Jason Maurer: 45-year-old Ohio bartender tells world “shut up and get your vaccine,” dead five weeks after second Moderna mRNA shot

June 22, 2021 (updated June 23, 2021)

Mr. Jason Bryan Maurer.

BARBERTON, OHIO — A 45-year-old bartender is dead in yet another case of death after social media virtue signaling.

Mr. Jason Bryan Maurer received his first dose of experimental Moderna mRNA on April 2 at the Giant Eagle Pharmacy in Tallmadge, Ohio. He expected side effects because, “Dr. Fauci says yes the first shot is rough.” Several of his friends congratulated him on getting the shot.

Mr. Maurer reported no apparent side effects from the first injection. The second injection came on April 30. Several friends, again, offered praise, including one that said, “girl u gonna get sick as hell for a couple of days, we all did.”

Mr. Maurer posted a very strange update on May 3. He implied that the experimental COVID-19 injections were a good thing because “we still don’t have a vaccine for AIDS.” He concluded the post with, “shut the hell up and get your Covid (sic) vaccine.” Of course, the HIV virus was patented in 1989 and AZT has a skull and crossbones on the label.

Mr. Maurer was the ideal American for the COVID overlords. He registered for the Ohio “Vax-A-Million” lottery that gives people a chance to win money if they receive the experimental injections. Several other states also offer lotteries for vaxxed people.

One of his final Facebook posts (archived link: https://www.facebook.com/jason.b.maurer) mocked Christians. It featured a Bible verse, specifically John 8:31-32 with a man waving a flag that represents homosexual culture (“LGBT”).

Mr. Maurer died on June 5.

9/11 and LGBT agendas paved way for COVID agenda

Mr. Maurer was the perfect “doomer,” pro-vaxxer or whatever you want to call them. He loved Fauci, masks, and everything about COVID-19 dystopia. He even mocked hydroxychloroquine, in lockstep with mainstream media directives. Of course there are now 229 peer-reviewed studies proving that hydroxychloroquine is highly effective as both a treatment and prophylaxis against COVID-19.

The infamous September 11, 2001 attack in New York City was the first test that the overlords executed to determine Americans’ level of gullibility and impressionability. They wanted to determine the level of lies, deceit and manipulation they could get away with then and for the future.

Everyone saw, with their own eyes, three controlled demolitions in New York that day. But the airplanes crashing into the buildings activated fear and desperation responses in most people. They needed some sort of comfort from government and media after witnessing that live on television or in-person.

This blogger did an informal survey while a student at Arizona State University for a data journalism course in 2006. Incredibly, 70% of respondents (n=551) said TWO buildings went down that day in New York, not three.

The point is that mainstream media and big tech psy-ops are so powerful that a 47-story building can be demolished six hours or so after two others, without a plane hitting it, and few people even remember it going down. Anyone who spoke against the “19 Muslims with boxcutters” narrative was called “conspiracy theorist” and “tin-foil hat.” Believe what you’re told, not what you see with your own eyes.

Same crap, different day

The LGBT agenda commenced around the same time as 9/11. This psy-op, among other things, conditioned the globe to recognize men as women. In fact, Mr. Maurer’s friend, in the foregoing Facebook comments, called him “girl.” If you do not play along, you are “transphobic” or “homophobic,” get cancelled and/or become persona non grata in corporate America.

Mr. Maurer pledged his support for BLM many times on Facebook. Mainstream media portrays “Black Lives Matter” as some pro-black liberation organization. Many conservatives believe this subterfuge and equate BLM to everything Black in America. BLM is in fact a white liberal homosexual group, according to their own website. The organization enriched 4-5 individuals and funnels money to Democrats.

Now we’re at the COVID agenda. Hundreds of thousands of people are dying and being maimed daily by experimental mRNA, viral vector DNA, and “inactivated virus” injections. But nothing to see here, says mainstream media and government as the psy-op is in full-effect. Notice how their favorite word, “conspiracy theorist,” persists today. Again, believe what you’re told, not what you see with your own eyes.

Nobody is safe

American liberals, like Mr. Maurer, are far more likely to support experimental injections than anyone else on the planet. LGBT was essentially the primary political agenda of Democrats, until the COVID agenda. They are voluntarily killing themselves. But this genocide is far from political. Nobody is safe. Even former President Donald Trump encourages people to get these injections, and calls them “safe” and “something that works.” Millions of people listen to everything Trump says and take it as gospel.

When you view this world in its totality, it’s hard to fault the masses for their sheepishness. Psy-ops are perpetual and ubiquitous. We have the ultimate responsibility to live by truth. Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


COVID Legal USA is your partner in fight mandatory vaccines and other COVID mandates. Follow us on Telegram and Twitter. Read about white pine needles and order them here.


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3 years ago

How does one determine that their T-cells need some outside help? I cannot find it in me to have much sympathy for this person. In fact, this is almost a heartwarming story and proves to me that people who swing the way this bartender did just love Dr. Anthony Fauci. Some even compose songs about him. This is very ironic indeed. Fauci pushed AZT in the 1980s and caused the death of many gay men. The only people who were diagnosed and survived AIDS were the ones who stopped using the drug. The dead ones were given slow and steady doses of mustard gas, which is basically what AZT is.

2 years ago
Reply to  liz

I met a gay man at a freedom rally who relayed the exact same message, if he kept getting treated by Fauci he would have been dead 12 years ago, he called Fauci a warlock.

2 years ago
Reply to  liz

The other day I happened to accidentally tune in an NPR radio show, two women wringing their hands over Covid etc. etc. and they referred to Fauci as ‘Tony Fauci’. Lovable old friend Tony.

3 years ago

Oh, man, this is your best post yet, and that’s saying something.

