propaganda mechanisms available today. The lies are still the same, the con gams still the same.

3 years ago

I feel genuinely sorry for the suffering man now missing nearly a third of his small intestines. Not so much for the wife who continues to feel that being “anti-vax” is the worst thing ever in life. What a twisted mind, brainwashed bunch they are, taking shots they know little about. From religious leaders, to political mouthpieces, right and left; so-called celebs, and various other ill-informed, they are all the same: Insanely ignorant of what is going on. Or, if they are aware that people are dying and being maimed on these C19 experimental shot-products, they look away. I have lost respect for many these days. When our leaders should be calling for a stop to the distribution by this point, they have not. And that I will not forget.

3 years ago

Poor guy. Without a transplant, i think he will have to have a “bag” for the rest of his life. (i’m not sure how it’s called. but it’s worst than colostomy bag. cause the discharge is very acidic.) He probably can’t eat any plant matter anymore.

M.A. Gallagher
M.A. Gallagher
3 years ago
Reply to  pam

In the photo, it looks like he just has an abdominal sump drain, which would be removed when his internal wounds stop generating drainage. There is no dressing visible where a colostomy or ileostomy stoma would typically be located. His surgeons may have been able to do a pull-through to avert the need for an ostomy, but just barely; any further complications in this area, and he will have to be bagged.

3 years ago

OK. he still has his big intestine, maybe they can connect the remain of his small intestine. but he will have lot’s of digestive trouble.

3 years ago
Reply to  pam

If he doesn’t get any more clots. Those C19 shots are the gift that keeps on giving–horrible, severe, adverse events.

M.A. Gallagher
M.A. Gallagher
3 years ago
Reply to  pam

It looks like his surgeons were able to do a pull-through and spare him an ostomy for now. But yes, he will have dumping syndrome to contend with, owing to the rapid transit time of food and fluids through the gut.

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