I am so grateful to God for this site and for your reporting and thinking. It helps keep sanity and balance in an upside down world. A small child can learn how to swim in the ocean and breaking waves, indeed it is fun and easy. It works with larger waves as well: one assesses the size of the wave coming, how far down one will have to dive to make it pass overhead, and how long to wait before daring turbulence. Sometimes it entails being tumbled ass over teakettle, no sense of up or down, but one trusts that one’s lungs float eventually, it’s just a matter of hanging tight and holding your breath.

This is like that, I think. I realize that smart people will steer clear of public gathering places as much as possible, including stores and shopping. Leave the madness to the mad. I REALLY feel for people living in high-density populations. Pray for our beautiful Southern California, our lady the queen of the angels Los Angeles. So many beautiful people down there, so much that’s wonderful. May God bless ’em and deliver them.

Last edited 3 years ago by Janyuary
3 years ago
Reply to  Janyuary

I heartily agree…..this is the best post yet. Especially the statement under “Nobody is Safe” that “psy-ops are perpetual and ubiquitous” and that we have the ultimate responsibility to live by truth.

Rebecca Dahl
Rebecca Dahl
3 years ago
Reply to  liz

It helps to think of ALL media as being propaganda organs of the domestic Communist Pravda / Izvestia. The trick is the false left / right paradigm that no matter the side the message is the same: There’s a deadly “virus” pandemic, everyone needs to protect themselves but only by using the authorized (EUA) medical countermeasures, everyone must abide by the orders via Executive Fiat, and everyone should take the TrumpVaxx. Any individual who presents facts to the contrary of the approved narrative won’t be called a liar but smeared as a “conspiracy theorist”, inadvertently exposing the accuser’s own moral and ethical bankruptcies.

We are on the right side of history on this one. Though we may be the survivors we will ultimately be the ones to becomes the new stewards of our Republic. And that will not be easy, given that Cloward-Piven is in effect via our open borders. Do as Noah and prepare.

Tammy Jo Hammond
Tammy Jo Hammond
3 years ago
Reply to  Rebecca Dahl

I have been telling people for year’s about the Cloward-Piven plan, so glad to see other’s have seen this information, bec they r following it to the letter to install Communism….

3 years ago
Reply to  Janyuary

Southern CA is full of psychopathic people actually. Just like New York.

3 years ago
Reply to  Gwen

Yes, but it’s also full of beautiful people. And it is a beautiful place with an incredible climate … or was … and will be again someday, as EVERYTHING on this old earth is temporary. Pray for So Cal. And for New York, for that matter.

Kim No-VaxX
Kim No-VaxX
3 years ago
Reply to  Janyuary

You’re so grateful to “God” for this Site

But “God” is doing Nothing to Stop the MasS Murder if Millions soon to be BILLIONS

Which he could do with the wave of his hand man, According 2 legend

No I”m Grateful for the Live Flesh & Blood Creators of this site

Not a Questionable all Powerful Deity that sits on his hands throughout History.

Last edited 3 years ago by Kim No-VaxX
3 years ago
Reply to  Kim No-VaxX

When it comes to moral compasses, atheists answer to no one but themselves. They therefore rationalize ANY action morally and give themselves permission to do things that Christians, even though they want to do it, decline because they answer to God. Atheists credit themselves for abilities and mercies that God provided. It is sad and destructive.

Last edited 3 years ago by Janyuary
3 years ago
Reply to  Kim No-VaxX

This mass murder is happening because even Christians are ignoring wholesale one of God’s two most important laws — to treat others as you yourself would like to be treated. Instead, they force, trick, bully or coerce people into doling something against their will, which is breaking that commandment, and here we are.

God has already done what needs to be done: He gave us great instructions on how to thrive. You are blaming God for what happens when selfish, silly humans ignore His laws.

Last edited 3 years ago by Janyuary
3 years ago
Reply to  Janyuary

Well said! Majority of our society loves to finger point, but refuse to reflect on their own evil behaviors. Selfish, will never accept ANY responsibility for how we’re living today, but Gods the problem?? What a joke our society has become. People throw rocks, hide their hands and blame God for the rock fight. Yes, it looks like God is nowhere to be found. People ACTIVELY seek and find sin, strife, chaos etc etc. Is anyone looking for Gods grace, mercy, forgiveness or love?? A VERY rare few, but you KNOW Gods disciples when you see them! And you know the people who’ve rejected Gods love, they’re abundant.

2 years ago
Reply to  Candice

hi Candice
I don t have the same faith as you ie i m not christian but I agree with most of the opinion of my christian bros and sisters.
Many atheists are just intolerant and can t even let believers believe and live their faith peacefully.
For sure God s not to be blamed when humans do things with their own hands.

God bless all of us and have us serve Him the way He wants to.

Last edited 2 years ago by Thefrenchone
3 years ago
Reply to  Janyuary

Good points. As a Christian myself, I notice how much stock other Christians put into politics. That is a way to force people into doing something against their will (by voting for a representative that will enact the legislation you want to see enacted). That is wrong. Christians should turn away from voting and politics altogether.

Vicki S Jame
Vicki S Jame
2 years ago
Reply to  John

We tried that, didn’t work, our country, our duty. Stand with a shovel and pray for a hole, does not work!!

John McClane
John McClane
3 years ago
Reply to  Kim No-VaxX

Perhaps God should interfere with the freedom of choice of the people behind these agendas and doing evil things, he should forcibly stop them right? Well if that’s how you want it, not only should he do it to them, he should do it with you too for your mocking and scoffing, because you blaspheme him with your comments and that’s sin in his eyes. But let me guess, you wouldn’t like that, you would want him to interfere with others, but not you, right? You can’t have it both ways, He does not interfere with our freedom of choice, so that we can see how bad we really are and the consequences of sin and evil deeds such as this stuff going on. God allows us to rebel, otherwise he wouldn’t be loving he would be like a tyrant. People want to live how they please, do whatever they want, ignore God, remove him from everything and do not want to have to deal with the inevitable and natural consequences of it, smh! If people lived by God’s standards, His Law, His Word and also didn’t’ allow themselves to be so brainwashed & questioned things and stood against these evil things, we would be in better shape, not perfect but also not as bad as now.

3 years ago
Reply to  Kim No-VaxX

Well said Kim No-VaxX! Throughout history it has always been human enginuity, initiative and hard work that has saved / protected and improved peoples’ lives, not a god born out of Bronze Age creation stories that if it does exist, does nothing but hide.

Christopher Schulz
Christopher Schulz
3 years ago
Reply to  Weskal

God helps those who help themselves, Fortune favors the informed, The long lived learn from others’ mistakes, & Naproxen blocks SARS.

Vicki S Jame
Vicki S Jame
2 years ago
Reply to  Kim No-VaxX

God Bless

1 year ago
Reply to  Kim No-VaxX

God is not the babysitter of humanity and certainly not the babysitter of those who indulge in the worship of other humans to show them the way, be it the government, fauci, cdc, cnn, politicians….it does not matter.

According to my observation, those who really had a spiritual base to stand on, their attitude was like : “if it is my time to go then so be it, but definitely no BS vax in my veins”.

Only the spiritually defficient ones cling to this earthly life like a blood sucking parasite and succumbed to the fear propaganda. They clogged the ERs because of panic attacks and heart issues triggered by their lack of faith in a Higher Being, denial of Destiny and their utter swallowing of the fear p0rn.

You want God to baby sit humanity as you disregard free-will ?.

3 years ago

Poor guy was a poster child for not just liberal think but lefty think. Seems he didn’t think a lot of things out very far or in depth. Too busy I guess, doing what, I wouldn’t know. RIP… and the attitude is gone, forever.

3 years ago
Reply to  Kriss

It’s called the hivemind

Red ED Redemption
Red ED Redemption
3 years ago
Reply to  Kriss

Pretty difficult for this guy to RIP considering he went down below. This fool had the audacity of comparing Pres Trump to jim jones yet was a vaccine fanatic… darwin at least got this much right about losers like this goon, good riddance to him.

3 years ago

he is burning in Hell 100%. He mocked Christ just before his death while supporting Satanist Agenda/G Rights. The entire NATO is G irhgts . Russia is Orthodox Christian. What do you think the WW3 results are gona be? Remind you, Sodoma and Gomorra were also “LGBT Friendly”

1 year ago
Reply to  DANIEL

Sodoma? Isn’t that a city in Arizona?

3 years ago

I for one am tired of being labeled an anti vaxxer or conspiracy theorist. Examples such as this reaffirm my stance. This voluntary victim paid the ultimate price for his false bravado.

Richard Stans
Richard Stans
1 year ago
Reply to  A P

I have the right to refuse a “medicine” that was never shown to me to BE a medicine. I am a PUREBLOOD and proud of it. My body is still working, my brain is still thinking and half my face is not paralyzed. I will go to my grave not comprehending the REFUSAL to face what is going on. WOW.

1 year ago
Reply to  A P

I am an anti-vaxxer and I have a T-shirt that says it. So what ?.

Tammy Jo Hammond
Tammy Jo Hammond
3 years ago
Reply to  Kriss

and that is the tragedy of this whole “wokism” bullshit…another victim…another idiot who could not think for himself…he swallowed the hook, line and sinker of the Vaccine bullshit, didn’t he….poor thing….when I found out it was genetic altering, that is all I needed to know to NOT take this shit….ever..so I started educating myself and reading people’s stories, and I am so glad I did..shame u cannot trust the Government to tell u the TRUTH…..something is UP, and I don’t want to be like this poor guy, here…and I am an RN of over 40 year’s…and u could not PAY me enough to take this vaccine..I HOPE they come knocking on my door, wanting to KNOW WHY I won’t take it….

Christopher Schulz
Christopher Schulz
3 years ago

When the rona struck I was already prepared with a Temp gun, Pulse oximeter and a simple but effective protocol: Naproxen 220mgs 2x day, VitD3+Zinc, Melatonin. That’s it. And Nyquil for fevers. It worked for me!

KarlM Alias
KarlM Alias
2 years ago

It is a mistake to use any antipyretic for non-critical temps. =<40 deg. C. Fever is a vital process – interrupting it may result in disaster.

Ann B
Ann B
2 years ago

There is no rona or any of its variations. It’s a lie to get people to follow the piper over the edge.
Cold and flu symptoms (not contagious) are the body CREATING what is called a virus (the body’s janitor) to protect us by activating our system to get rid of toxins that the immune system was overwhelmed with in its daily maintenance.
Water, juice, sleep and whatever is necessary to keep warm and encourage a fever is what gets rid of the trash the quickest…without becoming dehydrated.
A little magnesium flush of the bowels if not already in action would help, too.

The D3, Zinc and Magnesium are good, if the body during a detox can handle it….my opinion. Be observant of your body, it will tell you.

3 years ago

I wonder how soon we’ll see those Facebook friends of his revelling in the suicide cult join him in death? Maurer was obviously not a very intelligent man but author Robert Felix of Ice Age Now website has just died several weeks after he got the Johnson and Johnson deathjab. What is wrong with everyone?

3 years ago
Reply to  Daz

My sister got her 2nd jab today. Just trying not to vomit, & praying for her. FU** MEDIA!!! THEY ARE THE VIRUS!

John McClane
John McClane
3 years ago
Reply to  Daz

I think perhaps this is part of the Strong delusion the Bible talks about.

3 years ago

A 45-year-old bartender is dead 

“Woe unto him that giveth his neighbour drink, that puttest thy bottle to him, and makest him drunken also, that thou mayest look on their nakedness!”
“Thou art filled with shame for glory: drink thou also, and let thy foreskin be uncovered: the cup of the LORD’S right hand shall be turned unto thee, and shameful spewing shall be on thy glory.”
“For the violence of Lebanon shall cover thee, and the spoil of beasts, which made them afraid, because of men’s blood, and for the violence of the land, of the city, and of all that dwell therein”
Habakkuk 2:15 – 17

3 years ago

This is a dire warning that one does not play around with the things of God. He is patient but even His patience has a limit.

3 years ago
Reply to  Fred

He did win his lottery to Hell so that’s something he can take comfort in.

3 years ago

Wow, I hope at least one or two of his friends woke up at least…

Michael P
Michael P
3 years ago
Reply to  Lisa

They’ll say it was worth it

3 years ago
Reply to  Lisa

Not a chance as the transfixed demand proof which is impossible to provide.

3 years ago

Interesting this blog brings up 9-11, while I was just discussing the other day with a friend on the same thing with Tower 7, like we are drawing from a collective consciousness. I was talking about the occultic nature of 911, not just the numbers but also the twin towers represented the Masonic columns representing Boaz (Beauty/Feminine energy) and Joachim (Masculine Energy).

The 2 towers representing these energies had to be ritually destroyed as this was a dark occult ritual, but also Tower 7 representing a third column, the Will. In Freemasonic occult knowledge all 3 are important and to enslave humanity all 3 must be destroyed.

The fact the Tower 7 stood until 5+pm that day and that now deleted BBC news cast announcing it had collapsed when the feed showed it still in the distant background showed they screwed up and its believed the ‘let’s roll’ Flight 93 was intended to hit that building. But occult rituals had to be completed no matter what so they had to ‘pull’ the structure as Larry Silverstein said which started the whole conspiracy movement.

I guess Jason Moron can now have on his grave stone, ‘Shut up and die.’

3 years ago
Reply to  SpecOps

I also recall that Tower 7 held a lot of inconvenient tax and other FBI records.

John Brennan
John Brennan
3 years ago
Reply to  SpecOps

Henry David Thorough said that for every thousand people hacking at the branches of evil, only one is striking at the root of evil. Look for the occult connections. Which is why I could never trust Trump. The man who lives in a 666 foot tower, with living rooms that look like Freemason temples.

David Robertson
David Robertson
3 years ago
Reply to  John Brennan

I have similar reservations about Trump. There are other considerations, like his relationship with the Rothschilds, that give one pause. It is significant, I think, that when he held up the Bible outside St. John’s church, across from the White House, he held it upside down.

He is also featured in a five hour long video by an Australian investigator who exposes the Freemasons/Satanists among the rulers of the world and the actors in Hollywood. UnfortunatelyTrump appears to hold the evangelical Christians in thrall. Many if not most of them constitute his support base.  “Therefore my people go into exile for lack of knowledge; their honoured men go hungry, and their multitude is parched with thirst.” (Isaiah 5:13)

John Brennan
John Brennan
3 years ago

I agree David. Christians need to take a long hard look at Ephesians 6:12. Then consider that the many freemasons, jesuits, askenazi jews, etc. in our society are affecting the teaching, beliefs, and worship in our own churches.

David Robertson
David Robertson
3 years ago
Reply to  John Brennan

Personally I am confident John, that God is in control and is using the present situation for His own purposes. As Jesus admonishes us: “When you see these things begin to happen, look UP, for your Redemption draws nigh”. As it is written: “…there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.” (Acts 4:12). and “The Spirit is the one who gives life; human nature is of no help!” (John 6:63)

Andrew E
Andrew E
3 years ago
Reply to  John Brennan

Plus one for the Henry David Thoreau reference.

Viva la Revolucion
Viva la Revolucion
3 years ago

Why didn’t he ask himself to a product without a safety guarantee? Who did end up quieting?

3 years ago

Ultimately, the cause of death is the same for all, “the wages of sin is death”. God uses whatever method He chooses to take sinners out of this world. This sinner feared death and thought he could avoid it through deceitful man’s ‘science’. He now knows what a fool he was, albeit too late. No one goes to hell because they serve alcohol, they go there because God ordained it.
“Therefore He has mercy on whom He wills, and whom He wills He hardens. Does not the potter have power over the clay, from the same lump to make one vessel for honor and another for dishonor?
What if God, wanting to show His wrath and to make His power known, endured with much longsuffering the vessels of wrath prepared for destruction, and that He might make known the riches of His glory on the vessels of mercy, which He had prepared beforehand for glory.” Romans 9
God is sovereign over ALL His creation, He is sovereign over the salvation if His people, and the damnation of the reprobate. He is sovereign over the death of all. No one can escape death through man made science, trusting in man is foolish.

3 years ago
Reply to  Laurie

His behavior in his final days of putting up an LGBT poster and referencing a Bible verse is typical of a noticeable trend of people who are about to die.

Its like your old relative on your deathbed suddenly getting up and wanting to go travel the world. And you know from his condition he’s not going anywhere. Then 10 minutes later you come back with a glass of water he requested, you find him dead.

Likewise I connect this phenomenon with social media posts of people post-injected who express their euphoria acting like they just got freed from a decade long stint in jail. Then within 2 days their accounts go silent, someone else announces their death, or they complain of massive problems.

Its an interesting psychological phenomenon worth observing.

3 years ago
Reply to  SpecOps

I think it was more indicative of his mocking attitude towards God.

3 years ago

Now this mentally ill lefty can shut up for the rest of his life.

3 years ago
Reply to  Aidan

Aidan, I’d upvote your honest comment 10 times if I could. Yup, this smug jerk will no longer be shaming and bullying people into doing something they don’t want to do just to placate HIS own selfish, lazy, ignorant fear. The mask folks, the injection pushers, are THE MOST SELFISH PEOPLE OF ALL. If they were unselfish, they’d consider all the warnings before shooting off their mouths. They’d stay home and order out, they’d be responsible for their own fear and their own health. Only the most SELFISH of human beings expect others who have courage, to nonetheless make their own lives miserable just because those selfish people are afraid. And hence it’s hard to feel much of anything but gladness when such dangerous and destructive jerks DIE from their own stupidity and make things better for the rest of us with their absence.

Last edited 3 years ago by Janyuary
3 years ago
Reply to  Janyuary

Thank you. You’re right these scum are the most selfish people of all.

3 years ago

So as Christians, how are we supposed to feel about this? I’m honestly starting to not feel sorry for people like this guy. It’s because of them that this entire sham and scam continues. And they want to coerce us into it! I will never take the mark of the beast and I think this vaxx is revealing that many people will indeed capitulate.

Red ED Redemption
Red ED Redemption
3 years ago
Reply to  Gwen

They (covidiots) are sick people needing validation they never got from their (absent?) father; without a strong male influence they are without structure and have the (wrong) answers to everything, thus the reason they are mostly atheists as well.

3 years ago

@Red Ed Redemption << I’m an Atheist and I can clearly see through the bullshit sham this is.

If you picked up a history book, you’ll see that GOVERNMENT and RELIGION are both guilty of this type of brainwashing bullshit. We tried your Christian World Order for 1500+ years, as you tortured people down in Castle Dungeons, drowned ‘witches’ (who were nothing more than midwives and herbal healers), hung people from nooses and burnt folk at the stake for petty shit like denying the Trinity.

This world will never be “well’ until we get rid of Government boot-lickers on one hand and Psychopathic “Gawd” worshipers on the other hand.

David Robertson
David Robertson
3 years ago
Reply to  Mac

There is truth in what you say, but it is not the whole story. What you have missed out is that the Church herself was a mixture once Christianity became the official religion of the Roman Empire in 313 A.D. Then many non-believers flooded in, professing belief for political reasons. In due time the politically motivated rose to the top and their natural carnal proclivities manifested in practices that horrified true believers. Nevertheless these true believers continued to preach the Good News everywhere and their efforts have greatly influenced world history,

There is much more to the story but space prohibits expanding on this. Suffice to say that the fundamental nature of Man is the problem and God’s solution, to transform us into His image entirely, will take some time. The work began over four millennia ago and we are presently in the midst of a watershed from which the next Age of this development will flow. God is not in any hurry being Himself from everlasting to everlasting. Our natural impatience is a consequence of the shortness of our lives and our judgments are similarly truncated.

The Word to us in this day is “Look UP for your Redemption draws nigh”. In the Age to come, which is at the door, the Lord Jesus Christ Himself will set up His Kingdom on the Earth in full view of everyone. Peace will reign for a thousand years but at the end of this time the Enemy of God and humanity will be given one more opportunity to defeat God’s Plan and many will once again go after him. However once more he will suffer defeat, this time permanently. He and all those from all the Ages who have followed him and practised Evil will then enter millennia of correction to make them fit to live in the Kingdom of God.

3 years ago

Mr. Robertson, that is beautifully stated and nicely timed — for me, anyway. Thank you. God bless you and yours.

3 years ago
Reply to  Mac

I agree, most of what passes itself off as ‘religion’ is dead, fake, false. They worship a pseudo jesus, a figment of their imagination.
Now, I do not know if the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob has elected you unto life before the foundation of the world. I do know IF He has, you will be brought to Christ and granted forgiveness of sins and eternal life in Him. If God has made you a vessel of wrath fitted for destruction, this life is all you have. Whatever your fate, the sovereign God of all has already determined it…

3 years ago
Reply to  Mac

Mac, I cannot name one single war in my lifetime, my parents’ lifetime, and even my grandparents’ lifetimes, that killed millions that was a religions war. There were lots of wars just the same, and lots of dead folks. Atheistic credos are what cause wars. Communism. And another thing, you ought to do a little more research on the “witches.” SOME were innocent midwives and herbal healers, quite a few were people along the lines of low-lifes today, who had evil intent if not ability.

Jeremy Edwards
3 years ago
Reply to  Mac

I think you mean Roman Catholicism! Roman Catholicism is the church of Satan, not God!

David Robertson
David Robertson
3 years ago
Reply to  Gwen

As a Christian I feel very angry about the way the rulers of this present darkness are subjugating and killing people with oppressive restrictions, justified by a LIE.

16 There are six things that the Lord hates,
seven that are an abomination to him:
17 haughty eyes, a lying tongue,
and hands that shed innocent blood,
18 a heart that devises wicked plans,
feet that make haste to run to evil,
19 a false witness who breathes out lies,
and one who sows discord among brothers. (Proverbs 6:16-19)

3 years ago
Reply to  Gwen

Only people who know themselves to be bad people, live in fear of Karma coming to get them : that’s why the BS satanic propaganda works very well on them. They are so spiritually empty, they eagerly surrender to satanic hypnosis and insist on remaining in it.

Good people live relaxed, enjoy inner-peace and are perfectly at peace with their earthly mortality. They invest their energy in trying to be better individuals on a daily basis. The satanic fear broadcast has no effect on them.

Take a very good look at the eyes of those wearing a mask on the street. Do you see peace, beauty and human warmth ?. I don’t. I just see utter ugliness.

Long story short : Preserve your humanity. Work on improving your inner-wealth. Everything else is destined to decay and vanish.

Richard Stans
Richard Stans
1 year ago
Reply to  Amin

You are the only one I have come upon who has pointed out the eyes above the mask. I thought I was the only one who sees that. Thanks!

3 years ago
Reply to  Gwen

He did not know he was willingly taking the “mark of the beast” because he forsook GOD and mocked him. GOD shall not be mocked. Those that knowingly mock GOD are to be seen as evil-doers but judged by GOD himself. Stay clear of them but let them dig their own graves.

3 years ago
Reply to  Gwen

There is no helping them, they have been psychologically manipulated to the extent that in most cases they cannot recover from it because they have far too much invested in all of this being true:

The media – both news and entertainment – have now politicized nearly everything in our society as an extremely powerful mechanism of control.

Most humans emotionally connect their personal belief system to the belief system of their political party, and so then any attack on their party – legitimate or otherwise – is interpreted by their brain as an attack on themselves. Reason and logic then jump out the nearest window as raw emotion takes the helm.

This is an extremely damaging and regrettable exploit of human nature. Worse, this exploit is as easy to execute as flipping a light switch for the majority of the population.

The largest PSYOP in history is unfolding right before our eyes, armed with incalculable amounts of human behavior data collected from internet and smart phone usage geared toward manipulating us to walk in lock-step into the incinerator of our own destruction.

We’re dealing with a captured media and the transparently obvious military grade psychological operations they are relentlessly employing, the millions of sheep that believe their every obvious lie and preach it as gospel, and their near total obliviousness to the self-evident fact that this plandemic is a blatant takeover of the world by a handful of psychopaths.

3 years ago

Due to Censorship, the above BitChute video requires a VPN to view it, at least in my country (England). It says: “Video unavailable in your country. Contains incitement to hated”. Absolutely pathetic, isn’t it? BitChute has gone the way of Youtube, Facebook and Twitter- they all censor those who do not obey the ‘approved narrative’. By the way, you’ll find lots of uncensored videos on adverse ‘vaccine’ reactions and the covid, Great Reset, etc, agendas on a site called GoyimTV. There’s also another site worth checking out: World Truth Videos.

Viva la Revolucion
Viva la Revolucion
3 years ago
Reply to  Gary

Tor and VPN

3 years ago
Reply to  Gary

Who is doing the censoring? A lot gets by on BitChute in the US so I’m not seeing censoring. I did hear about a European country banning the site though–was it Denmark? Just asking.

3 years ago
Reply to  Gary

It’s your government, not Bitchute. I think Denmark did the same.

3 years ago

There’s a video on GoyimTV, titled: “A Young Woman With Brains, Soon They Will Come After You”. The British woman featured in the video discusses the UK government’s concerning proposal to make the ‘vaccine’ a MANDATORY requirement for healthcare workers. The woman goes on to add: OK, so there are those who might say: “I am not a healthcare worker, so I am not really bothered about mandatory vaccination for healthcare workers”, BUT the point they are missing is that, if FORCED vaccination on one segment of society (healthcare workers) takes place without any backlash and resistance, then it sets a PRECEDENT. After healthcare workers, the government will MANDATE the vaccine for those who work in the hospitality industry. Then, shop workers who work in face-to-face retail stores. Then it will be MANDATED for under 18’s. Eventually, EVERYONE would be REQUIRED to get the ‘vaccine’.

3 years ago
Reply to  Gary

When that happens I question if I will still believe in God. Who shall we pray to then?

Richard Stans
Richard Stans
1 year ago
Reply to  Locutus

God has not abandoned us. Do not abandon God. We will get through this together-you, me and God.

KarlM Alias
KarlM Alias
2 years ago
Reply to  Gary

Hold out, just a bit longer. The data are piling up – this is soon over.

None Yun
None Yun
3 years ago

The good news is the democrat voter base keeps dwindling.

3 years ago
Reply to  None Yun

I don’t think the vote matters anymore, just the count.

3 years ago
Reply to  None Yun

I don’t know about that – if he’s dead he could be voting probably multiple times in all the swing states.

Red ED Redemption
Red ED Redemption
3 years ago
Reply to  Briking

All three of you guys crushed it! LMAO! XD

3 years ago
Reply to  None Yun

They use dead people to vote so either way it doesn’t matter.

3 years ago

How’s that lottery ticket looking now……lololol

David Robertson
David Robertson
3 years ago

Stupid is as Stupid does. One might call it Poetic Justice. At the very least it is culling the Stupid from the herd. I have read that everyone who has taken the Jab will be dead within the next five years.

Or that they will be controlled through the electronic nano-bots that are in the Jab. Or that if this Jab doesn’t finish us off, there are more on the way that will eventually reduce the world population to 500 million.

It is like watching a dystopian movie but with real people, not just actors. Personally I am 80 years old so it is likely I won’t see the denouement. It seems all my presentiments about human gullibility are proving to be true.

Last edited 3 years ago by David Robertson
3 years ago

Don’t count yourself out yet; my father is going on 94 yrs old. Takes no meds. Live long and prosper all ye out there.

Last edited 3 years ago by Kriss
David Robertson
David Robertson
3 years ago
Reply to  Kriss

I don’t take meds either. I do use natural supplements. However I believe “it is appointed not man once to die and then the judgment”. I also know that no man knows the day of his death, only God.

I believe that most public “health” services are presently operated as active euthanasia centres for those over 65 so I won’t go near them. The NHS in Scotland kidnapped and killed my wife who was just 66 in 2015. Personally I am ready to die any time God calls me home. I just won’t submit myself to the clutches of the soulless ghouls in white coats in the hospitals. I will not cooperate with Evil.

3 years ago

My mother tells me everyday, no hospitals! She would not willingly go near one and I hope as you say, God calls her home peacefully. So sorry about your beloved wife.

Andrew E
Andrew E
3 years ago
Reply to  Kriss

I had a hernia surgery in early 2019. I would not go to a local hospital. My parents were questioning my sanity. I convinced them to drive me 300 miles to Maryland for a hernia specialist. A private practice essentially. Pay $2000, get fixed. Ironically, the doctor was probably a flaming liberal ‘only doing this because the healthcare in this country should be free’.

Yes, the healthcare system needs fixed. Free-market fixed. He has no idea he is practicing free-market capitalism and helping out that way…

Richard Stans
Richard Stans
1 year ago
Reply to  Andrew E

Could you please tell me WHERE this hernia specialist is?

3 years ago

So you were born around the second World War. Keep it healthy man. Long live the smart and the cynical.

3 years ago

80 yo and cognitively still sharp, judging by your writing. That’s awesome. If you are going to interact with youngsters, let me update you on the language to use : “duh…heu…watnot…cool dude…duh watnot…kik assss…”, while holding a pizza slice and diet coke in your hands. Good luck.

peter schwartz
peter schwartz
3 years ago

of course even before 9/11, the government was trying to kill Americans multiple times, one being the earlier WTC bombing (1993 iirc) and the OKC Murrah bombing. For the latter, there is an online book by Patrick Briley that goes into much detail. Most people have zero grasp of the network of US intelligence and its own terrorists that it uses to kill people (as US media tells everyone that these terrorists are actually *enemies* of the government).

3 years ago
Reply to  peter schwartz

and don’t forget thecriminals themselves have the FBI to investigate their crimes so they can hide and cover up any evidence that points to themselves

3 years ago

I’m sorry, but I feel that it is a good thing that numbskull is gone…..How many people did that idiot convince to get Gates poison?…..At least sometimes Gates poison takes out some trash

3 years ago

Semen addled brains are incapable of rational thought.

3 years ago

I am openly and proudly PRO-VACCINES. Just not for me nor my pets, only for everybody else. It is called Altruism, very noble.

3 years ago

As if that wasn’t bad enough, he donated his organs???!!

3 years ago

He had Covid. So he had better immunity than the shots can give, but he didn’t trust the science. Ironic.

3 years ago

Salk published a paper on the devastating effects of the spike protein (without a viral load) on cellular integrity – They claim that the spike protein causes mitochondrial fragmentation – leading to cellular death. They go on to claim that the spike protein in the vaccine is different from the spike protein in the virus, however, I am quite convinced that the one statement is a propaganda attempt, and that there is no difference between the spike proteins, regarding their origins. The article goes on to state that vascular diseases, (from thrombosis (clotting), to strokes, myocarditis and peripheral vascular diseases) are a side effect of the spike protein interaction with the cells. I expect that we will see an extreme die off of those who took the vaccine within the next year. I have been sensored for saying this on other platforms, but I am a research scientist and believe with every fiber of my being that the vaccine program is a concerted effort at depopulation.

3 years ago


3 years ago

Well all I can say is ignorance is expensive. I really don’t feel sorry for none who took it. They should known not to trust it. And research as I does. Am a nurse and am aware of viruses. People simply got played to death.

3 years ago

I’m happy this a-hole is dead.

3 years ago
Reply to  Roebrt

I think I would be much more happy if one of our fearless leaders in DC would be keeling over from these vaccines. So far, not one. Think maybe they know something we don’t?

3 years ago
Reply to  liz

Yes, like refusing the shot.

3 years ago

It was creepy to me reading all the encouraging cheers from friends such as “heck yeah!” when he volunteered for this deadly clinical trial…..like a death cult. God will not be mocked. I also saw how a policeman in Pakistan literally dropped dead on camera after rolling up his sleeve to get the jab. Right on camera. I do believe the Lord Jesus Christ is providing enormous proof and opportunity for his people to make the right choice. Seeing the blatant denial, and the evidence that “they wont follow sound doctrine” really indicates how willing the world is for the mark, and for the false messiah. I am a sinner. Jesus died for my sins and rose from the grave on the third day and he sits at the right hand of God as we speak. Hallelujah and praise our savior Jesus always and forever who saved a sinner like me.

Andrew E
Andrew E
3 years ago
Reply to  mikayla

Like the Tennessee nurse Tiffany Dover who passed out on live television after receiving the Holy Jab?

Jeremy Edwards
3 years ago

2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance./ Now, (The mark of the beast) will take place after the body of Christ is caught up to God. While no doubt these (Death Shots) are similar, the mark of the beast will be received in the right hand or in the forehead. Read Revelation 13:16! That means anyone today can still be saved before that time period, which is (The Time Of Jacob’s Trouble), read Jeremiah 30:7! The time of Jacob’s trouble is a day of great affliction! It is a time period that Israel, (not the Body of Christ), is going through because they reject their Massiah, (Jesus Christ), but they will be saved out of it by God!
AccountableKJV, Kingjamesvideoministries, and Sinners To Repentance, are great ministries to follow on this matter!

Last edited 3 years ago by Jeremy Edwards
3 years ago

The perverse are hard to be corrected, and the number of fools is infinite. Ecclesiastes 1,15

Kim No-VaxX
Kim No-VaxX
3 years ago

“Shut up and get your Vaccine”

Well looks like he’s Shut Up FOREVER

Don McCullen
Don McCullen
3 years ago

This is one person I will not grieve for. He was a bully and got what was coming to him. Darwin came a knocking and he got his payment…and the reaper.

Carolyn Bishop
Carolyn Bishop
3 years ago

My dear friend lost her mother due to the jab. It gave her dementia and a downhill slide into infections and everything shutting down. It took a month or two but her daughter got the jab along with her and was probably responsible for seeing that her mother was”protected” and given the jab. I think the subject matter is a little taboo with her daughter as she is probably not ready to speak out against doing what she thought was right for her and her mother, who was in her charge. She may also feel guilty or living in denial of it. Still, I’m wondering if the story needs to be told and her picture put up to document the truth and what was done to her for the social testimony and number witness. What should be done and how should this be addressed?

Paul Cavigliano
Paul Cavigliano
3 years ago

One less sheep.
One down, about a buck fitty to go.
Waiting patiently.

Hello world
Hello world
3 years ago

Unfortunately, we’ll be hearing more of these very soon. People are dropping dead like flies literally.

Morky porky
Morky porky
3 years ago

I’ve come to realize this is the only way for world governments to “fix” global warming and overpopulation aka our dying planet.
We all know there is no solution, thus they implemented this wicked plan.

Think about it.

3 years ago

He openly admits on his social media that we don’t have a vaccine for aids which has been around since the 80s so why would you think that a vaccine that has just been made for a brand new never seen before virus was safe 😂😂 this is the type of people that the government want to kill off sadly. Idiots

Ann Blachly
Ann Blachly
2 years ago
Reply to  Craig

There is no vaccine for anything. The evil one has been around a looooong time and is very patient. The children and minions are also patient as long as their pockets are lined to excess.
The flu of 1918 was a vaccine experiment as well. As have all vaccines been.

There is no contagious virus either. No cold or influenza can be caught. Those are detox symptoms from the body creating an internal virus/janitor to clean out as quickly as possibly through any orofice, including skin to rid the body of toxins.

The death jab is putting the body on steriods for toxic cleanup by injecting poison into the clueless and innocent. Once on steriods, the body can start attacking itself in vital areas as the poison is designed to target vital areas. Hence, the dropping dead, or extensive neurological damage and extended hospitalization until death.

Andrew E
Andrew E
3 years ago

Gotta love how he posted all this stuff online… proving this is essentially all done for validation. Unfortunately my sister also has been vaxxed, being a RN she felt she had to, and I pray for her everyday (ironically in the Akron Ohio area, I am very familiar with the area this man lived in).

Also ironic how he posted a pic of Trump looking like cult leader Jim Jones, not understanding how HE himself is acting cultish.

2 years ago
Reply to  Andrew E

Praying for your sister friend. Mine also got the moderna vaccine so she could stay in school, her college is requiring it. Now they are demanding they all get boosters and she’s nervous because she’s going in for her second shot next week. Just found this out tonight. I say to hell with colleges that force this on people but she knows where I stand and it’s her choice to make. I hope to God I’m wrong about her chances. I told her she’s tempting fate by going in for these boosters. But she’s not willing to put her education on hold for awhile over what she thinks is just political hysterics. Please God keep your hand of protection on our loved ones in these evil times.

2 years ago
Reply to  Lynn

You can’t get her to check this site at all?
If someone spent even 10 minutes on this site, I don’t understand how they could ever consent to getting any jab again. But if they did, I would never for a minute think it was my failing to help them that allowed it.

2 years ago

Hard to feel sorry for that bartender. He is exactly what Fauci, CNN and demoRats love, Useful Idiots!!!

2 years ago
Reply to  Peter

I think you are giving Jason too much credit to include the useful part.
It is the CNN reporters that would get that moniker. They are obviously not the top of the hierarchy, they are a few levels below. Gates and Fauxci may even be on the borderline.

2 years ago

So the shot is doing what it’s intended to do, and people are praising these false idols.

2 years ago

Another fool bites the dust. I won’t celebrate and dance on his grave because I’m a better person than they are. It sucks that the vaccine is harmful to anyone, that shouldn’t be the case. But I’m not sympathetic to people like him either. He was so eager to please his government over-lords, well now he’s dead so I’m sure they are quite pleased with him. Congratulations Mr. Maurer, for being part of the movement to reduce the environmental footprint you disgusting peasants leave on our beautiful earth!

I love President Trump, I voted for him twice, it doesn’t mean I can’t think for myself. I get why he did what he did in rushing the vaccine. Getting the country reopened was vital and he also didn’t anticipate losing the election. I do think he’s too proud to acknowledge that his effort on the covid front has been completely sabotaged. I think he was a little shocked when he got booed at his own rally by his own supporters for arrogantly promoting the death jab, something he had hoped would be his crowning achievement and has gone completely wrong. So I hope that was an eye opener for him. But at the end of the day, it’s not Donald Trump forcing people to choose between feeding their families and getting an experimental jab, nor would he be if he were the one still in charge. Can you imagine him standing there in front of the cameras “I’m losing patience with you unvaccinated people!” No. Things have gone to shit since President Trump left the White House and he needs to acknowledge what this vaccine is doing to people under Biden’s “leadership.”

2 years ago

The Branchcovidians calling us no jab folks names? C’mon Man! At least we are still here. 😉

Nobody N Particular
Nobody N Particular
2 years ago

Why do these vaxxers all start mocking Christians and virtue signal their “moral” superiority after they get this jab? Why do these people, who distrusted a Republican government suddenly think the government is trustworthy when the people behind the vax have been in every administration since Regan (both Republican and Democrat)? If we consider history, we should know that the government has ALWAYS been an untrustworthy agent, from cheating Native Americans by betraying their own words (treaties), to infecting Black men with VD and not telling them for 30+ years, or giving radioactive isotopes in food for orphans to see the effects of radiation on people. Sorry, but it seems to me if the vax doesn’t cause cognitive dissonance, then it requires it to take it.

2 years ago

One comment on Twitter and I got banned. Expat sites are also banning everybody who tells the truth about the bat Stew flu. The vaccine cult has gone completely batshit crazy.

2 years ago

What a piece of work this one was…good riddance, a Statist Con Vid Poster Boy Polished to Perfection, Mr. Maurer…don’t forget to send us a Postcard from Valhalla…

2 years ago

Enjoy the fire fool. And the full Bible verse is

Then Jesus said unto the Jews who believed on him, IF ye continue in my word then are you my disciples indeed and the truth shall set you free. John 8:31

This verse doesn’t not apply to sodos. They are rejected by God.

2 years ago

How ironic it is that those who yell the loudest are dropping dead from the very vaccine they wanted forced on everyone else.

2 years ago

“What so ever you plant, you shall surely harvest’. Gal 6. This totally depraved son of Satan was addicted to feeding his ego and arrogance by belittling everything that exposes the world. He lapped it up like a wolf drinking fresh blood from its kill. The same was with those enemies of King David, they also died and went to hell, and David celebrated, not because of his enemies being cast into the fire but because the blasphemy’s towards the Most High were silenced. David defines what a Holy hatred is when he wrote
Do I not hate those who hate you,
abhor those who rise against you?
I hate them with a perfect hate,
and they are foes to me. “”
(Psalm 139:21-22)

Last edited 2 years ago by Mark
AUssie pub` crawler
AUssie pub` crawler
2 years ago

But the airplanes crashing into the buildings
there weren’t any ‘air-planes’;
it was all ‘CGI’ …

Robt Clemente
Robt Clemente
2 years ago

Welp, you convinced me, Jason, I think I’ll go have it…if I were a mental midget!

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